Monday, January 16, 2023

This will be a relatively difficult post to write, but from years of writing about ever-increasingly violent rape and torture endlessly aimed at me, the numbing effect that has all of you doing nothing (almost) has almost reached me but I remain fighting to get a response. Please get nasty, violent, rapist beating Mafia-backed fascist Nazi M. Barishniko off me in this never-ending teleportation, voice-to-skull hell that has been inflicted upon me. It's just "another "violent rapist abuser using extreme drugging, violence and unbelievable physical-microchip implant manipulation of my body's normal responses to force unnatural hate porn filled with violence and sleaze upon me. I am put into a "love" mode and he's in a porn slow murder and abuse and denigrate and destroy mode (he's programmed by the nasty filthy vile Brooklyn mafia pig ape scum bitch whores who I have also been writing of endlessly for years). Behind him and them are the blonde Nazi children of the celebrities like Depp's filthy vile dirty ugly spawn daughter, and pitt and pigalina as usual the rapist abuser couple with their swarm of parasitic children also seeing what they can nepo out of the situation just as the filthy, ugly spawn rat of Depp has been doing. Giggling and laughing as these pig men who really want to screw the dirty but "protected" crap that Depp and pitt have spewed out as their children (or adopted, what ever) but they can't, they are so racist they turn their woman-hate upon me--I have done no harm to any of these filthy pig ape so-called "men". Yet no matter how many months now of screaming in hate at Baryishnikov after his violence, abuse, rape and torture to get off me, that he's ugly, that he's disgusting, he and his own swarm of filthy blonde skank children, wife, whatever his crew of Nazi (liberal) celebrities just latch on and never let go.

 I am fully in "ranting" hyper-emotional mode--because it's been months of yet another disgusting parasite who has drugged me so badly I am lost in a daze of drugged up "sexualized" induced "desire" for someone I can't even see clearly. This creep Baryishnikov is so fully immersed in following the orders of the good ole boy Mafia network, as he's more inclined to partner with the Brooklyn Mafia celebrities (the ugly sick old man who had played a role in the 1st Godfather movie, who looked like some regurgitated zombie in teleportation when he began assessing me with his hateful glare to see how he could manipulate and control and exploit me--he looked unhuman, or more appropriately, subhuman as I deem all these pig apes attacking me to be. Their Nazi code of dehumanization has turned out to be exactly what these filthy vile sleazy "losers" (not financially, of course, their one and only claim to superiority) but these filthy creeps claim their superiority based on a rigged system. They are the subhumans and I never want to insult pigs or apes again but you must understand I use this as a metaphor for the hybrid "experiment" that the Nazis have created, which they claim is the "master race" but it's a mixture of rats, pigs and apes modified into human form.


Back to this creepy and disgusting thing out of that former CCCP country continues to do: at every vulnerable moment when I am 100% focused on exercising with all my energy, focus and strength because I am trying to do the near impossible: break internal hard poison that is latched into my bones and intestines in a labyrinth network that is something like a crazy internal corsette of tubes running criss-cross into my every nook and cranny of my skeleton and into my body's tissue network, intestines, and etc--from toes to skull.

while I am at 100% peak intensive effort, the parasite uses the mind-reading and voice-to-skull technology to insert his hints on how to stand correctly, etc. I have told him from day $1 to not do this, that I don't want him, although I have been desperate for this kind of support and help and have begged the usual never-ending latching-on group of pitt and co to please help me to just be able to pay a little more in rent so I can live in a home with a tiny little swimming pool; the cost here in Phuket especially during the pandemic was around $1000 per month. Just $100 per pig ape per month from just 5 of them and I could have had a way to try to salvage my body. They refuse anything, even a penny in support. One of the biggest parasites in this respect has been filthy pigalina, the wife of pig pitt, who shakes her ugly sleazy dirty head "NO" with a smirk of schadenfreude because her endless theft of my ideas and concepts has been unending for over 8 years every single year she is making a movie that has some concept I have written about. It's part of the overall contract that all the parasitic pig apes all revolve their "success" around, this protocol system of absolutely raping, abusing and torturing me physically without end, day and night, and then cutting off all resources for medical care and any way to exercise while they continued to poison me.


