MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
In loving memory of my disfigured, dismembered, poisoned and drugged and covertly MURDERED step-father.
My feet have been slashed in criss-cross patterns, are infected and swollen and smell infected. All is being cut into every single day to the bone on the fleshy meat areas of my toes every time I sleep, which is now twice a day due to sickness form detox.. I tied two strings tightly around a rubber band, covering a pair of socks, rolled up around the three layers of strings tied and looped around the strings, on top of the socks, with packaging tape tied around my feet. I had to sleep in a sick daze from detoxing from hard poisons entrapped into my body for probably more than 3 decades, coming out after almost 10 years of fighting to get to this level of my body where poisons are literally latched into my spine and flesh at the lowest level of skin and bone. I noticed where the terrorists had inserted their mechanical arms.
I am not trying to get all the nasty, dirty old "wanker" men reading this sexually turned on by the descriptions of me endlessly fighting for my life in vain as terrorists cut out parts of my body and into my body to the bone daily, while my feet are now incapable of bearing weight, in addition to the hard poisons latched into my hips from a scoliosis surgery that the terrorists forced upon me because their hardening poison has latched into the bone area where surgeons removed bone tissue to fuse the spinal fusion. My spine was put out of alignment daily by terrorists which utilized the MK ULTRA microchipping device which renders me utterly unconscious while every creep, scumbag and whore can do whatever they want (under order from their puppeteers who control them and give orders, otherwise I probably would have been utterly dismembered and murdered a long time ago if these parasites had been given free reign to do whatever they really wanted to do to my body as I lay unconscious and incapable of defense, as I remain).
My room: 2 years of fighting to block off all the panels. I have literally pasted over all the cupboards in the "kitchen" area except for one under the kitchen sink, which is lined with hooks. Regardless, terrorists soften the wood material so the hooks become loose. I can't even use them and can't hook the doors together. The terrorists then shove them out slightly from the interior. The interior has been smeared with softening fluids under the kitchen sink area and I literally cannot block the mechanical arms from entering this area no matter what I do. It is impossible 100% to stop this. The two doors of this under-sink cupboard area are stuffed with rubber matting on the exterior, with items balanced precariously so I can see where mechanical arms have entered. The stealth with which terrorists push up the matting and deflate it and put it back in what appears the same place, but if I touch it I see a huge depression in the matting and that this has been manipulated for entry purposes. There are absolute experts in this area surrounding me in how to manipulate materials to conceal entry or violation of property using these technologies, and my very cheap inexpensive attempts to block dismemberment and disfigurement and poisoning and my door being opened and then raped and my hips and spine being put out of place, and etc.
There are gaps in the half-inch or one-inch spaces where the doors actually should close tightly against the wooden surfaces of the cabinets but are cut so there are huge gaps although the doors "close" but there are gaps where Mechanical arms of course get through the gaps.
Hackers are now rewriting as I type. The sentences are confusing as hackers delete and repaste wrongly written sentences into huge disconnected and repeat sentence structures.
I noticed today after more huge red swollen internally bloodied cuts were slashed into my pinky, my middle fingers under the cuticles (years of this nightly, the fingernails are partially black and falling out in places, completely broken down and always huge and bloody puffed up and black from deadening nerve endings cut into every single day.
Now my feet are being cut into every single night to cause permanent damage there as well. this is torture from years of parasites being put into lead positions, being paid in millions to torture and extract ideas as they get paid in millions for the ideas, and not a thank you but dismemberment afterwards to this degree because they are torturing me slowly to death to obtain a baby that I would destroy if possible after destroying these creeps attacking me, if at all possible I would do this I swear.
