*Please note that hacking will infringe on this post and alter content and delivery. The keyboard is so blocked it is impossible for me to really elaborate on my meaning, and the words I finally am able to type out will be rewritten by hackers and/or deleted after I publish the comment**
Yesterday, on Facebook, while I was searching for clips on Mozart's Die Zauberfloete (The Magic Flute) the search results became hacked to include, as my internet is always hacked to perform this function, of inserting clips from movies or "progressive" commentary or faces from creeple who have attacked me in teleportation (along with the enormous throng of the ever-expanding list, now including YouTube "Progressive" commentators, who I have deemed to be more violent and sinister than some of the open advocates for those who they claim they are hissing at in hate in their lengthy and daily hate videos about how defunct their IDOLS who are paying them--are). I posted a clip of a movie that showed up on a YouTube search result which had not been in the previous list before I clicked on a video on the list, opened a video, then clicked "back" and this new movie insert, with the actress who has, not many times but viciously enough, attacked me in concert with the team of racists, rapists, "feminists", "fighting against racism" entertainers. All "friends" and all winning award after award and handed new top roles and tv shows, top prizes and top everything after they teleport and attack me. This is not to say that their artistic efforts in many respects are unworthy, only that there appears to be a much greater chance of being handed awards if they participate, either openly towards me or from behind the scenes, as I suspect there are many, many others who are winning but give orders, advice on how to dismember, attack, rape or steal ideas for their insidious promotions. I don't know how many others who do not visually appear to me in these hate teleportation attacks have also been approved and promoted in like manner, but have never made it known to me that they are participants, observing perhaps in the background shadows and/or giving torture/mutilation and Nazi torture methodology (add Russian, and whatever other violent oppressive regime using standard torture methodology these "compassionate" "Liberal" actors/musicians/writers/directors are being trained in by their "handler" and more established controller puppet masters.)
Here was the gooey, soft-spoken actress who, in my unbiased (although it would seem otherwise) conviction that she played her most convincing role as a fashion fascist manager of a designer company--absolutely aiming at foreign fashion as the epicenter of the universe. This sentiment of having Paris as a fashion and cultural Mecca is one of the main reasons why these celebrity clowns so adamantly adhere to the Nazi fascist paradigm. In "real life" they pay absolute obsequious deference to their Cannes and Parisian infiltrator partners who they defer all to, so it appears to me in this torture and European-based torture system. That one of the main torturing bigot rapist intellectual property thieves who has stolen idea after idea from me for over 20 years by now, is intimately connected to English royalty as his father was one of the Royal painters (using the old style classical portrait style), and the other who has gone after me non-stop, in allegiance with a H-wood creeple actor whose movies I could never stand and I only "thought" the first of his never-ending series of boxing idiots and the other super-violent movies about vets slashing and killing as the "Underdog" theme pervades his every movie, while he is the most vicious parasitic usurper and parasitic user and predatorial abuser possible. This other one comes from Italian mafia, who also has tortured me to obtain ideas.
These are the "leaders" of these "actor" clown abusers, users, parasites and haters.
To add to everything else, such as decades of poisoning with toxins that harden into the cells, muscles, bones, vertebrae, skull, and feet, viscerae, and block movement, stuff up my internal organs, produce a stifling effect on thought, movement and behavior that I am fighting and have been for 20 years to detox from, heal from, the insidious parasites do everything possible to first rape and then turn around and insult, abuse and torture me after hypnotizing me into "believing" that I am "deeply in love" with rotten creeps who, upon waking from these disgusting sleazy men raping me as I respond, absolutely shunned by society, drugged and paralyzed so I have remained inert, bedridden for 2 decades (increasingly as they Nazi group increased the hardening chemicals into the bloating and mind control drug mixture--the last stage of murder in other words)
after I began to concentrate and fight them off me in this sleeping, hypnotized state--
I would write posts about things that made me happy, under extreme drugging while bedridden. This happened with MOZART Arias and some other music that I love and played as a child, which greatly influenced me and turned me on to playing classical violin. One song created this desire to play violin, and that was Saint Saens "The Swan". I also posted video clips of Mozazt's Queen of the Night aria "Der Hoelle Rache". These two songs were prominently included in the movie, from this actress who made the starring role, but I posted these classical pieces in chronology at least one year before this movie came out. As the contract on me has appeared all these years: for some reason these European and American fascist Nazi white pig ape males, who I "met" (created meetings, absolutely orchestrated by them, and never by me I would never approach creeps like this, and I ran from them when I did meet them, which made them more determined to grasp and suck out every single thing possible from me in their hate, ugliness and mediocrity--but they are WEALTHY EUROPIG APE at the apex of their power structure, but due to the mediocrity but trained in classical art educations back in Europigapeland Nazi-post art world, they are keen to infiltrate America and usurp it's talent, wealth and the American pig apes like the ending list of them that I have made vague reference to lately, or directly throughout all these years, pay absolute homage to these meticulously boring and essentially in creative terms inept Europigape rapist murdering bigot leaders who have been expressly put into these positions to infiltrate and manipulate the American media towards the direction of this Nazi overtake of the United States, The media being one of the main forefronts of this effort, a unified and global effort indeed.
