Thursday, August 20, 2020

Teleportation sickness and stupudity. Moralizing on the disgusting, sleazy, genocidal tactics and antics of the terrorist morons and their morbidity.

 *after having clicked on publish, reopening this blog a few minutes later, the title had been rewritten by hackers which I just corrected. The rest I am not going to re-read, but I will add one more paragraph to the bottom of this page that just "came back" into my memory because it had been blocked while I was fighting against hackers to write this.


This blog is intended as more of a thought process and stress relief mechanism, moreso than a reflection of a creative writing endeavor. It is a ledger of the heaps of hoes, honkys, hubris hyenas, and disgusting pig apes who attack me in the millions and millions of these despicable sub-human swarms of creeps attacking me, and then turning around and after having stolen all they can from me to use for themselves, including simply the thrill of attacking someone else and not only being completely handed all kinds of tools in every kind of covert technological operation of quelling any human being in incalculable, stealth forms of silencing, paralyzing, and theft of intellectual property before the target has a chance to create output for their own capitalization of their own ideas, as has been and still is the ongoing situation of my distress mayday situation with these H-wood parasites and the political leaders you all rely on to defend you against the tyrannical destruction of political players WHO ARE ALL THEIR GOOD FRIENDS WITH ONE ANOTHER IN THE SENATE AND IN THE H-WOOD PARTY SCENE AND IN THE CORPORATE CONGLOMERATIONS OF THE MEDIA BRAINWASHING MIND-SUCKING COMPLEX THEY ALL RELY ON FOR THEIR PROPAGANDA STUNTS. Disseminated like a virus throughout the world, leading to a contagion of an extremely narrow but seemingly two-sided approach to civil governance and entertainment swaying of the mentality of the mindset masses into believing that some jokers who make fun of the opponents on air are really representing any alternative.

That is the gist, but it's all rambling. The aluminum hat I should be wearing is filthy and smells awful. Sprays from terrorists preventing me from wearing it until I wash, then spray with a few cleaning solvents, then smear perfume or essential oil on it, and then it will still have remnants of this foul substance. I already have two huge fluffy blankets I really like that I have been cleaning such for months and now they are completely foul and nothing will get this odor out, especially since the terrorists keep spraying them every day. A belt I really like is putrid and I have left it outside to air for 4 days. They keep spraying it while it is hanging outside with their mechanical arms through the panels or from the rooms on either side or above. I have plants, have created a huge matrix covering the entire front of the patio from left-to-right and vines should be covering the entire area--but they are cut and there are huge gaping holes, dead flowers and one vine has flowers picked off daily so there are never any flowers. Filth is on the patio floor every morning after I clean it at night before having to seal the patio sliding doors with the lock that is part of the door system, then a bicycle lock through the handles on my side, and then a rope tied tightly, then because there is a gap where tiny pieces of debris and filth appear in the mornings-a gap at the bottom where the sliding doors do not close properly--and mechanical arms are inserted--I have to shield this area with a case of tiny bottles encased in a plastic covering, then one larger bottle balanced on top, with a bead balanced on top of that--just to ascertain if they got into this one area. That is why I have absolutely no fresh air all night long, and am inhaling these stinking and toxic sprays all night. I have three fans going all night in all directions to keep the air flow and burn incense regularly. That is one tiny example of the daily precautions I must make--and if I do not seal and lock the patio doors when I go into the bathroom, I mean I also have to lock the patio door with the bicycle lock if I use the bathroom for more than 30 seconds--they can open metal locks from the outside and open the sliding doors easily--see videos and information about opening sliding locks with magnetic opening tools--the ways of breaking in are numerous and not difficult considering that most places have a simple lock system and it is almost like cutting through butter for expert locksmiths or break-in specialists--or any amateur or mediocre lock pick too. Sliding patio doors are easily opened from the outside. People who smirk and laugh as they watch me get tortured, poisoned and abused slowly to death while you all watch on either openly or privately glad you are "on top" of the situation and not "on bottom" and just doing nothing because you think it isn't happening to you--had better think again about your complacent complicity and how you too can be deadly affected and how easily people can break into your home, or through any panel in a hotel, or drug your food while you are out partying at a restaurant--or worse, your agent husband, wife, or friend could do the same.

