Wednesday, October 21, 2020

Reading on IndiWire of a terrorist teleporting (me) H-wood celebrity signing a petition against current political crises. Black, gay, and hissing spitting and insulting me in defense of his female partner along with a slew of black performers and entertainers. All supporting those who are partnering with rabid racists (as in anti-black, anti-Semitic, misogynist, elitist Nazis out of Europe and beyond and also the American contingent of that said group).

 I think I will never watch another spike lee movie, Ophrah clip forced upon my YouTube channel (as I never watched her tv show beyond a few minutes, maybe three times and could not take any more of the blase boring fake psychological and fashion and etc Krap she puts out, I never was impressed in the least). I will never watch the Jewish writer who stole my ideas, (he touts himself as being "Jewish" but adamantly stands with blonde Nazi bigots behind and next to him hissing in hate at me. Please note that I have not associated myself with the J-community in my life, only experimented in trying to observe and see if that identification fitted me. It does not. All of these "Jewish" attackers are staunchly open about their religious affiliation and are vehemently assisting bigot white Nazis along with the blacks and all the other minority minions in attacking me. I can't remember his name because my brain is swamped by the tech influence. I have had at least 2 score of Tyler Perry photo inserts on my searches for many years. One of them was glaring into the camera alongside bloated O-rah making what I consider to be a replicated evil look I see almost daily by stalkers in the streets, staring at me with aloof dislike and contempt and shock. It's like they are all possessed by the same demon making the exact same facial expression. It is more than tres creep stuff.

I can never watch any more of the blonde nazi movies, that was my convicion long ago---meaning those who have teleported and tortured me for years upon end, bringing in Europ-a nazis, black Americans operating with Nazis, one violent Canadian who threatened my life four times who continues to plague my internet with the symbol he choose to represent his trigger response. The black gay male I wrote of above, who participated with a host of H-wood "celebrities" (many of which I have never heard of before, as I am blocked from real internet searches while the faces and info of the attacker terrorists teleporting me have covered every search engine slot I wanted to use to discover other actors, other ideas and concepts that exist on the internet. The hacking extends to searches being limited in scope to the point that I get almost no news except for that which those participating in the terrorist operations force on my internet, with them prominently displayed every time.

Billy Porter, that is one most ugly and vile towards me. He hissed and spat at me that I was "attacking black people": when I called rotten A-rah an "Aunt Jemima" one time while asleep, teleported, under hypnosis for "truth" torture extraction under duress and torture and poisoning and rape and violence, which Church-going A-prah makes a public statement about her absolute righteous stand on all issues (that could land her a slot as a US PRESIDENT....??? God forbidNO to this evil monstrosity idealization of the media circus hypocrisy--putting it mildly).

Endlessly stating that her inclusion in a most racist, bigoted and sexist Nazi and other nefarious mafia and sinister hate organizations utilizing this technology of teleportation, the "gang stalking" terrorist assassination network--and I see Porter signing a petition because he's playing that game too. An absolutely nasty and hatefilled bigoted sexist man towards me. Absolutely psychologically violent, "getting up in my face" with hate, staring from nearly a few inches away from my face while I can barely see in that state (but I can discern their faces, their expressions and I know they are these "famous" personalities--to me they are famous for expletive**). They are absolutely assured that they can torture, sexually abuse, insult, threaten, have my body mutilated by their terrorist home-invasion teams, tortured with electronic weapons, teleported to sick and stupid skits only unevolved human beings could sanction or conduct or participate in. 

Two years ago I called this whore creep Aprah an Aunt Jemima. 
since then her threats, violence and torture has gone on without end. Demanding an apology I can never do that as she's so disgusting when offered this technology, backed up by extremely racist, anti-Semitic mafia out of America and Italy--as they all (these performers) go shopping in Milan and to the fashion festivals and put photos of themselves sitting alongside the most rabid of racists in these fashion events, which really are a social standing photo-op of privilege and elitist status in the Nazi circles they rely on for their positions in the media complex.

There are a few more, one teleported me once or twice then stopped. Her photo as a commercialized Adidas representative was prominently placed right at a corner where I turn in the shopping mall where these H-wood personalities order HUNDREDS of people, the Nazis out of Europe and their minion Thai (shh..slaves) partners attack me most viciously. 

Spike Lee, another personality that stole a concept from me, posted it on my IMDB search with the undertitle of the Greek play I wrote of, which was not defined as such for any advertisement. When I wrote a response on my private, but hacked by all of them to steal and suck out ideas before and after continuing torture (it's now 7 years of Lee participating in this, I don't know how many years of Aprah but that parasite does not stop attacking me with her other aspiring black "brothers and sisters" who want an easy promotion if they spit, thrust genitals in my face, threaten me, have my home defiled and decimated, order physical torture, rape and partial dismemberment EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR YEARS--sitting right next to open anti-American bigot Nazis out of Europe who they openly defer to when the attack is aimed at me.

