Monday, January 16, 2023

On the first day of Biden's inauguration, I wrote that his symbolic photo-op presentation for his "glorious" crowning was of a sun rising over the Capital, with the words, "Today is a New Day" or some such blather. I wrote that the sun rising is an "Illuminati" symbol, most highly used symbol for that precursor to white supremacist Nazi/Mafia culture. I knew he was going to be a disappointment and part of the fascist Nazi system, but I had no idea what a rotten and corrupt component Biden, the next rotten old man fascist Nazi bigot was going to be. He had a row of terrorists who had teleported and attacked me belting out their horrible songs (which everyone but me loves, it seems, in America--their voices bombastic and shouting out the words like a bad off-Broadway singer who lost a top spot for a musical, that's how I hear their singing aptitude and what I connect it with) and he had a host of them performing and putting out the "good word" as they then "won" awards in the next few years for the Oscars and Golden Globes, the usual networking for fascist and Nazis.//Last night an aspiring A-list Europigape fascist scumbag, whom I had written of just a few days ago, joined in with his fasco Nazi Europigape compatriots and had a faked rape orgy scene put in front of me. What these disgusting and low-class pig apes, all with millions of dollars, or after they torture and attack me they are lifted into millionaire status or ranking and get opportunities for endless money poured into their blathering crap about how wonderful they are as human beings--

All of the violence and hate and death threats that have literally become a nearly daily occurrence from this sleaze group of filth, all calling themselves classy and more beautiful more intelligent so much "better" than me, after years of them having their disgusting foul minions pour something like stinking putrid chemical cement into my food and inserting it into my bladder, by also inserting fungus and stinking sewage water into my vagina and putting a tube into my bladder as well so I am endlessly sick, bloated, they call themselves "classy".

The Europigapes, taking after the American Capitalist fashion of people of the working and lower classes having a chance to rise up, many of the scumbag pig apes who are now threatening my life, having my; body mutilated, and the worst of the violent ones are either completely programmed by Europigapes, have their mansions in Europigapeland along with their mansions in Beverly Hills or wherever (hope they burn and drown from the global warming they all helped to bring about in their greed for promotions by promoting Trump the climate-change denier, as all of these pig apes have done surrounding me perpetually, despite their public claims to the contrary and their miniscule efforts at "marching" in the streets as protest against climate change denial, they have helped in the most deadly way to bring about more destruction of the global environment--and that of course includes rotten Musk the fake who has so completely been handed his top tier of wealth due not only to his sick participation in this crime against me so his dirty and defunct brain-chip implant company can be funded and installed, so more life fuck operators like himself, these putrid ugly men who rape and beat and torture me--all from lower classes except for Musk who has never used those tactics against me, like the wealthy he hangs with, they just have these dirty foul lower classes scumbags do the rape and abuse for them as they watch on. The low class filth then inflict what they consider to be "high class" entitlement like rape and torture and being awarded for it.

The endless jeering of the filth spawn scum daughter of Depp has been that Barishnikov is so much more "classy" than me. All I have seen is a demented sick ugly old man using every kind of manipulation to abuse and exploit a woman that his former youthful vigor and fame had easily granted in compliance from all the willing to be screwed women who also wanted promotions for their proximity to this rotten foul completely programmed wanna be entitlement aristocracy. The lower class filth DJ from London, from a working class environment, screeched and raped and yelled at me with a frenetic drugged up lashing out as dirty foul Baryishnikov and the rotten filth scum low-class skank of Depp --his spawn--and the list never ends of these types who have come from lower ecnomic classes yelling and screaming at me that I am nothing a bitch and low class and they are so much superior. I fight and yell and try to kill them with so much hate and disgust. They never stop, they latch on and go on and on and on. They get lead roles and prizes and promotions and awards and the rotation of one piece of filth after the next rolls on and on. Biden loves watching it go on and on, the former claims that people made about his pedophilia potentiality have been coached out of the dirty old geezer, and instead he's vicariously drooling, mentally masturbating if not privately doing so over the endless line-up of rape and violence pig whore trashy men are inflicting upon me, with his, Pelosi's, Raskin, Kinzinger' AOC, Sanders, et al's full permission and glaring looks of hate, insults and threats aimed at me. Don't forget the endless influence of the Clintons on the Democratic Party and I wrote of what kind of a criminal Hillary has been in this situation--as they are all criminals but they are told that they are high class entitlement "winners" of society.


