Monday, January 23, 2023

Janet Yellen quote: "The consequences are dire, because not only would a default disrupt Social Security & Medicare Benefits, but also cause a global economic recession, or worse".// My years of observing the terrorist "leaders" of society who are handed this technological tyranny teleportation torture protocol system for promotion and the economic disparity they are creating on me, and the larger macro-economic policy that I see unfolding in US and Congress: "Conspiracy Theory" which appears logical at this point and not a nutjob entertainment spectacle): Seemingly/probably Intentional malicious plot to enhance the take-over of the US Government and create a "legitimate" fascist Nazi 4th Reich/Mafia State with ultra wealthy fascists and destitute "third world" homeless and very little in-between.//The Debt Ceiling, inevitable crash of the US Economy into utter turmoil and disaster and the 4th Reich fascist Nazi/Mafia takeover that the Insurrection on the Capital could not accomplish. The duplicity of lies about fighting fiscal irresponsibility & the looming shadow of fascist take-over of the 4th Reich in the ole USA under the pretext of fighting a debt that has been accruing since Ray-gun sent his hounds from hell to create a wealthy Yuppie aristocracy which by now has turned into a fascist Nazi "elitist" wanna be Europ-a fascist Nazi global conglomerate and an ever-widening chasm of impoverished, destitute, desperate and mind control technology to further the master-slave society that the expletives are working covertly to create and that is why no one will stop this torture upon me. The snowball effect is building actually rapidly at this point. --------------

**Please note that this post has been very badly assaulted by hackers. I re-read parts and much had been deleted and repasted with other sentences that were also partially deleted. Portions of sentences that incriminated people were deleted entirely. It made little sense upon reading and I have had to rewrite much of it, three times. After posting, I back-up and re-read my post and discover that the terrorist hackers always delete and change my post.

"Debt Ceiling Negotiation Will Define Social Security Payout Issues". Social Security Disability Benefits Videos SSI SSDI. January 23, 2023.

In this Social Security video appears a most sane, A rational, fiscally realistic and articulate American entrepreneur personal investor who scrupulously analyzes the market potential and goes in a deliberate and responsible way about it--going through mental circumambulation freak-out about the fiscal policies of politics USA. Trying to wrap his head around, and explicate on the travesty that have transpired with DEATH a possibility for the innocent victims of this fiasco who are disabled, veterans, seniors, mentally ill, unemployed.....can't afford rent, etc. Make a movie about THIS. Where is a Marvel superhero who will fight the Debt Ceiling? So far, from what I know, the politicians (who teleport me) have used the contract out on me to STEAL money for the poor so they can use money for relief on their Nazi/liberal cocktail party swimming pool grants and community centers in the wealthy areas. And pocketing the money as well, and making sure policy keeps people on the edge of a total collapse but the "leaders" are in mansions and will always have their safety nests and offshore accounts and foreign mansions to resort to along with the resorts they can afford to buy after a few years of the endless dipping into the cookie jar politico party--a one-sided event. The endless incompetence to actually LEAD the country remains a mystery that it's always being touted as 'responsible" leadership by the media because it's a female put in the role, or a minority, or that the people are serious and regarded as such by the "people" who want to believe the Apple Pie mythology that the politicians sell for their campaign slogans.

I write of the homeless, and this situation is going to increase that problem. People are making videos trying to imagine the waves of homeless living in the streets in 5 years' time if nothing significant is done to thwart this endless impoverishment of the ever-increasing majority of people in the United States. The problem is on both sides of the political spectrum. It is such a disgrace to any sort of bona fide government system that has allowed such a mess to transpire in the first place. Of course, some people believe this mess is an intentional attempt to turn America into a kind of Third World country with ultra rich and extremely poor with the Constitution discarded and Authoritarian rule replacing all. The crash will precipitate the looming fascist take-over threat. People will want to blame Republicans but the Demos have also been extremely culpable in this respect and as I know personally they also want a fascist government but just with THEM in control and not the Republicans.


