Sunday, August 2, 2020

Who you callin' a b*&(ch? B3**ch!

The kooky not funny response from a weird internet source--if I tried to explain this situation I would come off as "delusional" but----a personality--a female with blonde hair--a white woman--made her internet presence known,. There were also videos of female dogs, and the mafia personalities that are associated with this woman who has attacked me now for----years, since I downloaded a biopic about her and her family situation ONE TIME years ao--

I believe she understood herself to be the "blonde white" woman I was referring to when I wrote my last post--who I said was a bigot Nazi Bitch--a very nasty type of b-word whore. her good fellow European-american (I will not specify which Europ-country they associate themselves with, but they are a pervasive pain-in-the-you-know-what (to use a NY term) and....

guess what bitc***? I WAS NOT referring to you. But "if the shoe fits, must wear it."

I guess not funny considering that this group also has an ever-wudening circle of known assailants participating in this situation of terrorizing me for profit. Not that they aren't completely used to these nefarious and much more nasty elemental situations for profit!!  

But no...I was not referring to you. You almost NEVER come to mind, I have blanked you out because there are SO MANY NEW PEOPLE ATTACKING ME you are just another expletive in a long line of male and female bitches who are attacking me.

So, really, you are that unumportant to me except that you are an assailant and an endless source of attack. But on a personal level, I have never seen anything interesting about you. When I said you were "stunning" it was because i was 1) asleep, 2) teleported, 3) under serious life-threat by another terrorist teleporter rapist abuser who I was trying to get away from and you provided the facade of some support system for a very short time, only to hook me into your trap. 3) drugged up, 4) under hypnosis, 5) subliminal messages forcing these words out of my mouth combined with 6) trauma-based torture non-stop for years and years. 7) Detoxification from poisons that have putrified into my body and hardneed

and the list could almost go into infinity by now but these are just some of the more immediate points as to why I expressed any fascination with a total straanger who I saw on a reality tv show decades ago, for five minutes, while sorking in a cigar shop in Miami. Plust watching docmuentaries on the subject of your Lost Paradise empire.

But no...otherwise, the fascinating display of famous media personalities have erased the short-term memories of your non-existant pesonality which expresses itself to me only as an attacker following formulas with almost nothing to say on any topic. The other terrorists have disgusting and foul comments to make, purportedly to create a discrediting persona around me--which is supposed to mean that I somehow am undeserving of their "respect" as this sign of absolute hate and negativity aimed at me--for your profit, because you can't stand to see me have anythuing whatsoever that isn't destroyed by your group--the absolute negative stereotypes of yourself supposedly positioned avove me becaues of an empure that crushed 1/4 of the world over 2000 years ago is nothing that you should be able to associate yourself with.

Otherwise, I was referring to someone else who at least is a bitch but has a personality, like a dog that has a rabid personality mean streak. She's an actress and actually very good at the modeling in interesting poses and for that, i can't say she is absolutely void and null and just violent as a means to an end. After more than 2 years of you attackuing me endlessly this is all I can say about you and your associates. I don't think about you, or most of the parasites who have attacked me even just a few weeks ago. There are so many and you are so non-descript that when I reference someone unknown, you can be sure unless I mention you by name, I will have nothing to do with anything concerned with you and that also includes referencing you covertly or even thinking about you. Bitch.

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