I am referring to the rotten dark-haired English actor who was in Game of Thrones. He is a dirty and nasty sleazy creep, but no one is going to stop him. No, no one will ever stop them or stop this endless murder of me. he's going to get a movie starring role soon, of course, like thay all get documentaries and movies made about them or for them, all of the scum who attack me. Steven Spielberg has "won" his next award after years of participating ibn this situation while I begged for my life, his Holocaust movie archive group was never alerted or they shrunk trembling in fear when, if ever, dirty fake Spielberg told them that another holocaust and genocide was taking place but this time from Elon Musk's empire handed to him by Trump to obtain the wealthiest man in the world status for his duplicity and mind control experimentation which these ugly filthy dirty old pig ape men and their nasty ugly whore blonde Nazi wives absolutely require in order to claim they are "Democratic" and to play these fake roles in their shitty violent sleazy movies and tv shows and for the political theater, but in order to truly make sure that Biden's good old boy plan of putting people into the streets with no options--continues--so there is an utterly wealthy and utterly impoverished feudal society. The imitation of older Europigape fascist Nazi Imperialist society brought to the U S in the name of high inflation and exorbitantly high rental prices for the working classes. No one can afford these prices except for those who essentially don't have to work.

I looked at rental prices for the United States last night and saw in shock that prices have nearly doubled for some of the one-bedroom rentals--and the prices are uniform across the country--since the beginning of the pandemic. If not for the fascist Nazism of the Republican Party---they would have also won the Senate. As it is, they appear dysfunctional and not capable of clear leadership and thus the voters decided for the Biden version of fascist Nazism with his dearth of blacks he adores who are abiding servants but are coached to shout into microphones about how "strong" they are and how they are "fighting" fo equality. I heard a statistic on Democracy Now, stating that 2022 held the record for the most police killings of unarmed black men ever. That means that the placement of Kamala Harris into VP has only assuaged the population into accepting a warm milk bottle before sleeping mentally in order to quall the rioting and demands for justice. Other such minority minions that Biden placed into lead positions have also helped to present a dark version of white superiority programming of the minorities. That same inclusion of blacks into high prominently displayed roles in Whorewood also serve as cardboard icons of "progress" in the realm of equal opportunity. The sun rises over the drowning waterways of California today and I am waiting for the deluge to hit the sunken city of the City of Demons and liars in Whorewood--I think it will be a sirracco and a pillar of fire that actually will engulf that rotten city of destruction which it has so truly helped to bring into the United States and the planet.


As for this actor, he's not the greasy nasty filth of the Mafia out of Brooklyn, he's not the stupid and sick insanity of Depp, he's not the puffed up emptiness of the hate bubbles endlessly popped into my sleep and waking state for nearly a decade by endless idea-stealing pig pitt and filthalina and t heir endless rotation of black people yelling at me with fury as they then are endlessly awarded for fashion shows, lead roles and as they dye their hair blonde they obtain more and more and more prize slots in high positions--after the so' hich class" years of torture, voilence a la aristocracy, entitlement that the formerly married duo of terror and idea theft from me perpetually and then handing out and parceling out my ideas to others, even fragments of things I have written are stolen and then plastered/hacked into my every search and listening and online presence they constantly, according to the protocol, stick their filth that they stole from my writing in front of me. After perpetual poisoning with a most foul and deforming poison, blocking ALL my financial earning (I am never receiving any mail alerltls from my digital mail service--not a single one from the entire year, I had to write asking for mail received, they told me that letters had come, I asked them to scan the letters--the hackers or the service sent nothing--they were either delted, but all are instructed to screw me over and they all perform their tasks and get free jobs free b usinesses free everything for this crime). Biden approves and brings on more of this administration to attack me, those who had been in office during Trump--maybe it's just Trump associates who continue to operate under the Biden administration--but nothing doing with Biden the Nazi/Mafia Illuminati adherent to that secret society of distgusting foul dirty people claiming they are superior because they have taken over law enforcement and evferthing else through subterfuge and terror and murder and have all under their control.


