Begin by petitioning local governments and State legislations to extend the moratorium on eviction in your local area. This means a concerted effort on your part to "do the right thing" by your fellow human being. If you think the homeless are "losers" and should be relegated to being out-of-sight, imagine the swelling of numbers of homeless turning to crime and dying and vomiting and fighting in the streets to add to the already untenable numbers of the homeless abounding in the streets of the United States.
MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Monday, August 2, 2021
Sunday, August 1, 2021
Manufacturing Consent (Chomsky, video below). Mind-to-gonad control in reputable news sources: Foreign-owned and controlled Wall Street Journal's owner Rupert Murdoch, The purveyor and former owner of the British tabloid The Sun, which equates to "Page 3" topless women in The Sun is now entertaining the masses with info-entrainment control in The Wall Street Journal.
"'Page 3 would be best thing my son could see in The Sun'." BBC News. January 20, 2015.
"In-Depth: BYU study explores princess culture & toxic masculinity". Fox News Utah. July 30, 2021.
"Noam Chomsky's Advice: Learn to Chose the Truth." Through Conversations Podcast. April 24, 2021.
I was poisoned by the (United States) "State" in a covert state-sponsored terrorist mutilation, torture, rape and murder attempt (only the latter has been successful). I have been implanted with microchips rendering me comatose while I am assaulted, disfigured, maimed, raped and brainwashed and then teleported to vicious abusers who giggle and laugh about their exploits as they are handed contracts ranging in the millions for participating in the torture/technocratic systematic murder operation that can only be ascribed to the much larger contract out on the American people being evicted starting today. . I was denied health care even while being supplied with US Government health care due to the poisoning that was ordered upon me by this "powers that be" who also deigned to block all health care resources to me (or lack thereof) in the reality of necessity. Like everything else this organization does, it fronts concern but is quite happy to commit murder if given the chance to cover-up their crimes. I was attacked by death squads (aka "gang stalking") utilizing torture covert weapons supplied by agents of the (US) State. I was left to die a horrible death due to a State-sponsored terrorist protocol agenda of covert assassination and targeting. Upon leaving the country I have been attacked by billionaires and millionaires, mostly famous US citizens but a huge number of Europ-a's and other foreigners operating from what appears to be a centralized Europ-a core of the origin of this hate system who have demonstrated not just a lack of empathy or humanity, but are being paid to inflict torture on a non-stop basic upon me. All supplied and sponsored and approved-of by the United States apparatus of concealed but protected and highly coveted US state-sponsored terrorism. I finally had to leave the United States for a 2nd time in my life due to State-sponsored terrorist poisoning and other types of murder attempts orchestrated by terrorist cells operating under the jurisdiction of the (US) State covert assassination system. Yes, Ms. AOC, the moratorium closure is a version of the same state-sponsored terrorism that the US Government has inflicted upon me and continues to do so--with full consent of notable politicians in the US Congress. It really is a 4th R Reich genocidal policy disguised as mishaps of capitalism in a failed state situation due to a "pandemic".
"AOC Speaks At 'Extend The Moratorium' Rally To Stop Evictions: Homelessness 'Is A Policy Choice'". Forbes Breaking News. August 1, 2021.
As a victim of being forced to deal with state-ordered poisoning and lack of health care and then torture while fighting to heal without proper housing, food or shelter due to government torture protocols and a lot of complacent people watching on and observing--I know that situations such as the upcoming massive wave of homelessness can be prevented. I know what kind of violence is lurking behind the seeming helplessness and apathetic approach of the people who have the resources to cut some funding from the billions for overseas military expansion and instead put it to some humanitarian good in the domestic sphere of the ordinary citizens--11 million now facing eviction and homelessness. How can there be any defense from Congress allowing such a situation to develop with guaranteed catastrophic results for not only US society but for the well-being of the Democracy and for the image that the US is projecting to the rest of the world as a result of this laxity towards concern for it's own population during this ongoing pandemic?
Saturday, July 31, 2021
The upcoming homeless crisis will be the first step in the realization of The re-creation of the German fascist Nazi model and conditions that fostered such a movement is now a reality facing the United States The technology of fascist domination being exerted upon me, along with the global system comprising millions of terrorist attackers, is of a more highly touted and protected status than the tenants of a Democratic society.
