Saturday, August 15, 2020

Stieg Larsson: Wir sind den Helden, fur immer und immer--nicht nur fur ein Tag. ICH BIN EIN Held jeden Tag. Stieg Larsson ist Tot aber er bleibt ein Held fur immer und immer.



This is not in reverence for the movie Christiana F. Was fur ein dummes Film, es befaelt mir nichts uberhaupt!!!


Das lied ist fur Stieg Larsson and er bleibt ein Held fur immer und immer. Das geht Auch fur Olof Palme, ehemaliger Prime Ministers Sweden.


nota bene about hacking inserts: I just had to retype the post because hackers had rewritten the German I had typed correctly. I wrote "ein" and hackers changed it to ene--after I published. It is almost impossible to write a few simple sentences out, every word I have to backspace, almost to correct double letters and then, after I click on publish I see that much has been deleted and altered in misspelling. German is not perfect and whatever came out as I intended, is not 100% correct grammar in German!! This is unavoidable as I only speak beginner/middle level German and not correct what-so-ever. Germans understand me. Writing is hard enough when you have not formally studied the language. But with hacking--it's a mess. People who speak German will understand as these are one-two sentences. Hackers make writing/typing anything longer nearly literally impossible. Just writing the last word I had to backspace because they tripled the "m" key while I was typing. It is so impossible to type and get any creative ideas out or anything out.


ICH BIN EIN HELD und das ist die Wahrheit!

My research is limited to what I am able to get past the hacker/pirated filters blocking content (another form of censorship and block to freedom of speech and research.

I discovered a documentary in German, with no subtitles. The German spoken is not the German dialect I learned from conversations while living in Stuttgart. There are no English subtitles and I can only translate this at the first few minutes of watching this documentary, because now is the TIME for Americans to realize that this sentiment has as much power as it did when the founding of the American REPUBLIC was out of dire necessities to thwart tyrannical colonization by the English Imperialists. The situation essentially remains the same, but with globalization, the English are now joined with many other nationalities. The threat remains as poignant now as it did in 1942, as it did in 1812, as it did in 1776.


Stieg Larsson in interview: 


"Democracy is always under threat.  Democracy is not God-given and simply pours down from Heaven. One must work for Democracy all the time (eternal vigilance).  Every generation has to take it upon itself to defend Democracy."

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