the filthy ugly group of thug-ogre looking squat short and vile "men" out of Brooklyn, this "Godfather" actor, (I never looked his name up, he's so malevolent that I wanted absolutely nothing to do with him) but deniro and pesce, disgusting, foul and pervereted sleazy filth pouring their animosity and hate and putridity upon me every moment they could dump their internal filth on me--with me washing and cleaning the stink off because it manifests as black goo filth, fungus and sewage water that they were ordering their proxy filthy minions to insert into my vagina on a nightly basis--and it was nightly rape with fungus and semen inserted into that orifice until I fought as  hard as I could to struggle to stop the break-ins while sleeping. Now mechanical arms can do all kinds of deadly violence but because I have really barricaded my front door, the terrorists would have to leave absolute evidence of break-in in order to put people physically in my room while I am in the unconscious "alter" state of being teleported to the pig apes of Whorewood who inflict as much emotional, intellectual and sexual violence upon me as possible. They feed off it and get  high off it, trust me in that as you can or may not be able to imagine, it's just pure psycho-parasitic feeding off violence hormonally and on every level. Paid for by the US Government and it's blathering posturing ne-er do-wells in office.


I began asking and demanding after a decade of my ideas being stolen by various creeps teleporting, raping and murdering me, making sure I am blocked financially from everything and not able to earn money as they are poisoning me to death and I can't afford the health care that is so cheap and abundant here in Thailand. Forced into abject poverty all is blocked as these filthy dirty millionaires and billionaires inflict endless drugging, poisoning and torture to extract ideas off me. I began asking and demanding around last year (2022) that they PAY me for ideas when they do their usual torture/asking for information--which is what Musk did last night once more, as the pig apes sat in their celebrity chairs watching on, observing but of course really cheering all the hate and violence that the next piece of expletive is pouring out upon me and dumping their stress and negativity out on me. For no reason other than I have been designated and they are only too glad to use any template of target imposed upon me in order to justify their need to abuse and torture anyone--if not one another, they are thrilled to be doing it to me. (the women in particular are so happy about this from their violent rapist abuser sleazy cheating "men").

The Mafia began calling me that "b-word" when I asked them to pay me for the ideas and the advice that they had been stealing from my writings (verbatim) from my sleep state (through rape and violence and torture and drugging and poisoning) and from thought-reading technology (they are always injecting their unwanted selves into my morning routine as they use the "voice-to-skull" technology to ask question after question so they can have more answers and ideas while calling me bitch, stupid, a nothing, a loser, that they are so much more beautiful as they continue to poison me every night so my body is dying from toxicity, cutting and slashing into my skin, making my hair fall out, my teeth fall out, my fingers mutilated from knives being inserted under cuticles nightly for YEARS every single day--etc etc the list is so long I can never remember all the tortures--


So they began calling me "bitch" and yelling it at me when they wanted information and I finally began to fight back, telling them to pay me for my information, as anyone who is financially even basically astute would do. They threaten me, they call me "bitch" and then they have stinking filth sprayed and poured all over my room so I have to lose money to replace what they are breaking. They then steal the ideas and then continue to prod me endlessly for more ideas, as they have been doing for years and years, from one piece of sick stinking shit celebrity on to the next--for over a decade---

So Barishnikov, the "artist" began his mind screw ordeal of forcing a highly-charged sexual response out of me through incredibly disgusting drugging and physiological response from brain-mapping technology to enhance sexual "desire". This most disgusting double-pronged attack by sleazy and ugly parasitic Nazi men has been employed to rape and exploit and abuse and discard me and then mutilate and have me kicked out thrown out of places because all the people in all living situations attack me viciously to the point that I have to move, literally sometimes for my life, because they begin to threaten my life wherever I live. But, Barishnikov began by instructing me by yelling into this subliminal technology like a Nazi bigot pig on how to do exercises correctly, because my body is so crooked, the hard poisons are so embedded into my hips which are completely out of alignment, and etc. But yelling with hateful demands. I also am not in the same "room 'with the pigs who teleport me, and I don't expect truly to be treated like this and I never first associate their tone-of-voice with anything I "deserve" or should have to deal with. I heard his voice but it's not exactly "real" it's me hearing someone on the other side of the planet using a most highly sophisticated chain of technologies to insult and yell things at me into their technology while they have cameras and surveillance (the microchip implant in my brain enables the pig apes to "see" what I am seeing and "hear" what I am hearing). But he began yelling, that was his introduction to me. He had been told that I am some kind of "bad" thing to be abused and insulted and raped and beaten by his New York City Mafia Nazi network. The network encompasses Trump, Bloomberg, the Brooklyn Mafia like Gotti family and denire and pesce and that ugly revolting actor whose name I have never learned nor care to. A violent mafia scumbag, that's all I know about this creep actor. But Barisknikov, the "defector" from the "Communist" regime whose every public posturing bs performance has him in sappy "caring" roles fighting injustice, that's difficult to assess if you are not in the inner circles and understand directly all the lies and hypocrisies that these people all utilize to further the deception. in order to further the 4th Reich's implementation into all directions ("left" and "right") in society.


