Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Viciously attacked by a Jewish Israelite who has participated in, profiteered off, and engaged directly around the ever-widening circuitous group of hate attackers all being funded by vile Nazi and racist organizers. Hackers deleted and repasted my post into fragmented pieces strung together. This post was written with a most powerful technology absolutely blocking my brain functioning.

(* I am not going to correct or even re-read this post. The hackers had already, when I tried to read the title, deleted parts, glued and strung pieces together after deleting half of sentences and re-adding them in the middle of other sentences. What is remaining underneath was written while the keyboard was so _remotely_) stiff I could not write without using my entire arm to pound down on the keys. My brain and head felt dizzy, I got up from this chair and could not walk straight because so much technology was being blasted into my brain I was sick and almost nauseous simply physically--and the subject matter of course adds to the sickness of it all. My words came out nearly hysterical--this creep who I have never harmed, who has been part of attacking me for years--and I know that she is attacking me now because I wrote a post about "Jews" a few days ago. She jumped IMMEDIATELY to attack me and began a racist (in her favor ) attack "skit" in teleportation about how she is blonde and I am not. She then forced sleazy sexual encounters on me (in this teleported state) lesbian ones, and then had me psychologically attacked with absolute mental violence in her every skit that was forced upon me. I was then assaulted by the landlord who did sleazy and nasty things and has been illegal in his activities. She is trying to obtain a REACTION from me, which this post has succeeded in helping a most unworthy personality to obtain yet another huge and undeserved promotion out of attacking me. She has been part of a group including French who have attacked me and been involved in this mass group since 2013, or even earlier. Their goal is to abuse me to the point of hysteria that I react and write something, in what appears to be a most vain effort to engender any help or assistance from anybody. It is a very sick game they all laugh and "play" while I am being murdered by them. It is sick, they are sick but unbelievably I sit here alone fighting to stop my body from being destroyed and fighting to get hard chemicals out of my badly damaged and scarred up and broken body. They get beauty treatments, are paid in millions and get adoration for their sleazy and sick performances as parasitic whore rapist terror agents. I remain with no support system and they are in extremely large organizations with unlimited funding, all attacking me. I still am amazed that this has gone on like this for years with not a single person doing a single thing to stop them permanently or help me so I am not indelibly damaged. 

This post was written after a day of driving and being nearly hit at least 25 times in the space of a 4 hour driving period. I have been teleported to psychological sleazy and sick situations by this creep and these creeps alongside her. This #Me Too! Feminist is an entire sleaze rape and abuse operation all within her damaged psycho-sleaze mind. As I have written endlessly, these putrid personalities who attack me, teleport me, dump and pour their inner sick mentally ill slime on me. I am forever cleaning the filth they order sprayed and poured into my room and my body. I tried to write a semi-coherent post and hackers just deleted parts of sentences, strung together other parts, re-arranged the entire sentence pattern. That was just in the introductory line of this post, most of which I deleted. I felt extremely ill after having fought against most powerful technology blasting away at my brain as I attempted to get a single sentence out. Again, I reiterate that the point of the parasite attacking me was to get exactly this post out of me. I do not ever want to help promote these disgusting sick pieces of crap ever again. Years of these creeps attacking me to obtain a response, for which they get even more promotions. This is supposed to be some "success" indicator of how successful they are at utilizing this technology to destroy the enemies of their organizing group. This post is an absolute discredit to me, and a huge benefit and promotion for this personality. I tried for the last 3 days to not react and finally, the stress was too much. She went on and on with every conceivable type of attack in  every single situation, which happens at a regular and recurring never-ending attack situation every single moment, every single place I go, every single day, day after day. However, the RESIDUE of her whorish nasty energy is such an energy depleting experience; also the landlord who attacks me leaves me more than enervated and totally drained of all positive energy after his violent attacks. She sent him after 3 days of attacking me with these horrible sick teleportation skits, which were something some sexually deranged scum whore would do.  When I watch some of her movies I can see that she is a debauched personality and loves inflicting ugliness as some antidote to the sleaze she has incorporated into her very inner fabric. However, this person has love affairs and I remain alone fighting to stop hate-driven pig apes from raping and abusing me. I still cannot understand this, as really I am a loving and good-hearted person and this conniving scum creep is being handed literally every single benefit of all that this planet can bestow to a sell-out whore. I never want to help her or any of these creeps get promoted, as they attack and attack to obtain this response for which they obtain every kind of top award, studio, production, movie deal, and I remain fighting to simply type my thoughts out. What little I am able to manage with all this hacking and the total obfuscation of my brain processes is stolen by these louts. The window of opportunity to attack me came as I wrote, a few days ago, about "jews" and she immediately grabbed the chance to attack me as she is supposed to be of that religion or "race". It was just an excuse to get another promotion for YEARS of attacking me with a most disgusting group of her good "friends" out of France. Thus t his post below is completely fabricated in a patchwork of re-written chaos. I had been nearly hit over and over by cars swerving almost into me as I drove in the middle of the lane and they would drive from the opposite side into me, as I drove in the middle of the road. More examples like that, all day going on and on. My home once more sprayed with stinking toxins which these terrorists have sprayed into m;y home. the landlord knocked on my door for the 2nd time in a week after years of me writing him letters repeatedly to stop knocking on my door without advance notice. He began insulting me, yelling, grabbed my body, sexually assaulted me in a very subtle manner, kept walking into me, and worse. I finally began yelling to get him out of this room after he threatened to evict me for WATERING my plants, which has become an attack situation for years as this creep attacks me claiming  that me watering plants is ruining the clothing of the other creep terrorist in the room below mine. Every single day these creeps are deforming and destroying my body--and this Israeli filth actor organized him to attack me at night, yelling about water dripping down TOTAL LIE OF COURSE. Pretext for attack. Threatening continuously. /After days of absolutely sick sexualized violence from this disgusting A-list skank whore creep out of Whorewood who is "defending women" in her every bs media posturing crap about how she is fighting rape culture. How she defends jewish culture. what a disgusting skank and the bad, horrific energy coming out of this rotten filthy sell-out whore has made me feel absolutely sick psychically. That I am writing this is a shame because this has been her goal, to get another promotion from this disgusting and vile group which has taken over the planet with their stink and filth and hate and death and destruction machine.


\But I wrote because she and her bad energy are so loathsome I need people to intervene. thus I am writing, which fits exactly into that skank creep's plan for a promotion. However, this is deadly negative energy oozing out of this pampered rotten creep who has been handed everything. I can see she is in a very happy space in her life, but underneath is a volcanic cesspool of self-loathing and self-hatred for the insecurities of the "Jewish" identity that she is eagerly trying to dispel by attacking ME---WHO HAS never associated with the Jewish diaspora (a few "experimental" associations which I quickly stopped because I feel no affinity for the religion or the culture). However, this skank is supposed to "represent" it, attacking me because the bigot Nazis want me to be some symbol that they want to turn into a public but covert spectacle of a witch hunt scenario. Her "inner demons" on this point are stinking putridity and I feel this wash of negative death and loathing and rot oozing over me from her. It's so stinking I write despite knowing that I really must not and really do not want to. When I re-read the post I saw how badly hackers had completely deleted parts of sentences and then literally pasted them in various other spots within the paragraph, after deleting huge segments altogether. I remain unable to read the rest so it must be a total mess and incoherent in many parts but this is all I can do. I regret having written this post only to the extent that it has helped this ugly sick spiritual parasitic black hole to be handed yet another huge free promotion worth millions of dollars SIMPLY FOR ATTACKING ME along with this group of hate who are vehemently racist and Nazi adherents. As I wrote below, the black male is just the same ilk but of a male gender and a black hue. The type or shade or gender really makes no difference, as I tried to write. However, as this group wants to and is trusting this stereotypical hate cliche upon me, I must analyze the "Jewish" identity that they want to foist upon me, which this "blonde" A-list personality feels an inner shame and a great need to feel "elitist" in comparison with me, as the symbol and the hate object that the rapist white bigot Nazi men want to "shame" by rape and torture while stealing ideas from me because they hate me for having creativity while they only follow the mediocre limitations of their power roles. So many "minorities" attack me absolutely viciously to enforce the hierarchies which they are fighting to rise up in. Attacking me has been a ladder to "success" for so many minorities I can't express how many times I have seen this experience and been inflicted by their self-hate and loathing and violence sublimated into attacking me instead of the real enemies who are inflicting all the pain against them in the first place.




