Thursday, August 27, 2020

The Hurricane speaks of the eye of the center of inner power. Revelations of outer versus inner strength. Pausing on reflections of State-versus-Federal acquittals. Keeping the Federal System aligned with Constitutional Rights versus local mafia/police/bigot/Nazi control (keep those entities OUT of federal politics if it is not possible to eliminate them on a local level).

 To paraphrase: "The police hated me because I was not passive. I was aggressive. I would not accept..."

RUBIN "HURRICANE" CARTER has been one of my motivational mentors through this interview.  I watched this video many years ago, and upon reflection, I realize that his words sank into my subconscious and have held me over troubled waters since then. His example propelled me to feel okay about being targeted and the solitary confinement that has been part of the "protocols" of this "program" of MK ULTRA, mind control, microchipping, teleportation and assault torture "experimentation" situation. Society has turned itself into the prison. Discovering nature has been one of the most gratifying experiences I may have missed because I was so caught up in "the game" of the "success" strategies instead of observing the timelessness of what exists around me, the slow but eternal dance of nature. I then come to realize that NATURE IS ANOTHER TARGET OF THIS CIVILIZATION and ANIMALS are part of the genocidal policies directing the criminals attacking me. Other events that have brought me to nascent awareness of having absorbed the message of The Hurricane's interview, or lecture here in this case, is that one can DISCOVER many strength that are submerged by programming that come to the fore if you are willing to FIGHT AND NOT BE A PASSIVE participant in the programming you are "supposed" to obey and accept and be a willing, glad subject therein.

As I see, through all the countries I have gone to looking for some place to live where this system is not enforced completely, as it appears everywhere on the planet I have gone. I see people avoiding me like the plague and I realize how programmed most people are under this hate and criminal, mafia Nazi Communist system. I use these terms although they appear "offensive" or "politically correct". I use them because mafia is as fascist and Totalitarian as Nazis or the Totalitarian version of Communism. And vice-versa, etc etc. The same system but under different "cultural" forms of management, coalesced into one huge global corporate control system.

Finding "myself" just a bit more. Going outside of the United States to a very different culture, and then seeing and watching this culture become indoctrinated into colonized military martial law puppet vassal state has also taught me that now I face the same system and I continue to search for what I truly believe, think and try to undo all the programming that had made me conform to the death system that was covertly murdering me. Protesting but not serious about fighting against a death system, because it was always concealed as a fun, "free" society where I could "be who you want to be" if I just worked and tried I just had a chance!!!

Very proud of America and it's Institutions of learning, the chance to "change" government every four years as opposed to coup d'etat governments using military to enforce corporate elitism, for example. Discovering that unless people do not accept all the roles they are being told they must obey, they will be utilized and then killed off, in many cases. 

Discovering that there is a universe of spiritual cohesion. Discovering that I have a power within me that has been quelled by the programming to accept and obey users, abusers, rapists and haters, bigots and the mafia/Nazi/Communist and the rest of the numerous branches of this huge system are responsible for this programming, and the murder the murder attempts on my life, people i have loved murdered covertly.

so many things can be ascertained even in  a harsh system of imprisonment and torture and solitary confinement. Understanding that no one will approach me because they are embroiled within this system and live in perpetual FEAR OF DISOBEDIENCE to this system of death, hate and racist murder and exploitation. Discovering that I do not need a religious organization to find my own spiritual power and center. Also realizing that I do not find any rationalization for religions such as Satanism which endorse animal or human sacrifice--I include organizations which hail a dying human being bleeding and on a cross as a pseudo-Satanic organization which endorsees human sacrifice to assuage their own guilt and responsibilities for their murderous actions.

If I had not been targeted, as The Hurricane says in this interview< would not have discovered these buried aspects of my own personality and my realizations of the structured prisons in which people exist but believe they are free and happy--or told they must portray as being the best most possible world of all worlds and societies.


KEEP THE GOVERNMENT(S) OF THE WORLD FREE FROM LOCAL MAFIA/NAZI AND OTHER NEFARIOUS CRIMINAL ORGANIZATIONS. That also includes the media conglomerates of the planet who stifle independent journalism and media expression by "subculture" groups.