so the next filthy scumbag is putting people being raped and is violently threatening me glaring in hate--I have done this filthy ugly pig no harm, I actually complimented him but like all the rest, the first thing he did was to threaten me (or try to have "sex" which I immediately told him no to, of course they are all disgusting abusers and parasites with an agenda to rape and abuse and screw me over, they all do it, they try to force a drugged state of "love "into me so they can suck out as much life force as possible before dumping their hate upon me--all of the shit pig apes dfo this, they ahve never stopped doing this for decades-I am fighting to stop this nedless rape and destruction contract out on me and no one will even stop these pigs no one ever stops this system

and i have no financial options. I remain stuck here with my internet blocked.I sent out emails to people and like always for years and years, there is only silence. any potential response that might encourage or give me good energy is deleted. I can't reach anyone unless they are proven to be fascist abusers--black. latino, jewish, white it doesn't matter. They all follow the exact same protocol system almost like bots they have no personalities and they are constantly trying to demand instant sexaal gratification so they can then abuse and throw me away after stealing whatever they want--and demanding no resistance from me. The pigs before them were poisoning me to death and poudning the poison as deeply into my body as possible and slapping and hitting me and having people destroy my property--when I began to fight back the stole and tortured the one and only thing I had left to love that loved me--my cat. They never stop. One rotten stinking old man is put into the President's box and they all follow. Obama just did what dirty foul Biden told him to do in regard to racism, and thus Biden lifts up blacks and claims he is a good friend. I can only assume the death and violence that the blacks who are now being killed by police across America are experiencing because they are not the standard tap-dancing rhetorical bs operators that Obama has been for all these years of service to helping Biden appear like he's a "brand new day" with the Illuminati sun rising over the Capital--while Trump remains unindicted by the Jewish slave Garland, a good Jewish lapdog jjust like the rest of the minions.

Meanwhile, the Biden racism of terror continues--the border crisis and the pull-out from Afghanistan. Biden may claim that Trump pulled a fast one in ordering the "immediate" pull-out of US Troops from Afghanistant but that was one year prior to the actual withdrawal.

I can only surmise that Biden LOVES, LOVES to have "minorities" beaten, killed, he and his blonde bigot wife want dark women to be pushed into corners with no opportunities if possible. They show this in their assistance in helping the Taliban to be put back into power. These operations are intentional and not accidental. It was not a fluke that the Taliban just walked all over the US troops upon their departure and took over the country IMMEDIATELY. This oppression of women such as me--dark hair, a more olive-toned skin, from a race that has been slated for genocide for over 2,000 years and now the white supremacists have gotten huge swaths of the aspiring black population to vent their oppressed racist torture upon Jews as well--so I am literally without anything but bs people attacking me on all sides--and this is what the bigots like Biden and his blonde sknaky "doctor" wife and all the blonde cheerleaders of Whorewood and their filthy ugly pig low-class "men" all want--women like me turned into sex trafficking victims basically mutilated and drugged and tortured without end--dirty foul fascist bigots like Elon Musk are there to help smooth the path fo an absolute fascist Nazi uprising in a country that is really not his-like all the Europigapes of fascist intent, they are welcomed with red carpet fanfare to install and program Americans into the fascist, nazi creed.