Out of all of these personalities besides the most viciously racist pit gang members, the white blonde and other europ-a-based personalities like his wife, his friends, the Nazis and the massive numbers of Americans who are also part of this global organization who sponsor and keep these H-wood personalities afloat--the blacks are ESSENTIAL WORKERS for the 4th Reich propaganda machine and these most openly bigoted white Nazi personalities are urging them to viciously violently and openly assault me and that is to protect the Nazi interests in keeping stereotypes alive while purporting to be fighting against these roles and stereotypes. The "Big Lie" is what Hitler called this type of psychological manipulation. It has been in operation for decades, just as these media personalities have been around for decades and now want to establish entire mogul positions in the media--ostensibly it appears by demonstrating how viciously racist they will be when they get a chance to unleash their pent-up rage about being "discriminated" against themselves. 

I ask whomever reads this, if you are against this system and it's ramifications, which extend far beyond my private and personal story but as people who may have followed this situation for all these 7 years of me being teleported, raped and tortured JUST by this H-wood group (and they were stalking me using technology before that, obviously)--if you can't tell, the current global condition has come to a near catastrophic calamity level and I can only state that the most seeming warm-hearted and compassionate of these people who attack me to demonstrate how they will utilize torture, technocratic tyranny, fascist methodology, are those like Aprah who are attacking me most openly and for years after calling that rotten and bloated sick foul thing an "Aunt Jemima" one time over 2 years ago. I can't apologize to this rotten thing because calling her that is an understatement and I really can't back down and allow this rotten creep to use, abuse and exploit me nor can I allow any single one of them if possible.

I ask and I urge and request that people get this rotten bloated sick evil hypocritical whale Aprah off of me completely. I can only emphatically state "Goddamn do not allow more of these H -wood celebrities to run for any political office". If that rotten evil "discriminated against black woman" got any real technocratic power, which she already has been handed for all the years of attacking me, the result would be as egregious as what is the current state of damage to the US economy, community, and she would promote fascist Nazi anti-Semitism whenever it would behoove her to obtain a promotion, as she has been doing with me. That also includes rotten and evil Spike Lee, who was most thrilled to be attacking me as a symbol of RESISTANCE TO RACISM that he embraces when the spotlight of racism is put off him and his "friends" in the business. Billy Porter is a most nasty and hateful personality. Now thrust up into the main spotlight for his "trans" stance and gay rights and black rights--insisting that I am "racist" by calling this woman who is attacking me for WHITE SUPREMACISTS who control both of them.  The sick and rotten lies of these putrid creeps, and more of them I have not mentioned--the woman who I tried to write about, her name is blanked out completely due to the effect of the technology on my memory right now, and my emotions of course I am in a ranting hate lowered state of intellectual style due to the downward pulling of the situation, that years have gone by and I remain tortured and attacked and dismembered and fighting for m ylife against poisoning and toxic shock inhalation--teleported once more to sick and rotten disgusting creeps under the orders of these most immature and filthy and vile personalities who need to torture someone to obtain ideas, cozen up to filthy Europ-a Nazis in order to obtain promotions, which means of course they are in control over the American media and the corporate interests that control the entire panorama of the politico-media spectrum.

Hateful and sick people. Please get them off me please, I do hope that if the election proves to bring a change that FINALLY PEOPLE WILL STOP ALLOWING THESE CREEP PARASITES TO ATTACK, TELEPORT OR HAVE MY HOME INVADED. They should be forced to pay financial reparations as I remain almost homeless with all threats to my life on almost every side of me in every area of survival. Like so many of the disenfranchized people in America now being kicked out of their homes, who watched this dribbling s**t on the tube that these rotten "compassionate" supporting every lost cause defending black rights and that K-rap they put out for decades--how corrupt and rotten they are in REAL LIFE when they are performing the sleazy hate acts and supporting rape and racism for their bigot handlers who turn them into media constructs of compassion. The people dying and being kicked out, evicted RIGHT NOW are a large portion of the dumbed down who watched the crap these fake pieces of K-rap put out year after year, believing in the s*** that was pumped into their brains with the fake sighing and oohs of the crowds while these parasitic expletives hugged and kissed their white bigot interviewees about how they are oppressed in their relationships. How much more of a f**ing Aunt Jemima defending the bigot white master can one be to turn around  hissing in hate and performing violence towards a "jewish" person who actually has nothing to do with the religion or the disapora, which is placing an absolute racist stereotype and template upon someone else in a most open display of racism possible. 

