Wednesday, July 6, 2022

The ongoing murder attempt--on my life--the utter putrdity of this group of filth you all cheer on as your celebrity and politician leadership: The damage from the "punishment" for fighting to not die from internal poisoning and rape of the poison into my body as deeply as possible remains---just for fighting to not be murdered I am being destroyed endlessly slow murder--the damage they inflicted with help of the crap Deniro and Pesce and this group of shit and filth you all cheer on because I clicked on a video of some German pig ape scumbag whore playing violin and he made s cheap version of a Mozart piece--which I included on my Facebook page and wrote it was cool--but not so not.

Here is an artistic rendering of what happens when corporate diplomats (i.e. our multi-billion and trillion dollar US "defense" industry and it's greedy representatives and corroded and corruptitians represent around the world, and how they have armed to the teeth all our "enemies" who are our "allies" until they are not----the technologies being handed out like the cocaine and alcohol that they have all claimed they are now free of in their rehab clinics, only to be replaced by hormone-releasing violence they can inflict courtesy of the US Government and it's fascist overlords in this covert technology and these drug cartel operators and gang stalking terrorist death squads you are all part of and participate in. It is a coordinated effort to deconstruct American "Democracy" and install militarized death squad fascist Nazism where really stupid people brainwashed on the dope of the media are going to go out and kill each other off, the most clever will take over but will remain stupid and sick pig apes as the shaky minions continue to serve and obey. What will transpire will probably be blotted out as the waters drown out cities and the fires burn into contagion all the cities that had expected to have a take-over of the countries and leaderships with all their consumptive greed and "me first" mentalities--but a collective greed as they all "love" one another while they must have people to target in order to "love" one another--but only superficially, as a group not on a personal level. Here is a representation of the pig apes that you all are and embrace and you never stop these sophisticated weapons and technologies from being handed out, like loaded guns to toddlers who think it's a movie as they shoot to kill. But these are a-dolts, who have been trained in every conceivable way into how to have a decent society, now embracing technologies enabling them to unleash the greedy and sleazy pig ape in their inner sold-out whore hearts and defunct and loveless sleazy disgusting sexuality. Their children are bypassing all those boring "lectures" on how to have a decent and sane society and instead opt immediately for the instant gratification their greasy and stupid greedy sell-out whore parents you all cheer on as your representatives in the media and in politics are being trained in absolute gorilla warfare against members of their own country whom they hate--ie. me, the "jews" who don't conform to the subjugated and humiliated stereotypes for which other Jews are absolutely frantic to uphold as they pursue the Nazi fascist racist agenda by most viciously attacking me for their own selfish interests--based on fear and inculcated mind control programming. Mostly they are handed a lot of money to be put into lead positions but ultimately, what they fear but won't acknowledge or fear but think that by participating in they will be spared from--but they too are slated to be slaughtered just as the Nazis did during the Holocuast--they got Jews to kill their own kind, then had those who killed gassed and burned and all was stolen from all, in the end. That is the same plot being rehashed by this shit you call your celebrities and "Democracy" politicians--and all they really are is a planet of pig apes really truly INCOMPETENT. I do not mean to offend pigs or apes.

*I really only like this one song by this band (Pig Destroyer) as I am not into hardcore grind music** not that the music is not "good" but not to my taste it's on a level of honesty I can't even delve into even though I think that I am being honest. It's very dark but real, perhaps only for those who are cast out, disconsolate and oppressed beyond comprehension for those who are terrified of the curse and punishment of being cast into the untouchable caste.** That is the threat this pig ape group of terrorists that is endlessly multiplying almost exponentially as poverty sweeps the world now, and this plight of utter destitution and hopelessness is one of the biggest incentives for more recruits possible. It is another factor or "variable" for why I have included this video into the picture of today's rant because if you look at the album from which this song was taken the picture is of a bleak and destitute American landscape--happening now. The album came out years ago, it presaged the current slide into ape pig destroyed culture wasteland by-product of the 4th Reich overtake of the former United States.***

"Pig Destroyer--'The Diplomat' (Official Video)". October 25, 2012.

"Pig Destroyer--'Book Burner' (Full Album Stream)". RelaposeRecords. February 20, 2016.

The greasy scumbag German pig ape violinist ran, literally ran immediately to Whorewood or wherever this gang of shit thugs were when he joined in one year ago--after I just posted a copy of this video after watching a movie about Paganini that he starred in as the demonic whore that he is from his demonic whore country of pig apes and shit who have learned the traits of appearing gentile but are really pigs underneath the surface of their ape interiors

So much hate--I am under drugging and tech influence as I write this--the discrediting process continues. He raped me with his huge hormone growth disgusting greasy body pumping the poison that this group of shit pours into my body nightly to force me to have to run to urinate at least 20 times per day, or at least once per 45 minutes all day long--they insert liquids into my body via this huge gaping hole that they turned into a hate zone of all that these pigs aim at women and anyone they want to demoralize--

they put hardening/bloating poison in my body so I could never even BEGIN to heal from the poisoning that was poured into my body all my life, that has made my spine crooked to the point of needing surgeries to correct the "undiagnosable" scoliosis--meaning they didn't know why this was happening--somehow but I must have surgery the terrorist doctors my terrorist parents forced me into seeing. I actually requested to see other doctors and yelling at me that they are paying and I must see only these specific doctors--which I knew at my adolescent age were defunct and not credible but I had no choice as my body was completely crooked and it was blocking body function. ONly to be sliced into with this hardening poison then poured into my body so now there is only a hard shell stuck almost permanently into the areas that were cut into. Fractured vertebrae from nightly attacks while I was unconscious have created splintered and fractured bones along my spine--and in addition to all that--tortured for over a decade and re-poisoned with all financial opportunities blocked so I have been stuck living in torture chambers where I am violated nightly either by humans breaking into my room or mechanical arms coming through the multiple panels and tiles and floor boards that cover this room which has been reconstructed to be a nearly multi-faceted violation torture chamber with a fake wall on one side and panels covering the walls from floor to ceiling on both sides--the bathroom is impossible to block entry into unless I cover all the walls with cement--and likewise for this room. Then there is the huge cost for buying screens for the sliding patio door--

and I am stuck-but they have been poisoning me to the point that i hvae been sitting in one position in a chair--_leaning back with pillows lifting my body up) I can't sit up straight ever the pressure on my spine is too much--and for a decade I have been laying in beds watching and drooling in drugged up comatose torture begging for help lethargy with muscle atrophication and psychological, physical, sexual and spiritual torture going on 24/7 every single day and night.

