Friday, August 21, 2020

Sonnet #666. The wymen are weeping for their men. The weeping song as conjured up by a pair of men.


Oh Mary don't you weep. The mercy you partied for is there for your ass to burn.

Lordie, Lordie have Mercy upon those bad seed men and bring them to the Mercy Seat for their lying asses they made and have to sleep in.

Love you to have my baby. Love MY baby. Feed my ego. Feed me I am starving for another baby and so is my wife through you to feed my ego. Feed me eggs feed me! Feed my ego feed me I am depleted feed me.

 FEEd my EGGo I am prowling for love to feed my hunger for babies feed my ego so I can rule feed me feed me. So said the man who stole the woman's future in her purse womb he turned into his gold mine tomb.

Brain lego. Wormwood. Light unreachable. Light external light unbearable life forever in Light obtained through sparks of genius. Understanding, the light of knowledge turned into the light of Love. Brainlego dissolved in the solution to the problem of understanding how to shred the darkness and turn it into the glowing light of Life Love dimmed into shining brilliance.

 The music shimmers through the darkness of love sonnets that deter from determination. Downturn into my soul and finding the matrix solved in a labyrinth that only the losers must clean up America when Jack gets tired of playing around with demonic forces working into the dull dimness of his ego unfettered. Foul and fettered flesh dissolving into a dew, fermenting into light of inebriation's lust, lost. Found flavor of flaming desire for Life unbound, unrestricted, female component rejuvenated. 

Love this sonnet. "Love is not love which alteration finds, or bends with the remover to remove." (Shakes baby shake).



I interpret this sonnet in a different way than probably it is intended  by Shakes baby.

Not the procreation pitch as the first ten sonnets do impose upon the standard of the listener--an entreaty to someone to procreate and thus, with imploring compliments about "her" profound beauty, will beseech the listener to have a go at motherhood to recreate a brood of her beautiful bounty in future generations. Compliments and implied procreative requests and ponderings on the waste of not bearing children.


As I recall, Shakespeare did leave his wife, who bore him children in the end, with his wedding bed or something like that after he abandoned her and the kids to have flings with others--so the gossip goes. Flattery does lead to leechery but oh, how the words are so sweet and smooth on the tongue and on the listeners gilded presumptions of glorified spawning for inheritance's bounty. Life expectancy was far shorter than nowadays and spawning a host of kiddies was the in-thing back when lots of children were required for all kinds of household necessities. 

 Very glad for modernity and that women can perhaps have other avenues of empowerment other than being forced to abandon their bounteous beauty for the bearing of children--sometimes to forfeit life itself in the premature death of the body through childbirth.


 a "post-feminist" interpretation of Shakes baby and his longing for immortality. His obsession was in his work, no doubt as his progenitor heritage.


On the other hand, as I am not doing any research on when these sonnets were written in relation to when Shakes was alive and living outside the reach of his first wife and that perhaps doomed relationship--perhaps he was trying his hand at other progenitors perhaps he was trying to sow his seeds to the fullest due to his theatrical lifestyle? Too lazy to look it all up, when the sonnet was written in relation to Shake's age or where or how he was living at the time.

Women without children, what good are they anyway? Their purpose purportedly was and is to have children, what else could they do? Could they act on stage? No, that was restricted to men playing the roles of women, at this Elizabethan era in old England. 


Frailty, thy name is Woman. You must therefore spawn babies or you are nothing. Nada. Nichts.

 this song by Einsturzende Neubauten, translated into English, has a far different interpretation at least in the words Ich Bin than what the translater transcribes. Ich Bin=I AM as in Ich Bin Ein Berliner (so said Jack Kennedy at the Berlin Wall, a famous speech. He did not say "It's ME! Berlin Wall".


Okay, I consider this a bad translation but take it in whatever context, because I cannot find another translation and I am very lazy due to the time spent on fighting hacking blocks so here is the bad translation which does not fit into the poetic context whatsoever--- maybe the rest is a good translation but I doubt it. This is one of the huge problems with translations and the difference between what the author really intended in the original text. Many arguments have been held over the authentic Greek and Latin of the Biblical texts in their original languages versus the interpretations that have been cannonized into the many various sects of religious programming via these texts. Just one example. Other tragedies of mis-interpretated translations abound and are a shame for the audience who is limited to understand the real context or meaning. So much alteration can thusly be introduced into otherwise more radical ideas.


Ich Bins--I am....although the lyrics in German do say "ich bin's" which is what you would say casually when someone asks, who is there? It's me! Ich bin's. But....the question remains unasked. The sense is of one person talking to him/herself. The glowing ember of solitary self-sufficiency is a comfort in times of cold blasts of unwelcomed chilling air if a stranger should knock on the door and tempt fate into bringing into another person in the void of the solitary but empty life filled with secure nothingness. If having a child, or bearing a child is supposed to bring the only meaning to enduring the cyclical inheritance of the beauty of the flesh, then the conquering worm as the inheritor has at least teeth that are understandable, in this post-romantic modern world perhaps the burning core of the self enveloping in it's own meaning would be the life-bud of the rose that can blossom if only left to not be burnt out by the cries of burdening male domineering wanting babies in endless diaper existences and hen left with only the 2nd best bed in the will, as the testament to a marriage that bore children but no inheritance except for a dusty piece of empty furniture, cold as death.

It's me, I AM, but what are you in this void wanting spawn from me?



Questioning, why should I have a baby? Zum kotzen!!!


Good old Nina Hagen who had a son and loved him. !!! Where was the father? A feminist appraisal of baby-making and the strength of women. She may have been burned as a witch in Shakespeare's time--or in this time as well! To be put down into a well of domestic domesticated drudgery and clean and cook for a man who, traditionally, could do whatever the funk he wanted. Shakes baby certainly went out for his career after having his seductive way with his wife. She was left in Strattford while Shakes baby wrote sonnets to his other lovers! Great deal for him, great deal for human kind. Bad scheissse for women and woman kind. Shake's plays are often containing women as victims, under the thumb of the rule of men's law, etc etc. Fit mostly to spawn and obey and die afterwards. Great love sonnets engraved on their tombs, after they played their spawning roles upon the stage that men set for them as minor roles and players.

 Ich bin das letztes Biest im Himmel--I am the last beast in heaven. After ME there is no YOU to devour a child of the spawn of a Hell's Angel reborn into YOUR void of which you spawn cosmic nihilism. Rape in order to procure a cure to your ennui, a baby out of the wedlock of Love will exist in a vacuum so black it's hole will never achieve a holy roller ride. Otherwise, the matron the mother and the trinity of the rebirth of the female as a human being will be perhaps the reincarnation of human beings once your paradigm has reached it's unholy prime. See video below for reference to these symbols and visual clues. Otherwise, your demand for a baby just gives me the blues. The universe is a spectrum of the light of Love, and you bring it all down to a slaughtered Dove.



Thursday, August 20, 2020

Terrorist report. August 21, 2020.

 To protect against objects inserted under my cuticles, and damaging chemicals smeared on my hands, arms, forearms, legs, hair, face, inserted into my orifices--

I have begun to sleep with gloves on. My fingers are healing after YEARS of objects being inserted under the cuticle nightly. However, as this group never stops destroying my body every single time they break in and I cannot wake up to defend myself--they are using their mechanical arms to cut blood flow on my fingers so I wake up with my fingers numb and injured from these pinching of the blood flow by their pincer mechanical arms. 

My toe remains being slowly severed in the like fashion. I have a pair of socks I bought to sleep with to try to stop this, but they are waiting for cleaning because after spraying them with bleach and cleaning fluid and essential oil, they still stink and I have never worn them, they are brand new, beautiful and wonderful. I must clean them with bleach in the washing machine, but due to poisoning, drugging through my marked down, individually packaged food I bought (so I could buy pillows, blankets, more after I must throw away two pillows, two blankets, one belt, just from the last week--every time I leave, once a week, I have a huge bundle of items I bought that are destroyed from these operations. I must buy most of them again, as these are necessities. I am too ill to do a laundry, and I have to use the machine to clean the new sheets I bought for the latex-covered boxspring, which is also covered by a plastic table cloth, because the terrorist spray so much dangerous fungus and other deadly chemicals I must sprinkle powder, spray bleach, put plastic coverings over pillows, my bed, and the rubber matting I use as some kind of padding is stinking with fungus and mold which I have stopped spraying endlessly--it is huge and looks like a sponge, absorbs so much fluid and the result is that it is sprayed immediately afterwards. I have layers of blankets covering that, and the top layer of this bedsheet I have been using has holes ripped into it, stinks with foul odors after massive cleaning--the sheets are sprayed while I am sleeping so I wake up with stinking odors on the pillow I sleep on, under the other pillows I use--the only pillow that isn't absolutely destroyed remains in a huge clear plastic covering--I must live like a person who has plastic-coated furniture just to fight to save my body and life from poisoning shock and other deadly problems associated with this onslaught of chemicals and fungus and mold sprayed daily at every opportunity to insert these mechanical arms, which means every time I walk into the bathroom, turn my back, look into a closet, water the planets on the balcony-etc...