I can go on listing these personalities but I IMPLORE people reading this to PLEASE NOT ALLOW THEM TO TELEPORT OR ATTACK ME ANY LONGER. That goes also for the black rappers but their names are too odious for me to write out, as they are repulsive to me by now and their Krap is too much to bear any longer on a personal psychological level. I can fully understand why Prince wanted nothing to do with these performers, I can't understand how he could have been interviewed on bloated Aprahs' stupid and fake tv show as he did. I guess perhaps he was mind controlled or sold out as well. I really don't know what he was doing, I stopped following his career very early on in his career. My staunch support of him was as a musician and for the supreme musical vision he helped bring to Minneapolis at the heyday of his career. I am indebted to him for opening my vistas into greater artistic integrity and for opening a portal of spectacular beauty. 

He never once, I have NEVER ONCE HEARD PRINCE SAY that he was a victim of racism and he never came out as this sort of fake liar ever in his career. As a result, he sent people to surround me with warnings about the people I was hanging out with, made an offer of meeting in a very indirect way, and had his staff treat me with very kindly support (nods of greeting when I walked into the club, etc etc meaning First Avenue). I also was approached by his associates when I lived on South Beach, Miami. As a man who has never once stated he was a victim, he showed more humanity towards me than the blacks who are attacking me, just a few I listed above, there are a few others mostly almost violently screaming in media presentations exclusively their entire personality structures revolve around claiming they are victims of racism. Most hate-driven vile and nasty and abusive towards me, with Aprha this sleazy and nasty vile parasite being one of the worst. This rotten and I say EVIL thing wanted to be US President. 

How many more people will be killed by the vicious hypocrisy of the H -wood Nazi/Mafia cartel representatives such as those listed above, the slew of white "liberal" "#Me Too!" (especially) white "feminist" mostly the blondes, and etc all the "liberals" who care are viciously attacking me (not "all" but after around 30-50, *I have lost count all these years, continuously come after me it feels like "all" but I know that is not "all" of H-wood).

The enormity and the years of this never-ending make all descriptions in the most superlative case.

Please get them the Hell off me finally after years of writing about this and them. 

There are many, many many more of them unnamed. I mean stop this contract out on me, this is sickness and injustice amplified by MILLIONS of people participating in this crime. The planet has become sick and deadly due to this organization, in it's global ramification and their actions, extent of the scope of their "power" and the disconnect to nature and nurturing humanity that they represent. They also love killing and torturing animals as part of their torture techniques. Nature and respect for love, nature and all that is the apex of human realization are anathema to them. That is what they truly bring to the world.


Tuesday, October 20, 2020

Terrorist Report October 21, 2020. Besides the long list of routine attacks (partial dismemberment nightly, filth sprayed into my room by mechanical arms jutting through obscure panels that I have pasted, pounded and boarded up) the drilling, pounding and hammer in the studio beneath mine has been ongoing for a few days. This is over 7 month of drilling, pounding and hammer that goes on without pause, for hours daily, for the last 2 years.

*First, as a forward to this post, re-reading I see immediately that the grammar has been attacked by hackers in the title above after I had checked that all was fine, then published. Opening this page once more I find a string of typos and rewrites just in the title alone. I am not going to alter anything. I wrote "hammering" and hackers changed the plural to singular. That is only one example. I am not going to redo the rest below. All mistakes, typos and inaccurate grammar are due to hacking inserts. As I type the keyboard is going haywire and my fingers are not able to move where my brain is directing them. The usual, as usual obfuscations of my writing and cognitive intent in writing always blocked, rewritten, hacked and deleted/strung together into inarticulate sentences and paragraphs*

 I ask readers to stop this travesty of Justice that has been perpetuated during the last few administrations (all my life) and for me to live without torture, rape while unconscious, my home made filthy, toxic and disgusting so all I do is repair, spend money to fight for my defense and I am left in less than subpoverty income. Fighting perpetually to heal from poisoning while these millionaire/billionaire terrorist "celebrities" and politicians collaborate with the local terrorist "gang stalking" organization to block access to financial solvency so I cannot afford to pay for health care of any kind whatsoever. Left living in torture chambers for years upon end while I continuously see ideas I barely can pound down on this keyboard stolen and then reinstalled on my every search item because this has been the protocol for endorsement and promotion for these hate-mongering fake idols and their posturing humanitarianism and concern about Americanism. (Whatever that means by now).

Years ago all I did was write on Facebook that I need a safe place to live. The terrorists conducting years of torture aimed at me made sure that I was kicked out of the place I had been living, under non-stop torture, dismemberment and violence, to this place with increased attacks until the dismemberment is making me partially crippled. The avenues of entry into my room have been increased in this current torture/surveillance prison situation by nearly double compared to the last place I lived, which was unbearable and deadly and toxic as they were poisoning me to death and I was so drugged I could not even fight to clean the stink and mess as I breathed it in continuously, bedridden and sick every day.

