Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Very drugged up yesterday while writing the posts which will be stolen, as concepts by the pig apes the terrorists who are being paid in millions to attack me (and all hidden behind security of Government covert operations) and your silence and obedience to this destructive group which is destroying the United States.

..Or, helping to destroy the country. My country, not theirs. I tell this Brooklyn mafia greasebag crap group to get out of America and live in Italy, since they are bringing in Italian mafia by the boatloads and welcoming in violent Nazi fascist creep after scumbag after pig ape whore and groups and groups of them who openly state they "hate" America. (Always to me to my face, never heard them state this to the pigs out of America who are welcoming them in to infiltrate--so they can have mansions in Italy in return. An exchange due to failure and doom, but the stupid greasy ape goons have no conception of anything but dangling gold-plated shit offered to them by gold-plated mafia pieces of shit who are apes operating for gold-plated Nazis and fascists out of Europe and the former East Bloc Communist and USSR agents who have murdered MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS OF innocent targets--alternatives, liberals, people who want equality, Jews, artists--and here is the theme--artists whose ideas they stole and claimed as their own art and fashion concepts. This is the same situation handed down through three generations onto this very moment, on this very blog which reaches many but seems to affect no apparent waves of protest.

No, they are all your "friends". 

So, this morning upon waking and seeing a filthy mess the terrorist stalkers put on my floor, then seeing my hair shredded--literally they are using shredders and making my hair disgusting--I just cleaned it yesterday--it was smooth, silky--(that is from endlessly fighting to  heal from the daily damage they force on my body). Waking up to my hair shredded, greasy, smelly, the back of my head mostly "bald" from hair shorn and cut out every single day. My skin looks like it's curdled after it was glowing last night--I fight for my life every day to stop their endless destruction of my body wshich is aged, deteriorated from chemicals they smear on every day--and more and more--my purse was opened--MONEY WAS STOLEN--AROUND $30 was taken and I am forced , by this group of parasitic pig ape rats and whores and scum and whores and pig and rats to live off less than $700 a month0-0while they are making MILLIONS OFF IDEAS THEY TORTURE OUT OF ME

teleported to sick an dstupd creeps attacking, threatening with violence, stupid acts of subordination forced upon me in what are "stop and start" type skits where I am blanked out, they force a physical position upon me in accepting abuse and insults where my consciousness is stopped an;d started as I do the stuipd and nasty things they try to force in this brainwashing situatuion --

I was so drugged yesterday I "forgot" to put the padding on the cracks that the out-of-alignment cubboard doors which line the entire left side of this torture chamber--cracks where the rats operating for the pig ape whores,, the stupid sick creep mafia Nazi crap out of Whorewood and beyond into the mainstream structure of rotten and foul black, white, Jew, Latino and Asian and everything else terrorist "stalker" performs--masses and millions of these apes handed every kind of genocidal weapon by my defunct government. But...going into digressions--my body breaking down as usual this morning from chemicals, I can never wear my hair down as the balding spot from hair daily--DAILY --severed off my head, my hair stringy, completely shredded into near pieces, one tiny piece of hair that used to be a huge flowing part of my hair--now cut into one tiny little piece of shredded hair, balding in the back with my scalp showing through, I can feel the air every time I put my hair down0--I wear my hair up continuously I can never have my hair down--it's so damaged and--you get the point--always made greasy and stinking and disgusting every single day. My hair brush this morning sprayed with this rancid spray that doesn't come off with bleach or any cleaning fluid. Never. It stinks of rotten meat and something horrific. This is sprayed on my purse, they also spray some awful stink on my passport as they open my wallet and as i wrote, they stole at least $30. \whiel they are partying on the Oscars they keep being handed by the European fascist Nazi awards system--even if apparent "Jews" from America seem to be the Governors of this system, they are defunct puppets operating as facades for an insidious Nazi European-controlled environment of mafia Nazi terror operations. The same rotten actor pig ape whore rapists keep winning top award year after year after year. All of them who win and win, black, white and whatever, have attacked me or vicariously attacked me via this system/

And, this is noting new to any of you who are hacking in and allow this.