So this dark-haired sleazy nasty filth creep actor, Harrington from Game of Thrones, is now inflicting violence upon me. It's so dirty and trashy it's so revolting. I assume he assumes this makes him part of the "elite" entitled to rape and violence upon "bad" women like me asking for money for ideas that I studied for in university that the dumb whores of whorewood have never heard of--but torturing me to obtain original ideas and then destorying my body and home as my "payment". The hate of low-class filth like Barishnikov in raping and beating and abusing me for asking for MONEY after more than a decade of shit people literally stealing verbatim my written concepts and sshort story ideas is just the abomination that these deplorables truly are, and what they really are. Baryishnikov of course puts out "modfern" "art" pieces and is enraged of course that I could potentially prove a threat to his mundane creepy modern art--he has a following of his granola type blonde creepy women who are yelling death threats at me for tring to get this lseazy and greasy foul parasite off me--in teleportation of course


Please note that I can't type the laptop keyboard is being so badly hacked and keys are blocked.

I write this knowing that you fuckers are not going to do anything but continue to allow one sleazy filth creep after the next--all claiming they are so superior to me and so high class--to rape and beat and steal ideas while their filthy Nazi women with their black servant "high class" "Strong" self-proclaimed minorities swarming them to get some roles in upcoming movies alongside the skanks and whores who feed off the rape and torture of me by their filthy low class shitty "men" who also help them to land roles and parts. They ALL crank out the crap about being "feminist" afterwards. So does Jill Biden. So does Michelle Obama. So do they all, especially Oprah, one of the most entrenched fakes in this "humanitarian" den of rapist Nazi thieving scum, all from poorer backgrounds risen up and trying their best to appear "classy" by assisting in rape so lower classes of people in economic tiers are absolutely oppressed and downtrodden to the max, with this technology so much hate and sexual violence and torture can be inflicted so the "classy" pieces ofexcrement can claim that they are "supreior". Biden adds the finishing touch with rental prices for working class impossible to meet as more and more people become homeless and absolutely disenfranchiced and without homes or anything else. Even if the unemployment levels have improved almost to a record high, the rise in living costs have made survival with a "job" nearly impossible. That also is part of the wealth divide plan for an "entitled" blonde Nazi with hoards of minority minions servicing them class structure with impoverished and destitute and desperate poor groveling and being underfunded under fed and only able to get out if they give out sexually or as sex slaves or obedience without question and etc etc and then are microchipped adn like me, can't concentrate to read or study and too sick and oppressed to function and thus, only the same group of Nepo's and their rotten parents are "entitled" to ownership and the situation will continue to unravel into absolute dspotism very soon indeed. The Europigapes are dancing around with their "stupid" American friends who have brought them in to train them for such an enterprise as this Americanized version of the 4th Reich Nazi Imperialism entitlement class structure. The Imperialism is going to become and has already become an open hunting season on blacks by police, by women like me aspiring for s uccess in the market and able to penetrate through the lies and the oppression but now drugged and surrounded and tortured with non-stop revolting and revolving doors of pig apes coming to beat, rape and torture me for the approval of the good ole boys club something akin to the Illuminati secret society, which really rules the world and "do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law" is truly their abiding law, once they have been welcomed into the upper wealth fold of pig apes.

Thus the creeps assaulting me are so violently asserting this principle for the inclusion of themselves and their rottne wives and children into this protected class as they pour hate and vitriol upon me for simply fighting for human rights---

Just another small note to this tragic farce post: the neighbors above me, terrorists, are pouring water onto the structure I made out of plastic rope padded with cloth tape so when I buy more vines to try to grow them on my patio they will have a lattice to grow upwards. I hope it will disguise the piles of trash and dead material that the pig ape terrorists in this area where I lie have poured onto the view i have which used to be covered with beautiful flowering vines and birds were chirping in all the trees. Now there is not a single bird as all have been killed and shot down so nothing happens, it's a dead zone of trash and nearly-grown trees grown from weeds. They have been pouring water and acidic liquids on this trellis I have spent hours and hours and hours to build whch extends up to the ceiling of my patio in a beautiful network--they keep using the mechanical arms to loosen the cloth tape, to unravel it, and to make it frayed. My floor, alike, has been slashed so the 5th layer of beautiful artistic style material I have carefully put in a nice arrangement is slashed and filthy from substances being sprayed on it--everything is thus shabby and disgusting frfm the daily attacks on my property and home and body. I fight every day to rid my body ofh ard poisons that the shit form Whorewood ordered be put into my body as they laughed at my body and how obese and how I had to eat in starvation because my intestines were blocked by suffocating poisons--perpetually unless I did 10-day Master Cleanses-

