Thursday, October 17, 2019

written October 17, 2019:

Back again, backspacing within the first word I wrote. (I am now re-reading and i see that in the paragraphs below, hackers have as usual deleted words and rewrote sentences to make nonsense.) I won't rewrite it because I need to do many other things in this short time that I have paid for the last time I can use the internet until next month.
Yeah, can't get the bugs off me. When I tried to access posts from the previous years, becuz my blog* is supposed to carry ranting hysterically-induced drugged up posts from years before and I wanted to post random posts from years ago, last Tuesday, and so forth. I am not able to access any posts from years before unless I scroll down my personal page, which is slowed down of course by hackers, and I get posts from last week and after 5 minutes, from last month, and I can't just click on a year as anyone else can. Many of the posts from years ago name names, and such types of incriminating information. AS I am without a laptop any longer, the re-editing and deletion of my former posts is a sure thing, I believe. All the years before when I wrote in hysterical rage, using mostly cursing words describing the disgusting things these stalkers teleporting me have done. Hideous but the wealthy consider this to be a stigmatic elitism of perversion ranging from pedophilia to rape, and all part of entitlement. The more violent and disgusting they operate "in private" (for cameras for the entertainment of this entrainment group) the more they are considered elite, demonstrating their untouchable legal status of being allowed to get away with all crimes possible with no social blemishes but, in reverse, promotions galore. I wanted to access those posts I wrote before I began to realize that I was drugged up to the max and that someone else was instilling words and phrases into my besieged brain.
I was not able to access posts from years back due to hacking DOS. The stalkers know what I am going to do, listening to every thought, and every action under non-stop surveillance. Usually I can access years of posts by clicking on the appropriate page on fb Timeline. Usually the years are listed and you can click on the year to access the posts. Alas not for me, as with the Paypal site also blocked and other sites blocked for access. I think the stalkers are going to delete many damaging posts and/or just delete many of what I wrote, while also re-writing as they always do.
When I tried to access the PayPal link, I have a whopping $10 in my account. I tried to get a "donation" link and since I signed into a "business" account, years ago when I paid for a website hosting service and never used it, due to drugging and hysteria and incapacitation from drugging and the stalkers putting my body out-of-alignment every single day, so I just lay in a stupor daily while writing in hysteria for "help" which of course, all I can ever do it try to rescue myself against a myriad of millions of sickening creepy stalkers.

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