Years of taping paper, stickers, hooks tied together at all corners of all panels and in the middle of the intersecting panels above and below on all corners still won't stop this as laser cutting tools just cuts around the sealed areas and objects remain being inserted. The cracks that leave openings of the doors of the cupboards leave just enough space for tiny mechanical arms to be inserted. I am guessing at how this is operating of course. It is logical deduction but perhaps I am missing out on one of the ceiling light fixtures which all have holes bored into the ceiling. I have covered all up but there may be other panels I have not discovered. I have gone through the entire tiny space for years fighting this. I remain unable to stop this. I remain asking the readers to please help me financially so I can afford to move to some place and have money to defend myself much better than their professional surveillance teams and terror operations.


Upon getting up and doing something else, I just want to add this. I have written of it before a few times: having to clean clothing, blankets, pillows and everything else in this room perpetually with anti-fungal substances, bleach and cleaning forever, hours and hours daily--there is a small washing machine, a Thai machine that has been rigged so the spin cycle does not operate. Bending is so painful to me, and I also cover the machine with a plastic tarp covering I made from a tablecloth--to protect against the sunlight and also from the rusting material that is also sprayed on every metal item which makes them all stink--the rusty substance also is transferred to my fingers and hands if I touch them, which I must for many items. The spin cycle is rigged to not operate. Thus I have to bend to open the lid because I have to lift up heavy material I keep covering this machine. I have to lift heavy soaking wet blankets, clothing and everything else I must endlessly wash. The drying time for items can take up to 24 hours. The mechanical arms are inserted while I am watching something on this tube, or in the bathroom, or sleeping or whatever. They spray water and more stinking odors while clothing, blankets and etc are out drying because they are soaking wet and dripping profusely with water. I then place the items in front of a large fan that blocks much space on a countertop next to the huge drying rack which I must use to hang stinking clothing on every day. I can't access my cupboard closets any longer without great effort, which most of the time is too difficult as poisons are ripping out of my body daily and I am sick and ill and too weak to move almost all the time, plus the physical adjustments to my spine and hips nightly make movement impossible. I hand wash clothing in the sink usually. I can only afford cheap cleaning fluids like cheap shampoo. It does not smell good actually when you use it for cleaning. The cheap stuff I must use to clean such an abundance of stinking and deadly fluids. My rubber gloves I use are pierced so water seeps in--pierced of course by the terrorist operator agents. My hands are worn out from over 8 years of this going on daily, as also combined with the smearing of harsh chemicals on my hands at night--and my hair, skin, harsh chemicals which make skin on my knees, feet so hard and brittle they are cracked and hard. This is after rubbing with all kinds of defoliating items and oils and etc--waking up with hard crusted surfaces and my hair shredded in some kind of grater and my body smeared with all kinds of nasty substances, etc etc on and on the list is far too long and my brain is far too blocked in memory to detail all. I write of this repeatedly and for years and it is still going on. 

I have to assume that since this contract was ongoing in it's full violence against me under the last "progressive" or "liberal" or "Democrat" agenda and under the auspices of their departments, and now under the current, it remains as deadly as it ever was, that the promises of "change" and relief from what all are now enumerating as a tyrannical force in America--

WILL NOT be altered in it's substantive form, when it comes to covert activities like what is an ongoing death threat to me. 

They also threaten to kill my cat, La Moux, who was abducted back in 2014 when I began telling one of the rapists, who went on and on raping me as his girlfriend-turned-wife-then-divorced almost immediately afterwards--laughed like sleazy hyenas as I cried to have her returned. The wifey blonde Nazi actor then tried to have me killed when she partnered with Elon Musk as they both inserted their photos as she "dated" him. His photos continued to plague my internet searches for many years until I wrote that I believe the carriers of the pandemic are based on probably part of his technology and wide-sweeping control over the air space of the United States and conveying the virus is no problem with satellite and air space access with the breadth of the scope of his technology. That he is a firm Apartheid-influenced racist I have no doubt. He opened a factory for his manufacturing in China just a few months, like one or two, before the pandemic began to spread to it's current course in the United States. He has now reached top billionaire status during this time frame. The blonde nazi female actor was assaulted by her husband, the other actor, who beat, raped, torture me for over 2 years as she stole ideas from me to present as her own concepts. I wrote after years of this, my hate phrases that now make me appear "delusional" and "crazy" but mind you, after more than 8 or 10 years of this ongoing daily--I wrote that she is and was a posturing ape--and 6 near-death accidents were forced upon me almost immediately afterwards--as she partnered with Elon Musk who I distrust completely. He reminds me so much of Nazis I met in Germany in the small little towns where much of the real decisions are made regarding these terrorist operations. All disguised under the nice flowery houses of the clean, swept and tidy little Nazi villages (Dorfs, in German) where these activities can be hidden. Musk looks like one of these men to me, although that sounds prejudiced.

Smeared layers of greased meat in tracks in the middle of the road, as the swarm of motorbikes surrounding me parted just as I drove into this intended spot--it was put into a near rectangle shape---precision--there was a white ugly male standing nearby observing that the huge truck driving at high speed right behind me, closing in within a few feet just behind me as I drove into this huge patch of smeared meat in the middle of the road--as motorbikes parted, left and right--I tried to swerve as the handlebars were remotely manipulated and frozen so they would not move. I could not brake so I had to push almost as hard as I could within a brief split second of reflexes or I would have slipped as the truck ran over me. that happened just as this current leader of my country put his photos on my Facebook page and the one time I clicked on his page and wrote a comment--the rest is history if you know the herstory of how this situation creates promotions for these people assaulting me with these covert and stealth photo operations of me clicking once and they then attack me--but made to appear as if I am absolutely bonkers for writing about sleeping and being teleported to famous movie stars raping me while I sleep and I am this "poor" and absolutely with no finances, no anything--all completely blocked and stolen and destroyed by this organization to discredit me


and that is how this current situation in America has reached it's current point--all with the consent of the people who were supposed to care about freedom, but they wanted "black" entertainers to rise into top positions and thus, playing their victim roles, they turn around and attack me while the white bigots applaud and promote them, they all live in the hills and scream at me that they are all "friends" with bigot Nazis out of Europe. All go shopping in Paris, London and Milan to prove how elite they are. they attack me with viciousness while they are backed up by vicious white supremacists who are also "actors". Turned politicians.

 | watch the speeches and lectures of these new personalities claiming they are going to bring stability and "change". I now have to ask anyone who will venture to go outside this group and literally rescue me because I have little faith in what these "alternative" pundits are claiming for the media coverage. 

The murder attempt I wrote of above, which is not a complete description, because during that time frame the blonde Nazi woman "actor" who was or is a model as well, with many open European contacts and "friends"--teleported me while this actor who you all are screaming has mysteriously brought totalitarianism into America, suddenly because it was so cool and hip prior to his Nazi base support system marching and killing people openly in the streets--she teleported me at the onset of her huge divorce procedings, and with this other personality watched glaring with her tiny pupils tightened in hate--which I have seen in teleportation while her husband who beat me, then beat her too (but only once or twice for her, years at me while she watched on LAUGHING and smiling and glowing with hormones of joy over it) and, all this transpired under the cool and hipster who now claims that this fiasco of current events is due to the incompetence of the current--but really, the system remains as it was while he was in charge, assuming my situation was of importance and worrying about sell-out black performers  who might "represent" in H-wood instead.


