Wednesday, December 7, 2022

I AM THE CHAMPION!--I've committed no crime either Queenie--I'm not even gay or lesbian or communist or radical liberal But although I have been blocked from access to actual competition in the US---(systematic poisoning from this international death squad Nazi/Mafia organization aka The 4th Reich) I feel that my years of resistance to just willingly allowing these fascist Nazi and Mafia exploiters, users and haters to follow their system of torture and attack upon me has paid off in some way. I am so unrecognized as a fighter and hero of society and yet if any of you could just recognize that if I had caved-in to the demands of Trump and his family I can assure you that his position would not be in dire straights at this time. If I could just type without intrusion from hackers, with my posts blocked to the WWW, I could write more also without the microchip implants and brain-functioning attacks also of this multi-pronged system of attack and silencing.

 "Queen--We Are The Champions (Official Video)". Queen Official. August 1, 2008.

"Queen--Bohemian Rhapsody (Official Video Remastered)". Queen Official. August 1, 2008.

Good riddance Herschel Walker, Kari Lake, et al--

"Queen--Another One Bites the Dust (Official Video)". Queen Official. August 1, 2008.

 I feel like my efforts, although I have almost no money, am always on the brink of homelessness, being tortured, raped and abused constantly day and night by celebrities, Trump, Pelosi, a surge of politicians in the last 2 years, a surge of celebrities in H-wood for the past decade---

I have been fighting and the grey hair on my head is a testament to the poisoning and torture but I have been fighting to not allow these expletives to be promoted by willingly "giving in" to their demands to be a wiling humiliation and rape/torture victim telling the pig apes that they are cool and beautiful and that I "lov" them for slowly murdering me. I have been fighting and I believe that my efforts have in some way achieved great success and if that is all I can garner from all of this unrecognized heroism on my part--then so is it, the unknown soldier who has sacrificed everything for the "freedom" that the gluttonous pig apes take for granted as they continue to allow fascism and hate to override every other consideration for the 4th Reich monopoly on all positions---

So I cheer myself on today. I can assure you do -nothing exploiters out there that if I had given in years ago to people like Trump he would be in much less trouble than he is now; in fact, probably as a power force with the promotion that all these hateful sleazy parasites are continuously raping, beating and abusing me to obtain for their sleazy skank wives and shit daughters to also feed off--they are so disgusting and it's a never-ending rotation of them--

but I have fought and I can assure you goddamn fuckers reading this that if I had been like all of you Trump and that fascist MAGA group would be in power right NOW, instead of being shunted off like husks of corn gone to pasture in the manure of incompetent apathy you all possess and cling to for your safe enclaves.

Still endlessly writing, as I have done, about what violence, rape and torture the sleazy and disgusting and mostly (on a personal level) truly stupid expletives are doing to me now to obtain their promotions and all of you watch the awards shows wherein they are handed endless top prizes, being heralded as heroes of feminism on Forbes Women's lists of "powerful" women--(weak, sleazy and rape enablers, so many of them).

I celebrate my WIN today as I know that if I had done what you all do there would still be a Trump presidency at this very moment. This is not my "ego" speaking/writing it's the sad reality of how powerful this contract out on me is. As of now, Elon Musk has a microchip implant business where more people will be implanted so more sleazy and loveless disgusting fascist Nazis can rape and torture and force filthy pornographic acts upon sleeping or vulnerable or drugged/brainwashed people (including children)---I also wrote about him for years and now he's known as part of the MAGA fascist brigade. But you all bought his LA-coached "cool dude" act for so many years. I can attest that although my post today is a kind of laural wreath I put on my own head for the "win" of not allowing absolute fascism to take-over America, I remain endlessly assaulted and more pieces of shit are attacking me as I write this who are fascist and part of a europigape fascist 4th Reich take-over scheme. It is time for you out there reading this to actually do more than fight by marching with your friends in the streets or putting out media presentations in the nice security of your clean studios---

51 in the Senate
Almost a near win in the House and the tables could turn dramatically in some ways towards a more blue action in the future. If you don't do anything to stop these fascist Nazis and their sick and sleazy hate technology and their organized stalking death squads--that is---.

I can't keep fighting this sleaze wave of s*** forever, alone. I have learned this month that "giving in" only means that they dig deeper into exploiting and sucking out as much as possible and treating the target with hate and contempt after they steal and torture every kind of defense and security out of their intended targets. My micro experience is absolutely the macro system of protocols that this group employs. Stop being apathetic I am dying from endlessly fighting massive pieces of shit celebrities and politicians and non-famous scumbags who continue poisoning my life, body and environment for years and years on a nightly and daily level--all alone because none of you actually will "fight" in a way that is meaningful. The temporary reprieve from a fascist takeover can very easily wane in a very short time. STOP DOING NOTHING ABOUT THIS SITUATION WHICH YOU ALL ALLOWED TO BE FORCED UPON ME AND HAVE DONE NOTHING ABOUT--IT PUT TRUMP INTO POWER. I have been fighting for my life to not allow the fascist Nazi system to not get my consent, which is what they are torturing me non-stop to obtain. They were murdering me when I was so drugged and had no idea what was happening to me and caved into the drugging and rape and torture brain-altering/mind control protocols--. Giving in even a little bit means that the parasites see this as a signal to dig in deeper and inflict more violence and take as much as possible leaving nothing behind and giving nothing back in return. STOP DOING NOTHING. Elon Musk is expanding his brain implant factories and technologies STOP DOING NOTHING ABOUT THIS technological tyranny you have all witnessed happening to me but assume it's never happening to you.
It's now SEVEN YEARS of fighting Trump and his vile and disgusting goons terrorizing, torturing and raping/beating/poisoning/slowly murdering me/having me hit by cars/teleporting me to screaming hate matches EVERY SINGLE NIGHT and abuse and homeless skits in the teleportation while I'm so drugged and dying from poison they keep inserting into my food and body clogging up my intestines--making my body a huge deformed mass of hard poisons interlaced with drugs so powerful, making you so susceptible to the bs manipulation of others-- you would not want them for a weekend of orgiastic thrills--for thrill-seeking even.
Before that, fighting stinking foul wealthy white Nazi Europigapes endlessly on and on who teleported and were poisoning and raping me to death with millions of scumbags attacking me as proxy "force multipliers".
If I had given in, not just to Trump, any one of these worthless idea-sucking energy and life-draining parasites would be in more huge leadership roles. Elon Musk has been participating with the Whorewood crowd and has been handed the role of top entrepreneur putting out all kinds of extremely deadly technologies but promoted as being futuristic with his "boyish" veneer of sophistication. Sold like another "wave of the future" toy system for enjoyment and better living.
Still, no one credits me for having saved the US from another Trump presidency. I realize how "delusional" this all sounds. But I would make a very hefty bet that if I had given in to being exploited by him, I truly believe he would be president now. The pressure and torture on me to cave in has been insertions under my fingernails, slicing inbetween my toes, endless rape by Europigape scumbags who are white male supremacist Nazis who pump poison into my body via rape as hard as they can into my body--and then mutilate my body when I am fighting to get them off me. They then lie about how I am poisoned and call me "bitch" endlessly for stating the obvious truth, that they have all participated in poisoning me. I have been hit by cars, nearly run over by a truck and only escaping this murder attempt by the quick thinking and turn-of-wrist to get away from a truck barreling behind me with a swatch of greased meat carefully plastered on the road by terrorist agents--all I avoided while the handlebars of the rented motorbike would not turn because they were being remotely blocked by deadly assassins paid to construct this death zone murder attempt upon me (that was when Depp and Heard were separating and either Depp, Heard or the rotten skank spawn of Depp ordered this upon me--or all of them). The list of endless mutilations and tortures to my body and what I breathe in and the non-stop abuse that teleportation affords these psychopathic sleazy whore parasites is so enormous I can't ever get through the list--because the brain technology that Musk is handling blocks cognition and functioning.
Now, I tell you that they have been, in successive line-ups of hateful Nazi white supremacists endlessly forcing fellatio and rape upon me with subsequent murder if I lovingly concede while drugged, sleeping or vulnerable (in the shower, after years of torture, sleep deprivation, poisoning and drugging that is non-stop daily, etc etc) they just increase the violence on the deadly level. If I resist, they torture me to get me to cave in. The ultimate goal is to get me to succumb and I have no doubt then, in Orwellian fashion of 1985 (read the book) once I give in, that is when they will murder me (whether quickly or slowly).

Although it would not matter to any of you, regardless, if I had succumbed during the Trump presidency or even prior to this very ending of the 2022 Midterm elections, the outcome would have been different and more power would have accrued towards the MAGA world as a result of me, as a prototype mind control/brain implant "sex slave" tortured victim of teleportation and gang stalking--that is how high the stakes are for this contract and yet you all remain doing nothing to stop it--or help me. Or yourselves, ultimately if you continue to do nothing the result will be disastrous for society and what you blather on about the future potentialities of a total annihilation of the US Democracy and shredding of the Constitution will become a REALITY.

Monday, December 5, 2022

One more month of P-lousy's slurring (high on power), smiling (crocodile), hypocritical (violent racist bigot, with a slew of minorities servicing her as props to the further agenda of appearing "inclusive")-- fascist California "liberal" "elite" tyrannical rule over the Democrat Party. I believe that over 20 years of my torture, the endless passing around of murder technologies covertly, the assassinations of others of a truly actual and real "liberal" political stance being murdered by these drugs, poisons and weapons and death squads, all the State-sponsored terrorism and domestic violence increase--partially and very largely due in part to the "Left" fascist Nazis, which California has spawned in abundance once their cocaine cowboy "hippie" and cock-rock days have turned into post-drug addiction hazes. P-lousy is leaving, and I feel that a change is gonna come with Hakeem Jeffries--a positive change, for victims of state-sponsored terrorism, that is.

 "Jeffries slams Trump as McCarthy faces challenges to House Speaker bid". ABC News. December 6, 2022.

I think I "love" Jeffries already in what I hope is not a false optimism of naivete....(can politicians who are authentic, genuine who actually will help those not of wealthy "elite" while casting the rest down into cesspool pits they can't ever get out of-- be put into high position in any US Party?):

"Republicans have to 'work out their issues' with Donald Trump: Rep. Hakeem Jeffries/This Week". ABC News. December 5, 2022.

