First: I see hackers have already changed the title of this blog in that title area. I just had to delete letters that had been inserted in one of the first words I had written. I have not gone through any more of this blog so obviously many typos will have been inserted which I am not going to endlessly fight to rewrite while the keyboard and laptop are blocked and then it's all rehacked after I post and corret.
Words have been rewritten. I can't go through it all because the laptop is being frozen and hacked so I can't navigate without waiting and fighting to get the system to operate. Then the keys are continuously blocked and my brain is under attack as well by their brain-altering tech. The result is a degeneration of higher cognitive processes and by the time I fought to write this blog post I had degenerated into an absolute hate rant. It was induced by the reality of the years of attacks as the same people who I have written of continuing torture of me, are now performing for this new inauguration. I believe that these new leaders should have or do know about this situation and how and what is involved. They appear to NEVER LEARN from the mistakes of the past and continue to allow actors and performers who have been integrated into the last "Domestic terrorist" attack on the Capital--as they are part of that very system and are in league with T-rump and have won awards year after year from his administration and they continue to play the "liberal" stance with full approval of the leadership which knows that these very scumbags are part of a fascist lie.
Back to the tube screen to watch. There is the footage of the airplane flying away from the White House. There goes the last debacle administration leader flying away to plot his new power play: Yes, the pigs are leaving with fanfare by their fans, the bigots and minority minions who wanna be rich and powerful through what they feel is the one and only avenue: collusion with bigots. I am, watching all the main tv channels and I can't see the people who have been paid $1 million per day for "defense" to live in the black penis tower (my term, which Bill Maher stole from my Facebook post) they obtained monthly plastic surgery touch-ups, and daily treatments, they ordered my body ravaged, raped and disfigured, smeared with chemicals which curdled on my skin as my hair fell out and I now have balding spots perhaps also from stress as my body has completely aged and broken down from their endless hate and disfiguration attacks. Fungus smeared into my body through my ears, vagina and smeared into my hair daily for a few years--into my food and sprayed on all furniture and clothing (as it still is).
Hit by cars driving from behind cars as my steering wheel and brakes were manipulated. The injuries sustained were then ten-fold worsened by the nightly rape and disfiguration terrorist teams breaking into my room while I lay unconscious, "sleeping" but teleported to hate, rape and violence from a group of actors and mafia out of NYC and Nazis out of Europe. All are "anti-Trump" and they now head the pro-Biden celebrations. All of them participated with Trump and co. to torture me and all are friends with him and he has endorsed their endless promotions so they can all represent a fake news opposition to fascists; which they ALL ARE WHO PARTICIPATE IN THIS CRIME AGAINST ME.
Seeing them go.
They have had my left toe broken so it juts completely out of the socket and I can't wear shoes. They also cut the gum tissue in my mouth after I landed on my jaw as my teeth were loosened by the nightly terrorists who always inflict more damage after they put me into orchestrated "accidents". They have inserted round objects under my skin. I mean the proxy terrorists operating for the US President and the last US President who profited off this contract and fully allowed it to go on and passed the technology over to his apparent enemy who is really his partner in the crime against me. A most racist crime of course perpetrated by hosts of blacks, Jews, Asians and any other "minority" who wants to be included in the white supremacist global hegemony.
8:57 pm (8:57 Washington, D.C. Time) the Air Force plane of Trump terrorist family criminals is flying off the tarmac with blasting mafia music: Sinatra's "My Way" which so fully illustrates the mafia atmosphere that I have seen personally in the teleportation of his allies who make some of the most vehement anti-Trump statements for the media (always winning in their movies year-after-year in this criminal administration).
Oh, they put tons of Sinatra videos on my YouTube channel and alongside Sinatra were videos of these "Italian-American" mafia actors who were the nasty dark energy that polluted my home, body and sleeping state.
I have to click off that grandstanding noise of the mafia music. They glamorize mafia Sinatra and that music has been held as some cultural standard for decades by now. My experience in mafia-dominated South Beach was of endless Sinatra music played and references to Sinatra and it's a bad recollection of those thugs and now is being played to the exit of the criminal at large who has just vacated the White House with his nasty perpetrator wives and children who were gloating and delighted that they were ordering my body and home to be absolutely destroyed.