Otherwise, there is one other cabinet that I realize was broken through but done in that stealth way so I could not tell. I literally pasted paper and tape over ever single cupboard in the kitchen area so I have to leave plates, cutlery, food and anything else in crevices of the tiny microstudio instead of being able to use the cabinets, all are blocked off. There is one food storage cabinet area next to the front door which I have left stuffed with rubber matting instead of taping and pasting completely shut so no mechanical arms can pierce through without leaving obvious evidence. In the front door I have stuffed layers of paper with packaging tape covering the paper so inserted they completely block the opening of the door. The terrorists have removed the packaging tape so the paper pieces slide out with ease. I then poured more *(money) and packaging tape over these pieces so they could not be budged and I must fight to insert them into the door. While I was out shopping the terrorists removed the tape from two pieces that stick out covering the last edge gap of the cabinet door, the hinge side which has a half-inch gap where the door should cover the cabinet wood panel but instead closes but leaves this huge gape where mechanical arms obviously got in as I slept today. I detoxed huge horrific poisons that have been glued into my body for decades and was so ill I could do nothing all day but sit in front of the computer writing about torture used against me in teleportation and rape and etc that these parasites used because I am fighting for my life to stop them and get rid of them, asking indefinitely for years for my country to be anything other than a Nazi vassal state utilizing Nazi technology and genocidal hate terrorist groups (mostly comprised of compromised minority minions, so often black people screaming about being victims of hate crimes and Latinos and jews and et al it's disgusting how much hypocrisy I have to be subjected to with these creeple terrorist minions)
The rubber matting, which I had stuffed into this large half inch gap at the last portion of the cupboard door paneling just right next to the door frame had been breached, the padding I had inserted was stuffed precariously (you could say in an amateur fashion from someone who knows very little about defense but also I cannot defend myself in the way I should and would if I had not signed a contract with a violent rapist landlord operating for these violent Nazi pig apes who are profiting off this terror contract out on me and continue to have me dismembered and raped and etc continuously as they have for years--laughing, they laugh about it and gloat they are repugnant, your Nazi heroes of politics and movies and tv you all love so much! Yeay, you all love what they are doing to me otherwise perhaps some one at least one person would at least defend me)
and not to sound like a complaining victim but....I had also stuffed a plastic bead into the rubber matting, to see if the terrorists had uplifted the matting. Lo and behold, after waking up and seeing that the two strings, tied around rubber bands, tied around the socks, covering the packaging tape had been put almost exactly as I had tied and taped them all before falling into a sick and drugged up detox deep sleep of exhaustion and sickness, deadly at that. However, it was all completely removed by solvents and their expert military-grade technology and surveillance capability, put exactly back in the same place to appear as if no tampering had occurred and leaving zero evidence. However, the evidence was that the pieces of paper that jut out from the door frame in this one area which I had three times made so tight you have to pull on the door to remove them, which terrorists had reduced in size so you only have to lightly pull and they fall out. The bead which had been balanced on top of the rubber matting was completely gone because that was the entry point.
I am detailing this in a way that will be hacked so it's going to become a repetitive exercise in trying to understand what I am trying to convey. I read the first part of this post a short time after beginning to write it, just to check if hacking had changed anything and hackers had changed almost everything into nonsensical repeats, deleted grammar and sentences partially deleted and then pasted together into long and repetitive structures that lost the real context and focus.
This is the extent to which I must fight to not lose my toes, fingers, fingernails--my hair has been made stinking, greasy and balding for years from these people entering my home. My skin is marked completely 100% every inch has scars, blemishes and blots from poisons, chemicals and marks slashed into my body every single time I sleep. This list is too long to elaborate upon at this point.
I have been waiting for over EIGHT YEARS for any politician or personality to defend me as I write and write and write these posts daily and there is NEVER A REAL RESPONSE OF DEFENSE FOR ME.
I wait and wait once more for a change in political presidential leadership to actually NOT SERVE THE INTERESTS OF THESE NAZI AND FASCIST FORCES which have predominated American life albeit in the undercurrents of power all my life. Since my story and my experiences have been completely stifled and silenced and blocked and ignored (mostly the latter) I ask once more for people to intervene and to stop this slow murder protocol. The terrorist rape and torture and assassination death squads are coming to a theater near you and they are not going to entertain you even if you think you will enjoy watching your enemies get slaughtered in the privacy of their own public surveillance death chamber stalking targeted domestic State-sponsored terrorist places of neighborhood rape, torture, disfigurement, dismemberment and murder centers of activities that so many people simply LAUGH about participating in.