So I will get to the next point: not to degrade or denegrde this personality, but I am using this as an example:

OBAMA put out a video--and I am really in a kind of rush, but I am drugged, under mind control attackk which exacerbates rage and anger, once I see my body smeared with chemicals--I have told myself every day not to get on the internet, don't get on YouTube--don't write about these pigs hoping they will vanish one day or you fuc**s reading this will EVER stop this situation. I am so under mind control and sick from them putting my hips and spine out of place every single day--can you fuc**ers imagine--skin patch drugs, my food drugged, my brain under non-stop attack

so when I sit in front of this damn computer because after every day I fight to stop the break-ins--or I am too sick--that is my life, a repetitive cycle of fighting to screw in hooks which nearly break my spine, due to the hard poisons that literally are like an internal encrusted, hard corsett latched on vertebrae, hips, spine, from toes to skull, my entire body is internally intertwined with hard poisons encasing and blocking all physical movement. They put myh body out of alignemtn after they rape me while they are teleporting and raping and abusing me, smearing drugs into my body, cutting the skin between teh toe they broke and the next toe--that skin cut to the bone EVERY SINGLE DAY. Every single day they insert a sharp object under my thumb and insert objects under bot h of my middle fingers under the cuticles--every day for over SEVEN YEARS EVERY SINGLE DAY.l

and on and on

I write "they "because the hacking is so bad, pages pop up while I am writing blocking the screen--my fingers can't move  to the keys because my brain--motor skills--are being blocked or altered I can't move my hands to the keys --other letters appear while I am typing, the space bar won't operate--etc etc the usual crap they force upon my ability to write. But "they" want me to write so their blank, empty stupidity can be augmented by my ideas, which I can never creatively capitalize on, the blocks and drugging and paralysis and hacking makes typing, thinking, creating, writing, studying, reading or concentrating literally IMPOSSIBLE. 

I can only get short paragraphs out after much struggle.  This happened exactly yesterday, as what I wrote about my birth and conception will absolutely WILL  be stolen by these rotten stupd apes and creeps and parasites for one movie concept or another--this has been going on and on as they make millions and I am fighting to not have to buy rancid food left marked down "on sale" because I cannot afford to eat or buy medicine, clothing that is new and not stinking in some 2nd hand shop. If I wear clothing I make by hand or buy new, the pigs have their parasites spray everything I wear with stinking substances, stains and threads everywhere--on everything.

so, I fight as usual to the apathetic suppoerters of this system. If you do nothing to stop them or this situation you are a supporter.


Obama: he never teleported me. But he allowed these same whore pig apes who are torturing me day after day in filthy sick and sleazy Whorewood to teleport, have their filthy sleazy nasty minority minions defile, rape, make my home filthy and disgusting--rotten Europig Nazi bigots in the next rooms maiming and killing animals I had or loved or took care of in rescue missions--pouring the same filthy stinking crap into my room. Causing the steering and brakes on all the rented motorbikes to stop operating as cars hit me from all directions--causing accident after accident, broken bones scars and cuts into my skin, which the pigs then smeared with some damaging chemical so I have huge white scars where the bloody skin was scraped off after more dark-skinned apes oeprating for the red-face white pigs who ordered these attacks--for the pigs who have been stealing idea after idea from me--the women laughing with delight as they order my hair, body filled with damaging poisons, chemicals smeared on my skin every single day--my body always with hanging crap from the poisons that push the cellulite off my bones so It looks like I have literally hanging flabs of flab which are really the poisons that I am spending more than a decade fighting to get out--while they force my heart to palpitate, they smear fungus into my hair, vagina, my food and home every single day--

but Obama--he allowed his cherished Nazi mafia Hollywood pig apes to promote him--the blacks could and can now participate more openly in the Whorewood scene only because they rallied around the president who wanted blacks to be more represented in Whoreapewood controlled by Euoropigapes. Sorry for the "immature" writing style, they have been torturing me day and night, literally, for over a decade with ZERO SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR ME ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET.

