Monday, October 28, 2019

A letter written to Eldon Taylor, renowned author and activist on mind control technology and subliminal technology

Written on September 26, 2019
by myself, alone in my studio while undergoing drugging and torture from "remote" mind control and directed energy weapons.

I write this, or publish this on this site, which so far has remained unacknowledged by anyone. There is no activity and my attempts to get more readers has remained that all I do is blocked by universal hacking thwarting.

This letter has never been sent due to indirect murder threats by the forces and actors I have named in the letter. I publish it here, whilst this site remains in oblivion due to above-mentioned hacking and block of all I attempt on this planet that is of this global entity and it's reach. Blacklisting is another term for it. I write this at great expense to my life, and that of my cat who is being held hostage by this inhospitable group as they intend to force a "baby" out of me for further experimental torture and hate purposes of their hateful group and it's further delving into human consciousness to create a "master-slave" global prison environment. 

I also would send this letter to Mr. Taylor using FedEx, but unbeknownst to readers, perhaps, is that at least in Thailand all is under the control of this pernicious group (the 4th Reich is another apt term for them). I also can't afford the cost, and any attempt will most likely be blocked. 




Written: Panason Green Places Condominium. Phuket, Thailand.

September 26, 2019.

To Mr. Eldon Taylor:

It has been at least 6 years since I last contacted you, regarding your complimentary shipment of two books, Mind Programming and Self Hypnosis...

I am at this very moment extremely impeded by mind control drugging, technology affecting everything from nervous system to cognitive functioning. 

For example, I just now emptied a small tray of incense burning residue, and my arm was remotely jolted as I put the tray over the little plastic garbage bucket, so all flew on the floor. Thus, in effect, my handwriting is very illegible, and contorted because my arm/hand coordination is continuously under remote attack.

My brain/body are under MK ULTRA/microchip implant programming. As I wrote via internet to you 6 years ago, to which you responded by gratuitously shipping your books to me in Thailand.

Regardless of "sloppy" handwriting, I u se this form of communication because literally ALL keyboards I attempt to write on are so severely hacked/attacked while my brain/cognitive memory/thought structure are under serious attack, simultaneously.

Due to these attacks, I cannot get linear thought processes out without digressing. Hackers delete paragraphs, letters, spaces, grammar (i.e. commas, periods) and they insert words to alter what I have typed.

I normally type at 75 wpm. My handwriting is actually very nice when not under this wide-ranging disruption. It is wide-ranging because the hacking, DOS attacks are global and endemic. I also want to state emphatically that 24/7 surveillance, gang stalking and various forms of lethal attack (all mentioned above) have formed a universal system of what can only be described as a global DEATH SQUAD system of coordinated torture, theft, rape, murder and massive brainwashing/mind control of "the masses" for their compliance in these activities (either by remaining silent or participating).

I am under non-stop attack. This letter is not only being monitored by surveillance equipment, but my thoughts are also being relayed via some tech I am not able to perfectly define. You mentioned in Mind Programming the use of "Voice-to-Skull" (aka V2K). It is some similar tech, or the same.

Thus, for example, the coordinated system of attack involves something like this: (one of the less threatening of the gang stalking/death squad tactice)

1.  I think to myself what I plan to buy at the grocery store. The thoughts are recorded and gang-stalking teams are instructed to assume the guises of store clerks and consumers. Teams are waiting at the stores to surround and push into me at every aisle corner. Every few minutes groups of people walk into me.

2.  The items I have thought to myself to buy are blocked by either groups or lone stalkers, standing directly in front of every item I have planned to buy. No other items are blocked in the entire aisle. It happens with such recurring frequency it is not a fluke or coincidence. 

3. Sometimes, or at all times, the items are drugged/poisoned with mind control goo, or tainted (hairs put in bread or food and packaged, sometimes ants or other items or the food is rancid when I open the cartons). 

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Written on October 17, 2019: Written under mind control duress about what happened in Miami--just one city out of many I have run to for sanctuary, only to be attacked by racist nazis out of Europe--I call them Europigs and that is an extremely apt condemnation.

Please note that this is JUST ART. Just naming names of the destroyers of art who steal, rape and rob using mind control technology and gang stalking, to go from mediocre scum into well-known because they are promoted by this sick group, aka Nazis.

please do not let this sick pig Nicola Siervo get away with years of torture and at least three murder attempts I barely survived from, only to get a sort of acclaim for having stolen ideas I was tortured to reveal--not just from Prince's club themes (which he directly stole after having Prince kicked out of Miami--Glam Slam's concepts were directly stolen by this scumbag and the other mafia pigs he hangs with, who all "hate" Americans unless they are blonde models they can use to create an image of how "powerful" they are--but they all openly state they "hate" Americans and America and are working on really taking it all over. They have turned SoBe into a hate fascist place with Europeans directing Americans to absolutely discriminate against me and what used to be a cool place is now a hateful fascist place with Europigs trying to oust alternative people and they have done this, and it's just been turned into a kind of dying wasteland as the beach is sinking into the ocean from all the huge condo and hotel newly built buildings. They are pigs, please make them pay me for their crimes--and the Hollywood pigs as well, all of them male and female
This post is about one of the stalkers who has teleported and raped me for years. Yes, deary readers, my situation as I tried to describe is about unreality and art. The unreal have stolen my art ideas and thus, this is still all just ART and not delusional creative fictional accounts of a reality only I have seen from my perspective and vision.

