Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Terrorist report: unbelievably and utterly foul stalking/terror organization with foul attack operations and "people" doing filthy foul things. What I have warned of for years has come true and yet still no one will stop this discrediting and torture of me or stop these people in any way. TO YOUR DETRIMENT. The devastation you are now confronted with is due to THEM and this organization conducting these terror operations.

*Nota Bene on the hacking typos and inserts: I published this and re-read just the first sentence, which has been partially deleted and the other parts pasted together. I have spent also at least 4 months of my life, in total, simply revising and backspacing the hacks and inserts and deletions that the hackers force into my writing--through all these years of fighting to get this audience to stop laughing, smirking, gloating and feeling bemused and glad that this is happening to me, and if anyone out there actually cares, for them to stop doing nothing about it or almost nothing.


This post was made unintelligible from the first sentence. I quickly added a few words into the first line of the post below and am not going to spend more time cleaning up their filth. I have had to spend this entire morning cleaning stinking piles of clothing I cleaned from having been sprayed wiith stinking substances just a few days ago. I have been poisoned badly because I cannot defend myself against it, because no one will help me in any way, so I have had to sit i n a chair all day in utter sickness due to all the many attacks and poisoning that also accompany the break-ins and this huge organizational attack up on me that so many are so utterly happy about hearing and reading about. Or too timid or scared to do anything. I really emphasize that you are going to suffer for having done nothing.


Stinking and foul odors wafting out of my closets which I must seal from within the interior in many layers of stickers on all corners, silicone then smeared along all the cracks of the panels on all the 30+ shelves and cabinet back panels to try to stop the terrorists in the next rooms from opening the panels from the other side. Then construction paper (various bright, happy colors, pretty) pasted to the edges of the cabinet doors, all the way throughout the interior to the edges where the doors open-glued onto the surfaces and then covered with layers of packaging tape. Then series of hooks, in double pairs, tied so securely they cannot budge, along all 4 corners of each shelf, edge of each  panel, and in the middle spaces on top, bottom, and not in all panels as I became so injured from pounding metal hooks into laminated, horrible plastic-coated fake wood panels---sometimes the hooks bent or nails would bend and not go into the material--so plastic and hard and impenetrable. With the few real wood surfaces, nails and all go in almost immediately and without effort. I have had to use all my body strength, which ripped out tissue glued to the poisons so I have spent these last 2 years in bed from the injuries I have sustained attempting to simply bend and do this work. The poisons are so interlaced into my spine and skull, bones, feet, extending throughout my body, simply putting stickers onto far depths within these 3-4 feet deep cabinets on the floor level. 

But to continue, as these terrorists just waltz into my room once I finally am not too ill from the hardening poisoning they always put into my food, plus the many injuries they perform to my body and my hips and spine put out of place, so the hardening poisons remain putting my body into a completely contorted position. 

Wafting stinking odors pour out, because I have also had to pound, harming myself so extremely I literally ripped a microchip out of one side of my body (I wrote of this in a few posts maybe last month or so, these posts are all like a continuous non-stop one-sided detail of attacks, a thread that has no beginning or no end it seems in this endless repetition of asking for people to get me into a safe place and writing about these attacks because with the paralysis, and inability to even do any stretching exercises, the stress  is too horrific to bear I must get it out. This is my endless appeal for anyone to defend me and stop this which has gone unmet for over a decade of me writing about this, in one form or another, and decades of asking people for help, whether I realized what was happening to me, they all knew or were at least vaguely aware and always as you all do:  NOTHING as far as I can tell except a little perhaps--I really don't know, but years of this endless attack crime and I remain having to write about it just to relieve stress and I have spent

ANOTHER TWO HOURS SPRAYING BLEACH AND ANTI-FUNGAL SPRAYS ON CLOTHING i HAVE EITHER NEVER WORN, HAVE JUST CLEANED, WERE FRESH AND SMELLED GOOD JUST TWO DAYS AGO    . Hours, hours, hours. I have had to also pound in screw-in hooks to the exterior of these cabinets--two pairs on top, three pairs on these huge, from floor-to-ceiling doors, then on the lowest bottom areas--literally ripping parts of my cellular structure after fighting to pound these hooks into nearly impossible to breach plastic-coated, fake wood doors. The exteriors of all cabinets are so continuously smeared with grease and splatters of grime, black spots encrust all surfaces of all cabinets. Wafting stinking odors emanate from the doors once I finally have the strength to climb on a ladder to open the hooks tied together at the tops and remove the various pieces of rubber I also have to insert into the tiny openings because the terror operation knew that I would try to stop them and block them--so they made sure the doors do not close and tiny openings create holes through which these tiny mechanical arms can breach also, through all the layers. 

This is over 2 years of me using money I need for food to buy materials and always never understanding exactly how this is happening. Always so drugged up I can barely use any cognitive skills to figure this out. Always blocked from information on the internet regarding real break-in techniques. All "stalker" information is from agents whose videos plaster my every internet search result. 

