Monday, January 2, 2023

The legacy of bad movies from the terrorist celebrities and their awful movies, funded by the corruptician awful politicians of the US Government.// You all wanted gang stalking, you got movies to match it's quality of life and substance.//I have to, and I must use other person's appraisals and critical reviews because of the block to my cognitive functions while I write--the "mind control" blocks my ability to think clearly or write in any elegant style, especially on topics regarding non-stop torture lasting over a decade EVERY SINGLE DAY and I challenge anyone to be able to even survive what I have and then write about it while it's still ongoing with calm smooth critical thinking capabilities while your brain is under critical thinking blocks and rage is accentuated by brain-mapping tech also blocking higher critical analysis and calm rationality.***

 "Overstuffed/A Mess/Grating/Bloated/Underdeveloped: Babylon Review--Bad Movie Reviews". Bad Movie Reviews. December 22, 2022.

"Jumbled/Stale/Tedious: Bullet Train Review--Bad Movie Reviews". Bad Movie Reviews. August 3, 2022.

Finally, a kindred spirit in film review (or 2-3 hour waste of time fodder much better viewed as trailers for -2.00 minutes):
This critic states that the movie is overstuffed for the sake of presenting itself as being larger-than-life---it's the director and actors smug and assured that they will "win" in the rigged MK ULTRA teleportation contract of torture and violence and thusly, there is really a mess of action surrounding the "star" characters with actually no real plot other than a fixation on smug pompous psychopathy for the sake of winning an award (assured in a rigged contest)--so much money poured into this production due to the 4th Reich Nazi blonde bigot star actors being endlessly portrayed year-after-year--the $$$ flows like the cocaine and drugs and alcohol that the actors both in the film and outside snort and the ego-highs they feed off with teleportation torture bs--the movie is just a shadow of the ugliness and mess they actual create in Whorewood---
But at last, a review that is a semblance of sane approach other than wanna be in the "in crowd" of media reviews (in the 4th Reich, you can't be antagonistic or critical of the blonde Nazi pig apes, whatsoever, not their movies or any kind of critical analysis of their so-called "acting" and the images they project--protected more than the US President for all their debauchery)
so I congratulate this reviewer for openly stating the truth---(he appears to have an accent, maybe he didn't grow up absolutely brainwashed into American dumb and dumber Whorewood programming?)


"Shallow/Spiritless/Hackneyed: Emancipation--Bad Movie Reviews". Bad Movie Reviews. December 8, 2022.

Here's another rotten teleporting terrorist (not even close to being on par with pig pit from the last review I posted and his sidekick couch casting skank from Australia, always with him in his sexploits to have her tied onto his vicious terrorism via teleportation--)
but on a much lower level of terrorism is this dude--who made the "mistake" of showing clearly the "real" face of the A-list whorewood crowd, ltd/gmbh etc
They get these lead role contracts every year for demonstrating what pig ape fascist Nazis they are, and the result is bloated, boring endlessly stupid movies which are put into awards categories with almost no competition---


"Hollow/Phony/Wasted/Too Schematic: Women Talking Review--Bad Movie Reviews". Bad Movie Reviews. December 3, 2022.

I only watched the trailer, a few clips on YouTube and an interview with the brit--looked so fake and horrid and absolutely not in line with this type of culture or the women involved or the era---just another "feminist" fabrication of women's so-called "empowerment". All the skanks of this movie would gladly watch me get raped if they could have this stupid show put into more awards categories--like the rest of the blonde Nazi and black Nazi cohorts in Whorewood.
Thank you interviewer for writing the obvious--I don't understand how America keeps applauding these absolutely stupid, meaningless movies and actors--as if intelligence had died around the world for any kind of art or output of anything beyond basic bs. Some extremely wealthy women out of Whorewood playing women who had to work HARD for survival---and probably were nothing like the depictions. As I grew up in the Midwest and saw how women were in this kind of rural farming environment I can state that this is a wealthy woman's feminist bs sandwich that people so long divorced from farming communities and the past would "believe" in.


"Muddled/Boring/Insignificant/Cannibalism: Bones and All Horror Review--Bad Movie Reviews". Bad Movie Reviews. November 24, 2022.