The more I hear Jeffries talk, or read his responses to the Republican lambasting of his statements and actions in the past few years, I hear the resonance of the New York family roots that I grew up around. People who fought for labor unions, people who protested against fascism (but then succumbed to the fascist tyranny and death threats, and some of my family members died--were killed I believe by this hate Nazi 4th Reich mafia organization which forces people under threat of bankruptcy, gang stalking terrorism, along with an arsenal of mind control drugs, poisons and "accidents", various "diseases" that can be artificially-induced created in laboratories for these nefarious insidious purposes but cloaked under "cancer research" and the like...).


I hear Jeffries and I hear a dynamic echo of sentiments that MAKE SENSE and don't sound like the person is on an alcohol and relaxation drug binge, as it sounds like whenever P-lousy takes the microphone to spew blather about "The American People" and how she is always, constantly "fighting" for them (not me, of course, in reverse for me and violently with death threats to "allow" men to abuse, rape and then discard me with hate after they force "loving" reactions out of me on my knees sucking up after years of torture which the State has fully endorsed under the hypocrites (a wonderful euphemism for what I know to be the real P-lousy and her lousy 20-year regime).


Jeffries speaks in no-nonsense vernacular but is humorous and has personality. He speaks about realities instead of platitudinous bs which the soon-to-be (unfortunately still in Congress) Lousy predecessor constantly flaunts to the media as her ingratiating smiling "heroic" posturing is always presented as by that same media which has fully gone along with so much of the state-sponsored terrorism against victims of domestic violent extremism which P-lousy has so fully endorsed (when it comes to me, fully defending foreign fascist white supremacist celebrities in her California districts and in her State).


Coming from a true New York family, I hear the strong resilience against opposition with determination using fact and logic from Jeffries. I just hope my perceptions are not deluded in grandiose hopes for a better government installed instead of more continuation of fascist Nazi policies propelled by greedy and sleazy corrupt and corroded politicians, which I have been threatened by for years in these horrendous and deplorable teleportation sessions (many of the "Progressive" caucus in the last few years, in addition to the YouTube progressives and their minions also playing the roles expected of them--victim, fighting for justice, but attacking me out of deference to the racist power structure which they want to rise up from within by putting me down in participation with this social engineering project of teleportation and rape and mutilation and deformity of my body and completely stinking filth endlessly sprayed and poured into my body and property and clothing and hair and food--and then there's the gang stalking terrorism in addition which is endlessly replete with psycho sick bigots and their nasty foul minions endlessly attacking me in--sometimes--hundreds of people for just a few short hours of doing anything in public and while driving (very dangerous, have been hit and nearly killed while driving for YEARS under the tyranny of the P-lousy celebrity group which she is so fully enamored with and so fully supports).


Why have so many people switched to the MAGA and Republican Party for so many years? To me, it was obvious the first time I became aware of P-lousy that she was a firm racist and fake. I saw her disgusting ugly face and heard her slurring nasty voice, which to me sounds like women who have been forced into prostitution and have been and/or are still dependent on drugs for their ability to function. I am not being sarcastic, although the analogy may sound as if I am. Having been forced into dire poverty and having to live around impoverished surroundings, at least for a while (I always got out of it, not sure if I can in the future) I have had to witness such people and I saw in this P-lousy a type of women who fits into these categories. I am only relating my first impression and the money attributed to these celebrities is supposed to mean that they are lifted, mysteriously somehow, out of the drug addict, compulsive violent and sleazy scumbag categories. That they can afford plastic surgery and live in mansions and have been trained in H-wood (as P-lousy also has had her residence in acting there and is a coached performer like the rest of so many of the corrupticians who have very quietly helped to unravel the fabric of society--until Trump came along and did it vociferously--but still P-lousy is being touted (very often by blonde women who obviously, in my opinion, whether they recognize it openly or deny it in psychological suppression) enjoy the "privilege" of having a racist society that P-lousy has so obviously catered to (in private in a fascist Nazi format in public in a fake slurring bs-rhetorical posturing she  undoubtedly learned from her cohorts in H-wood coaching).


Jeffries has also worked with Trump in an effort to alter Criminal Justice injustice. Having studied Criminal Justice in grad school (online courses from a Florida State university)--I learned of the absolute injustice towards minorities and the poor, in particular in the Florida "death con to the homeless" attitude which prevails. I lived in Gainesville, which was cited as being the 5th worst city in the US for the homeless. I heard what people said about ANYONE not fitting into the white supremacist covens of hypocritical religious posturing which align feverishly with ultra Right Wing politics in Florida. I have experienced the death squads of that culture and that culture persists globally albeit in various different forms, according to regional conformity to habit and tradition. California is no exception and P-lousy so fully has imbibed all the hate and posturing self-righteousness that is almost the equivalent of a KKK, ultra religious zealot who dons a white cloak to assassinate the groups they also give the green light to the police to kill or block from any kind of legal representation (making a sort of "generalization" but police brutality in racist terms is an actual reality so I am not going out of bounds in this respect--the police are just an arm of a racist program and P-lousy has been at the helm of this effort for decades).


The gang stalking, which she not only fanatically endorses but fully participates in on a level of violent threat and intimidation to a degree of her behaving like a Mafia enforcer (she has operated with the Brooklyn Mafia in attacking me--the celebrities who only are the "faces" of the more insidious layers of that government-supported criminal enterprise who operate like hand-and-glove with them, and have been doing so at least since WWII and longer. P-lousy is one of them, and of course has been offered some kind of position in the Italian diplomatic-American partnership and I have no doubt her mafioso performances for the dark web cameras (or this organization which appears to demand that every one who rapes and attacks me does so in a most theatrical way--the Europigapes like the one currently attacking me have a protocol which they all repeat, which is disgusting, pornographic sleazy as hell and dehumanizing to a huge degree--a remnant of Nazi protocols which they all follow. P-lousy fully supports the entire system and in a way that few of the very nasty of the bunch who have threatened and beaten and raped me non-stop for years in this teleportation hell have never been as threatening to my life as P-lousy--this slurring thing who has been handed the reins of power in the Democratic Party for all these DECADES.


Hakeem Jeffries is BROOKLYN IN THE HOUSE!!!!! My parents from East 3rd Street, FLATBUSH!!!

"Beastie Boys--No Sleep Til Brooklyn (Official Music Video)". BeastieBoys. July 17, 2009.

Get whorewood/H-wood false piety and hypocritical "liberalism" out of The Party---(in the name of P-lousy and her retinue of $$-sucking corrupticians in the House and Senate and out of whorewood) because, I so hope I am correct about Jeffries and that he is not a fake--I so hope I am not in desperate need of hope to the point I can't see reality (like the rest of people who believe in the hype that is constantly being cranked out by the whorewood establishment, partnering with the Congress-wood orgy party):

"Beastie Boys--(You Gotta) Fight For Your Right (To Party)(Official Music Video)". BeastieBoys. June 17, 2009.

Teleportation terrorism and it's trickle-down devastation of human rights in support of a white supremacist death squad and murderous "elite" culture: The adulation of white male supremacist rapists and their female enablers (especially of the blonde Nazi variety). The decline of Feminism, nearly no support for women's rights, the fight non-existent against rape and violence against women and Amber Heard's appeal and the soaring pedestals of the rapists and their parasitic followers: I "Heard" the news---an appeal and the pigs squeal--it's a big deal---the wheels turn, the grease scum keeps pouring on the rape culture machinery. Labels of "woke" yucky culture spring and rebels against rebellion against white male (and his rapist enabler white supremacist female partner) complain in the media. As usual, I can only find racist and bigoted sexist posts and articles and find it impossible nearly to find attention-style media coverage defending women claiming domestic violence and rape and torture. I am as usual completely silenced. The violent rapists and their spawn and friends are all featured in interviews proclaiming the innocence of the rapists and their Nazi co-conspirators and get headlines. The normative values are being firmly entrenched in this manner to sweep up the remnants of the erstwhile "feminist" revolution that appears nearly gone in our modern sexualized porn titillation entertainment media coverage.

 But the real tragedy is beyond all of the subjects I so briefly mentioned in the intro to this post (above). I am at such impediments to express myself due to hacking and mind control interference to my brain while I type--trying to get into any lengthy and articulate writing is impossible, literally due to external hate mind control and hacking/brain-altering remote tech endlessly blasting into my body and brain while I fight to circumvent the hacking interruptions that are continuous.


I see that Amber Heard has filed an appeal to the "win" for the rapist, abuser, sinister male who beat and raped me for at least two years in teleportation with so many people participating and his putrid rotten daughter being propelled into main stardom in those two years by Depp--and the subsequent years of her and Depp and their friends taking turns exploiting and raping, poisoning and beating and abusing me on 24/7 schedules without end for over a DECADE literally without a single day of respite to me--but, they are being interviewed in the media--the rat spawn of Depp who is now at the forefront of this rape and abuse/torture/poisoning/abuse and insults immediately after rape, where I respond "lovingly" after death threats, poison inserted into my vagina so I really thought I was dying from internal organ poisoning and rotting--(the stench is completely gone now after I react with passion to the abuser I had tried fighting off for 2 months without a moment of peace--a constant torture scenario that began at least 2 years before Depp began to follow the exact same protocols).

But the people who supported Depp while he was raping me are now being interviewed by the media in defense of Depp. All of the women (mostly English and/or French--part of the model/celebrity movie star syndicate--in my opinion and from my years of experience living in Europe, I conclude--and I believe very accurately--they their main interest is in creating as much chaos injected into American culture as they rush in to control claiming superiority--because their cultures appear sane and secure and fashionable in comparison with crumbling USA which also is lacking in fashion at this point--also a takeover of the fashion industry by Europ-a's have created this huge fashion gap and thusly Europ-a appears like a fashion citadel on a hill in comparison with the more frumpy US fashion lack of--)

But digressing although this is a huge component of this psy-ops of violence which the teleportation has been grossly expanding into a total negation of feminism, or the movement which created domestic violence laws, domestic violence shelters for battered women, lawyers defending victims of rape, incest and DV--now also crumbling with Europ-a women defending the rapist men and they KNOW that the men are violent. It's just that in the bigoted universe they are trying to create, it's women "like me" who are "supposed" to be abused and raped and beaten because the women who support them understand absolutely how violent their men are--loving them and needing to be a part of the power structure their violent rapist pornographic men create for their elitist power structure, the women applaud the rape, torture and violence against the "bad" women (like me, apparently and once I have been labeled as such, the pyramid structure of followers immediately repeat the dictates they have been given without question and violently and viciously attack me--including Depp and his faction who were just following orders).