Teleportation is real. The technology is not a product of Star Trek but preceded it.

If I were in Miami, I could go to the rapists club who obtained ideas for his by now well-known club by torturing and attacking me nearly to death and nearly murdering me in accidents and through poisoning. Formerly with no creative ideas from the years I sold cigars in his club on SoBe, with the ideas he tortured and drugged out of me that Prince used at First Avenue, Mpls., this torturing sleazy creep is now a favorite of Hollywood players and has won Haute awards for his concepts. i would rather attend Churchill's pub and see wankers openly stating their ideas of wanting to dominate with grinding music instead of electronic robot rapist hate bigot Nazi crap out of Europigland taking over the US with full permission of all to the top of the pile of the pigs in power in the US--all under the guise of believing that these intellectual property thief rapists are really just incredibly "classy". This man out of mafia Italy completely sucked as much energy out of me and ideas about how Prince ran his club, which he had no ability to do when I met him back in 1997 and was bored nearly to tears selling cigars in his crappy mafia club. From over 4 years of violence and sucking out energy via rape (he was literally sucking and inhaling while raping me, like a real parasite--all through the teleportation). Well, injustice and these crimes are considered to be the real American values these daze as so many of these creeps keep getting front page reception and I keep having to fight to buy food on sale and buy products to keep more scumbags from raping and disfiguring me--I still can't do this and I can't even earn money online. How I wish to Hell and Heaven and all in between that JUSTICE would finally be exacted, at least financially because this scumbag who got ownership of The Wall Miami was a boring scum who could not capture anything more than managerial positions in small venues until he began to teleport and torture me. I'm not going to add his site because he's a filthy and sick subscumbag inhuman pig ape out of Europigland with so many Europigs on South Beach claiming they hate Americans and are taking it all over--with full red carpet treatment adn I have been chased out of every place, especially that place, with blacks and latinos, with a full helping of Jews, doing most of the work to push me out. Well America, you have become a colony for viciously insane sick Europigs and what they will do to the country has been turning it into a dying culture of fascist oppression and tyranny. So many parties, America seems to happy with all it's parties all over the place. I only see sick people hanging on to inebriation while not caring about the country as it's being destroyed by these Europigs you all love so much. not a hate rant THIS IS THE GRIM REALITY none of you are facing or accepting. If you could see how many psychopathic creeps really exist in society you would not be so carefree about accepting these filthy creeps into society as you have, and perhaps someone would care to stop this violence against me as it never ends day or night. I also need money so I can live in some kind of decent setting without rape and poisoning and no defense and no ability to protect myself with $$$ so I can build safeguards against murderous stalking groups entering my home to destroy my body and life ----this scumbag Siervo out of Miami and all the rest of the pigs who have teleported me for years and stolen ideas and are now in top positions because of my creativity that they sucked out, trying to destroy everything about me afterwards---when will there be justice for their crimes against me--when will I be compensated for this destruction of my body and home and life and these rotten psycho pigs forced to pay restitution instead of being promoted endlessly as they use MY IDEAS to furnish their empty, boring businesses and "creative" output for having tried to murder me and this pig in Miami has had me put in jail, crushed my cat's body, stolen all I owned from Student loans, and tortured and was murdering and put me in accidents and was poisoning me to death and would not leave me alone while I was fighting for my life, as he turned the stalking from bad to deadly and is still having the icons for his shit club he got for free here in Phuket follow me around endlessly---over and over this sick creep has gone after me to get these deals and suck out my life force. WHEN WILL THEY BE FORCED TO PAY ME FOR THE VIOLENCE AND TORTURE AND ATTEMPTED MURDER THE TELEPORTING SICK FUCKS HAVE DONE TO ME FOR YEARS AND STOLEN IDEAS AS i SIT HERE HOMELESS AND HAVE NOWHERE TO GO. ROTTEN PIGS VYING TO FORCE A "BABY" OUT OF ME, I find these rapist punching slapping raping ugly sick fuck whores so disgusting I can't describe it in decent words, plus I've been at this computer for over three hours and my brain has been bombed with mind control tech and so I'm ranting in hate--but I look up Miami information and this rotten pig has obtained fame for his club which was gotten and handed to this sick psycho rotten disgusting thing for years of torturing me and yes--he stole ideas I wrote of under torture about how Prince ran his club, he then had the post on fb deleted and then used the ideas. Rotten pig, please make this pig pay me for the violence and the years of destruction--and the restof the pigs the list is far too long by n ow. Why isno one ever defending me so I am living in safety and with these rapist scumbags off me, demanding a baby and I only wish them utter destruction they are so revolting all of them.
I am new at blogging. This site is raw and fresh but stale from hackers. The hackers have blocked my ability to publish posts with the style and bold block letters I have used to write on the compose page. I spent over one hour trying to include a PayPal link, and all sites I visited, including Paypal are blocked due to hacking. I finally got a link up, after much DOS and blocks from hackers, backspacing from hacking inserts (letters appearing when I never typed on the keyboard, etc). However, it's dubious whether this blog will ever reach the real "internet" and is probably being blocked as well.