This movie showed up today unexpectedly on a movie source I use often, in a seemingly "random" way but I think it's not, as my internet is completely hacked and I am directed to psychological psy-ops triggering in social media content all the time. The movie (clip below, Indecent Proposal, 1993)--made in the early 90's, when Reagan and Bush were the directors of the next level of American hegemony in the international globalist theater of our warfare state entertainment, in this trailer clip below you can see the programming to try to feign that America and these actors are "not" in line with the aspiration for a Nazi 4th Reich society, but as I know personally, they truly are fomenting it with absolute vicious pursuit of this aim and goal, partnering fully with government officials and this technology and system forced upon me is an absolute proof of their actual real agenda of an enslaved and destroyed segment of society so only they can claim they are superio as they dumb down, drug, rape, use teleportation torture to create a huge monopoly on power--aka Authoritarian rule, fascism, Nazis--the 4th Reich I have been writing of for years. The market total collapse of the US Economy, I believe, has been in the making for decades, but the movies were always disguising the true intentions of the utter tax-deduction wealthy of Whorewood and their exloits into exploiting and mind programming: This movie, which I have not seen but I've seen enough of the actors and the bs that goes along with their Vaseline-coated bs fascism disguised as entertainment programming. This movie was made in the Clinton era where cocaine Clintons with their corruption, graft, White water, S&L loan corruption, and the Bush administration and it's graft and the endless Reagan tax breaks and Trickle-down disaster, etc the fiscal policies of the creation of the Nazi fascist generation which rules Whorewood at this point--I saw this clip on a media source today and wrote a comment not too friendly but not too awful on the comment section--got attacked in a surge of the terrorism that surrounds me that the same actors are endlessly ordering upon me for expressing any single idea because they want to suck out my ideas but silence me completely before doing it permanently once they suck and extract and rape every single thing they can get out of me. The blonde white male actor (Redford) starring in this movie has one of the most persistent backers of this situation heaped upon me of teleportation and mutilation/rape/poisoning/murder attempts/theft of my ideas which he promotes in his festival--the people who steal become his invited aspiring fascist performers and directors he flaunts for his showcase of "alternative" movies--so hip and "liveral" in appearance--he has been at the backdrop but actually more at the forefront of the terror operation, perhaps a financial backer or who helps to fund this project for social engineering into fascist Nazis and Mafia overtake of Whorewood, international--, who has been behind the rape, torture and violence and utterly adores the blodne nazi man who has been inflicting near-death upon me for over 8 years (pitt)--and it's not all the actors in this clip (one of them at least, very much at the forefront--a blonde male, now in a huge leading controlling position in the H-wood promotional pyramid, has put actors in his "festival" who have stolen ideas from me and tortured me and he's been putting his links and videos on my pages for years, occasionally or perennially, like the blooming fleur du mal that these people all are. He's not directly attacking me, he's been backing this situation for at least over a decade.) In addition, I am assaulted physically with triggering hand-painted pictures of this actor are put in front of me in real time here in Phuket while driving, as trucks follow me and swerve- drive in front of me with his face painted on the spashguard of the back wheels at eye level so I have to see his painted face on trucks pushing in front of me dangerously while I am driving squarely in the middle of a lane as they swerve and nearly hit me. It is of course Robert Redford, a most malicious false dispenser of "feel-good" bs and inter-racial equality and friendly "liberal" movie-going entertainment and his festival. Truly, for over a decade, he has been promoting all the fascists who have stolen my ideas and have tortured and raped me and is fully into the Nazi/Mafia entitlement that goes with it all. This movie, below, truly encapsulates all that he truly is, but pretends he's not (as they all mostly do for the public to view and "believe" in).