I have tried to explain the timeline of this situation but the attack on my brain, my sickness this morning from more detox, the hacking and endless block to writing, the subliminals being pounded into my head simultaneously--my motor skills blocked, my memory blocked


I did not write the event structure very well or as I would like to. I want to get this out not even exactly to disparage any of these politicians but to state that I believe I have NO CHANCE OF ANYONE OF THEM EVER STOPPING THIS MURDER SITUATION AS THEY ALL WANT TO PARTICIPATE AND PROFIT AND GET PROMOTED FOR PARTICIPATION, as has been ongoing for all these years. Either them or their media promoters who are celebrity endorsement characters. Two of them in particular were active endorsers of the former leader and all are friends with the current leader--all the actors perhaps a few balk because he is putting them on back burners for the choices he wants to lead the media establishment for his particular agenda.

Teleportation sickness and stupudity. Moralizing on the disgusting, sleazy, genocidal tactics and antics of the terrorist morons and their morbidity.

 *after having clicked on publish, reopening this blog a few minutes later, the title had been rewritten by hackers which I just corrected. The rest I am not going to re-read, but I will add one more paragraph to the bottom of this page that just "came back" into my memory because it had been blocked while I was fighting against hackers to write this.


This blog is intended as more of a thought process and stress relief mechanism, moreso than a reflection of a creative writing endeavor. It is a ledger of the heaps of hoes, honkys, hubris hyenas, and disgusting pig apes who attack me in the millions and millions of these despicable sub-human swarms of creeps attacking me, and then turning around and after having stolen all they can from me to use for themselves, including simply the thrill of attacking someone else and not only being completely handed all kinds of tools in every kind of covert technological operation of quelling any human being in incalculable, stealth forms of silencing, paralyzing, and theft of intellectual property before the target has a chance to create output for their own capitalization of their own ideas, as has been and still is the ongoing situation of my distress mayday situation with these H-wood parasites and the political leaders you all rely on to defend you against the tyrannical destruction of political players WHO ARE ALL THEIR GOOD FRIENDS WITH ONE ANOTHER IN THE SENATE AND IN THE H-WOOD PARTY SCENE AND IN THE CORPORATE CONGLOMERATIONS OF THE MEDIA BRAINWASHING MIND-SUCKING COMPLEX THEY ALL RELY ON FOR THEIR PROPAGANDA STUNTS. Disseminated like a virus throughout the world, leading to a contagion of an extremely narrow but seemingly two-sided approach to civil governance and entertainment swaying of the mentality of the mindset masses into believing that some jokers who make fun of the opponents on air are really representing any alternative.

That is the gist, but it's all rambling. The aluminum hat I should be wearing is filthy and smells awful. Sprays from terrorists preventing me from wearing it until I wash, then spray with a few cleaning solvents, then smear perfume or essential oil on it, and then it will still have remnants of this foul substance. I already have two huge fluffy blankets I really like that I have been cleaning such for months and now they are completely foul and nothing will get this odor out, especially since the terrorists keep spraying them every day. A belt I really like is putrid and I have left it outside to air for 4 days. They keep spraying it while it is hanging outside with their mechanical arms through the panels or from the rooms on either side or above. I have plants, have created a huge matrix covering the entire front of the patio from left-to-right and vines should be covering the entire area--but they are cut and there are huge gaping holes, dead flowers and one vine has flowers picked off daily so there are never any flowers. Filth is on the patio floor every morning after I clean it at night before having to seal the patio sliding doors with the lock that is part of the door system, then a bicycle lock through the handles on my side, and then a rope tied tightly, then because there is a gap where tiny pieces of debris and filth appear in the mornings-a gap at the bottom where the sliding doors do not close properly--and mechanical arms are inserted--I have to shield this area with a case of tiny bottles encased in a plastic covering, then one larger bottle balanced on top, with a bead balanced on top of that--just to ascertain if they got into this one area. That is why I have absolutely no fresh air all night long, and am inhaling these stinking and toxic sprays all night. I have three fans going all night in all directions to keep the air flow and burn incense regularly. That is one tiny example of the daily precautions I must make--and if I do not seal and lock the patio doors when I go into the bathroom, I mean I also have to lock the patio door with the bicycle lock if I use the bathroom for more than 30 seconds--they can open metal locks from the outside and open the sliding doors easily--see videos and information about opening sliding locks with magnetic opening tools--the ways of breaking in are numerous and not difficult considering that most places have a simple lock system and it is almost like cutting through butter for expert locksmiths or break-in specialists--or any amateur or mediocre lock pick too. Sliding patio doors are easily opened from the outside. People who smirk and laugh as they watch me get tortured, poisoned and abused slowly to death while you all watch on either openly or privately glad you are "on top" of the situation and not "on bottom" and just doing nothing because you think it isn't happening to you--had better think again about your complacent complicity and how you too can be deadly affected and how easily people can break into your home, or through any panel in a hotel, or drug your food while you are out partying at a restaurant--or worse, your agent husband, wife, or friend could do the same.

The teleportation stupid, sick skit--after digressing on this theme but, I am trying to get you albatross readers to defend me and also to defend yourselves, as so many people are comfortable with being mind controlled, they unconsciously perhaps accept it all as a social contract deal for security within this deadly and murderous system. Once again I entreat you to think again about your lack of response in fighting this system which you believe is so benevolently handing you tools for malevolent design against others.

The teleportation stupid, sick skit was thusly:

"Waking up" in consciousness to a woman flying in the air, acrobat flipping almost within one foot of my face, flying in the air--I assume from a small trampoline, bounding and flying upward and flipping directly in front of my face right barreling into me--I shouted "Oh my God", which is a phrase I never utter--as it was likewise orchestrated as a verbal response--and I laughed, as customary in the mind control acceptance of abuse, hate and negativity which I begin to laugh about, as if it's all fun and okay, also part of the programming. People surrounding me everywhere as I was "living" in a small room with about 15 other people. The staggered time lapse quality goes in this kind of shifting, random seeming sequence. Then the woman--huge, blonde and looked like a Nazi thug gymnast, began doing some contortion that was vaguely obscene--bending in a backward maneuver that made her look like some reverted monstrous creature bending in some obscene posture towards me. I stopped laughing because I had a few seconds to mentally figure out, in this most unconscious state, that this was creepy and not "funny". I blanked out, there were a few more stupid skit that I cannnot remember but it was not fun or happy but sick and stupid, as always these "people" attacking me force upon me.  In turn, they torture me to obtain ideas for their own creative enterprises, and claim them as part of their "alternative" and "liberal" facade of fighting against corruption, sexism, racism, oppression, the under dog always fighting against people like Sylvestor Stallone, who always always always makes movies about the under dog oppressed and sad and dopey, fighting and winning against oppressive forces. He has been attacking me with his heinously stupid, sick and disgusting Italian squadron of Mafia pig apes for over 20 years now, non-stop to get these deals and contract out of torturing me and the stupid Nazi hormone growth Italian friend, who tortured me, tried to murder me via poisoning, tried to have me electrocuted once, tried to have me killed in at least 4 motorbike accidents where people stopped in front of me as my brakes were remotely blocked and stopped operating as the handlebars were spun, also remotely, 180 degrees to the right so I automatically fell. Grease mixed with water on downward slopes, where I live. Toes broken, my teeth almost broken out--the skin and surrounding tissue of these broken areas cut to the bone to try to make the bones either sever off or completely become dysfunctional. I have had to write the world dysfunctional four times because the u key "sticks" when I press the i key. It is an abomination, all that they do for their endless promotions. This filthy, stupid goon who  makes dumbo movies has been using his Italian mafia goon dumbo partners to steal ideas, kill off Prince--which is one of the things I wrote yesterday that was immediately deleted by the hackers--I write this now bluntly as I fear this will be deleted as well. I want to get this o ut before the goons go into my room and break the laptop, disrupt my internet service, or destroy me. This IS A CONSPIRACY THEORY I really state this emphatically. I have no proof of any of these assertions but they are known fact with the organization funding this. Hail Hail the United States and it's leaders and the media operation that promotes all therein the smooth functioning of this one-sided "Bi-partisan" entity attacking me in it's entire global spectrum--and ramifications. I want to add that Danny Moynihan has been coming after me, with his wife and her father, for over 30 or 40 years. There has been a "search and destroy" operation emanating from the European (in this case, English) sending agents out to discover any threat to their claims of superiority. My step-father, the poet, hippie professor, anti-Vietnam activist, pro-labor union president of his organization--as my brain is under attack the name of which is blocked, it comes out when I am not in front of this brain attack system aimed into my head either from within this computer or from some nearby system aimed at me while I sit here. My "best friend" who duplicitously had every friend I knew turned against me--I believe the subliminal attacks and I know that they were aimed at all people associated with me, into my brain, and also attacking my family. Perhaps it was a COINTEL operation funded by the CIA? Partnering with bigot, fascist Nazi "aristocrat" organizations from within England, Europe and into Hollywood in their seamless government/media operations of brainwashing and programming.