ANALYSIS of hacking/stalking machinations:

While the stalking organization has rendered me obsolete in societal terms, my status as a prisoner/victim is extremely important in that my information must continuously be blocked from public approval or arousal. Hacking is a way of discrediting, obviously, by skewing what I type with full intention and turning it into a grammatically corrupt, hysterical rage post with no or little meaning. The posts from years ago I tried to explain how curse words were added by hackers, my brain under stringent mind control.

It is hard for anyone not intimately involved in fighting for the right to have one's own mind and thought process protected. People always think that I'm the target and they laugh about it, mostly (or the people the stalking organization have surround me continuously, which is in the range of millions of people worldwide.

Such claims are more fodder for accusations of being delusional and schizophrenic and "crazy". 

Thus I always have to add that THIS IS JUST ART and this is creative fiction, because such things only exist in delusional minds of sick people who can't function in society. The latter is only correct because the stalking organization renders the target financially incapacitated and paralyzed.
written October 17, 2019:

Back again, backspacing within the first word I wrote. (I am now re-reading and i see that in the paragraphs below, hackers have as usual deleted words and rewrote sentences to make nonsense.) I won't rewrite it because I need to do many other things in this short time that I have paid for the last time I can use the internet until next month.
Yeah, can't get the bugs off me. When I tried to access posts from the previous years, becuz my blog* is supposed to carry ranting hysterically-induced drugged up posts from years before and I wanted to post random posts from years ago, last Tuesday, and so forth. I am not able to access any posts from years before unless I scroll down my personal page, which is slowed down of course by hackers, and I get posts from last week and after 5 minutes, from last month, and I can't just click on a year as anyone else can. Many of the posts from years ago name names, and such types of incriminating information. AS I am without a laptop any longer, the re-editing and deletion of my former posts is a sure thing, I believe. All the years before when I wrote in hysterical rage, using mostly cursing words describing the disgusting things these stalkers teleporting me have done. Hideous but the wealthy consider this to be a stigmatic elitism of perversion ranging from pedophilia to rape, and all part of entitlement. The more violent and disgusting they operate "in private" (for cameras for the entertainment of this entrainment group) the more they are considered elite, demonstrating their untouchable legal status of being allowed to get away with all crimes possible with no social blemishes but, in reverse, promotions galore. I wanted to access those posts I wrote before I began to realize that I was drugged up to the max and that someone else was instilling words and phrases into my besieged brain.
I was not able to access posts from years back due to hacking DOS. The stalkers know what I am going to do, listening to every thought, and every action under non-stop surveillance. Usually I can access years of posts by clicking on the appropriate page on fb Timeline. Usually the years are listed and you can click on the year to access the posts. Alas not for me, as with the Paypal site also blocked and other sites blocked for access. I think the stalkers are going to delete many damaging posts and/or just delete many of what I wrote, while also re-writing as they always do.
When I tried to access the PayPal link, I have a whopping $10 in my account. I tried to get a "donation" link and since I signed into a "business" account, years ago when I paid for a website hosting service and never used it, due to drugging and hysteria and incapacitation from drugging and the stalkers putting my body out-of-alignment every single day, so I just lay in a stupor daily while writing in hysteria for "help" which of course, all I can ever do it try to rescue myself against a myriad of millions of sickening creepy stalkers.
I am not blind...
but I see in other dimensions in ways 
and means made meaningless by obscurities.
Sheer obscenities, observances of empowered belief system.
Mysterious and serious nevertheless.

My views, my visions.
Opaque and obscured by the blinding lights of false reality
imposed by impostures.
Improbable impositions 
wanting to imprint on my lovely life


Most posts are hacked and rewritten to add to the discrediting. Thus if anyone reads these posts, words are continuously misspelled and often rewritten entirely by hackers, in addition to their deletions of what I type and they also write and revise to make all appear "crazy" in their crazy-making schemes of discrediting.

I am also always drugged up. By stalkers who break into my home and I have written of this endlessly and it is all