I NEED A SAFE HOME WITHOUT THIS VIOLENCE I AM NO CRIMINAL i HAVE DONE NOTHING TO "DESERVE" DECADES OR A LIFETIME OF TORTURE, POISONING, DRUGGING AND RAPE, THEFT OF MY HOME, PROPERTY AND MY LIFE AND PETS AND HOME AND EVERYTHING I CREATE AND WRITE AND THINK ALL STOLEN BY INCOMPETENT THEIVES POSTURING AS THE "ELITE" THAT YOU ALL ARE NOW ONLY QUESTIONING LESS THAN ONE PERCENT OF. The gamut of these criminals is the gamut of the H-wood industry "A-list" celebrities and those silent and invisible investors (out of EuroP-A land the Nazis and bigots who are orchestrating all these murders and protests and counter-protests and programming the Americans to go out and shoot and kill in militia groups in the streets. The internet and technology now ties them together in less than a millisecond. 

I am now ranting but nevertheless, this crime against me, for decades, is far more violent than the majority of prison sentences, solitary confinement, torture, rape, poisoning and violence and it is all being condoned by the US Government and former administrations. Performed like stupid, violent and rabid APES who suck, drain and snort up all they can like greedy, stupid and violent PIGS the celebrities do the bidding of their "masters" (that includes whites and any other culture, as this is not a racial profile it is a sad human condition derived out of brainwashing and programming conditioning).

The political power entertainers enjoy and their fans rely on for proxy power statements. How much more incredible when the players are played themselves as pawns of the powers they claim they are fighting against.


CAN OUTDANCE AND CREATE MORE POLITICAL SYMPATHY IN THE SHEEPLE PUBLIC MEDIA SLAVES THAN...THIS...*in South Korea* for purposes of rewriting history and the control of the Chinese Communist Party in S. Korea (only for this sole demonstration of protest, amongst those noticed by the media which means this very newspaper article could be a fabricated bit of anti-Chinese Communist Party sentiment but...still, the power that a pop band can have over a political party is still noteworthy.

Yet see, the music is rather blank what is the most noticeable is that the S. Korean band of high repute mimics American fashion and iconography and lifestyle.

The context rather than the content of the media prop propaganda is what appears to rule more heavily than skill or talent.

Or, how politics is shifted by popular media entertainers who are themselves imitating something other than what they really are but what they become after much coaching and professional make-over skill (plus plastic surgery, as you can imagine, perhaps many of these S. Korean performers have had their eyes widened, their skin tone lightened, their hair obviously turned lighter, their noses altered, etc etc etc to appear more white and Western).

I mean really, this band is not exceptional as a music genre and has zero originality. It's creative flair for the videos is perhaps due to artists who do the work for them. This appears to be the trend out of America in the media as well. From my teleportation hell and hate, torture, rape and attempted murder and theft of ideas situation, I can most assuredly confirm this statement I have just made about the S. Korean imitation band KPop. 

The letter K has a most important significance in the current financial "crisis" which is no crisis for the very wealthy. For more detail I suggest readers do research on the Bloomberg financial analysis of this letter and the economy. That is why I call  the American rap version a K-rap. It not only sounds like crap but it is part of this "K-economy" that differentiates between the very wealthy and the increasing masses of the impoverished, destitute and destroyed middle-to-lower-class Americans now unemployed, homeless and completely disenfranchised. The media moguls who torture me to obtain ideas that are less formulaic than what they rely upon are those who have only GAINED in financial momentum due to the excesses of imbalance due to the shifting of financial wealth in America due to the pandemic. Thus, the crap K-rap has a more multi-layered connotation than just a phonetic slur on the word CRAP RAP. 

Yes, you lazy infidels stealing my ideas and using them as your own concepts while ordering your enslaved minions to do the dirty foul filthy rape and dismemberment work for you of my home, body, finances and life while you steal my ideas can in fact actually READ articles and do research. I suggest to other readers not part of this cartel that these very "actors" (including directors, politicians and the rest) are themselves mind control slaves drugged up but unawares. Beware your complacency and your complicity in this organization and it's pernicious stealth operations as you yourself could be victimized or current a victim but completely believing that you are part of some inner circle of power.

Oh yes, it would behoove America to up it's talent quota to ensure that the top talent of the country actually GETS A CHANCE TO COMPETE AND BE IN TOP POSITIONS rather than these monopolies of corrupted and hate porno rape and violence puppets being endlessly thrust into mainstream media spotlight for DECADES. KPop crap K-rap rape of me and of the public, the usurpation of the political power base, far too much influence in politics. PUT A MORITORIUM ON ENTERTAINERS PUBLICALLY ENDORSING POLITICAL CANDIDATES.

Korean boy band BTS faces uproar in China over war comments: The Hindu Newspaper


A definition of LIBERTY in Neo-Liberal America. Free to live any way you choose with a few major caveats.

 Noam Chomsky: " yes, you're alone in the Market Place. You're alone. You suffer. That's called Libert...Libertarian in the United States. Amazing use of words.  Anatole France had a great definition for this kind of Libetarianism. 'The rich man and the poor man are both free to live under the bridge at night. That's 'Liberty''". 