After his initial yelling at me, while I was in the 100% concentration stage, and I only have a little bit of energy to go through the pain of these exercises, I can't stop and start in the middle of the process so he is completely exploiting my life effort in fighting to not become paralyzed while I still have at least a fighting chance, and fighting is all I have done and am doing every day on every level against one parasite violently attacking me for their pig sleaze whore promotions after the next pig ape in a long never-ending rotation of them.

The pig Baryishnikov then began telling me that I was getting this instruction "for free". I told him immediately that he was being paid more for these teleportation abuse/instruction sessions with me than he's ever been paid for any ballet class. The pig remains silent when I use basic logic and continues to use the pimp line that I owe him sexual gratification, a baby and my life in return. With the rotten and vile spawn daughter of Depp, this filthy nasty man began using the extreme drugging, sexual enhancement technology (that is all-consuming, and especially if you/I don't understand how truly ugly and malicious these pig ape rapists truly are in their intentions towards me, absolutely dehumanizing, while they use the tech to make me believe that I am "in love" while I know I am not, and when I try to get them off me they use insertions of sewage water into my vagina and filth and stench poured everywhere, water dripping with fungus all over the bathroom floor perpetually--my body slashed and cut into, horrible chemicals slathered on my skin--non-stop for years this has all been ongoing nightly from this same group of celebrities.

So, I succumbed basically because I felt that my body could not sustain being internally poisoned and because I was breaking up some of the internal hard poisons and was extremely vulnerable to infection and toxins, and he was having stinking substances inserted into my body, into my internal organs, I had to stop fighting at least for a while. I now understand that the pig ape whore parasitic filth creep was being petty and sleazy in cooperation with the Mafia scum, who had, and has, used my ideas in their Academy-Award winning movies for years--from Joker to the Tarantino movie based on the Manson murders--they used the concepts I wrote of, while murdering me and taking away my ability to earn money. 


In that light, dirty nasty Barishnikov, the fascist Nazi mafia transplant New Yorker--my home birth city, my family's home town which pigs like him and the Mafia have turned into a stupid and dumbed down Nazi citadel of a$$-grubbing Jewish Nazis like Bloomberg being awarded in Billions for towing the Nazi line and most violently attacking me to prove how much they will do what Big Daddy Nazi tells them to do (thusly they voted like the dumb Sheeple that they are, following orders, put that lying idiot from Brazil who claimed he was "Jewish" into office as a Republican--people of the township my mother's family lived in, wealthy Great Neck---a most bought-and-sold Jewish Nazi idiotship sinking in obsequious servitude to Nazi orders)


Barishnikov was trying to play a petty tit-for-tat that the terrorists all use: somehow, his partners/friends/lovers/desired blonde dumb bigot skank ugly whore from Depp his spawn--who Barishnikov and the mess of bigot Nazi pig apes in  this group essentially grovel to because they are so brainwashed by a parasitic Nazi whore skank who has been feeding energetically, emotionally and financially for her life on attacking me, the pig ape rapist men feed off the sexualized power trip that whores like pigalina and the rat spawn of Depp all exude--all vampires feeding off torturing me and giggling and laughing as the pig ape men who really love them rape, beat and abuse me in front of them. 