You won't be laughing as you community begins to unravel and your society deteriorates and even if you can go out on a shooting rampage calling it a "Civil War" and you are a Right-wing conpiracy theory QAnon, you will f88-ing regret your lack of real pride, you are not proud, you are too stupid to be boys but instead are just dumber than dumb in assuming that this protocol and these technologies are going to bring America into a blissful Nazi state. I have also lived amongst peoples of East Soviet bloc countries who appear to be pale, devoid of blood or life, appear zombiesque and have absolutely mediocrity as the only basis to rely upon as their social structure. They are controlled by despots who rape the finances of the countries and the people wait in lines for state handouts due to fascist tyrannical leadership. These are countries that embraced these State-sponsored terrorist death squad activities (aka STASI surveillance police state tactics and other such nefarious names and titles given to former Communist countries which are not dead and forgotten or gone in these countries and in Europigapeland, and that includes the Western countries where the funds from the Holocaust are still raking in billions for their luxury endless weeks of paid vacation here in Thailand so they can prostitute and use the locals with no restraint by the local puppet authorities--forget about protection for the oppressed or the prostitutes, labor unions or wage protection as there is none whatsoever and the conditions are nicer than slave labor for the prostitutes and that is just about the best for the common wage earner--working 12 hours per day sometimes for less than $20 a day).
That is "Paradise" for the bigot Nazis who come for vacation out of funds they obtained by mass murder of millions of people who actually earned all the gold and millions of dollars by being BETTER than the Europigapes if there was a chance for competition. I see the same slavish tendencies of Americans and a devout adherence to following the protocols of these death squad torture protocols and murder templates using this Nazi/Communist a la Stalin technologies. I really urge you to consider that you all act like Thai slaves in obeying Nazi commands and you are not going to inherit the Nazi gold but the fool's gold of a slave state once you comply and then hand over the United States to there Europigape fascists who are smiling in your face for now and waiting for the time they can reduce your wages, rape and turn women (like me) into sex slaves being raped and tortured as people who I could outperform if I were not tortured into paralysis, I would perform better, are STEALING IDEAS FROM ME and then torturing me for years afterwards. When they are overtaken by their "partners" they will be reduced to the mediocrity that they all are, and the society will become a wasteland like Armenia, Romania, Slovania, Slovakia--but without all the old architecture just a wasteland of ghettoized broken down infrastructure. Oh wait! that is what America has become ALREADY!
Just a further warning to you do-nothing readers that your glib delight at what your minority minions are doing to me on behalf of you WILL result in your utter deterioration and perhaps death if you do not stop these activities and instead of following your usual pattern of greedy, grasping hate activities to steal, rape and rob and murder PERHAPS IT WOULD BEHOOVE YOU TO CARE ABOUT THE UNITED STATES, THE CONCEPTS OF FREEDOM AND THE FREEDOM OF PEOPLE TO LIVE IN PEACE AND COMPETE AGAINST YOUR MEDIOCRITY AND HATE WHO COULD ALSO PERFORM BETTER THAN YOU AND MAKE MONEY INSTEAD OF BEING FORCED INTO DESTITUTION AS THE SOCIETY YOU ARE DESTROYING IS DECAYING AND DYING.
I am being tortured (in teleportation hate skits) for my thoughts on the election. I am unable to not think about what I believe as I watch YouTube news clips. I can barely express myself in any form as it is, plus not being "allowed" to think in any partisan way except for what the terrorists want me to think and believe about their injustice, hate, violence and misappropriation of technology to torture me (for years upon years without end, night and day without end).
The attack was very nasty and bad, but I do not want to get into the facts which I cannot prove until someone helps me to provide evidence of teleportation. Suffice it to say that it was very nasty and the person doing it is in a very wicked mood due to my heightened emotions at the election outcome (and the many millions of other people who are reacting to the election results, but I am easily at hand to attack for these thoughts due to this tech and terrorist contract out on me).