That ties into this movie which I will only give the clip, copied and pasted here, which I wrote yesterday but woke up this morning, after a night of being tortured by their mechanical arms because I write these angry posts about their theft of my writing, which is only stolen in brief part and turned into their hate-propaganda but disguised, like this actor appears (this female American blonde bigot, of course one of the leaders of the A-list celebrity Nazi establishment installment going on decades now--). I have watched very few of her movies, because the first one I saw made me slightly nauseous, as she played some "jewish" woman or something like that in a concentration camp. Even back then, when it came out in the 80's, I found her so pathetically weak and offensive in her characterization and role, it was insulting to the real victims--and I have met some of them. That this creep, and her last name rhymes with Creep so this is my "immature" connection but it truly actually fits into her inter-personal hate attack personality that I encounter every time she teleports me (as do they all behave like creeps. She is one of the more benign of the lot, which is not saying very much in favor whatsoever).
She made: Two other movies making absolute deference to Europeans and their "cultural" "hegemony", (according to these sell-out pig ape whores, bought by foreign powers and brainwashed themselves, probably drugged up and under mind control with their own "handlers" perhaps even their agents telling them what to do and say and think, which of course they obey wholeheartedly as they are paid in millions for this behavioral performance which becomes fully embedded into their psyches).
WHILE I SIT IN FRONT OF THIS LAPTOP I AM BEING ATTACKED BY SOME TECH WHICH EITHER FORCES MY BRAIN TO EMIT HORMONES, OR THERE IS A DRUG/TECHNOLOGY INTERFACE WHICH INSERTS SUBLIMINAL "SUGGESTIONS" COMBINED WITH THE DRUGGING AND OTHER BRAIN-MAPPING TECH which completely alters my decision-making capabilities. It's like being smothered mentally with a blanket and in a kind of lethargic daze watching movies I never want to watch, clicking on the links of crud actors (on a personal level) who I do not want to endorse in any way. There was her video, and while drugged up, EXTREMELY SICK yesterday as clumps of hard poison came out from my over 10 years of detox, sitting in a daze literally unable to move due to stagnant hardening bloating chemicals coming out yesterday and the residue of their trapped poisons coming out all day long as well--toxic bloodstream elimination--not trying to sound scatological here but the REALITY is that this keeps me in one stagnant position--so sick but aware and awake enough to need to divert the sickness into some kind of mesmerizing activity to block the sickness, but literally unable to move and get anything else done. Also too sick to concentrate so I can only watch the equivalent of dumbed down media brainwashing dumbing-down movie fodder. I have many files downloaded of extremely necessary and important and educational matter, but I am literally too drugged up (also drugged up daily with food content).
I had decided long ago not to click on these videos with the actors who perform in these roles who also PROFIT off teleporting and torturing and participating in murder operations, dismemberment and absolute destruction of my home and body and life and finances and they have even stolen my one loving sentient being companion--my cat.
But to continue: I clicked ANYWAY and then wrote a positive review but ONLY IN TERMS OF THE COMEDIC CONTENT of this clip, where she plays a "society" female in the 40's-50's or maybe the 1930's, I did not look up the time-reference. She lives in the movie in some upper class neighborhood like Park Ave., or 5th Ave===the cherished goal. Her husband, in the movie and in real life, is English and of course, in the film he cheats on her, has an English lover. This is a real-life trend I have seen with these Europigapes who come over and marry into American citizenship and money and then poison, divorce or murder the wealthy, get established into American society, and then once they either kill off, cheat on, or divorce their American target they revert back to their real love, their fellow Europigape infiltrators. I have seen this same scenario in stark real-life situations many times on South Beach, because I was around so many perpetrator stalkers who became very established by targeting me (the Europigapes) some of them already had their citizenship papers, but all of them had droves of Europigape hater backing and obtained leadership positions on South Beach after attacking me. This was when I sold cigars as an "independent" vendor along Ocean Drive and in clubs--which restricted my sales to only being "allowed" to operate for the American-owned but Italian mafia backed tiny little club--which after a few decades of attacking me, is now the Italian mafia and French mafia-controlled area with the former American owners killed, kicked out, and pushed down in the hierarchical scale of ownership and leadership. One of the main ways of achieving this goal is to penetrate sexually and "romantically", the bs "romance" of these murdering bigots out of Europigapeland is amazing.