The story of Hurricane Carter is one example. Do not allow the Federal System to be overrun by prejudiced mafia/Nazi puppet pundits. Let there be a balance IN THE SUPREME COURT (or High Courts around the world).

This is how Hurricane Carter got out of a local bigoted mafia imprisonment life-sentence he was innocent of.

STOP IDOLIZING THEM IN MOVIES!!!!!! That would be a first step towards ending "systematic racism" and stop pretending it doesn't exist, stop silencing the reality, stop allowing it to control you and your media and politics. It is a reality not a fantasy movie projection.


From the movie clip of The Hurricane:

Only freed in a Federal Court, after years of local Appeals courts, run by mafia police control and this is evident in the movie, indirectly associated with police profiling and discrimination and mafia which appears as "police" and also in the good old boy court system. I am dealing with this right now and it is a completely widespread system of control. IT remains one of the silenced concepts of social control and is largely responsible for many of the ills facing the US right now. This system of Nazi Mafia collusion in media and in politics. It is so largely ignored and swept under the carpet. Do not let the Supreme Court be ruled by any more bigot "Conservatives". Try to keep the US Constitution as a reality reality not a reality ttv CNN news clip presented as a form of entertainment.


I coulda been a contender!!! How many careers and lives have been ruined by this Nazi Mafia (Communist) et al organization? How many excellent actors, musicians, politicians, human beings with integrity have been MURDERED JUST SO THESE GROUPS CAN STEALL THEIR WEALTH, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY OR JUST TAKE EVERYTHING POSSIBLE FROM THEM WHILE CLAIMING WHAT THEY HAVE STOLEN AS THEIR RIGHT AND ENTITLEMENT?


A great anti-mafia movie made by Jews. My grandfathers were attacked by mafia when they worked on the lower East Side of Manhattan but lived in Brooklyn. I never lived in NYC but am now under attack by NY mafia. I now understand the bs my family has had to take and then be silent about and conform to. 

I now see how incompetent they are to be put into these lead positions and I URGE READERS TO STOP ALLOWING THEM TO CONTROL AND COMMIT MORE CRIMES, ESPECIALLY WITH THESE SOPHISTICATED TECHNOLOGIES THEY HAVE BEEN USING TO TORTURE ME--THEY WILL BRING ENDLESS GRIEF TO THIS PLANET--AND THAT INCLUDES TNE NAZI CARTELS AND THE REST. tHE world is now reeling from the result of mass technological genocide and I suggest people to start utilizing the principles OF THE US CONSTITUTION instead of conforming to mafia and Nazi control albeit disguised endlessly as lobbies and other groups which support and use violence and threats and drugging, technology to brainwash and control, humiliate and torture and destroy and rape and rob and murder and now huge mass murder has resulted either directly or indirectly due to this system. The incarceration of the human race---with no tendencies to FIGHT FOR INDIVIDUALISM OR PERSONAL INTEGRITY as all must conform and obey.

The most nasty whether competent or not will be handed top tier levels of control and the talented will be thwarted in a way that eliminates all but the mediocre. Do not allow America to degenerate to this low level any longer.

ON THE WATERFRONT--portrayed by one of the greatest American actors--Marlon Brando. Who had the guts to fight the establishment and may have been targeted as a result. He was definitely ostricized at the end of his life by the H-wood establishment, or those he had worked with who form these mafia H-wood cartels.  They can be heard openly turning their backs on him in interviews. They all do it together as a group, as they always do in groups against one individual.

and speaking of this subject--it is indirectly tied into the general theme of this post--but I read yesterday that Roman Polanski was blocked from H-wood once again. The "crimes" he was punished for are extremely weak in comparison to what the mafia Nazi cartels out of H-wood have committed against me--and I am only one example. When a Jewish man commits a much watered down version, because this is the good ole boy system of entitlement--they are punished so severely some of them never survive the onslaught of hate directed by hate groups but the same hate groups cheer on the real perpetrators of extreme sexual violence (towards me and others). 

The same could be said of the crime committed against Rubin "Hurricane" Carter by his local branch of the cartel operating as police and in the court systems. Do not allow this to become "the new normal" in Federal Courts more than this situation has already been "allowed" to lapse into such a draconian system of bigoted bias.