The people who teleport me, who I never wanted anything to do with nor would I ever want any kind of casual contact with them, much less intimate assault and my life like an open book for them to punish and torture me for THINKING things they don't approve of--while they continue to steal ideas I think of or write--although I really don't write very many creative ideas any longer due to this endless theft--for over a decade--

but, they keep putting the putrid ugly sick daughter of Depp up as the "Handler" who, along with her French mother, a skank model filth rapist enabler along with all the other fascist Europigape women who applaud and dance around (I also refer to the colonies like Australia and Canada that are part of the Commonwealth and etc as inclusive in Europigape culture and terrorism).

They dance around and applaud the men, although previously when this teleportation was not being ubiquitously handed out to ever-increasingly violent rapist pig ape racist 4th Reich men and their minions--the Nazi women had to bear the brunt of domestic violence and rape and abuse. But now, the shit pig men who you all cheer on as white supremacist heroic cultural icons have women like me to implant with microchips, teleport, rape and inflict their favorite Hustler-style rape and punishment scenarios replete with racial epithets and death threats and bodily mutilations.

Thus, when Congress people like Jamie Raskin approach, who is a brainwashed Jewish Nazi, almost as vile and violent but not nearly quite as much as Michael Bloomberg, who surely was handed billions of dollars for his deception of appearing as a New York "Jew" put into power. This deception of putting minorities into political and mainstream power has been operational for very long. They then appear as images of "progress" towards a more universal and "fair" Democracy. In truth, they bow to every command of the Nazi racist mafia 4th Reich protocol system of genocidal, pre-Holocaust entrenchment possible.


People just like Jamie Raskin, exactly Jamie Raskin, came to point his finger at me in the teleportation telling me to "obey" the putrid ugly rat spawn of depp, his daugher I mean--she's been so used to energetically and sexually feeding off the enormous power high of violence, just like her nasty violent woman-hating father has done with me and Amber Heard (but with me exponentially more violently than with Amber Heard--so much more violent than with Amber Heard--)

and it's not just the white rapist MEN who are being sheltered and protected, but their female rape enablers like the sexualized parasitic leech daughter who is being interviewed as if this stupid rotten skank putrid parasite has any idea to offer the public. What the public sees is a highly sexualized energy vampire who has been feeding off the endless supply of millions of dollars pumped into this fascist promotional pyramid scheme--she's possibly one of the worst rapist enablers after the former wife of Pitt--filthalina the most rotten parasite but I think the skank daughter of Depp is even worse, almost. Growing up with endless applause, an introduction to being top model by Lagerfeld for her violence against me as the Nazi German fashion s***-head creep endorsed this formerly mostly unknown wanna be famous child of a model and an actor--then propelled and then exalted and then stealing ideas I had written of or things I have done, which this group including her have all but destroyed, stolen and made sure I can't even BEGIN to try to capitalize on my own ideas or talents-(the organization tried to kill me while I was in graduate school with near-death car accidents, poisoning and etc).

But this system, the minions who are so brainwashed like Jewish nazi Jamie Raskin, and Michael Bloomberg--so feverously support the blonde fascist Nazi skank dirty ugly piece of shit that Depp spawned as if she is their heroic leader---she's a stupid as hell putrid dirty lying fake plastic surgery modified nazi puppet put into power, but they don't even care. They are so brainwashed by this imagery and this skank creep has been feeding off the applause, the power the huge power high they have all obtained by the politicians giving them carte blanche to go on and on.

Thus, the women who feed off supporting the violence against women, especially in a racist context as this is with me, but then again, Amber Heard used to be one of the blonde Nazis watching on smiling and laughing alongside Depp as he raped and beat me for over 2 years without end. By the way, I kept telling him that I was sick from poisoning and he was killing me by the non-stop abuse and pumping of poison as deeply as possible into my body. He then nearly had my cat killed in response, had her kidnapped (and she is still gone, waiting for me to return to her) and beat, punched, slapped and passed me off to others to rape and beat. And then Pitt took his turn for over EIGHT YEARS. but all that time the violent and sick daughter of Depp has not stopped. 


now she is partnering with Baryishnikov to use torture, poison inserted into my vagina--which this group (Deniro, Pesce, Pitt, filthalina, et al) have been doing for years non-stop anyway including more and more non-stop poisoning so bloating poison which hardens the muscles and puts horrific mind control drugs into the mix have been non-stop put in my food and body so I have just remained stagnant, being killed slowly--while the group of blonde women associated with this cheer and laugh and dance and have their men continue to abuse, rape and beat and torture me (in teleportation). The blacks who come support the blondes and nazis and oh yes, they are defending Oprah who fully endorsed it all for years until I called her an Aunt Jemima and after that people like Billy Porter--who has been exalted like all of the blonde Nazis as well--for his violence against me, claiming that I am thus a racist against blacks and thus I deserve this kind of non-stop violence by white supremacists making holocaust statements to me in front of their promotional cameras--in teleportation).


So much for feminism and for women being strong and caring about violence against women. It is beyond a racial divide by the way, it's all about who belongs to this following orders system and who is "bad" like me for fighting for my human rights after I have been mind controlled, raped and tortured for decades and am trying to stop this endless cycle of violence against me.

But now Depp's spawn and Baryishnikov=both fully members of the sleazy and decrepit French faction of this global Nazi/mafia 4th Reich cartel, are digging into destroying me. Baryishnikov is resolved that he's the one who will obtain this contract of forcing a baby out of me. He has me on my knees--after a few months of poison which made me feel like my body was dying, inserted into my vagina. I was attacked by huge violent groups of people attacking me with elbows in the crowded places like my bank--all Russians part of the post-Stalin nazi brigade out of Russia for their global power structure. Etc etc the attacks which have not stopped against me in near death attacks increased, and finally my body could take no more. The filthy ugly daughter of Depp was there as Baryishnikov forced me on my knees doing that porno fantasy hate act which the skank daughter of Depp applauds and giggles at, especially when Baryishnikov, who really wants her but she's too young and protected for his exploitative bs sexual games, is just loving him for beating me and abusing and slapping and sticking his member in my mouth and slapping me simultaneously and then immediately afterwards, in front of the skank filth of Depp, insults and berates me as she giggles and then he gets his promotion. He's never ending attacking me and then "helping" me while I'm fighting to not be permanently paralyzed--by finally after years of doing master cleanses every month for over 2-3 years I can finally begin to do a few exercises. Poison swelled up so badly internally I could not even walk, the poison just swelled up behind my knee caps, then poured out. Obviously I was being poisoned non-stop by his colleagues who all claim I am lying as he calls me "bitch" for having stated the obvious, that I was being poisoned by them for over a decade--death poisoning, by the way, plus pumping it into my body, and having my hair chemically removed permanently for fighting to get the over 6-feet terrorists to stop raping me while in teleportation sleeping and absolutely vulnerable mode so I could not even brace my body against impact of the rape by these huge pig apes.

But all in defense of them, and people from the US Government like Jamie Raskin trying to impress the 4th Reich Nazi-controlled media establishment so his blathering "fighting for Democracy" ranting for cameras in the Select Committee can land him a boost to his political and media career aspirations. Pointing his sordid finger at me to "obey" the stupid and rotten ugly piece of shit skank of Depp who has not stopped giggling as this energy sexualized vampire parasite has been so endlessly fed in energy and power highs off nearly a decade of being promoted simply for supporting her rapist Nazi father and his increasing violence towards women--so with all the millions and millions of dollars poured into this filthy Nazi skank with all the plastic surgery modification--she's just floating on a power high. It's the same kind of smiling glow that you can see in the photos of the Nazi concentration camps out of Auschwitz on their picnic where they are literally glowing with sinister delight and look more happy than you will EVER see a group of Germans in modern times without victims to feed off as they had during the Holocaust.


These brainwashed people appear to LOVE and NEED the violence-pumped up parasites who posture as intelligent heroes of culture but I swear that people really resonate with the ultra-violence of the psychopaths they put into lead "beauty" roles--and torture enhances the glow of the people who inflict it they appear more glowing and sexualized and tons of hormones are released which make them appear like they are constantly on the verge of an orgasm. Indeed, they literally are because of the highs of violence and torture which are being endlessly applauded also by the most sinister of the politicians I have met, Graham the creep--moreso than Trump, but not Trump's two Europigape fascist wives who so fully endorsed this violence against me they were right there cheering it all on like the rest of the endlessly media-promoted skanks of the 4th Reich.

People appear to want and need these types of images in order to appeal to their sense of America being a world-class predator country. This is why the politicians who vote for endless trillion dollar defense spending and then try to stop Social Security payments for the "losers" of society are partnering with rapists and their filthy Nazi minions and blonde "fashion" iconographic pornographic rape and torture anti-feminists put into "feminist" position roles. Their dumbed down opinions are being publicized endlessly in response to the Amber Heard case. One of them is a "black" women who has been endlessly endowed with BILLIONS of dollars and is in defense of every fascist abuser male who has hit the headlines in the last few years--who also have participated in this hate crime against me in teleportation. Along with Trump who obviously is in legal hot water in all directions. Still, NO ONE considers what is happening to me to be a dangerous threat to Democracy or human rights. Certainly not the Jewish Nazis like Jamie Raskin and Michael Bloomberg, who love and support the blonde Nazi filth who harbor some of the most vile anti-Semitic hate they have been ingrained in by their Europigape fascist fashion parents out of Europigapeland. Admired and endlessly interviewed about how Amber Heard is a "fake" and the hate towards Heard is astounding and the support for her is absolutely null and void in sleazy Nazi Whorewood--when it comes to me, I am attacked and told that I did something to deserve this endless violence (like fight back and defend myself against crime and poisoning, drugging and rape). The perpetrators are being relentlessly being promoted as if they are pristine and wonderful. 