The teleportation stupid, sick skit--after digressing on this theme but, I am trying to get you albatross readers to defend me and also to defend yourselves, as so many people are comfortable with being mind controlled, they unconsciously perhaps accept it all as a social contract deal for security within this deadly and murderous system. Once again I entreat you to think again about your lack of response in fighting this system which you believe is so benevolently handing you tools for malevolent design against others.

The teleportation stupid, sick skit was thusly:

"Waking up" in consciousness to a woman flying in the air, acrobat flipping almost within one foot of my face, flying in the air--I assume from a small trampoline, bounding and flying upward and flipping directly in front of my face right barreling into me--I shouted "Oh my God", which is a phrase I never utter--as it was likewise orchestrated as a verbal response--and I laughed, as customary in the mind control acceptance of abuse, hate and negativity which I begin to laugh about, as if it's all fun and okay, also part of the programming. People surrounding me everywhere as I was "living" in a small room with about 15 other people. The staggered time lapse quality goes in this kind of shifting, random seeming sequence. Then the woman--huge, blonde and looked like a Nazi thug gymnast, began doing some contortion that was vaguely obscene--bending in a backward maneuver that made her look like some reverted monstrous creature bending in some obscene posture towards me. I stopped laughing because I had a few seconds to mentally figure out, in this most unconscious state, that this was creepy and not "funny". I blanked out, there were a few more stupid skit that I cannnot remember but it was not fun or happy but sick and stupid, as always these "people" attacking me force upon me.  In turn, they torture me to obtain ideas for their own creative enterprises, and claim them as part of their "alternative" and "liberal" facade of fighting against corruption, sexism, racism, oppression, the under dog always fighting against people like Sylvestor Stallone, who always always always makes movies about the under dog oppressed and sad and dopey, fighting and winning against oppressive forces. He has been attacking me with his heinously stupid, sick and disgusting Italian squadron of Mafia pig apes for over 20 years now, non-stop to get these deals and contract out of torturing me and the stupid Nazi hormone growth Italian friend, who tortured me, tried to murder me via poisoning, tried to have me electrocuted once, tried to have me killed in at least 4 motorbike accidents where people stopped in front of me as my brakes were remotely blocked and stopped operating as the handlebars were spun, also remotely, 180 degrees to the right so I automatically fell. Grease mixed with water on downward slopes, where I live. Toes broken, my teeth almost broken out--the skin and surrounding tissue of these broken areas cut to the bone to try to make the bones either sever off or completely become dysfunctional. I have had to write the world dysfunctional four times because the u key "sticks" when I press the i key. It is an abomination, all that they do for their endless promotions. This filthy, stupid goon who  makes dumbo movies has been using his Italian mafia goon dumbo partners to steal ideas, kill off Prince--which is one of the things I wrote yesterday that was immediately deleted by the hackers--I write this now bluntly as I fear this will be deleted as well. I want to get this o ut before the goons go into my room and break the laptop, disrupt my internet service, or destroy me. This IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY I really state this emphatically. I have no proof of any of these assertions but they are known fact with the organization funding this. Hail Hail the United States and it's leaders and the media operation that promotes all therein the smooth functioning of this one-sided "Bi-partisan" entity attacking me in it's entire global spectrum--and ramifications. I want to add that Danny Moynihan has been coming after me, with his wife and her father, for over 30 or 40 years. There has been a "search and destroy" operation emanating from the European (in this case, English) sending agents out to discover any threat to their claims of superiority. My step-father, the poet, hippie professor, anti-Vietnam activist, pro-labor union president of his organization--as my brain is under attack the name of which is blocked, it comes out when I am not in front of this brain attack system aimed into my head either from within this computer or from some nearby system aimed at me while I sit here. My "best friend" who duplicitously had every friend I knew turned against me--I believe the subliminal attacks and I know that they were aimed at all people associated with me, into my brain, and also attacking my family. Perhaps it was a COINTEL operation funded by the CIA? Partnering with bigot, fascist Nazi "aristocrat" organizations from within England, Europe and into Hollywood in their seamless government/media operations of brainwashing and programming.