The bigots of the media--in France, in H-wood (collaborators and mafia Nazis and Jewish Nazis too in high positions of "power" but merely puppets for insidious hate groups hiding behind politically-correct bs posturing and money pumped into mind control racist programming):

they hate a truly talented "Jewish" director (their label) who can easily outdistance their mediocre underdog movie blockbuster chain mind control repetitious K-rap.

If you compare a Polanski film--something so profound it resonates at deep chords of the soul--and with the cheap and easy movies made by the programmers who are racist bigots (the groups I mention above, and then some...)

there is no comparison. One reason Polanski has been castigated, symbolically castrated from being a superlative flame in the otherwise H-wood flickering automaton fake blaze of banality---evil.

How I wish he were "allowed" to return to H-wood but I believe the hideously racist mafia nazi cartels of course are far too threatened by him. They continue to make sleazy nasty sexual rape and hate comments towards me using this technology, proving to me how lowbrow and rotten they are and incapable of any higher sort of artistic output. Sleaze in every pore oozing out but the underdog theme remains the standard of H-wood K-rap rap.

I have never head of this latest Polanski film and MUST see it. that is something I almost never exclaim about ANY movie and I can't wait to watch the next jewel from Polanski. I have in my  personal library the most incredible Macbeth adaptation by Polanski & Heffner. I just watched Rosemary's Baby last night--and the fascination does not dim, the illumination is truly illuminating not dulling of the senses into conformity of mediocrity and mind-melting mundane meltdown.

I watch these YouTube videos on the hate directed at Polanski at the Cesar Awards. I cannot begin to express the extreme depth of anti-Semitism I have experienced from more French people than I can number, from years of having lived around "them" on South Beach and the hate crimes generated against me during rape teleportation skits orchestrated in places like Cannes--so certain actors can be promoted (and their children too). The same goes for America in H-wood. The "Jews" who participate (often "half Jews" always with Nazi counterpart "partners" who hover over them demanding through implicit violence repraisals if they don't "obey"---to become Jewish Nazis operating as bs operators who present a "multi-cultural" American media complex. Rules by mafia, Nazis, etc etc hate groups undermining all freedom of the press and of advancement. 

My experience but my experience is limited to those who attack me to obtain promotions. However, I have been exposed to the top layers of the hierarchy and thus---my general conclusion based on no one ever intervening or having the 'power" to stop them or protect me--even if they wanted to. That only proves how racist this systematic mafia Nazi cartel really is over the media and in politics. 

People like Hurricane Carter who do stand up will be killed by prison guards if they resist programming in the future. There will be no open Federal Courts in which an uncompromising individual can run to in order to obtain a pardon for crimes not committed--only because the mafia Nazi cartels don't want certain people they don't like to win or beat them or their minions.

If this sounds like ranting, I really do not care as it is the endlessly unspoken of reality threatening the "Democracy" that people are now shouting to uphold but won't admit to the real systematic problems underlying the problems. 


Freed by a federal judge after years of appeals at local/State levels. Federal Judge says, "prosecutorial grave violations against the Constitution....he conviction was :

...and I, yes ME, find myself having been convicted of being a target for the same reason Carter was imprisoned and tortured for fighting for his right to be a human being with no expectations of bowing in deference to the hate insults and humiliations I have witnessed froom the mafia and their Nazi controllers (and whomever and whatever controls THEM--herpahs indeed it is their favorite benefactor: Satan as they seem to worship this deity but conceal it behind black Metal bands....?!)

jokes aside, I understand that Carter was a victim of mind control attempts to thwart his pride and his strength in order to subordinate him, to agree to being discriminated against and "going with the program" and just obeying and allowing criminals to take away what he works for and believes in, his pride in himself and his personality not controlled as a puppet slave for their racist agenda. I am in a grip of torture and the same sorts of people, from the same areas, and the same governing forces, now a global enterprise due to technology and communication---operate in the same way.