The creeps inflicting all this keep being handed top level positions and awards and they never stop globbing on to get more and more and more free awards for the fake bs they crank out perpetually. torturing me enables them to obtain a plethora of ideas and music and other concepts out of the rebellion art that others have created adn also that I have thought of, which I can never write or create and if I attempt all that I write is verbatim stolen by this group and it never ends--this endless murder cycle.


The violinist, I though perhaps he had some kind of spirit but I soon discovered that his "romantic" and emotionally "sensitive" musical style was derived as the imitation this hyena filth scumbag parasite only stole and emulated from the JEWISH man who trained him as a child with his Nazi-Imperialist mother out of America telling him to be t he master race she always wanted to be herself--and Americans have since adopted as their own 4th Reich acquisition strategy which permeates into the financial zone of course and all the sell-outs who buy-out people's lives to their misery and destruction for this "master race" system that is being implemented continuously as I write this.


The violinst then began raping me with his huge disgusting pig body (over 6 feet tall, huge and lanky scumbag ugly disgusting creepy man, only young with long  hair that is his only attractive trait instead of rotten completely corroded corrupted old men, it's a young scumbag aspiring to be a completely rotten and corrupted old man when he gets old--as they are old when they are young--this creep is over 40 years old but compared with the others he's like a teen ager in comparison--but stinking mentally and spiritually completely rotten as a person and corroded and corrupted but with an extra added measure of being trained by his American mommy that he's the real German Master Race and all my years of living in Germany I never met a German who so openly vocalized "master race" ideology as this pig ape whose disgusting mommy surrogate wife thing has trained him into believing he is. He's just a pompous ape with a greasy pig body and can technically play violin but otherwise just a stupid and sick disgusting scumbag with murderous sexuality that has been upheld by the white supremacist society and is beloved by this group of shit from Whorewood.

He was pumping poison into my body as I said no he began raping and beating me while forcing his greasy pig member into my body. I felt increasingly ill as he kept pumping poison into my body while the pig apes kept having me poisoned every day with hardening/bloating completely toxic and deadly poison---I kept fightin him off me until finally I began screaming in utter rage to save my life--still not aware that I was really being poisoned still by this endless sickness of urination I had to undergo all day, every day, hours of just being sick and running to the toilet as the stinking liquids they poured into my body to poison me to death slowly in a most disgusting way, along with hardening and stiffening poison and completely brain-altering drugging which has kept me unable to move while they abuse me in a way that is deadly--the mafia pig ape scum greasy pigs like deniro and pesce, along with rambo and the rest of these goons and dumbo sick creeps who really are selling the country off to Italian mafia and Europigape Nazis with the worst aspirations of overtake of America. The overtake of South Beach, greatly enhanced by Stallone rambo this ugly huge hormone disaster for American society--representing white male overtake of the black movement as Eddie Murphy so aptly joked about on stage--a huge integral component of this entire operation against me. The German pig apes like this German developer Kramer who came into South Beach and took over the club where I sold cigars that Stallone and Tyler co-jointly owned--where I was an independent vendor selling cigars--I was not on the pay role there is no record of me having been there--but Kramer came in and began a campaign of literally and obviously raping and drugging women, which began a complete woman-hating and fascist Nazi overtake of South Beach and indeed of Florida--to the point where the entire State is a Disneyland world for fascist Nazis and ignorance has spread like a pandemic.

But I saw fascist Nazi Europigapes take over business after business--turning the little island into a complete corporate entity of franchise discos and "luxury" hotels. The entire atmosphere became absolutely hateful and nasty, according to people like me who had lived there and were part of the artist scene whose art and ideas were stolen as they were then kicked out. Some artists were treated with such hostility and hate they all moved to the Wynwood area--which is currently in stages of being taken over by the fascist Nazi cartels. Of course, all of this made possible by the Americans who aboslutely want a fascist Nazi master-slave society--who don't have the opportunity to move to Aachen , Germany to spew out a greasy little pig and train him into being the Nazi master race that the Americans so embrace in all aspects, especially in this Whorewood media brain-washing enterprise, so fully endorsed by the thug mafia who are the "muscle" behind so many hate and racist operations. They are waiting for their payouts and top positions as the blonde and Nazi factions LOVE and love them and they are handed token mansions and castles in Europigapeland and then "allowed" to have the secondary leadership positions while they are vying for controlling aspects of the media--and thus my situation--I have Rolling Stone merging with Fox News and trying to overtake the US--with England at the helm of this sinking ship and fascism and Nazism as the prevailing blueprint for their takeover.


But the pig greasy scum violinist out of Germany was pumping the poison he knew was being inserted into my body--and telling me under extreme drugging that this was "sexual healing" as I kept meekly trying to stave him off. I kept writing posts telling him to stop and asking and begging for help as no one would intervene. He was murdering me albeit slowly, as they all watched on. Filthy dirty ugly whorealina gently and "seductively" wiped her filthy pig hand across his cheek in a gesture of welcome and embrace and trying to impress the greasy sexually degenerate scumbag demon that he was completely welcome to have sexual congress with her and anyone she was going to hand to him--or whatever it meant--she tried that sleazy trick with me many years ago and I recoiled unconsciously in disgust because I have seen such types and their gestures many times, for many years, and it's not impressive to me or "seductive" it's just a power play disguised as a welcoming gesture. Of course the greasy pig was dying to get his drooping career into the folds of Whorewood and that is exactly what has since happened from his btutality towards me. Also shit-negger the former Governor of California hugged this pig ape with his huge and disgusting arms like the Nazi bro's that they are (really gay, always hiding their real and true sexuality and hate for women, except for their mommies of course, do not think that Freud was hated by Germans for any reason other than writing and exposing the reality of their culture).