The list of damages to my body just from these beauty-treatment-plastic surgery-addicted thugs makes me cringe considering that they inflicted endless permanent damage to my body in order to destroy all my energy and health and beauty if possible. I was trying to write they also inserted round objects under my skin to make it appear as if I have multiple cysts all over my body. I cannot pay for a doctor to remove it, and if I went to a doctor I risk at 100% chance of attack that doctors would inflict more damage or insert something else or destroy the area and do the procedure "wrong" if I could only pay to have these items removed from under my skin--that these psychopaths have ordered to be inserted under my skin. In addition to daily disfiguration so all I do is fight just to not be completely destroyed and still cannot stop the mechanical arms from entering my room because they forced me into such poverty I cannot afford to live in a place where I can defend myself without some sleaze landlord being paid in free businesses to inflict as much damage to my home and body while attacking me for trying to defend myself. Threatened with eviction and I have nowhere to go an dno money to move.
I see the billionaire scumbag criminal family leaving on this huge airplane, remembering that when they were handed this technology back in the 2016 election cycle, T-rump's ratings flew into high levels after slumping just prior to being included in this teleportation promotional terrorist scheme that so many of his "anti-Trump" good friends and partners have enjoyed being promoted and highly awarded for participating in.
now hacking and attacks on my brain are preventing me from writing. Must pound on keys to the effect of my biceps once again nearly spasming from the effort of pounding down to fight to get letters to operate as my brain is so "confused" by the brain-altering tech I can't follow a train-of-thought and "forget" while fighting to struggle to type and correct what hackers are deleting and inserting while I type.
Goddamn these criminal scumbags you have all put into power and are now in dire need of analysis as to who and what brought all this about: YOU and definitely NOT ME. I refer to the H-wood actors reading this, and the terror networks reading this, and the do-nothing terrorist enablers reading this. I do not refer to people who care and want some real society without karens and nazis and terrorists posing as normalcy. Will Biden ever stop this terror apparatus affecting me to the point of not being able to function and endlessly asking people who just part aside and allow all this to happen, day after day, year after year until there is almost no Democracy left and it's in peril because of YOU reading this. The H-wood actors want nothing more than to continue in their terrorist exploits without any block or stop by the usual government officials who have always handed them this technology and watched on also participating or never doing anything to stop this disgusting exploitation of technology and human beings.
I can't begin to elaborate on the endless series of deadly attacks just the T-rump team (the wives, both of them from foreign Nazi countries who are part of the Nazi programming T-rump has been infected by--I believe T-rump is a victim of mind control programming and brainwashing and especially of poisoning and drugging. He is absolutely under control. Yet another lie is that he is so independent and says what he wants and does what he wants. He's a spasmatic mind-controlled programmed personality who denies that this is possible even while he's using the technology like all the rest of the incompetents out of H-wood do: like stupid violent ignoramus sleazy stupid parasites who are immature children playing with deadly fire which they assume never burns them.
I can't fight to pound down and fight to think in clarity any longer. I have been deluged with this tech and I got into a hate and insulting rant, but that is part of the brain attack and I really am not 100% to blame even though you could argue that I am responsible for my actions. People who are drugged and under this technology actually are NOT responsible for their speech or actions. No one can understand this because administration after administration keeps using this technology to inflict violence upon innocent civilians and keeps allowing these fascist Nazi networks to continue to terrorize individualized isolated targets as all of society steps aside and allows them to ravage, rape and no one ever interferes or stops it.
perhaps you can think about not allowing this to continue. Oh Biden, oh Harris, oh you people reading this maybe you can consider the fact that these technologies are being used by the very people who think they are in control, as I think you all assume you are (in control). Maybe this group is targeting some of you reading this right now. Maybe they will eventually kill you in one way or another and their plan is to get you to love them even as they are murdering you.
Goodbye fucking Trump and his nasty whore wives and shitty nasty children.
I do hope that i have spent enough of my precious time in fighting to pound down and backspace to correct this very slow post as hacking is making typing go slowly and arduously--so that the channels playing live streaming of the inauguration will not have T-rump and his disgusting Nazi whore wife and shitty children in front of the camera lavishing "love" upon their bigot Karen audiences of Nazi-sympathizers along with the Nazi Europigapes in H-wood and their American exploitable whore partners who have profited endlessly in the last 4 years of this tyranny--and before that, for the 4 years of Obama who is also not exactly an enemy to Trump that game was a huge facade and great media circus. I've had to suffer through all of these clowns for far too long. When is it my time for some kind of resolution to all these criminal gangs operating under the same terror White House dome? Please let there be a final end of this tyrannical torture technology and these gang stalking karens and nazis under the Biden administration!!!!!!
