Friday, January 6, 2023

Surveying the discrediting and disfiguring cycles of violence and destruction aimed at ruining me and slowly murdering me--state-sponsored terrorism approved by Senators and House Representatives and Presidents and Vice Presidents of the United States. Silenced or approved of by all of Whorewood, USA. Functioning as a GLOBAL terrorist unit with a central base of information and consent-approval for all terrorist activities with an endless surplus of money handed out like an overflowing cornucopia for all aspiring fascist Nazi/Mafia terrorists around the planet.

"The Diabolical Things Inquisition Did During The Witch Hunt". Copernicus's Galaxy. October 31, 2022.

 I have been begging anyone and everyone and writing for over a decade on Facebook/Meta and this blog for anyone, someone to please stop this murder contract out on me and to stop the poisoning and torture. I was just nearly raped by Senator Cruz two days ago after he stopped Barishnikov from violently raping and torturing me with the filth spawn of Depp's Europigape fascist approval marriage partner---for endless red carpet treatment for him and his spawn and partners in the film industry, obviously closely aligned with Europigape business interests and mind programming into fascist, Nazi/Mafia cartel conglomerate ideology.


Before Baryishnikov it was the endlessly latched on pair of "Italian-American" actors deniro and pesce, filthy and disgusting and natsy and absolutely violently nasty towards me--hours and hours every day of making derogatory comments about my body as they perpetually stuffed sewage water into my vagina through their proxy terrorist minority minions. They then also added some very sinister actor of their enclave who played a role in the original Godfather who was constantly calling me "bitch!" for every negation of their endless demands for me to provide ideas, services and anything else they demanded out of me "for free" without hesitation. The tortures they inflicted upon me for years included slicing into my skin between my toes nightly, inserting sharp metal objects under my cuticles, having my hair destroyed/damaged nightly with chemicals and being chemically treated out--and it's still balding in huge spots covering the crown to the nape of my head and it remains stagnant and non-growth nearly dead--including so many other abuses I can't get through the list. My uterus being partially severed out while I was in an unconscious state. This includes pig pitt and filthalina the actual real "bitch" whom they all adore and love. My ideas stolen by them all for years and years and years and non-stop torture sessions while I was deep asleep or in nascent waking state, drugged perpetually so they could obtain ideas, as they all did.

The list of torture, the list of people entering into this ever-expanding group is non-stop and my brain is completely blanked out as usual while I type this.


My hair is now covered with grey hair. Henna won't cover the grey. My hair follicles are so damaged that I can't use any chemicals to try to cover the grey. Henna just puts a horrid red tinge over the dead hair and destroyed hair strands and grey which is like wire threads and not hair any longer. 

My body, of course, shitting stinking piles of partially hardened and bloating poison out for 11+ years. I was shitting stinking diarrhea for years and years prior to understanding that I was being poisoned and that people were breaking into my home. Most of the time, I was forced into utter constipation. If you think this is a disgusting "conversation" in my one-way diatribe, imagine having to live through endlessly shitting out stinking diarrhea and poisons--then fighting to protect your food and not being able to do so no matter what you do, how many years you beg for help and the top authorities give authorization endlessly to sick and putrid filth people who never stop the teleportation hell and abuse and violence. 

They are now forcing me to respond in ways that are completely complacently accepting of being lied to and stolen from and raped and beaten into perpetual slow death. The piece of filth that Depp spawned last week had a skit asking me in a very "warm" friendly way why I was hesitant to not want to allow that ugly parasitic sexualized Nazi filth skank to endlessly pursue obtaining her career out of having me raped, beaten, poisoned, mutilated, forced into partial paralysis as stupid and meaningless greasy shit like her torture ideas out of me, have me beaten and raped and mutilated and poisoned slowly to death as the one and only remuneration for my ideas and all the years I have spent studying and working for a career. The years of grad school I was being poisoned by Nicola Siervo who has partnered with Stallone since 1996 or 1997 to have me raped by a successive group of scumbags out of Italy as they had me followed, my every effort to rise out of disability and poverty crushed as they raped, beat and poisoned and abused me using all these government-sanctioned weapons of mind control, poisoning and idea extraction for themselves--supporting filthy vile Depp and that pile of shit has never stopped instructing the Whorewood filth on how to behave in deadly fascist manner towards me. They all immediately are enthralled with all stops and blocks to their sadism unleashed in this training and mind programming process, which trickles down into society through their obviously fake posturing roles as benevolent heroes of society against oppression; which they all endlessly play when they are not playing juicy and "seductive" villains in the roles which do more to entice the viewers into these acts of atrocity than anything else they ever could have done to try to brainwash the public into fascist Nazi behavioral mind programming.