Obama allowed this to go on so the celebrities who are now the most popular can put out their rotten crap for the media about how they are "fighting racism" continuously making themselves out to be victims of racism. They attack me with vicious hate, hitting, punching, thrusting genitals in my face when I accuse them of their hypocrisy. I put it in insulting terms to them, but I am asleep, under hypnosis, drugged up, tortured day and night--so when I call them Aunt Jemima it's because I can't contorl my rage at them when, after a few years, movie roles for them in the lead stolen from ideas I wrote of my personal Facebook page--they react with violence and the mafia white most bigot pigs violently defend them--because they are so immersed in racist stereotyping put out in the media, of course they need these symbolic black and other "minority" icons to present a subterfuge of actual real rage against racism. All with mansions and millions or billions of dollars, all of them attacking me.

Obama, I respect him, he is extremely intelligent, absolutely a leader--this is in NO WAY intended to insult him. But...I am incensed right now--I clicked on a video of him at a Eulogy for the passed Black Civil Rights leader in Alabama--sorry, I don't want to have to wade through hacking to try to remember the name--my brain is under attack and memory is also affected.

I just want to say that Obama, tears and sorrow at this funeral--claimed that Trump is taking away Black Voting rights.

My point is this: Obama did not stop these racist pigs from this genocidal rape Nazi system that has forced these stupid, rotten creeps upon me day and night, year after year like this. He wanted to promote his fake, hypocritical rotten-to-the-core posturing bs artists into mainstream white media culture.  He thought that the short-term gain would be long-lasting.

This is the point I have been trying to make for years: these pig ape Nazi mafia pieces of gold-plated utterly sick and stupid shit (although extremely adept at lies, manipulation, crime, violence, and brainwashing skill sets--but very low on original creative concepts that have life and light--which, in my case, not saying I am this beacon of light but, I am not in their filthy criminal mafia Nazi organization but I was born into it and forced into it)--

what these pigs hand to you--yes you--which you grasp onto so glad you are being promoted, so glad this is a seemingly FREE no strings promotion into higher realms of power, new businesses, your formerly oppressed group can finally begin to integrate into the white, bigot Nazi power structure.

Please note, without me having to go into more detail as I plan on fighting for my life driving and shopping, after more than 2 hours of spraying bleach, anti-fungal cleaning fluid, essential oils and then cleaining up piles of  filth sprayed on my kitchen counter, so I don't eat this crap when I try to cook--fighting to heal from the endless deterioration of my body--and the brainwashing mind control tech forcing unbearable emotional states of rage, like a burning hate sensation forced upon my braiin by this tech and the parallel drugging.

What Obama thought was going to be an uplifting of the blacks in H-wood, for his own promotion, he could not fight this system and remain in power--etc etc--has resulted in the short-term gains (except for the H-wood black "friends" in this mafia/nazi system, who all have new shows, are capitalizing on the people who have been fighting in the streets and protesting--as they participate but safely with cameras clicking for the promotions--and one of the "Italian" American rat ape parasites asking me for idea after ida about Covid-19 and then using the subliminal tech to steal an idea about a black character in one of his movies that he made utterly silenced--in his utter racism. When I finally reacted in rage and told him to read a book, to leave me alone, he immediately used Nazi Holocaust imagery and references aimed at me. The women associated with these pigs as I have stated laugh as they have me disfigured. The black men and women watch on laughing and yelling in hate at me--as they go off to Europe to have their rotten children put into lead positions in the modeling industry in Paris, returning with loot and gold and prizes for this particiaption, leading to the election of Trump because he also attacked me prior to his electoral promotion--and now they are all "speaking out" against Trump, who REALLY IS THEIR FRIEND OUT OF WHOREWOOD.