I feel "high" dizzy and sick due to the attack on my brain as I type. The hacking has slowed down my ability to think clearly and write smoothly, as is always the case.

To be able to access my real thoughts and put them down clearly will only happen when anyone protects me and helps me to live in peace and security.

Otherwise, the stupid and sick perverts are all laughing as they read my posts daily begging for people to get involved. Alas, the "opposition" is just "friends" with the fascist Nazi tirade that people are screaming to have removed, while their "leaders" are all "friends" with the groups who operate these murders in the streets committed by police, and then their bigot Nazi hate groups, with media putting up joking and insulting commentators to relieve the population of outrage they require in order to actually do something themselves instead of WAIT for someone to get elected and do something else for them. People are rioting in the streets as the flaccid leaders now try to coerce the electors to put them into power once again. The good ole leaders of the past are going to return us to Happy Daze once again if you just fight to vote and get in line to wait for a change. The protestors in the streets are aware but not very clearly of the huge deception. I remain blocked from writing and publishing content, cleaning up death attacks in the guise of stinking substances and my body is putrid from inhaling this and my food poisoned. The goons and pig apes you call your leader celebrities have been torturing me slowly to death, raping me and beating, punching, spitting on, urinating on, insulting without end, as time goes by, they get more and more violent and assume more "right" to do whatever they want because there are NO LEADERS WHO WILL STOP THEM ON EITHER SIDE OF THE BI=-PARTISAN FACADE OF DEMOCRACY. All are friends, friends they all nearly scream this at me when they teleport me, after they steal ideas from me, after they rape or beat or threaten or abuse me, after they get starring roles, after they get elected, after they get nominated..etc etc etc after they get free new businesses, after they get new cars, after they also get free new brainwashed partners who they wanted but could not seduce---believe it or not...fact or fiction? You decide which is real and what is funny. Ha ha not funny but you all think it is..

However, that really was such a great movie, Joker. I think of the lines and the sardonic humor and the incredible acting on part of Mr. Phoenix, however that does not mean anything more than that!!! Excellent writing, directing, acting, I can't credit the mafia actor who is part of this huge murder fascist enclave of goons and pig ape whores. There should be more anti-mafia jokes because all "they" DO IS make racist jokes. The "Italian-American" mafia and their Italian leaders all make endless racist jokes and memes and are openly bigoted to the extreme. If you make any disparaging remark about "Italians" or mafia or their group, they are all instructed to respond with great brutality to stop any humor from being made permanently affixed to how stupid and sick and nasty and evil they really are. I also ENTREAT PEOPLE TO MAKE MORE PUBLIC JOKES ABOUT THIS GROUP  to counterbalance all the immediate associations of death (i.e., one of the American "Italians" of this group immediately made reference of Holocaust murder operations, trains and etc when I began to fight him off from extracting ideas out of me, after years of him doing this and a huge smile on his greasy, nasty face after watching me fight and scream in another sick and stupid teleportation skit this "famous" writer created--really sick and stupid. Immediate references to genocide are the unconscious trigger to threat and obedience. That is why all the pundits who are "minorities" of this insidious Nazi bigot Communist etc etc huge conglomerate operation, who claim they are "fighting" against this entity but really are agents operating as mind programming propagandists, all refer to themselves as victims of the system--which of course creates a sympathetic response from the other not-millionaire suffering millions of people who want some kind of relief mechanism, so they don't have to risk being shot in the street for protesting peacefully--as is happening now. And thus, that is how they create these agents who are black, Jewish and etc to operate as their cluster mind f**69 operators. And they tried this on me. But struggling to find established jokes or memes regarding "them" and there are almost none, due to the violent response they make at any creative attempt to find some balance in this hate mental crime they make. I suggest that people begin to formulate a lot of anti-mafia jokes and memes about bigot racist "Italian-Americans" as they call themselves--meaning they are really in affinity with Italy and are really on the path to trying to create their own political entity aligned with Italian political overtake of the United States. That is really what I have witnessed from the onslaught of Italians who have infiltrated America and all their anti-American sentiments, their absolute determination to have political power, and their admiration and reverence for people like Arnold Sschwartzennegger, in Cali, who is not "Italian" but the old Axis powers are still operating in concert--

this may sound like political ranting of a trauma-based torture situation. Oh well, if only people would stop allowing these media bigots, nazis, black nazis jewish nazis and all their other "Minority" groups to be put into leader puppet positions there might be some real exposure to these real power groups who operate behind the "cloak of secrecy" in all these entrenched and never-ending cycles of leaders who are all "friends" when it comes to teleportation and rape crimes--I can positively attest that they all ALL operate as one entity.


I write this as my brainwaves are being skewed to block functioning, neuron firing, synapses blocked or rerouted by this most sophisticated tech attack on my brain, as of course the keyboard is made inoperable and my motor skills are likewise blocked by this brain attack tech.

what I write sounds like ranting conspiracy theory--that is due in large part to the series of other attacks, as well as the discrediting due to hacker blocks, retypes, deletions, and blocks to the keyboard that create numerous blocks to typing while the other attacks block consciousness and thought and cognitive processes.

Having written all that, I really had intended to write that the smooth operation of one set of leadership swinging to it's opposition in another round of elections has only continued what was a murder operation years ago, the same attacks have been going on from the last "savior" of Democracy to this current personality and his open fascist marching groups--the only difference is that one gave the appearance of change and the other openly states the real agenda, and not even in it's more deadly and genocidal form--that is left to the "hate" groups who make all their open hate rounds in the streets. In europ-land the skinheads go out and kill immigrants in the streets while the "left" keeps on having concerts in natural open air venues to "protest" these goings-on. They can all march in the streets against one another but when it comes to having to really change anything, the situation continues on it's course of ...and I will not risk any more conspiracy theory talk (or written word) that actually is coming out into the open, undeniable at this point, but still the lack of opposition remains in the hands of media bs operators who make jokes, insults and ad homnem attacks upon their "friends" they "Schmoooze" with at "high brow" parties for "elite". I use these terms in quotes only to identify what others call these events and classifications. I do not use these terms myself. 


I also add another small point about the terrorists who attack me in public places like in stores. At Central shopping mall, the "World Class" "elite" mall that I live close to and love going to, as the food is really excellent but I cannot afford to buy most of what I really need for nutrition and have to buy things rhat are marked down--and really truly poisoned and drugged--I feel an instantaneous drug sensation after eating this marked down food that I can only just barely afford--I must also endlesslyl buy materials to try to defend myself in my home, for years every months I fight to pay for items to block out these mechanical arms and stop the rape, disfigurement and torture and probably the teleportation has nodes that must be manually placed on my head--but I don't know of course-

but women are tapping me rudely on my back as someone else on the other side pushes items that are just on the edge of some countertop where I am paying in line (the bread line at the bakery section of one of the Tops Markets in this huge mall complex). In elevators people are lined into these elevators as I push my cart and myself in to go to other floors--as I have to scour both Tops markets across an overpass to get all the marked down deals so I can afford to eat at all--and other stores actually of lesser quality have the same prices or higher--they are putting drug skin patches on me--and I can FEEL, literally feel my brain and body made paralyzed while they do this. I stand inert as they tap my back with pointed, jabbing fingers because one of their accomplices has grabbed and thrown items on the floor while I was putting items in my cart after paying. These are all attack actions that have been carefully observed beforehand--how to do something behind my back and have me attacked on both sides, simultaneously--this Thai female jabbed into my back with her finger, I could not htink to tell her to stop, I was paralyzed, frozen--showing me three clumps of packaged bread that supposedly I had pushed off the countertop while I was turning around putting items into my cart. I just said "no" and walked away, feeling some sensation in my body and brain relax the paralyzing jolt of their technology or the embedded microchip that absolutely must have been inserted into my brain.  I know that my brain and head are injused with the hardening chemicals, patches have been glued to my skull I can feel it and it may be due to much of the hair loos, in addition to the nodes being put on my scalp and the endless attacks on my brain--

other women reach and grab me in elevators because when I get in, they remain inert and don't move, but suddenly as the doors begin to close they all push out--5 of them in this case, with shopping carts, grabbing me from behind and then pushing me aside--and putting invisible but clear coatings of drug patches on my skin--as has happened in the past I have felt and seen this happen in the past.