I am incredibly drugged up by the technology aimed into my skull and brain as I sit in front of this laptop. I know this is a most dehabilitating effect on my writing and coherency. I now have a brand new keyboard (a remote) which I just opened today. The hacking is obviously due to the system and not the keyboard itself, as I must as usual pound down on keys and fight to get words out (but it's better, on this very first day, than the last keyboard and the one they broke before that last one that was broken before...etc etc etc all broken years and years--as this skank creep who is now most viciously , day after day since I wrote that post, going on and on BECAUSE she will get a HUGE PROMOTION for her blank, idiotic and stupid personality which is expressed as hysterical crying as seeming evidence that she can ACT as an actress. Otherwise, nothing else if very convincing to me of her performances. I am a staunch Bette Davis fan, whose acting is impressive (one of the terrorist actors who has participated in this crime against me is also very impressive in her mutable acting and the movies are well done on her part). Nevertheless, this is daily vicious and extremely deadly attacks going on. I was not even considering this rotten skank whore (which is the role I have seen her in that is most convincing, she has played these roles--and no offense to the innocent prostitutes out there, I am not deriding prostitution but the symbolic form as I present it here--dirty skank prostitution not those who must or want to sell for flesh fair but that does not make it foul.).

Ranting posts. How impossible it is to write or think straight while this tech is affecting my brain. I was accosted by the landlord for the 2nd time in one week. Knocking on my door at 8 pm, increasing the knocking until I finally had to open the door. He begins to pound on the door and then tries to open the locks and begins to yell that he will break down the door if I do not answer and open immediately, and then will evict me if I don't open. As this organization and these millionaires have left me bereft of all income potential, including this blog which has a Paypal link that not a single person has donated to, but many are reading for whatever reason; some are doing so to earn a lot of money by stealing whatever they can from my blog. This has been a contract out on me that untold numbers of people in all creative and media walks of life have participated in. At this point, there is a veritable Sh** storm of them attacking me every single day it's another one. This rotten skank who is doing so now is, however, extremely violent but she is being backed and I am hacked by her French scum whore gang who hasn't stopped violently, I can't find the word or a good enough synonym for violent like this: absolutely unending violence form this French contingent which began after I wrote two sentences on Johnny Depp's Facebook page, was teleported my cat was stolen my body infected nearly killed in car crashes I barely survived from--ordered by this French contingent. French people following me in stores, blocking my path in shopping aisles (during the French Inquisition time of this particular group sucking my life out of me, stealing ideas from my writings and deforming and torturing me until I began to pray for their deaths). During their onslaught of 24/7 hate, for over 3 years it went on and on,  I would go to very nice shopping areas. I was followed one time by a rotten-looking grey-haired old French woman and her nasty husband. She kept pushing her shopping cart into mine and blocking my path, until I finally used my cart to push her carts out of the center of the aisle (not violently, I just pushed it gently out of my way, after she blocked my path 4 other times in a succession that continued as she literally followed me around the store to block my every path once I would stop to look at something on a shelf. As I pushed her cart out of my way, just to the side, she pushed into my back with both hands violently, a smug ugly look of snarling obscene glee on her disgusting face. The mind control tech kicked in as I reacted immediately to this stress by calling her the b-word. I have never had such a violent encounter in a nice store, or in any store in my life before that. I won't get into more, but my experiences with French has been very awful, to write the least. I have lost all plausible respect for what I have seen of that culture, as it exists as the gang stalking quotient of the larger organization. I have all my life been confined to stalker terrorists so please do not become upset with me for writing about my personal experiences as a target whose every move is surrounded by a cluster of stalker terrorists who are rotten and vile on a personal level--at least towards me. I can't imagine them being anything other than rotten regardless of their more superficially charming aspects in other society where they fawn and feign and posture to get an image.  Thus, this by now fully engrossed in the bigot and racist hegemony of the paradigm, fully rewarded, enticed and fully indoctrinated--postured and talked to me, or made me repeat while under hypnosis, something about how that skank has "blonde" hair, as it postured in this "elite" smug condescending snout-in-air posture. A complete Jewish Nazi with dirty, dyed blondish brownish hair who has been rewarded infinitely by attacking me, as symbol of the Nazi 3rd Reich this sort of sell-out mentality helped create the inner-betrayal circuit. Jews killing Jews for Nazis. 

This foul creep, with the backing of French and American bigot Nazis who are "blonde" who are absolute racists, who have TRIED TO MURDER ME IN ACCIDENTS have disfigured me and told me they are more beautiful, have stolen ideas from me and call me stupid, are disgusting and vile and rotten--these are her friends and like all the years of them attacking me to obtain first her movie lead role, then the award for it, then her new production company, then her move to France, where the bigot Nazis welcome her with gold, ceremony, pomp and circumstance--the Jew who is creating the impression that (blonde) Jews really have a "Home" in France. No, they are not hated or discriminated against. This role she is playing as a real life representative is a most dangerous lie and illusion, like the Nazis making a propaganda movie about Auschwitz where "Jews" are playing and lounging around (they were held in a special area and not shaved, forced into hard labor, the children were allowed to play, they lived in normal circumstances albeit not well, and later on, after the propaganda movie was put out about how the Jews were deported but they are living well, are all okay. That is the type of propaganda this skank stupid whore is playing and lavishing in the gold, money and luxurious entitlement this slut is slotted to be paid and lavished with all kinds of kisses, party invitations, love, lovers, invitations of all sorts, mansions, et al . ]

The brand new keyboard is now very stiff and inoperable, the hacking has commenced and the new system is polluted by these parasites once more. My brain, likewise is very stunned by this technology. I was hand-writing yesterday and I realized that I became dizzy, my hand began so spasm and my muscles could not operate. All writing is blocked by motor skills being thwarted with my brain put into this dizzy, incoherent rambling ranting digressing into hate contusion writing style that is ultimately intended to discredit me absolutely.

I was beginning to write about the black portion of this. I also wrote a few days ago that black people also play this very same role (and you can also substitute any "minority" label or classification with the same behavioral stunts. The contract is extremely detailed, the behaviors do not deviate from the narrow limitations of behavior and reaction that all of these "artists" conform to (and believe in, they are absolutely mentally brainwashed into believing all the lies and distortions they are told to emulate and imitate and posture as, but more importantly, to use violence hate and lies as their main focus of power grab). The black male who has made fame for his name by rapping about how black men sell out to blonde women has attacked me for writing the very exact same thing, but substituting Jewish for Black (meaning him and his ilk). With the backing of the Nazis, as he's been doing to me by hitting me as proxy abuser for the Austrian Nazi when I simply did not need their approval for my interpretation of Mozart's composition--literally hitting me when I said I already know and that this white bigot male does not need to "approve" or say that my analysis is "right". As the black male has performed his role perfectly by groveling, hitting (punching me in the face) for simply saying something like this---now attacking me for the French Nazis and the Israeli Jew who has been awarded such high standing for being a Jewish Nazi absolutely hateful towards me--disrespect, overt anti-Semitic sentiment devoutly hissed but not directly stated. The actions were a repeat of the anti-Semitic statements that her friends giving her marching orders against me told her to say and do, and like the skank whore puppet of course most happily did obey. A NEW MOVIE DEAL is awaiting this rotten whore, because her blank and mediocre personality must have this boon and boost to her career in order to "achieve" high standing in the Nazi community. The black male always representing discriminated against, enraged yelling/singing in hate and rage about racism attacked me for her (but for "them" the Europigapes who is handing him mansions and deals and awards and studios and etc whatever else, the sense of power is a drug all these "minorities" can't resist and they glob on to attacking me as the bigots welcome them all into their real goal: to be one of the Nazis the elite and billionaires with studios, movie deals forever for the rest of their rotten skank lives. Helping to kill off other "minorities' is partly fun for them, when it comes to me they are elated in attacking me and profiting off it. I told him when he asked, or said, "We gonna get her what do you want us to do?". He, like the duplicitous criminal he is, said it so warmly with such hate behind it. I only revealed their behavior towards me which has gone on unabated for YEARS. I told him I want her dead, I wish her death, immediately. Thus, all day today cars have just barely hit me by a few inches, swerving into my lane from behind and swerving in front of me and almost hitting my motorbike within a few inches. All day while driving. The borders are now opening to the Europigape terrorists who are now descending upon my place of torture (where I pay rent). A most ugly and vicious and genocidal continent that the crap out of H-wood adores, advocates in every way, emulates as often and as much as possible. You can thank the current spate of Neo-Nazi threat to the  United States are being mostly the responsibility in bringing into fruition these very "anti-fascist" celebrities I have written of for years on Facebook. The Jew and the black I indirectly write of now are as directly responsible for the upsurge in Nazism in the United States, as an open and deadly operation upon the United States as any of the subversive groups which had not had direct media and other exposure until all the H-wood Nazi "liberal" fakes helped, directly, to bring all of this to fruition and into power. They are all now lavishing in wealth, awards, production companies, and oh... now there is a pandemic, their "crib" is being burned down by global warming forest fires, and now the economy is dying but THEY  are all laughing at parties wearing gold and diamonds they obtained for this monopoly they all share with the Nazis who have bought them and all of the US major power centers completely out. (my very blanket statement, but it seems that way as every single city I have run to for some kind of refuge has been a stealth operation of murder against me , and always besides the endless blonde Nazi types, there are Europeans always training the Americans in Nazi-style thug methodology.