JUst Art
written on: Feb 2 2019

Another stalker attack which is deforming my image is that the Thais surround me in stores and slash rips and tear threads into every bag I am carrying while my back is turned and I am paying or standing in the inevitable stalker-polluted check-out lines where the cashiers not only attack me to my face and openly discriminate in the most blatant ways, but while I’m being attacked like this the stalkers push into me from behind, as if they are getting out or into the store through walking behind me while I’m paying. Thus they slash my bags when I am completely blocked from movement and being lied to by agents posing as store employees (or the actual employees who have been hired for these maneuvers). Yesterday as I randomly walked into a tiny little Thai store to buy something, the man sitting at the check out desk immediately got up and went into the back room and was replaced by another Thai person who usually is sitting there to make the trigger stalker gestures while I’m paying as I face “it” to complete the transaction. The switching of agents is sometimes done so openly.
I wrote about this yesterday to my hypothetical readersz: the situation in Thailand appears remote and distant to people living in The West. And yet, as any political theorist would know in polysci, the situation is being governed by Western political factions aka The Government(s) of the world. The current MARSHAL LAW MILITARY COUP GOVERNMENT of Thailand has been CREATED BY THESE FASCIST NAZI PIGS AND IS CONTROLLED BY THEM—meaning also the Russians and their satellite allies.
The only thing that appears to form a cohesive cooperation between these selfish otherwise continuously warfaring genocidal bigots is more hate, the targeting serves the purpose of uniting these various factions. It gives the “minorities” like “The blacks” who have also attacked me a way to get promoted by demonstrating how they are helping the Nazis and fascists and Stalinist Communists (or whatever faction they derive from Leninist or whatever, it’s all death camps and genocide and theft of property for the usurpation of a top structure of exploiters, in whatever name you want to call it or from which dictatorial who first promised freedom and turned it into Gulags and death camps and robotic mediocrity of conformity into mass murder as an economic policy of domination –not a new concept but nevertheless, destroying a few centuries of the “Enlightenment” philosophers’ attempts to create a world UNITED BY PEACE AND HARMONIC CONVERGENCE into rational thought and action and equality and the higher aspirations of a society into higher realms of thought. By limiting all art and intelligentsia into the narrow huge swath of this mainstream’s limited and limiting philosophical constructs which continuously bolster their false claims of themselves only at the epicenter of society, then there will continue to be a stagnation in all cultures until it all collapses into an archaic system of death and control and all the blacks, feminists will be put “back in their place” by the real forces behind all these actions: rotten men with their nasty rotten sons who appear as decaying rotten creeps to me here in Phuket where they are served like “kings” from doting slaves who are thrilled beyond belief to be taken out of slums into the “masters” mansions, only because the pigs put them in the mire and poverty in the first place due to their “expertise” financial juggling and banking policies and imperialist “development” of the “3rd World” and their “investments” leading to market crashes—the same thing happened in Thailand that happened in 2008 to America—a housing bubble but instead of the bankers and CEO’s getting upgrades to their incomes and bonuses, it was the Europig investors who swept the carpet out from under the financial market back in around 1999 here in Thailand, leaving not only a market bubble but the currency was taken from the country as well. Now another bubble is resurfacing and the Thais are more keen to help the pigs go in and with military force build every ass-kissing enclave possible along every inch of the coasts of the Andaman Sea and beyond (now into Myanmar) and the genocidal tendencies are popping up with the “slaves”—the impoverished Myanmar Buddists are killing off Muslim Rohingya poorest of the poor, as the land will then be handed to the Europig and Western “investor” whores to create more poor sex slaves and prostituted coastlines of “pleasure” imporiums and mansions and condos and hotels and restaurnats with coated tiny over-priced spicy foods for the pigs to devour as the animals and nature begin to die off, just as they are around the planet and the ecosystem is obviously being damaged to the point of no return and destruction of the entire planet. If you blatenly apathetic readers out there can’t begin to care about my plight as this perpetual target and victim, of course my situation makes you all feel wonderful since you think it’s not happening to you nor will it ever since some of you are major players in this huge circus and human tragedy of this technological debacle. Bur, because you can’t care about anything unless it affects you personally (and I am like this too, but now facing murder Inow see how I was also like this, drowning in the media and enterainment lulling into near comatose acceptance of an impending doom but unaware since I was blinded by the flashing lights of this media whoredome you all hook into daily to feed your brain while your government and the system around you is perhaps plotting your own demise, even if you live in a mansion and have slaves and are part of this stalking structure)
Oh well, trying to reach anyone. If you can imagine, what I write is not the ranting of a person begging daily for years for help, but rather this is an assessment, albeit written in an enraged and mind controlled hyperbolic expletive-driven rant—about real situations and the real situation is that if you think this is not going to affect you then you are truly dumbed down by the hype that you buy into, one of the main avenues into your brain, like a shot of heroin, is the entertainment complex and the really fake real news fake blues syndrome you all also take as a form of entertainment and just sit there waiting to stalk a lone and isolated target to vent your miserable pent-up rage out upon as if I am the problem.
Well, I am in a pseud-drugged up state from the remote electrical mind control, perhaps it’s due to a microchip forcing my brain to release dopamine or serotonin at high levels while other tech is blocking my cognitive functions
I really don’t know, but I feel woozy and dizzy and I’m going to stop begging for help for this day until I return from shopping where , if I survive the endless near-death threats, will write about the tortures that never stop and no one stops them or helps me or it feels this way after years of writing about this.
I do see progress so if anyone is out there, thank you heartily.
Another threat is the blocking ofmy bank account by the banks here which are openly discriminating against me illegally even in Thai terms—I have quite a lot of legal limitations here and I can’t fight back. But what I had written yesterday and today intertwined into this hate rant is that the fascist operators, the globe of them, will put a system akin to Martial Law with absolute discrimination with no legal redress if this system is allowed to flourish as it’s been all these years with you readerz watching on feeling smug that I’m the victim and you are not.
written on: March 27, 2019