I became engrossed with her clown performance mocking Mozart's aria. The movie itself, after watching the first 20 minutes or so, made me come to the "unbacked" realization that this was another example of these actors, musicians, writers, et al who hack or are handed these concepts that I write of, because the Europigapes who control the media and also POLITICS can't stand me or to see me be "allowed" to have an iota of opportunity to have any semblance of a career. They have of course relegated me through poisoning and torture to cleaning incessantly to stop sepia and blood poisoning death, fighting endlessly to eliminate hard poisoning from my body (a decade of effort with all economic capability for earning completely blocked from me by them) while detoxing under non-stop electronic torture and violence from every angle, every minute of every single day and night) and etc etc all I write of daily for years which "no one" can ever stop or defend me from or stop them in any way. Gloating and disgusting and sleazy that they really are. Back to the "point" of this post regarding this movie about the socialite attempting to become a concert classical music performer but who screeches and the audience laughs like it's a cute, fun but acceptable performance.
The actress herself appear, as I alluded to above, like a sugar-coated sweet, gooey and pleasant gumdrop. She so tender and placid in her interviews that I have seen. Absolutely nasty when she teleports me. A creep behind the gumdrop coating of soft, pliable warmth. Thus my title of this blog. The various tricks and guises these creeple actors and performers and especially the blathering Progressive and Democrat politicians employ as their concealment strategies are far more reprehensible and much more deadly than the mere clownish silly facades of charitable humanitarian intellectual performances these media pigape-controlled clowns perform to entice viewers into "believing" that they are warm and wonderful human beings. This also is an absolute mirror repetition in the movie I have not literally named but which I allude to here. This gumdrop coated extremely wealthy socialite, with the very nice, and wonderful English husband who actually is in love with his daughter-aged English partner in another apartment somewhere else (in the movie)--all loving, kind, warm, but just a tiny bit fractious when it comes to defending their titles that they automatically expect to be revered, which are in the movie. The establishment of wealth and privilege without having to bare snarling teeth and attitude is made evident in this movie. The wanna-be's scrambling for power and money on the lower ranks of society are only the more VISIBLE paradigm that these "wealthy" entitled "leaders" of society conceal in their warm, gumdrop coated society attire performances. In this film, this society leader who was involved in numerous society groups, mostly concerned with emulating as best as possible all things "romantaic" European (classical music being one such thing to copy and imitate)--but because MY FAMILY is of New York descent, and they were the imitators of this fashion, Europigape fashion elite wanna be crowd (of course blocked unless they became the minority minion obsequious supporters of those who would steal, rape, rob and murder them when they were "finished" using and exploiting them) but---I am aware of this fashion, socialite crowd and the extreme NASTINESS that is embedded into such titles of power and wealth. The facade that some woman at the pinnacle of this very aggressive, and nasty power-grabbing financial aristocracy is warm, kind of stupid, dopey, not grasping not conniving not a gossiping goose in her fight for power and supremacy....? No, this is a completely false representation on the part of this creep actor who embodies this very dualistic contradiction.
I am waiting to (not) see the videos created by these other creeps who pose as "Progressives" but are immature, spiteful "defenders" of freedom, Democracy and human rights who have attacked me extremely viciously who are going to steal my vocabulary because they can only made insults, refer to Politico analysis of how the politicians are operating and then regurgitate this information into their "infomercial" vidoes which are so publicized in a way in the "news" spectrum for representing the "liberal" and "Progressive" and so unfortunately the absolutely fascist Nazi-controlled "Democratic" party. And people wonder how America can be so imbued with fascist Nazi mentality?