There are, for me, no counter-balancing entities I can turn to for any recourse to Constitutional justice. At this point,none whatsoever. There are also no black groups fighting for my defense although so much now entails fighting against racism, I am in some undefined category and thus left out of all defense groups because these "discriminated against" groups also discriminate against others (meaning those I have come into contact with, all my life not just out of H-wood) and they operate essentially as subgroups working to enforce all the stratification that the bigot nazi mafia brainwashes them into conforming into. Carter was an outlier and he, very similarly to KALIF BROWDER was punished for fighting to keep his head up and not allowing the systematic brainwashing of subordination. He was attacked and then covertly murdered in the end for it. Carter's release from the death sentence of his life imprisonment occurred perhaps because there were some people left alive who were not completely controlled by this racist agenda which is now using and training in mind control programming.

I again strongly advise people reading this to understand how dangerous allowing this system and these groups to continue to operate as they have been doing as a threat to all freedom and humanity and to consider actually not letting the mafia and the Nazis have power and control over media, politics (and I prefer that real constitutional Democracy is put as FIRST PRIORITY instead of some concept that people make deals around, circumventing the real laws in order to gain power).


....and on the topic of this unfortunate mafia Nazi Communist hate group that has been attacking, torturing, raping and stealing every single thing I have created and worked for, the tried to force insults and hate at me with me fighting to protect myself--the right to defend myself absolutely abrogated by the top executive branches of the executive councils of the conglomerate media/political spectrum people are so inebriated and controlled by:

I wrote on YouTube today, just now, hate scathing words aimed at this rotten whore out of whorewood, gag gag not a lady but a rotten whore who also is an abysmal singer but propelled because her nasal vibrato vibes with the sexual dominitrix persona and the mafia MAFIA MAFIA backing of this "Italian" "American" bigot whore--who HAS ATTACKED ME IN TELEPORTATION and her rotten videos have also plagued my internet searches and YouTube page--as just now happened. I am of course under the influcned of drugs and technology--but I wrote that she is a prostituted mafia concept, absolutely bigoted

she had the rotten "nerve" to create a "Petition" to oust Trump during the first month after the election fiasco in 2016. The Electoral College rigged election results, where the Popular Vote was discarded for the rigged collusion Electoral College. She has operated with the one and same persona she claims--as all these actors who are part of the "opposition" are doing and have done--all claiming for the public they are "against" the forces which are really just mafia Nazi Communist and other fascist, genocide groups absolutely thwarting freedom of choice in terms of  real talent and instead installing fake rotten whores in top positions in the media--(those who teleport me are rapists, abusers, sexual perverted hate sleaze and scum, they are married, torturing and raping enhances their feelings of sexual gratification they are loveless parasites otherwise who must have someone to abuse in order to feel ANYTHING except for their greed and superficial attempts at other emotions.

the fans cheer on the icons that are put into lead position because these groups are manifest in millions of terror operations around the planet. They accept without question who or what is going to be elected into high media exposure, and they allow these collusions and want a monopoly of their entertainers who want to turn into politicians to encircle the planet-along with all the technological bigotry and manipulation associated with brainwashing--to give the effect of "freedom" and "Democracy". Testament to this are global riots due to the repressions that grow year-by-year.

I only include this because her face, put on the side of my YouTube channel, in addition to years of her friends attacking me in the mafia and Nazi media cartels who are "celebrities" you all cheer on--

and the disgust went "viral" as I wrote hate thoughts that make me sound crazy to any observer reading my posts who are not familiar with the FACT that this whore pig ape has tortured me using sophisticated technology along with her NYC mafia buddies. She keeps "winning" awards and I listen to her singing and cringe at how her nasal vibratto is contrived as being top quality or in any sense original. She does have a flair for demonstrative flamboyant stage-act strutting and is capable of belting out tunes which are never interesting in quality for me, my personal opinion. 

It's just another example of how these bigot mediocre people are creating these racist hate systems that are embedded deeply into the strata of the conscious of the world, due to the global nature of media technology and pop stardom expressed through billion dollar contracts and universal promotion.