This, too, for years I have been begging theplanet to stop this but the nazi 4th Reich can't stand to see me have anything beautuiful and the original designs I make are a threat to the claims of only them being original and having any talent whatsoevfer, they just want me on my knees with ugly pig men who I wish ere dead sticking their penises in my mouth, drugging me into a sexualized fr34zny so they can get a good blow job, and then slapping my face and calling me bitch afterwards adn then ordering my bodey and home made stinking and foul. THese shit actors who hjoin in to torture me, who play these roles of benevolent kings and people fighting for equality and a decent democratic society all participat ewith wrath and hate toweads me for fighting to stop this ednelss low-class sleaze that their "borthers" have beein inflicting on me for decades. They all act like I hav personally attacked them for fighting agsint being raped and beaten adn poisoned and my ideas stolen my work stolen my opportunities stopped and my home made stinking ugly and filthy and my body deformed and broken and crookee because of their racist agenda. T he hacking and blocks to th ekeyoard are so bad I can't t ype correctly any longer--it's taking so long to get any words out--I must pound down with all m yhand strength--


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IN DOG(e) WE TRUST" & the "Good Christian/rapist/Nazi/genocidal" DOG(e) BLUES SONG "My Last Dollar is Gone" will be sung as a chorus and refrain across America --and is being sung by me today plus more torture, never-ending to my death but before that, my last saved dollar from the Stimulus and Student Loans, which I did not want to spend, are being taken away PLUS all money I was paid for having over the $2000 monthly allotment penalized for not reporting in my savings account. It could be even more drastic than just taking every cent away then charging me more to pay back before they will resume my payments & other penalties far worse could be handed down by the sneering contemptuous worker at SS (88): Soon Social Security under direction from the Trump terror, which was an operation begun before the election (they knew they would "win" the rigged elections) but it's not enuf for them, and continuation of .....Terrorist noise report: drilling in the room 2 floors down--changing rooms for months--on all sides, hour of drilling for months and months, then maybe a few months pause last year, then daily for years, and 7 years of drilling and pounding non-stop for hours per day, day after day. The terrorists bring "work" to drill and pound and saw using industrial saws drilling into cement and steal for hours per day. The building is mostly empty, only terrorists live here--when they go out to work or party, the dirlling begins. I remain detoxing (s**itting) poison out and paralyzed, fighting for my life to heal, stuck and paralyzed for decades due to the piosoning. The drugging (which is still poisoning) p;lus non-stop attacks by a non-stop rotation of people---never-ending people rushing to join in. People I tried to avoid for years knowing they have attacked me murderously in the past--now have come because my money is being taken away by Social Security--all the money I saved every month out of the subpoverty income so I could have some safety net--they are taking it away plus money I wa spaid for this month, and student loans and other "gifts" by people I could not save in my mattress because every time I leave my home is ransacked--my items are rummaged through, to the depths of the hiding places, sprayed with stinking substances stolen or broken or ripped frayed--money has been stolen constantly from me. I kept the money in the bank, now I face serious threat all money taken even what I was paid by social security this month because I saved for YEARS--all was orchestrated by the billionaires who have obtained global fame from attacking me or stealing my ideas--and now new people are joining because I asked people from my past to please help--and they brought other people to exploit and profit off my demise. The drilling and pounding continues.

Depression-era music of the hills of America---1929, 1930, after the huge market crash now DOGe ("IN DOG WE TRUST") is a'gonna...