Again I am pounding down on keys and my hands and arms must press completely down to get keys out. Once I leave this room, the terrorists are going to break the keys even more so by the next time I write, this block to typing (and thinking, as I KNOW this post is hate-driven, ranting and written in an incoherent mess in many parts--even before the hackers rewrite and delete sentences and grammar)


I was given advice which I have not followed and this is a very dangerous situation for me to write about this. The stress however is pretty much unbearable as this is a whopping ten years of non-stop attack and torture. I am still followed around by terrorist stalkers pushing baby carriages into my path: Whomsoever gets to force a "baby" out of me from this entire group of actors and politicians, will share the benefits of this endowment as their monopolistic quest for absolute control and power in the mainstream media (and there will be very little alternative, and I am loathe to find any real alternative media any longer it appears to not exist anywhere on the planet. Either all is blocked from me, which happens anyway with most information I search out, always limited to "their" narrow confines of information for the brainwashing effect. Or..the other option is that all alternative media has truly been eliminated, which is much more close to what I can assess as a reality that is more than disturbing, horrid and awful. \

The title says quite a lot. I wrote a post a few days ago about the Jews and Blacks who form a wave of illusion not reminiscent of charming media fantasy, but murder, Inc. conglomerate style fascist overtake of the planet. One of the channels through which this is being accomplished is through this horrid fake media onslaught of "liberal" feminist anti-white male power pro-female advocacy.

 I wrote about how so many Jews marry into blonde or Nazi family systems in order to obtain their promotions into this hierarchical, closed society that wants to establish a set of entrenched dynastic families into the highest echelons of power, retaining familial grasp of power for generations like dynasties of ancient orders. That means, forget about equal opportunity, think about Monopolies for decades or for centuries if they had their way.\


This post is really repeating the same thing---I am very inundated with the tech my brain is spinning I am dizzy while sitting still in this chair. My brain is blanketed I cannot write well     After I wrote this post As quick as you can imagine, this parasite "Jew" attacking me to endlessly be handed what she probably is not capable of or worthy of obtaining and undoubtedly other people are much more talented who will never get a chance-- who obtained her production company after having attacked me, after her hysterical, crying and sobbing role as female obtained a high movie award, after being 


and etc etc I wrote all of this above. I leave all of this in unedited because I am also demonstrating how badly my brain is affected by the mind control technology. also again I am backspacing as my hands won't move, my fingers hesitate because my brain is under so much attack. The keyboard is now like pounding down once more on cement the keys are so hard to press down I must use my forearm muscldes to get anything out. Always the same attack, I can never write well, coherently, and the hackers always rewrite and block what I say and think and then STEAL ALL POSSIBLE FROM ME after torturing me for writing anything about these unworthy skank creep parasites. A globe of them attacking me. No legal representation no support and it appears that the increase of attacks is almost exponential at this point. 

I was advised to immediately cut all ties to this person (meaning in writing about this rotten, dirty sick and sick dirty stupid thing out of Israel--a country where many, many other people who have "ligher" hair and skin are viciously pro-Nazi in behavior. The irony these dumbed down slaves do not understand is that I have heard only the same thing from Germans about these Israelis: they act like Nazis when it comes to the Palestinians. I am trying to convey how these sell-out whores are and have been inundated with Nazi (real Nazi, like Germans, and French and English) who have controlled Israel, in my opinion, have kept eternal warfare to create an endless crisis situation (always coming to the rescue to save and help and the Israelis run to Europe to live in "peace). All is constructed by Nazis these puppets are performing a lie that Europigape Nazi land is welcoming of "Jews". These Jews and this black and these "liberals" are really supporting RAPE CULTURE have brought Neo-Nazi culture into a mainstream household pandemic word, have helped to nurture MORE RAPE C ULTURE and have established virulent anti-Semitic profiling leading to outright pre-genocidal regime status.

That is really the main gist of what I am trying to convey, besides how disgusting and violent this creep skank and the absolute whore behavior and the sleazy dirty things she and her French whore creep friends have inflicted upon me (with full consent of the Americans who are supposed to be "defending" my human rights and abrogate them every single day until there are "no rights' whatsoever).


NOW I MUST FOLLOW THIS ADVICE AND NOT WRITE ABOUT THIS SH** any longer at least until a few months from  hence. This psychosick group has put me into a most deadly financial and living situation. I continue to fight to not have my teeth knocked out, my fingers and toes dislocated, my body poisoned, marred, cut into every day and night and drugged non-stop to death by stopping the mechanical arms. I continue to have to fight ceaselessly with all my money, time and resources to defend my body and life--once more, tomorrow I must pound and seal and glue and fight to stop these mechanical arms form ripping out my fingernails and knocking out my teeth and destroying my hair and etc death they are murdering me. 

Friday, October 2, 2020

First: the attack to destroy my teeth by nighttime mechanical arms operating in conjunction with microchip implants in my brain to create an artificial fainting when I am trying to protect my mouth. Second: after having been viciously attacked (verbally and one small sexualized assault while teleported a few nights ago):The rotten Old Turk "Progressive" infiltrator Neo-Nazi plant with his dirty corrupt Hillary Clinton-era bs operator "liberal stance".

 This post was written over the course of 2 days on Facebook.  One hour ago I began to pound down to fight to write maybe THREE PARAGRAPHS AND FIGHTING TO TYPE REQUIRES THIS MUCH TIME TO GET ANYTHING OUT. 

I inserted the part elaborating on the Old Turk (really an American pro-Europigape pundit put in place by the fascist Euro-centric media established mind control affront upon the public=media). I tried to write but was under an influence that felt like I was floating and lost in a midst of ideas that were not what I had intended to write at all. Unfortunately, the white pig ape American "Progressive" creep who stole ideas from me, regurgitated them into a format of his ideas, put his videos with stolen content back on my Youtube page, which I clicked on because of the political situation of the election, then realizing that this was yet another creep stealing my ideas--another white bigot male who fervently approves of me being raped, tortured, my ideas stolen, while he is advocating some "Progressive" "liberal" party--with white bigot pig ape rape males controlling the minorities instead of the Neo-Nazi Republican Conservative obviously genocidal Party--and as always, with his right-hand man attacking me for him when I begin to write to fight against this endless, decades-long attack upon me (fostered by the Clintons but created for THEM by the fascist conservatives preceding their fake  affront to "democracy" which is now reaching this 'crisis " state and you can bet the problem stems very directly to THEM. Here is  this brown-skinned minority bigot pro-rapist, anti-Semitic, misogynist but  adoring blonde Nazi women who control him (a masochist bowing down for them, a violent abuser attacking me for them when I am fighting apparently for women who are not pro-Nazi or stupid puppets operating for the operations of the fake liberal establishment. This man calling himself "young" but acts very much like the old Turkish men I had experiences in Germany, who sat around in all-male dominated cafes drinking tiny cups of espresso and abusing women if they ventured into this sexist male-dominated cafes scene they dominated. Very much resembling this cultural norm, which is a manifestation of the results of colonialization into Turkey by the Europ-a pre-Nazi Germans (just as they have  done in Thailand). Now an Old man Turk posturing as Progressive. As I attempted to write about that part of my very REAL tirade the technology obscured all that was being bombarded into my brain--early this morning as the keyboard is all but impossible to pound down on, the keyboard is so hard to press as always I must use all force of my hands and biceps to get anything to pound down. If I pause for a second keys appear that I have not pressed (pounded down on).

The post is very chaotic, because typing is so arduous and my brain is likewise being literally blanked into a neuron-firing blank so I literally completely lose track of what I was saying or going to say/write I mean.


The attack to loosen and break off my lower jaw teeth by mechanical arms and brain-mapping and microchip  implants operating together.

The night time terrorist stalkers have injured my gums so badly with incremental slivering of gum tissue literally nightly, I can't eat food without my teeth feeling loose. I realize how badly my brain is microchipped when I fight to save my teeth by putting tape over my mouth while I sleep to stop the severing of this tissue. For  two nights there was no problem as I can breathe through my nose and I have no problem with this breathing only through my nose all night. However, the mechanical arms continue to break through the many layers of silicone pasted to the panel cracks in these cupboards, and the layers of paper with packaging tape creating an entire coated panel (my body is too injured to have pasted every single cabinet--every action I take to defend myself creates days of pain for my body, which is very injured and I can't bend and plus, months of pounding hooks into the many 30+panels on all sides and in the middle, of plastic-coated horrid fake wood doors, plus the exteriors of the doors, has made me too injured to pound down on doors or bend into horrid angles and spend more time doing this,not all panels are completely coated with paper and tape). Plus all the hooks. The mechanical arms continue to get through and sliver my gum tissue, cut my foot to the bone and breaking the bone and putting it out of joint on my left Large toe area--plus the inserts under my cuticles making the nails literally black and falling out--