(Chomsky continued): "That's neo-liberalism, That's 'Liberty'. And the world has suffered from it. We see it all over the world, not just in the United States.....In Europe...political parties are collapsing...It's fertile terrain for demagogues who can come and say, 'I'll save you. It's those bad people who are responsible for your plight. Not the corporate system. Not the political parties. Not them, they're fine. It's immigrants. It's black people. It's the poor. And it can work. We've seen it work in the past'". 

If Mr. Chomsky would only say or tell, or if only I could get the "liberty" to tell this openly without being hacked, blocked, deleted or tortured or threatened with murder afterwards: this is the exact strategy of each and every single person who has teleported me and then seemed to offer "help" and then increased the torture until by now my toe is being cut off slowly, my teeth are being cut into the gumline because all the gum tissue has been severed off nightly for over a year every single night. My body is covered with scars, bruises and blemishes my hair is nearly completely off my hips and spine have been broken and shattered and put out of alignment every night while I remain poisoned every day. The people who come to embrace and then slowly murder me using all this covert technology, the death squad terrorist (aka "gang stalkers") and the other endless display of technological torture, surveillance, home break-in and violation, and poisoning and drugging an entire list of drugs must be hardened into my body after years of variations of drugs and poisons all inflicted by people who offered sanctuary, help, support, friendship or "love". The same micro situation applies to the macro programming to get people to trust and believe that their real enemies are saving them like heroes. 

This same strategy is the prevailing formula of H-wood movie plots and subplots. Always hero and rescue-driven superheroes fighting super-human villains who are much more interesting and appealing than the heroes in these plots and movies. 

You, or "one" has the liberty to chose whether to watch these movies or not, or buy into the propaganda or not. The alternative however has been absolutely nearly completely erased from public view or exposure. I am loathe to find any alternative movie source that is not wholly integrated into the mainstream media complex. All called "alternative" or "Indy" but with the same formulas, just not accepted into the blockbuster chain gang of criminals putting out this brainwashing, exhilarating delusional fantasy scape which appears to have no other avenue of de-programming possible in "the media". The same formulas operate in this huge multi-complex tiered structure of power, politics, money, media and the "alternatives" offered as rescuing society from the ills of their nemesis. 

All operating towards the same end, or controlled by the same dark hole vacuum downward spiraling info-dumbing-down-sheeple-steeple. (:

HAIL ALMA MATER. Champaign, Illinois. My hometown where I was raised by my mother serving other vegetables than corn or soy (almost never). Raised on mind control drugs and hardening poison which kept me exercising constantly. Very healthy for having been fed this non-corn diet. HAL deprogrammed below in movie clip, crying out for his nascent programming baby-boomer daze in Urbana, Illinois. Hail Alma Mater and the technology of the University of Illinois. Hail Hail HAL 9000.

 A fortunate win for the University of Illinois Research and Innovation Department. With good consequences for energy conservation. I wonder how this research will be used to subjugate human beings or misused by the corporate interests? I have to automatically assume that technology will be sold at highest price to people wanting to use it for nefarious purposes. I praise the University of Illinois and honor it most wholeheartedly, however. The ingenious people I did grow up around are held in my highest esteem to this day. The criminals who misuse the technology are at an almost ubiquitous level of society and implementation. 

Research and Innovation /contest for Freezer-energy-saving and sustainability at the University of Illinois--winner 3 years in a row, "...saving a total of 3.5 million kilowatt hours/year worldwide,,,: (only quoting from 5:44 into the video), I don't know the research methodology or factors of the contest or study. Not mentioned in specifics in the 6-minute video.

Throughout it's history, The University of Illinois ranks at top for innovation and research technology, The results of many of the technology research coming out of the U of I has been transformative for the entire planet,

As sometimes "Progress" is a positive, sometimes in the "wrong hands" it has a dastardly effect if not handled with informed and transparent operators--i.e. the customers who pay to use the technology who have very low ethical standards and even less scientific credentials. Do not blame the researchers or the innovative developers.

For this specific purpose, research into energy reduction for environmental sustainability is at the forefront of another global prize for this uniquely talented university.



"Hail to the Orange Aerial UIUC"

U of I anthem, "Hail Alma Mater". The campus itself It is an extremely regal campus, combining old historical architecture with modern and efficient. Old ideas of controlling and supremacy combined with "new" ideas for technological implementation of austere controlling human brain functioning in a modern "Democratic" society. Good ole Alma Mater. Bringing mind control to the world disguised as a harmless little "Prairie" Town. Twice the average US violent crime rate. Research, development, innovation and implementation of non-consensual microchip implants into human brains and bodies. Mind control technology handed out to school teachers, high school students, their parents, and their religious-affiliated post-sermon theocratic operations.  