This movie, which I am grateful extremely that I had not to pay for even clicking on it, but the time wasted sifting through it was a waste of my life---
disgusting, a disgusting and sick movie about some creep female eating fingers and body parts and falling in love with a dumb dude played by an actor whose appeal I really can't understand as I think he's not even good as an actor but is starring in role after role for year after year. I think he has been in a very distant way a part of the terror group attacking me. I could go into how I believe this, as he has not directly participated in the teleportation that I am aware of, but he has put the social media triggering posts up--which would make me appear "delusional" for trying to describe the insanity that these "actors" force upon me.
I'm glad someone has the sense to articulate in a few words the inane stupidity of this sick and disgusting movie--which had no plot just a lone and creep thing who has a hunger for eating human flesh and finds a dumb thin boy to eat finally after trying to fall in "love" in a desperate attempt to find sanctuary for the "freaks" that they supposedly are. I see no symbolic representation of anything, and no meaning whatsoever--but there could be symbolic meaning--if only the emphasis weren't on mundane detail and someone being an outside finding another outside in a cold world of animal-flesh eating "normal" people.


"Worse/Bland/Annoying: Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery--Bad Movie Reviews". Bad Movie Reviews. November 23, 2022.

Janelle Monae (sp?) has been one of the intellectual property thieves (she stole ideas from me about mind control and put them into a short film with her starring as a hero) while in reality she wholly supported the rape, torture, poisoning and mutilation of me alongside pig pit and filthalina--now posturing as a black Nazi, which you can see in this film. Whatever the plot is, I believe this woman was put in that film because she postures in a Nazi pose but fits a "requirement" of diversity---
I don't say that she isn't talented as a DANCER though--or perhaps singer. She should stick to that, and not be put into the acting world but alas so many rotten people are there already she's just another terrorist alongside so many of the other black Nazis who have attacked me and garnered top roles and movie deals afterwards for her participation and giggling applause as the bigots hissed anti-Semitic and death threat hate at me while they all supported and threatened and yelled and etc at me and are now in starring roles in big movie plots with no meaning--sorry, but Agatha Christie is long dead and this is a bad remake--it does involve wealth and a chateau, so that fits into the formula but otherwise---for my personal reasons not interested. Even if the film is decent, I can't watch anything with indecent skanks or creeps acting in lead roles so.....NO. I mean NEIN, NEIN NEIN.


"Scattered/Unfocus/Hollow/Flat: The Fablemans Review--Bad Movie Reviews". Bad Movie Reviews. November 20, 2022.

FINALLY Steven Spielberg can make a fable: that his Jewish family is no longer Jewish at all, but Nazi's with a few nose extensions from the make-up departments, but otherwise blonde actors (one of whom has attacked me in teleportation, as has Spielberg and his Nazi blonde wife)--and after teleportation as well--what did Spielberg do about the Nazi-hate-death hissing pig apes attacking me who are his "peers' in Whorewood? NOTHING!! Nothing but play the same game in attacking me as so many others have.
When I watch the Fabelmans and hear an interview with Spielberg about how "embarrassed" he was that his grandfather shouted in front of his home when he was a boy, playing with neighbors, using his Yiddish Name, oh, poor Steven was utterly ashamed and said nothing and claimed he had no idea. That rejection of Judaism, while the guilt and the association of being in that most maligned group on the planet has made for this cognitive dissonance of a film that has sputtered out into just a fantasy by Spielberg to cast his memory in the light of a Nazified rarified ether of unreality. Forever more people watching this movie will never associate him with being "Jewish" but from short-nosed, blonde parents who are blank hamberger types of human beings just hate-filled meat (such as that creep who attacked me in teleportation playing the "jewish" father of the Steven character--who is so embarrassed and wanting and yearning for bigot blonde Nazi American culture to love his films--it's a theme you can easily see in the film throughout if you just paid attention).
Which is why, just like Babylon the movie jerk-off jack-off 3 hour cum festival of inane nothingness splashed into a colorful mash-up of shit---this movie has no real piercing anything just a bland portrayal of a stupid family that is so dumb it's completely unrealistic that it could ever have survived life itself--much less a movie about anything except for Mr. Spielberg reminiscing and the world having to either waste time or pay to watch it--
wanting to see something meaningful and so disappointing--
Of course, it's up for an Academy Award, just as Spielberg's films have been year-after-year since he began partnering with the pig pit thuggery gang in Whorewood--the Nazi gang he cowtows to but has his Holocaust offshoot victim association biographical society of Holocaust victim archives in interviews. Can't do a goddamn thing about the Nazism aimed at me. Up for an Academy Award alongside pig pit in his Babylon waste of 3-hours movie bs, and the rest of the pig apes in these other movies endlessly glorified although, thankfully, I found this one critic on YouTube who tells THE TRUTH.
(whom ever he is, thank you dude with your foreign accent and verbal agility that Americans lack entirely, apparently. Americans should be marching in protest over the stupid shit that is awarded or put up for nomination year-after year--but they don't, they all go along with it.
They deserve these stupid movies--I want to see REAL MOVIES played by very talented actors, directors and scriptwriters (i.e. Game of Thrones, a genius production in all respects and all acting capability, it is a work of art).