I realize that because this group can literally make me faint, and they have done this before. I.e. I walked down some stairs and passed out very temporarily while walking down stairs--completely blacked out and fainted for split second--making me fall of course. All controlled by this microchip implant plus remote tech (or this is what I surmise about how the tech is operated, as obviously there must be a command given for the tech to operate this function). I tape my mouth to seal it shut. One thing the creeple terrorists do is to not leave extremely visible evidence of their break-ins, even when they know that I have no evidence-collecting technology or backup from anyone--. They do not remove the tape, they use the subliminal mind control to get me to do this, but I have concentrated and told myself to not remove the tape. The terrorists have begun to make my mouth salivate, as they can also create extreme watering of eyes for hours upon hours, nose and  throat can be constricted or profusely blocked with mucus. I fight to eliminate this by gargling which helps a great deal to stop this (naturally). However, while sleeping they are making my mouth water, also forcing my mouth to open slightly. For two night my mouth remained dry, with this tape on, and I fought the destruction of my gum tissue with no problem. The teams operating this terror situation upon me of course do daily brainstorming conferences on how to attack every single thing I do to destroy all I work for, my body destroyed, filled with poison,chemicals, dislocated, crooked, the Nazi program to destroy my youth, beauty and etc, Now they are making mucus pour out of my slightly opened mouth, the tape is soggy and in the middle of the night, there is so much watery mucus trapped beneath this layer of tape I have to peel it off. I began to put tissue and the tape roll next to my pillow so when this happens I can tear off the tape, wipe the area dry, and then tape  another layer on hopefully to last until I get up in the morning. Last night as I took off the soaked piece of tape, the piece of tissue had been removed from this area. I was artificially put into a very drugged-up sort of inertia and could barely move, feeling like I was floating. I was letting this area dry for just a minute and the next thing I knew, it was hours later as they made me "faint" while I was in this state--floating in a blackness and not able to move to retape the area under threat. The mechanical arms BROKE the tape machine roller (little red plastic tape holder) and my gums were cut into again. My teeth are now loose from over one year of these types of attack. I write this to exemplify how the tech can operate with the attack situation. Anyone under targeting can and is under 24 hour scrutiny, surveillance with microscopic cameras used for surveillance. They can make your brain stop functioning as they break your bones and then drug you so you won't feel anything for at least one day after the initial attack has been conducted upon your body. I write this now in the 2nd person tense so you readers can be assured that I am not the only one who will be or is being attacked in this manner, and it could be or currently is you too without your awareness of such. If people can only act if they fear they are going to also be attacked, and since no one can ever stop this or protect me, I write this partially trying to generate some defensive support system as I have absolutely none. I also write this to warn you sheeple out there trying to be vicious nazi Creeple to be part of this organization which you so highly esteem, that they will MURDER you too if they want you out of their way of stealing your property, ideas, children or anything they want if they continue to be handed so much power by you.


The rotten old, young-old Progressives with their minority minions and their even less evil Democrats and Liberals under control of the scrubbed clean bigot Neo-Nazis who control them and their insidiously evil output and posturing: 

This is such a fun game and joke for these sick celebrities and Progressive thieves bigots racists with their violently nasty minorities attacking me for them. One of these (rotten, middle-aged Turk not Young but old and corrupt and rotten) keeps putting his ugly mug on my youtube channel and it's almost a close-up--your revolting face and personality are almost equally revolting. They also insert photos turned into fake videos about cats in Turkey, with an insert of MY CAT LA MOUX looking depressed, abused with the caption underneath "Why Turks love cats". Having lived in Germany for many years, seeing Turkish hate anti-Semitic Nazis, like the blacks who attack me (on public buses very nasty in confined and tight places like that, always operating for absolutely bigot white Nazis who have their "dirty" minorities do the filthy, stupid and disgusting attacks which the scrubbed clean white pig apes instruct them to do, which they perform giggling with black eyes because they have decades or centuries of the pigs making their countries and homes filthy, dirty and foul, which has been a tactic of the white pig apes for millennia probably. Turks in Germany are sexually abusive to their women and they try that crap on me too. Without a second's pause, the old, aging and decrepit rotten Turk who represents "progressives" in the rotten, Nazi-dominated but constructed to appear as legitimately "open-minded liberal" with Jews (Jewish Nazis controlled, programmed and brainwashed by white bigot Nazis who really threaten with death anyone who obstructs their take-over of every single business, every programming vehicle of mind control--the Jews making their appearance as lead operators of the media establishment; thus appearing as the liberal "fronts" but absolutely controlled by bigot white Nazi scum hate programmers and murderous, genocidal conniving usurpers. Because my uncle was a H-wood producer and writer, I am very aware of this situational structure through 2nd hand accounts passed down by family members. I was made very aware of how this was accomplished and how badly the deteriorating aspect of this facade has creeped into the fabric of the corroded fake liberal establishment that the media brainwashing programming institution has turned into a vehicle for their hate platform: to eliminate the "Jews" in H-wood who represent "rapists" and liberal corrupters of youth. It is all very reminiscent of Nazi propaganda which established genocidal anti-Semitism back in the early phase of the never-ending now Ameicanized but Europigape trained Nazi American version. I have been made aware through these teleportation episodes also visible what fake operators appear to be controlling the "liberal" media which the Nazis then "blame" on how "Jews" control Hollywood and thus, must be taken down in a spectacle of white Nazi rape-enabler women claiming that the dirty "Jew" raped them all, but the pit gang are pristine anti-Nazi cool and hipster advocates of every kind of freedom you can sell off in the media with a huge, big multi-million dollar deal contractual smile.

In Germany, many Turks I met were/are just another version of the black "minority" majority minority demographic and are trained and programmed exactly in the same way that the Blacks of America viciously attack me, usually sexually and that was the very first thing this old, decadent and corroding (ugly) Turkish "Progressive" had his Turkish buddy perform at me while I was helpless and teleported. The skit was an abomination and especially in light of how much this creep has been hailed as a "leader" of the "progressive" movement. Ostensibly as an alternative to the corrupt Clinton machine back in 2016. It appears that the "Progressives" as far as the very main leadership media personalities and Senate personalities also are mere functions of the arm of the ultra-right and vehemently advocate all kinds of subversive racist policies like rape and torture. As always they perform like louts operating for HILLARY CLINTON AND HER FORMERLY HIPSTER HUSBAND NOW TURNED INTO A MEGOLOMANIAC FASCIST TYRANT if you see his yelling and threatening gestures at people now, when the spotlight is not so visible but in various videos, he has a most dangerously hostile, black-eyed menacing look which in my opinion backs up all the claims that this corrupt duo which put into place absolutely vile fascist front "liberal" fakes like this Old Rotten Corrupt bigot Nazi fascist misogynist but only for darker women Turk who was put into power by the very pro-German, fascist Clinton brigade of neo-liberal fascists who absolutely have created a concentration death camp prison population scenario which has blighted the USA and made it an international example of hypocrisy. When confronted with the choice of whether to vote for Hillary the hate fake or crooked Donnie Darko the blonde bigot, people were well used to hearing about the MK ULTRA rape scenarios that were ascribed to corrupt HIllary, and the scandals, the assassinated whistleblowers, and now that she has participated in this rape and torture scenario concerning me for at least one year or thereabouts in time, and undoubtedly as Secretary of State overseeing the extremely violent and deadly operation that was inflicted upon me here in Thailand, and the 8 years of the Clinton deterioration of the US leading to the current fiasco of the deterioration of the US--and it was because of the rotten creeple like this old Turkish "progressive" calling himself "young" meaning hip, wanting "change" with his dyed blonde female spattering blathering hate bigot, the white Nazi female he usese as his Nazi front to legitimatize his "minority" position, during the T-rump debacle administration---he has to use a white bigot dyed blonde female to repreesent his "Young Turkish" fake Progressive infiltrator bigot arm of the Neo-Nazi, foreign-dominated media establishment---this very same who was the main presenter for his old establishment lectures during the "black" administration of Obama (who I am not deriding using these terms. I want to believe that he was obscured by the interference of the very corrupt Clinton machine, obstructing all his progressive anti-incarceration policies and thwarting his efforts--I would like to believe in this theory) but this enemy who has attacked me as Clinton has done not just for the last year, but probably for decades through her nodding in approval(along with bigot hubby) of MK ULTRA implants, torture, rape and murder attempts plus all health care effectively blocked from the poisoned targets).

The Clintons, from my year of seeing who and what is connected to this AFFRONT to the Democratic party has helped the Nazi Party of the USA and both established this very fake media enterprise of pro-Nazi sublimated fake Liberal institution. Whether consciously or unconsciously, the middle-ground voters back in 2016 wanted something fresh, new, that appeared untainted by the rancid and corrupt political machines of both parties...need I write the inevitable conclusion of the 2016 election fiasco? However, what remains of the Trump supporters, besides all the "liberal" and "Progressive"

Otherwise, now that Trump has the Corona Virus this is going to be another media mud-slinging circus about how he himself got the virus. How many are going to be clipping videos of Trump downplaying wearing masks and all the nasty remarks he has made about people having the "freedom" to not wear masks in public.