And so, dear Obama, I have a reverence for you, I used to not, but I see your sincerity when you speak and I greatly admire it.

But I use this as a point that is fresh and new in teh media consciousness: Obama is nearly crying that voting rights for blacks are under direct threat and this must be redressed. Yes. I agree of course. But the deals you made for the empowerment of your most willing participants in H-wood for their promotion along with your complicity in not stopping this situation, for the incentives the bonuses the deals the millinos of dollars the media representation by "blacks" has lead, in turn, to the small gains completely overshadowed by what you have allowed to expand--this virus of racism that it appears everyone must submit to or be killed.

STOP PARTICIPATING IN THESE GROUPS. I Pray I ask for the end of the mafia and Nazi infiltration of Hollywood. The utter racism of the police, the police state, the country is very large in part due to this group controlling the media and their associations with fascist Nazis out of Italy and they are in turn controlled by the evasive and smilling, friendly "anti-Nazi" Germans and the rest of Europe. I see waves upon waves of Europigs on their Holocaust-funded vacations, the "ex-pat" Colonialists creating sex slavery, prostitution is a norm, slavery in all but open name, completely tyrannical governments out of military coup-d-etat organization funded and controlled by investors who are raping the land, just as they have been doing in America. 

I do honor Trump for trying to stop much of this. I also admire Trump for some of these more international policies aimed at defending American soverignty against Europig and other country infiltration and usurpation OF THE COUNTRY. 

The mafia out of Brooklyn are just another sort of facet of this same operating principle. They in turn are controlled by their Italian "handlers" and the situation of meaningless incentives which in the end will become meaningless and deadly for the United States. The situation does not alter with race or gender or nationality. The incentive leading to death is and has been an integral part of Imperialism. 

I also just recently heard an interview with Noam Chomsky about how, in the 1600's, the latter part of the century, the State flag for some New England Colony had been of a Native Indian speaking words of how they were grateful to the colonists for 'helping" them. That incentive program has lead to extermination, pograms, and murder genocide and I state that this is not a "racist" agenda of only white against darker skin peoples. I believe this has also happened in Poland, back in 1941 (as I read in a book about the German secret service of the Army, the Poles that the Nazis made deals with so there was much less military resitance once the Germans entered into Poland--the deal was that the Germans would "save" the Poles from the Jews--ie. stealing and robbing and then massacre, mass murder, theft of all property, diamonds, gold and investments. The money went to a few allocated Poles in "power" while the rest of the country has sunk into one extreme tyrannical government and financial ruin after the next, Totalitarian oligarchy---with the Germans raking in the money and gold and properties and being "honored" worldwide for this fascist parade, while they endlessly crank out the lies that they are anti-Nazi. The alternative movements, as my years of experiencing being around them, are a farce almost utterly and completely. Any real resistance is quietly killed--murdered--through this death squad group I am now fighting.

I ask that you readers, if you care at all about America, about "freedom' about what you call Democracy--to please not allow this system to continue but it must be stopped abruptly. The mafia out of Brooklyn is a puppet fascist tyrannical regime controlled by Italian fascists who are controlled by the Germans and the other Northern (very much the French) Nazis who are endlessly smiling as their darker partners out of the South (the European version of minorities, the Italians and now Slavs, etc whatever enters the EU which is of more Southern region is considered their Austerity Measure pawns to use and corrupt--endlessly corrupt and defunt fascist governments with massive oppression on all levels--especially intellectually and creatively.)

This has been the operational plan for America, and has been in various stages of implementation for many, many years or decades (or centuries). There must be a complete change in power structure and it needs to happen immediately.

Stop allowing the same actors to win award after award, year after year. They are all bought-out puppets--and that is the nicest euphemism I can think of at this moment.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...