So I fought him off by finally fighting for my life and screaming in utter hysterical rage after a oonth of getting sicker and sicker--the onslaught of violence then commenced with pig greasy scumbag sick deniro punching into the air next to my face and yelling with great violence that I had better do what this greasy ugly sick pig from Germany wants--as a sex trafficked murder victim--this ugly sick so-called "man" pimp was completely defending fascist Nazism out of Germany with every ounce of his strength aimed at abusing me with physical violence--a punch that could have killed me, within inches of my face, while I was sleeping, teleporrted, not able to see clearly to have any kind of avoidance of the physical action--as they all do this the weak and sleazy disgusting parasites all attack me when I am in a state where I can't see clearly, or from behind, or etc


and then they had my money cut off. They had the EYE to a beuutifil dog gouged out in a 2nd hand shop I have gone to, always petting this dog with warmth and love--and it was gouged out and a disgusting ugly fat and bloated American white male with his usual deferential slavish Thai expetive there to attack me--in this shop--people i have never seen before--and the Thai people who are always there silently in the background--allowing the greasy white pig to have their beautiful dog mutilated so I can be shocked as this is what the greasy German pig really wanted for me. I had to fight to get my money re-instated as it was cut off. ANd then they had most of my hair chemically treated out--I have been trying for months to get it to grow back. I have put various oils and am trying my best with no money for any kind of treatment as all is blocked completely in all and any earnings (and now almost impossible to access my bank account as torture for saying no to being a sex trafficked "slave" abused and poisoned and raped and all stolen from me so some greasy ugly meaningless pig and his filthy shit set of wives and lovers and crappy and stupid shitty children can automatically be included in top layer positions only because their greasy filthy parents are part of a mind fuck-over operation against me--all handed to them by their benefactors the fascist Nazi Europigapes and whatever other countries these pieces of rotten shit come from (probably many investors from Russia and China)--all watching on, all creating wars which necessitate more surveillance and a global militarized network, where this system with quantum computers can be fully implemented globally)

but you greedy and I might add really and truly stupid people reading my posts (right now, perhaps not in the future if my writings are not eliminated and people can read of how the utter decline of America was perpetuated by stupid and filthy apes who were so honored in their time for helping to destroy America while under the pretense that they are fighting to uphold concepts of liberty and freedom--but in reality only libertine and fascist ideology is all that they represent).


So I fought him of--my hair was chemically destroyed from the top of my skull--to the front "crown" of the hairline, just behind my forehead--with areas completely damaged on the scalp and the hair follicles--to almost the nape of my neck. All along the sides of my hair, balding. The scalp feels like a rubber texture because the skin was so damaged it's not organic any longer. I must wrap various layers around my skull every night to try to save the rest of my hair, what is left. And that was the "punishment" besides shitty pesce and deniro endlessly torturing me for reacting by telling these greasy pigs they are sexually and romantic users and know very little about love and relationships so how in the hell are you going to tell me what to do in my personal life? They have come after me with utter hate and violence to a level, along with the poisoning, of murderous ferocity and that went on for a year--until this month, which has only brought them back along with the person I said that I "chose" on a desperate attempt to stop the murder.

And as I wrote, he and his daughter began a hate campaign against me that has made me viewing him as anything possibly or remotely attractive on any level impossible. 

And so he's now brought them back and is blocking financial access to my bank account. An entire system of creeps is backing this up, along with a planet of them in the hundreds of millions I think this organization conscripts people daily as so many are forced into desperation.

The greedy greasy pig apes then hold their money in front of me as the incentive for allowing them to dehumanize, rape, steal all ideas as I remain in dire poverty only hanging by a thread over completely financial and physical collapse--as they hold out all their money--all that they obtain every day for teleporting me and the money they obtained from selling off my concepts as their own--which they are now publicized for representing as advocates for (especially the rapist Nazi scum whore women the white supremacists who cheerleader on the pig ape men who rape me quoting Nazi phraseology about being superior master race pig apes while I am fighting to not die once more from a huge hormone-growth piece of stupid and ugly shit I never chose or wanted on any level but tried endlessly to get shit pit and filthy ugly whoralina off me for YEARS and so I tried and tried to find anyone who has a soul, heart or anything and it's impossible. They all are so obsessed with an elitist status that their complete dehumanization is almost a guaranteed component of their rotten and corrupted foul personalities. I can expect nothing else from them, and their lower class minions are trained to emulate the exact same socio-political stance--

as I remain in dire poverty unable now to access simply my bank account as my every telecommunication is blocked and rerouted to shithead creeps who lie perpetually. The mind control also includes me not being able to "understand" that I am being lied to and that this is a scam--another cherry for these pigs on top of their shit cream Sunday--as they assume from decades of being given this red carpet treatment that their every crime is only part and parcel of their "creme-de-la-creme" entitlement but it's just like an ice cream Sunday turned into a shit parade of pompously posing pig apes.

The greasy German violinist who emulates the partially paralyzed Jewish man in his passionate playing style is a most sleazy and disgusting creep parasite possible. Welcomed with seductive embrace by whorealina and I think shit pit really doesn't like the dude all that much--but welcomes him nevertheless because he's just a "go-getter" who has his ambitions and the philosophy is of going for whatever you want and never accepting a no especially if you can force yourself upon someone for years who is saying and then screaming NO as I have been doing for over EIGHT YEARS.

It's not that he's not as disgusting as some of the men and women involved, but he's not really someone I can trust and I was being murdered by him as he kept increasing his violence (having part of my uterus cut out--my body mutilated as filthy ugly whoraline kept having people hiss and yell at me that she is more beautiful as I kept laying in sickness while they poured sewage water and bloating hardening poisons into my vagina every night--for years--spewing toxic fungus and filth onto everything and in my food and poisoning and drugging and violently abusing me every single night and day--_

and so, this is still being welcomed by all politicians and all the United States who all secretly just want to move to Germany to help bring up a new generation of Nazi pig apes posturing as being superior while they have to steal all concepts in order to appear as if they are not the pig apes that they truly are.


The Diplomat 02:56 Hide lyrics We never ever change We make the same mistakes If you're gonna have roads Then you're gonna have roadkill That's the risk that it takes Stone guns Primitive tanks Base emotions drive the horde The diplomat takes the rook From the board I want to know What was in the briefcase Colder than cold war Enemies without uniforms


Dedicated to America the country I used to love--would like to admire my country once more some day in the future when it rises like a Phoenix out of the ashes of it's current de-evolution into tyranny and deespotic techno-tyranny.


"Mozart REQUIEM KV 626 Leonard Bernstein 1988". vhsdefau. November 7, 2014".

Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Financial terrorism combined with brain-altering tech, hacking, lies by banking representatives or agents disguised as such, etc almost unable to access my bank account. Hours and weeks getting told repeated lies about blocks to accessing my account.