So I am endlessly staring at a huge pot of filth stuck in my body. The poison is almost exactly like cement that is tasteless and odorless that is poured or inserted into my food, into my vagina along with sewage and stinking putrid fungus-stained substances--also into my food and drinking water. I absolutely cannot defend myself in this situation

I ALSO AM BLOCKED FROM EARNING ANY MONEY and blacklisted from all employment or abused if I ever attempt to earn a penny in a legitimate job. People everywhere flock to join in the sadistic witch hunt and I am never left in peace to pursue any kind of financial solvency or live in peace. Anywhere and everywhere around the planet.


So my body is saturated and crooked with hard poisons that have bulged everywhere on every limb, blocking digestion and movement and functioning. My hair is now wiry and grey and mostly half gone in patches of baldness and my body has scars from poisons that have been smeared on my skin for decades. My toes have been broken and one of them appears like it has a severe case of bunyons, but it's been broken by the creeps at night while I was sleeping to appear as something that "naturally" happened.


I was teleported just this morning to a blonde creep forcing me to not respond with incredulity when I was in a "paris airport" buying a backpack. In the mind programming state, they told me not to buy the white backpacks because, I said following their verbal repeat commands, it would get dirty--due to stalkers flicking filth on my clothing and bags from behind while I am in public. They got me to buy a dark blue backpack with a mesh open back part--like a laundry bag type of mesh material--obviously worthless as a "backpack". The backpack had butterflies (the MK ULTRA symbol of mind programmed sex slave dummy type of "girly" under sex slave programming) and also a dumb owl--the "Illuminati" symbol--my mother the abuser who was part of this secret society had an owl placed on top of her Scottsdale house--as sign that although she was a "minority" she was fully in line with the agenda--you can see this very often with dark-haired women with darker skin and obvious not of the N. Europigape cultures who adorn these types of "dumb female" objects such as butterflies and owls when they make public presentations. My mother nearly shouted them from her rooftop.

But I was subjected to being told that I had to buy this expensive worthless butterfly/owl "backpack" at a very high price, and then some "French" scumbag who followed me around told me that it probably would be confiscated. I told him or asked how such a thing could happen. I was blanked out and the next time he told me this, smug and stupid and assured that he had millions and millions of fellow pieces of s*** operating behind him, he told me that it would be confiscated after I paid for it; meaning he would steal it and take it for free after I paid for it. I remained silent agreeing--all was done in a deep sleep, sick from shitting out poison state. 

Last week the filth daughter spawn of Depp, as I began to write but I am under so much mind control and keyboard obfuscation that I can't finish writing my thoughts--every post is half written my brain is blanked out as I struggle to fight to pound out each and every letter and "forget" what I am typing about in the middle of writing my thoughts'---

she asked me why I didn't want to allow that stupid and ugly sexualized parasitic dumb sleaze spawn of that rapist pig ape why I am so against just endlessly not fighting back and allowing them all to go on and on slowly killing me with my permission. I said in a drugged, mind controlled deep sleep teleported state that it's due to years of torture. She then had stinking substances forced into my mouth, I "woke up" with the stinking mess in my mouth as she glared in hate at me while I was spitting it out in a sink as she glared like a blank-eyed hate zombie staring in hate at me at the perpendicular angle that I could see, sideways, as she instructed me while in a comatose sleep, teleported and mind programmed state to look at that stupid piece of ugly trashy low-class filth, but adulated due to her endless facial reconstruction to appear like a fascist fashion Nazi image--her body completely poured with money and money and her model mother instructing her to beat and rape me--with fascist Nazism behind her every intention of overtake of American society with a heaping pileful of French and fascist Europigape shit right behind her. Behind them all is Stallone the greasy ugly stupid pig filth with the Italian bunch of greasy rapist dumb and dumber crap who have been attacking me for decades--and being handed clubs and venues to run (prior to their decades of attacks on me, like pig pitt, they were only supplementary managers who were so corrupt and sleazy and stupid and meaningless and disco thump thump dumb they were never promoted---never until they began torturing me to obtain ideas   mostly about  how Prince ran his club, which these sinister sick Mafioso filth creeps then stole for their own concepts in the clubs handed to them by the Florida fascist controllers of businesses--and also the French filth who accompanied them--literally stole Prince's concepts and took over the very venue he had owned before the mafia kicked him out--and I know this from the manager Prince had  hired who I spoke with just as Prince was literally kicked out of South Florida--didn't return except to play a few sets at the clubs that were stolen from him. His ideas stolen literally "verbatim" endlessly by these very same people who have trained the shit like the spawn filth of depp and filthalina and Danny Moynihan (the English intellectual property "art auction" thief" who also literally verbatim stole ideas from stories and concepts I wrote and had written which he obtained by endlessly having me poisoned and raped (by himself) as he latched onto teleporting me endlessly for years. 


As I was studying in grad school for years unable to physically move, all I could do was move and move from location-to-location from the mostly Europigape fascists or the American wanna-be Europigape fascists who tortured me in each and every house I moved to, until I finally left the West en toto and perhaps forever, as I really never want to return to the disgusting cesspool of greed and Nazism and corruption that the West is. In the SE Asian areas I can't understand their language and it's at least a respite from having to hear the bs that these filth creeps endlessly hiss in hate at me while my brain is incapable of critical thinking due to the endless drugging and poisoning and mind control tech blasting my brain functioning at every abuse situation. Right now I am endlessly backspacing and rewriting as the attacks continue even when I am writing "to myself" as mostly the people reading my posts are fully in compliance or agreement with all of this.