A little while later, allowing my arm and biceps to rest. As I type the keyboard is going "crazy" from hackers blocking key functions and inserting spaces while I type and juxtaposing letters that I type perfectly the first time.
The terrorists who have left the White House, have ordered their terrorist teams to also:
put my hips and spine out of place when they entered into my room by inserting their mechanical arms through my endless efforts to seal up all cabinets, doors, and panels surrounding this room which has one paneled side where the panels open from one room--to the other wall which is a collection of floor-to-ceiling cupboards embedded into a thin layer of fake laminated paneling which is so flimsy I can knock lightly and hear the echo of the sound reverberate on the other side--a slight indentation of my hand and the panel slightly buckles under because the panels are so thin separating the faux "wall" from the other room. I can hear people opening cabinets and talking as if they are almost in this same room with me just muffled. The mechanical arms break through spaces of less than one quarter of an inch in diameter and wreak so much havoc that they are lethal weapons. They have had men come in and rape me, I wake up with evidence of that having happened. Years of that going on and on, dating decades of this going on. Long before T-rump.
Little knives attached to these mechanical arms slashing into my fingers and toes to the bone, cutting daily through nerve endings and into the bone. Fighting non-stop to heal from the damages and defend myself with no resources almost and not enough money to live on.
The worst: repoisoned with bloating and hardening poison which has left me completely disfigured and fighting to eliminate poison for ONE DECADE as they continue to poison and drug my food which I can only stop if I put cement into all the panels on all sides of the room. I can't do that as the landlord is a terrorist rapist and abuser and much cherished by the nazi filth that pay him to act like a rabid baboon. (Shadowing the real personalities of the pig apes who sponsor these activities).
All observed by most of you. Never stopped by anyone.
Waiting for Biden to be some kind of real advocate for human rights and to put a final and permanent end to this situation and to these groups. Hopefully the real awful legacy of the T-rump administration will have alerted the complicit FBI and CIA and every other alphabet agency in the US which has some semblance of pretense that they do care about the US population outside of endlessly protecting white supremacist interests--to actually stop these groups which have posed a threat to all law and order and Democracy.
Of course, most of you lethargic expectation of endless entitlement bigot scumbag actors and directors and writers out of Whorewood who read my post now are hunkering down for the next awards season as you expect every president to simply continue to award you endless lead roles for participating in a racist (black supremacist or white supremacist of the same Nazi order) contract.
Hope Biden actually is as sensitive and a proponent of a decent United States and country as he appears in his recent speeches with tears in his eyes about the suffering of the US now. Unfortunately, his entire cabinet is Obama 3.0 and that is like a regurgitated fart in terms of paranoid apprehension on my part that this entity is going to continue the same old policies as they always have of terrorizing individuals within society but remaining as heroes of Democracy, which they all hold up in shining bs light of hypocrisy for the media as they posture and then continue these atrocities against me which have lead to the T-rump tragedy for the country. They all endorsed it and they all participated in this crime that has happened to me that they all supported (by doing nothing as well) which brought on this near fatal explosion of gang stalking terrorists right into the Capital building.
Hundreds, hundreds of people gang stalking me per shopping trip with cars nearly hitting me every 5 minutes while driving miles around a very spatial small island with stores spread out for miles.
The list of damages and scars, blemishes and absolutely permanent damages to my body for years is so enormous while I fight to pound down to get ideas that are blocked/blanked out by this tech it's too impossible now just to get the keys to print letters out.
Endless damage to my body. Repoisoning while fighting to heal while ALL health care is blocked and I cannot trust a single doctor in Phuket to actually serve me authentically without creating more damage or even worse poisoning (as has already happened here).
Trump has stolen my cat La Moux and I want her back alive and all of them gone. They keep trying to obtain some horrific contract out on me to force a baby out of me with men who have raped, tortured and disfigured me in rotating gang rape cycles as they all gloat and then have parts of m ybody slowly cut off severed and being cut off as "punishment' for fighting and calling them names like pigs and apes after YEARS of poisoning to death while they literally raped the poison as deeply into my body while I was unconscious and sleeping and they would pound the poison in and then torture me for saying NO to rape and fighting to stop their endless rape and murder and to stop them. Not a single politician so far has actually committed a single act of justice for me and against these criminals who endorse these politicians for their ceremonies. Today, one of the criminal actors who has collaterally been involved in this crime is hosting the inauguration entertainment publicity stunt.
