Thursday, October 17, 2019

written on: OCTOBER 17, 2019

Backspacing continuously with hacking very bad by now.
I am going to write about a physical form of attack, combined as an interface with tech that the stalkers used on me yesterday at this prostitute ladyboy prostitute motorbike rental joint where I have been attacked by the tech every month.
First, a bit about how this operates from my perspective of having it swamping my brain while I"m in these situations, observing my reactions and how these stalkers operate:
I know that brain-mapping with this tech causes reactions of blank numbness in cognitive capability, while other aspects of the brain are either enhanced or made dominant by the tech. Thus, I can appear "normal" while laughing as people attack me, while I can't fight back.
Thus, the motorbike place I rent this dangerous bike (brakes are remotely blocked when cars drive directly into me and handlebars are continuously being joggled by remote attacks). But this place, with all the hate for all these years, I return to because these parasites provide me with the least expensive service in Phuket I have seen for foreigners (the prices are often doubled when it comes to foreigners here in Phuket. The "Thai price" is far different...). This woman who is "controlled" by a French pimp literally imitates his facial gestures and tone of voice so completely I feel like I am talking to him when I talk to her. Her nastiness is also a product of her brainwashed conditioning and the money handed out for participating in this torture and abuse situation.
But these prostituted Thais are getting free new businesses and her daughter "won" a beauty contest and they just keep going on with the attacks, so I assume they keep getting free new everything for attacking me. The greed of these people attacking me is bottomless, while I always think they are the bottom the bottom is never low enough for them and they just go on and on attacking me--years and years they all go on as long as they can get free everything outof this. They are all prostitutes (so it appears, and they really act like prostitutes or what I imagine they would act like. I am no prostitute myself and even though these whores try to put me into that category, I am a tortured "electronic" trafficking victim, if that could be one description for this. These creeps who I assume are prostitutes--the whites with diamonds and the cheapest Thais and other "minorities"--callous, sleazy nasty and dirty while the white bigot scumbag whores--the "people" who provide the cheaper, Minority brown minions with the filthy lucre for the filthy services, in this case the whites, have created the atmosphere to inculcate the Thais into these behaviors, which really are what the bigot white Nazis are without all their indoctrinated social posturing that appears "refined" but is just learned behavior. From what I have seen of Europigs, the "culture" that is supposed to be "classy" and refined is a learned behavior that has been handed down, while the Europeans who were the epitome of graciousness and intellectual and artistic sensitivity have been "culled"/killed by their fascist Nazi societies--thus they have to torture people likek me and discredit me to get any kind of sympathetic concept to steal as their idea. The real "class" of Europe was killed by the Nazis and in the ensuing years, more of the left-over sensitive people have been pushed down or killed. I have no respect for the majority of the Europigs, but the sleazy and dirty behavior of the Thais like the creeps I deal with every month, subdued and threatened subliminally by the tech and the groups of violent Nazis surrounding me in every aspect everywhere, all the time. There is no class or style I have seen of the Europigs, all that is left are people who feign social graces and are swine when they come to places like Thailand to exploit what become bowing slaves who do filthy disgusting things for almost free. They completely imitate the gestures of the Europigs and are just the couterpart of the Europigs in all the disgusting, sleazy aspects.
I am now backspacing continuously due to hacking
This Thai woman, Porn, began grabbing at me (I am now almost out of money and I began to write this below, hacking has blocked so much). She began to grab and touch me and I could not tell her to stop, because I felt the words expressed subliminally in a hostile verbal, albeit "subliminal" threat that they would cancel the service or seriously injure me if I told her to stop. This is mind control at it's more dangerous, as I sat numb and silent because part of my brain was shut down, and the threat was expressed by the teams of Euro-p's in the "stores" next door and surrounding this tiny little bar/motorbike rental prostitute joint. After enduring all the grabbing with greasy and nasty hands of this woman, who also told me she would help me to order something I need online, but of course she won't they always tell me they will do something and then nothing happens--but Europigs dancing in front of the stores nearby--from my experience of these greasebag creeps, they only dance around in joy like this after they use the tech to attack me. They are so enthralled by being able to exert this kind of wide-encompassing form of attack, with zero protection for me anywhere, and all sanctioned and paid for by every government around the globe that I have ever gone to (around the globe 4 times trying to get this crap off me, these filthy nasty creeps). and