I "conveniently" "forgot" to add, in the straying meandering digression that turned into a complete block to this part I wanted to add above: about the English "search and destroy" operation and the probable COINTELPRO type of operation that was aimed at my anti-war activist step-father, my family, and of course at me. The "best friend" who turned everyone against me, my age, who my parents "told" me that I was "best friends" with--showering all kinds of warm fuzzy hints at how this girl was my "best friend" as they sent me over to her house for sleepovers--all the time when I was 6, 7, 8 and 9 years old. Her father is/was a psychology professor who, in 1976, was offered a year sabbatical in England, at some university. I have not searched his Curriculum Vitae on where or which location he served, but I think it was a prestigious university. The English influence and "behavior modifcation" was  apparent to this other, "hippie" professor who shouted anti-war slogans during the Anti-Vietnam war protests. He was instructed and provided with tools for the MK ULTRA programmng there is no doubt. His daughter, my "best" friend turned everyone against me and I believe the utilized subliminal technology to accomplish this. This same technique is currently being used to influence everyone around me (probably they are being "beamed" she is xyz bad and this is being relayed into their brains as they then assume that this is their appraisal of me as a personality). I must fight against this subliminal slanders with all my might. I have to endlessly fight to present myself without stinking odors wafting off me in public places, for one. I spend at least 2 hours prior to leaving my home fighting to clean clothing, my one pair of boots, and handbags, purses that I use to carry items I need around with me for various reasons, all connected to fighting for my defense. If I have clothing hanging out at night which I intend to wear the next day, it is sprayed and I have to climb up on ladders to open the hooks tied together and the other layers of hooks and ropes to open closets--it requires not being sick from having been physically manipulated so my spine is also injured daily--in addition to bones broken slices into my skin poisons smeared on my body and into my orifices--and on and on.

Just adding this--trying to garner any sympathy but people only sneer at "victims" and applaud the violent rapists--adore the rapist men and cheer their rape enabler women on. I am trying. I do not want to paint myself as victim as such, but I am fighting to get any kind of protection and if there is anything other than gloating smiling smirking psychopaths reading this, then please I cannot wait another 6 months of increasing pressure leading to slow death because this group wants to exploit me in every way possible to obtain this huge contract which this foreign-controlled Nazi entity is hanging over my head for the Americans to be handed positions of higher priority in their organization: they are demanding a baby out of me, although they have severed part of my uterus as "punishment" for fighting off rape from one of the actors. Not a single one of them has expressed a single expression of friendliness much less anything positive to me, only hate, abuse and demands for every kind of unpaid sexual favor, hate and abuse they pour on me met with thousands of people attacking me when I fight for my human rights.

Otherwise demarcated as "unalienable rights" which are supposed to be unassailable for white supremacist males, and denied to people like me. The rest who are allowed "some" rights get the trickle down theory of entitlement if they openly participate in Nazi cultural victim roles (if they are minorities) and help to perpetuate the racist ideology through their purported victimization. They are indeed victims but paid in millions for their roles supporting these classifications and gentrified hierarchical roles which no one had better stray from or else they get what I am getting.

Terrorist Report August 20, 2020.

 I wrote and published this page and hackers deleted the entire page. I spent at least 45 minutes backspacing and hammering this out. After having published, all was removed.

The other posts, which were written in the early morning, as I am so drugged every night by these mechanical arms breaking through the endless layers of barriers I have struggle to use to defend myself have all been breached, nightly. They just push up the items I can only insert into the holes of the cabinets to break into my room. I can do no more after more than 2 years of fighting to stop them from entering every panel, hole, crack, tile, cupboard and panels which I cannot block out.

I am drugged and I write posts in the morning after being tortured in the teleportation skits nightly. My body assaulted non-stop while I cannot wake up to defend myself. Every night slivers of my body are cut into bloody gashes, like seeming razor cuts but I never cut myself. slashes are all over my legs.

I had written of the stink and filth that is being sprayed into my room every night, and every day, and always when I am physically able to leave this room. It is deadly poisoning and I have to spend all the time I am finally able to move, cleaning up this filth to try to avert toxic shock poisoning to death. This is no small exaggeration whatsoever. I now, today, have finally given up on endlessly spraying bleach and cleaning fluid, and essential oil after hand washing blankets that should be new, beautiful and wonderful. Instead the mechanical arms are inserted through my patio sliding door, as I sit prone and inert from poisoning on the other side of the room, because I cannot tolerate sunlight due to the poisoning and detox. I also have to see so many endless scars, blemishes and cuts into my body and disfiguration and bloated huge bulging pockets of poison sagging off my body in huge flab folds, with cellulite pressed upward and scars covering my body, as my muscles have deteriorated too. I am scared to brush my hair because they make something damage my hair so badly that brushing threatens to make me bald, as hair has been continuously chemically-destroyed so clumps remove when I brush my hair. The list is endless. I have to throw away two beautiful fluffy blankets I love because they are so stinking after washing repeatedly they are ruined completely. Two huge pillows I use to recline as I sit in this horrible and broken chair, the one and only I have--the pillows have been replaced by stinking, broken down identical replacements. If I have any nice clothing and wear it, if it initially smells good, they spray the stinking fluids on new clothing immediately after I wear it once, after spraying flicks of dark spots and ripping out threads, and rubbing sandpaper on the fabric. I can't wear the beautiful clothung i have, and also my body is so misshappen from poisoning it is disgusting and so damaged from nightly attacks I can't look at my body in sunlight without being absolutely depressed because they have absoolutely destroyed my body and it looks like hanging, disgusting flab which is poison which has blocked my body and cellulite is being pushed up, as the hard poisons are everywhere still all over my body. Huge rubbery bulges of poison hang off my body and it's utterly disgusting. They have mnade my legs crooked as well. The Thai women have gone into my room and using the Thai massage techniques, have pressed into my shins and made the bones crooked because the hardening poisons seep into any vulnerability or injury in my body and create a crooked space--right now as I type keys won't operate, all is a stinking mess on everything in myhome, my body and around me too.

There is a cat being tortured which is endlessly crying and meowing in the patio below mine. The leader you all hate/love, your good friend, has not only threatened me this week with a government letter which could cu toff my only source of income, but is holding my cat La Moux as hostage so he can exploit me for more purposes, after years of having been part of a murder group explointing, raping and torturing me to obtain idea after idea--all with him and the rest of the highest US government officials watching on allowing it all to happen. Either they are too under the thumb of the Nazi mafia out of Europe, as Hollywood is, as I wrote which was deleted--I see now that in this post much has also been deleted--hackers have also deleted grammar, periods, commas, deleted parts of sentences--and typing is nearly impossible as well due to hacker blocks of the keys and inserts--and my hands also won't move when I try to type--my brain is under assail and I cannot move or concentrate or write cohesively at all. The hacking is very bad right now. I had written in the post that was deleted now it's 2 hours ago, struggling this long to ty pe out words which I must backkspace to correct every word or two--while that function is also blocked and hacked--. My mail service in Orlando, which I contacted this week, which has doubled the price for service and stopped all information about mail received now for TWO YEARS. I am blocked from finding another similar service and I have also tried to change my information contact system to being online, and that also has been blocked and though it should operate mostly online at this point, I am still blocked from this service FROM THE GOVERNMENT, BLOCKED AND HACKED ON A GOVERNMENT SITE) SO i must rely on this defunct mail service--the day I tried to renew for next year, cutting into months of saving $20 per month as a desperate measure against emergencies--which means I really have nothing and no support net whatsoever--spending months of savings on renewing this account where I am discriinated against in a most horrific way--two years of all mail blocked, refusal of services and harassment online from a representative--all other similar services decline me service and lie about their services and all emails are blocked and relayed to terror agents blocking my every move online and in every single thing: The day I paid to renew this service I was alerted that I got a letter from a Government office which could block all my meager subpoverty income, due to having been made paralyzed by the Government funding the poisoning and drugging of my body--just so parasites out of places like the Italian mindless mafia thugs can steal ideas from me, get promoted by AMerican Nazis because they want a fascist, Nazi European Florida (Jewish Nazis are now being elected as leaders, openly racist Jews being elected in racist Palm Beach)_ the State is an entirely fascist Nazi state, but then alas, so are the rest of the other 49 from my endless years of moving from one place to the next. Thus, my mail is blocked and I am now threatened by the Government--and the person probably responsible has my cat as his hostage because after 4 years of having me disfigured, endless cleaning, fungus inserted into every orifice as a covert slow murder operation, rape and violence non-stop, and endless threats from him, he is trying to force a baby out of me because that means he and his brood will get more millions or promotions and this as an open death threat to me and all I have ever worked for in my life stolen--including my most beautiful cat which is all I have left of any love or comfort from anyone on this planet--all other animals are either killed in my vicinity or taken away--and I want no more contact with anyone from this group or their movies or them--much less BEING FORCED TO HAVE AN UNWANTED BABY and also, they severed part of my uterus, in addition to severing my gum tissue after making my teeth go loose, nearly losing my lower teeth as they sever gum tissue nightly--after breaking my toe, then rebreaking it, asn then torturing me to get reactions of hate and hysteria as I write about how sick and evil they are, in the creative ways I have studied to use for my career which has been utterly blocked--too sick and poisoned and drugged to fundctuion for years, murder attempts galore, endless accidents forced upon me, vertebrae fractured and broken ww hule sleeping and unable to move under thus horrid technological torture appartus system microchipping and etc etc