"Anguish as Eviction Moratorium Expires: 'I Have No Idea Where I'll Go'". Bloomberg Quicktake: Now. July 30, 2021.
"What is Neoliberalism?" Bernard Center for Research on Women. August 15, 2013.
Friday, July 30, 2021
THE DEVIL'S HALL OF FAME. The Hall of the Puppets of Satan. Pictures in a gallery that I will not post to this page today but just imagine a long "Red Carpet" line-up of the usual suspects. The Devil's musicians, or, The Tri-tone in music, aka DIABOLUS IN MUSICA.
THE DEVIL'S HALL OF FAME. Beyond Twilight.
Thursday, July 29, 2021
Terrorist hacking report: July 29, 2021. Transmission blocked/DOS attack. "Connection timed out" is the message displayed in small print when I try to access my Social Security, my account, is blocked. No matter what browser or whether I use privacy or a logged-in page (http or https) the site is being blocked. I cannot access vital information that I rely upon. This goes along with the SKYPE microphone hack block last week when I needed to phone Fed Ex to pick up a vital package (financial necessities). So much of what I rely upon for sustenance is being blocked electronically. Every attempt to access my account with this major and properly operating site is completely blocked from opening in all attempts. All my telecommunications for vital inquiries or accessing information except for my bank account is now blocked.
Update: many hours later. I did a "recovery" function for the laptop. There was so much malware that it required over 2 hours for the computer to clean the system to the point that it's still hacked but not blocked. I immediately could access the US Government site and obtain the information. I don't always have the time to perform these functions when I am in a hurry to pick something up at a business or go somewhere. I still have more work to do to finish the function so it really requires over 3 hours to do a restore function. This is not the same thing as really cleaning out the system. The recovery disc was not in the laptop I was lied to and I was drugged up so I got ripped off again and I am informed that this company "no can" order a Windows recovery disc for the system they sold me (they even "no have" cleaning solvent for the computer which is always on the shelf, but when I go specifically to that same store to buy their very nice product (nicer than at the major shopping places like Tesco cheaper computer cleaning stuff). They are suddenly "out" of what I am looking for. They also lie about everything else like Bitlocker products and they inform me that if I have a problem with the laptop and I use some protection (that makes hacking harder) they will not be able to fix my computer if it breaks (which was a veiled threat to not use this CD disc--they would also break the CD player if I used this disc to try to protect myself, and I suspect that if I tried to have the laptop repaired they would say that they could not enter into the BIOS because I used the bitlocker product that they have on their shelves to protect computers. This is the extreme level of lying (plus they claim "no understan (sic) English but speak little bit..." at a major Dell outlet store. I didn't want any other brand and this was the only store in the entire area that sells this brand (Dell).
Wednesday, July 28, 2021
Naming names of the faceless double-faced plastic-coated architecturally-socially-engineered-Nazi image-created faces of H-wood who the Nazi bigot currently assaulting and attacking me is "defending".
Right now I have two Nazi American celebrities in mind; both America both female white who have demonstrated nothing but racist and Nazi protocol methodology of terrorist attack upon me. I suspect that one of them is influencing the German Nazi expletive I have been writing of since I first just downloaded a movie he starred in--back in May--seems like at least half a year ago but it's only two long months of another one. The other one is the terminal stop in the long train of the rapist abusers. This one is married to a man who raped and tried to have me killed, both have ordered me to be "sterilized" with part of my uterus severed out as they attacked me, my body to be mutilated and etc as I have only fought for a semblance of human rights and to stop them and to ask for justice and that they be stopped and not awarded and rewarded for stealing ideas from me. He played an American soldier fighting to the death to stop Nazis. She is always putting out movies about how much she cares about the Developing world and all the genocides that she is in private supporting with full ardor. Gently embracing the bigot Nazi German as he has followed the instructions that are being put to him.
