Friday, January 13, 2023

There is nothing and no one in charge of the shit machine of the United States political and media cesspool operation of dark money controlled fascist Nazism. //Every single one of these foul and putrid "men", so-called, the celebrities, the politicians, the "leaders" of society, the filth in the streets the Nazi bigots and their putrid black and brown minions, the "minorities"--they approach me with insults, and demand a kind of immediate sexual gratification because they are told I have no choice, that I am a "sex slave" and upon demand for "free" with destruction of my body and my life as their prize along with promotions and new businesses, they will be forever welcomed into the halls of fame and "society's" gilded glamor posturing applause.

 I am always being drugged, I am always under duress, I am always ignored by the part of the population which doesn't approve of this system but they are just timid, don't want to over-reach, can't won't can't won't don't know what to do, etc etc...

Always abandoned, always alone or surrounded by shit crap parasitic filth scumbags I now realize are just pieces of crap on legs who are using every tactic and drugging to exploit and trick and manipulate me using mind control techniques in order to rape, abuse or screw me over as part of a global enterprise in the rise of Nazi and Mafia power around the world.

I have been searing for any celebrity that is not a nincumpoop and I just get one idiot sleaze rapist idiot after the next vying to get in line to abuse me. The politicians are just nasty and foul and on a personal level like spoiled emotionally-deprived children who want more and more. They get more and more, they graft they lie they steal their constituents are just exactly the same, but firmly positions in their less affluent lives so they aren't mobile enough to fly to rush to teleport and torture me--as this prototypical target rape and hate object.


There is nothing and no one in charge of the shit machine of the United States political and media cesspool operation of dark money controlled fascist Nazism. 


My attempts to garner a single compassionate response from any single human being on the planet, for over a decade I have been trying with all my strength day after day and nothing has happened except more shit filth parasites have rushed to attack me. They "play" roles of concerned caring for Democracy and Freedom advocates. The ones who play fascist Nazi don't even come to attack me for the most part as they don't have to prove anything to the Nazi/Mafia machine any longer, it's the fake posturing bs artists who purport that they are "fighting" fascism who have to jump to join in. That is why the THIRD MSNBC anchor has joined in, because he's proving he really doesn't mean his blathering K-rap when he is deconstructing the Nazi fascist element of his "former" Party. Alongside him is another black male who has made anti-Semitic comments publicly, just like Whoopie but they still remain "in power" and are adored by the white supremacist faction. Because they get endorsement from one Florida cracker former politician, they are then emboldened when they are grilled in testimony on their bigoted anti-Semitism by other members of Congress, and they proudly put up the White Cracker Card endorsement good ole black boy club as their protection and are thusly the prime icons of "black" fight against "racism" in the media.

on and on and on and on. It's such a travesty of the concept of integrity and freedom. There is nothing else, nowhere else for me to turn to appeal for any kind of decency or help from any body any longer. I have tried the feminists and the "liberals" the "Jews" and the "blacks" and all I get are ass-groveling minions kissing up to blonde Nazi filth bigots who are serenely smug and smiling slightly as their filthy and dirty minions viciously attack me for fighting to compete and win and be beautiful and successful without having to grovel up to some pig ape whore skank group of shit subhuman filth--who truly are destroying the planet they are ultimately inferior and incompetent to rule.

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