Again, they want ("they" the universal stalking organization) me to write about the misery these evil robot zombie haters create so they can feel rejuvenated and alive and energized with the "power" alloted to every vice and scam and murder plot possible while they are absolutely allowed to steal all possible on the planet (and destroying the planet in their greed and stupidity and ignorance in the process, while believing they are creating some kind of global "paradise" for their ultimate exploitation and luxury plantation slave master paradise hell)
and so
the Fed Ex package of my passport has been "delayed" with information not listed on the website as to exactly where the package now is laying in wait. The delivery date was scheduled to be today. I was ripped off by $40 by the endlessly lying and deliberately incompetant mail service out of Orlando which is one of at least 5 mailing services out of either Orlando or Miami that have endlessly lied and ripped me off and denied/discriminated against me to the point that I must fight to find another service just to have a mail service that operates at least tangibly. They charged me $187 for a 1 lb document package using Priority service (not the highest price delivery service). The cost listed on the FedEx site was $142. I wrote an email asking them to list why the cost was over $40 more than the price on the site, but I'm not going to read their lying response because I can't take them to court and they aren't going to give me service and I am so besieged by endless attacks and nearly killed while driving (cars driving literally directly into me while I'm[ driving around 45 mph on busy 3-lane very heavy traffic roads as they approach from the center line and drive into me as if they are making a U-turn, or from the other side of the road, regardless of which lane I am in, they drive INTO me and I am always surrounded by cars.
At the Phuket station as I entered the dirty and messy tiny box station, after nearly being kiled but in a good mood, the man who had helped me previously was surrounded by children and the ubiquitous stalker organizer behind the counter. There were toys and drinks and crap littering the counter and the woman was glowering at me with the black-eyed look of the usual hate-filled stalker being promoted and paid and doing her "job" of making the children scream and yell and they surrounded me from behind so I had to make sure they weren't going to rip my bags as I stood there, while this man pretended, obviously, that he was checking the status of the package. It was so obvious that all was a contrived lie,a nd I just stood there waiting as I could also tell that my brain was under attack as was my nervous system. I began to talk and I had to struggle to find words because my brain was not operating. I felt suddenly an altercated surge of rage and hate, all done with technology to alter my state-of-consciousness. This has been the usual procedure everywhere I go, and all month attempting to get a check made out in dollars, with lies and denials of service universal in Phuket (no bank would issue a check for $148 in dollars, all told me there was no service, they could not issue checks, lying and making stalking gestures as my brain was rendered nearly comatose from the technology, my mood altered into an exaggerated hate mode and unable to think of words, abnd once they began to really attack me with subtlty I began to giggle and laugh as if it were a party and it was all fun. I could not control my reactions and words came out there were not my thoughts or had not been formulated in my mind prior to the words and sentences just pouring out. The usual, everywhere I go, for every serivice. the usual is that the Thais claim they can't understand English, in every service which is supposed to professionally cater to tourists all speaking the universal language of English.
And thus, I write again hoping that some day there will be more than apathy and the vicious rapacious rapists and their female wives and children and partners waiting with baited an ticipation to see which one of these hateful rapist abuser , most of them have already tried to murder me, I am now into nearly the 8th year of detox while they have sponsored their stalkers to continuously re-poison me so I remain bedridden, going nowhere, surroudned non-stop by their hate groups and stsalkers, and fighting to heal my body while they block my internet and block my ability to earn any money whatsoever
my laptop has been broken
the air conditioner was broken last week. The stalkers have been pouring fungus into the coolant anyway so it's dangerous to breath in the air conditioning air, but the stalkers also cook my body at night and all day with microwave tech
what else?
There is a Thai man who walks into the hallway wearing just a towel loosely around his waist when I walk down to get out of the torture studio they have put me into: he slams his door repeatedly 6 times in a row at least 5 times a day, as if his door is jammed. He slams it so loudly that the entire hallway reverberates. The stalkers simultaneously zap my body so the implants/microchips exert a shockwave throughout my body. The poison that has hardened along my spine also acts as a conduit for electrical currents. Thus, when he slams the door so loudly everything is nearly shaking, it also operates as a shock while the stalkers zap my body's nervous system
there is an endless array of attacks I could describe but I so endlessly write about this because of this worldwide police state surveillance situation and this is my only recourse. I cna't undersatnd how such an evil and ugly system has taken over the planet to the degree that all I can do is entertain sadists paying the rapist haters who are teleporting me for forcing me to write like this so they will be promoted or get more deals out of me describing how revolting and disgusting they ALL are. babies and peole with shitty crappy stalker children continue to surround me, and the idea and concept of a baby with some rotten creep who has tried to kill me and has teleported and raped me, or any of these so-called "men" who have attacked me si so disgusting I can't describe it.
The hacking is nowa t the stage of a lag time for words appearing--30 seconds later the words I type apear (mistakes everywhere)
when will anyone or anything ever stop this sickness forcing this ugly group of revolting crap on me everywhere I go, while I sleep, every thing every moment surrounded by creeple I consider absolutely revolting, ugly, stupid, filthy and vile and nothing I cxoule ever have any association w3ith let alone a baby or any romentic interest, forced on me with men I loathed and nearly ran away from, rotten and dirty and ignorant to the core, regardless of their criminally-obtained wealth and status. The actors are no artists they are scam artists and con scumbags and their females have gloated that my body has been smeared with acid so my skin is broken dow, they have poured acid into my hair every day so my hair is mostly fallen out, my body remains huge and disfigured and I have been tortured non-stop for decsadesa by now rwith only writing about it on facebook as a pathetic recourse to obtaining any sort of lull in the endless torture. The filthy creeps who are being paid and promoted for this get more businesses and ar elected into highest positions, I get a temporary reduction of absolutely murderous torture aonly if I continue to write about thsir filth and crap and attakcs, which they depend on to get their endless dirty filthy deals out of.
It's now nearly impossible to type any longer.
will anyone out there every stop this crime against me and why not why must I have only facewbook writing in this pathetic situation askign for help to fuckers reading this?
written on: February 3 2019

