Sunday, January 22, 2023

Los Angeles is the perfect American model of fascist Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich death camp elitist policy: First, "they" get a 1-15 day order to vacate an apartment or living space. Then once homeless, they get a 10-minute warning to try to save their every belonging before it's all bulldozed into compacted blocks by garbage trucks. The billionaires and millionaires of Los Angeles who teleport me laugh, giggle and inflict ever-increasing torture and violence upon me, the longer they get hormone-highs off teleportation (easily pressing a button, screwing someone over with increasing need for more violence to get that original high) and then watching the target get slowly killed and saying they "deserved" it for fighting back against their entertainment teleportation torture sadism and theft and rape and abuse. It's the exact equivalent of how the unfortunate homeless of LA are treated. Like me, they probably did nothing to "deserve" their plight except get laid-off or targeted for some inane reason which is mostly that Los Angeles and America loves the Nazi Mafia creed and needs people to torture, rape and kill for their global expansionist policies brought into a domestic sphere. The homeless "deserve" it because they are the "losers" of society, according to the expletives who vote for and create a system where by they are "entitled" to unending millions of $$ while others are just "losers" who get fired without enough money for any safety net; no health care, and f-off and die is the real motto behind it all. The fascist Nazi/Mafia Americans who worship nearly fascist fashion out of the Nazi/Mafia-controlled Euro-land centrifuge, owe total allegiance to that centralized system. The policies operate like a microcosm model in the city of LA. First, they adored the Clinton NAFTA globalization policies and moved their industries to outsourced cheap slave labor in various "undeveloped" countries, which they also turned into their nearly free cheap sex vacation pet home projects for "development". Then they give a 10-minute notice of evacuation after ejaculation when the Reagan policies took over as they worshipped the actor out of the Beverly Hills--until the cultural violence has spilled onto the streets as the terrorist "entitlement" expletives masturbate and swoon over the violence and torture they get to inflict, they become addicted to it, they obtain free promotions and awards and carte blanche by the government to inflict all murderous technologies and poisons and drugs and death squads using various sophisticated technocratic means of enslavement. This macro-to-microcosm model: It's all on display on the streets and hills of Los Angeles.

 "10 Minute Warning LA Homeless' Belongings Taken During Sweeps". Invisible People. January 18, 2023.

Every single day more homeless persons accumulate into these housing tent areas in Los Angeles-every day someone else can't afford to survive the cost of living in the US/Los Angeles and goes homeless. AT least one person, I don't know the statistics but I watched a clip about homelessness in LA where one of the men in these tent housing communities said that every single day at least one more person comes there to try to find refuge and is made homeless. From one day to the next--from one paycheck to the next--from one illness to being unable to survive. From one rape while homeless, from one stabbing or murder just another death...But....$2 Billion from Biden to Ukraine and for NATO's former 3rd Reich Lebensraum policy to extend into Ukraine---now being funded by the US--- to protect oil interests in Ukraine, and continue a long-standing Nazi/Germanic policy of overtake of everything possible---along with the past year of billions sent in addition to millions from the US, it's darling military-industrial partner before and after WWII---

The genocide continues upon the homeless in the US--lebensraum for elitist US Nazi/Mafia members (in LA it's pretty pronounced). Los Angeles, in fact, is almost the perfect analogy of Nazi stratification of culture encapsulated in an interior domestic setting. No need to invade other countries, the US just imitates Nazi genocide from within it's own culture, using the excuse of Trickle Down economic policy gone awry and other such distortions of reality.

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