blocked from earning even one penny so I can have any defense in any single thing--even to aford a washing machine or dryer so not to have to hand wash every day piles of toxic stinking clothing--I have to throw away now two blankets and two pillows and I have no money to rebuy al of this--and on and on, the list is too much, this is 360 degrees 24/7 global, with the entire world protesting against black lives mattering but not a single person has ever come forward to defend ME


--as I am blocked from any kind of earning, all internet is blocked--not a single one of you hacking has ever donated a single penny to me on this site--nothing vrom anyone--and all blocked financially--as the hate parasites who have hacked into my every written word have stolen idea after idea, made millions off it, and only have me slowly murdered and rape me if they can possibly suck out love and positive energy through that portal of paracitism as well.

I can't go through more endless backspacing and pounding down of keys any longer. I have no idea what the rest of this post will look like once i publish. What I wrote today is being used for someone else's media movie or concept--as has been going on andon for years and years with all of Hollywood continuing to support an dpromote each and every actor participating in this crime--which they all consider their entitlement. that means most or all  of you reading this. Y ou are detestible I never want to see your rotten faces on my pages or searches. Please get off my laptop. Otherwise, some of the movies are good, not all. I don't really care. You have made me so ill from poisoning and torture and abuse that never ends that I can only sit in a daze watching stupid movies, because I am too ill from your poison and hate to concentrate to watch or learn about what I really watn to do,  m uch less put out any content of my own as you all make sure I cannot function or create my own products and earn a living or get away from any of you insidious life-fuck users and abusers and haters an dcreeps.

I had written, though, about this disgusting mafia group and the English "aristocrat" (I did not write about him, I was getting on to this post once again to write about him and discovered that hackers had entirely deleted my last post. I had written incriminating items such as two presidents, senators, and movie stars are all involved in this torture, rape and disfigurement slow murder scheme. Sylvestor Stallone has been attacking me through his Italian mafia backers in Miami Beach--out of Italian mafia roots. I sold cigars in his club Bar None back in 1996-1997 and during that time, I had one conversation with Steven Tyler, and none with Stallone, who I never liked him or his crappy movies (maybe one of his very early movies where he wasn't trying to be an action hero psychopath murdering type) but...that is all. I never wanted anything to do with him or his crowd. Nor the actors I have been tortured by for all these years. Nor Danny Moynihan who I met three times who has been coming after me for THIRTY YEARS and has tortured me to obtain ideas which he and his group have stolen, under his 8 years of teleporting, raping and trying to slowly murder me, and another idea has come out in his friends' James Bond movie, the singer literally stealing words I wrote and changing her style after I wrote about how Thais sing--and she emulated this and has been positioned for having been a part of this group--whether she knows it or not, I do not necessarily blame her but I believe she does know and is happy about her promotion and doesn't give a damn. I would not be surprised if she is being photographed for protesting against black discrimination and she's probably a determined "feminist" too. Like all the rest of them who attack me using racist and sexist pretext to commit these murder crimes for profit.

What else? I spent nearly an hour detailing the disgusting filth that is sprayed on everything. That I am blocked financially completely and cannot afford to continuously throw away expensive blankets, pillows and clothing to rebuy only for all to be sprayed non-stop.

I have to spend all my life cleaning up filth and laying in bed and sick and inert, and then fighting to stop these mechanical arms and asking for help as no one ever does anhting but leave me begging and asking people to intervene so this crime is stopped--it is now over 8 years of writing where much of Hollywood has participated or done nothing. All my life of the US Government enforcing these policies, handing out the drugs, poisons and technology to all these global and nefarious groups committing these hate crimes against me, and many others I can't imagine how many have already been murdered covertly. Many people I have known all my life who supported me are now dead, and most from weird conditions and unusual diseases I attribute to murder operations such as what I am endlessly fighting to have anyone defend me against in some permanent and realistic way. Instead of hiding behind a cloak of invisibility due to having to bow down to MAFIA AND NAZI collusion that has taken and wrested complete control over the US media and government. I mean the major mainstream entities, the corporate, and also the "underground" that I have personally operated with or been around. I make huge over-generalizations that could be construed as blind stereotypes. I write from over 8 years experience of being teleported, tortured to by now a countless number of media personalities who are famous, most of them represent the "liberal" media and actors, singers, representatives, and now many prominent politicians as well.

I remain sitting here cleaning up filth continuously so as not to have to inhale it while sleeping in a drugged up, sick state being tortured non-stop for years, every single night with this teleportation technology--to the absolute permission of all  of you reading this, who will or cannot do anything *but y ou absolutely could if you wanted to, and none of you wants to so I am writing this in hopes that one day this will be used as some kind of information by which people will be inspired to act against this death culture murder operation, in ALL it's ramifications and effects.

This is now years of Sylvestor Stallone and Nicola Siervo coming after me, openly without end. They have inducted a few famous Brooklyn American actors and the mafia groups they are associated with to push this endless filth attack upon me. They gloat and laugh about this, the women who do this are so thrilled to watch me get severed, but into, disfigured, make stinking and foul, my home a perpetual stinking death trap--laughing as I get made old, broken down, disfigured, forced into such extreme poverty I can NEVER afford medical help in any form, whatsoever, as they are destroying my body and I can not defend myself.

All of them stealing idea after idea from me so their empty, hate personalities can be exalted by stealing my concepts of "alternative" rebellion I studied in colleges, learned from a life of being around such groups--always attacked from within these groups as well by agent infiltrators--and these empty, meaningless hate parasites have been obtaining millions of dollars in the theft of these ideas--also they stole ideas they tortured out of me from Prince's club, and literally stole Prince's venue on South Beach and the names of his party themes and his club ideas--and on and on

me screaming for this to be stopped. The other posts I wrote today which had ideas and sarcastic jokes about these sick creeple and their system--meaning most or all of you hacking into this today--have been left not deleted because they want to steal any concept continuously for their own productions--as has been happening on and on for years and years and years

I wrote of how two presidents have allowed this slow murder through inhalation of poison--so much poverty I cannot afford a place with a washer and dryer--I have had to handwash piles of stinking and deadly clothing every day for over 8 years now--this has not stopped without end for even longer than that. There are no dryers easily available--I am forced into subpoverty and also--I also wrote that my mail service won't supply me with information about my mail received

oh yes, I was blanked out and "forgot" to add (while backspacing continuously to correct typos) that I had to renew my almost effete mailservice, and the day I asked for a renewal, they sent me the one and only mail alert I have received since last year--or now it's almost two years of not receiving any mail alerts or information--except for the most important mail, I get nothing. I cannot get any other service to help me, and in the last ten years, i have gone through more than 5 services out of florida, all with the same results of outright discrimination and fraudulent service regarding US Mail. 

I was alerted that my financial status is once again under threat. I must send in forms, and it could be deadly for me. This has nothing to do with a real situation from this agency but from a deliberate attack upon me by a certain executive type of personality leader you are all endlessly talking about from chaos to chaos situation unfolding continuously.

oh, all of you are friends all the attackers are friends. All of you rely on silencing me to obtain your new next promotion. Not one could ever interfere for fear of losing a role or situation. I understand how you and your ilk operate. I see the US being destroyed because of people like you. I can't understand how no one thinks that what you are doing in your group sees your behavior as good and a boon for the country. However, you all  are working for a global slave-master society and all the death and hate you promote only means that you will get more after all the carnage has been forgotten once the next boom leaves everyone happy at being able to watch more new movies in the theaters...?!

going off into digressions--I did not wear my aluminum hat because the terrorists made it stinking and filthy.. The stinking crap is so overwhelming that I literally have spent YEARS just cleaining while the parasites poison and drug me to create a hysterical endlessly begging writing on facewbook and on these blogs and posts and after years of moving and fightintg--just so they will use the tech to suck out ideas about my position on alternative concepts so they can use uit for their lying propaganda reverse psychology media bs stunts.