If I write my thoughts, which are blocked by NON-STOP hacking interference--as typing is very difficult, I must correct continuously, and all the things I have elaborated upon all these years of fighting to type or think while technology is blocking both simultaneously.
Then, what I do manage to pound out, is STOLEN often verbatim by unscrupulous "liberal" and "alternative" commentators, writers, actors and their managing partners who then glob and latch onto this contract, which entails that I am demeaned, tortured and attacked without end on every level of existence, which culminates in their higher promotion schemes. The revolving list of these terrorist mainstream actors, writers, directors and their very often Europ-a-backed base, which operates often clandestinely even to me from behind protective unseen areas or through video-recording of these teleportation torture and attack skits.
I posted quotes, as now all I can do is post what other, mostly white males have written regarding the thoughts I am trying to convey. If I write my thoughts directly onto any social media or this blog platform, I risk absolutely deadly attacks which so far I remain undefended against.
All I can say at this point in the "narrative" concerning all the commotion is that the Lies and distortions are an almost overwhelming response on both sides of the issues, in the media clips that I see. I agree with some points on both sides and find the puerile responses on both to be embarrassing. I can't elaborate and it's too hard to write anyway to get anything out.
What is at issue is not truth or distortions but power cartels that are vying for power. So many cogent facts and issues are never brought out in any of the discussions, which often focus on the facts but disregard the more pertinent overarching facts that are so overwhelming in influence but so overt that they are hidden in open sight. I won't get into what these are, as I have stated, so many ideas are stolen from my THOUGHTS and not just what I fight to type out here, while I remain absolutely silenced and blocked from all real public discussion. And if I were in America and able to congress with people I think I would be silenced, or the microchip in my throat would kick in and block air passage if I attempted to speak in any public setting. I would be heckled by terrorist/stalkers as they would cough and make endless distracting and interruptive noises and arguments while my brain would be shut down partially and blocked from functioning (neural firing, blocks of cognitive functioning, etc all the symptoms I experience every time I go shopping, making simple calculations literally impossible and speech is remotely generated subliminally into my brain and repeated by me while I laugh and smile as people insult and glare in hate at me into my face and I can't "understand" what is going on but appear lucid and aware superficially--and even to myself and not able to control it).
Thusly, today I wrote posts on Facebook quoting John Milton's Paradise Lost and Paradise
Regained, amongst Aleister Crowley quotes and beginning with John Lennon & Yoko Ono quotes and Beatles quotes. Beginning from the apex and descending down that hate spiral. Unable to really articulate my ideas, as just my thoughts have been met by the endless misuse of this technology, specifically the teleportation to assault me endlessly night after nigh for over a decade (much longer than that I am afraid).
By people who will be forced to hand the technology over to responsible and ethical people who will protect my Constitutional and Human Rights, perhaps? After all these years of writing about this misappropriation of terror and torture technology (which these people are using for their orgies and sex games for themselves, as they say that it is "wonderful" but I think that means that they can destroy people they can't stand to see have a chance to be happy, beautiful, strong and compete against them and by eliminating them using these terror squads and torture and disfiguring tech and poisoning and groups willing to do anything to maim, or torture and murder someone else they think this is just "wonderful" technology and isn't it for people vying to control the planet and it's resources?
That is a main gist of the election that NO ONE is discussing because these operations are so highly coveted and desired on the part of those who build these oppositional and polar bipartisan facades of power that to relinquish this technology is absolutely without question their LAST priority for this next administration. However, it is of the greatest impact on how the 2016 election panned out, and how politics and power structures have been evolving since then (and long before but more overtly than ever before as time goes by).