When he took over the contract, I was so relieved that perhaps he would get these parasitic expletives off me that the rage from over 8 years of filthalina and s**t-pit the actor--the divorced "power couple" of pieces of s***t who have not stopped inflicting endless daily and nightly violence upon me as I have fought to preserve any kind of resemblance of justice or Democracy--concepts which these two and the entire group of these foul H-wood moguls are disdain seemingly to the roots of their every fabric of being. The other one is American but probably has many international "friends" and has been thoroughly paid-off and programmed to perform every fascist act of violence in her private life. I can only call her Merlyn Creep as of course it's apt but also rhymes with her last name. All I can do is call them childish names in response to years of torture and near-death and violence they heap upon me and go off feeling energized, thrilled, titillated, sexually turned on, hormones pumping of elation at violence and rape--and paid in millions while stealing ideas from me after torture and information-extracting sessions. Creep may or may not have participated in the information-torture sessions but has very clearly and openly attacked me with vicious and racist-based hostility in order to obtain her year of awards handed to her shortly afterwards as she vied for top awards status that year (before and after another huge host of celebrities also vying for awards status also played their cameo roles in attacking me--)
but it happened with Creep over a period of a few years, sporadically as the contract out on me has been monopolized by s**t-pit and filthalina but Depp the psycho and his group of fellow haters and bigots have also capitalized for years on this contract of hate heaped upon me. The "experiment" in mind control (these celebrities are fully under mind control programming and don't care if they are and don't care to investigate the effects these programming efforts have played upon their actual by now rotten personality constructs--in their private lives of course. The constructs of their socially-engineered celebrity facades is a joke to me if I peruse the clown circus sites regarding entertainment.)
But to continue:
when this deplorable Nazi German expletive began his assault on me, he was for the first day or two nearly timid and kindly towards me. This gave me a slight bit of hope that he would not be a vicious and nearly murdering hateful parasite upon me following orders. Characteristically of course he then made the hyper-leap into violence which has become outright torture and that happened very quickly. But for those first two days or so, I began to expel the pent-up hate and antipathy I have for these women who then began to smear my Facebook and YouTube pages with their nasty and vile unwanted faces--all glowing with joy from having someone to torture obtaining awards for it by this Nazi-controlled mind machine entity of H-wood and being celebrated and paid and out partying to their orgies feeling exalted as society puts them on higher and higher pedals.
I began calling them silly immature names out of the pent-up hate and rage from YEARS of violence--real and deadly violence. Like the Nazis who threw anyone who made a simple joke against Hitler into concentration camps to be massacred, the Nazi German has begun to use absolutely vile violence against me and the filthy whore skanks like Creep and filthalina are elated. I can see obviously from his posture that he has been not only handed an 8-month tour of Europe but is being paid, laid, and thoroughly welcomed into the Whorewood, California A-list of a$$holes.
What is not so ironic is that a spate of Holocaust concentration camp survivors and their stories, mostly from Yale University, recorded in the 80's (before Spielberg created his own entire system of these interviews, claiming that no one had done it before him in such a systematic way). One of such was of a man from Poland who survived Auschwitz and was, in the 80's, living in the United States and spoke fluent English.
In the course of this interview he mentioned a television-movie series I had never heard of. He said that the television movie series began making him weep, for the first time in years, and opened the formerly silenced and closed secretive spaces where he had closed off the memories of having been tortured and of surviving death. In fact, he had suppressed so much and had done what so many of the survivors had done: said NOTHING about the concentration camps until it was "acceptable" to say something decades later. His own daughter had not been told that he was a victim of Nazi genocide and the Holocaust.
The title of the television movie is simply called, "Holocaust". I had never heard of it, never thought that this simple title would have been a most revealing and much more obvious and honest portrayal of the subject that the Spielberg glossy Vaseline version which starred a male out of Ireland who also raped and assaulted me (for years) playing anti-Nazi in a movie and then performing every act of Nazism towards me in real life but hidden and silenced in this contract.
And Creep the actor the blonde Nazi female of white Nazi persuasion played an anti-Nazi wife of an imprisoned "Jewish" male (I think the actual actor has no Jewish identification or background) and of course Creep Meryl was so hostile and nearly vicious towards me with glaring hate, yelling and nearly violent body actions absolutely thrilled to be venting her hate out at someone. What a seemingly soft-spoken and jocular "lovely" skank rotten older woman she now is, but even in the day when she made this movie the lying and fake posturing was just barely below the surface in many of the scenes.