The stalker pig parasites operating for the scum whores who are paying these filthy whores to go into my room--are still going into my room despite every single crack, tile, panel, floorboard, everything has been glued with something to at least display a break-in. All is flimsy material from dollar stores that I've wasted on fighting this endless violation of my body and home while I'm in a drugged up nearly comatose MK ULTRA "alter" sleeping state, as the pigs then teleport and torment and rape and assault me and get promoted into highest positions for this sick and stupid shit, which is what these pigs are.
They are still getting into my room. My passport gets sprayed with a rancid stinking spray like all that they spray on my clothing, linens, towels, books, etc endlessly for years and years (for a few years I had to inhale this deadly toxic substance due to having to literally hermetically seal up my living tiny room with tape because all landlords refuse all screening for all windows--I am forced into subpoverty income thus unable to afford FOOD every month,plus always having to replace fans and cooking appliances, which are necessities as all these most cheap places have no cooking appliances whasoever (except for microwaves,which are used and grimy and dirty, and potential murder tools. Definitely used for microwave torture and possible murder.I always have to refuse microwaves from these crap landlords as they refuse to put in screens. I have to seal up all windows and I had to breathe in this toxic substance as they sprayed it on every blanket, every bag, I kept items in plastic bags to try to stop the smell from ruining every single thing I had--they would spray all plastic bags--before ripping, tearing and making all look shabby and bright colors faded and like sandpaper had been rubbed on the fabric.
But...digressing. I can't focus or type due to the usual pervasive endless multi-pronged attack system while I fight to type and think on this fucking destroyed laptop that hackers have made filthy--parts have been broken off--they put stains on the screen, like droplets stained into the display. Parts of the laptop have been broken off and no keyboard anywhere I go operates and works without me having to backspace nearly every other word or even every word sometimes.
But I've been writing about this for years, still not a single fucker out there reading this will intervene. At this point I am still no misanthrope because I know that beautiful and soulful people have been killed off and the true trash remains to pollute the world. I consider myself the beautiful people of course. You pigs think you are some kind of trashy appealing entity and it's just shit that you are.
I can't say this enough becaust probably 99.6% of you rucking pigs reading this have been entertained for years reading my desperate posts begging for my life to not be tortured and murdered and run over smashed in accidents poisoned and tortured to death, as you sneer and laugh and are smug and masturbating over my endless posts.
My crime: not wanting to be fucked and abused and poisoned and drugged and raped and then murdered because I wanted to compete, was healhty and talented and beautiful so they poisoned and raped and torrtured me and stole ideas so empty sleazy fucking bitch whores can have original concepts turned into the same formulaic shit and crap with Nazi bigot undertones and subliminals you are all programmed into belivieing is the only reality. YOu kill anything that challenges your fake myopic worldview which you are forcing on the world with this media blitz of shit
and now the cursing is endless.
The pigs are still getting into my room. They have been disfiguring my beautiful body most f my life. I have part of my uterus cut out by them; my toe has been broken---oh yeah, I am "disabled" because they fractured my vertebrae in two critical junctions--not just one vertebrae or two, but an entire area. They then poisoned me with hardening poison so my body is encased in hard chemicals--and I've been passed from one sleazy sick fuck rape whore "A-list" pig actor to the next, getting promoted into highest position for this shit, and all treating me with hate and disdain afterwards although I have done nothing but defend myself and nothign to harm you fucking pigs reading this


The pigs reading this are smug and laughing about it. As I tried to post this endless display of utter frustration and chagrin that no one does anything, the pigs haven't stopped attacking me on a 24 hour schedule for years--and as I posted there was some photo of a blonde Nazi bitch pig on a rubber swimming pool floaty thing--my brain can't remember words while I'm in this drugged up technologically binding state: but as I kept trying to post my last rant, the page kept popping to her filthy dirty pig body on this lounge thing--in a posturing model pose, the usual type of Nazi bitch and as I tried to make the post not highlighted--as the hackers kept it highlighted, which is what they do before they delete the entire post, I kept clicking on my post to stop the blue highlighting and her fucking posturing ape body kept popping up as the page kept jumping to her on this rubber mat thing--like posturing for a photo shoot. As I was just describing how they have deformed and scarred up my beautiful body, they put a blonde Nazi pig on my page and it popped up as what i was posting just disappeared and her filthy pig body in this fucking pose kept appearing. I had to literally have a key duel with the hacker to stop this, as I kept punching in the cursor to my post, they kept making it pop up to her photo until it was literally every second me clicking and them blocking and this bitch's photo appearing. They have also made my hair extremely damaged (in addition to putting chemicals on my skin to age and break it down, youcan see spalsh marks on my forearms where they poured chemicals to disfigure my skin) and my hair has been so severely damaged for over a decade every night. For almost all my life they put damaging chemicals on my knees so they have been perpetually cracked and feel like sand paper. My hair and body have been stinking like putrid semen and fungus for years--with the stink of the putrid chemicals I have to breathe in all night because i can't open a window due to stalkers, and Iam still fighting to keep these fucking pigs out. I have to tie up a block to the bathroom door if I water plants. They have been getting in while I'm just on the patio watering plants with my back turned to MY FUCKING RENTED ROOM and they pour a stinking horrid fungus mold into the ONE AND ONLY PAIR OF SHOES i HAVE. If I buy any shoes and leave them unattended the stalkers break and rip the souls, have men put on my shoes and stretech them before they put in some kind of rotten foot odor crap that NEVER COMES OUT. I have been cooking the shoes in the burning sun and the smell is gone. I put the shoes in an area away from the patio sliding door and when I go out to water plants, the shoes stink when Ireturn, which means that the fuckers are getting in either from the bathroom or from some cabinet panel or through the floorboards--the floor is completely covered with posters and pieces of colored artistic paper and glued to the floor and taped with packaging tape. It is the only thing I can do to try to prevent this. I still am unable to assesswhere these fucking whores are getting in and how, every single thing appears covered it would be impossible but they are still getting in. Goddamn you fuckers reading this for not stoppig this most unjust situation and for allowing this shit to go on andon and on and I hope your lives are completely destroyed by your hate system that you are now laughing and smug and gloating about . What I have described above is by no means comprehensive in the amount of attack and the damages to every single thing I have done or have worked for all my life. Goddamn you sick creeps reading this for doing nothing and allowing such a system to flourish with these incompetent scumbags taking more and more power as you all think it’s just a fun game and you are all going to enjoy living in luxury as you bow down and serve these whores and are whores orchestrating this. What a disgusting group how sick this entire shit is. How many other people are out there begging for their lives that these pigs also are torturing to death. May you fucking whores out there reading this get tortured and murdered by the same system you are laughing about righ
written on: OCTOBER 17, 2019