I urge, if people want to stop "systematic" racism then stop the systematic silencing of the mafia cartels, which really are totalitarian fascist regimes which are endlessly promoted as being fun gangster jokesters and fun and humorous comedians along with their extremely violent promotions of mafia in these endless mafia movies. They are a huge proponent of white Anglo-Saxon racism, they provide the "dirty work" nastiness and behind all of them are endless waves of desperate minorities who want to get into the power structure and really don't care about any righteous principles of "freedom" or "\Democracy" because they come from entrenched systems of despotism, fascism but all in various other names which are openly described as "Democracies" but military martial law and other fascist systems--all controlled by the same very evil forces. I see America degenerating into one of these 3rd world systems and I urge people to STOP ADULATING THE MAFIA SHIT AND THE BIGOT NAZI EUROPEANS AND whatever else you associate with glamor and "class" and instead focus on alternatives who are equally and mostly more talented who are NOT BEING GIVEN A CHANCE TO PERFORM OR SUCCEED IN THIS SYSTEM. 

That also goes for the criminal justice system

I am under this rambling ranting stage but every time I get on the internet I have to see their rotten and insidious faces and it brings out this explosion. The closer time gets to a possible shift in power, I have to try my best to fight my fight to stop this endless destruction of America and of the planet.  I also mean that the devastation of nature, due to the greed and lack of respect for animals and the endless greed associated with building and construction, that America supports because these nazi mafia creeps are part of the endless encroachment schemes--as they leave dead animals in front of my door, they hurt, maim and kill animals I care about just as power plays to bring their ugliness to my full attention, because they are so disgusting in almost every other way that I cannot find any respect for them and simply cannot do what they want or be what they want me to be: subordinate to them only because of this racist ideology they are continuously espousing and bringing into subconscious conformity through this media onslaught of their bigot, racist, rapist parasites you all keep cheering on. A mafia bigot pig ape whore endlessly "winning" awards for boring, nasty performances that are touted as being "top" quality? Year after year...

that is only one example. I wrote nasty comments that appear really crazy on my YouTube channel partially because she represents this team of attackers, has participated openly in attacking me, is sexually charged by doing so--is a filthy vile disgusting creep I never liked her name or singing think that she is absolutely some mediocre creepy whore put into mainstream endless awards positions because she's a rotten "Italian-American" mafia scumbag who represents them----

I am really digressing, ranting and going off into a "crazy" set of disjointed tangents. I do know that I am under mind control attack, but these sleazy, sick dirty foul mafia creeps who have been attacking me FOR YEARS, YEARS, YEARS NOW IT'S DECADES FROM STALLONE AND I don't know how long from Tarantino, in this teleportation theft and poisoning scheme with all my finances adn homes destroyed by them--year after year this has not stopped. But they torture me after I write such things.\

I can only hope that in  a few months perhaps godddamn someone will stop this disgusting group of filthy and nasty perverted loveless mediocrities and stop the Nazi handlers who control them--you will always see dark-haired "Italians" with blonde women (this also applies to many "Jews"--just notice what Weinstein's wife was and how quickly she abandoned him when the glamor was not easily available) but...I am going off--I cannot eliminate Jews in the equation of being a huge component of this system. They must necessarily defer to this group of scumbags and I find that many Jews are superior in so many ways but forced into a subordinate status. This is one of the main reasons I am under major endless attacks and brainwashing and all kinds of technological blocks to my brain functioning due to implants, external control systems, all to "experiment' in trying to force mediocre and loveless creeps into highest position, with the rest endlessly believing that they are superior and this is WHY this mind control program is still ongoing and all that I discover, once the immediate effects wear off, is that they are disgusting and low and sleazy and worthless in terms of how badly the United States is reeling in destruction and how abysmally stupid their movies are---year after year.

And what lies they uphold and how disgusting and nasty they are. And still put into high positions of power--in addition to the Nazi bigots who really are those who create these systems, and they too are just exactly the same but they always induct idiots to do the dirty work for them.

I so hope that soon people will stop putting them into positions of power. I mean a total shift in the power structure and these endless dinosaurs put out of positions of power. I mean those actors who are attacking me--and the rest. These groups attacking me who are "normal" citizens STOPPED BY concerned human beings who actually want real societies which are not falling apart due to corruption and racism and hate and violence and death and disease....

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...