There are other movie reviews from this same team of reviewers from "Bad Movie Reviews"--one of whom is filthy nasty stallone--but he's so disgusting I can't even open the link or look at his f-ugly face and even seeing it on this page make me cringe in disgust. The terms, "generic/uninspiring/unexplored" encapsulate his stultifying position as lead thug for the meat packing department of fake heroes--the formulas he uses for his upstart generic code of movie-making is so repetitive but never-failing Mafia input and force into the media representation has been ongoing in Stallone's exploitation of me being raped by his Italian mafia thug partners ever since I sold cigars at Club Bar None which he and Steven Tyler joint operated back in 1997 or so---never-ending this piece of shit has been clinging onto repeating his formulaic thug rising to the top of a pile of shittery movie formulaic violence--ever beloved by the mafia/nazi industry along with the other disgusting pig apes from the American "Italian-American" mafia endless rotation of lead roles playing jokers and thugs and violent mafia and low-down rising to the top formulas. Endlessly exploiting and victimizing me for his lead roles as a hero fighting against oppression.
I can't watch the actual review this is my hyped-up hysterical rant review---as I can't think clearly. I am also endlessly backspacing and fighting to type as I fight to think without going into ranting and insult range of thought--which is extremely limited. The longer I write, the more the technology is effective in blocking my critical thinking and the more I curse and rant as this remote brain-altering technological effect sweeps over my cognitive capabilities---
The question is: do you people out there who may or may not be reading this actually want more of the same meaningless horrid actors and plots to be put in your faces for awards and movie lead roles with meaningless plots signifying nothing for the rest of your lives? How many more decades are the same corrupt and degenerate actors, all programmed, all brainwashed with millions of dollars in incentives to become more like Nazis and fascists as they pump this out to the public and it's endlessly being praised as the "best" for awards, year after year while meanwhile the United States is battling a fascist Nazi epidemic that began with this group of K-rap in the first place with #45 T-rump (but earlier, with the other presidents who want movie and tv slots and interviews and book deals and tours and news close-ups and media explosions --they are all in this together---) they also get nominated they get put into lead political position for participating they get exonerated on criminal charges for trying to overturn the presidential election. Lindsey Graham is still having my drinking water poisoned--or is this just part of the protocol that once a pig ape joins in, the torture and poisoning he inflicts upon me is thusly always continued even if they stop actively participating--I have not seen him hissing death KKK Nazi threats of killing me since Barishnikov began calling me a "bitch" for saying that I have been poisoned for years by his blonde Nazi skank celebrities he truly wants to screw, but can't because they are all with their lovers and he just gets to beat and rape me--as he took over, and continued the filth and stink and poisoning attacks but is helping me to learn how to try to break this internal poisoning up in my body--endlessly exhausted and still stuck partially paralyzed as I daily fight to get this out--my drinking water stinking of something like sewage but not as bad as Graham had done months before--but it continues. The people who have had part of my uterus cut out and my cat stolen from me and the cats I took in after than mutilated and their spines broken their eyes gouged out, my body poisoned with stinking foul poison as they laughed about how "fat" and unattractive I looked, as they forced and continue to force tears out of my eyes every day for hours--using this microchip implant and so many other tortures it's unbelievable--they are up for Academy Awards now once again, this year, as in last year, and the year before that, and the rotation of them continues (I didn't see bad movie reviews for some of them who are currently up for Awards), but I also didn't scroll down beyond last month as seeing them in these clips is somewhat nauseating and I can only tolerate seeing them for a short while and then I have to stop looking at their putrid faces in these bad movie reviews. Undoubtedly for all the months and years there are other "bad movie reviews" but it's too sickening for me to endlessly scroll down.

The essence of this post is that you all allow this system to go on, but the result is a lowering of artistic standards. That is the most articulate way I can form the words but typing is almost impossible due to hacking malware blocking keyboard functioning.

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