Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Mind control/brain freezing while I was under Literal physical assault, violence, at the shopping mall aimed at me in a duplicitous covert manner ("gang stalking"): I left the torture chamber to go shopping which entailed literally the entire day up until 10 pm driving, lifting extremely heavy items---and many positive things happened --or, for me, a few positive things is "many". There were some very happy people in my vicinity but mostly I was surrounded by hate. I was body slammed by a man who looked English but probably was Russian (I use the past tense on purpose). He had at least 15 minions surrounding him at a bottle-neck area of the shopping mall--it was exactly the same place I was surrounded by a huge group of minions with another huge white male body-builder type--who bounced into me violently as he used this tactic to create a huge spread-out terrorist net of human expansion to create so many people around me as he pushed and hit me from the side with his shoulders so first the action would not be noticed and then also I was not prepared. I am very ill from poisoning, the hard poisons have latched into my bones and spine. A sudden hard body slam while unexpected is too jarring for my very fragile body (they have been fracturing my vertebrae, putting my hips and spine out of alignment during the nigttime rape, fungus insertions and theft of my money, destruction, etc etc mutilation of my body and property stinking and destroyed==this had been done for years. My body is now so broken down, so this huge white male pounding his body into mine was almost the last straw for my body to endure. That was around 4 pm and I had to keep going until 10 pm, and then return to tie all the food I had bought into elaborately rubber-banded and sealed bags so the mechanical arms can't poison my food and water. I could not take all the food I bought with me, so whatever poisoning they intended to do has already been done. I do it anyway because as time transpired they put more mold on the food, and etc, so I try my best.

"California Uber Alles". rp61Productions. May 1, 2007.

I wrote that last night upon returning and spending over 2 hours packing all my shopping bags (backpack, items I store in the bags, tying all up and stuffing in layers of plastic bags tied with strings and rubber bands and other layers, so they are not sprayed with permanently-staining stinking substances, ripped, my money stolen, items frayed, bleach poured on them, sandpaper rubbed on the fabric, etc--this was the case for YEARS before I began to try to protect my gear). I always carry four huge, heavy bags around with me because I can't afford to have the items within damaged when I leave this room. I am so over-burdened I am carrying around something like a weight-training regimen for someone bulging with strength and not me, with fractured vertebrae, a hard shell of poisons that have mutilated my body and put my bones and hips out of alignment after terrorists put my spine and hips out of alignment while I was sleeping and in a microchip-enforced comatose sleep state (being teleported to hate, to hell, to violence, to rape by your wonderful smiling teleporting charismatic psychopath entertainment leaders of the US).
I "forgot" to mention how this huge man, whose body bounced off mine, as I withstood the blow to my body but I felt his body and it was like a spongy but firm body-builder piece of meat, like the consistency, literally, of swine. Bouncy, firm, pink and cellulose-packed like some kind of punching bag for lightweight boxing exercise. He was pushing a large suitcase on wheels alongside his dearth of minions (mostly Thai) who took the entire space of this area. The area is a small semi-corner angle between a very large open space entrance to the mall on the 1st Floor, and the more narrow expanse of the mall walkway through the many long rows of shops and the middle area of the fish pond. At this junction between a cosmetics shop facing the wide open area, with escalators and etc (I get to this level through the elevators at the back of the entire area, so I walk to the open area and make a slight angle turn to enter into the narrow shopping zone, push my cart to the other side where the Tops Market is in Central Festival (going from Florista mall, connected through an overpass from the same company). On this 20-minute journey I undergo endless swarms of people making concerted attacks upon me, but usually they don't literally play a football tackle upon me, only to the point where my body is banged into from a side angle. This piggy body male (looked English, probably Russian, sent from the celebrities of all these various "liberal" but ultimately utterly fascist celebrities with absolute infiltration aspirations for US control and hegemony and monopoly) but....he was pushing this new suitcase on wheels, and it has the flexibility to move very quickly to a different direction. This entire sequence was utterly choreographed and practiced beforehand, it was timed, it was done in an absolutely fastidious way. I walked entering into the narrow shopping zone, within about 20 feet this huge group suddenly spread out--before entering into this zone, of course I looked at the crowd and saw disparately arranged people moving about, and I entered. Within one minute they coalesced into this huge formation, all walking directly into me from the opposite direction like a football game offensive line. The bouncy huge bodybuilder thug with his Thai escort (on his vacay, there to pump up his Nazi white master race white male entitlement image) right next to him, with the usual dirge of brown-skinned minions servicing the bigot white Nazi on it's "vacation" or "ex-pat" living situation---but they all looked either down at their phones or at various other directions as they all walked directly into me. I kept pushing my cart and looking directly at the man who was pushing his huge suitcase directly into me. Within 5 feet he looked and swerved his suitcase to one side so I could get my cart past them without having to push my cart or stop or swerve suddenly--as he got next to me, with 20 people surrounding us all in this packed offensive formation, he pounded his body against mine with his huge pig-flesh bouncy shoulder, his hip and he used his full body weight (this is a large man, with the usual beer/alcohol/body builder rotundity and in Thailand, with his usual prostituted woman next to his side encouraging him and assisting in attacking me). 