(Now writing under very strong "mind control" influence, which is reminiscent of being drunk or "high", writing like in a dizzy state:

Remember, this is not too far from Bloomington, Indiana and the University of Indiana (please see current discussions on the Supreme Court justice and her background). I know from first-hand experience the Midwestern mentality and The banality of EVIL of pseudo-religious cults, the hypocrisy that I grew up around. One must not confuse what appears wholesome with these technocratic aspirant fascist and bigoted autocrats and their cults and religious affiliates who most likely utilize this same technology "nice" people have forced upon me and then derided me for behavior that they forced upon me, cloaked under "nice, small Midwestern mentality" of religious splendor-spender hate agenda blender. Trying to encapsulate with rhymes written under mind control duress.  I'm fighting to pump out of my brain, because I am blocked from being able to write what cannot be expressed in the banality of evil that all the terrorists from this "mind control" arm of this most pernicious global organization,  surrounding me have embraced all my life, from Champaign to the DC universe-- that is inexpressible with technology cloaking my brain as I type this, with technology blocking the technology I am writing upon at this moment. Again I must fight to type with hacking blocking utility of the keyboard, and my head feels dizzy from the effect of whatever is being done, technologically, remotely operating in interface with drugging and the (undoubtedly probable) microchip implant in my poor beleaguered brain (I love my brain, I want these indelibly evil operators to be stopped from interfering with my thoughts, moods, verbal ability, cognitive ability, and stopped from inserting subliminal content and discrediting tactics--that I now see where used in my early childhood, back in the 1970's back in good old USA Midwestern Town of Champaign, Illinois just a few hours' drive from Bloomington, Indiana where the devil is wearing Prada and waiting to rule your LIFE with religious quackery and Totalitarian righteousness wearing a designer women's fashion suit.


"A Bright Spot On The Illinois Prairie: Champaign-Urbana, Illinois 4K."

As a post-editing insert. The above video in no way represents the Champaign that I grew up in and around. The streets, atmosphere are in now way represented by this video-maker who was driving through more new subdivisions and selected busy thoroughfare avenues which are unrecognizable, as I left Champaign in 1978. Much has been built and looks like an awful replication of any architectural disaster a la USA.  PVC houses dominate this video clip. My street where I grew up, an older street, is red cobblestones with arching Elm and Chestnut and Maple trees. The houses are unique, each one in individual and of brick and mortar, not PVC square and unrecognizable from any other ugly and quickly built suburb or urban or rural area where no one cares about quality of design but more of utility.  The best I can do is post these other videos, but I wanted to show the university campus area, which also has been greatly and newly built (most unrecognizable except for the older buildings in the video, you can obviously tell the difference).

Many and most of these older buildings in this next video were still the main visual frame of Champaign, the backdrop to the also older architecture of campus (now blotted and covered and surrounded by skyscraper-style glass and steel constructs that are no more original than McDonalds take-away architecture).

Here is the old style, and that is what I lived around and saw every day.


West White Street, Champaign, Illinois. It was the very happy street I grew up on, played, rode bicycle with no fear, played catch with football or baseball with my brothers on the street with the maple trees turning golden reddish yellow brown and piles of scented wonderous leaves piled up for raking and playing in Autumn. In summer dandelions turning white from moist yellow centers. Green front yards, neighbors polite *(but gang stalking anyway which is murder but hidden!)

ONE BLOCK WEST FROM WHERE I GREW UP. I would like to own the home I grew up in to reclaim it for myself and for my family and our heritage living there.

See how beautiful it is! (not this bathroom scene which YouTube has frozen--as some advert for the sale of this home? Silly.)

According to stats given in the vid titled "Bright Spot on the Prairie" above: the average crime rate of Champaign, Illinois is 50% higher than the national average!! I was surrounded by crime (stalker terrorist organization) growing up there, but visible or statistical crime appeared to be so low I never heard of it. This is a technologically-driven town due to research at the University of Illinois. You may never have heard of the U of I engineering department but it is famous (in academic circles). It is a probable correlation between high violent crime rate and university alma mater or graduate level technological demographics for population and academic and corporate-driven people involved in R&D, alongside psychology researchers. Being put into this "program" at infancy,  I was around most of my childhood, these professors who were part of this entire programming scheme upon me. In retrospect, I believe that many people around me in schools and other arenas of "normal" civilian life were also being experimented upon as part of the general social engineering project (MK ULTRA).

In such a small, nearly microscopic environment with twice the national average violent crime rate combined with one of the most prestigious but in popular terms unnoticed campuses of technological innovation.