I have not written in any way at the capability I am naturally possessing, the keyboard has been turned into something like an adversary to pound words out. I get tired of exerting so much effort on my fingers to pound all this down. I am going to try to continue just a bit>
I was drugged and brainwashed into viewing this clip by this actorcreep I had vowed to never pay any attention to. She or her agents had her movie clip inserted into my search results, and then I was drugged, subliminally "programmed" to watch this movie clip. I laughed and said that this performance was "well done". I downloaded the movie and began to watch it until I got to the point of understanding that I personally had posted clips of at least two classical pieces that were most prominently displayed in this movie. The contract out on me, as I must try to re-establish, is to steal my ideas and regurgitate them back into Nazi and fascist ideological brainwashing media content, and then to put it all hacked prominently on my every search or news information site so I am then subliminally guided to click on it. Once I react in anger to the theft, I write about it on Facebook or here, and the actors or writers or politicians begin a slew of physical hate crimes, teleportation to abuse, hate, yelling insults, being grabbed, tortured, my home made more stinking (but this is done every single day non-stop regardless). The attacks increase and they smear my internet with their faces afterwards. They then win top awards and get new deals which are evident a few weeks or months later. As I had begun to write above, but was mind controlled to digress from, this is due to the hate of the racist Nazi bigots who have completely controlled the US media and political sphere for an undetermined (by me) number of DECADES. The endless idolatry of all things European (Europigape Nazis really) is revolting to me because I have lived in post-genocidal Europe for maybe 10 years of my life (or many only 8 years). I believe that when these celebrities and politicians are invited to own castles and mansions in Europe, they are treated to endless gumdrop smiles and romantic wiles which they devour like greedy pigs at a trough of never-ending tantalizing goodies that are really hate-stricken death candies but they believe they are imbibing gumdrop coated Manna.
They then emulate these behaviors and of course undermine all that is really "American" like Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Expression, a Bipartisan Republican "Democracy" and etc etc. These gumdrop coated crap movies completely brainwash people into viewing the wealthy as being warm and kindly, and everything Europigape like classical music as being the example of the epitome of music and culture.
My family, the larger scope not just my immediate family members but most out of the original NYC area, who rose to prominence, (in their circles, not in the bigot Nazi circles which this bigot Nazi actor represents in her bigot Nazi-sponsored movie portraying absolute lies and distortions of this upper class culture as being benevolent and silly with happy social groups that never viciously gossip and backstab to gain power and prominence and leadership within--as my family as the wanna-ba's aspired so endlessly and emulated so incessantly)-- aspired so badly to be a part of this system that they sold me as a torture and experiment victim so they would not be absolutely shunned by this level of society. Only included into these Nazi societal circles, the upper middle class or on the edge of wealthy suburbs like Great Neck, NY, by completely adhering to these standardized sets of behaviors. The obsession with classical music as one form of social posturing of course Iw was personally trained into which my aspiring family also adopted as their own entrance into society. My mother studied classical piano at Vassar College before dropping out to marry the Yale graduate attorney. Always one or many steps short of being truly accepted into the ranks of this upper crust very vicious, extremely racist society that this actor creep and her ilk bow down to and represent, and in this movie I have since deleted and will not continue to watch--I can only state that her performance as a clown mimicking an historical personality figure of NYC, was well done in terms of a clown performance in singing.It was really hilarious and I was laughing during that. The rest of the movie was a media sham and I realized almost immediately that this gumdrop coated superficial actor who has been very nasty in attacking me in teleportation is involved in stealing the ideas of the two songs that were almost displayed within 20 minutes into the movie. I have not watched nor will I watch the rest of the movie, which I assume only continues to portray this English actor who has also infiltrated the US media and California H-wood scene with his commentary on pop music, is established, and embodies this critical analysis that I write of here (at least in the film, he may be one of the silent observers offering suggestions on how to torture, rape, exploit and steal the ideas to incorporate these ideas into further promoting Eurocentric media propaganda aimed at installing a fascist, Nazi style regime in the United States. All operated through the media arm of the global corporate conglomerate system, orchestrating all these increasingly successful efforts to do so, so far. That I believe and know I was chemically and with it's interface technologically induced into "believing" without question the underlying and subliminal content which is brainwashing political social engineering is what people should be taking much more seriously in the public debate and awareness than they are now. This has all been relegated to "conspiracy theory" so far.
The bare-teethed and snarling wanna-be aristocrat living in Beverly Hills with yachts, stables of lovers (whores, serving obeying sucking cleaning and f*ing, just as the Europigapes have here in Thailand through all their genocides, IMF and World Bank fiasco Developing World politics, and infiltration, brainwashing, and the tantalizing handouts of rewards (with death and complete take-over of the Country, now hidden behind the leadership "indigenous leadership but with the shadow Nazis controlling all, as I see every day training these minority minion "actors" in genocidal behaviors and torture/stalking methodology and protocol:
the hacking is now much worse than before. Too hard to write, really.