Yet I must remain "silent" about my reactions to these events that are such digressions from THE REALITY as I have seen it, not conceived it to be but witnessed all these years of being passed around from extreme bigots to "liberals" who all work together in this technological terror operation that no one will comment upon or stop or reveal or expose. This one situation of ME has had such a gigantic impact on the politics of America and of the world and yet it's so silenced that even the commentary that appears to go in line with the usual rhetoric remains in a rut/groove of obscured information that is so ..I can't think of the right word--upsetting? Discouraging (for Democracy) to me hearing all this. The blame, the excuses, the misdirecting of ideas and of focus on what is responsible for all this power misappropriation, the commentary which ignores what the other side is really saying--blame shifted to the losing party, or winning party--but all is such distortion and is still leading the country--on the side of the "Democrats", "Progressives" and other extraneous parties and groups into the same system that existed prior to the 2016 election cycle. Meaning the "authoritarian" and monopolistic "elitist" system is fully disguised and still operates like a "bi-partisan" divide that one group accuses the other of mishandling or turning into chaos or lying about to gain power. The real issues remain silenced just as I remain silenced. I must remain silent because I was raped last night in the teleportatoin so I had to copy and paste quotes by John Milton and only make vague reference instead of directly having the chance to write my own thoughts without being further attacked. I was attacked, I repeat, because of my internal reaction to the election and not for anything I actually wrote or said to anyone else (as I am sick and have been from the poisoning of this terror group for over a decade and remain nearly paralyzed and sick in one single spot all day, too tired and sick to even do anything but sit too exhausted from detoxing poisons blocking my body for decades).
I wait for the Biden team, as it appears inevitable that this is definitely going to happen. I wait for any real concern about how "Democracy" has been threatened in this country AND MY SITUATION IS A DEFINITE CLUE AS TO HOW THIS HAS BEEN ALLOWED AND TURNED INTO A SILENCED PHENOMENON OF ABSOLUTE CORRUPTION, DISREGARD FOR HUMAN LIFE AND HUMAN RIGHTS, DETERIORATION OF THE DEMOCRATIC PROCESS, AND A SERIOUS THREAT TO THE UNITED STATES ON ALL LEVELS AND IS REPEATEDLY IGNORED AND LEFT SILENCED AS ARE ALL THE REAL AND TRUE VICTIMS OF THIS TERROR OPERATION. The "fake news" you will find on the internet and in many sites are disinformation agents for the most part, posing as "targeted individuals" and I know this from years of fighting to gain any support system and all is blocked, diverted and blocked and real victims are absolutely silenced and blocked BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT which is decaying because of their culpability in these technological terror, surveillance and torture teams, technologies and "experiments" which extend into highest echelons of power.
Thus I must remain silent and WAIT FOR any truly concerned group which actually cares about freedom and democracy and equal rights instead of focusing on their one group which supports them or for which they represent instead of the collective of human beings--the targets are always isolated and then silenced and blocked from participation or if involved, highly drugged into "brainwashing" behaviors which ultimately are intended to silence and discredit them. Thanks to the US Government for decades and now the "threat to Democracy" is being blamed on all sides with all kinds of lies and distortions when the ultimate reasons and the reality is being silenced and obscured, because really, from what I have seen, the differential between those at "the top" of the main power structure are operating like a two-faced liar which repeatedly steals all it can from the base of it's operations (i.e. "The People"). This is an overarching blanket statement but I am under mind control, the hacking is bad, it is literally impossible for me to write at length to try to back-up my assertions. I have tried all these years and only see my writings and thoughts repeated in the form of million dollar contracts handed out to millionaires who need original ideas to sell of this huge, ever omniscient series of lies to the public while maintaining silence in regard to the reality of the brainwashing and the propaganda and the deals and offers that really buy out affiliations and political bargaining that have almost nothing to do with Democracy. Hearing the excuses and lies being put out now and having to remain silent because I am being maimed, slowly dismembered, raped (in teleportation and often and for years literally due to my home being broken into, and drugged and with the MK ULTRA microchipping I was not aware but saw the evidence upon waking_) and so yuck yuck disgusting and I remain silenced and can't write my thoughts even though these abusers and users are continuing to torture me to obtain a reaction of hate so they can get more promotions out of me reacting from their ugliness and hate in concert with using this technology. Their inherent need to torture, abuse, rape and create misery for anyone else, probably they would do it to anyone if they could but the tech enables every kind of deviant ugliness to emerge--and the people who are "fighting" for Democracy are gladly watching it all happen. Oh how the commentators in the news also remain silenct but also are aware of this situation of technological torture their leaders are gladly pouring out on me--
all such lies in this wake of the election, so many finger-pointing exercises when I know for certain that most of these personalities actually operate from the same source of "power" which controls them as they control the plurality of oppositional forces which all have the same main theme underlining all issues and all extending back to one main source which buys them out, makes the deals, and issues the rewards and contracts for publicity and power roles.