Oh, I just heard that another one of the more continuous attackers (a female pop singer who is gag gag yuck yuck but she's so famous and I think sings so badly and is such a creep and sleazy and evil but...always playing the fake news liberal like most of them--she's involved, and another male famous H-wood actor is also involved who has obtained some gain from participating in this crime but has not personally attacked me in teleportation but has made his presence known to me (and has opened a small cafe/restaurant here in Phuket alongside the same area where one of the celebrities who teleported raped and tortured me for over TWO YEARS and both food cafes, little tiny rinky dinky Thai shops--both almost right next to each other in Rawai. I have not heard more but so far, two celebrities who have participated in this attack upon me are hosting or performing to the cheers of the audiences while these culprits play both sides of each issue, representing the fake opposition to fascism but privately fully endorsing all and anything that promotes their careers. Whores all. Time to replace them.
I truly assume that Biden has not chosen who is going to perform, I think? If anything, it would have to have been Harris or people on a more general public relations type of committee. However, the influence of fascist Nazi actors remains at large in the new administration. Not very encouraging from the very start of this new day which is just like the old day of the crime family flying off into the sunset to enjoy their criminal exploits until they face the Senate Impeachment trials.
As per usual, the new Obama era administration revisited are hip and savvy enough to conceal their inclusion in the same crimes that brought about the old deadly situation. The public cheers it on and continue to participate in gang stalking activities because they can't connect the terror groups that attacked the capital building to the terror attacks that they and you all participate in or see and say and do nothing to stop or to defend the poor victims like me.
Dumb and dumber as usual reigns and It's just another day that America is being slowly destroyed with everyone cheering on the new same old administration that brought the violence to the near death of congress and the United States. But keep on keeping on doing nothing, assuming that once the pandemic is slowed down you can all resume all the greedy sleazy activities that you are still condoning and the celebrities who are creating this keep on being put into lead alternative roles and now endorsing Biden and it's all just the same thing--the result will be a worsening of the fascist overtake when people get tired of the Obama administration put back into power because they were corrupt LIARS who hid all under being "black" and underdogs just like the fascist Nazi programming underdog movies played by these absolutely fascist mafia Nazi actors and singers you all are watching bring in the next sugar daddy president who will provide them with the same lead roles for their K-rap crap put out as art and movies and musick it's all very sickening from the vantage this group has forced upon me. How nice it has been all my life to have ignored all of this for the most part and I have to go full circle to the same conclusion I made decades ago that these actors are crappy and the movies and songs they put out are even more crappy and the actors are not great and they have proven my initial assessment I made back in the 80's. During the Reagan era, the same actors are still out there purring out their fascist nazi movie and music--pretending to care about humanity. It's just decades of the same thing repeating never ending.
AT least I can not waste my time watching all the ceremonies of this Biden transition. I do approve of Biden, the more I hear him talk the more he kind of seeps into my approval. I had hated him earlier because I associated him with Obama (and that "hate" is due to the Obamas not stopping their good H-wood friends from torturing and nearly killing me repeatedly as they have profited off--still--participating in this in their very pc posturing ways and means while appearing to the public as if pristine perfect icons of black power (just minions serving the white Nazis and trust me although the black Nazis have accused me of being "racist" for saying that they are racist--you know how the T-rump mentality operates: to fully flip the accusations back onto the person trying to reveal the truth or ask pertinent revealing questions about their absolute corruption and lies that "everyone" buys into and continues as their power structure.
So..deary people laughing as you read my post and so many are so thrilled that I am fighting for m ylife continuously as these sleaze creeps steal ideas and I am stuck with nothing, nothing and fighting non-stop for my life as the people who could not stand to see me beautiful, happy and successful are laughing after a DECADE OF THEM POISONING AND RAPING AND SLOWLY TORTURING ME TO DEATH. while everyone watches on. They laugh and are smug and they have endless waves of absolute support and promotions behind them from every angle and facet of all finances possible on the planet. I remain sitting here writing and "entertaining" absolutely sleazy psychopath crap who are endlessly posturing about "Democracy" and it's just sickening. It's been going on for decades all over America and now the same people are put back into power and will just continue to silence it and allow more scum to rise into power positions but now they are alerted to people like T-rump who were honest about their real intentions to overtake the government with fascists from foreign countries fully behind them, pulling all the strings of these puppet clown whores.