Before posting the series of posts I put on Facebook yesterday, because I had not intended to include this movie clip into the post, and did so under extreme sickness from detox and recurrent drugging/poisoning and including the effect of this vile tech on my brain and mental state. The TERRORIST REPORT: I have begun to put cotton tabs, taped into the severed tissue of the area between the left large toe and the other toes, which has been cut to the bone, I can feel a huge gouge and see my bone and this has been cut in this manner EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR OVER 6 YEARS. There are other dangerous incisions made EVERY SINGLE DAY to my fingers, poisons smeared on my skin and hair, and my food poisoned and drugged EVERY SINGLE DAY. The mechanical arms are the tools through which these terrorists are inflicting all these attacks, plus my home and all fabrics sprayed with toxic and foul stinking substances every single day.
I am now literally fighting to pound this out it is near impossible due to hacking.
I have begun to tape cotton tabs and tape around the afffected areas which they have worsened. Some of the tissue is finally growing back. Now the mechanical arms are crushing the taped areas to cut off blood flow. I wake up with the tape so tightly compressed into the affected area that there is no blood flow and the area is being cut by the tape, they are exerting so much pressure on this taped area to literally cut through my skin using the strength of the packaging tape, which I wrap around in three layers because through the socks I put over all of this, the mechanical arms get through one and then two layers, so I have to crisscross the tape into something very hard to peel off and then re-glue on, as they were doing. I then, in the middle of sleep, am "hypnotized" to remove the bandage and tape so they can sever and cut the area once again. They do this with my teeth as well. I have begun to put tape over my mouth and around my face in a few layers, and so under hypnosis, while in a very deep sleep, the programmers instruct subliminally to remove the tape as they literally force huge amounts of saliva to pour out of my mouth.. These implants create nasal and sinus flows streaming down my eyes and nose, blocking all breathing passages.
I am thus, in this way, forced to understand how I have been manipulated into performing disgusting actions while asleep but under this subliminal or direct programming. I respond like a zombie automatically. This entire situation is absolutely vile. I cannot begin to express how many sleazy and sick creeple there are in the world who have eagerly without hesitation jumped at attacking me, either to destroy me but more to "rape" me while I respond with "love" to sleaze scum ugly dirty foul pig apes who I would never look at or talk to and who disgust me on every personal level.
All of these gumdrop bs operator creep actors, the leading "feminist" bigot blonde Nazi "Democratic" "feminist" who is selling off the "woman's vote" for her male-dominated, Nazi endless decade-long tenure as the leading "feminist" ranking member of the "Democratic ' party not only endorsees this disgusting system of rape, but fully supports it's continuance as all these "leaders" do now.
The public and legal policy changes such as the now inevitable looming threat to Roe-v-Wade, or abortion rights, is not some coincidental "accident" despite all the strenuous efforts of women such as these bigot, blonde Nazi gumdrop coated BS operators and the people worst affected are the anti-racist fighters who are being financially disenfranchized so they cannot afford to fly off to Europe to get an abortion as their fascist Nazi American oppressors posing as their rescuing "heroes" all can do. Most of these former "feminist" "activists" are incapable of bearing or conceiving anyway so it's all okay for THEM if they get more deals, promotions and awards for their posturing antics. Like bad opera screeching Banshees who are not clowns but sinister forces screeching out their europhile aspirations but singing out of tune to their American "Democratic" oaths and superficial allegiances.
The very very creepy males I have written of recently who are the "Progressive" representatives, mostly males, one is Turkish and has in a most disgusting and puerile way, had me attacked in teleportation and in my home. The nasty hate jokes and insults they aim at Trump continuously reverberates in the lower emotional and teeth-baring form of attack they aim at me to get noticed by the fascist Nazi owners who they really are employed by and operate as false opposition to.
The wanna-be's are so often more openly vicious in their attacks but emulate the more concealed hate of their now bemused genocidal handlers. This has created virtually armies of "minority" black and brown-skinned wanna be Nazi rich and powerful MURDERING RACISTS who are being trained en masse to hate and attack "jews". Those who are in league with these creeple who are a part of that diaspora, the Jews, which they are trying to foist the label upon me, although I have had almost zero and nothing to do with that group my entire life--thus they want so desperately to force the trauma-based inferiority complexes that the Jews I meet who attack me, who are promoted, conform to (you can see this self-depreciating behavior so clearly in the Jerry Lewis movies and his personality therein--as well as the real-life trauma of his failed marriage with a bigot Nazi woman who of course probably screwed him over and broke him as much emotionally as possible).