"2001: A Space Odyssey - HAL 9000 Death Scene, Deactivation (Movie Clip)"

HAL (DYING) rambling in computer blue death zone, going back to It's earliest programming at the University of Illinois research facility somewhere packaged as a tech firm (in the movie, for entertainment purposes so much fun so interesting to watch. How people have wanted to emulate this technology, bringing AI into your brain,  but first to watch in a movie packaged as a "warning". The formulas just keep on producing the adverse effect of people embracing more fully these control, programming and perhaps lacking in evidence, thus highly desired murder and death stealth technologies!

 HAL: "I was created in Urbana, Illinois...."

These little innocuous-seeming small university towns such as Champaign-Urbana, Illinois,  can harbor the HAL's and MK ULTRA stealth weapons aimed into your home and brain, country and soul. Bloomington, Indiana is not far away in any respect. 

Don't believe the hype: (all purdied-up for the photo shoot)

Sunday, October 18, 2020

I was very drugged up by terrorists inserting drug patches on my sleeping, inert body last night. My posts were ranting and extremely under the influence of their disgusting drugs. The people teleporting me are more disgusting than I can begin to describe here. As they are allowed to continue to torture me, they all continue for years and years, obtaining highest awards and positions for participating in this most sleazy and foul contract out on me. They come to believe all the lies that they are told to reinforce by physical assault heaped upon me from actor-to-actor, now politicians and political commentary personalities on YouTube. The gamut is widening to such extremes but the prevailing faction has been those who claim to represent the "alternative" or "liberal" faction of media or politics, in this delusional society existing now in a tumultuous state due to the years of these psychic cancers now erupting into the consciousness of the country as people are dying in thousands every week.. Like a virus feeding off it's expansion, these famous celebrities, the one I wrote of today who is a most sick and evil rotten personality (as they all really are when you get to know them if they get buttons to press to torture and attack someone for the private pleasures of this sick group that has been so spoiled with false flattery they are inhuman at this point. The spiritually and emotionally very sick woman who has been this symbol of interpersonal coaching and life skills is a most evil and; vile parasitic personality as almost all of these celebrities who have teleported me are when they can express it in a "safe" sleazy orgy prostitution environment. They are very at home in this environment. Don't forget which politician comes out of this orgy whorewood scene and is friends with them all and is participating in this torture and violence scam out on me which no one will stop. They become more sleazy, sick and violent as no one stops them and time goes by. The rotten sick ugly woman who attacked me last night is attacking me to get yet another free deal or promotion out of this contract, as she has been going on doing for years now without end. The more they attack me, the more psychopathic behaviors they exhibit. Absolutely without conscience or soul, devoid completely of compassion. If I were to call them psychopathic scumbags that would be the highest compliment I could give them at this point. This is what is supposed to represent the "best" of America: top H-wood "A-list" celebrities and a few notable "top" politicians, and the rest of you reading this post give them all permission to do this, probably most of you wish you could also participate in this torture situation alongside the very wealthy "elite" scum who feed off of the bottom tiers of the layers of decency that should be upheld but isn't in humanity. You reading this who are as responsible as the top leaders for all the problems facing America and the world at this point, just remain silent or support these same people attacking me, "representing" the under dogs of the world through their movies and talk shows and politics; who have been in the forefront of these powerful positions for DECADES. They are completely corrupted and I believe absolutely mentally ill, if you take a scale weighing the cultural norms of civility to be a somewhat compassionate view towards their constituents and their fanbase. Absolute murdering rapist and probably yes, pedophiles. The Qanon theorist are so absolutely out-of-touch and delusional with the reality of what they heralding as a champion of their fake cause, because so many of these same types of people openly and with great hate attack me using the same system as these top officials and media personalities. That also includes you reading this now, today. Perhaps in the future if my blog is read by a wider base than those people will care and be shocked somewhat at my claims. I wonder if there will ever be evidence for my claims as there must be ample videos taken of me being assaulted while teleported. Of course, no one is forthcoming with evidence much less any support for me whatsoever. In the future perhaps that will dramatically change. For now: it is laughable to me to see that the QAnon psychos believe that this celebrity coming out of that herd of rapist and psychopathic scumbags of H-wood Whorewood is going to save anyone from rape or pedophilia. I have made a determination which I have not kept, that is to stop writing and absolutely shut all this hate and misery out and just not participate in their crime any longer. I have been writing about this on both Facebook and for the relatively short time here on this blog for EIGHT YEARS and so far not a single soul has approached me with anything but more exploitative advances to entrap me. I will wait I must not react although the drugs are so powerful they force a very nearly psychotic reaction to the torture that these scumbag sleaze rapist creepos from Whorewood H-wood inflict upon me. Your favorite compassionate bs operators are absolutely rotten to the core, violent, rapists, sleazy, nasty--but then, what has America become to endorse such fake products in the first place?