For me to specifically detail any longer would be more deadly attacks or worse and thus far I have not or ever received any sort of remuneration for these crimes, protection of any kind except through covert support (if at all) and silence.
I can only feel and experience something akin to DISGUST when watching these videos and clips on the commentary and events transpiring after the election and the comments being made on all sides. I can only imagine how much the Nazis in Europigapeland are LAUGHING AT THE STUPIDITY OF THE "STUPID AMERICANS" which to a great extent they control on all these fake "oppositional" sides. Their strategy of "divide and conquer" has so carefully been incorporated into the threads of all dialogues (when I say "Europ-a" I mean also those other countries such as China and Russia but they are more silent partners operating behind the scenes--as they do here in Phuket as well) but they are there laughing alongside the more obvious Europigapes you can be assured. In this sense I can not only remain silent but I adhere to the "immature" name-calling but years of having lived in Europe and here in Thailand around DISGUSTING master-slave operations I can't describe these hateful stupid and sick groups in even the most remotely non-offensive terms as they are highly offensive and I have lost all respect--I can only dehumanize them because in this rage context they have lost all humanity and are utterly repugnant on a grand scale--that is the only grand thing about these groups (not individuals, not people who are soulful and care, but these large post-Nazi operations of brainwashed zombie parasites who helped create all these death squads and this technology alongside their Paperclip American friends at various high offices in their continuing "black op" funded terror "experimental" operations that have had such GREAT IMPACT ON THE 2016 AND CURRENT ELECTIONS IT IS BEYOND DESCRIPTION AND YET IT REMAINS SO SILENCED. The real issues are so completely ignored as to how so many people have participated in these deal-making disasters now facing America. The real problems are being ignored by focusing on details and blaming the other side when all are guilty in one form or another. I can name my situation as a huge factor in the blame game but no one will admit to this and I must remain silent. However, one large personality in this drama of my attack terror situation just had me raped by some ugly rotten creep where I was hypnotized into "believing" while asleep and teleported that I was "in love" with this ugly stupid and rotten creep they sent in to "humiliate" me (and it's never these abusers who are supposed to be the humiliated ones for acting in these ways, no they are the macho men and their beligerant rotten disgusting women behind them claiming they are defending (Nazi) women's rights and their minority minions behind them--in a cascading trickle down hierarchy. However, waiting for the next administration to put an end to these terror operations to in the future the silenced technology outside of the hacking of election machines can also not be used to enhance political careers any longer for unscrupulous aspiring people who understand adeptly how to really manipulate people to perform oppositional tirades which all absolutely LIE about their real intentions.
*This post was of course, like every single post I have written on all forms, for years and years, rewritten by hackers. Words were changed, deleted, grammar was erased, parts of sentences were deleted and then tied to other partially-deleted sentences. The rate at which I must backspace to correct what hackers have blocked on key function or retyped is at a near 80% rate for all words I type. It's so hard to write and going up into the content above would require at least another hour after having spent nearly 2 hours fighting to type just the few paragraphs above. Normally I could have written the above in less than 15 minutes, or less even if not encumbered with all the hacking. My writing would be extremely different than how it has appeared for years on all Facebook or on this blog (which is relatively "new" in terms of fighting to write). Every post I have written has some explanation (or almost every post) about how hacking and brain-altering tech has affected my ability to write and think and express myself. The situation never ends.