I'm stopping pounding down on this hacked board now-----
the space bar won't even work I must pound down with my entire hand to get this outj.
From yesterday, as reference to today.
Her vocal range is nearly out of this modern sphere outherwordly--
What an eternal composition of heavenly and burning hell inferno duets
(I posted this yesterday as a very concealed reference to the comparison of the crappy pop singers who have attacked me in this system and their awful voices, mediocre creative capabilities, and their horrid lack of singing ability).I did not write this openly I just included it with these thoughts in mind. Immediately upon clicking the "back" button the former list of Mozart Die Zauberfloete clips were replaced by the clown performance from this movie. Being under drugging and mind control programming, and so ill and sick from detox I wrote a positive review which I today, after sleeping off the sickness and waking up refreshed realizing that I had been controlled into "liking" something that I have sworn to myself to avoid and not "click" on or "like" or comment upon:
Whenever I start to laugh the terrorist technology operators force tears out of my eyes. Weeellll...right now the tears of laughter are STREAMING as this streaming hilarity is an example of extraordinary singing capability!!! Very well done absolutely ...I believe Mozart would have approved!
I finished the Facebook post with this conclusion (yesterday):
I find lately that the most entertaining movies are plots concerning the situations of women. The male-dominated dramas revolve around power and conquest too often and it's BORING.
which of course is another theme for another post on mind control in the media relating to power grabs in Congress and the inculcating of "non-Democratic" values into the mindset of the viewers who "love" these movies and are very likely being brainwashed into "loving" them and not understanding that they are being controlled into a political machine program.
A last memo on what the implant microchips forcing "behavior modification" does to my defenses against the daily MUTILATION of my body, ordered by the rotten sleazy and stupid Progressie males and the Democrat leader females and feminists and liberals in the media and in politics as I fight to get them off me and to stop this crime and to defend my UNALIENABLE RIGHTS and to stop them from teleporting, raping, extracting energy, ideas and a sense of power out of attcking and torturing me with full financial and legal protection of the United States at top levels of the three-branches and the rest of the violence-created leadership of the American society that is "supposed" to have checks and balances against these forms of desecration of the Constitution and "The Rights of Man" which includes WOMEN.
They are using mechanical arms inserted through the 30+ panels in this room to nearly puncture the layers of cotton and tape I use as bandages to stop them from literally , on a very slow calculated attack to sever my right toe off--cutting blood flow after breaking the toe out of joint twice and probably daily attacks on the joint as well to reinforce the slippage of bone out of the socket--they are pressing down on the multi-layered tape areas so the tape is compressed and cutting into the tissue, and cutting off blood flow. I wake up in a druggy state unable to do more than rip the entire protective bandaged area completely off, exposing the skin to more damaging and mutilating attacks. They are also cutting into my lower jaw gumline, where they also broke the teeth loose form the jaw after they forced an accident on me--my teeth were fine afterwards but two days later the nighttime terrorists broke the teeth--100% correct, not a "theory" on my part. Every night since February 2019 they have been incrementally slicing tissue out of this lower gumline area. I have begun to fight to save my jaw and teeth, where there is now a breathable gap in the tissue that was covering the gumline is now completely cut out--slivered every single night EVERY SINGLE night. I have taped my mouth closed and put tape in various patterns around the cheek area. For the first few days nothing bad happened because the terrorists had not yet formulated a strategy to counteract my maneuver. Now they are forcing saliva to pour out of my mouth so the tape is easily lifted up, and also my skin is being damaged by the acidic content of my saliva and I am being hypnotically programmed to tear this off as well. They also can force my jaws to snap shut while I am sleeping as well as slightly open as they also can force saliva or mucus to pour out. Once I remove all the protection they easily slice into my tissue as they have been doing for YEARS EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. I discover that I am literally unable to move and wake up to defend myself. I am artificially awoken just long enough to remove the tape and protection, and then what remains of my consciousness warns me not to fall asleep but I am literally unable to move--my body is like drugged and completely incapable of any movement, of waking myself up to defend myself, and I "float" because my brain is being put into this semi-conscious but nascent sleeping state while the terrorists with their mechanical arms are DISMEMBERING ME EVER=SO=SLIGHTLY every single night without fail. No matter what I write or not write if I remain silent or not.
Right now my BICEPTS are in pain from pounding with all my hand and arm strength to pound this out. I am blocked from really writing to my capacity this is 40% of what I am really capable of in detail or expression--or maybe 30%.