Saturday, January 21, 2023

Today's mystery meat package presented on my YouTube page from online terrorists trying to get a triggered click on their video page outta me---. Most of the clips were somehow about miscreants doing anti-social things, making movies about anti-social deviants (mostly males, in fact, no women are involved in any kind of threatening behavior in these movies or clips--or none that are the main character who is deemed a righteous hero rebel)--and I saw such similar types of videos--usually a male denouncing the power structure, never a female voice in the din...(women are 2ndary7 objects who are objects of lust--so anti-porn sentiment NEVER touches the fringes of their minds when it comes to threatening the status quo, and it's because they are creating a newer version of the same old boys status quo---)

 "The Midnight Special More 1974--03--Brownsville Station--Smokin' In The Boy's Room". 111blanandrive. July 30, 2011.

so I thought of this song which probably created a deviant groove in the record playing in my mind control metaverse--smokin' in the boyz room---sounded cool, my older brothers who also smoked doobies at the time, in Jr. High School and High School (yes, in Champaign, Illinois along with college students and pre-yuppie post hippie time of the mid-70's)---

in keeping with that, I play this song remembering how it urged me to feel like a cool camel skipping school--which sounds so menthol and camel at the same time---but as a "girl" I was considered actually really and truly "bad" as opposed to the hero boyz who smoked in the boys room (what does that mean, after all? They mean perhaps having a homoerotic pull on a cigar-shaped Freudian-blessed rubber object in the boyz room while skipping school. Maybe the subcutaneous meaning of the song was about gay sex and skipping the rules of "school"=society)? Girls are automatically considered sleazy and low for having done the same sort of thing and no songs are made about women/girls enjoying the same sort of "privilege".

All these men who put out these videos about how renegade their songs and show performances are, are attacking me for having done what their heroes provide as entertainment through which their assumed constructed personalities are conduits of.

I skipped school, not because I wanted to reject society (especially) but because I was so drugged I could not concentrate, my back hurt because hardening poisons were latching onto my spine and hips internally and it has been painful for me to sit for more than one hour at a time for many years now. High school involves sitting for almost 7 hours per day. I was dazed, could not study and that was wholly due to the conglomeration of poisons accumulating in my intestines and trapped underneath hard shells of poison tubes hardened into my every-twisting spine (which was diagnosed as being idiomatic scoliosis--cause unknown by all the doctors who knew very well).

I skipped school in high school very often. I was accepted nevertheless into Cornell University. My GRE scores were very high (upper 2%) in the science category. I would learn the school material from the corrections to my wrong answers and by listening in class as the teachers went over the results of the tests and what each answer should have been and why. That is how I learned for a few years of being absolutely too drugged up to concentrate. I was not a miscreant or a rebel. I did make my own paisley pants out of curtain material which caused my very conservative/wealthy high school group of cheerleaders to glare and stare and point--however. I was glad, and wore also my own fashion, which was something I never saw anyone else doing at Nicolet High School in Glendale, WI. (The area upon which the tv show Happy Days was based upon--). I was NOT considered the cool subculture male wearing the black, leather jacket. I was skeptically received because the word was out that I had rejected my Nazi step-mother and left and was not complying with the norm (my interpretation). Mostly people didn't know or understand and were instructed to avoid me. I was still being "hit on" by the boys at my locker, and just avoided them. Endlessly probably assaulted while in the deep sleep mode where I lived and they poisoned/drugged and used all the protocols against me ("good" Germanic-background Americans, a family I stayed with because the backlash against me fighting back against Nazis walking over Jews required absolute drugging, poisoning and rejection because I was so "bad" but not considered an outlaw rebel without a cause). Of course, Oprah, the "good" minion was "popular" she claims at the very same high school. Surrounded by blonde cheerleaders and one gets in that position without a$$ groveling to Nazi indoctrination and demands. Not much has changed since then in the "high school" of modern life....

But I thought of this song--about a cloaked reference to homosexual sucking on elongated things during the "school of life" in the closet, etc (it's not what I did as my "rebellion" but it probably was forced upon me while I was in the comatose unconscious but still aware sleeping state).

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IN DOG(e) WE TRUST" & the "Good Christian/rapist/Nazi/genocidal" DOG(e) BLUES SONG "My Last Dollar is Gone" will be sung as a chorus and refrain across America --and is being sung by me today plus more torture, never-ending to my death but before that, my last saved dollar from the Stimulus and Student Loans, which I did not want to spend, are being taken away PLUS all money I was paid for having over the $2000 monthly allotment penalized for not reporting in my savings account. It could be even more drastic than just taking every cent away then charging me more to pay back before they will resume my payments & other penalties far worse could be handed down by the sneering contemptuous worker at SS (88): Soon Social Security under direction from the Trump terror, which was an operation begun before the election (they knew they would "win" the rigged elections) but it's not enuf for them, and continuation of .....Terrorist noise report: drilling in the room 2 floors down--changing rooms for months--on all sides, hour of drilling for months and months, then maybe a few months pause last year, then daily for years, and 7 years of drilling and pounding non-stop for hours per day, day after day. The terrorists bring "work" to drill and pound and saw using industrial saws drilling into cement and steal for hours per day. The building is mostly empty, only terrorists live here--when they go out to work or party, the dirlling begins. I remain detoxing (s**itting) poison out and paralyzed, fighting for my life to heal, stuck and paralyzed for decades due to the piosoning. The drugging (which is still poisoning) p;lus non-stop attacks by a non-stop rotation of people---never-ending people rushing to join in. People I tried to avoid for years knowing they have attacked me murderously in the past--now have come because my money is being taken away by Social Security--all the money I saved every month out of the subpoverty income so I could have some safety net--they are taking it away plus money I wa spaid for this month, and student loans and other "gifts" by people I could not save in my mattress because every time I leave my home is ransacked--my items are rummaged through, to the depths of the hiding places, sprayed with stinking substances stolen or broken or ripped frayed--money has been stolen constantly from me. I kept the money in the bank, now I face serious threat all money taken even what I was paid by social security this month because I saved for YEARS--all was orchestrated by the billionaires who have obtained global fame from attacking me or stealing my ideas--and now new people are joining because I asked people from my past to please help--and they brought other people to exploit and profit off my demise. The drilling and pounding continues.

Depression-era music of the hills of America---1929, 1930, after the huge market crash now DOGe ("IN DOG WE TRUST") is a'gonna...