I feel "high" dizzy and sick due to the attack on my brain as I type. The hacking has slowed down my ability to think clearly and write smoothly, as is always the case.

To be able to access my real thoughts and put them down clearly will only happen when anyone protects me and helps me to live in peace and security.

Otherwise, the stupid and sick perverts are all laughing as they read my posts daily begging for people to get involved. Alas, the "opposition" is just "friends" with the fascist Nazi tirade that people are screaming to have removed, while their "leaders" are all "friends" with the groups who operate these murders in the streets committed by police, and then their bigot Nazi hate groups, with media putting up joking and insulting commentators to relieve the population of outrage they require in order to actually do something themselves instead of WAIT for someone to get elected and do something else for them. People are rioting in the streets as the flaccid leaders now try to coerce the electors to put them into power once again. The good ole leaders of the past are going to return us to Happy Daze once again if you just fight to vote and get in line to wait for a change. The protestors in the streets are aware but not very clearly of the huge deception. I remain blocked from writing and publishing content, cleaning up death attacks in the guise of stinking substances and my body is putrid from inhaling this and my food poisoned. The goons and pig apes you call your leader celebrities have been torturing me slowly to death, raping me and beating, punching, spitting on, urinating on, insulting without end, as time goes by, they get more and more violent and assume more "right" to do whatever they want because there are NO LEADERS WHO WILL STOP THEM ON EITHER SIDE OF THE BI=-PARTISAN FACADE OF DEMOCRACY. All are friends, friends they all nearly scream this at me when they teleport me, after they steal ideas from me, after they rape or beat or threaten or abuse me, after they get starring roles, after they get elected, after they get nominated..etc etc etc after they get free new businesses, after they get new cars, after they also get free new brainwashed partners who they wanted but could not seduce---believe it or not...fact or fiction? You decide which is real and what is funny. Ha ha not funny but you all think it is..

However, that really was such a great movie, Joker. I think of the lines and the sardonic humor and the incredible acting on part of Mr. Phoenix, however that does not mean anything more than that!!! Excellent writing, directing, acting, I can't credit the mafia actor who is part of this huge murder fascist enclave of goons and pig ape whores. There should be more anti-mafia jokes because all "they" DO IS make racist jokes. The "Italian-American" mafia and their Italian leaders all make endless racist jokes and memes and are openly bigoted to the extreme. If you make any disparaging remark about "Italians" or mafia or their group, they are all instructed to respond with great brutality to stop any humor from being made permanently affixed to how stupid and sick and nasty and evil they really are. I also ENTREAT PEOPLE TO MAKE MORE PUBLIC JOKES ABOUT THIS GROUP  to counterbalance all the immediate associations of death (i.e., one of the American "Italians" of this group immediately made reference of Holocaust murder operations, trains and etc when I began to fight him off from extracting ideas out of me, after years of him doing this and a huge smile on his greasy, nasty face after watching me fight and scream in another sick and stupid teleportation skit this "famous" writer created--really sick and stupid. Immediate references to genocide are the unconscious trigger to threat and obedience. That is why all the pundits who are "minorities" of this insidious Nazi bigot Communist etc etc huge conglomerate operation, who claim they are "fighting" against this entity but really are agents operating as mind programming propagandists, all refer to themselves as victims of the system--which of course creates a sympathetic response from the other not-millionaire suffering millions of people who want some kind of relief mechanism, so they don't have to risk being shot in the street for protesting peacefully--as is happening now. And thus, that is how they create these agents who are black, Jewish and etc to operate as their cluster mind f**69 operators. And they tried this on me. But struggling to find established jokes or memes regarding "them" and there are almost none, due to the violent response they make at any creative attempt to find some balance in this hate mental crime they make. I suggest that people begin to formulate a lot of anti-mafia jokes and memes about bigot racist "Italian-Americans" as they call themselves--meaning they are really in affinity with Italy and are really on the path to trying to create their own political entity aligned with Italian political overtake of the United States. That is really what I have witnessed from the onslaught of Italians who have infiltrated America and all their anti-American sentiments, their absolute determination to have political power, and their admiration and reverence for people like Arnold Sschwartzennegger, in Cali, who is not "Italian" but the old Axis powers are still operating in concert--