I am fighting to pound down on keys which are so blocked, as usual. The laptop has been infected with some malware or programming that is breaking the fan so I can't really sit here listening to the awful grinding noise the fan is making risking breaking the laptop. The computer shop I bought this corrupted computer at always informs me they can't speak English or understand. They are located directly in Phuket town and advertise in English, prominently on huge billboards atop their store. They carry Dell products, an

American brand obviously. I am also being plagued by mental obfuscation due to tech aimed into my brain.


I can easily see from having pasted and copied this that hackers deleted many words from what I had written yesterday. I expect that what has been very arduously pounded down on this absolutely corrupted keyboard will likewise be deleted, rewritten from hackers; and then the real information stolen by the above-mentioned groups of very evil fake liberal media blathering operators, who read every post to see what ideas or words can be stolen and used by them, those I write of now, and their silent and obscured benefactors controlling them and handing out the prizes and promotions for going this--those who control "both sides" of the political spectrum which is being merged into one corrupt and violated, mismanaged and imploding political structure within the United States. MY POST HERE IS AN EXTREMELY VALID EXPLANATION FOR ONE OF THE GREAT CAUSES OF THIS HUGE CATASTROPHE  FACING AMEARICA AT THIS VERY MOMENT IN HISTORY.


I have so much more I would like to write, but the hacked and broken fan is grinding an ugly noise like it's breaking (being broken, has been broken like everything else in my home and nearly all in my body as well--)

plus, the keyboard is really very horrifically blocked from functioning it's like pounding down on cement  to get any words out. Every single bit of finger muscular strength is spent fighting to pound down a single letter.

Thursday, October 1, 2020

First, a modern comparison between Roman Emperor Tiberius Claudius and our current would-be leader and his opponent, which generated this attack upon me by scumlord or maybe it was also partially due to the orders or protectors in this teleportation intellectual property theft attack upon me by white fascist male with his sexually abusive "brown" Turkish media partner "Progressive" who are also attacking me along with T-rump. Promoted of course and unfortunately for anyone in America or the world wanting real change, not fake change. Next morning after the "landlord" terrorist attack, re-reading my "traumatized" enraged reaction written afterwards yesterday, and seeing many words omitted from the post yesterday to obscure meaning used as a discrediting tactic.

THIS IS VERY RELEVANT TO OUR MODERN SITUATION AND RELEVANT IN HISTORICAL CORRELATION. The seemingly corresponding traits of Caligula and Claudius are amazingly similar to the dueling Americans whose debate was of a more "civilized  tone. The covert torture system the incumbent and his Democrat successors have used against me for  their ugly purposes--I can only hope in a dim sort of nebulous waiting phase to see if the "new" leaders will emerge as anything finally outstanding against this ancient ROMAN example of fascist leadership disguised as "Republic" and now mob-controlled but fascist mind programmed by media mob rule thugs voting in every celebrity into office they possible can. 


The hackers also rewrite my sentences as I write them. I also notice that my brain operates, under this "remote" brain-altering tech influence, in a sort of partial coherent state in terms of writing using correct sentence structure, like my brain can't think in terms of grammatical cohesion. Parts of sentence structure are likewise being "blocked" or "deleted" from my brain. I don't know exactly whether the tech is AI programmed or whether an individual is "hacking" into my inaudible thought processes and inserting and deleting structure while I am constructing, within the silent thought-process before typing. I would suspect that this attack is nano-computer/brain interface-driven. I cannot begin to emphasize how disconcerting this all is, and how badly it affects ability to type or write, plus the keyboard endlessly blocked so typing is more like an impossible fight than some ability to manually get anything out. Because my every electronic system is hacked and blocked, if I were to try to use some "Cortana" verbal-based system, that too would be hacked with almost the same result of misspelled and wrongly written sentences. It takes me so long to type even a paragraph out (while I really type at more than 75 words per minute and think extremely quickly and well, which has been made impossible all these many years that utterly blank and hate-filled idiot mediocre crap actors are being paid to monitor and steal my ideas, and I suspect they are too stupid and blank to do even that but the "art" dealer apes who created this system to steal ideas and concepts are doing it for them. As their companion parallel universe partnership with politics and brainwashing:  and now while I watch the political debate tirades between the candidates, along with the Progressives who plaster my YouTube channel with their enticing captions (which do not reflect on the material that they hack and paste onto my YouTube page, even the captions are often lies but because this group knows so much about me, they know what will draw me in and click on their absolutely misleading content (demonstrating their advertising mentality as well). They are absolute minions of the ultra-fascist "Right" posing as "liberals" and "Progressives" and while they are not handed the keys to the inner multi-million dollar cornucopia for mediocrity that the other hatemongering bigot rapists in H-wood partake in, they are waiting in the wings and attacking me using the exact same protocols as their "Nazi" counterparts. They are paid and allowed to make YouTube videos but want their own tv shows, or have a tv show as an aftermath of the Clinton-Obama era facade of alternative talk show and interview and politico-humor presentations (i.e. Bill Blather, who also stole at least one idea from my Facebook posts and put the exact words I  wrote on a "joke" tirade against his (covert) employer, T-rump, when I wrote about the tower being a black penis symbol and made jokes about this and his daughter on my Facebook page, all were exactly copied by Bill blathering to the audience which "roared with laughter" but after stealing ideas from me,  he kept reading my desperate, begging for help posts and watching me fight for my life against rape and attempted murder and non-stop torture while he kept on laughing and stealing my ideas and going off being celebrated for his funny clips and lines and of course being continuously touted as "liberal". Now the fakes are "Progressive" and "liberal" has lost any meaning in this openly fascist era where the same old same old old old are still controlling the Democratic Party, same old rotten crooked liars who were in charge of foreign policy while I was being tortured are now still vying for control over the Democratic Party while "Sleepy Joe" is supposedly nearly toppling over in a sleepy drowsy state--as they exploit and perhaps they also have microchipped him, are drugging him, and using him as their front-puppet for the continuation of their nefarious hate organizations posing as "liberal" with "Progressives" waiting in the wings to become the next fasco-"liberal" pundits on the media circuit circus clown parade. Paid in millions and billions of dollars for doing so by these Parties. All tending towards absolute fascist Totalitarianism and all leaning year-after-year in that death and destruction of "Democracy" and "America" which many Americans fully endorse. Of course I refer to rotten, corrupt Clinton(s) both of them, and also to Obama and his wife, and then the "Republicans" who are their controllers and "friends" in H-wood and in Washington, D.C. I am only privy to the teleportation experience which is  a nebulous perspective into their inner circles. I cannot "see" while in this state (probably that has been induced by their technology so my vision is so blurred I cannot see the huge groups of the real "power" behind the pig apes attacking me, so I cannot identify who these individuals are, how many of them there are, what technology they are using while I am being "experimentally" raped, attacked and tortured. I only see the representatives that have become "household" celebrity and politico-celebrity icons (of a false reality tv show circuit). The politicians absolutely rely on media endorsement and celebrity participation in both advocating and for  opposing them; but ALL is controlled and carefully crafted to appear as a viable debate oppositional system that is a "healthy" form of "Democracy"--which now is clearly "mob rule" of the gun-toting criminals calling themselves "militia" who are ready and waiting to go out and shoot and kill and run protestors over with cars and also pose as "Anti-fa" so they can bring to fruition countermeasures of drastic militarized response which will become "the new normal" in the streets where the more highly-funded police state will continue to kill people, not just black any longer, in the streets.


I was going to write about this greasebag landlord situation yesterday: I was absolutely blasted with mind control tech while he was yelling, repeating the same stupid lies. I could not begin to say the defensive words or use any tactic to defend myself I thought of which were immediately blanked out. . For all these nearly three  years I have been forced to fight for my life here in this slum-lord made filthy condominium--where 90% of all the apartments are vacant, the entire hillside where this condo lies has four other huge, completely emptied-out buildings (the terrorist teams make sure to leave clothing hanging off racks on the patios as if people live there. Windows are broken and remain broken for the years I have lived here). Surrounded completely on all sides, top and bottom by creeple terrorists attacking me in every possible way, murdering me very slowly to appear as some "natural" disease-ridden situation with fungus and mold and toxins also put into my food (they open my refrigerator while I am sleeping and replace my food with tainted, spoiled and poisoned food). I have tried to not open my front door when he knocks and demands I open. He begins to break down the door and tells me that he will break the door down if I do open immediately. He threatens to call the police (for their lying accusations that I am creating mud and water to pour down on the clothing hanging to dry on the patio below mine. Every day I water the plants which hang off the railing of  the bottom of the balcony and the only dirt that appears is after I walk away and return and the pig apes from the room above use mechanical arms to dump mud and dirt, leaves and debris and clutter on my patio after I have just watered and cleaned it. Every morning there is new clutter and dirt on my patio which I have to clean. Yesterday I tried to write that I spend HOURS, literally almost all my very weak energy in fighting to not inhale fungus and mold because I must seal the one open door shut and lock it with two interior lock systems tied around the handles of the sliding door, plus balance something with a tiny bead on top just to ascertain whether the terrorists have broken into my room through that one, huge encroachment portal. But, that is just the background of this terrorist activity which this filthy creep has attacked me for years and threats of calling the police, eviction and etc while there is absolutely no problem in actuality and I have ZERO SUPPORT NO SUPPORT no defense. I have no LEGAL DEFENSE whatsoever. The terrorists have defunded ME and left me in a very fragile state economically and also legally here in Thailand. However, in America the situation is almost no better, when I deal with the endless circle of terrorist landlords who all operate within this terror "Illuminati" "Freemason" bigot Nazi fascist society that has taken over, literally, real estate, the ENTIRE MEDIA (including THE INTERNET entertainment and especially in POLITICAL CONTENT). As my blog, my posts and all I do are blocked from universal viewing--my blog has generated ZERO "donations" and no commentary and yet I am immediately teleported or tortured for writing anything negative about these scumbag leaders, politicians, and their rotten celebrity assinine entertrainers of programming and mind control mental filth and stupidity. 