I have to spend so much time on this I cannot clean what they make stinking and foul on the floor and other areas that are not first priority to endlessly clean due to toxic shock inhalation of deadly substances. This is not an exaggeration, it is a form of stealth murder through poisoning inhalation and poison osmosis through my skin as they spray brown substances on my kitchen counters--I wake up to this every morning after having cleaned perfectly the night before. Etc

I have waited over two years to try to make clothing that has remained stinking and filthy in my closet because these terrorists get into this room after I leave, if they don't get through all the rubber inserted through the remaining open surfaces of the cabinet doors and cracks. I must tie rope around four sets of hooks on the bathroom door, and if I leave the bathroom door open the terrorists insert mechanical arms through the dozens of tiles that I have tried to paste with silicone--just ripped off when I leave--etc etc

it is so foul and disgusting. Everything these "people " do to me on a personal level is likewise on any kind of scale of a range of human behavior, in the filthy zone of human abuse and hate and violence. Short of outright murder, but many murder attempts through endless accidents, and all health care deprived through endless financial blocks.

Writing about this as the perverts are ingratiated and served more deals, awards, top prizes, frontline appearances in their media productions, free homes, free new invitations to elite status, and always they never stop because the longer they go on, with intention of absolutely murdering me unrepentant and with full schadenfreude hormonal rush and thrills of violence, torture and rape besides all of it--

writing to the people who should have protected the rights of human beings years ago and never have. 

NOW IS THE TIME if anyone will ever care to get me into a safe environment--something i have been writing about for years and I just was sent to a worse, and more dangerously contrived attack situation with perhaps more than a hundred forms of entry through uncountable cracks, panels, tiles, and also on the balcony patio area they are inserting arms through the floorboards above and spraying clothing I hang to dry, or they insert the arms while I am sitting on the other side of the room watching this contraption because I am too ill almost all the time to move, or do anything. They have also been continuously cutting away the vines I have grown and created a matrix panel of interwoven pvc strings, covered with protective material tape, as vines grow and the passage of these mechanical arms could be prevented, the terrorists just cut away the vines and there are huge gaps where vines had been growing until there are almost no vines left. they are also cutting away flowers from one of the vines every single day, it should have scores of flowers continuously blooming and there never is a single one. They also pour dirt on the patio floor every single night I wake up to dead flowers and filth sprayed on the patio floor. And these mechanical arms are inserting filth and debris into my room at the entrance to the  patio as well.

Waiting for anything to resemble a country where this kind of thing IS NOT SUPPORTED AND FUNDED BY THE US GOVERNMENT or any agency, and instead the GOVERNMENT protects my rights as a human being, my unalienable rights. Waiting for people to stop these celebrities who have gone on and on having me put into accidents, ordering their terrorists to cut away parts of my body and then raping me as "punishment" when I ask for justice on my private personal Facebook page after YEARS of them going on and on stealing ideas and blocking every single aspect of financial earnings so I remain utterly incapable of defending myself or moving to any location that is not a part of this system and attacked on all sides, all day, every night, all night, everywhere I go, on and on writing about it for YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS AND YEARS. 

Meanwhile, more celebrities put their faces on my various media searches because I look for the patterns of these transactions and their endless promotions and how this is operating. I watch their movies--some of the actors really are exceptional, some are less so. None are anything I would ever "allow" to rape and abuse and torture me so they can build a fascist, Nazi regime (that is already decades established in H-wood) but the situation gets worse and worse as time goes by. 

I also include the mafia and Naizs, who of course are absolutely in favor of murder for profit, that is well known but alas they have been adulated in these movies for decades as well (or through reverse psychology, the same applies). Some of the people are good looking, and certainly much more so than the much uglier and poorer terrorists who form this international conglomerate association. 

Me being oppressed by a beautiful actor or an ugly rotten creep psycho rapist stalker who is not wealthy is not exactly a choice for me--as the behavior is not essentially much different from either more pampered or more putrid in open ugliness personality typology. 

It is no compliment to me that wealthy actors want to exploit me, nor do I consider them worthy of my submission because they are feigning concern about society but working to establish a death tyranny replete with genoicides and mass murder and destruction of the concepts of "Freedom" for all, not freedom to rape, torture, steal and rob and murder and get promoted for it. There are various definitions of Freedom. The Nazi "Patriots' use the term "Freedom" all the time but they mean freedom from any deterrent to their criminal organizations and the death machine that is in operation at this time that they are claiming is a threat to their "freedom" to have fire arms and they are awaiting the Rapturious moment when they can open fire and achieve their global federation of a ---and insert any conspiracy theory term you want at this point.

I am not quoting conspiracy theories, as I am under technological attack and my brain is meandering all over the place. I simply want to state the inevitable consequences of what these actors are working to achieve, as they appear to me, and what they are doing, and the millions of people who operate under their instruction who also form this huge global network. 

