Thursday, October 17, 2019

I am new at blogging. This site is raw and fresh but stale from hackers. The hackers have blocked my ability to publish posts with the style and bold block letters I have used to write on the compose page. I spent over one hour trying to include a PayPal link, and all sites I visited, including Paypal are blocked due to hacking. I finally got a link up, after much DOS and blocks from hackers, backspacing from hacking inserts (letters appearing when I never typed on the keyboard, etc). However, it's dubious whether this blog will ever reach the real "internet" and is probably being blocked as well.

ANALYSIS of hacking/stalking machinations:

While the stalking organization has rendered me obsolete in societal terms, my status as a prisoner/victim is extremely important in that my information must continuously be blocked from public approval or arousal. Hacking is a way of discrediting, obviously, by skewing what I type with full intention and turning it into a grammatically corrupt, hysterical rage post with no or little meaning. The posts from years ago I tried to explain how curse words were added by hackers, my brain under stringent mind control.

It is hard for anyone not intimately involved in fighting for the right to have one's own mind and thought process protected. People always think that I'm the target and they laugh about it, mostly (or the people the stalking organization have surround me continuously, which is in the range of millions of people worldwide.

Such claims are more fodder for accusations of being delusional and schizophrenic and "crazy". 

Thus I always have to add that THIS IS JUST ART and this is creative fiction, because such things only exist in delusional minds of sick people who can't function in society. The latter is only correct because the stalking organization renders the target financially incapacitated and paralyzed.

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