Thursday, October 17, 2019

written on: March 27, 2019

Again, they want ("they" the universal stalking organization) me to write about the misery these evil robot zombie haters create so they can feel rejuvenated and alive and energized with the "power" alloted to every vice and scam and murder plot possible while they are absolutely allowed to steal all possible on the planet (and destroying the planet in their greed and stupidity and ignorance in the process, while believing they are creating some kind of global "paradise" for their ultimate exploitation and luxury plantation slave master paradise hell)
and so
the Fed Ex package of my passport has been "delayed" with information not listed on the website as to exactly where the package now is laying in wait. The delivery date was scheduled to be today. I was ripped off by $40 by the endlessly lying and deliberately incompetant mail service out of Orlando which is one of at least 5 mailing services out of either Orlando or Miami that have endlessly lied and ripped me off and denied/discriminated against me to the point that I must fight to find another service just to have a mail service that operates at least tangibly. They charged me $187 for a 1 lb document package using Priority service (not the highest price delivery service). The cost listed on the FedEx site was $142. I wrote an email asking them to list why the cost was over $40 more than the price on the site, but I'm not going to read their lying response because I can't take them to court and they aren't going to give me service and I am so besieged by endless attacks and nearly killed while driving (cars driving literally directly into me while I'm[ driving around 45 mph on busy 3-lane very heavy traffic roads as they approach from the center line and drive into me as if they are making a U-turn, or from the other side of the road, regardless of which lane I am in, they drive INTO me and I am always surrounded by cars.
At the Phuket station as I entered the dirty and messy tiny box station, after nearly being kiled but in a good mood, the man who had helped me previously was surrounded by children and the ubiquitous stalker organizer behind the counter. There were toys and drinks and crap littering the counter and the woman was glowering at me with the black-eyed look of the usual hate-filled stalker being promoted and paid and doing her "job" of making the children scream and yell and they surrounded me from behind so I had to make sure they weren't going to rip my bags as I stood there, while this man pretended, obviously, that he was checking the status of the package. It was so obvious that all was a contrived lie,a nd I just stood there waiting as I could also tell that my brain was under attack as was my nervous system. I began to talk and I had to struggle to find words because my brain was not operating. I felt suddenly an altercated surge of rage and hate, all done with technology to alter my state-of-consciousness. This has been the usual procedure everywhere I go, and all month attempting to get a check made out in dollars, with lies and denials of service universal in Phuket (no bank would issue a check for $148 in dollars, all told me there was no service, they could not issue checks, lying and making stalking gestures as my brain was rendered nearly comatose from the technology, my mood altered into an exaggerated hate mode and unable to think of words, abnd once they began to really attack me with subtlty I began to giggle and laugh as if it were a party and it was all fun. I could not control my reactions and words came out there were not my thoughts or had not been formulated in my mind prior to the words and sentences just pouring out. The usual, everywhere I go, for every serivice. the usual is that the Thais claim they can't understand English, in every service which is supposed to professionally cater to tourists all speaking the universal language of English.
And thus, I write again hoping that some day there will be more than apathy and the vicious rapacious rapists and their female wives and children and partners waiting with baited an ticipation to see which one of these hateful rapist abuser , most of them have already tried to murder me, I am now into nearly the 8th year of detox while they have sponsored their stalkers to continuously re-poison me so I remain bedridden, going nowhere, surroudned non-stop by their hate groups and stsalkers, and fighting to heal my body while they block my internet and block my ability to earn any money whatsoever
my laptop has been broken
the air conditioner was broken last week. The stalkers have been pouring fungus into the coolant anyway so it's dangerous to breath in the air conditioning air, but the stalkers also cook my body at night and all day with microwave tech
what else?
There is a Thai man who walks into the hallway wearing just a towel loosely around his waist when I walk down to get out of the torture studio they have put me into: he slams his door repeatedly 6 times in a row at least 5 times a day, as if his door is jammed. He slams it so loudly that the entire hallway reverberates. The stalkers simultaneously zap my body so the implants/microchips exert a shockwave throughout my body. The poison that has hardened along my spine also acts as a conduit for electrical currents. Thus, when he slams the door so loudly everything is nearly shaking, it also operates as a shock while the stalkers zap my body's nervous system
there is an endless array of attacks I could describe but I so endlessly write about this because of this worldwide police state surveillance situation and this is my only recourse. I cna't undersatnd how such an evil and ugly system has taken over the planet to the degree that all I can do is entertain sadists paying the rapist haters who are teleporting me for forcing me to write like this so they will be promoted or get more deals out of me describing how revolting and disgusting they ALL are. babies and peole with shitty crappy stalker children continue to surround me, and the idea and concept of a baby with some rotten creep who has tried to kill me and has teleported and raped me, or any of these so-called "men" who have attacked me si so disgusting I can't describe it.
The hacking is nowa t the stage of a lag time for words appearing--30 seconds later the words I type apear (mistakes everywhere)
when will anyone or anything ever stop this sickness forcing this ugly group of revolting crap on me everywhere I go, while I sleep, every thing every moment surrounded by creeple I consider absolutely revolting, ugly, stupid, filthy and vile and nothing I cxoule ever have any association w3ith let alone a baby or any romentic interest, forced on me with men I loathed and nearly ran away from, rotten and dirty and ignorant to the core, regardless of their criminally-obtained wealth and status. The actors are no artists they are scam artists and con scumbags and their females have gloated that my body has been smeared with acid so my skin is broken dow, they have poured acid into my hair every day so my hair is mostly fallen out, my body remains huge and disfigured and I have been tortured non-stop for decsadesa by now rwith only writing about it on facebook as a pathetic recourse to obtaining any sort of lull in the endless torture. The filthy creeps who are being paid and promoted for this get more businesses and ar elected into highest positions, I get a temporary reduction of absolutely murderous torture aonly if I continue to write about thsir filth and crap and attakcs, which they depend on to get their endless dirty filthy deals out of.
It's now nearly impossible to type any longer.
will anyone out there every stop this crime against me and why not why must I have only facewbook writing in this pathetic situation askign for help to fuckers reading this?

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...