 While I am on the phone, the "truth serum" technological effect is remotely and internally --via microchip implant and other such technologies, plus endless recurrent drugging that is forced upon me every single day by wanton expletives, millionaires, billionaires, trying to see how much they can screw, rape, plunder, steal and rob from anybody who they want to see completely compromised and destroyed and subservient to their endlessly growing empires in this wealth-only economy of master-slave proportion. The tech remains silently being passed around to every thuggery organization possible on the planet.

They are trying to force me to have a phone in order to access my bank account. As I am a social outcast, stigmatized, turned into a global pariah with literally everybody avoiding me or attacking me, there is no grey area there it is uniformly complete around the planet--

I have no need for a phone. I have been so blacklisted from economic solvency that I need no phone. I have been socially outcast to the degree that I can't trust or be close to a single human being any longer, ever, anywhere, and probably for the rest of my existance on this planet it will remain so. I also don't want to be around the creeple who infest this planet who have killed off the really beautiful people I had once seen as part of a thriving planet ,now dying due top the endless ignorance and stupidity I see in the personal qualities of these people you have all allowed to be put in control.


Their system of hate that has been forced upon me: they are hacking a 2-step phone verification on my bank log-in. This is an "optional" feature, but every one of the agents who respond to my endless hours and hours of phone calls and chat messages with the bank (the message center has since been eliminated by hackers who have gone into the template and simply taken this app off the page when I am able to log in to the one browser page I am not blocked from). 

They want me to have a phone for easier surveillance and terrorist activities. It was my landlord the scumbag screaming at me on the phone after he and this group had my internet turned off--that I need to have a phone--told and instructed by the Nazi filth that control this greasy piece of pig filth this landlord and his group of disgusting minions who perform endlessly stinking acts of perversion on my body and my property--always laughing and giggling about it loudly when I discover it--all my actions and thoughts under surveillance--my ideas stolen continuously by the stupid and rotten whores and pigs of Whorewood and the politicians who also are involved (the Democrats in particular who are always posing about how the "care" about the downtrodden--which are growing in number exponentially as their policies and plans they sold off as their campaign platforms seemingly fail only due to two members of Congress who are always pitted as the villains of the party--but that also is a hoax and I am explaining their modus operandi at this moment)

How they operate and how this also works in larger-scale context (i.e. in politics, in the media, in personal relationships)

They are trying to have an easier time of tracking me by forcing me to have a phone that they can very easily conduct more surveillance on or aim more deadly and mind-destroying energy weapons at me---it's already so devastating that I can't begin to underestimate how awful this mind control operation works.

As I ascertain it: my brain is under a "truth serum" effect so when they want particular details on any subject, it's like my brain and mind is a sieve and it comes out even though my triggers and "red flags" are popping up, my barriers are instantaneously removed and I pour out all information. I am under a type of electronic energy field similar to electronic shock but at a very ambient level, imperceptible but discernable at the same time. While I am scrambling to try to remember names and concepts because there are multiple forms of attack on my brain while I am struggling with people becoming extremely rude on the phone while they are lying about services: they tell me that this block on my phone is a new policy. I tell them that the webpage claims this is optional as a 2-step verification process. They lie again and again. I try to get them to respond in email as I wrote log pages of notes to people who represent the bank and all was met with silence. They are putting nothing in writing.

I got a response in writing in the "chat" section when I could log in and that was eliminated so all written record is gone. The pig apes also delete all my emails that I send to myself as record-keeping. They just simply go into my email account and delete pertinent information, just as they do when they are stealing concepts and ideas from my blog posts or on Facebook. 


I was yelled at by creeps while I argued back in utter frustration. I was under mind control and of course drugged up so I reacted in precisely the way these pig ape whores wanted and want.

The filthy creeps who are the wealthy pieces of shit who telpeort me continue to sit in rows asking me every kind of personal information. 

I was being murdered by shit pit that pig and hiw filthy ugly whorealina those disgusting whore shit parasites who have done nothing but mutilate and poison my body every day with terrorism and torture by this "Italian-American" team of rotten, disgustint most foul and ugly putrid men who are the mafia actors who keep being put into lead power positions because they are there to represent blonde Nazism and promote their greasy scumbag faction which is tied intimately with Italy as they push for everything to be taken over by Italians (as what happened on South Beach, it's now dominated by greasy nasty Europigaps who these mafia pieces of scum welcomed in to rape and plunder and turn that place into a master-slave colony--the Latinos replacing the blacks who are the slaves in Whorewood--only at this point. AS soon as the Europigapes take over LA in all respdects, as they are trying, then the minority minion population and then the corresponding slaves of the whroes are going to be the cheaper and easier to control LatinX populations or whatever they can get at an easier deal, an easier price, without pretense of being politically correct and BLM "Me Too" whores as they just are not anything resembling anything but shit and crap as human beings.


Thus I am blocked from accessing my account and hours of being lied to and run around on the phone by shitty creeps pretending they are employees--who lie and yell at me and tell me to call customer service repeatedly while there are actually other viable options--I tried to phone the corporate headquarters and that too has been blocked and censured by these shit people who are teleporting me

one of them is a financier who is now trying to get this contract. He's welcoming in the usual gang of s hit and filth and crap who I hvae been begging this world to stop having me slowly poisoned and abused into shock to death every day with their hate skits and violence--the mafia pig ape scumbag whore idiots and st upid thugs at the forfront of vicious attacks on a deadly psychological level with toxic poisons poured into my home every day as I fight to heal they have continued to pour poison into my body via insertion into my vagina and they put urine on my blankets and stinking odors on every part of my body and clothing and room--for years, it hasn't stopped. All I do is try to detox every single day while they continue to poison and abuse me to death--slowoly--while continuing to extract ideas and information about how they can make a movie about my life, a loosely-based stupid whorish movie they will undoubtedly create if given the chance--but also ideas and ideas thse STUPID AND MEANINGLESS most hateful idiotic repugnant filth shit creeps who can't think of anything but how to get get more and more and more and that is their prime and only impetus in life. That is the economic plan and they all stick to it. So now I have an economic expert who has viciously psychologically attacked me and I was trying to save my life by telling him I "choose" him, and immediately he and his daughter began an extremely abusive attack upon me which turned him into a sick and disgusting most repugnant personality in my opinion and he's now using 6this econoimc threat to try to force this deal out of me.