So no matter what I do or how hard or how many years I try, I can't rid my body of stinking bloating poisons. I can't get out of this torture chamber studio because they are blocking all internet functioning and I can't, literally earn money online. I have been publishing this blog for years with a YouTube link and not a single person has responded. I send out emails to people from my past and think that they will respond, but all personal emails are also being censored and blocked so I remain in absolute isolation.

The walls of all sides and the floors and ceiling of this trap room I am forced to live in are all cracks, panels which are opened from the other side of the walls/floor/ceiling. Mechanical arms penetrate every moment my back is turned.


right now I have a stinking mess underneath my kitchen sink area which I have to spend 2 hours to clean. If I don't tie rope around the metal hooks I had to pound with  every inch of my strength and bending and twisting my very damaged spine to get the hooks into plastic-coated cheap and stinking cabinet doors--because mechanical arms are sent thought the less-than-one milimeter dividing piece of endlessly soggy and wet particle board so the mechanical arm can slip through whatever tiny hole--the pincers or "arms" of the device can then open and slip through the huge cracks that have been cut into the doors and then from behind, as I perpetually sit in front of this computer because I am so ill every single day as the poisons are inserted into my body via my vagina or into my food (I seal everything but however they are accomplishing endlessly making my body bloated and poisoned must be from the inserts into my vagina and my drinking water when I can't protect it as I am out shopping). 

They spray stinking filth into my hair from behind as I sit in front of this laptop. They are opening a panel or one of the tiles in the kitchen area just above the sink. I have covered all three times over with materials to stop this but they get through it all whenever I leave the room they rip off everything and cover the vulnerabilities so I have no idea what is vulnerable upon return.


That is a very brief summation of the endless torture that has made my hair greying, which I cannot cover with dye and henna is impossible as the damage to my hair makes it so nothing will penetrate the grey wire they forced into my hair consistency from years of spraying this filth into my hair while sleeping and from behind--plus fungus, in my ears, my vagina, my hair and on my skin plus so many other attacks it's countless. 


This is, indeed, a rant. I need fucking support and years of writing about this torture and injustice has only been met with insults, mockery, more violence from the white trash shit of Congress and the Senate--the "feminists" and the "black and brown" minorities alike.

silence from Whorewood, completely approval of the shit people who have endlessly been doing this with full approval of all who are privy to this information.


I ask again that this injustice be stopped and that I am left to live in peace with financial recouperation of all they have stolen of my body and life--and so I can live in a place where my body is not endlessly ransacked with poisons and rape and mutilations and sleep deprivation and torture and teleportation. I need a home with solid walls and foundation and in some place where neighbors will NOT fully support and join in with these nefarious activities. Where privacy is actually defended and people who try to inflict this kind of sick shit are actually arrested and indicted and imprisoned for this breach of justice and the Law.

They have stolen my cat La Moux and a few cats (a family of cats I rescued) have killed off the very birds that fly outside my window and put thrash and crap all over every landscape backyard I have lived in for over a decade, here in beautiful Thailand. In America they forced construction in my vicinity for years. Here in Thailand the greasy ugly sick Italian Mafia group associated with Stallone forced three construction sites within a 40-yard circumference built in the same year, the first year I began the detox of the stinking poison diarrhea shit they forced upon me while raping it into my body--back in 2011. Now it's 2023 and this morning I shat out a huge pile of stinking toxicity so poisonous that I collapsed on my bed in a deep, sick state and while sleeping the people operating the mechanical arms sliced into my cuticles, cut parts of my hair and did whatever else while I was teleported to being silenced as people said abusive and insulting things and I tried to defend myself and was put into an "edit/blank" state before "waking up" while sleeping and sick from shitting out poison--to being silenced as they insulted me and abused me. It never ends, every time I fall asleep I am tortured, raped, beaten and abused by this group or their filthy minions performing the deadly attacks to destroy me in every single way except for outright murder. They have been attempting a slow form of what would appear to be a "natural" deterioration of me, and the label of being "mentally ill" which my mother assiduously forced upon me, which was forced upon me assessment when I applied for disability due to the poisoning--speaking with natural intelligent calm and composure when speaking to the psychologist who assessed me, who was extremely friendly/ This fake diagnosis was extraneously added to my file by the incompetent fascist component operating within the US Government, and not by the very friendly and helpful people who were part of the assessment teams. Some of them told me outright that I didn't need psychological "help" but really only needed to read a lot of books on the psychology of abuse and how to deal with it (as I recounted my family and it's abuse of me, which is part of the trauma-based mind control protocols this filth group instructed my very compliant and destroyed jewish nazi family to completely comply with, upon pain of murder).

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