Friday, August 7, 2020

BTW: I do not relish writing about this negativity at all.

This is a very important note to add to the lengthy endless posts about the attacks and their effects, my theorizing about political situations which devolve from this contractual situation. The scope of the attack system is intertwined in many other arenas of political adventure (for the players this is "fun" and a game).

For people in the future who will be adversely affected by mind control programming microchip implants, you will only laugh because you are being drugged and brainwashed to think the hate people attacking you are fun and it's all fun and good. This happens to me all the time in stores while the Thai people begin to laugh (as their partner glare with hate and ugliness and negativity while the pawns pretend they can't understand English). I find the corners of my mouth automatically going up into a "clown" "Joker" smile--without the make-up mind you. I laugh as if it's all funny. I am lied to and it all seems pleasant until I leave the hate and violence arena and later on, after the electromagnetic field has worn off (to some extent, in a "down" moment as I think continuously bombarding my brain with electromagnetic signals is possibly lethal for the body or brain) and, I realize only later that it was not funny as hell and it was sleazy creeps from hell attacking me. Not funny at all. 

I do not want to endlessly rant and write about it, as this is years and years of this. The daily drugging that is forced upon me forces these reactions out of me. The isolation from literally all that is lovely, pleasant, all social interaction--all the brainwashing to turn my formerly very joyous mentality and beautiful body and hair and possible career success into endless misery is just gaiety and laughter, smug giggles and glaring violent hate glares augmented by acts of near-death accidents, poisoning and rape and torture inflicted by smiling goons who are enthralled at being paid to torture and rape so they can be promoted by Nazi and Communist pig ape whores and loathsome idiots who can't begin to formulate any creative original concept for their brainwashing movies and media crap to brainwash people into cheering on the underdog, the casual endless stream of the crap (it is made to appear almost casual, as the directors and writers appear to be "independent" but they are part of these cartels--as they also obtain these ideas out of torturing me--and writing about this makes me immediately suspect as being "delusional" but that is the sorry plight of this stupid sick group of parasites--as they laugh and gloat and then torture me to force the utter deterioration of my body, my personality, the unravelling of my life my hope my beauty my youth my home my everything I love and cherish to create endless miserable reactions which I cannot control BEING DRUGGED UP EVERY SINGLE DAY AND TORTURED EVERY SINGLE DAY without a single loving entity around me--ever. 

Even all the birds have been shot and killed in the back once formerly extremely beautiful hillside that, like all the homes I have lived in (apartments, resorts) are ruined with deadly poisons poured on trees, animals killed and left in front of my door or patio--etc, trash thrown around the natural setting

and the same people have been attacking me since Bush---since Clinton--the same exact creeps from Miami Beach where I sold cigars back in 1996-1997 and they have not stopped attacking me to obtain these contracts since then.

It's unbelievable. It is REALITY. It is real. I really want to live in reality of this beautiful life instead of their stupidity forced upon me any longer. I do hope people reading my posts will make some effort to stop these groups and defend me I only want to live in peace and joy and have fun and happiness-like everyone else. But their stupidity and greasebag mentalities forced upon me because first the women can't stand to see me have a chance to have a beautiful body, thus my entire body, from head to toe, is broken down, inserted with objects to resemble cysts put into various parts of my body under the skin. Not having financial resources to see ANY doctor anywhere. Hair and skin destroyed daily. Objets inserted under cuticles daily for years and years now. Sobbing, crying and suicide programming as the whores glean out of torture the ideas I write of under duress and torture about their violence and their husbands' rape when I write of feminism or rape culture--and on and on, they laugh and gloat and are elated as they watch me get destroyed physically and they all are trying to emotionally and mentally, sexually and in every single way--FINANCIALLY ESPECIALLY so I have zero defense--to watch me unravel, every day writing these posts to the silence of the approval of the hacking sheeple creeple seeing what they can get out of this contract as well.

I really truly want to live in some joyous way instead of their filth and crap endlessly poured into my body and home, my psyche and my sleeping state. They are stupid and rotten as hell, really unworthy and disgusting and revolting crap personalities put into highest positions.

The hacking is so bad it is taking so much energy to pound this out and backspace and retype words endlessly.

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