When anyone will ever intervene and stop this I can't begin to understand why not

Another senator jumped in, told me he's from the South and comes from a legacy of the KKK and lynching and hate group[s. He's of course closely allied with #45. No surprise there. Nothing he hisses at me is anything new--the racist jokes, the hissing hate--I've heard it so many times before he's almost blase.

And a Republican. Not surprising what has been the sadly disappointing thing is that almost all the people attacking me in teleportation are major representatives of the Democrat Party with all it's hype and fictitious display of concern about working class and the minorities and the oppressed.

I am being drugged while sleeping via insertions while I am unconscious---I wake up with chaotic thoughts and write these posts--it's like an addiction--and it's 100% part of the mind control torture. What I write is something induced and is not really "me".

Monday, July 4, 2022

The aborted portrait of the USA Independence Day presented to me on my *gov-sponsored* hacked laptop yesterday, July 4, 2022. Driven by the rape-culture, white supremacist (including all "minorities" who are merely for the most part minions and mental slaves of the bigots) media-driven propaganda machine. It was very clear who and what is losing and winning in the race and rape wars of murder and mayhem celebrated by white men devouring as many brown phallic objects per minute as possible (aka "hotdog eating contests").

It was a true spectacle of disintegration of society yesterday when I perused my hacked, thanks to Uncle Sam's Cabin(et):

The first thing I saw on my politely f-u-ed-up internet machine tube of mind conditioning and programming (my brain addled by technology blasting my brain into compliance to all the would-be pimps with their ho's popping their images on my YouTube and other social media pages, along with endless inserts into every news outlet source with their information to "trigger" me into consciousness of the odiousness I want nothing to do with and never want to see and most importantly: never want to promote but by clicking on any of their clips or videos seemingly I am doing so, unfortunately. They would teleport and abuse and poison me to death if it got them another promotion while they pushed the agenda of selling off Capitalistic Capitalism I mean Democracy--oops, a "gaffe"):

IT was, first thing on my "news" source, a photo of white males wearing American flag hats and eating I mean snorting down as many hotdogs per second as possible as part of the yearly ritualistic demonstration of closeted homosexual aspirations of which no one will admit unless they are a conscript of the Freudian schools of psychological interpretation. I am sometimes one of those, and after watching P-Valley yesterday I had this notion that devouring these elongated phallic symbols as many as possible, it is a closet desire to actually have fellatio with black men but disguised as a hotdog eating contest. Eating and devouring as a symbol of course for castration, as a racist theme combined with virulent and violent sexuality, of course. 


The next news clip was of about 60 people in a black neighborhood being shot, with a large number of those having been executed, at a 4th of July "party". Both the covert castration ritual of hotdog devouring and the shooting occurred in Chicago--not far from where I grew up in Champaign. Not far from the recent rally where an Illinois candidate tried to excuse her "gaffe" by stating that reversing Roe was a victory for "white life". So if you think that what I am referring to in this page is somewhat wacky and delusional, as you are all wont to project upon me instead of upon yourselves, then I suggest that you stop watching these dumbing-down movies and read more books on such risky psychological topics, even if it's just to learn about the subject matter, as the "leaders" you cheer on, the people chanting slogans in politics and actors pursuing political careers because a scriptwriter wrote a well-funded movie plot about Democracy and Justice in various ascending order--to promote and sell off "Democracy" to an ailing and being over-taken by fascism country aka USA---these "leaders" truly do not want you to do anything resembling questioning the obvious or subliminal. They want their technology of brainwashing and mind control to override all critical thought, while replacing it with the illusion that you are making your own decisions. They want you to see these movies and news clips and assume that the natural order is for the bigots to enjoy symbolic castration while their minions, those slated for abject destruction, are killing one another off (not a new plot to movies or news clips but the leaders are still scratching their collective heads about this issue and can't understand how it's continuing to transpire).


The next news clip I saw yesterday was at the finale of the day--of cleaning up the stinking filth that the terrorists spray into my room, clothing and into my body--yet another day of the poison in my body not coming out, another day of seeing my body disfigured--another day of not receiving a response from my bank which is blocking my access almost completely to accessing my account--all done courtesy of Uncle Scam's cabinet deciding that I am going to be punished forever for not being what they expect and want out of me. Their "good" minority minions pursue me with the most vicious hate they can muster up while the white bigots sit back applauding and praising them as they announce the white supremacy awards and get more lead roles and movie slots for the entrainment of the brains being squeezed into the boxes allocated for them by the mind-screw operators aka your "leaders". I would not call them "fearless" as they are cowards operating en masse as a force of ignorance="strength".


The last news clip was about abortion. A woman, now a professor at a  university--had been RAPED BY HER FATHER AT THE AGE OF 10 AND IMPREGNATED BY HIM and was on her way to dying from the pregnancy and only an abortion saved her life. She was in an interview, as a bona fide intellectual professor with a legacy of books written on topics including incest and rape and abortion, amongst other issues. I am unsure of which department she is a professor in, but I suggest that women like her are or will be on various death wish lists by the prevailing white supremacist bigots who are your cowardice Leaders put in place to destroy resistance to anything resembling their utter right to rape and destroy life: aka "lifers" I mean "pro-lifers". 


She said that her body went into shock after the rape by her father and her hair turned grey in parts at AGE 10. She and the presenter for this news clip discussed ways in which the Supreme Court will be blocking other laws allowing for all kinds of freedoms of sexual expression for those not included in the "right to rape white supremacist and male suppression" cliques who are fighting for the good ole days when even minority minions could take and break the women and children beneath them as icons of the castle premise that they "own" everything that is vulnerable and "beneath" them in what they would call the "natural order" or the food chain, as others may call it.


This news clip I saw is probably destined to become obsolete in the near future and the consolidation of the bigot networks will become the one source of information possible.

I predict, how many more years of Independence will it take before I see only one point of view put out into a spectrum of a lopsided brown and black-skinned representation of the same concepts but just put into victim status endlessly and complaining about it while behind those closed doors they all must bow and scrape to the rapist white male culture with their most vicious and disgusting womenfolk standing behind them, making damn sure that the wrath and hate of their most brutal and really kinda stupid white males is inflicted upon those they castrate and/or rape slowly to death.

It is happening to me every day and no one will even lift a finger to help me in any significant way, and I mean decades of me trying to get anyone or any agency to actually step into this situation and stop the injustice, the absolutely endless breach of every law on every book in every country is being violated against me and the perpetrators are being applauded and cheered on by all involved--all skin colors all genders all races all branches all levels of society.