I must try to get off this blog because that is all my attempts have garnered. No help whatsoever that is really satisfactory in any sense of the word. People I detest teleporting me and putting their photos on my media seraches endlessly after teleporting, raping and ordering my teeth to benearly broken, my uterus partially severed, my hands nearly completely disfigured, my skin disgusting from harsh chemicals  making my skin shrivel and look like acid has been poured on it--my hair balding falling out for years and like some sheering tool has been used to make my hair like it's shredded-night after night--stinking hair every morning, greasy and nasty--fungus unserted into my ears, hair, vagina, into my food so I have to eat it, not able to afford medicine as they continuyously make me ill-what I use for my healing these abusers then observe, ask me question after question about what I use to heal in these endless information -sucking telpeortation rape and torture abuse and hate skits poured into me and on me night after night year after year non-stop without end never ending.

All of you watching as Nazis overtake the country--openly killing people in the streets openly claiming Nazi affiliation and all attacking me in the streets as police and governments fund all of this. The opposition remains silent as I beg for my life endlessly and int's one of them after the next gbeing put into powerful leadershup position.

Must I wait for another 6 months to see if the next adminstration, should any change happen, if they are going too allow this to go on and on because they need mansions in Italy and free new deals in Europe so they have to partner with fascist Nazis out of Europe who have invaded LA, Miami Beach, NYC and the rest of the country there are pockets with Americans welcoming them in to train them in Nazi methodology of torture, murder and mind control programming.

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Crass Thoughts on the Revolution #69. Backlash always accompanies a revolution. Be wary of your "revolution" and the people approaching with friendly support and "help", groovy people putting out groovy cock rock music as "revolutionary". And others of their ilk, in their respective components of the subterfuge operation. Some of the agents are mind controlled and programmed Manchurian Candidates Be careful of your Revolution and the agents of destruction infiltrating to destroy your movement..



What goes up, must come down. Helter Skelter.
Revolution #9 (Beatles) backmasking w/ interpreted lyrics.

Revolution #9 played forward.

"not the ranting of a madman...his words about the environment..."

Former, ex-post hippie leader future icon present symbol anti-progressive professed Neo-Nazi, extreme hate for blacks, Charles Manson.
I believe Manson was programmed as an MK ULTRA Manchurian Candidate to create such terror and trauma for trauma-based mind control to end the counter-culture "revolution". His contract was offered by some covert or official, or a collaboration therein, from some agency to be an agent provacateur and destroy the "revolution" hippie movement. He did a great job of following "their" orders and created a tiny army of subordinate obedient followers, claiming they were "free". I agree with his ideas about the destruction of the environment by the PIGS, to use an old hippie word that he smeared in blood from his victims (or ordered his minions to do after their carnage). 

Amusing. Watching, listening to Manson dodge questions is similar to watching US Senate Judiciary hearings with Senators grilling one another in front of cameras to get answers to dodgy question-and answer-sessions.  The same elusive tactics are evident in Manson's dancing around subjects. The interviewer cannot hold Manson accountable to answer in the way he wants. The slippery and poetic response, metaphysical almost in nature, highly philosophical in depth and profound analysis imply the level of intelligent response as any Ivy League respondent held before a court of public approval. Even more loquacious and elegant in his response but maneuvering with dexterity to avoid answering. Most people, in "acceptable" dodge-the-question sessions, answer in what seems an authentic response, or an authenticated dubious coached response immediately. 

The charm of his verbal ability and ebb and flow swaying with focus and blurred metaphorical imagery makes for a most interesting spectacle of polyrhythmic verbal contortionism.

Crass epiphanies. "Say you wanna be yourself do you think they're gonna letcha? Getchya getchya get ya they're gonna get ya!" Systematic racism you say? Systematic Death to many others oustide your group too.

 Big A little a. What does it mean?

Systematic Death in a 'smart" universal cybernet existence you all embrace. The players of the entertainment infomercial political pundit parade scroll down and down as you look for more thrills to move your inert body and soul.

Crass. WTF?: Bulldozing mass destruction and death in Phuket. The "alt-renegade" spiritual holiday manufacterers raking in tourist $$ do nothing but remain silent. They have Thai slaves servicing them and operate in terror networks.


THREE areas of construction are underway in locations that I have driven by every time I go on these huge shopping sprees--being so ill, I make a route across half of the lower portion of the island, in a circuitous route that leads me past the THREE areas that used to be some sort of natural preserved area. Not since the pandemic has lowered land prices in a vulture swoop. A frenzy of purchase and building on the areas that I sighed a relief brief hope that would remain pristine are now being bulldozed. I used to love looking at birds, the beautiful palm trees, and think that at least there are some areas that remain in a natural state. The ugliness of most of the buildings here do not assuage the ugliness of the mentality of the hate-bigot-Nazi/Communist/fascist investors. Square, cement and box-structure. Animals are dying out and there are zero groups in Phuket protesting such development. There are teenager groups who claim they are helping the environment, only because the devastation of the coral reefs mean less tourist revenue for their expectations of ownership--these are the white-run high schools ("international" they are called).

There are Europ-a's who offer "spiritual" vacation retreats here, one of whom I have been attacked by in this terror operation. She is from Scotland. Always like all the rest of the agents, wears the "alternative" gear, spouts spiritual philosophies of righteous healing (expensive healing retreats with all the "organic" food you can devour while being served by Thais who work 12 hour days, or just 10 hour days, 6-7 days a week, smiling and happy to be serving and serving YOU. Devout devotees to the white supremacist cause. All the development, to them, is like Manna raining down from all the prayers they utter for prosperity to Budda daily. They participate in the terror operations after handing food to the Buddhist monks who make their morning food retrieval services. The whites, like the Scottish woman who offered me "organic" tea she specially made--poisoned and drugged--reads poetry from her country, has a Thai husband and has spawned a child (and now owns and has businesses, this is the investment strategy of bigot racists colonizing Thailand--by law one must have a Thai partner in order to buy or invest).

And so, no one is defending the animals. People are protesting worldwide against global warming but never here in Phuket. Not the politically-correct dudes who come here to PHuket to go sightseeing the elephants and go snorkeling and get relief from having to "care" about worldly concerns like environmental devastation in Phuket.

And thus, there is no protection for the animals and nature here--except for the local administrations fighting to preserve the places where tourist money is heaped up into the coffers of the ---and, I cannot write exactly honestly as social media is scrutinized for anti-government content and although this is more about local administrations--that changed when the government changed as well.

I am very sad to see endless bulldozing and to have to realize that animals are being killed off and left with nowhere to live--and only more cement to DIE and starve on.

I would take photos and transfer them onto this page, but the terrorists have broken my one and only camera function on my already (by them) broken mobile phone, where over half of the most important functions have been broken. I used to take photos of Phuket, and they broke that function and broke the function to transfer files to a laptop and broke the WiFi connection and broke the resolution of the screen..and etc etc.
After I got off this page and began to do something else, the ideas that were blocked by the "mind control" tech/drugging came back. The Scottish woman I had written of above, participated in the gang stalking with groups of Thai people attacking me while she stood blocking my path and sticking her head up in the stupid pig-sniffing-the-air posture as she tried to elbow me when I got in line behind her. The Thai people I had met in that store, operating the cash registers, with the ugly smiles of sadistic glee at participating in hate crimes, violence, sadism, etc (the smiles are so ugly, in this corrupted "Land of Smiles" the repression and the release from this status being "allowed" if just the Thais would participate in a hate crime against someone else. So glad to be doing so.
The same dynamic remains in the US, with the politically-correct groups , from the West coast of LA to everywhere else, I cannot focus only one one major brainwashing group because they may just be the symbolic representatives of a larger movement and not the impetus of these behaviors.
No protests against the ravaging of Thailand. Every bit of land now is being developed because prices have burst in this real estate bubble. It is tragic for anyone who has seen how beautiful this place once was, and now the ugly cement buildings have taken over. In other parts of Thailand there are wooden houses, you can see them in Chiang Mai--they are beautiful, add to the beauty of the landscape. A ghetto sort of squalor sensation hangs like a ghost that is going to be born in the clean corners of the ugly boxes that also are like the mental structures of the exploiters purchasing Thailand at the lowest price. The greed greases the way for all to be enveloped by cement and hate.