Ugly rotten Nazi Baryisknikov is no exception, or even worse than most of them. Slapping my face, saying I owe him for his "free" ballet instruction which I have continuously told him not to do from day #1--never stopping, always inputting his "free" rape rationalization while I am in the middle of a total energy consuming exercise, not even aware of the mosquito tactic he is using to suck everything out of this contract out of me and etc

but slapping my face, sticking his greasy nasty dirty "member" into my mouth with the threat of poisoning me to death if I didn't comply--slapping and calling me bitch and saying that he was instructing me "for free" and I had to do this as repayment, and then a baby so he and his rotten foul wife and children/daughters can also get endless modeling and lead roles in movies out of the contract


fighting him, screaming in absolute hate after sort of "waking up" from the druggy sleazy experience--yelling in rage absolutely disgusted I rushed at him screaming to get off me--repeatedly, day after day, with stinking filth sprayed all over my room--teleportation skits of murder and death and homelessness and abuse and violence--trying to get him off me, more filthy men in politics and the media jumping to try to fill the void, all of THEM following orders and performing almost the same sleazy acts but sans the rape--thankfully--but violent and murderous and abusive and racist and hateful nevertheless and all with the belief that they are entitled and I have to give them everything for free without asking for anything as they destroy and break and steal and block my earnings and call me stupid bitch and throw me away with insults after they have damaged my body and home and stolen whatever they want. All fully supported.


So, Barishnikov, whom no one has gotten off me for all these months of me writing about disgusting vileness that has been the now endless standard treatment of me with most of my hair chemically treated out, never growing back, broken bones, my body destroyed, my life turned into a non-stop fight for my life every single day---not quite homeless but with absolutely no way to get out of this terror situation because all financial opportunities are hacked/blocked and obstructed while the millionaire/billionaire pieces of shit all call me "loser" and "bitch" "stupid" an dhwen I fight back, they break more things which I must pay to replace and fight to not react and fight to get them off me and get the next filthy ugly sleazy shithead creep off me and to get them off me and asking people to get them off me and get them off me and get them off me...


*Nota Bene: two thoughts that my brain resurfaced in the compartmentalized "memory loss" that the brain-altering technology inflicts upon my cognitive state while I rant out these posts--today, every day, every time I attempt communication at any level except in teleportation, and even then the terrorist celebrities/politicians force words out of my mouth while I am in altered states, literally.

 First, the politician I referred to above when I said it was a politician from Brazil, I was referring of course to Rep. George Santos. My brain was completely blocked in that very popularized name of late--I only could recall it once long off the laptop, after having done other things away from this system and the name popped up in memory retrieval when I was not even thinking about the subject. This says something about how the brain operates, and how subjects can be manipulated by brain-mapping technologies. How information is stored, and how if a brain is left relatively intact, it can still retrieve information even after the brain-altering/mind control tech has exerted it's influence upon the target, if the target has a chance for "breathing" space from the tech. While I was writing the post, the name that so easily came back once I was away from the nefarious influence of this brain-freezing/memory loss technology--


2ndly: the level of violence (fellatio rape, while slapping my face and calling me names and the Nazi women watching on as cheerleaders giggling and laughing and clapping their hands as the men try to impress the skanks they are "in love" with as they inflict absolute hate and violence upon me) that is now "normalized" is due to the fact that no one has stopped this ongoing violence aimed at me for over a decade where many "important" people are fully aware and watching on, observing and from what I can tell, doing nothing but continuing to allow this to fester as a force in society. It has culminated in the January 6th Insurrection attempt by the prime dominant teleporting terrorist upon me at the time, Donald Trump. All met with silence and the people in the J-6 committee actually coming to attack me alongside the Trump-backing and backed-by Trump celebrities---to try to diffuse the surge in terrorism they shout from their photo-op podiums, from Pelosi to Kinzinger to Raskin along with the rapist terrorists and their cheerleading blonde bigot Nazi women (with black and brown-skinned "strong" "feminist" women all cheering on the cheerleaders trying to act like blonde Nazi women and being put on magazine covers and awards seasons now--this very moment in time, from years ago they participated and have not stopped being handed Met Gala appearances and etc for all these years. They don't get first "dibs" at cheering on the rape or with their black and brown men-folk partaking in the hate enterprise which is reserved for the white supremacist revolting white male Nazi/Mafia contingent).