Sunday, December 4, 2022

the next porky porker in line---(warning to all children MUST READ so you can understand either what your parents never told you or how you too can grow up to become a rapist pig scumbag using teleportation, drugging and death squad minions to torture the victim and drug them before you insert and discard with contempt afterwards).

 The grey hairs, the stress...

worn down, worn down by pig ape after pig ape rotten creep celebrity male, the same disgusting people who have gloated, parasitically sucked out my health after having me poisoned slowly to death---sitting in the chairs as the next pig is raping and abusing me immediately afterwards. For 2 months I have been literally fighting him physically and screaming how I don't like him--but alas, he began having through his proxy terror minority minion "gang stalking" death squad goons poison and toxins inserted into my vagina.

I felt my hair greying and noticed that more strands were appearing in front of my face after repeated poisoning into my vagina--which has been something ongoing for years, actually. It is how they kept stiffening, and bloating poisons inserted into my system. It is how they have kept me semi-paralyzed most of the day, in such a drugged stupor I could not think clearly, while they teleported and tortured me endlessly asking me why I don't "like" them after they rape, beat, torture, dismember, disfigure, poison and steal my concepts from my writings and block my every single financial earning capability in addition to the stinking filth I must live with that they order sprayed and poured into my room every single day and night without exception. In addition I am blocked from all communications and every phone call and attempt to connect to any single business entails being transferred to the terror network, which has ability to have fake customer service agents or those involved in the terror network answer phones and lie and abuse (this extends to government agencies as well). During Covid, when the phones were not manned by the terror network so heavily, I noticed a huge difference in some respects when it came to trying to contact businesses like my bank, where I actually obtained real service the few times I phoned. Now I can't reach a branch, numbers won't connect to the main business areas, and all is blocked. I never receive information on any mail I receive from the mail service I paid twice the amount listed because I was lied to, being drugged up beforehand.


But full support for all the agencies and people involved, promotions without end ,and the next pig ape in line is raping me using teleportation. I wrote of him for now two months and he's been allowed carte blanche to rape and torture me. He's a Europigape fascist scumbag who by now is so repulsive I can't stand his face or seeing his nasty putrid videos forced upon my YouTube screen any longer. I do hope you will stop sticking both your face and videos on my YouTube and also your greasy pig member in my mouth and body, sleazy disgusting pig I know you have access to this post--***(scumbag creep).


It's just the next putrid pig being handed so many promotions for this crime against me, sitting in chairs and in rows are the pigs who have taken turns all these years doing the same or similar or patting the other pigs on the back and all getting a huge collective promotion in the media and in politics and for their careers, they also include their spouses and friends and children so they never stop because so many other people around them also have to profit off this atrocity that it appears no one is alarmed at whatsoever--


he's disgusting, I have to repeat this. He's helped me in a way that no one has done in this offensive putrid group of shit and pig crap political and celebrity bs fodder-cranked out K-rappers--but he's been raping me using the fellatio sickness because I felt like I was dying, I thought I had some rotting organ in my body because he was ordering stinking sewage water to be inserted into my body. After the rape, after I finally "submitted" to being raped, and in the throes of torture I reacted in a kind of victimized Stockholm Syndrome because he truly was murdering me--but helping me to learn to try to move my paralyzed body--of course always abusing me after I gave this loveless parasite my beauty and love in this sick rape fellatio fantasy nazi creep pornography that is what almost all these pig filth men force upon me--after years of torture, while sleeping--this one is a real opportunistic parasitic manipulator--whatever his problem is, it's an endless transfer of my energy and youth to loveless parasitic abuser Nazi filth who rape and torture me, obtain sexual energy out of my dying desperation for the torture to stop--I am a loving person and I don't associate sexuality with pain and abuse, so I am a tender person. They literally feed off the torture, feed off the energy they suck out of me, and then they feed off abusing me in front of the blonde bigot piece of shit spawn of Depp who has been feeding off this torture contract and watching as both her father and now these rotten men who rape me in front of her and they show her immediately afterwards contempt and hate for me, as she giggles and smiles and laughs--the rotten filth spawn of Depp I am referring to--the number of Europigape men who have been doing this is the number of months this next line-up of pigs have come to get their rewards--the dancer out of Latvia and the formerly great DJ now boring thump thump fascist scumbag out of London--

It's a never-ending line-up of them. The greasy dancer just raped me as he's been doing every night now, then having my home sprayed with stinking filth afterwards, and after he extracts, after months of saying no, of screaming in hate to get off me after his endless violence, threats, abuse and torture of me, I succumb to this deadly assault upon my body to get it to stop--trying not to be murdered by the next sick pig ape. He abuses me with this Nazi filth spawn of Depp sitting in chairs smiling because I fought her and the pig father for years and then tried to destroy them after they stole my cat, pumped poison in my body, beat and punched and slapped and threw me off heights while teleported--passed me around to other Europigap actors to rape while I was teleported--all getting awards afterwards in their acting filth awards contests--all these awards ceremonies and the projection of "the best" are so completely rigged-the people displaying the worst fascist tendencies in these private torture sessions to further push the fascist New Order system of propaganda into mainstream society (as it becomes more openly Nazified--).

So he is going on and on. He calls himself "an important man" and is so threatening and has mentioned death and has put me in a chokehold has raped me numerous times and then insults me in front of the shit of Depp immediately afterwards. I can't imagine how much promotion he and his filthy whore wife and children are now getting for this display of fanatic rape and abuse-for-profit as just another pig in a long line of them by now.


He continues to order stinking filth and puddles of fungus-laden water poured into my bathroom floor. They continue to flood the floor even when I have fans on highest speed blasting onto the puddles for literally 8-10 hours. They just keep on making my living space a stinking and filthy disgusting mess. The pig is undoubtedly getting more mansions which entails more cleaning minority minions (mostly women, of course, first to clean and then to provide more free fellatio for the racist Nazi pig apes).


Silence from every angle of justice and government and society. Silence reigns. 

Fascist Fashion and Psycho-Clown-Comedy political commentary designed to lull and pacify the public by the deceptions of the 4th Reich Parties for the State Dinner Party: "Only" one-and-a-half persons involved directly or indirectly in the terrorism teleportation assault and attempted murder tyranny over my life were invited to the Biden State Dinner (celebrities).

Hollywood Celebrities Flock to Joe Biden’s First State Dinner 

I use the Trump-supporting, election-denying, (containing much element of "ultra fascist Right Wing") news Breitbart source in this post as it's most fitting for the "Democrat" Party party theme here. The point is that co-conspirators with Trump in this fascist, Nazi, white supremacist league of expletives out of H-wood and political-wood, USA have all worked together as one collective unit in this most vile rape and dismemberment/disfigurement/poisoning/drugging/rape and incessant never ending 24/7 torture situation with death squad minion support for every expletive in higher ranking position in their collective pyramid scheme--for ultimate deception that Democracy is truly working and you are all "safe and warm" in the confines of the warm embrace of the posturing celebrities and politicians. Instead of saying directly the name of the celebrity who assaulted me with slapping my face for saying only that I didn't like his tv show, upon only saying after a question whether I liked it or not, just saying simply "no", this celebrity (below) violently rushed to slap my face and then asked me why. In a drugged, sleeping and teleported state I told him that I don't like these comedy routine news commentaries as they mock the actual harsh reality in order to lull and placate the public into laughing off serious matters. I didn't put it in those words as I can't express myself 90% of the time under all conditions of communication (in this post I am fighting to get my hands to move t keys and think and operate the keyboard--the attacks on my brain continue as they incessantly always do whenever I speak or write in any sort of "public" venture of expression. So here he is, the "celebrity" clown (below) but welcomed by Biden. Does Biden know about my condition. Of course, he's welcomed Kamala Harris into his fold after she, along with Oprah, teleported me and had me repeat while sleeping and teleported, drugged as usual, dying from stress from non-stop abuse and poisoning, and induced to repeat that I wanted Harris as president--when I had dismissed her prior to this teleported incident albeit only internally as a thought, and didn't think of her again. This was as her bid in the primaries in 2019 was fading out and she had an extremely low popularity rating by that time. But anyways-----the other half of a person is an extremely thin British Europ-a fascist Nazi who will be holding the Nazi Lagerfeld into public attention post-mortem--with his launching of the spawn of the racist Nazi bigots out of Whorewood who teleported and raped me in front of audiences in France for the Cannes Festival--the spawn of this rapist abuser, now famous for being exonerated for his violence against his former wife who also bolstered her career by assaulting me alongside him, along with the rat spawn of the rapist male--but Lagerfeld brought not only the spawn but the spawn of the black Nazis now seeking "forgiveness" for the Oscars "slap" by using the same, tired old Uncle Tom formula of playing victim of oppression in yet another movie in order to pit himself as a perpetual victim rising up against racism---but happily smirked and smiled as his yelling and disgusting wife assaulted me alongside the rapist white supremacist (American) celebrity (whose wife is now infamous for trying to obtain a domestic violence claim to stick in court, and derided for it by our increasingly anti-Feminist society); thanks to the proliferation of sleazy porno portrayals of women in media as being "powerful" only if they display genitalia and porn posturing as their main source of power--. And so there was one of the arbiters of Nazism and the concealed and congealed news clown commentator honored by Biden in this State dinner. I'm surprised it was only two instead of the entire line-up of all the violent extremist celebrities who have endlessly assaulted me alongside the fascist Nazi prong of the organization with the "liberal" side, all happily in a sort of violence orgy politically-endorsed promotional pyramid scheme to try to break my body and spirit and suck out my sexuality and deride and insult me immediately afterwards through torture and rape and poisoning and drugging and non-stop attack upon every single thing I have done and worked for---but there's the wonderful State dinner. Only one and a half people who have been part of the assault that never ends were invited. It is amazing that considering how many expletives have assaulted me who are "celebrities" were not likewise arm-in-arm with the clowns below:

The Nazi fashion "icon" (who I consider to be an infiltrator and someone out to destroy American culture and bring in fascist Nazi mentality and Europigape-centered models as symbols of Nazification of America) but--not directly involved in the teleportation but always welcoming into her Met fashion gala and modeling magazine "empire" the creep females of this hate organization who yearn for top model positions and obtain it through her maneuvering and promotion. Obviously one of the main proponents of mind control through fashion and influence of image for the 4th Reich cartel fascist Nazi mafia operation. How I wish her plastic surgery would implode and her along with it and all the mafia Nazi creep skanks that get paraded around by her Nazi propagandized "fashion" platform.