---this is an editing insert. As I read my post from yesterday, I noticed that the hackers had deleted part of a sentence referring to a letter. The sentences had been rewritten and partially deleted by hacker terrorists. I had tried to write that the scumlord knocked on my door stating that he had a letter for me I have written to him through the Thai post, officially requesting that he send me a letter notifying me that he will come to my studio with some 24 hours advance. He came to my door while I was naked, with stuff in my hair about to take a shower at nighttime to attack me. As I wrote below, if I tell him to go away he begins to pound on the door and he tries to open the locks and if I don't let him in after that point he begins to kick the door down and then threatens me with eviction. Yelling of course the entire time. All of these behaviors have been previously trained into him, all is recorded and used as an entertainment spectacle by the filth creeps who are creating these slow murder situation and theft of my ideas and all the rest I have not stopped writing about for over 8 or 10 years on Facebook and now on this blocked and hacked blog so no one ever comments or responds to what I write but I am certainly attacked by the scum who are monitoring my every thought to try to force "silent" approval of them raping, stealing my ideas and then stealing all financial opportunity to defend myself in any way. Always, year after year sposored by Clinton and Trump and their allies, Europigape fascist Nazis and the rest of their international crowd funding partners. But,..going off into tangents once more. He appeared at the door with a letter filled with insults and hate and lies, which I did not read but they use my lawful request to send a letter of notice of landlord inspection or commentary by using this as a form of insult and attack. All of this was partially deleted yesterday. Today, under influence and probably the food I just imbibed was drugged so I am going off into tangents while writing this. All the tangents are then used by unscrupulous scumbags to use for their ranting video, tv show, and movie presentations while they continue to sneer at me in hate. All are completely programmed to "hate" me and with all the programming, they hold onto this concept of hate towards me, as if I really am one of their greatest enemies.

--------------- It has taken me over one hour to pound down every single letter on this keyboard. When I first got on this morning the keys were very easy to press. Now every single letter is a fight and exertion with all hand strength to get out.

While this landlord scumlord was attacking me, I began to feel that usual "floating" sensation of my brain being partially blocked by the tech--as I internally began to formulate words to defend myself, immediately the thoughts vanished and what came out were words that are not mine, but instead what came out were words of laughter, happy and silly and joking.  I made a joke and this nasty man attacking me laughed, but it was an ugly hissing hate-driven laugh. If my brain weren't blanked out by the tech, I would have told him to leave immediately after the 30 minutes of him yelling and berating my watering of plants equating to being a very "bad" person, very rude towards neighbors, making problems, (I should be writing these sentences in quotes as these are direct quotes). I stopped really listening, like some adolescent stuck in a very abusive domestic terrorist home, or what they artificially create is a domestic violence situation. I can't describe how eagerly the women and men who rent out these homes participate in creating this atmosphere and the black smiling looks (no offense using the term "black" but their pupils enlarge and their eyes turn "black" so please do not consider this a subconscious racist analogy meaning black is "bad" and "evil"). 

While in this drug-tech interface twisted state of laughing while the landlord is threatening me, yelling loudly so the pig ape Europigapes and their ilk (the "American" associates who revere these Europigapes and want to create the fascist, Nazi system where people "like me" can never disprove the LIE that bigot Nazi creeple are "superior"--but, fighting to get this out---typing and pounding down fighting to type and my brain is going off into various tangents---

In the past, as this pig ape creep scumlord lied  and kept yelling outside so the Europigapes could record this barrage of hate, yelling fascist Nazi oppression for  cameras, making videos of it to send to the rapist stupid pigs you reading this keep adulating and putting into power--who smirk and gloat because in my private blog that they are blocking, having their stupid white male and their adjoining filthy vile pig ape black minions steal, non-stop for over a decade now, non-stop theft of ideas I can barely pound out on blocked, hacked  keyboards, stolen and then repeated and hacked into my every media search or anything I do they insert their stolen concepts back prominently at me

yelling at me, under orders, this stinking and filthy scumlord terrorist organization "landlord" has, when I begin to tell him he is lying, he begins to pick up objects and throw them, breaking them, on the floor. He begins threatening me physically by moving closer to me glaring with violent threat as he is breaking objects in my home.

Right now, as I type, because I clicked on the underline function, after unclicking it I have had to click on it 8 times to get this function to be stopped. The hacking of course is making all attempts to get anything done impossible. Yesterday as I was downloading drivers, to try to self-correct this attack on the cooling system on my laptop, which began as response, I believe, to a post I wrote with videos on Facebook during the debacular debates (intentional misspelling of debacle, I like to create my own words sometimes in this very rare instance debacular is my own word). I am pasting the video here with the explanation I wrote on Facebook, which immediately afterwards (meaning not much later in the day) this attack on my laptop commenced. I also was writing about the next generation of fake "alternative" fascist "Progressives" who, unlike Bill Maher during the "cool and hip" Obama admin, is now like a mini-puppet "conservative"-groomed white male, with the same slicked-back hairstyle as the Trump boys and their ilk wear, appearing like an "alternative" to the fascist originators and center of his focus in these YouTube tirades against T-rump. He had stolen vocabulary that I had just written (and of course, claiming that some creep on a political YouTube channel who is blathery enough to vent and spout political commentary filled with insults and hate aimed at his much-sought after leadership role as the fake opposition, by participating in this crime against me, as "they" all have done all these years (the gamut of these celebrities and now politicians)--and writing this is supposed to make me sound "delusional". Included in the white pig male's attack upon me was the "Turkish" variety of "American" who, like the black "intellectual" Ivy-league trained talking puppet Progressive attacked me sexually when I was teleported to his delighted face huge glowing smiles as he was creepily disgusting in front of me--put afterwards and beforehand as well, as lead commentator in many televised discussions, "representing" the inarticulate black masses and the "Progressives" who are screaming for "change" and these creeple have been cherry-picked to lead the fake "revolution" which is DOOMED DOOMED TO FAIL and turn into another bloodbath fascist society with slavery, surveillance, and ..oh, that is the "society" as it exists but undocumented, only a few "whistleblowers" like Snowden who cozily reposed in RUSSIA (???: WTF?) to get protected by one of the worst surveillance and Totalitarian Oligarch societies on the planet as protection against the "Democracy" of the US? WTF, indeed.  Only a handful of white males are "allowed" to expose terror and surveillance operations, the rest, like me, are silenced by the Clinton terrorist apparatus and their successor Obama team and their collective predecessors who installed such a system in the first place, who hold grasping onto power from behind all the veils of silent structure to control and continue their nefarious plans of dismantling the "Democracy" that probably has never existed for non-white male operated peoples who are screaming for salvation and these whore fakes are on the media to assuage their fears and allay their activities into safe and humorous confined ineptitude helplessness.



I got really lost in tangents, confounded by the tech aimed into my brain as it always is while I write: this surge of attack by the scumlord came "because" I responded to the next white fascist "Progressive" attacking me, who is most anxious to get up in the fascist system ladder in the media circus. But probably it has more to do with Tyrannasaurus-rump whose debacular debate fiasco spectacular tirade prompted me to think of a very most excellent English production (made IN THE 70'S OR 80'S), very excellent series called:


The Julio-Claudian line of Emperors (aka caesars) and their soap opera drama succession of internal murders, intrigues reads much more thrillingly than our Americanized version. However, the comparison of the very deadly Caligula and his uncle Claudius, the Roman Senate's assassination and overtake intrigues, and if only there had been an H-wood scene back then, the movies made about the murders of Emperor family members by wives, mothers and their Pretorian Guards would have created movie plots for decades. Just like the Nazis now, the memory of fascist is alive and well and thriving due to the H-wood endless movie cycles about defeating Nazis, while Nazism grows every year like an exponential movement, like an inverse relationship that was completely programmed to create this very reverse psychology response from the public.


However, this English adaptation to the novel by the same name has enough intelligence and wisdom to not, in my opinion, covertly advocate for murderous fascist regimes in the Roman 1st Century style. 