I think and hope that more feminist thought is turned into public awareness that has true feminist content regarding rape. So far, the victims are still blamed and rape is a vehicle of humiliation for the helpless instead of a red zone of castigation or constraint in any form for the perpetrators. They are instead heralded as heroes for having "shamed" women, and many a feminist has written that rape is a war crime akin to a prize to the more aggressive in the arena of war. If I could only think and write clearly I could express this in a more tangible way, but also, the awareness that over a decade of people stealing my ideas verbatim adn blocking my ability to publish openly and have any career has stifled my voice and ability to write and I would be doing much more if this theft and attack were not endlessly continuing. The rape is a consequence of racism, that these white men and their minority minions and their women are glad to see me raped and tortured before and after they steal ideas from me, because they are enraged that people "like me" could ever have a chance to out perform them. I have always been competitive, as I have written so often about this. This concept in itself was stolen by a black male who turned the ideas into another award-winning hate exercise of attacking me with various internet mind control operations that would make me sound "delusional" if I were to repeat how this is being done (as I have before for years). I am waiting for America to actually not allow this to continue any longer and to not promote these groups and people and not allow these foreign influence who make these deals, partition out the contracts and have bought out and are recruiting sell-outs to perform these hate acts while being promoted as the heroes of American Dream franchises which proliferate in Congress and in the H-wood and other media establishments.
People are now clamoring either for complete control in an endlessly lying fascist control organization where dissent is outlawed and can be criminalized by covert death squad activities, as my situation is an "experiment" of and silenced on all sides, or;
People are clamoring for "Democracy" and "Freedom" but unwilling to give up their own versions of racism and attacking other groups who are also "disenfranchised" because they want to be in powerful positions and thus can attack other members of other groups but still claim they are fighting for "equality" and "Democracy". This sentiment also includes many whites who are of working class or lower upon groups and /or groups which espouse the same label that is continuously being forced upon me, which I have never adhered to but these people who want hierarchical racist structures and power echelons to remain intact, while still being able to rise up above their working class white levels are keen to keep the technologies and the racism and hate alive when it can be expressed covertly in these terror and murder and rape operations such as I am being forced into.
Therefore, the divide betwixt the two factions is almost non-existent and only the details in how much leverage external actors playing their bit parts can be allowed to maneuver within and between.
Blanket statement but not capable of writing to my full extent, and still the hackers and thieves have enough information on what I just wrote to steal more concepts and turn them into their "liberal" fascist output or platform roles while retaining the semblance of concern over society and "Democracy". Some of the Repuglicans right now are openly espousing and expressing outright dictatorial stances and it is supposed to be "alarming" to the "Democrats" who kept silent, obeyed, allowed fascist organizations such as those attacking ME and others in this technocratic authoritarian "experiment" with teleportation, thought-reading, torture, mutilation, death squad torture, etc and all silenced on all sides. I hear some of the most "intellectual" pundits of "liberalism" espousing rhetoric and analysis about how the shift from Democracy to full authoritarianism can be achieved. I believe many of these to be absolutely fascist operators and agents in disguise pumping out brainwashing manipulations disguised as liberal commentary. Reverse psychology pervades all and is the most pervasive operation I see in all the political and media output and it is backed up (for my personal commentary here) by my 7-10 years of experience of this covert torture technology being passed from one famous media personality/political personality to the next (mostly on H-wood, only a small sample size of politicians but that is growing as I focus on the elections).
This is my very arduously-written response and analysis based on the constraints, hacking and brain-alterations of the tech aimed at me.
I wait for the Biden Administration to fully endorse stopping this tirade of fascism with me as some "experimental" subject and for some kind of protection for me.