Thursday, December 1, 2022

The fascist Nazi Dark Money takeover of the United States + The MURDER operation that has been forced upon me and many others in this globalized 4th Reich "systematic" death squad social engineering project: The Nazi (posturing "liberal" "Democratic" "feminist", "concerned about all humanity") "A-list" H-wood celebrity violence increased upon me today--those expletives out of the H-wood teleportation and home proxy-minion death squad terrorism, increased likely due to my anti-Nazi post written yesterday. Yelling with every insult possible, even when I respond in a joking way, they increase the violent abuse (verbal) until I react trying to physically kill them. Undoubtedly my brain and body are under technological manipulation to increase rage (brain-mapping tech interface). Unable to control my rage I go through a litany of the crimes they have inflicted upon my body and life as they feed off the energy. Some of them have been feeding off watching me scream in rage after torture, which they also feed off energetically (and most importantly, for their million dollar promotions by the Nazi-controlled media and political machine, interlocked as they are in one main-frame operation controlled by some algorithmic dictate protocol system---which is what the street and lower level terrorist attackers and minions all do likewise with the same stupidity and violent and vile sickness.) Somehow, they all claim they are superior in every way after stealing my life and destroying my body and home and finances, essentially. Silence reigns from the authorities who are all loudly, as possible, proclaiming they are "fighting for Democracy". The list of politicians conjoined with this group of celebrity vileness increases year-after-year. Trump is just another one but all of them are under the same umbrella system with Trump hanging over every attack upon me.

 Again, requesting that someone intervene and get them off me. If I write the names of the people involved just this morning (I was awake, the technology is so disgusting you are teleported and your body is literally split into two entities. One is more ethereal than the other, transparent almost but in the other state where the criminals are teleporting you, you are in appearance a solid body. I am not able to turn away, although I try, the attack on my nervous system and brain at these endless daily violent insult, rape, beatings threats and extraction of ideas and information (which went on daily for over 8 years, literally by the pitt gang with their corresponding wives all clamoring to appear like they are not elevator music-enthralled mindless gold digging expletives instead, what I studied for, what my family of an Ivy League and money background had me trained into with classical music and literature and etc---tortured to extract ideas from people who grew up in mainstream mediocrity but exalted because of their pornographic interpretations of Nazi posturing.


Their children are more fastidiously trained to believe that they are an elite aristocracy and more entitled to extracting, stealing and robbing and raping and dismembering and disfiguring and watching laughing with glee when more men/celebrities come to rape and abuse me and insult me afterwards--immediately after they garner a "passionate" response out of me while all the drugs and mind control technology are blasting my brain into some artificially-induced "love" explosion of sensation which I cannot block out. The drugging makes this impossible. They also lace the mind control drugs with a deadly chemical that bloats and hardens into my body--this poison comes out sometimes and sticks to my body while I'm trying to get it out--it sticks to skin and it sticks to the porcelin of the toilet bowl--that is how adhesive it is, how deadly, and it sticks to the inner walls of intestines. This is what the filth from Whorewood have been pouring into my body via their death squad minions while abusing and torturing me endlessly without end. It went on this morning as well until I tried to kill the creep yelling insults at me. THis is the London DJ who partners with the never-ending inclusion of the filth spawn of Depp, that filthy greasy skank who has been feeding off this contract for years. It is such an adhesive parasite upon me and has sucked out drained everything possible out of me and yet is going for the kill. Every morning there is a group of these celebrities sitting in rows in chairs watching as I am blasted with the tech (plus all the drugs I can't get out of my body, the hardening poisons are hard as rock inside my body, like cement. I fight and struggle to get it out. If I manage to get a tiny piece to crack out after much exertion (thanks to Baryishnikov, I have learned the great art of how to place the body more correctly in order to get the maximum stretch and efficiency of the body contours--at least more than the mess I was struggling with before his help) but he remains one of the group, groping for his promotions, nevertheless.

but murder, this is MURDER. Most of  you reading this think it's wonderful in all your racism and hate, whether you openly espouse it or privately agree and do nothing to stop it.


But I wrote about the precious-to-Nazis Ronald Reagan yesterday. This precursor to the now open Nazi movement in the US was something I recognized almost immediately back in the early 80's when Reagan was elected. First of all, my wealthy high school changed immediately once Jimmy Carter left the Prez position and Reagan took over. There was a drastic alteration in how people dressed and that was an immediate change from one class to the next--the post Vietnam-era protesting style with army jackets and peace slogans was like a line drawn across cultural boundaries, replaced by Izod sweaters and displays of wealth--immediately this change took effect from one school year end to the next.

Because my high school was such an elevated form of instruction (although remaining a public high school)--my class in economics--at an "A-level" which at the high school meant college level instruction for the high school students (much accelerated; i.e. I was studying quantum mechanics of physics in my senior year in an A-level science class; it was the most comprehensive education I have had even up to Grad school).

We studied the Reagan economics onslaught into American society. I understood immediately that this was going to be a greed society and that the corruption was not far removed once the money trail was being disappeared by the clever machinations of the new administration sucking in as much money as possible from the national treasury. However, it took me a while longer to understand the racist implications of the Reagan dynasty which Trump also represents. Most of the Republicans in the media who rail against Trump hold to the iconography of Reagan as if he were a dear, authentic memory of times when politics were Vaseline-coated wonderful and soft and beautiful.


But not to go further into the Reagan hole---the legacy of Reagan and the people of that impressionable generation such as Elmer Stuart Rhodes who used to run The Oathkeepers---influenced their lack of accountability that is now being put in check, almost far too late.


This lack of accountability also reigns with the Whorewood celebrity group and is openly touted by the politicians--albeit in private--who come to ravage the contract for all they can also likewise suck out of it; people like Pelosi who probably cheered fellow actor and California fascist Right-Wing Nazi Reagon with her allowance to posture in political bs learned from acting coaches in Whorewood (please look up Pelosi on IMDB and you will see she is just another member of the acting brood). Absolute unaccountability for every crime, like the banking scandals of the Reagan and Bush administrations, and all the subsequent corruption of the politicians until the entire system has gone almost completely awry and awash in greed politics, aka "Dark Money" funding of so many covert and illicit operatives of fascist Nazism being put into the most offensively positioned "liberal" roles in politics and media.


But I am accosted and there is no accountability either for the filth that daily assaults and tortures but mostly steals everything from me and claims it all as their own, then destroys my body until I am dying from poisoning and torture; my body completely covered with broken bones, broken fractured vertebrae, slashes and insertions into my skin, my hair mostly gone and won't grow back, greying because I am dying from this.

PLEASE INTERVENE AND STOP THIS GROUP FROM FURTHERING THE NAZI CAUSE. PLEASE STOP DOING NOTHING ABOUT THIS VIOLENCE BEING INFLICTED UPON ME BECAUSE SO FAR, IT HAS PUT TRUMP AND ELON MUSK INTO POWER plus this group of fascist nazi actors posing as heroes of "Freedom". They are torturing me for having posted something about anti-Reagan/Anti-fascist punk music in conjunction with the Oathkeepers and the legacy which put people like that into power. Undoubtedly, most of them for public appearances will descry these anti-Government and fascist groups. These celebrities are the lying version of The Oathkeepers put into media positions. They are very well trained at lying and deceiving. 


So, they ordered the water spigot underneath the toilet, which connects the nozzle spray and toilet tank in a duel spigot formation--began spewing out water like it was jetting out. This was done after my shower, when I had mopped the floor (because there is no window in this bathroom in this emptied-out Condominium in Thailand). No open windows, water just stagnating and no fresh air, the terrorists routinely, every single day, multiple times a day, insert fungus into the moist atmosphere and on the floor (plus tufts of hair, debris, etc on the floor). Last night, after my shower, after mopping the wet floor (but not soaking wet) and seeing that everything was okay, I went about doing the rest of the nighttime things, and one hour later the floor was flooded and the spigot was spewing out water sprays. I used to keep the bathroom door closed because while I live in this stinking, filthy, grease-splattered surveillance condo unit--where I can't use any of the closet space all the items are routinely sprayed with stinking foul substances routinely--all systematically obviously this is a system that is used upon many others around the planet. But they also open up these tiles in the walls while I sit on this chair in front of this laptop--too ill to move, and fighting to heal always in pain--I sit most of the day in a physical agony drugged up inertia--they use the mechanical arms, inserted through the opened tiles in the bathroom walls--just right near the bottom of the wall, next to the toilet so no matter what caulking or silicone or paper and glue or whatever, it's ripped off and the water from this tank area keeps everything unglued and off (they continuously put solvents on the substances I glue or plaster on, including grout and etc--to make it appear as if the water moisture area is making every single substance fall off--they use every kind of cloaking to disguise their terrorist home break-in operations).


They insert these mechanical arms through the walls, and then while I am staring into the screen, take a mechanical arm which somehow, silently and very craftily, spins hair and strings around the wheels of this chair I sit on. I used to close the bathroom door to stop this, but once I did that, they began spurting water out of the spigot so the floor was once more flooded. When I keep the door open and check on the floor every half hour, nothing happens! No water drips. They have manipulated every single item in this room to attack and cause stress and forcing me to bend with my very hardened and sick body from their poisoning which they have kept as a torture and MURDER device poured and injected into my food and body (through my bladder, inserting this into my body through that orifice). That is how disgusting they are. They can do this to you too, although you assume you are invulnerable.


One hour later---the term"deregulation" came back to me as the Reagan-era precursor to the Dark Money fascist Nazi takeover of the United States. I was writing about the economic corruption that the Reaganomics faction brought to the world. It brought much woe to the world for many and extreme wealth for a small minority. This trend, absolutely revered by many, including "liberal Democrats" and their ilk. It's reign over economics persists today and is so entrenched to the point that Dark Money has become a staple of power cartels operating illicitly for years and now it's been decades in this slow deterioration of transparency. Thus the situation forced upon me and the ascent of both Trump and Musk both operating with this celebrity posturing group of feminists, freedom and Democracy pundits who privately are nearly swaggering Nazis with torture, rape and murder at their disposal for free and entitlements and castles and promises of aristocracy red carpet treatment in Europe it's all they can do from wetting their pants panting for more and more awards and gains as they continuously torture me non-stop daily for years. years and years. years and years now over a decade and it's still ongoing. I also could not remember the name "S&L banking scandals" which were a residue of the Reagan Era unaccountability Nazi ascent, with the Clintons also pursuing their own version of the same also put into power (with England backing the Oxford student Bill Clinton).

 While in front of this laptop my memory is being afflicted by the terrorist operation and their hate technologies so blanks and spaces are forced upon my memory. Literally a tabula rasa is incurred and I blank out on topics and can't remember names, dates, can't really count above basic prime numbers, etc.


For the last hour, besides excreting more poison that was latched into my back along my spine that cracked out this morning, just before the teleportation hate violence from the DJ from London who claims he is young and from a thump thump musical generation of electronic gadget tweakers inserting music other real and actual musicians have actually played on instruments into an electronic foray of various squeeks and thumps--thusly he's of this young sales generation and instantly more "hip" than me--and yelling at me with the French-back spawn of Depp, also of his generation, and Baryshnikov, also with them all, yelling and screaming at me after I write posts which, even though they are ranting, nearly hysterical and I can't type without endless blocks to the keyboard, my brain is suffused with subliminals so I can't concentrate and then they rewrite after I post--nevertheless their aim is to stop me from writing to silence me and my thoughts. Also they torture me endlessly to extract ideas from my writings and also in these violent and deadly hateful teleportation sessions. I have stopped writing my creative ideas, which I could never get out in the first place before I understood that my ideas were being stolen because this racist bigot operating system (the 4th Reich) can't tolerate to see me profit off original ideas and have more than a single white supremacist bigot--including being beautiful and happy).

In the last hour, I have tried to clean the stinking and foul patio which formerly had white tiles which have all been sprayed daily with brown, permanently staining and stinking grease--it's along the walls, also in this room the floors and walls and furniture is sprayed with this daily and nightly. I went into the bathroom which had been flooded last night--I left the bathroom door open and I had gotten the puddles of water up--and 10 hours later, after cleaning the back patio the bathroom is now flooded with puddles and hairs on the floor and a rancid stinking fungus odor. Cleaning non-stop and I can't begin to actually clean the stink that they have put on other objects and the floor of this room. The filth they put on my floor and my body and everything else is so proliferous that I must fight to get the most horrible and my body can't take bending due to the stinking poison they put and continue to put in my body *(for the last decade, they have been abusing and poisoning me to death, daily they inserted poisons and cut into my body with these mechanical arms and/or people entering into my room to rape and insert fungus into my bladder and put my spine and hips out of alignment while poisoning me with hardening and bloating stiffening chemicals mixed with mind control drugs so awful I have sat in a daze for over a decade, unable to move for at least 8 hours a day just sitting in pain unable to move. My body now ravaged and aged and broken down--

endlessly for over a decade writing these posts. They, the celebrities and politicians all conjoining in one hate group incessantly daily and nightly torturing me using the government-sponsored technologies and death squads-- want me to stop writing now so they can get more deals out of silencing me. They've been sucking ideas, my sexuality, my life force, my property my artistic concepts and everything they can get out of torture, which they then suck life force out of and feed off it as a hormone and power high--and if you doubt that, just look at photos of people standing over torture victims as the perpetrators glow with joy and are smiling disgusting huge grins--this is what they are doing, and feeding off it energetically as well. They are addicted to this power and hormonal high and they never stop. Plus politicians like the ever-increasing list I have been naming (increasing almost exponentially since Biden took office, mostly of the Democrat branch). 

Wednesday, November 30, 2022

Terrorist Report: November 30, 2022. Local Phuket psychopath scumbag terrorist crime for a change, as opposed to the halfway around the planet teleporting group of the same ilk based in, but now owning properties and businesses in Phuket due to the collusion with the local Europigape filth here in Phuket who are bestowing the shit from Whorewood with these businesses for their participation in building a fascist global order 4th Reich--those out of Whorewood, California, USA.

 These are just a few little examples of the crap that goes on here--by no means extensive but I wanted to add a few things about how the "gang stalking" operates, although I have been writing of this for years, it's been a while since I detailed how extensive the organization is and to what efforts these creeps go to in order to destroy the target.

What you would assume would be a straight-up shopping experience of buying food sitting on shelves and then thinking afterwards, if you are a target, how to protect the food. 

I have been putting onions in water and boiling it and extracting the water for hair growth. My hair is almost completely gone as this psycho group put hair damaging and skin damaging chemicals on my scalp and on my hair; and then put it into my shampoo even when I wasn't watching it for about 4 minutes after having taken a shower--wrapping it in plastic bags and things tying the ends so mechanical arms can't poison or taint the shampoo/conditioners--but they can unscrew the lids and pour poison in; it only takes less than a minute while I am outside putting away the mop from cleaning the stinking and foul floor after a shower from the endless crap they insert into that bathroom through the other bathroom--via opening the tiles on the other side of the wall.

I had been buying onions and I realized my hair was drying out from having used large onions. I began to use the plain yogurt I could find, and there are only three brands that are not flavored and thus I have only three choices for yogurt here in Thailand where they love their sugary drinks and yogurts--I bought a few packs and it helped my hair, so the next time I went to the store and took home the packages of plain yogurt, I discovered that it was much harder to open the packages. What these creeps do for terrorist poisoning purpose is to unglue the seal from food, and then reseal with a much stronger glue than the original package. I have to rip the metallic seal in order to open what used to be a very easy-to-open top for the yogurt. I used the yogurt and my hair began falling out in sheaves so by now there are much larger balding spots than ever before; almost none is left. The small amount that has grown back is the size of equivalent baby hair that remains at this carpet level on my scalp--not going anywhere but covering my scalp with a fine baby hair frizzle that remains stuck like I have fake alopecia.


What else--there was a white male who talks, acts and behaves like one of the men who feel absolutely laid-back with Thai women servicing them like slaves and cooking and cleaning like the domesticated 50's wives that are sort of a thing in the past in the West--compared with the eager domesticated women here in Thailand who also "look the other way when you cheat"--so said a younger man trying to attack me--who lived in a room on the other side of my tiny little single-unit house but attacked in a row to the next house with this wall between us. Undoubtedly I was assaulted by him for the length of time I lived in that home--while sleeping they obviously broke in and did whatever to my body while I was unconscious and could not wake or understand what was going on. It continues now in teleportation in a rotation that is sickening.

But, these men are so complacent about being served they have a demeanor that is very distinct, sort of like a playboy entitled scumbag whore calm and confident his every sleazy fantasy and need will be met with sexualized near worship by the minority minions servicing them. That is one reason I call Phuket a "Nazi Paradise". This is the epitome of racism put into co-mutual symbiosis.

A man who had been putting out videos for a Thai newspaper called The Thaiger--which has it's outlets in Phuket, Bangkok, etc etc--he made the videos of himself with his Thai male partner agreeing in that dumb head-nodding way of a slave--which sickened me

but eventually this creepy Australian dude began making his own local Phuket news podcasts--speaking about local and national events of noteworthy interest in political and public affairs. I cannot deride him for the content or presentation, even if he's the epitome of the type that is deplorable here in Phuket and these types of men have viciously lead a campaign of rape, torture and mutilation of me here in Phuket that rivals a torture prison situation which has been on the verge of murder many, many times.

I wanted something to listen to one day and his independent Phuket news podcast just appeared on my YouTube channel, so I let it play. Ignoring my inner warning to not click on any rotten dirty old man or  young dirty man or his skank female companion of any age who are putting their creepy videos on my internet for my clicking, which means they want to trigger a reaction as they do sick and sleazy things to attack me in ways that are supposed to discredit me--as usual. 

I have to "backtrack" a bit and state something I had told some Thai women long ago about how I "can't" learn Thai well--which is due to the drugging and poisoning and torture that has so badly afflicted my cognitive state, memory and ability to concentrate for so many years. Thai is not an easy language to grasp for me, and I "forget" the words I learn in casual conversation often when the extremely rare Thai person wants to help me (which is very rare but it happens sometimes). I told one of them, where I rent my motorbike at Be2Win in Rawai-her name is Porn (really it's Pornthep but the bigot Nazis call women who service them the nickname Porn and that has become a standard short name for the more correct name of Pornthep---I consider it just another demeaning and pornographic diminishment of Thai women by these white bigots who flock to Thailand for their endless sexual exploitation vacations and living arrangements.

This creep had a "special" interview, supposedly his "first" interview. It was just a few days ago, going into my Youtube stream on autoplay as I was cooking and my hands were immersed in meat and raw foods so I didn't want to mess the computer by changing the channel---(the terrorists have poured disgusting fluids on my laptop making it look broken down from the deterioration of the laptop surface--it was done the first week I bought this computer and nothing gets the stains out--it looks splattered with gunk by now--but that's just the usual for all I own)

This creep was interviewing a Russian man--and of course I am now being teleported and raped now almost nightly by a Russian man who has put me in a headlock, had my body poisoned, has put stinking filth via his minority minions proxy terrorists where I live--and on and on, the usual nightly terror teleportation skits and then just upon waking I am raped and dehumanized by him--as he gropes for the contract forced out of me for forcing a baby out of me, abusing, hitting and raping and poisoning my life with hate and negativity--but helping me unlike any of the shit sitting around him ever have in all the years of this going on--as Baryishnikov is helping me to heal my body and the filth and crap who have been assaulting me for years would not even contribute $100 per month so I could move to a location with a private swimming pool and thus not die from poisoning which they kept having poured into my food and body but they all lie and claim that I am lying about being poisoned. Baryishnikov called me a "bitch" when I said that I am endlessly shitting out poison, despite 11 years of detox and for years monthly 10-day Master Cleanses, somehow they all claim that I am lying when I state the truth, which is that they have kept me poisoned with intention to paralyze me or kill me while stealing ideas and refusing to help me to heal and never stopping the deadly abuse and violence towards me. He is the first one to have ever helped me in any way, and unfortunately the rest of what he is doing is part of the destruction of my life and spirit and health because the stress factor is also killing me and he really is not stopping it. Of course although he has mansions and is very wealthy, supposedly, he won't stop for a second to obtain his promotions and of course they all need people to abuse to feel elevated, so none of them ever stops and thus the stress of their endless hate and rape is also still killing me.


But...digressing a lot.....this creep from Australia named Tim, with his local Phuket podcast (but formerly working for the Thai syndicated newspaper The Thaiger)--began stating that "I'm really stupid and once I learn a Thai word I forget it immediately" which is a verbatim quote from what I had been saying. The Russian he was interviewing was discussing Whorewood icons who he loved, who also are part of the terror team but not the usual main abusers but those on the outskirts of the terrorist inner circle. Don't want to say whom because her videos are going to explode on my YouTube channel if I do.

I then wrote a comment making mockery of him in the comment section. His videos then were posted on places that should not have allowed for the intrusion into my streams--just out-of-place videos of his podcasts in playlists of topics unrelated whatsoever in searches for information--the outlier to other subjects on politics searches or about political topics--in other words, more hacking. The "interview" was so silly and creepy I realize it was not, probably, legitimate but it literally had this creep repeating what I had said verbatim to Porn, at this abuse and terrorist motorbike rental shop. I also have been blocked from earning money so I must pour my money into renting everything and being abused by the people who take my money while my brain is excessively under strong attack by mind control technology literally making my voice altered, I say things I had not thought of that are personally embarrassing that spontaneously pop out of my mouth, in a vocal tone that is not mine, in language that is foreign to how I speak and think. The puppetry of the mind control technology is something that makes you absolutely discredited and you can't take it back, nor can you stop it's effects on your brain and body. I put this in 2nd person tense so you do-nothing enthralled readers hacking into this post can try to begin to understand how dangerously inert you are in the face of such tremendous dangers when such unethical and sick people are being constantly handed these technologies and full carte blance to torture by the governments of the world--which have installed the same ilk into powerful positions who all are actors splatting out bs rhetoric about how beautifully wonderful they are at fighting for "The People" and all that wonderful "Democracy" stuff they keep repackaging year-after-year as the same comes in to replace the same old year-after-year.

But this is the local branch and how they operate. It's what America is yearning to become with the "far-Right" MAGA groups which want to have a Nazi paradise of rape victims akin to Thai sex willing slaves but only with the press of a few buttons, the insertion of microchips, the brains being cooked slightly into a kind of brain-mapped sludge of mind control poisons blocking cognitive thinking and defense skills by the targeted sex slave or torture victim slated for eventual discarding with everything stolen especially opportunities for a decent life without being oppressed on a most intimate level on every possible way by a few scumbags with these technologies endlessly being handed out and meted out to most corrupt and incompetent--in the broader picture--.


So, after I wrote this clever but caustic response to this creep on the comment section, my bathroom stank from fungus and stinking foul water spurted on the floor by the mechanical arms breaking in through the tiles of the walls, from the other side of course. I was raped and threatened again, as I am being almost nightly now, by Baryisknikov who threatened me to stop writing and added that with threat of violence. I supposed he was defending the rotten good ole boy Nazi Europigape network, just as he's sitting with the shit spawn of Depp with her French network which is HIS network, abusing and raping me in front of this group so they will confer him with more mansions and business deals and art shows and movies and etc...

so I think it was the cooperative collusion of the local most scumbag Nazi filth with the Whorewood group which is striving to turn the planet into a paradise zone of rape and sex slavery akin to a Third World Banana Republic where, as is the case here in Thailand, protest is forbidden and the people have been completely brainwashed into sex slavery with loving kindness also with children they bear these men who then obtain property here in Thailand for their retirement. Their nasty wives out of Europigapeland are waiting to flock in once the main investment strategy is completed and the men can essentially dump these Thai women and bring in their more cherished blonde Nazi companions--the darker women of course reserved for the denigrating dehumanizing sexual prostitution and knee-bent servitude that nasty Baryishnikov is forcing upon me with threats and poisoning and hate and violence until after more than a decade and I can see my body dying from it all--I succumb to the violence but once upon waking am disgusted and so I write about it.

Of course nothing stops it or him or any of them, nothing whatsoever. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2022

I heard a lecture about religion a few days ago, which included a sentence that sparked a recognition of the impact of how the media entertainment celebrity iconography resembles former religious deification of the mundane. The absolute worship of superficial and exterior appearances which diverted the respect for the sublime that is of a gentle and magnificence into a bombastic display of grandiosity that is what people transfer the respect for the "divine" which is abundant in nature to the fabricated power cartels which dominate religious hypocrisy--the theme of this part of the lecture was on how human and animal sacrifice had replaced the profundity of respect and reverence for the process and power of the forces that generate life.

**I just read through about 5 paragraphs of this post below (written two days later) and saw how many of the sentences had been deleted and then strung together with other sentences--portions deleted and strung together in other words. Words were changed, grammar deleted, and it all reads like a rambling incoherent mess. This type of partial deletion and stringing together of sentences in order to discredit me is also part of the endless discrediting and poisoning/drugging/violence protocol system. Because no one ever comes to defend me and I have no outlet for protection, support, friendship, love, financial stability, no legal support anywhere on the planet unless I provide solid evidence of these crimes I further remain standing alone with this mess being associated with "me" and it's not me, it's the terrorist operatives forcing this upon me, as usual.//**Another add-in after having posted this: I had written (below) that an entire CONTINGENT of black people (should I say, more pc, "African-American"? but I don't like these designations of affixing a prefix before the American label--) but the hacker terrorists had changed it to "an entire continent of blacks..." but it's down there somewhere in this altered post which reads like a chaotic mess due to the word and sentence alterations/redactions by the hacker terrorists. They try to discrediting with very subtle psychological changes in words, as well.

"The Internationale(Lyrics)(English)". CROCRACKS. June 20, 2019.


"Anthem of the Soviet Union/USSR (Most beautiful version)". Wessen. December 30, 2021.

"Glory to the Great Stalin (Soviet song about Stalin)". Wessen. January 25, 2022. 

I have heard grossly conflicting statistics on the numbers of people massacred in the Soviet Gulags--the number in this video claims "1 million" but I have heard the number rise to almost 80 million by other sources recounting how many Russians the Stalinist regime politically massacred (that number includes those who died during WWII, so soldiers, civilians lost to the Nazi machine plus Stalin's own purge and decimation of places like Ukraine, etc. The justification was and always has been for political miscreants. The electronic torture 4th Reich imposing it's rape and mutilation upon me is both racist and political and the prison-style isolation chamber/surveillance/torture situation I am in, where I can provide zero evidence of, and thusly politicians and celebrities and civilians alike throng to participate in a covertly-funded and supported State-sponsored witch-hunt terrorist operation is astounding in how many people actually gravitate towards these exploits. Their public personalities tout something akin to the bombastic State songs you can hear above all railing on freedom, equal rights. The story remains the same but the history is so often skewed and the focus is mostly upon Nazi tortures and concentration camps. Stalin created such "camps" at least a decade before Hitler ever emulated the same system. Now it's being done with electronic and covert gang stalking terrorism albeit in a "normalized" civilian and domestic sphere. As usual it will only be regarded as a crime once the actual perpetrators can no longer be persecuted and it's a past historical event, just as the Holocaust was not openly discussed amongst the victims and the media ignored the situation to a very large extent until long after the criminal terrorists/Nazis/etc were all safely ensconced away in their disguised locations in places like Argentina. 

"The CRUEL and BRUTAL Soviet PUNISHMENTS in their own CONCENTRATION CAMPS/GULAGS". Military History. June 24, 2022.

The French women who collaborated with the Nazis, mated, were lovers and had babies with them, were later attacked by the French Resistance and other liberators when the Germans were ousted from France in the aftermath of the war (or perhaps also during the war). Some of them women were publicly "shamed" by having their hair shaven off, some also with swastikas carved into their foreheads). All put on display. The song by English band Crass is about the shaved women who were such lovers and collaborators with Nazi soldiers and also betrayed their own fellow citizens. These types of women are not the fashion models and the owners of media establishment, alongside their fellow Swastika-flag-waving husbands (only using a metaphor and not literally speaking). It's not just the fashion models and actors to which I refer, or the American celebrity "A-list" throng which are on the strings and paychecks of such operations with these post-Vichy fashion and entertainment media moguls running the apparatus behind the "scenes" (or even in front of the cameras, as the actors assaulting me for a decade are all vying for top position and are being handed yearly Oscars and awards for their instructional promise of promoting fascist ideology through their songs and fashion and media performances all touting the same blather you can hear in the Soviet Stalinist songs above--which have been adopted so widely amongst their fellow European counterparts with a fake divide of a post-Cold-War deception. 

 "Crass, Shaved Women". Pauly Gall. July 19, 2010.

"Crass--Reality Asylum". AnarchoAlan. June 23, 2007.


This entire Nazi/4th Reich/"Gang stalking Death Squad terror system has ensured that "no one" will reach out to protect or defend the target. If anyone extends beyond the limitations imposed upon the "do-nothing" quota which everyone agrees to in this Social contract, they only do so tenuously like a trembling leaf ready to blow away asap once they perform their self-ingratiating "good deed" against a sick and twisted system to which they will not dare disobey. 

In order for me to provide proof of all the violence, I would have to have my electronic equipment not hacked. Uniformly my every electronic telecommunications and all equipment is hacked. I mean literally even appliances are hacked so they will break, in ways that you will never see as videos on YouTube. They can make faucets leak from the mechanical (probably electronically-controlled) gear behind the wall on the other side or from a more remote location forcing spigots to spurt water and then not spurt, according to how much torture they want to inflict. They can make my water kettle make horrific noises and/or break and then resume functioning--this happens when I write a ferociously victimized and enraged, drugged up post about how sick these parasites upon me are.

When I say nothing, I get a calm and nothing is breaking or putting filth on my clothing--that is my "reward". The parasites attacking me, as their "reward" get million dollar deals, businesses, promises for themselves, their spouses, children and friends obtaining every promotion possible that this group can hand them for this torture and discrediting system they all nearly sprint to get involved in.