Backspacing continuously with hacking very bad by now.
I am going to write about a physical form of attack, combined as an interface with tech that the stalkers used on me yesterday at this prostitute ladyboy prostitute motorbike rental joint where I have been attacked by the tech every month.
First, a bit about how this operates from my perspective of having it swamping my brain while I"m in these situations, observing my reactions and how these stalkers operate:
I know that brain-mapping with this tech causes reactions of blank numbness in cognitive capability, while other aspects of the brain are either enhanced or made dominant by the tech. Thus, I can appear "normal" while laughing as people attack me, while I can't fight back.
Thus, the motorbike place I rent this dangerous bike (brakes are remotely blocked when cars drive directly into me and handlebars are continuously being joggled by remote attacks). But this place, with all the hate for all these years, I return to because these parasites provide me with the least expensive service in Phuket I have seen for foreigners (the prices are often doubled when it comes to foreigners here in Phuket. The "Thai price" is far different...). This woman who is "controlled" by a French pimp literally imitates his facial gestures and tone of voice so completely I feel like I am talking to him when I talk to her. Her nastiness is also a product of her brainwashed conditioning and the money handed out for participating in this torture and abuse situation.
But these prostituted Thais are getting free new businesses and her daughter "won" a beauty contest and they just keep going on with the attacks, so I assume they keep getting free new everything for attacking me. The greed of these people attacking me is bottomless, while I always think they are the bottom the bottom is never low enough for them and they just go on and on attacking me--years and years they all go on as long as they can get free everything outof this. They are all prostitutes (so it appears, and they really act like prostitutes or what I imagine they would act like. I am no prostitute myself and even though these whores try to put me into that category, I am a tortured "electronic" trafficking victim, if that could be one description for this. These creeps who I assume are prostitutes--the whites with diamonds and the cheapest Thais and other "minorities"--callous, sleazy nasty and dirty while the white bigot scumbag whores--the "people" who provide the cheaper, Minority brown minions with the filthy lucre for the filthy services, in this case the whites, have created the atmosphere to inculcate the Thais into these behaviors, which really are what the bigot white Nazis are without all their indoctrinated social posturing that appears "refined" but is just learned behavior. From what I have seen of Europigs, the "culture" that is supposed to be "classy" and refined is a learned behavior that has been handed down, while the Europeans who were the epitome of graciousness and intellectual and artistic sensitivity have been "culled"/killed by their fascist Nazi societies--thus they have to torture people likek me and discredit me to get any kind of sympathetic concept to steal as their idea. The real "class" of Europe was killed by the Nazis and in the ensuing years, more of the left-over sensitive people have been pushed down or killed. I have no respect for the majority of the Europigs, but the sleazy and dirty behavior of the Thais like the creeps I deal with every month, subdued and threatened subliminally by the tech and the groups of violent Nazis surrounding me in every aspect everywhere, all the time. There is no class or style I have seen of the Europigs, all that is left are people who feign social graces and are swine when they come to places like Thailand to exploit what become bowing slaves who do filthy disgusting things for almost free. They completely imitate the gestures of the Europigs and are just the couterpart of the Europigs in all the disgusting, sleazy aspects.
I am now backspacing continuously due to hacking
This Thai woman, Porn, began grabbing at me (I am now almost out of money and I began to write this below, hacking has blocked so much). She began to grab and touch me and I could not tell her to stop, because I felt the words expressed subliminally in a hostile verbal, albeit "subliminal" threat that they would cancel the service or seriously injure me if I told her to stop. This is mind control at it's more dangerous, as I sat numb and silent because part of my brain was shut down, and the threat was expressed by the teams of Euro-p's in the "stores" next door and surrounding this tiny little bar/motorbike rental prostitute joint. After enduring all the grabbing with greasy and nasty hands of this woman, who also told me she would help me to order something I need online, but of course she won't they always tell me they will do something and then nothing happens--but Europigs dancing in front of the stores nearby--from my experience of these greasebag creeps, they only dance around in joy like this after they use the tech to attack me. They are so enthralled by being able to exert this kind of wide-encompassing form of attack, with zero protection for me anywhere, and all sanctioned and paid for by every government around the globe that I have ever gone to (around the globe 4 times trying to get this crap off me, these filthy nasty creeps). and
I am trying to get this out and the hacking is now getting bad and my brain is going into diversions due to the tech attack.
She grabbed me yesterday, touching my shirt (a nicer more "designer" type of higher "quality" shirt I got at a very nice price, the Thai price. I still try to look at least, for my personal standards, somewhat decent despite the huge disfiguration of my body and the scars and I can't ever wear anything revealing my legs any longer
and going off into tangents, my brain is now a kind of mush due to this tech attack
she grabbed my shirt and (later on I saw, after I returned from paying her) smear marks of grease where she had grabbed me. My first impulse was to tell her to stop, and I "felt" the subliminal threat of violence and they would discontinue the service if I tried to get her off me. It is very hard to describe since these types of attacks are not common knowledge--people can't imagine how much they are really being controlled at this time by the tech and most don't care because they just don't think it's a problem for them
In essence, she began swiping her nose and rubbing her hand on my shirt and touching me continuously with greasy and nasty hands--all under the direction of her Euro-p controllers who were telling her instructions (either with ear buds or through the "voice-to-skull" tech, but she and most of theThais who participate (and the people teleporting me as well) are all following instructions from someone else while they attack me.
I COULD NOT TALK, as I tried to describe above in this post or the last--the brain-mapping makes it appear as if I'm functioning "normally", talking, laughing (I am always "laughing" while people are grabbing and attacking me, or not able to look at them or speak while they approach me with violence or some physical form of attack, which is what this "bar girl" turned into local stalking leader of the Thais in Rawai was doing--with at least 30 people in the immediate vicinity participating in the mind control and physical attack.
I could not tell her to stop. I "felt" this threat of stopping the service--a threat that could really be very serious for me. I can't afford to pay the higher prices any longer for other rentals--all prices are going up in PHuket---some of them at over 200% in the last few years (some items over 200% in one year alone). The US dollar is weakening all the time. But they also, in addition to charging $10 less than other rentals, provide oil change and cleaning every month. For this cheap and inexpensive reduction in price and service, I am grabbed, asbused and the mind control tech plasters my brain with electronic goo I can't move or think while this prostituted hateful woman is grabbing and insulting me. I tried to tell her to stop as she would swipe her nose and touch my shirt (my new very nice shirt I have worn twice, had to clean 4 times because of the spraying of stinking fluids by the stalkers, and now greasy snot on the shirt from this hateful creepy woman and her lady boy)
I wanted to write something else but the hackers are deleting letters and my hands can't go to the letters I want to type any longer. The keyboard is very stiff and every time I write letters appear in lagging stagnant typo