In the mean time, I had made the resolve to not respond to torture, because the contract that these personalities obtain so many deals, awards, higher leverages, and "get out of jail" cards involves endlessly torturing me to extract response and information. That is what I surmise from this attack from last night, not only was it a hate response to my thoughts on the election but also because the contract out on me entails abusing me to the point that I react and write and once I begin to write, the thought-creative-concept extraction and tech influence opens the portals of this area of my brain like a sieve. For years these fascist "black lives matter" and "Me Too$" feminists have obtained some concepts and awards adn promotions by simply using this tech. The brainwashing influence on the main public has already been demonstrated and is probably in full effect. They react like absolutely controlled puppets on all sides. That is why I know that this technology must be cherished and kept a secret by these powers, but I ask for an END to my torture if not an end to this travesty of technology for all the targets. AT least LET ME GO FREE TO THE PROMISED LAND OF TRANQUIL DOMESTICITY IN MY OWN HOME WITH MY CAT(S) RETURNED AND THIS HELL OF OTHER PEOPLE NOT INFLICTED UPON ME ANY LONGER. I promise to be "silent" about my experiences just let me live in peace and with privacy, financial remuneration for all this block to my life and career--and to be left the $ $ F alone to not have to deal with these people and to have a decent home, money and health and to enjoy living without the uglinsss, hate, stupidity and hell of other rotten sick people forced upon me THAT AND WHOM I WANT NOTHING TO DO WITH EVER--not a person from this huge group--the global group except for relatively obscure purposes like shopping.
I just ask repeatedly and now for years for this to be stopped and for justice in this sense of me living in peace without their sick and rotten sleazy hell forced upon me ever again but me living with prosperity and peace amongst people who mind their own business.
I wait for the next administration. For now I have tried to not write due to the reasons above, and to not help these people any longer get promotions for "successfully" torturing me into reaction. Being raped and mutilated and having some access to trying to reach out via the internet, as all sources WHICH WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT MY RIGHTS ALL MY LIFE HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT CONDONE THIS GROUP AND THESE ACTIONS AND SO DO MOST CITIZENS AROUND THE WORLD. I however know that there are people who do not speak openly against this group but they do not condone this behavior or this torture protocol. I ask that those who are not spouting "Democracy" rhetoric in the Biden Administration to please stand up for me and protect me as I have nowhere to go and no one to turn to.
If you can stop the current culprits please do so IMMEDIATELY so I don't have to wait another TWO MONTHS JUST TO SEE IF ANYTHING IS EVER GOING TO STOP THIS TERROR PROGRAM OUT ON ME WITH COUNTLESS PEOPLE ATTACKING ME YEAR AFTER YEAR. I know that most of you reading this find this wonderful, funny and a great testament to your group's power and the influence you have over law enforcement and the corruption therein (as well as judiciary, executive, military and all walks of life and business and society).
I wait for a paradigm shift, as I waited FOUR YEARS AGO AND FOR YEARS BEFORE THAT. Must I have to wait any longer just to see if this is never going to be stopped in the next few months?
Saturday, November 14, 2020
Corporate interests are not in the best interest of the Biden/United States' Department of Justice pick. Torture prisons for profit have been exonerated and torture of civilians using the mind programming and torture apparatus has gone on unabated for administration after administration. "VP-Elect Kamala Harris Says DOJ Will Decide Trump's Fate" ; "We saw (under former DOJ administrations) what happens when you allow criminals--with power--to get away with crimes. They just become more powerful. So let's put an end to that....if not, it will be much worse in 2024.""(video op-ed from Ring of Fire).
"VP-Elect Kamala Harris Says DOJ Will Decide Trump's Fate"
Terrorist mutilation report: I am writing this to get the stress out of my psyche, because 15 years of writing about it has only produced scores and dozens and hundreds and thousands of more terrorists rushing to attack me; they have to wait in line sometimes. The physical, ongoing mutilation of my body. Ongoing daily mutilations of my body repeated nightly and daily while I am unconscious, teleported and in deep unconscious comatose sleep state (my consciousness is literally teleported out of my "prime" sleep body and transported to the teleported semi-physical body. Apparently I appear "whole "in tangible form to the people abusing me viciously murderously every night while i sleep to their gleeful sadistic feeding frenzy. My body is ravaged, put out of alignment, mutilated parts severed out damaged stinking liquids poured into my hair, body my skin is doused with horrid curdling chemicals---
The numbers of layers of socks, rubber bands and tight-knit mesh socks around my hands is so extreme that my hands are literally forced in...
Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns o...
I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone nu...
For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes...