Meeting held in Great Neck, NY to address the Santos problem (of Jewish Nazi Republican Sheeple doing what they are told=voting for a lie, accepting lies, telling lies, living in lies. Obeying what the bigot Nazi 4th Reich instructs them to say, think and do like so many of the minority minions of the 4th Reich. So many lies they can't discern reality any longer).
"Rep. Torres calls on the FEC to investigate George Santos". CNS New York. January 17, 2023.
This "outraged" community meeting was held in a beautifully designed, ornate ($$) building, in the lavish and upscale community of Great Neck, New York. I grew up having to drive from Champaign, Illinois to that spot twice a year, from near infancy until at least age 11. I don't "know" the community like an accepted member. I was always designated as being the sacrificial mind control victim, and all the people from that community were fully aware and attacked me with terror and fear underneath the scowling dissent--all the bedecked dripping with jewelry marshmellow-hair-doo woman and sunken-in Jewish men and women, surrounding my suddenly wealthy grandparents (coming from the Lower East Side, coming from Brooklyn, coming from not-wealthy immigrants out of Austria and Hungary)--. My grandmother made a point to usually invite "Erik" this German immigrant from Nazi German to our most bedecked nighttime dinner soiree's, with his "Jewish" (dyed blonde) very happy wife, one of the few Jewish women who looked happy and glowing compared to the more sunken-in and droopy types (despite their grandeur with jewelry). I suspect that they lived in perpetual fear from the endless hate and intimated violence from the thugs like those I have encountered coming out of Brooklyn, the Italian-American mafia with it's threats, insults and for many decades, complete collusion with the US Government with mind control technology and death squad permission handed out. My family did what it could to get away from the thuggery of Brooklyn and live with money. voila, here I am writing about mind control as they are either dead (my mother passed last November, being remembered only as this wonderful beautiful personality), or still living with the lies that, like Santos, have created a beautiful mist about their personas and how successful they always have been (financially) and about their credentials--me of course now castigated as the problem and of course all the poisoning and torture and stalking and abuse has forced me into paralysis and not able to earn a single penny while under non-stop torture, so I look and appear like "the problem" just a "problem child" while they are, like Santos, seemingly picture perfect. As opposed to Santos, however, my parents DID attend Ivy League universities and ARE of the Jewish clan (not the religion--but in particular in business matters if money is involved they become "jewish" very quickly, just like Santos). Otherwise, they couldn't give a damn about Jews or the Jewish community or the religion. It's a label they were forced into. They tried to force themselves out of being the perpetual victim of racist hate, and sold me off to the vicious 4th Reich to be raped, poisoned, beaten and mutilated and destroyed--a sacrifice. The Jews I meet from New York are almost all (that I have been exposed to, i.e. Bloomberg who is a most hateful vicious abuser towards me in a way that is like immediate rage and violence without any provocation on my part--he's so indoctrinated into New York Jewish self-loathing programming and venting his spittle upon me with death threats, like they all are--he's just emulating the Nazis and the Mafia out of Brooklyn, as so many have done of the "Jewish" community, as my family did with eager glee to get out of the ruts imposed upon them, to be handed wealth their parents dreamed of, as they sold out not only me, but the community and themselves and then the country, in fact, helping to destroy the fabric of what America really has stood for--for the chance for equality and freedom from Nazi and Mafia and state-sponsored death squads and etc--which they sold out to, leaving me to fight alone against what they should have rejected but never have. My family has not even contacted me to let me know my mother died, I discovered it on my own. I stopped contacting her and them after she began screeching in rage at me over the phone because I had moved to Thailand and never told her--but really, it was because I was fighting to get the next filthy pig ape rapist from endlessly poisoning me and pumping poison into my body (and laughing about how "fat" I had become, then letting me know he wanted me in a coma) and was going on and on for over three years with me constantly telling him to stop. This is the Italian scumbag friend of Sylvestor Stallone, his name is Nicola Siervo--I wish him hell. But otherwise, my mother began yelling at me with utter rage while I was fighting the Nazis. Her rewards for obeying, she married an "Italian-American" but began screwing him while he was married and living next door (she was sent to be his mistress, and I suspect my grandmother sold my mother off to sex slavery and oppression as my mother became even more violent towards me because of her own victimization, which she just had to pass off onto me). My mother, in other words, was violently yelling at me for not obeying what some filthy pig ape scumbag was doing to me, killing me. She didn't care, what was important was HER standing with the Nazis. My family, in all it's intermarried with Nazi pig ape Americans, are completely also immersed into this lie and distortion about how wonderful the are (all play the usual "liberal" role for society, because that is what is expected of "Jews" and their oppressed minority offspring).
But back to Great Neck, the Republican Jews, who assume that the Republican Party "cares" about Jews in Israel can't wrap their minds around the mind-bending fact that many Nazis are members of the 4th Reich Republican Party, and that killing Jews is one of their top priorities. When the Nazis come marching into Great Neck, the whimpering Jews call the police and assume also that law enforcement is always going to be there to back them up, mostly because they have all sold out to the 4th Reich and believe that they are sheltered and "safe" if they just go along with selling the children of designated targets like my family (rising up out of Brooklyn, suddenly having a very beautiful house in Great Neck, cleaning maids, mink coats, a Cadillac, etc etc etc).
My grandmother Elsie, half Nazi half Jewish was accepted 80% into the Nazi program especially by handing her daughter and son and grandchildren into mind control experimentation, microchip implants and all that funky filthy stuff that has become a normative stepping stone for so many aspiring people that it's a commonplace "secret" that "no one" knows about but "everyone" participates in one way or another.
My grandmother with her blonde hair and blue eyes---a stiff autocratic demeanor, a closet full of mink coats, a jewelry chest full of diamonds and exquisite precious gems and jewels. The neighbors with their dyed marshmellow hairdoos, always at the beauty parlors once a week, bowling for Great Neck and going to the diners and to restaurants at the very least 4 times per week (when we would all drive to Great Neck, I can remember only a few evenings of a home-cooked meals (expensive steaks, always from my carnivore family). It was ALWAYS out to restaurants--my four brothers and sisters my parents and my grandparents. In New York, that's an expensive. My grandfather claimed that he obtained his wealth by playing the stock market. He "showed" me the place where his pet supply store had been on the lower East Side of Manhatten by driving on an over ramp so I could only see the tops of the buildings and he pointed to an old red-bricked sort of sagging roof while we were on the expressway and told me "there's my old shop". Cloaking and lying about every single thing, almost, that is how my grandparents operated. That is how my mother learned to operate. That's how my mother has always operated.
My brothers and sisters and their offspring, who were waiting, I suspect, to also have my mother berate and abuse me so they could also get free promotions and deals, tried to lure me back to Arizona a few years ago. I can only suspect them because of the years of my mother trying to essentially have me killed. She also told me that they (my family) were "waiting...." for me to....(blank, silence). She was begin to yell at me with hate that I was lying about my back being injured (she created the injuries, made sure I was poisoned, made sure I was f-ed over all my life, or most of my life, poisoned me personally herself)--I refer to the hardening bloating poisoning. As I grew older and puberty turned into a threat to her insecurities (and my Nazi grandmother) they began to have me disfigured and maimed. This is the exact mentality of the bigot women of the Nazi enclave in H-wood and their mentality. My family has picked up a lot of the methodology and behavioral traits of their Stockholm Syndrome "handlers".
This is an obituary clip from the Champaign, Illinois News Gazette. All the wonderful parts about how my step-father and mother hosted anti-Vietnam war meetings (parties, in reality it was parties and gatherings with passing joints and cocktails--it was always a "fun" party for my family. Once the war ended, they never spoke about America and it's war culture ever again, as if they had been muted by their authoritarian controllers who are war hawks and need to rely on the graft and the flow of endless money for their social engineering mind control machinery). My parent's function was then not of use, and the targeting of my family began and what had been a solid and loving family turned into my parents following orders and turning upon their children with viciousness in order to prove that we (me) could not achieve self-determination but must always remain the sheep waiting for the slaughter if and when the Nazis want to steal all the money and property of Jews--as usual.
My mother turned into a vicious, yelling and screaming alcoholic. If you prod members of my family, perhaps they may eventually not tell lies about her and the situation. She would sob and cry at the beginning of the Nazi and Mafia infiltration of my home and family to stop us from being powerful in the community. My step-father had become a kind of symbol of anti-war resistance and was very popular. The Nazis, after the Vietnam War had ended, had to quash my family and bring us DOWN down down into ignominy and a kind of shame. I was targeted, especially when I became First Chair in my middle school band, and I was the best in the drumming and percussion group because I had had training in classical violin by highly regarded (top level) classical musicians. The others were self-taught but bigot Nazis. I was accosted by groups of teen guys following me home surrounding the chagrined ugly (German last name) creep who was 2nd chair as they yelled sexual abuse at me and threatened to rape me. The stupidity of the same mentality has not stopped to this day from famous world celebrities and leaders. But now as I have nothing, they have stolen everything from me, they are just deriding me for the damage and loss they have incurred but blaming it on me being a "loser" a "bitch" and a "nothing". My mother has fully complied with this group, kept me poisoned, and fully defended with violence all the men who raped and abused me. My family lives in perpetual lies to this day. Hailing back to Great Neck and the "get rich or die trying" mentality, and trying to get away from the US Government -funded "Italian-American" thuggery which has driven many a person into the grave for many reasons--racism being a paramount position the thug pig apes take and all the cliche sneers and references to Rome and how Romans killed Jews was perpetually on the ugly sleazy lips of Victoria Gotti after her nasty psycho ugly son raped me and family undoubtedly could not wait to move away from crap like that. Living around self-loathing and perpetually lying wanna be Jewish Nazis of Great Neck was undoubtedly far more important than even having the integrity to care for their own children (me) which they sold off in order to get away from shit like that out of Brooklyn (thanks to the US partnering with the Mafia which they still do--and Hillary Clinton, formerly Sec of State for NY, is fully partners with the mafia actors pesce and deniro and on personal good terms--after screeching and yelling at me--so reminiscent of my mother, who was only emulating bigots like Hillary Clinton).
Of COURSE, just as when my father passed and his German-last-name wife who refused to change her name to my last name--who made open anti-Semitic jokes while my father, drugged, plastered with mind control drugs, would just sit staring in a dazed smile (which I know has happened to me, unable to move, paralyzed and smiling not "understanding" the hate) while someone who is penetrating your body and saying they are your "friend" is actually drugging and poisoning you to death slowly and using you for whatever the 4th Reich can pump and extract out before they kill you). But my father left me $0 in his Will. he was wealthy. He has a Yale Law Degree. He owned companies. He cut me and my brother off financially while I was in college and paid for the Nazi woman (last name Wagner, making reference constantly to her "German" background and my family as a joke being "Jewish"). My father was instructed to marry her, and he did because it enabled him to live on the Hawaii coastline with her. Otherwise, like the Jews discriminated against, he was not "allowed" to have property. The Nuremburg Laws are applicable in the US and are upheld covertly but still under strict policy unwritten but enforced with death--and under compliance, the Jews are still targets of death. But in other words, most of the money my family was handed out to sell out the Equality factor that America promised all the oppressed immigrants from Europe--my family sold me out, they sold themselves out, and the money handed to them to live in mansions along New York fancy townships has been re-absorbed back into the Nazi filth that exploited my family in the name of breeding children and intermarriage in our "multicultural" society. I got nothing from my step-father. My mother told me years ago that she would leave me nothing, and whined in an antagonistic way, "What will you do after I die, how will you get money?" She always had to lie, so that meant, I deduced correctly, that she already know that she was not "supposed" to leave anything to me. The children of my siblings who intermarried with white supremacist Nazis are the ones who have absorbed back the money my family got for selling me out. I also have to add that Lindsey Graham also told me in a very direct threatening way that I was not going to get any money from my mother when she died (and thus I should help him to use me to obtain his promotion and not try to resist any longer this endless successful of people exploiting and destroying me and my family).