I have not been able to get things done for years that I would other wise do. I sit here cleaning up stinking filth so I don't have to breathe any more toxins into my already devastated from poisoning body. In bright sunlight my body is completely covered with slashes, bruises, cuts into my skin, eruptions from harsh chemicals forcing horrific reactions, bruises--they smeared something onto skin that had been scraped off after someone pulled me off my motorbike while I was driving fast down a hillside. At night, they smeared something so I have huge bleached marks where the skin had been literaly scraped off the cement--in yet another attack from years of attacks and near death accidents going on and on. The same people who are ordering these attacks, which I have only vaguely begun to detail, the numbers of attacks are a multitude every single day during a 24 hour period--going on every day, week after week, month after month, year after year literally without pause. the actors steal ideas from me, I sit here writing under being drugged, tortured, not having a single social contact--all animals in my vicinity gone and all is dead outside my window--usually all trees have been killed as well. 

And these actors are being glorified with lead roles portraying the ideas they stole from me. Instead of a single penny or thank you, they continue the murder. If they can get a loving reaction out of me, which happened while I was dying from their poisoning for years, waking up writing in emails to them to stop, as the had me nearly killed--finally I have no more emotion they all disgust me--

and writing these posts for years and I have gotten and achieved nothing all these years of this endless series of attacks--to their delight--I have to add this is not just actors but the English director, the Italian mafia thug who is associated with Stallone--they have gone after me since 1996 or 1997--non-stop for all these DECADES of obtaining promotions for attacking me, then dispersing the contract to this never-ending expanding group of actors, writers, and directors. All winning top prizes suddenly aftrer they attack me. Year after year.

so, I write this again waiting for some kind of decency from this planet. I cannot expect anything from these actors or the people who are in positions where they should and could stop this. I wait and wait for this unbelievable situation to be stopped and it is almost like a dinosaur level of mentality that I must confront in terms of how violent, brutal, ugly, sinister, lacking all intellectual content, all morality, every kind of medieval level of torture, violence is being inflicted upon me because no one will expose these organizations, these "people" or this technology although I am certain obtaining evidence is far from impossible. 


As I have been writing, and writing, and writing about for years, and years, and years

these "people" have brought in so many terrorists from foreign countries that you all associate with glamor, fashion, style and importance far over-shadowing the United States. The utter glorification of all things European (of Western Europe) the racism involved in this adulation and the concept that all culture is derived from them and that America is far lagging--which is because of a calculated effort on many sides to create this situation of dependence. On the other side, the fascists I have written of want to inexorably destroy all concepts of equality and make America a vassal colonized exploitation zone with them being handed all the best of everything. I see this every day in colonized Thailand-not officially colonized and one of the few SE Asian countries in this region which never formally was "colonized" by a European power. It is one of the most prosperous in the region, and the infiltration was through an investment and vacation sort of deal and other various nefarious deals that reach back into the 19th Century, in the 1800's this region was first partnered with various European powers. Germany made Thailand one of it's unnamed colonies back in that time era frame. I write this because it has relevance to my topic. The topic is of America, but all has roots and branches in the world at this point globalization extends to every inch of this region and is tied to America. 

I have written of foreign intervention through infiltration, which so openly sounds like conspiracy theory. My years of living in Germany and being an "MK ULTRA" "experiment" which many wanted to observe, has brought me into a few inner circles of people orchestrating their components of these anti-American efforts. These efforts have been absolutely enhanced by American cooperation. So many military bases are in Stuttgart, and I have observed these collaborations personally but was never openly informed of any plots except from the Germans, who said that no one would listen to me and they told me that they were attacking America, and that it was going to be "big" and that was just a few years prior to the World Trade Center attack, which originated in Germany but Germans claim they had nothing to do with a few Saudis studying in their country. The deception using their minority minions is so completely silenced in all the media and all the research and all the journalism but it is so almost openly utilized as a power structure.

And I am going into these areas, as the brain-mapping tech is trying to extract out of me so more unscrupulous writers, directors and producers, actors and politicians can steal ideas or phrases because of this creepy contract out on me, which entails stealing whatever I create myself and using it for "their" purposes of selling off "freedom" but in the absolute freedom to kill sense.

But here I am, writing because it's another now 3 hours, as typing this post and backspacing and then not wanting to go through all to see how much has been so utterly destroyed in the comprehension of my writing via hacking deletions and rewrites--

so I have written about this, and now millions of people are being affected, and I believe the pandemic is a bioterrorist attack. The "depopulation" theory was made known to me by another terrorist stalker and I have no doubts that this has been a goal of this group for a very long time. The longer you wait to see if what I write about is just the ranting, delusional drugged up hate posts of someone endlessly under attack, the longer you allow these groups to go on unfettered by LAW AND LEGAL ACTION to protect human rights, the more some of you at least will lose your incomes, your homes, and your lives. 

I do not want revenge as much as just to be left to live in peace, with a system of protection. Where I am amply compensated for the block to all career and financial opportunities and my cat(s) returned, a home paid for in a beautiful location with privacy, and this system to be stopped, not just against me but for all people. 

I wait for the utter debacle ensuing now in the upcoming elections and how much fraudulent devastation you readers, who have watched me in silence get tortured and raped non-stop by your friends you all call each other that--

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...