THE REVOLUTION began in MINEAPOLIS. God is alive, and Goddess too. A Prince Divine. A Love Supreme.

 Some of the audience members of his concerts convey the energy and the extreme vibrational  frequency Prince emitted from a radius that encompassed the Minneapolis that was tired of their love leaders slain by hate. When these fans express a sensation of energy after a few hours of being in the throng of the concert rallying into an enthusiasm of higher love positivity, then imagine having been around Prince's enclave in Minneapolis and absorbing this energy for a few years, as I did and I still feel the reverberations. The Revolution out of Minneapolis is derived from the loss of such a great SPIRIT through the undoing of a hate system that has also attacked me. And many others, And many more will die and suffer unless this group and their technology are OBLITERATED and a system of protection for human rights is established that does not welcome this white supremacist agenda that rules this system of covert assassination along with police brutality, legal protection of these groups through the systematic endorsement of SILENCE about these technologies and their operational death squad groups--aka "gang stalking" and "Harassment" which is really death squads and murder and assassination, genocide, rape, torture and the rest of the beast crawling towards the 2nd coming of the anti---Love.


Lots and lots of bigots surrounded me in my few years of living in Minneapolis, attending the University of Minnesota. Bigot, racist jokes abounded from the hate agents surrounding me. Aimed at Prince and the famous nightclub First Avenue (and the 7th Street Entry--which most people do not know is also part of the name of the venue). The hate aimed at Prince was vivid amongst the white racist population that I encountered--always in a covert attack situation, always posing as casual acquaintances in party settings. Dumb jokes and sleazy comments deriding Prince, back in 1986-87 and some of these people dressed the "alternative" costume and clowned around at First Avenue to ascertain who they should target and how they should approach undermining the movement and the threat to their bigot systematic death group.

People in Minneapolis are, if not suspicious of the death of Prince, most have the understanding that there was a symbolic gesture of hate aimed at Prince in his untimely death.

The revolution began. I have never heard Prince ever uttering a single word about being discriminated against as a black male. How ironic that people who are professional advocates of anti-racist sentiment are attacking me in tandem with white supremacists, while this man had people support me in Minneapolis and may have helped me to be in a much better situation than I am in now, with real help, perhaps as I did reach out and he was aware of me and made it known through covert means. Not understanding my situation, I was suspect of the hints made to meet him and thought it would be something like celebrity sensationalism and I declined (due to being drugged, on mind control in every aspect and subliminally deterred from meeting him--). However, his influence has remained as one of my greatest influences and he has never espoused gyrating for anti-racist causes and then turning around and uttering hate phrases at me while white bigot Nazis are promoting him (as some of the famous entertainers have done). They only retain the racist ideology in their restricted roles, and Prince has played his symphony of real enlightenment without the usual props and memes of being oppressed. Instead, he impressed and elevated without having to use any cliches about his oppressed role--he never made any reference to this. Always empowering people. So much hate generated at him for this very reason. 





I did a YouTube search for any video of white people espousing racist hate rhetoric or jokes towards Prince. None are available. The "secrecy" of the death squad culture is always an insidious silent threat, ominous and omnipresent. Of course, Prince memorabilia and the Hard Rock Cafe franchise contribute to earnings off the death of Prince, and not sure which corporate entity owns the businesses selling off Prince trinkets and memories but who "secretly" hated him. The HATE was real and it was a common "joke" to insult First Avenue, the people who were fans (especially the women were referenced in insulting sexual ways) and tsk tsh hate hissing from the pristine religious white supremacists touting the Bible.

These are the forces that supplied the venom for murders like George Floyd. 

The Love from Prince and that energy supplied the righteous anger to protest and burn the bastion of white supremacist bigot hate in the 3rd Distrcit.

“Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.” Mark Twain



When you are teleported and asleep, drugged up with a concoction of truth serum, paralyzing poison, hardening poison, brainwashing "gravy" and then tortured in order to obtain information, creative concepts, theories of rebellion, all assorted sordid varieties of energy parasitism in addition to information theft--and you can't see clearly so you have no idea where you are, cannot see beyond a few feet and only in a singular one-point focus, which is blurry and vague

and they argue, and you argue because you cannot get away from them, do not know where you are, how or why, and they surround you and assault physically and threaten with murder and do all kinds of criminal, violent acts---(no evidence, a full support system for them, the watershed of human contagion swept over me night-after-night with this teleportation)

and you are "forced" thus to argue with people who want to drag you down, with their experience of using, abusing, perhaps raping as a pasttime that this technology has turned into a paradise for pedophiles, rapists, abusers, womanizers, bigots wanting to crush women --or men--and children before they get a chance to grow up to become a threat to their inanity--

and there you are, a technology that brings out the most vile, primitive and bestial aspects of human nature, all supported by our governing agencies and supported in full by the heirarchical apex of "society" which wants a breeding ground of misery, hate and rancor using this new technology--to outdo and have undone the advances in sociological movements for freedom of expression, race and gender and all the other threats to the good ole boy n gal system. Atrocities first nascent, emerging from the darkness of the group laughter and chaos. Growing, expanding, the need for more and more violence, injury, hate poured out, stress-relief as the torture turns into a hormonal addiction for the perpetrators--

and you are left not being able to not argue with them in this situation.

DO NOT ALLOW TELEPORTATION TECHNOLOGY TO HAVE ANY ACCESS TO ANYONE, ANYONE. The levels of scientific experimentation have far superceded unethical proportions. The devastation has enormous ramifications for the survival of this planet. The escalating trickle-down of the modality of torture and ease with which people are being handed these torture devices, with an inevitable outcry for more and more to be dispersed to various hate groups and sectors.




As in the case above, you cannot get away while under surround-vehicular terror surveillance teams. They operate like staggered pursue, block access, all angles right and left attacked as cars/trucks/motorbikes veer into your path from angles you can only just see at the last second before they nearly hit you. Sometimes tiny cars or motorbikes drive out from behind parked SUV's or vans or trucks. They usually drive in front of your vehicle to block your path, slowing down and then nearly crawling. Sometimes they block the entire road with a series of SUV's turning around into each other. As you try to get past the huge impasse, one or more begins to drive into you as the cluster of huge vehicles block visual acuity of any potential road surveillance monitoring for public traffic safety (purportedly, as they call it, the police administrations I mean).

Updated from this near prehistoric account of surveillance techniques. Not huge blips on a green screen any longer. Drones, aerial surveillance capabilities that are not visible to the driver at ground level. 

Untold numbers of people happy to hit and run and get away with terror operations. Never underestimate the murder and hate capabilities of people, regardless of race, color, gender, status, etc.

THESE TERROR GROUPS, LIKE THE TECHNOLOGY, WILL GET OUT OF HAND AS THEY ALREADY ARE. The more people get turned on by covert assassination surveillance and terror operations, the more enlistments will be added to the queue. The more violence randomly selected participants get away with, cloaked by all kinds of law enforcement collusion with these terror groups--the more sick society will become. To use this term sick, follows a Criminal Justice theory of reform. That a condition of society is "sick" requires an antidote. STOP ALLOWING THESE TECHNOLOGIES TO BE DISPERSED TO ANYONE. THIS INCLUDES TRAINED PROFESSIONALS, which I am not being teleported to although they may have professionals monitoring the situation. DO NOT ALLOW ANYONE. to have access to these technologies any longer. Stop Homeland Security from it's espionage administration. Stop CIA funding to covert activities such as what I experience. Although I have no proof of CIA participation in this situation, from the theories and the interviews I have heard, and the unclassified documents available on the internet under the Freedom of Information Act, thus the information I gleaned from lectures quoting these resources point to CIA activities in the realm of these torture groups and technologies (these are not experimental they are not being used to enhance anything but an utterly racist, white superiority agenda and NOTHING ELSE).


 The tendencies to increase violence as the initial thrill of sadistic torture and violence wears off, as these activities are literal additive hormonal "highs" for the criminal participants, the more they will require increases of violence in order to satiate their "fix" and need for the thrill.

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).