The micro will extend to the macro, but none of you are concerned, as far as you are concerned, I get what I "deserve" which you all make up as pretext for not doing anything but the system is slowly creeping into society like a rot and the system is collapsing. The bigots who expect that they will always be granted a reprieve for all the crimes they commit against people "like me" expect that the huge wealth of America will always remain in their "hands" as they grab and grasp at everything they can exploit and use it to death while all ecosystems implode and catastrophes are looming, they can't even connect the undeniable reality confronting the planet as they continue their pursuit of dominance and exploitation.


That was what I gleaned from my hacked courtesy of Uncle Tom's Cabin Uncle Sam internet service yesterday.



I gained so much insight into P Valley when listening to Ashley Miller's review. Do not be daunted by her lack of verbal finesse and your expectations of speech patterns implying class, education and respectability. // Rome and empire are the paired metaphors. Use and exploit until the resources are dried up and then discard and search for another. //Victims Search: Searching high and low for that White Knight to rescue--up a pole, down into inaccessible paths that are viewed as a ho domain where you can never get rid of the stigma because all the knights are sullen and black in spirit, mind, soul and yet not in skin color who disperse your dissipation according to society's regulations and boundaries and borders. They want me/you to be pawns on a chess board where everything is a plot device that they control and you are a pawn even if you think you are a King or a Queen. Why I believe P Valley is not a pornographic tv show but is in actuality a feminist exposure of the naked realities that looking for salvation and/or freedom can bring: First, get the empire of Rome Because Rome is a black Pimp metaphor in this tv series and a metaphor for society, a metaphor for agents selling sex and women and the vulnerable as an empire and poseur as a white Knight. Rome has fallen. Rome is dead. Rome deserves to die. -------------

 "(REVIEW) P-Valley/Season 2: Ep 5/White Knights (Recap)". Ashley Miller. July 4, 2022.


The White Knight talks backwards
The White Knight loves her natural hair
tells her to remember who she is but never quotes The Lion King.

One would-be good ole White boy knight is Evil. He beats her because she protects her 3 year-old son, his half pawn-half black and half white, his son.
Another is black and yet the real White Knight
who will murder to protect Little Murder being homosexual
and to protect the abused black woman--the minority, the abused neglected pawn of racism and discrimination.
Rome had to die first, and the rest might fall afterwards (keep watching, keep waiting).
This is why P Valley has strippers and money flowing but it's not a pornographic show.
Your tv shows and movies are the real pornography disguised as white nights of entertainment even if sullen murder and horror it's all supposed to be in good entertainment fun. Pornography and hate permeate all the scenes and all the comedies and all the dramas. What is obvious is that the White Knight talks backwards and P Valley is a drama about sexual empowerment and financial slavery and freedom.

She was looking and looking for white knights on poles
and found another White Knight in the form of a Black/Latino woman who offered her a business card and said
"They will always see you as a bitch ho--get that money (get that scrilla) and move the f-out and on up".

Sunday, July 3, 2022

"Freedom is the Freedom to say, '2+2=4."--George Orwell, 1984. "We Are the Hateful. We Sell Democracy..."--?? Behind Enemy Lines. "Freedom is Slavery. Ignorance is Strength." --George Orwell, 1984.

 "Nineteen Eighty-Four--The Ministry of Love (1984)". January 10, 2021.

"We Will Protect U"--?
"We'll BREAK YOU ALL"--????

BEHIND ENEMY LINES--One Nation Under the Iron Fist of God (Full Album).


"Do you know WHY we brought you here? (meaning behavior modification torture chamber)?"


"To cure you. to make you sane."

Friday, July 1, 2022

A mind and mental trip and trick from Constitutional Republic to "Democracy" to Lincoln to Elvis to painted faces supporting white male privilege to the sadism of entitlement via Passolini via Marquis de Sade. A journey through a power vortex of disintegration.

 Re: my posts today. Please note that ALL and each and every post I write is constrained by real-life threats and actions of violence which prohibit me from writing--plus theft of my writing, verbatim and ideas by people who are titillated at teleporting and torturing me before and after the information extraction sessions after the abuse and rape/torture sessions under teleportation and in each moment of life where I live. I cannot write my thoughts, get into creative detail or expand or expound any further than copying ideas from others, as this won't be stolen from me--and I won't be tortured as much for having written something similar in vein but in my own words--their silencing and also suppression is absolute and absolutely enforced in all world systems. One of these clips regarding the Passolini Salo movie regards the children of the fascist leadership (representing today's celebrities and politicians and the layers of society which uphold this very same system that is so silenced and disguised in our society--but which is in the process of being fomented to an alarming degree and embraced like a new drug by the addicts who control your lives and by you yourselves)--the clip below on Passolini describes how in Salo the doors to the chateau are locked, so the children can't coalesce and try to determine a resistance or cohesion. This is the same system of absolute surveillance that thought reading and every form of monitoring of thoughts, actions by computers and surveillance systems and covert technologies allows these wealthy people who are being promoted to gather the type of elitist paradigm whereby rape and torture are almost considered commonplace and their right--and any and all rights of people like me are negated so completely. It is a global system whereby no one can gather under any roof however clandestinely and try to navigate any form of defense or resistance. It is the same as Salo and this is what Passolini was referring to in his film, It also was one reason he was assassinated by probably--undoubtedly--someone from this insidious organization that has had me poisoned and tortured for most of my life--if not all. Passolini made this film in the early 70's, and it holds even more true today with more enhanced technology and the cult of personality that celebrity politico-society enables. But I am not able to write more in detail, and never am able to. This writing at this point is an exception and any time I do write anything going beyond copying and pasting what others say is met with torture, and then it's stolen or copied for someone else to use as their own idea. I am tortured for writing it nevertheless while they are promoted for stealing it. 10 years of this going on and on....I can never write more than a few sentences at this point and never elaborate on my thoughts or expand my creative concepts any longer.


These were a series of posts I wrote on Facebook/META today and they are all tied in a string of tenuous tentacles leading towards the source of the onus of the evil that confronts me, to which, to wit, you are a part of whether you participate or not therein consciously.


All integrated, whether from the present or the past. All a confluence of power struggles and the structure appears to fluctuate always towards the same hierarchy using the same means: brute force, deception and lies aka propaganda in our modern terms.