This is what I posted on Facebook during the debates between the competing sides of the unified one-party system becoming a Totalitarian fascist surveillance genocidal hate state:

based on the I Claudius clip I will paste here along with my former commentary, which I believe has generated this new vicious attack by the scumlord, under orders of course, and told exactly what to say, probably while he was attacking me, while my brain was blanked and I could  not utter words, could not think, as I appeared happy, giddy, making jokes, not kicking him out asap, but talking, not able to formulate the interior actions necessary to not smile or laugh or keep discussing my private matters with him--ie. my laptop which is now scratched up the screen has huge scratch marks, he personally advises his team on destroying all of my property. It's all so disgusting and this, THIS is what these people both on the "left" and the "right" fully advocate, defend, think is wonderful, and of course one "society" is completely nullified of all real opposition, they plan, as they are doing now, to FULLY MONOPOLIZE all media content and not just censor. The opponents will be slowly killed in their own homes by landlords as this system, which remains a top-secret organized death squad created by the governments of the planet to protect the interests of their wealthy patrons, who used to be called Patricians in the old Roman dynasties. Of course, writing about things like Patricians and the old Roman Senate/versus Emperor stand-offs is going to be stolen, perhaps verbatim, and used by fascist neo-Nazi white males with their sexually abusive  (towards me in teleportation) "brown" and "black" minority minions established and even welcomed with large smiles by the ultra conservatives on Fox News, who are participating as the "representatives" in the media for these "melanonin" peoples:


This is what I wrote on FB

As for a "stuttering fool", I love this example of the Roman Emperor Tiberius, who survived the assassination of his infamously corrupt orgy murdering relative CALIGULA.

Stuttering but when he ascended the throne, he carried the Republic to an excellent, sane working government and society. He redressed the political and socioeconomic wrongs that his playboy, verbally glib predecessors had created.

If a person "stutters" they are not incapable. History has proven this:

Landlord terrorist report/computer hacking disruption terror report )along with the countless other attacks from mechanical arms entering through panels through the non-existent walls.

 Like always, like every day,  the attacks by the landlord and his group surrounding me, upon orders from the people teleporting me--their methodology are highly reminiscent of my mother, the inter-personal terrorist, who repeats the same formulaic attack syndrome as these people who have forced me into this absolutely impoverished state with all blocks to financial earning, literally even earning one single penny is blocked from me due to this organization and these billionaires and millionaires. I remain stuck living in a torture prison atmosphere, with this landlord once more knocking on my door to harass me at night with no prior advance or warning. The type of attack he uses besides insults :This is an attack for those who fight with their jaws, but in the nagging and repeat insulting attacks when they are in some "position" of "authority". The landlord came under his orders, telling me once more that watering my plants, which are balanced off the inner ledge of the patio railing, towards the inner space of the patio, so water drips onto the tiles--and me extremely carefully watering my plants only on the soil hovering over the interior of the patio, is causing great damage to the stalker creeple terrorist in the patio below, where drilling in the walls, pounding, hammering and stalking "triggering" noises (sounding like ugly animals snorting and coughing whenever I walk near the patio door or go outside) and the hammering drilling has, as for 6 months out of 2 years of me living here--has commenced today.  **by the way, I am re-editing and I see that besides the keyboard being nearly impossible to pound down on,due to malware hacking, the hackers are deleting words and inserting mistakes, grammar changes within the middle of sentences, the usual.

 He claims that (lying, obviously) I am a repeat sort of offender, yelling at me on the patio for over 30 minutes while I am taking the plants down, as he lied and said that I was creating problems that Iwas very rude and etc etc with watering--*(complete lies, as I am fastidious about not letting water so much as drip below) but...going on as I told him that I heard him the first time, to letting him know that I understood after more than 10 minutes of non-stop repeating how bad I am and that I'm causing him and everyone around me problems; shouting outside on and on while I was complying with him destroying my patio order so now the mechanical arms are going to pour mud and stinking fungus water on the patio tiles because I put the plants down on the ground; that is what they did before I put them up on the ledge over 6 months ago. He always makes a point to shout hate and insults at me while threatening to evict me and the police and etc and today it was insults about Americans and etc etc --but shouting and repeating the same sick and stupid sentences even after I began to comply--so the creep terrorist group, mostly his Europigape employers who orchestrate all this ugliness and sickness they pour on me daily-- can hear him playing his role of attack--and repeating the same sort of "you are causing problems you keep violating the rules  blah blah yelling and repeating for over 30 minutes the same phrases but yelling them on the patio. I tell him I heard him the first time, and that only encourages him to repeat the same "insulting" phrases as if I am some extreme offender making a mess with soil and water below--while every single day he and his team are spraying fungus on my clothing and body and cutting into my skin, they were raping me nightly before I could finally block the front door and the mechanical arms from opening the front door from the inside--after a few years of trying to figure all of this out by guessing and fighting day after day to stop this; and raping and inserting fungus into my body AND FOOD. All under  orders from your celebrities and their apprentices--as I remain here helplessly in such poverty I can't afford to move Ican't afford to buy food or medicine while healing from --also---his and their poisoning on top of me being poisoned all my life, along with this group continuing to poison me, block me from being able to afford to buy food and medicine so I am really safe and healing--stuck fighting with $700 a month to buy materials to fight to stop being slowly dismembered, raped, inserted with fungus in my hair, vagina, and my body remains under attack by this landlord and his team every night which I have been fighting and too sick and impoverished due to their non-stop attacks, drugging and poisoning-- with this fungus and toxic spray material that he's being paid to insert into as many of my orifices, food, and furniture and clothing as possible. For this hard work, he and his crew are being handed free new businesses and homes and properties for yelling at me for a completely fabricated situation of me watering plants that are positioned at an angle where the water falls onto the tiles, from the ledge of the patio. THIS is what these celebrity and YouTube bigot white males are  advocating with this contract. Their minority minions are the ones more aggressively attacking me for them. The situation and protocol never waivers from one pig ape group to the next. All of them have to hack into my writing which is obtained from torture in order to get relevant original concepts which they can steal to crank out their blathering bs about how they are fighting their benefactor: Trump. ,,,oh yes, and Clinton too! All friends all working TOGETHER to put out entertrainment for your behavioral programming.

As of yesterday, the hacker terrorists have inserted malware into my computer which has created the fan grinding in loud noise. This is not the fan that is malfunctioning but rather malware and this is evident when the noise stops while the laptop is in the interim of downloading new drivers. The noise stops when the computer is in some hardware Bios state of operation (just to try to describe in computer terminology that I really do not  know but I am trying...) but once the system kicks into some mode where software is  accessed, the grinding noise continues.

Back to tonight just now: I had soaking henna in a shower cap on my head, and a body scrub that I was letting dry as I was naked and about to take a shower when he knocked on my door, of course knowing what state I was in. I got dressed of course, and just to add to all of these attacks I have to add that my body remains disgusting and bloated and disfigured as it has been for over 20 years due to the poisoning that none of these billionaires and millionaires who torture me helping with a single penny of assistance in healing, but actually blocking me from having anything more than a basic threadbare existence financially so I remain barely able to buy food marked on sale (which is always poisoned, drugged and literally all I can afford, especially as the dollar keeps weakening and despite the pandemic, prices are not going down whatsoever here). But still, with the body I have to see that disgusts me, as I swore all my life I would never let my body "go" and this poisoning and the 10 years of detox with no ability to even do the smallest stretch or exercise has left me staring at my body which appears as a disgusting, broken down, completely marred from head-to-foot by this landlord cutting into my body every single night--smearing chemicals which break down cell tissue and make it damaged- EVERY SINGLE NIGHT THIS SAME SICK PARASITE ATTACKING ME yelling repeatedly about how I am making problems and Americans are bad and etc etc while I can't move out, I am spending all my money and life I need to eat good food and buy herbs and medicine in keeping this sleazy, greasy rotten creep landlord and his team out of my body out of my home which I am paying nearly half of my monthly subpoverty income in being tortured in--while millionaires are stealing ideas that I write of,insulting me afterwards, and ordering these attacks upon me night after night--year after year--on and on without end NO MATTER WHAT I SAY OR DO IF I SAY NOTHING THEY CONTINUE UNTIL I REACT SO THEY CAN USE TRAUMA TO FORCE MORE IDEAS OUT OF ME BUT LEAVE ME FIGHTING IN SUBPOVERTY FOR  MY LIFE AGAINST TOP MILITARY GRADE SURVEAILLANCE AND ATTACK WEAPONS AND SURVEILLANCE AND TORTURE AND MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY.