this may sound like political ranting of a trauma-based torture situation. Oh well, if only people would stop allowing these media bigots, nazis, black nazis jewish nazis and all their other "Minority" groups to be put into leader puppet positions there might be some real exposure to these real power groups who operate behind the "cloak of secrecy" in all these entrenched and never-ending cycles of leaders who are all "friends" when it comes to teleportation and rape crimes--I can positively attest that they all ALL operate as one entity.


I write this as my brainwaves are being skewed to block functioning, neuron firing, synapses blocked or rerouted by this most sophisticated tech attack on my brain, as of course the keyboard is made inoperable and my motor skills are likewise blocked by this brain attack tech.

what I write sounds like ranting conspiracy theory--that is due in large part to the series of other attacks, as well as the discrediting due to hacker blocks, retypes, deletions, and blocks to the keyboard that create numerous blocks to typing while the other attacks block consciousness and thought and cognitive processes.

Having written all that, I really had intended to write that the smooth operation of one set of leadership swinging to it's opposition in another round of elections has only continued what was a murder operation years ago, the same attacks have been going on from the last "savior" of Democracy to this current personality and his open fascist marching groups--the only difference is that one gave the appearance of change and the other openly states the real agenda, and not even in it's more deadly and genocidal form--that is left to the "hate" groups who make all their open hate rounds in the streets. In europ-land the skinheads go out and kill immigrants in the streets while the "left" keeps on having concerts in natural open air venues to "protest" these goings-on. They can all march in the streets against one another but when it comes to having to really change anything, the situation continues on it's course of ...and I will not risk any more conspiracy theory talk (or written word) that actually is coming out into the open, undeniable at this point, but still the lack of opposition remains in the hands of media bs operators who make jokes, insults and ad homnem attacks upon their "friends" they "Schmoooze" with at "high brow" parties for "elite". I use these terms in quotes only to identify what others call these events and classifications. I do not use these terms myself. 


I also add another small point about the terrorists who attack me in public places like in stores. At Central shopping mall, the "World Class" "elite" mall that I live close to and love going to, as the food is really excellent but I cannot afford to buy most of what I really need for nutrition and have to buy things rhat are marked down--and really truly poisoned and drugged--I feel an instantaneous drug sensation after eating this marked down food that I can only just barely afford--I must also endlesslyl buy materials to try to defend myself in my home, for years every months I fight to pay for items to block out these mechanical arms and stop the rape, disfigurement and torture and probably the teleportation has nodes that must be manually placed on my head--but I don't know of course-

but women are tapping me rudely on my back as someone else on the other side pushes items that are just on the edge of some countertop where I am paying in line (the bread line at the bakery section of one of the Tops Markets in this huge mall complex). In elevators people are lined into these elevators as I push my cart and myself in to go to other floors--as I have to scour both Tops markets across an overpass to get all the marked down deals so I can afford to eat at all--and other stores actually of lesser quality have the same prices or higher--they are putting drug skin patches on me--and I can FEEL, literally feel my brain and body made paralyzed while they do this. I stand inert as they tap my back with pointed, jabbing fingers because one of their accomplices has grabbed and thrown items on the floor while I was putting items in my cart after paying. These are all attack actions that have been carefully observed beforehand--how to do something behind my back and have me attacked on both sides, simultaneously--this Thai female jabbed into my back with her finger, I could not htink to tell her to stop, I was paralyzed, frozen--showing me three clumps of packaged bread that supposedly I had pushed off the countertop while I was turning around putting items into my cart. I just said "no" and walked away, feeling some sensation in my body and brain relax the paralyzing jolt of their technology or the embedded microchip that absolutely must have been inserted into my brain.  I know that my brain and head are injused with the hardening chemicals, patches have been glued to my skull I can feel it and it may be due to much of the hair loos, in addition to the nodes being put on my scalp and the endless attacks on my brain--