I could not tell her to stop, because I felt the threat that they would cancel the service and I am by now very dependent on the price and the oil change and cleaning service. Since I spend most of my money of buying cheap dollar store objects to try to stop the stalking groups from opening the panels and tiles on all sides and bathroom while I sleep (the bathroom is always stinking in the morning from stalkers spraying crap through what they can open of the tiles--all tiles have been covered from floor to ceiling with all kinds of objects leaning against the walls and the floor is covered with silicone over two inches thick). It's disgusting. All my money month-after-month spent on this almost vain attempt to stop my body from being completely destroyed and poisoned and raped and fungus poured into my hair and body and my gums cut into and skin burned to the bone between my toes, and etc. They have broken bones and raped and disfigured me non-stop for years doing this. Thus I have no more money for anything. Meanwhile I am helping this putrid woman to get more businesses just by writing about this. But in this vain attempt to try to get someone to stop this violence, I write about it.
I am going to begin with the past

Posts I have written for the purpose of artistically rendering this account of mind control organized chaos.

As many of you reading this are aware, anyone expressing the anxiety of being in any way unnormal in this most normal, programmed world of mind control control

will know that any claims of being a gang stalking target and of being under the oppressive sway of mind control tech, are thus chained into a category of being schizophrenic and delusional. It is common knowledge amongst those most ground down into near dust by the grinding gristmill of public disavowal of targeted individuals.

and only just that.

I will post items I have written on seemingly random chronological order. Most of the posts have been redacted by hackers to discredit me. I am so weary of this subject that I will not edit or even read the posts. 

I have spent so much time struggling to write about this subject that I can't read the drugged up chaos that was expressed.

Please note THIS IS ALL ARTY and that is all.

For the time being that is all I will do.

My spectrum first delineated

I am not blind...
but I see in other dimensions in ways
and means made meaningless by obscurities
obscenities, observances of empowered belief
that are mysterious and serious nevertheless.

My views, my visions
obscured by the blinding lights of false reality
imposed by impostures
Improbable impositions 
wanting to imprint on my lovely life


Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).