I can't provide a shred of evidence as my internet is so hacked I can't even find resources, phone my bank, obtain my mail on my electronic mail system as I am always diverted to terrorists pretending they are running some "business". 

Most assuredly, I can't get a single politician of the US Government, or any government, to intervene for the sake of justice and Democracy and Freedom. Not a single person will get involved and those who do face their own travail.


So I am not able to defend myself by providing evidence, and thus I remain being hacked in every post trying to describe this horrific crime (against humanity). As I write this, whatever technology is being used against my brain is forcing my hands to not be able to operate to press down on keys I want to press. It is 100% effort also to pound out every letter as the keyboard is being hacked to be nearly inoperable.

So my posts are unreadable and appear like rambling "craziness" due to all these factors. 

I was raped once more by Baryishnikov this morning and he's threatening my life essentially to get what he wants. What I had attempted to write about Depp's daughter is that she has been, like the wife of pitt and pitt himself and Depp and Trump and deniro and pesci--these people feed off torture, they get hormonal highs off it--they all obtain such publicity and fanfare after they and the fanbase who also are vehement violent terrorists who clamor for a Nazi 4th Reich takeover of the planet (all races and colors of skin inclusive albeit never on an equal parity of power, the race distinctions always apply of course in this racist system. The darker skinned people must "always" play the "liberal" "victim" for their public roles, btw that is the role they are forcing upon me).

I am now labeled by the fascist Republicans who join in as a "radical liberal" and they say in unison "death" after I try to get them off me. I am "radical liberal" because their organization was poisoning me all my life and having me raped by people who pretended they were my friends after they drugged me so all my barriers and wariness and ability to discern anything was stripped away--the technology in an interface with the drugging always made for this endless inability to defend myself against predators who came like an endless swarm. I ran out of the US two times to save my life from lack of health care. I did not know I was a stalking target--nor did I  understand or know anything about gang stalking because this topic has been hushed and silenced for decades and I am a testament to how much more silencing there is for this epidemic of hate that no one will recognize.

But they now can label me as one of the oppressed "minorities" who, prior to the implementation of this heinous technology and poisoning to death--I did not consider myself a "victim" nor did I get heavily involved in political protest--I am against tyranny and injustice and discrimination but was not an active participant (mostly because every time I got near even a Democratic Party headquarters I was immediately under attack by creepy people glaring in hate at me, I felt immediately that this was not a legitimate place to have a real political discussion and my teleportation terrorism experiences have proven this more than 100% correct, 100% of the time).


I have to add, that while I write either subliminals are being continuously pumped into my brain while simultaneously my memory is being blanked out--or some derivative of brain-mapping blocks and extenuation of hyperbolic rage or negativity--all aimed into my brain, I try to write and get "lost" in the middle of sentences and lose track of what I am writing. In addition to the hacking deletions and rewrites making my writing undiscernible and I appear "crazy". Meanwhile, the parasites are reading what I have actually written and are constantly STEALING ideas from my writings and then, once they steal my concept, they paste it on my social media right on top or in front of every page so I "must" see it--and they place the part they stole from me prominently in front of every flow of information and once I react--under drugging, mind control and poisoning and torture and duress that never, ever ends---they then get more promotions.

I have tried to write a list of the celebrities and there have been so many that, with all this block to my memory I can't get it all out. I also have not written all the names of the politicians involved. You can add Amy Klobuchar (sp?) to the list--that "liberal" or even "Progressive" senator from my former college State of Minnesota. Once more proving that the "liberal" fascists which partially drove me out of Minneapolis have been elected as officials in that State. Prince was murdered probably by this A-list celebrity group because I tried to get away from them and tried (successfully) in this zany social media triggering contact terrorist system to contact Prince and get away from them. Two weeks later Prince was murdered covertly through that fake Fentanyl assassination in that elevator which broke him down--and Pitt for one made snide smirking comments asking me "who do you think killed him" like it was a joke--the kind of "joke" he smirks about when he's having my gums and teeth slowly knocked out for asking for Justice after years of him and his wife stealing my ideas (verbatim often) or adjusting them to more Nazi idolatry heroic fake propagandized "entertainment" always featuring themselves as having these "alternative" traits which I expressed as they insult, poison me to death slowly rape and beat me for having written. 

I think the nasty daughter of Depp has been feeding off torture for so long she's absolutely high off it. She obtain a lead role in the fashion world one year after Depp and she and Amber Heard all began teleporting and raping and beating me after I "performed" rape actions with absolute loving passion to someone who immediately tortured me afterwards and was pumping poison more deeply into my body and THEN torturing me afterwards and THEN stealing my ideas and claiming them as their own (all three have in various sequences performed these acts or cheered them on, absolutely obtaining global lead role positions for having done so, even in their domestic violence media circus and I am still silenced to the point of murder for writing anything, which of course I am propelled to do under non-stop torture situations and drugging which remains non-stop so I "must" write).

Two weeks after Depp began   his rape of me, early in around March of 2013, I was writing furiously on his Twitter account to stop raping me, the little few sentences I could write I posted near screaming intention of get off me posts and that I could not stand him--he and his rotten daughter and Heard then had my cat, La Moux, stolen from me and they put a photo of her thrown in the swimming pool of the place I was forced to stay in-and they turned the photo of her drowning into a "joke" with a caption that she looked like an alligator with it's jaw sticking out--some kind of psychopathic "joke" like that. Ever since then, Depp, his ugly sinister daughter who has not stopped feeding hormonally off this rape and violence for her maturing years--now fully fed on "entitlement" and the fascist Nazi entourage that her French mother has showered upon her because she also has obtained lead roles in French movies--and Baryshnikov is a part-time French resident and fastidiously obsessed with the relics of elitist French Imperialistic culture---having been showered with all kinds of rewards for his ballet roles--and so, with her by his side he rapes and insults and threatens and beats and has my body plunged with sewage water in my orifices--as this group has been doing to me so my post two days ago was suffused with the poison coming out--emotionally at least.

And they keep putting her rotten face on my internet searches and she keeps appearing with Baryishnikov who is raping me in front of her so her French contingent will further pour money into his business enterprises and art cocktail party lifestyle and more and more and more for him. My rewards are that the stinking filth is not poured into my drinking water or vagina or hair any longer and my bathroom is not flooded all the time (only in small doses every day) with stinking fungus and hairs and cockroaches which the terrorists shove into the bathroom through tiles of the wall from the other side. The entire bathroom walls and floors have been covered with huge swaths of decorative paper, glued and pasted on--but the silicone I use to try to seal the tiles is all ripped off immediately. I cannot cement the tiles which is what would be necessary. They force me into abject poverty so I can't move or get out of this rut they created to imprison me.


He's telling me while he's forcing his penis in my mouth and threatening to slap me and nearly doing so that I am going to have children for him and etc etc. There is always the audience of the celebrities, now it's this French contingent like Depp and his crew who beat and poisoned and tortured me and maimed mutilated and with the former wife of pitt--these women who order my body corroded with poison while their fathers/husbands and boyfriends rape and beat and then insult and abuse me afterwards while they poison and beat and dismember me and are murdering me--after they steal ideas and make millions off these original concepts that I write and create---but am not able to capitalize on I can't even type and get my thoughts out with all this block to my brain functioning and the hacking and rewriting. I want to add that I also took photography and everywhere I have lived people have gone into my residence and have stolen my photos, so I put the photos on digital memory and then stored them on Facebook. These, too, have been almost completely deleted from my Facebook page by the hackers. I can't get a single thing out, stored, published or done. They all call me "loser" and after having my hair and skin permanently damaged, they cut out part of my uterus so my hormonal balance was so disrupted I have aged just from that factor alone--exponentially like a downhill slide from that and the daily, non-stop torture and violence and abuse. Last night, like every night, Baryishnikov used the same old formula of having me teleported while in a deep sleep, to being made homeless, under threat by people assaulting me in the teleportation skit, then upon nascent waking state, and always sick from poisoning I am really dying from poisoning at this point--the rapist with the dirty ugly daughter of Depp who has blossomed off torture of me in every way, embraced by Lagerfeld and the fashion world and the H-wood establishment of Nazification propaganda--but she's seemingly always there when men are raping me. THey nearly embrace her as she obtains more plastic surgery, beauty treatments and like the ugly and sinister wife of pitt, the hiss in hate at me that they are so much more beautiful than me. The men who have just raped me embrace them and slap and and abuse me and then in their rape fantasy master race penis-sucking hate skits they terrorize me nearly to death as they force this sinister act of hate via sexuality on me. now demanding upon pain of being punched, slapped and more torture and violence Baryishnikov is demanding that I do it "lovingly" as his hand is ready to slap or attack me while I'm in this teleported state. 

The people who have been feeding off this sit in their rows as he and they all obtain more and more and more and more and more rewards for this. Coming out of former fascist Nazi Russia (now current fascist Nazi Russia fighting fascist Nazi Ukraine) Baryishnikov is like an expert in this kind of terrorism and he's performing his role with an acuity only someone fully indoctrinated into that system understands how to manipulate and use terror as a form of social control.


I am under mind control right now, my hands can't move to the keys I want to press it's very much a struggle. This will probably be re-arranged/partially deleted and then strung-together just as all my posts have been and always are.

The parasites attacking me read my posts and plan on which tortures to inflict upon me because I am not being "silent". This is a system that has ensured that the people, as I used to be, who are incredulous that this is a farce that this system is not a social threat, nor could it ever be happening to them, remains as a system that is increasing daily with more people joining in on the "fun" and free bountiful rewards system.


I heard a lecture about religion a few days ago, which included a sentence that sparked a recognition of the impact of how the media entertainment celebrity iconography resembles former religious deification of the mundane. The absolute worship of superficial and exterior appearances which diverted the respect for the sublime that is of a gentle and magnificence into a bombastic display of grandiosity that is what people transfer the respect for the "divine" which is abundant in nature to the fabricated power cartels which dominate religious hypocrisy--the theme of this part of the lecture was on how human and animal sacrifice had replaced the profundity of respect and reverence for the process and power of the forces that generate life.

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).