Back in the 80's one of the terrorist "stalkers" invited me (obviously unbeknownst to me she was exploiting me) to the film Sophie's Choice--the one movie I was aware of where Creep played a victim of Nazis--supposedly a "Jewish" woman (I think, or I don't remember if she was a "Jew" in the movie or just an imprisoned victim). The terrorist who took me to this movie, and only because it was free and was being played in the auditorium of the university I was attending (SUNY @ Purchase, in NY). She asked me what I thought of the movie and I just thought that this actor (Creep, who I had never really heard of and wasn't impressed by her or her "acting" at the time and still am not--although she can "act" and can imitate it's not like a great performance at any time--it's good enough for Whorewood as the standards maybe have lowered so badly for acting capability that anything that is "good" appears to be incredibly persuasive).
I could sense and feel how ingenuine this Creep actor was towards this subject--just as I could see it in the fake sobbing of the Irish actor playing the benevolent German industrialist in Spielberg's movie--where he was sobbing so emotionally-empty about how he could have and should have saved more Jews--that scripted scene that he was sobbing and crying to perform. It was so empty and devoid of actual regret I thought he was almost blank and perhaps almost mocking the sentiment as I watched this--back in the 90's when I first watched it and had never heard of this actor before.
As for the Creep movie in the 80's about Sophie having to chose which child the Nazis could put in the gas chambers, I got the similar sensation and feeling that this person was absolutely blank and with no empathy or concern about Jewish children. I have had to see many people in real life crying and feigning to be sad when they actually are not--as I have been surrounded by real-life actors playing these roles demanded of them by this Nazi organization. When I see a similar rendering of fake emotionalism in movies I have an entire history of seeing people perform fake acts of emotion and I can sense it immediately--at least in some situations. I must also not be completely drugged up and under mind control in order to assess a situation accurately. Usually I am under some form of control like I mentioned just now so my perception is always diminished. When watching a movie the mind control is not pumping into my brain so I can assess much easier such types of ingenuine inflection of emotion.
And so, the references to the holocaust and survivors of Auschwitz are now appearing almost constantly on my social media pages--the German is trying to program me into fearing the recurrence of such a situation. The Americans such as those I write of above (plus the Irish and the rest of the entire panorama ) are fully into a revival of fascist Nazism to the point of concentration camps being opened and people being mass murdered.
But in Nazi style, the first two or so days of this German expletive beginning his very quick descent into pig ape replication of the protocols--I was blurting out insults and making fun of Creep and filthalina--and this German expletive pig ape whore parasite began threatening me to not make any negative comments (just like the Nazis killed anyone making even a simple joke about Hitler in privacy--as spies were everywhere in the 3rd Reich and now they are everywhere in the 4th Reich--and the hate and violence that these "feminist" women have championed this rapist scum violinist to inflict upon me has amounted to vicious rape and violence and abuse and a monumental hate crime on a personal level.
I am watching this movie, despite not wanting to see that rotten face of the Creep but I am interested in how the movie is played out. Seeing this bigot Nazi playing a woman "in love" and married to a Jewish male (not played by a Jewish male I think, or if "jewish" then a sold-out puppet of the 4th Reich, as so many of the "jews" are in the H-wood line-up of sold-out puppetry).
But to compare this performance with the reality of this now much more aged and corroded with hate female rapist enabler who is fully supporting this Nazi--as his actions are completely of a Nazi nature and when I watch this movie Holocaust I know that this rotten woman Creep knows exactly what she is doing and that exactly this violinist is a firmly devoted and programmed Nazi adherent of the 4th Reich.
I just wanted to spew out a bit more hate but based on reality--not conjecture--on the utter lies that these actors are continuously pumping out, the types of foreigners they are welcoming into their inner circles, the people promoting it all must be absolutely violently genocidal Nazis--and the film industry keeps including more and more as Nazi are marching and marching in the little MAGA movements of the bowels of America.
Cool theoretical analysis of the NSA surveillance state (Snowden) versus personalized hyperbolic reaction to the real-life applied application of terrorist government-sponsored surveillance plus rape/torture/violence/filth spewing attack systematic torture apparatus combined with death squad terrorist "gang stalking" force multipliers plus more info on the stupid and sleazy physical attacks that Snowden has not elaborated upon. Obviously gang stalking is never being exposed and "no one" has any insider information on these covert Government-sponsored and controlled terrorist death squad "gang stalking" filthy and disgusting activities.
"EDWARD SNOWDEN LIVE FROM RUSSIA." UChicago Institute of Politics. May 13, 2016.
*The hacking is pretty bad--there were rewrites and disruptions and I have not corrected them. Anything that reads amiss or is confusing is due to hacker deletions and rewrites.
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