I am trying to get this out and the hacking is now getting bad and my brain is going into diversions due to the tech attack.
She grabbed me yesterday, touching my shirt (a nicer more "designer" type of higher "quality" shirt I got at a very nice price, the Thai price. I still try to look at least, for my personal standards, somewhat decent despite the huge disfiguration of my body and the scars and I can't ever wear anything revealing my legs any longer
and going off into tangents, my brain is now a kind of mush due to this tech attack
she grabbed my shirt and (later on I saw, after I returned from paying her) smear marks of grease where she had grabbed me. My first impulse was to tell her to stop, and I "felt" the subliminal threat of violence and they would discontinue the service if I tried to get her off me. It is very hard to describe since these types of attacks are not common knowledge--people can't imagine how much they are really being controlled at this time by the tech and most don't care because they just don't think it's a problem for them
In essence, she began swiping her nose and rubbing her hand on my shirt and touching me continuously with greasy and nasty hands--all under the direction of her Euro-p controllers who were telling her instructions (either with ear buds or through the "voice-to-skull" tech, but she and most of theThais who participate (and the people teleporting me as well) are all following instructions from someone else while they attack me.
I COULD NOT TALK, as I tried to describe above in this post or the last--the brain-mapping makes it appear as if I'm functioning "normally", talking, laughing (I am always "laughing" while people are grabbing and attacking me, or not able to look at them or speak while they approach me with violence or some physical form of attack, which is what this "bar girl" turned into local stalking leader of the Thais in Rawai was doing--with at least 30 people in the immediate vicinity participating in the mind control and physical attack.
I could not tell her to stop. I "felt" this threat of stopping the service--a threat that could really be very serious for me. I can't afford to pay the higher prices any longer for other rentals--all prices are going up in PHuket---some of them at over 200% in the last few years (some items over 200% in one year alone). The US dollar is weakening all the time. But they also, in addition to charging $10 less than other rentals, provide oil change and cleaning every month. For this cheap and inexpensive reduction in price and service, I am grabbed, asbused and the mind control tech plasters my brain with electronic goo I can't move or think while this prostituted hateful woman is grabbing and insulting me. I tried to tell her to stop as she would swipe her nose and touch my shirt (my new very nice shirt I have worn twice, had to clean 4 times because of the spraying of stinking fluids by the stalkers, and now greasy snot on the shirt from this hateful creepy woman and her lady boy)
I wanted to write something else but the hackers are deleting letters and my hands can't go to the letters I want to type any longer. The keyboard is very stiff and every time I write letters appear in lagging stagnant typo


I could not tell her to stop, because I felt the threat that they would cancel the service and I am by now very dependent on the price and the oil change and cleaning service. Since I spend most of my money of buying cheap dollar store objects to try to stop the stalking groups from opening the panels and tiles on all sides and bathroom while I sleep (the bathroom is always stinking in the morning from stalkers spraying crap through what they can open of the tiles--all tiles have been covered from floor to ceiling with all kinds of objects leaning against the walls and the floor is covered with silicone over two inches thick). It's disgusting. All my money month-after-month spent on this almost vain attempt to stop my body from being completely destroyed and poisoned and raped and fungus poured into my hair and body and my gums cut into and skin burned to the bone between my toes, and etc. They have broken bones and raped and disfigured me non-stop for years doing this. Thus I have no more money for anything. Meanwhile I am helping this putrid woman to get more businesses just by writing about this. But in this vain attempt to try to get someone to stop this violence, I write about it.

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