Make no mistake, I may sound callous towards my family but I am resisting because of the great beauty and love my family once had that, under instruction and forced by threat from this odious group--to comply to. All lies all the time, lies to the death. I fight because I love my family but can't have a single thing to do with them any longer because now they are a direct threat to my life. They have been drugged and poisoned but have never been honest enough to admit it or even suspect that they are. So fearful of this group and being handed businesses and options but always under the condition that they have some bigot filth pig ape "marry" them and use and abuse and control and poison and drug them; the children of these unions then adored by my mother who has handed them all the inheritance and me NOTHING. Yet, I still fight because this 4th Reich Nazi group has destroyed my family and they are also destroying the United States. I thus go back to the first point: Santos and his deceptions and for me, the focal point of this being held in Great Neck brings back all these associations like a blitzkrieg of connecting all the dots back to the lies and the cascading formation of lies built upon lies.
Post Script: what I "forgot" under brain-altering memory loss while writing the above, which I had intended to add-in but it just got lost in the fight to type and think (endless hacking, disruption of the keyboard--stiffening of the keys so I must pound down--my fingers have been cut into while sleeping so I'm pounding on slashed fingertips by the terrorists while I'm unconscious using their mechanical arms--the technology works in so many combination of disabling paralysis).
I wrote of a German man named "Erik" who attended my grandparent's very lavish dinner parties. He was always very jolly, most theatrically so. From my years of experiencing Germans, I know this was an act on his part. He would make a point to sit next to me and ask me all kinds of personal questions about what I planned to do with my life (I told him I wanted to study physics, which was my first year College choice, but so drugged I could not study at all, and I remain now unable to read most of the time due to the excessive amount of brain-altering drugging and technology endlessly blasting my brain so I can't function in an intellectual capacity--plus non-stop hacking and if I try to hand-write my hands begin to "shake" because of the microchip implants which can cause heart palpitations, eyes to tear perpetually, throat to constrict, etc.) But Erik and his "Jewish" wife, who was the most vivacious and happy woman of the group of more withdrawn but loquacious women at these parties, with their husbands--all "Jewish" except for "Erik" with his German accent. Coming to prod me for information about my plans, to assess if I was withdrawn enough, beaten down enough, how to suck information out so as to sabotage my life and order his minion, my grandmother, to obey and follow orders in order to attack me for the Nazi party, which controlled my grandparent's lavish lifestyle where they only went out bowling, to parties, to restaurants, on vacations, all on "stock market" earnings (my grandfather NEVER looked at the stock market or discussed anything except that he had one single holding in a restaurant). I can only connect this dot to that man, that he was an agent, married to a "Jewish" woman in order to infiltrate the community, control it, and of course to eventually bring it down to a level where another genocide could easily occur. As this threat is now looming and Nazis have come to Great Neck to chant death slogans and the Jews close their shutters and tremble and phone the police (while in other parts of America, people train in weapons, how to shoot, how to form militias and how to defend themselves in such emergencies but not the Jews, no, they are trained to obey, be drugged, sell off, sell out, attack one another in a divide-and -conquer strategy--and then VOTE RFEPUBLICAN because "Republicans are funding the State of Israel".)
SCOTTSDALE, Ariz. - Bette Adelman, 86, of Scottsdale, Ariz., passed away Nov. 19, 2022, at home.
She was the wife of former UI Professor Gary Adelman. She lived in Champaign from 1964 to 1978, when she moved to Geneseo, N.Y., to serve as compliance officer at the state university there. From there, she moved to Scottsdale, where she lived the remainder of her long life. There she earned a law degree at Arizona State University and started her own law practice.
In the time she lived in Champaign-Urbana, all who knew her were taken with her intelligence, charm and grace as well as her devotion to ending the United State's participation in the war in Vietnam. The Adelman home is remembered by her friends for the many social and intellectual gatherings that regularly occurred there. She was a very special, beautiful person.