Now the mind control part which often accompanies such assaults. Firstly, the mind control "works" because I was in a good mood and did not want to lower my energy state by engaging in one of these foul and ugly attackers (even with plastic surgery and wealth to adorn the ugliness they hold inside, to me they are putrid and ugly no matter how much money has been spent to augment their appearance). Every time I have an interaction with the terrorists, my brain is under attack and it is literally my body being jolted by small electronic shocks while my brain is put into various negative emotional states. If I am severely drugged I can go into near violent states while under this interface of physical, drug and mind control technology influence. 

I thus try to do the Martial Arts tactic I have seen from some of these movie icons like Bruce Lee, which is to try to first deflate the situation by not reacting. In that frame of mind, but understandably I was under mind control attack so my brain "froze" while this man was essentially hitting me violently. I could move (motor activity can be either thwarted or continued, the brain-mapping specificity of this technology is precise and this should be of some concern to anyone reading this, alas perhaps you readers are so numb from entertainment that it's not scary to you in the least to imagine that this could become a population control mechanism and you too, oh even you, could be negatively impacted. This group is so viciously violent that when I state "negative" impact, I refer to murder or death).
I could not speak but I could move. I was "forced" to keep walking looking straight ahead. My brain blanked out and I was just a physical momentum moving according to subliminal brain instruction content at that point. Only after about 5 minutes when this attack wore off, I realized I should have said something. The suppressed rage came out as I tried to find this man later but these people who attack me violently in public spaces in these covert assault conflagration of death squad minions and Nazi/Mafia haters always has them leaving immediately. Any confrontation with them with anger results in my brain being blanked out while they glare into my eyes--my eyes can literally be "lowered" as I "see" a black tunnel vision and can't clearly see any longer. I realize that my brain is being literally zapped in some way so I am not able to function for perhaps half a second, causing me to "faint" for less than a fraction of  a second, resulting in my eyes lowering. They have also made me faint upon occasion while walking down stairs-etc. I do not have some brain problem, this has been done so often during these confrontations that I know this is from the brain implant and not from any congenital defect or brain problem that is from within my body itself.
By around 9 pm, as I limped after carrying huge gallon jugs of water, huge bags of soil for plants I want to grow, huge bottles of soda because I need so much sugar to deal with the detox--the poison is so toxic that nothing but sugary drinks can get me going again and I can't afford to pay for the high-price of juices--forced to live on sub-sub-poverty income as I have been forced to do.
But carrying so much huge weight, by 9 pm after being literally slammed into so my body was put slightly out-of-alignment, my body in pain, and then at the check-out counter there is a small area with Thai herbal products in a tiny small room area, as I was about to pay, I decided to go into this area and the blonde Nazi women with her screaming running around psychopath daughter also being "trained" into fascist, Nazi violence against targets (me in this case) was rushing nearly hitting me with her cart in the guise of being just a slap-happy fun little tyke--I changed course and began to walk into this room. The women who had been in front of me as I began to shove my cart in the direction to go into this room, leaned her head in an awkward position as if she were "listening" to something and rushed to push her cart in front of me through the tiny small entrance into this little Thai herbal shop adjoining the back-area check-out cashier row (at Tops Market in Central Florista). Once she pushed and shoved to get in front of me, she slowed down almost to a stop at the most narrow entrance into this tiny room. In essence, she was being instructed either through "voice-to-skull" technology to walk instantly in front of me, because my thoughts were being "read" and so, my thoughts preceding my body movement, as I turned my cart she moved with alacrity to push hers in front of mine from within one minute--a few seconds literally as her head cocked back like she was engaged in thinking and listening--I could see it peripherally. Exhausted and limping and sick from hours and hours of people pushing into me and blocking my path and looking down at their phones walking into me as I kept smiling and being pleasant and not wanting to get enraged because these are just parasites who feed off hate--but my brain is also put into a state of extreme vulnerability to negativity. As I walked into this room, two little girls the same height and age as the daughter of this very wiry and thin blonde woman began to throw things to one another and one of them backed up nearly against me, throwing her arms and hands backward almost hitting me. I was in so much pain from being pushed, tackled, shoved, etc I could not move my body in any kind of exertion any longer I kept walking and decided that if the expletive actually hit me I would do something about it. I pushed my cart past her flailing arms nearly hitting me in the pretext of "playing"  catch with a ball (also a planned sequence of attack--all choreographed, as these little fascist nazis-in-training are being taught by their nasty parents that "one day you won't have to pretend you can just kill them but for now, you have to pretend and then once you have this system, you will have all the Nazis planned for us to have with slaves and entitlement to all the wealth of the globe with slaves serving us forever for the 4th Reich").
The blonde mother rushed right next to me as I lifted up bottles of Thai herbal shampoo and conditioner--hoping SOMETHING WOULD heal my hair that the terrorists have made so damaged that there are huge non-growing balding spots from chemical hair follicle eradication that it seems nothing will heal--they permanently destroyed most of the hair follicles on my head. \)
But searching for natural shampoo, this woman nearly pushed me grabbing aggressively, like she was on drugs and she looked like a wiry drug addict of some sort, on something as her daughter frantically pushed and yelled alongside the terror attack, the children are "high" off the collateral "highs" that their parents get from violence and hate attacks.

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