The generation represented in this movie-- which has wanted a destitution homeless victim class and master-slave society now in control over H-wood--and so here'a clip with undoubtely a false and sappy ending for ultimate seductive enticement into the Nazi fascist enclave but programming with the double-faced lie about how much they actually are against this fascist indoctrination and thus, the predictable ending I imagine (never will watch this stupid movie to find out if I am correct or not, because I've seen the dumb and stupid movies this actor has been putting out for years and know his bs crap is utterly fake and so is his festival and so is he and is an absolute bigoted Nazi putting out minorities for his posturing role as leader of H-wood indoctrination into utter racist inclusion of minorities who play the roles expected of them---)-- about how "love" will triumph over the selfish Nazi, Mafia-backed, American mogul blonde white "entitled" male---. This is the agenda this actor has been pushing for his good friend Pitt to be a leader of, replacing him I suspect. The technology is going to allow these men to rape, beat and murder people and I have been fighting for my life for over a decade from the endless poisoning (which they all lie about claiming they did not know, while I wrote every day about being poisoned, so sick I could not move, they continue to abuse me slowly to death trying to force me to capitulate to be a willing "slave" to someone who is poisoning, abusing, mutilating my body and stealing the concepts I studied for my own career which they have also blocked and stolen from me). What the Reagan-era and the successive politicians have brought is like a left-right double punch to every internal organ ofAmerican life. The selling of fascist Nazis with these yuppie movies has enticed Americans into yearning for this fascist white supremacist money-only class. The minorities have turned up in droves to participate and get their own piece of the pie. Like all the minorities at his Festivals, they are there to play their master-slave roles, hoping that when they teleport me, they can pl ay "master" when given a chance, but they have to wait at the back of the bus to get the opportunity because the white supremacists all get first dibs to torture me--the target of their endless hate and wrath that I am not going along with their pogrom program without resistance or complaint. 

"Indecent Proposal (2/8) Movie Clip John's Indecent Proposal (1993)". Movieclips. October 9, 2011.


**NB: It was such a struggle to pound this post out, the hacking is so non-stop, I must pound out all letters, I must backspace and retype constantly (almost every word). I must fight to not go into hyperbolic ranting and try to be articulate and rational, but the attack on my brain from mind control attacks in addition to the hacking and malware blocks to keyboard and also to my motor reflexes--makes this almost impossible. 

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IN DOG(e) WE TRUST" & the "Good Christian/rapist/Nazi/genocidal" DOG(e) BLUES SONG "My Last Dollar is Gone" will be sung as a chorus and refrain across America --and is being sung by me today plus more torture, never-ending to my death but before that, my last saved dollar from the Stimulus and Student Loans, which I did not want to spend, are being taken away PLUS all money I was paid for having over the $2000 monthly allotment penalized for not reporting in my savings account. It could be even more drastic than just taking every cent away then charging me more to pay back before they will resume my payments & other penalties far worse could be handed down by the sneering contemptuous worker at SS (88): Soon Social Security under direction from the Trump terror, which was an operation begun before the election (they knew they would "win" the rigged elections) but it's not enuf for them, and continuation of .....Terrorist noise report: drilling in the room 2 floors down--changing rooms for months--on all sides, hour of drilling for months and months, then maybe a few months pause last year, then daily for years, and 7 years of drilling and pounding non-stop for hours per day, day after day. The terrorists bring "work" to drill and pound and saw using industrial saws drilling into cement and steal for hours per day. The building is mostly empty, only terrorists live here--when they go out to work or party, the dirlling begins. I remain detoxing (s**itting) poison out and paralyzed, fighting for my life to heal, stuck and paralyzed for decades due to the piosoning. The drugging (which is still poisoning) p;lus non-stop attacks by a non-stop rotation of people---never-ending people rushing to join in. People I tried to avoid for years knowing they have attacked me murderously in the past--now have come because my money is being taken away by Social Security--all the money I saved every month out of the subpoverty income so I could have some safety net--they are taking it away plus money I wa spaid for this month, and student loans and other "gifts" by people I could not save in my mattress because every time I leave my home is ransacked--my items are rummaged through, to the depths of the hiding places, sprayed with stinking substances stolen or broken or ripped frayed--money has been stolen constantly from me. I kept the money in the bank, now I face serious threat all money taken even what I was paid by social security this month because I saved for YEARS--all was orchestrated by the billionaires who have obtained global fame from attacking me or stealing my ideas--and now new people are joining because I asked people from my past to please help--and they brought other people to exploit and profit off my demise. The drilling and pounding continues.

Depression-era music of the hills of America---1929, 1930, after the huge market crash now DOGe ("IN DOG WE TRUST") is a'gonna...