As it is almost the 4th of July and the United States is awaiting it's barbecues and parades and fireworks (as Congress is allocating billions of $ to a war overseas on the pretext that our "great nation" is always, always defending "Democracy") while more American children will be run over in the streets by those who deem them unworthy of having a pot or home or medical care or food or any worth post Roe v. Wade (or pre). As my situation remains silenced, a wonderful harbinger of the future of entitlement, aristocracy which will lead to the types of disregard for life, sexuality and human worth depicted by Passolini when fascism took over the planet (it has worked it's way into America slowly but surely only with a superficial veneer of "Democracy" which is a word bantered about incessantly mostly by those who want demagogue leadership).


 I (seriously) accidentally discovered this clip when doing a search for BIG MAMA THORNTON. Well lookee' here, what came up? Judy Garland in black face sangin; Sweet Low.

This has zero racist, policial, socio-political or anti-witch commentary it's JUST a video that I thought I would share becuz I know ya'll all care so much!

"The Black American National Anthem--Judy Garland". Bissenses Swedish Retro Vintage and Film Art Production. February 18, 2017.


...'cuz I was just watchin' a commentary about the new Elvis movie made by an anti-cracker league out of the South (Texas). They talkin' bout how Big Mama Thornton's song was stolen--appropriated was the term--by Elvis. So I did a search for Big Mama Thornton and ya'll--this is what came up I swear on my papi's Bible this video above. 


"Big Mama Thornton--Hound Dog (1952) Blues". warholsoup100. May 1, 2011.

"...and (big) Daddy I know, you ain't no cool cat--you ain't nothin' but a Hound Dog, sniffin' round my doe"--

"Elvis Presley--'Hound Dog' (October 28, 1956) on The Ed Sullivan Show". The Ed Sullivan Show. September 10, 2020.



CATS RULE (even if dogs are bigger and can destroy cats, not often but sometimes. Cats are still closer to the divine than Dogs).

"You Shall Not Pass, Dog". happymedulla. December 6, 2013.

Please make the bad guys return my Cat La Moux they stole--alive, healthy and happy to ME immediately!
  • Like

"Rule 12: Pet a Cat When You Encounter One./Jordan Peterson". November 8, 2017.



"1776 The Vote 1972". allenjpl. November 4, 2012.

The singing is awful (in most of the songs for this film) but I remember this movie above all others as a Declaration of Independence theme that somehow captures a certain mood I find admirable. Here the issue before taking a vote for revolution is white male independence versus slavery economy. Oddly, or as expected, things in America are still almost exactly the same now as they were back in 1776--just with a variety of painted faces representing the same factions with a larger demographic representing the same split--some are still royalists and want to be a part of the Empire once more---as was the case back then.


It's UNalienable, not IN ALIENABLE. Show me a politician or celebrity who holds these truths to be self-evident and then goes about supporting this constitutional imperative for ALL people and I will be born again on the 4th of July, 2022.

"The Declaration of Independence (as read by Max McLean)". Scott Bacher. July 3, 2012.

"Actors read The Declaration of Independence". MrJohnnyfarragut. May 30, 2017.

No less than THREE of these actors in this clip have personally participated in the torture teleportation sessions---a few have acted in concert with the internet triggering style of "internet surveillance/stalking" and I wonder how they reconcile this public performance with their behavior towards me? (I actually really don't want to know or hear the bs they would say).


"Lincoln On Democracy--Lincoln (2012)". Alexander Gould. August 17, 2017.



Post Roe v. Wade and the Old World Order re-established in the good ole USA. "Get those poor, f-ing wild children in the streets out of MY WAY!!" sayeth the wealthy land estate privileged (Right to Life women included). Ahhh...the good ole aristocratic days when white males could rape with impunity as they can now using teleportation. Ah! What a time it was and will be again I know you are all working towards that "Utopia" for your technocracy which is constantly being fomented with each day that your enslavement technology and system remains protected and silenced.

"World History--A Tale of Two Cities Clip--3 Estates.avi". Kevin Verberk. November 22, 2009.

One really must READ THE BOOK by Dickens and not rely on the movie depictions. The book is an entire drama that is similar to the less obnoxious parts of the Marquis de Sade's sadistic writings (which do not reflect what the movie Quills displayed---) the books are where the realm of fantasy and utter darkness in all it's manifestations are revealed, the movies are tamed down to an almost unrecognizable component.

"Walking With Passolini Making Salo His Criticism Of Power". William George. August 14, 2017.

...but Pasolini really did reveal the darkness of aristocratic fascist sexual abuse and murder--which is so protected and protracted via the use of this terror technology being forced upon me--if only I were able to think clearly and not subject to endless surveillance and torture for my writing by this global surveillance society operated by men of the ilk and their insatiably nasty women comforting and consoling these men who obtain the partnership of plenty and proprietary vulturism---

"Encapsulating Evil/Salo, or The 100 Days of Sodom--Shocking Cinema". The Kino Corner. April 13, 2021.


Thursday, June 30, 2022

"We're the Christian Taliban".//What happened when I wrote a post years ago on the impending threat of America being turned into The Handmaiden's Tale. What hasn't happened to the "opposition" to this system ever since.

 "'We're the Christian Taliban' Right Winger Openly Admits What He Is". Waldorf Nation. June 30, 2022.

My last post today, with no commentary just a reflective musical post added to the testimony at the J-6 hearings yesterday--plus a little emoticon smiley face---engendered a reaction of a hate attack by the expletive minions performing the proxy terror operations forced upon me by your favorite leaders of America--as I type this, the hackers are blocking functions, there is a lag time of about more than one minute for the letters to appear--as I type this, nothing has shown up on the page since I wrote "the favorite leaders of America". There was a "filth" attack with debris, hair and nasty stuff placed in front of my patio door by the mechanical arms that swoop up or down from the rooms just above or below mine--or they lift up panels on the ceiling of the patio--and it's just endless filth and hate and ugliness from this group. I can't comment on any single thing unless I completely demonstrate adoration for abusers, users, haters, bigots racists haters murdering bigots and never write a single derogatory thing about people who have been slowly murdering me for years and their leadership--those who represent them. Still waiting for what I just wrote to appear on the page---once having appeared, a slew of typos appeared which I must correct.