So I sound "bitter and angry" but this is ONE DECADE/TEN YEARS of this never ending for a single day or night with NOT A SINGLE PERSON COMING TO EMBRACE AND SUPPORT ME IN ACTUALITY NOT AS A PLOY TO OBTAIN A SCAM SCUM GAME OF EXPLOITING ME. Not one single person worldwide. What a great system you all buy into. How powerful every weak scumbag feels as they participate in huge groups against a lone isolated target who has been blocked from all support and compassion. Not a single person, not one has come forward to block this or help me so I am not living like a torture victim for decades and decades without a day of it ending. Today as usual there can't be a political event without the shit celebrity fascist Nazi pretend "liberals" posturing and gyrating and blathering their coached and scripted BULLSHIT for cameras so they can represent this fake opposition to the fascist Nazism that has fully been incorporated into Whorewood and obviously far into the reaches of Congress.
now for the real nitty gritty hate immature rant: yes, at 10 year old level or lower: the skanky dirty thing that has a prefix to it's porno act is "lady" but I can only call it skanky gag gag who has "won" through the absolute MAFIA contacts associated with her "Italian-American" posturing K-rap operating behind absolute fascist Nazi mafia out of both NYC/Brooklyn who inflicted endless torture upon me in substitute for T-rump who was "busy" screwing around--but she was 5 feet away from T-rump as they laughed together while teleporting and torturing me. They had tortured an idea out of me and T-rump smiled in an evil collaboartive grin at skanky gag gag the porno gyrating mediocre singing wonder (I can't understand how this mediocrity is always awarded except for her mafia background and inclusion in this hate contract out on me--but always represents the opposition to T-rump---her benefactor and good friend)? the media always is highlighting the latest bullshit sentence this T-rump protege scripts out on her nazi T-rump Twitter account for the mafia Nazi groupies to read, but mostly the mafia Nazi media fascists keep awarding this skank into lead roles and positions in all media exposure for all awards seasons--during the T-rump era it has been literally non-stop and I seriously have tried to listen to her crap shit musical style and find it bombastic posturing mediocrity with a most annoying nasal vibrato and as a person she's just a sleazy mafia creep and that is what she is essentially being awarded for--and her absolute acting in pretending to be against T-rump and now absolutely in favor of Biden--where she expects to continue to be awarded every music award and even for crappy so-called "acting" for the Nazi controlled Golden Globes awards.
Now the hacking has made typing so impossible . This was a hate rant. I really only hope that people reading this may begin to actually try to stop this onslaught of fasco-Nazi criminals because the result of you readers never doing anything has nearly destroyed the country. You see that the scum pig ape whores performing these fake roles are thrilled to be just handed more lead contracts for their endless flip-flopping for every president whether from behind the scenes of now when the Dems have won major lead roles.
It's a great tragedy that has emerged to nearly rip the country asunder and yet it's not being stopped which means it will surely occur once more or many times and these whores will just retreat as they have to their mansions and if America is burning they will just fly overseas to the castles and mansions the fascist Nazis from Europigapeland have handed them for helping them to DESTROY AMERICA FROM WITHIN.
And the commencement of this system commences right now and I have wasted time to see the culprits gathering and amassing to celebrate their "Democracy" that they have so readily sold out for decades by enabling TERRORISM NOT ONLY DOMESTICALLY AND IN THE MEDIA BUT OVERSEAS AMERICA HAS WROUGHT ENDLESS TERRORISM.
Comic relief watching VP Harris clomp down the stairs very elegantly but struggling to walk down those stairs in her beautiful high-heel shoes. As I watched I felt that she was struggling not to stumble and I could sense her extremely cautious thumping and clomping down the stairs. I was so correct! Right at the last step she tripped and then laughed behind her mask. It was a funny moment almost comical! She used to wearing her Converse and I know she can handle the job and still stumble and not fall!
I do so hope she will remember her prosecutorial skills and remember how criminal profiling operates to stop adulating celebrities who are staunch terrorists and terrorist enablers and staunch nazis and nazi sympatheizers many of whom are the black advocates for anti-racism while they sit at the front of these rows of terrorist celebrities teleporting and raping and torturing me and then stealing ideas from what I scream and write out after torture. Perhaps after ten years of this going on and on Ms Harris the former prosecutor and Attorney General of California will NOT endorse these criminals and this criminal hate system of racism and bigotry and absolute elitist fascist genocidal import which has really almost brought the country down and could have had her friends in Congress killed. Please stop commenting on what celebrities and movie lines and actors put out as entertainment. I hear this so often in these news commentaries and from these politicians who SHOULD KNOW BETTER AS THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO HAVE THE HIGHEST EDUCATION AND SHOULD BE ABLE TO THINK OUTSIDE OF STUPID MEDIOCRE MOVIE PLOTS.