I had to stand there after I agreed to allow this landlord to cut the plants down so the patio is going to be a mess now. While I was "complying" he kept on bullying, threatening me with eviction, going on and on with the same exact phrases about how I am attacking the people below  me, as the people who are monitoring this block my internet so I cannot earn a single penny online. I remain in absolute poverty due to this group and I am attacked and threatened by this landlord who breaks into my home along with his gang of Thai slave terrorists day and night, day after day. Landlord after landlord. Internet attacked  so I can NEVER EARN MONEY ANYWHERE ON THE PLANET. When I finally do work, the terrorists have gone into my home and stolen money after I have the cash in my purse--i.e. I sold cigars, came home with $100 bills, woke up with a stack of $1 bills. I thought maybe I had counted wrong, as during those years before I was so bloated as I am now, I was so drugged I could not take my clothing off before going to bed.. I slept in my clothing utterly exhausted from drugging. Now, years of trying to use the internet have been non-stop blocks to my progress or ability to earn even one single dollar. The internet I use is  so hacked and the keyboard, and all streaming access is continuously disrupted and all I do is blocked by a host of terrorist stalkers monitoring and blocking every single thing. Thus I have to stand here, at 6:30 pm. after more than 2 years of telling this landlord to give me a 24 hour notice--he never has. Once more he knocked on my door while I was naked, about to take a shower (all they have is surveillance of every single movement I make in this studio). They also drug and poison me daily so I literally cannot move my body I am poisoned  with paralyzing drug and substance which keeps me bloated, sick and fighting to heal as they continue to poison me.

I had to finally begin to call him "mother" and that he acts like a nagging mother as he repeated that as an AMerican blah blah I just interrupted him and he wrote a letter and instead of mailing it to me, he knocked on my door with letter in hand. I did not read it, but I glanced at some sentence about how Americans are XXXXX I don't know, something stupid and stupider that he wrote but I did not pay attention or read that crap that he was told to write or some Europigape wrote in English in that letter that I doubt he wrote himself, this Thai puppet of the whoremasters Europigapes who control these rotten creeple and it's just like having slime poured on me by these people here myt body has been nearly completely disfigured here, bones broken, my hair falling out, my skin smeared with damaging chemicals nightly--and he's like this smelly nasty lying hateful personality who, as the protocol goes, is supposed to repeat nasty lies about how "bad" I am and saying the same nasty, insulting things at least 15 times within a 10 minute time-frame. I kept just going on removing the plants and thus making my home a filthy mess because they are lying about water falling below from my balcony (as I wrote--fighting to pound out as the hackers are blocking the keys to the point that It'simpossible to get anything out really well )

but, no water is coming down-I have been so completely careful about this literally no water I pour only on the soil and spray with a bottle anything hanging over the ledge--but because the pigs who are profiting off torturing me are trying to get more promotions, and I detest them after YEARS of non-stop torture and violence that has helped these worthless major media figures endless roles, millions of dollars, after they steal my ideas--I wrote about how they are stealing ideas non-stop for over a decade--and I remain here as this creep, greasy, nasty, abusive, murdering me with toxic poison--endlessly disgusting lying abusive and vile--just a shadow of the pig apes you see in the media attacking me but they are well-dressed and get all kinds of beauty treatments and get to dump their ugliness out on people like me. And oh, how the public loves this technological torture appratus as there is never a shortage but rather a surfeit of pigapes who can't WAIT to vent their misery, hate and dump their  ugliness out on a technologically helpless target, as I appear to be some prototype of this  torture and slow murder techno-terror. With the YEARS of silence and silencing that continues to this day, this moment, with the same greasebag pig whores who  are endlessly hacking into my posts and stealing ideas, if they are blathering pig apes posing as Progressives, they need  more than insulting jokes aimed at Trump and "expose" hate rants about how Trump and the Conservatives and Nazis are wrong and bad. They are reading this and gloating and smug, because first they got to steal ideas and vocabulary, then they get to torture me when I write responses that could be construed as verbally legitimate arguments about how STUPID these creeps are especially on a personal level. But the fact remains that no one still defends me or stops this crime against me, which shows the enormous popularity that technology helping stupid dirty greasebag rapist bigot pig apes to torture, steal, rob (in my case, everything possible but also ideas that are slightly out-of-the norm, which is their boundaries, well within the lines they are told to play nothing original every action they make towards me is an exact replica of the bigot racists they claim they are "fighting" against but need ideas from me in order to sound "alternative" .

But I remain here, with my patio  now covered with plants that are going to be oozing soil and water because the terrorists use the mechanical arms to pour filth on the patio after I water, making a mess where there should be none. 

Again, as I have written for  years--I ask for a safe home that is MY PROPERTY IN MY NAME,  decent home which is safe from terrorist break-ins and creep neighbors helping to surveil and torture and rape and break my body and home. How many people are involved in these terrorist activities and how few actually help to defend the targets shows more on why the Democrats and the Liberals and the really nasty and fake and creepy Progressives that I have encountered prove to me that the reason America is in a "Constitutional Crisis" is no secret but is only that which the masses of participants lie about and are in denial of. The amount of lies is absolutely to blame, the silencing of activities like this upon targets is one of the most apparent examples and visible reasons why "America" has turned into a cesspool of  ultra-violent reactionary fascism. 

On that note, when I hear the ranting about "antifa" and how they are to blame, I really think that they are the arm of the ultra-right wing who send out these agent provocateur eate this image that the BLM and other activists protesting in the streets are really to blame for  the violence and the problems. The same cycle of lies and reaction as I wrote of above, first an attack, a lie about how the target is really to blame, and then more reactionary restrictions and blame is poured upon the innocent--as I am in every single instance of these attacks I never provoke them and they are only poured upon me mostly because many people really love having a victim to torture and for profit at that the appeal is irresistible. But the reactions of their enthusiasm I am forced to see demonstrates that this form of  ugliness is neither a "left" or "right" political spectrum issue. However, there is a serious and deadly situation in the Democrat and "liberal" "progressive" establishments with these people who are attacking me alongside and under orders from their white supremacist bigot violent controllers. In one case, again, a minority attacking me (calling himself a "progressive:")for his white "Progressive" buddy who is as fascist, nasty and disgusting as any of the other terrorists of the "Right" and "Ultra"right" parties and groups. 


I am not able to pound down any longer to fight to get these jumbled thoughts out. My words are of course an appeal for sanity, for this torture to be stopped after YEARS of writing about this and getting only the response of the performers  who are supposed to represent the "left" attacking me so they will be promoted by their "friends" who are fascist bigots smug and laughing about all their control and how still I remain writing asking for this crime to be stopped and for me to live in a sane, beautiful environment with no stalker terrorists or creep landlords any longer. MY CAT LA MOUX RETURNED TO ME---Donald Trump is holding my cat(s) hostage and I just want her/them back and to live ALONE   WITHOUT SOME BABY I NEVER WILL WANT FORCED OUT OF ME--of course, these loveless rapist people who want this contract could give a damn about how I feel about this, of course this "baby" they want to force out of me is going to be some experimental Nazi bigot bastard who will be trained by these creeple to be something, if I am not murdered by them beforehand, I will easily give up as a creep spawn I would never want anything to do with; of course I think that also is their plan.


This post is very rambling due to the blocks to typing, the attacks on my brain--and undoubtedly the hackers will rewrite words to alter grammatical coherency and meaning.


Please understand that when I "go off" on a hate rant tangent calling these creeps "whores" and scumbags, this is not merely the result of YEARS of non-stop torture both with teleportation from them, but also their then order their nasty minions to attack me for them in these disgusting and vile ways. When I re-read my posts and there are excessive hate words like pigape and whores, this is due to my brain under the remote/microchipped influence of my brain being blocked from more intellectual processes by their brain-mapping tech, and the hyperbolic and discrediting words inserted as part of this process of devaluating my vocabulary or personality as presented here.  The emotions are overarching and the words pour out, but the torture and disfiguration and literally hours upon hours EVERY SINGLE DAY from the stinking and deadly fungus and filth that is sprayed into, under, and on every single piece of clothing--washing does not get the stink out--some items are so stinking and foul I  must throw them away and also this group shrinks my clothing as well so I am continuously throwing away cheap clothing that was new and nice when I bought it, stinking,ripped and stained from repeated slime and filth poured by this group and sprayed on every single night. My curses at them are a JOKE for them a bemusement and proof to them that they can do whatever they want to me and NO GOVERNMENT is going to stop them. How glib and assured they are on this point. I call them these names instead of being able to access more legitimate language due to the infuriating level of violence that I must deal with solely because they can't stand to see me compete, be able to better them, and be beautiful or happy. All I have worked for has been maimed, stolen, killed or taken from me by them and what remains of my body, which should be beautiful, my hair is allbut a patch of balding shredded strings with balding patches so I cannot wear my hair down, my scalp is being cut away (the hair I mean, to the scalp) EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. My fingers are black where they cut into the cuticles so blood is gone and then insert fungus  in every cut skin area as they cut into my body every single day. NO HELP FROM ANYBODY while much of the "civilized" world  is aware of this situation and have voted and awarded ALL OF THEM for years and years. This has not much to do with Trump as Obama's tenure proved very deadly with the same attacks going on and on, with the same people who endorsed him, endorse Trump. It makes no difference. Now Clinton and her accolytes are participating only because I am following the plethora of clips about politics--Clinton joined in many, many months ago to pre-empt the election cycle--with her friends the fascist racist mafia out of Brooklyn.

And on and on. One cycle of them after the next. Who and what is controlling them all in such uniform procession year after year? President after President?