other women reach and grab me in elevators because when I get in, they remain inert and don't move, but suddenly as the doors begin to close they all push out--5 of them in this case, with shopping carts, grabbing me from behind and then pushing me aside--and putting invisible but clear coatings of drug patches on my skin--as has happened in the past I have felt and seen this happen in the past.


I "conveniently" "forgot" to add, in the straying meandering digression that turned into a complete block to this part I wanted to add above: about the English "search and destroy" operation and the probable COINTELPRO type of operation that was aimed at my anti-war activist step-father, my family, and of course at me. The "best friend" who turned everyone against me, my age, who my parents "told" me that I was "best friends" with--showering all kinds of warm fuzzy hints at how this girl was my "best friend" as they sent me over to her house for sleepovers--all the time when I was 6, 7, 8 and 9 years old. Her father is/was a psychology professor who, in 1976, was offered a year sabbatical in England, at some university. I have not searched his Curriculum Vitae on where or which location he served, but I think it was a prestigious university. The English influence and "behavior modifcation" was  apparent to this other, "hippie" professor who shouted anti-war slogans during the Anti-Vietnam war protests. He was instructed and provided with tools for the MK ULTRA programmng there is no doubt. His daughter, my "best" friend turned everyone against me and I believe the utilized subliminal technology to accomplish this. This same technique is currently being used to influence everyone around me (probably they are being "beamed" she is xyz bad and this is being relayed into their brains as they then assume that this is their appraisal of me as a personality). I must fight against this subliminal slanders with all my might. I have to endlessly fight to present myself without stinking odors wafting off me in public places, for one. I spend at least 2 hours prior to leaving my home fighting to clean clothing, my one pair of boots, and handbags, purses that I use to carry items I need around with me for various reasons, all connected to fighting for my defense. If I have clothing hanging out at night which I intend to wear the next day, it is sprayed and I have to climb up on ladders to open the hooks tied together and the other layers of hooks and ropes to open closets--it requires not being sick from having been physically manipulated so my spine is also injured daily--in addition to bones broken slices into my skin poisons smeared on my body and into my orifices--and on and on.

Just adding this--trying to garner any sympathy but people only sneer at "victims" and applaud the violent rapists--adore the rapist men and cheer their rape enabler women on. I am trying. I do not want to paint myself as victim as such, but I am fighting to get any kind of protection and if there is anything other than gloating smiling smirking psychopaths reading this, then please I cannot wait another 6 months of increasing pressure leading to slow death because this group wants to exploit me in every way possible to obtain this huge contract which this foreign-controlled Nazi entity is hanging over my head for the Americans to be handed positions of higher priority in their organization: they are demanding a baby out of me, although they have severed part of my uterus as "punishment" for fighting off rape from one of the actors. Not a single one of them has expressed a single expression of friendliness much less anything positive to me, only hate, abuse and demands for every kind of unpaid sexual favor, hate and abuse they pour on me met with thousands of people attacking me when I fight for my human rights.

Otherwise demarcated as "unalienable rights" which are supposed to be unassailable for white supremacist males, and denied to people like me. The rest who are allowed "some" rights get the trickle down theory of entitlement if they openly participate in Nazi cultural victim roles (if they are minorities) and help to perpetuate the racist ideology through their purported victimization. They are indeed victims but paid in millions for their roles supporting these classifications and gentrified hierarchical roles which no one had better stray from or else they get what I am getting.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...