This video reflects on the tv show The Handmaiden's Tale. I had written a post about how this book was one of the aims of this terror organization while I was in the midst of being raped by Depp and with Heard right there--it was in the height of their mutual rape and abuse and torture season--along with his nasty daughter and the French contagion contingent that has embraced these celebrity terrorists, as the media continues to glob onto the trials and gossip and I remain a mute topic, denied every single human right on this planet by all authority figures I request assistance or help from. A few months later, maybe 6 or 7, as per usual for years with ideas and books and subjects and verbatim theft of my writing, the show which is mentioned in this clip, The Handmaiden's Tale--became one of the foremost iconic Right Wing Christian wanna be goals that is now openly expressed by the armed and ready fascist contingent which really have these celebrities and so many of the politicians as their actual and real representatives in Congress, law enforcement, and business and with the technocrats as part of this team exalted into major power positions, now they have a world enclosed electronic fence of control over lives with the advent of these surreptitiously encroaching (upon independence and freedom) technologies. People like Alex Jones, fully aware of this impending serfdom and master-slave complex being fully fomented by your leaders, is ensuring that white privilege remains as the control factor and that the slavery goes fully onto people like me. That is why I have always written that when T-rump assaulted me sexually and has never stopped the torture, poioning and violence to my slow death for all these years, he was embraced by the Republican faction which has the most weapons, influence and $$ power lobbies who assault and threaten with murder if they don't get their way. The result has been that I unfortunately wrote of a possible impending doom and it became the reality that has spurred this movement on into the potential for in it's culmination. What this "Progressive" commentator above--Waldorf---is neglecting to write about is how white supremacist women embrace this "slave" system (The Handmaiden's Tale pseudo-Christian/religious NWO system) is because they see women like me being beaten slowly to death, poisoned slowly to death, denied health care by the incompetence of racist health care practitioners (of all races and creeds and skin colors) denying me information that they know about--, are aware of my poisoning--with almost no exception this has been the case when I have gone to any and all health care practitioners around the world basically fighting for my life--all of this is embraced by the people up to the top of this system--the celebrities, the wives, members of the J-6 Committee who are fully indoctrinated into this system but, like the Jones contingent, do not want to be a part of the "slave" quotient of the population and so they are fighting the overtake of their personal domain but still fully welcome in this slave society that some want to turn into a replica of a Mormon-style but Slave society based on "the good old days"--and they want to overtake the Government, maybe trying to adapt their overtake by continuing a replica of "Democracy" but ONLY FOR THEMSELVES BUT...never for me, or people like me they yearn to crush, break, enslave, force into sex trafficking via electronic torture, gang staling and absolute global discrimination. All people against this system have been or are being either brainwashed to say or do nothing, or are already dead via the plethora of murder tools this group has to disguise their covert assassination activities --or mass murder, if you will (that's coming up next in history if you continue to allow this group of sickness to devour the planet with all their hate, greed and this technology that is being sold off as a wonderful wave of entitlement and luxury for the "future"--if there is a future left.


I thought I wouldn't comment on this, as the threats are so endless and I am stuck sitting here with no resources to defend myself or get out of this endless enforced poverty that these most despicable terrorists have forced upon me---but I have commented--I am sick of you expletives torturing me for writing about your disgusting system and then stealing the concepts and ideas and profiting thereof, but still depriving me not just of every aspect of financial solvency but stealing, destroying and making filthy and stinking everything I can barely manage to pay for so I m7ust endlessly continue to pay to renew what should have lasted.

the hacking is very bad--sick of you f-ers out there, your crap system your stupidity and hate and the filthy system you are creating. Sick of hearing about the continuing expansion of this system while the people who actually are responsible for having brought this group into greater power are all being applauded for the pretense that they have been and always are fighting such fascist and racist entities while fully establishing them as leaders--with the help of their friends from overseas, of course.

Every time I watch the news I see this progression and the lack of clarity on the part of the seeming "opposition". Waldorf sure as hell knows about my situation and his videos, like the rest of the mostly white male Progressives, have plagued my internet social media page on YouTube for many years. Some of them teleport me and are more violent than the fascists, or almost as bad--really the same. They are as false representatives as you can get for any "opposition" to white racist bigotry and that includes their "brown and black" minions alongside them. When Waldorf says that "most women do not want slavery" he is ignoring the absolute racist quotient of these bigot white supremacist women, such as the Illinois candidate who screamed with T-rump smiling his hate smile behind her, that ending Roe v. Wade was a success for "white culture".--meaning minorities stuck at home pregnant, with racial discrimination covertly operating i.e. blacklisting and gang staling networks of blocks to employment or independent financial resources for women (like me) and being ignored by everyone as they cry out for help and get only more exploiters jumping to participate in the "witch hunt" as a precursor for The Handmaiden's Tale. You can include so many of the "liberal" and "Progressives" who fully participate in this--plus a huge heaping pile of Democrats in the Party who are established--the "feminists" and I won't mention her name again, now seemingly running for President once more (who could that be?). She is a public figure spewing out all the cliche feminist statements (for white women and their "good" minority minions who support only them) who was full-out gung ho (ho ho) about handing me over as a Handmaiden to her hubby to exploit in that awful fashion of forcing unwanted children out of me, only to be abused and discarded afterwards as I think the plan really is and their intentions towards me.

So I am still writing about it--to the blank silence--but it's being read, and responded to by filth and threats. Silence from the Progressives, silence from everyone everywhere except for the disgusting creeps doing the filthy ground-level attacks and then there are the "entitled" who are having great fun slowly abusing me to death using this technology that is being handed out by the extremely wealthy bigots representing global fascism and the 4th Reich--of course, one of the most prominent amongst them is from a country that has espoused Apartheid and this technology is going to enforce not just sex slavery for women, children (including boys) aimed at Minorities and people like me they/you all hate and want to see degraded, destroyed, beaten, raped endlessly abused to death--but a planet of master-slave entitlement only for them. They have all the angles of the debate and plan usurped for their back-and-forth do-nothingness that is a shallow representation of a bi-partisan agreement for a collective overtake of existing freedoms.


My post earlier today (on Facebook/META):

"We need these women (Liz Cheney & Ms. Hutchenson) to take care of these BOYS".

"Surprise Testimony from Former Mark Meadows Aide Cassidy Hutchenson at Hearing". ABC News. June 29, 2022.

"Ha Ha Ha (7")". Flipper--Topic. November 22, 2014.

Social Insecurity

""They" refers to the terror operation operatives, which range from "you" reading this to "they" who are ...