But....the posts I have been writing have only encouraged more violence, the politicians who have joined in with hate, death threats, insults and mockery after they extract information and ideas from me, following the same protocols as their beloved adored celebrity scumbag "brothers" in this fraternal infernal band of scumbag pig apes--rapists, abusers, liars, et al

but EMBOLDENED is the word, that the politicians like Raskin, Kinzinger, and Pelosi along with the silent partner BIDEN of course he's backing them in these performances, along with Kamala Harris who also has partaken with Oprah in the teleportation manipulation which helped put her in her very famous position today-=-and discarding me with not even a shrug just allowing it all to continue. The poisoning and slow murder increased to the point that I was wallowing in internal poisoning, telling the "Democratic" politicians that I was poisoned that the whore filth celebrities have been mutilating me and that's "why" I am not looking my best compared to skanks and whores who both feed off torture and rape energetically but get plastic surgery without end, red carpet celebrity VIP and adoration as they steal my concepts they have tortured out of me, and then are adored by the men who insult and rape and stick their greasy filthy vile penises in my mouth and slap my face as they turn with love and compliment the blonde  ugly skanks who are just puffed up with this power game which is a rigged game. To reinforce the classic racial standards that the Nazis configured decades ago, reinforced by torture, mutilation and endless violence using the technology that Musk is now being paid in billions to further into society.

Which brings me to a third point I had forgotten even when I thought I had "remembered" at least most of the points that are being blanked out of my brain (while the keyboard won't function, my hands won't function, my brain is under attack, etc so nearly impossible to type and think and I'm ranting as usual. Just to let you --whatever or whomever "you" are reading this, if anybody--my posts would be nearly radically different if all this technology were not forced into my brain and functioning. I would be able to explicate without ranting and calling names, for one thing.


I had copied a video yesterday for a post regarding Elon Musk's failure at implanting microchips into the brains of animals--1,500 animals were killed as a result of the failure of his company.

In teleportation, while I was barely awake, the technology blasting my brain as usual into a different orbit of cognition and functioning while I was physically able to move (such a creepy technology where the target appears "normally" functioning" so any claim of being teleported or having internal conversations with celebrities and famous people on the other side of the planet while putting clothing away and making tea in the morning would of course be more than ample to claim that I am "delusional" or "schizophrenic"--which is what the parasite pig apes are relying upon as their defense, and what law enforcement everywhere have been instructed to immediately level at anyone trying to make any legal claim about these very deadly intrusions.


Musk asked me what I thought had failed in his project. Not knowing exactly any of the details, I only know what I know about him and these people in general. I called them all "life fuck" failures and parasites who can't deal successfully with LIFE as it exists much less artificial life installed technologically. They are people who steal, rape and rob and think nothing of it. Especially, obviously if the person is of a darker complexion but also if that person if of the most hated race that I am supposed to belong to, which has always sold me off as a sacrifice instead of fighting for my life as they should have and stood up to this group of parasitic scum instead of allowing them to walk over them with insults, demanding that "Jews" always be humiliated and pushed around and not fight back. The Old World pre-holocaust set of standards that the Europigapes want to dearly re-install into American culture. That is the current situation which has brought about this entire spectrum of shit people attacking me, the hand-outs to try to foment this pre-Holocaust mentality--hoping it will turn into actual holocaust and genocide in the US, as is happening slowly with anti-Semitism being flaunted by all the black Nazis in Whorewood, for example, close friends with this very group of shit that has been violently and increasingly violently raping me and abusing me and poisoning me with disgusting poisons for all these years and blocking all my avenues of medical care, exercise and healing and then torturing me non-stop in such violence and hate and poisoning and mutilating my body without end--just deadly violence with intention to slowly kill me but making it look like "aging" or "stress".


Musk asked me how he should deal with the animals with microchip brain implants. I began yelling that the animals could sense the cold death energy of him and his group and their piggish parasitic experimentation and thusly I felt that the animals could not survive their brains being sliced into and then put into an observation and experimental environment and psychically survive. I could not state it in those terms while teleported and putting my clothing away. I began yelling that they were stupid pieces of shit, incompetent to lead life fuckers and that their lack of connection to life is what kills and what is killing (the planet). I tried not to give any real advice. I then told Musk to pay me for consulting fees if he wants help. I know that through all my ranting and yelling in hate I had given him far too much information but I tried to blur out the truth serum effect by going into long-winded ranting instead of their prodding into my cerebral cortex to extract more "free" information. 

