Thursday, January 5, 2023

State-sponsored and allowed open Sexual violence in public--based on racist expectations--by greasy ugly white supremacist pig ape 4th Reichmen; here is The future of the United States if and when the fascist, Nazi 4th Reich is allowed to further expand the teleportation and MK ULTRA death squad system that none of you reading this thus far have done a damn thing to stop from my years of writing about a former US President and leaders of the A-hole list celebrity caucus torturing and raping me using this techno-terror system. That system is now in place fully in Thailand, a "sex capital" which had been an offshoot of the Vietnam War for "relief" from stress by US soldiers and others. The system of sex slavery has been ossified into a system of absolute Karens-on-Vacation expectations of immediate gratification sans technological means. In America, to keep women like me without any chance for "The American Dream", this is what I encounter in the privacy of the pig apes who are currently teleporting me who are the filth in both the US Government and top celebrities in Whorewood (all of whom are welcomed with Red Carpet offers to purchase and have businesses and mansions here in slavery-colonized 4th Reich Nazi/Mafia "Paradise" Thailand.//One example on film of a fasco-Europigape Nazi of the 4th Reich, with decades of expectations that women who have dark hair and dark(er) skin in Thailand are automatically expected to immediately provide sex for almost free for Europigape frugly pigapes. Foreign-Western "entitled for free sex" Male "Karens" on sex/power trips in Thailand. One was caught on camera. The victim: Half-French. Otherwise if she were pure Thai this would never have been an issue (figure it out).


"Jusketh/Thailand". Twitter. January 3, 2023.

"answer some argument

- him upset to get film? ***** its just what he play, he been ok and smile to me before he got rejection and no i didnt film him at all im put camera to where im about to jump in the pool - its look stage ***** he in jail now. More context below"

Written by "Jusketh/Thailand" regarding video (Twitter account copy):

"I was streaming at the hotel's pool where only me and the guy were present. He been sitting in the pool and drinking beer. After he asked me to sit next to him and made a sexual gesture (looked at his crotch and nodded) while I was at the opposite side of the pool....I said no. he suddenly came up to me aggressively by clenching his fists and started yelling . He started chasing me, so I ran away and started telling to the hotel staff about it. In the meantime, he came with my stuff I left at the pool and threw them to the ground."

and some of the Twitter replies were similar to what women experience when accusing someone, even with proof, of sexual harassment: blaming the victim. The response Twit Tweets are deplorable. All of this is being formatted into social "dark web" groups with this teleportation, microchip implant technology and I have been this beaten, raped and tortured poisoned and drugged victim for decades and I STILL can't get a single member of Congress to even covertly or silently STOP this endless assault upon me. I remain being teleported by the stupid and greasy greedy filth skanks like the spawn of Depp and the rest of that insidious group of scum and filth with the Senators and the former President constantly presiding over this. They got elected and promoted because so many bigot women and their shitty rapist men require women to be victimized and pushed down with sexual violence so the blonde shit women can feel "entitled" along with the "immediate gratification" scumbag ugly pig men like this Europigape Nazi in the video. I encounter them all the time every time I am in public and their nasty blonde and minority minion gangs of death squad terrorists. I encounter this every day from your most FAMOUS celebrities in Whorewood with an ever-increasing circulation of Senators and politicians elected into highest offices in the country. I encounter the force of the oppression by police and by members of society who also want some women to be lifted up as fascist fashion blonde Nazi icons who can "do no wrong" even when they fully operate as rapist enablers--fully awarded for it by your Nazi leadership with their Mafia backers. This video at least makes the situation of the male Karens much more open, but the responses on Twitter continue to blame the woman for "streaming"--she has her own channel on Youtube and is an "influencer" but she is to blame for her problems because obviously the male was attacking her because he was "upset" about being filmed---according to the creep Tweeting about the blame of the woman, so-called "blame". It's so typical. I am attacked and assaulted for defending my human rights every single day with vicious hate by your otherwise endlessly blathering "I'm fighting for Democracy" Democrats in the House and in Senate.

**I had to fight and pound down every single letter of the post above, endlessly fighting to backspace and rewrite, My hands also can't "move" correctly as my brain is under attack to not function clearly---**

VIDEO: Angry farang chases Thai-French woman who rejected him in Pattaya

One example on film of a fasco-Europigape Nazi of the 4th Reich, with decades of expectations that women who have dark hair and dark(er) skin in Thailand are automatically expected to immediately provide sex for almost free for Europigape frugly pigapes. Foreign-Western "entitled for free sex" Male "Karens" on sex/power trips in Thailand. One was caught on camera. The victim: Half-French. Otherwise if she were pure Thai this would never have been an issue (figure it out).
There was a time when I was assaulted in almost such manner--not quite as violently in a public space. The people who orchestrated the attack have been PROMOTED by Senator Sanders after he teleported me alongside Hillary, insulting and mocking and then making a comment that the people who had ugly old men like this sexually assault me when I paid for a room in this 3-star or 2-star "alternative" sort of "hippie" resort, who also stole items and put disgusting things on my bed and stole my government-issued identification papers (birth certificate, etc) from my room---(the owners had done this) Sanders then said their resort would be closed--and it was reopened as a First-star resort with top expensive furnishings (which the frumpy South African Apartheid Hippies could never have afforded) with highest prices and situated along the Andaman Coast--).
The Nazi empire continues with the help of ugly old men from America---now attacking me in both Congress and whenever possible with blonde greasy filthy skanks of Nazi Europigape origin fully giggling as these filth pigs rape and torture me in teleportation. What you see in this video is a pure example of their real behavior and expectation of sex slavery upon immediate demand. Now being pushed in teleportation by a corrupt and incompetent United States systems of blonde bigot Nazi women their black and minority minion slaves and filthy nasty white supremacist creep Senators and House reps (so many claiming they are "liberal" "Democrats")
But what you see in this video is of a half Europigape woman being assaulted for appearing anything but blonde wanna be Nazi minion--so many Thai girls would otherwise immediately shy away or smile or say Yes as they have been traumatized into doing all their lives by violently conformist parents and legal representatives. This is why I said this could only have happened because this woman was of half-europigape descent. She obviously was not sleazy or promiscuously performing any come-on body language in the video.
Her reaction of telling the disgusting and ugly old pig ape parasite to go away was responded to with violence, as is the behavior of the shit that is teleporting me and threatening me. It's exactly the same thing but worse because in teleportation it's not an outside event where people will provide video footage. With protection and silence the behavior is pure fascist scumbag and endorsed by private donors and higher-ups in the fascist emerging dictatorship that the US has allowed to proliferate and you reading this (at this time, today) have also fully endorsed or done NOTHING to stop.

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