The parasite Barishnikov, who is fully Nazified and fascist and I guess you may call him a "stalinist"--fascist and oppressive and violent--his background, according to interviews I listened and watched he said his father was a military figure for the Stalin regime--and he acts like a fascist dictator despite his public posturing and his movies of him being portrayed as this defector "fighting" for Democracy (acting alongside dumb whorren mirrage the Enlish fascist Nazi who is privately making genocidal holocaust remarks aimed at me, after her boyfriend raped me so she and he both could get their free promotions, stealing ideas from me if possible, and then making movies about Jews as if she is some hero (British Imperialism vulturism/British Isrealism genocidal overtake of Israel--usurpation of Israel brainwashing of Jews who are so fully indoctrinated into Nazification culture and probably all the "good" Jewish Nazis tell this sick and ugly creepy bigot woman /Mirren the mirrage of bs--that she's just so wonderful for making movies about Anne Frank and Golda Meir--just so much bs it's stinking but everyone loves the reek of her hypocritical sleazy sickness that somehow I have never bought into---I am usually "right" about my hunches about all the fakes, just never could fathom how sick and disgusting and despicable these parasites truly are, and this teleportation technology has let the rats out of the cave and the bats with the Covid fly around infecting the planet with their toxic bullshit)


So, ranting now, endlessly backspacing because the keyboard is impossible to use nearly--rewriting and backspacing every word fighting to think ranting and getting into ranting diatribes instead of being able to think and type. while typing keys won't function unless I pound out each key slowly--I type incredibly fast. The pig apes are so terrified that I would out-compete them, I can't even type without their interference--I haven't been able to begin to accomplish anything to even type at my normal lighting speed without them blocking my everything possible and then yelling at me that I am a bitch a nothing a loser and etc.

But they have been poisoning me non-stop also for all these years. Bloating poison has been hanging off my abdomen even after doing detox. The 10-day master cleanses that I did non-stop every month for over 3 years resulted in me getting rid of the huge bulge of poison, only for it to expand within a few days of eating, with huge piles of stinking poison hanging off my abdomen and always having to fight to detox this filthy crap out of my intestines. They kept poisoning me, in other words. Mocking how disfigured I was as they kept having me poisoned. Stuck in a semi-stupor every day, sick and unable to move, they kept torturing me to extract information and then get promoted for slowly killing me but making it appear  like I was some slob eating like a pig (have to eat quickly to try to use pressure to force the stuck liquid but blobby and thick poison out of my intestines--like a pumping action of heavy food--calling me ugly, insulting everything I said after they extracted it to use as their own concept but calling me "stupid" immediately afterwards. 

Etc etc.

Can't you get them off me, can't anyone ever get them off me ever for all these years after all these years can't anyone ever stop this insanity from these sick and disgusting parasitic filth creeps?

Why can't I just be left to live in peace with my cat returned and some kind of decent treatment from my society after these stupid ape whore pigs have stolen idea after idea (lying about it perpetually and calling me a liar endlessly) so they can crank out the Nazified bs using my concepts but turned into Nazi movie subliminals about how "great" they are as heroes of society? All the movies and ideas and celebrity shit scumbags who have obtained more favoritism, have helped to sell off the concept that the US is fighting endlessly for equality and freedom--can't I just be fucking left alone finally after all these YEARS of pigs stealing ideas from me so the US can put fakes into limelight celebrity movie depictions of concepts about freedom from tyranny that I have been writing of through all the years of this terror being officially (unofficially) sanctioned by all the highest of political officers elected to protect the United States? Can't I ever be left to live in peace instead of fighting for my LIFE constantly against one greedy sleazy ugly disgusting creep pig trying to abuse and threaten to kill me (oh yes, Barishnikov with some blonde woman he said was his wife, but I could not see her clearly) but they threatened to kill me. For a few days since that pig has not teleported me, I also was too sick and tired to continue exercising but today I resumed, and in the middle of absolute concentrated exertion to fight to break off this poison in my body that his beloved blonde bigot pig ape whores he reveres have ordered put into my body (as he calls me bitch once more for stating the obvious, that they have been poisoning me using their proxy slave minions) but--he's back, again. Never ending, once a pig ape latches on they never stop. He's the first one who ever actually gave anything to me that has any kind of lasting impact on my life--the others have had items I want put in 2nd hand or dollar stores, which I buy at very low prices--new clothing that is designer, etc but once I get it home, it's sprayed with stinking filth, frayed with sandpaper, and is destroyed almost immediately after purchase. So I essentially get a mind manipulation object I can't afford to pay for on sale, which is then destroyed. Essentially they give absolutely nothing and steal and destroy every single thing I have and have worked for. Asking for financial payment as they continue to ask me for ideas is met by more torture and name-calling.

I ask again for any sanity to break this insanity situation that the US Government, long ago, began handing out to these death squad Nazi and Mafia groups of America and now it's around the planet. 

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...