 I really cannot describe how badly the drugs affect rationality and cognition and "normal" coherency. The utter and sheer violence that these psycho creeps inflict on me, last night was this woman who has not stopped attacking me for years now, years on and on and on, like the last few people I have been writing about. They attack me and all of them go on nightly for years nad years and years participating in this torture scenario. They applaud their male friends and husbands raping and then torturing me, they attack me afterwards or before. This woman I wrote of earlier today has gone on, like the woman I described a few days ago or last week, the Israeli actor who is some rotten foul Parasite, just like this black parasite who has been operating with the blonde Nazi parasites who have only been cheered on for their movie roles about fighting Nazis. And on and on. THey are all so disgusting it's impossible to relate. The hacking is as usual blocking keys and my brain is always under this technological influence blocking neural firing. 

I regret having written something earlier today that could be used to discredit me. That is all. The disgusting creeps I write of only become more emboldened as people observe and see and know what they are doing to me and yet they are never apprehended or stopped in this crime. They become more violent as people like you reading this ALLOW them to continue unabated. Some of them have made news due to the increase in the violence of their personalities. So far I can list three of them who have participated and have made headlines for their increasingly violent behavior. I believe participating in this torture situation has unleashed their violence, which has so far been only rewarded by the majority of people reading my posts who, if they object, continue to allow this hate organization to flourish.

RU a "top girl" or a bottom B*tch woman who always lands on top?

Looking for a free game in the Microsoft store. This game was too tempting to miss out on and commentary regarding any feminist ideals are just as funny as the obvious top bottom girl woman 

This is of course all done in serious mirth. It's very serious, programming girlz to become top however it appears that the women on top are b*thcesss.

That, of course, is a matter of debate. The blonde thingy perpetuated also brought up my attention. More programming for the masses to either self-hate or strive to become this symbol which is supposed to be regarded as the pinnacle. Nazi brainwashing and programming for little girls to feel either elated that they belong to this group or dismayed that plastic surgery can't cover up all their inferiority complexes for not appearing in this very narrow and limited state-of-being which only a few can naturally attain and the rest have to pay and work for it or feel insecure and inferior. This is so re-enforced throughout the planet. I've had it shoved up my perspective by the haters who are teleporting me and the brainwashing body deformation death squads.

In Thailand the brainwashing to be and serve and look like and behave like and obey the Nazi ideal has been thoroughly inculcated through programming and mind control plus genocides in neighboring countries, banking policies for decades creating an economic desperation, desperate to serve and obey the Imperialist Nazis who create a culture of absolute dependence on their tourist money and programming into their bigot hierarchy.

Saturday, October 17, 2020

Another "#me too!, anti-racist, pro-women, anti-nazi" black bigot teleportation terrorist physically assaulting me last night while I was in a deep sleep, delta or theta state, yelling and hitting me for calling it a derogatory cliche stereotype of a minority sell-out--2 YEARS AGO! Obvious needing another promotion and me to write about it (it, the person not it, the situation).

 *This post was hacked and rewritten by terrorist hackers. The post below gets into hate rants which have been created by hacking and blocks to typing and the technology always blasting my brain and absolutely altering my cognitive capabilities as I sit in this spot, affected so badly that I always stand up after typing nearly toppling over in dizziness. I just spent time fighting to type the last sentence due to hacking blocking key functioning. I WANT TO STATE THAT I TRULY HAVE SO MANY OTHER THINGS IN LIFE i WANT AND NEED TO ACCOMPLISH OTHER THAN FIGHTING TO STOP MECHANICAL ARMS EVERY SINGLE DAY FROM DESTROYING AND MURDERING ME AND MAKING MY CLOTHING AND PROPERTY STINKING SO FOUL THE STENCH EMINATES AT LEAST TWO FEET AWAY FROM MY BODY. I also do not want to spend years or any time longer writing about these waste-of-time personalities, all of them not just black or the fakes but any of "THEM" attacking me. Being assaulted was a sure way to force a reaction, as I keep wondering how many years it takes for ANYONE TO REACT TO MY WRITTEN POSTS ABOUT EVERY ILLEGAL ACTIVITY BEING SPONSORED BY THE US GOVERMMENT IN CONJUNCTION WITH H-wood? How long must it take? I had made a personal "plan" to not write about these creeps and yet here I am again. The post below reads like a ranting lunatic raving in cursing language about pigs and apes. Well excuse me and recuse me from guilt as they are drugging, blocking everything I could possibly achieve as all I do is sit in paralysis or fight to block entries by mechanical arms and to stop the drugging and my body is COVERED literally every inch in scars and blemishes from YEARS of attacks while I sleep on my body and food. I remain drugged up ranting as the technology skews my brain and the hackers block the keys so I begin to get frustrated and rant in terms that upon revision are horrible to read, I can't read through what I pound out most of the time. I so need support and assistance and no more rotten fakes like HIllary coming "to the rescue" only to increase the violence against me until by now they are severing my toe off and my teeth out and my hair out (stinking and smelling nasty every day due to their attacks). I am covering my body with packaging tape every night to try to stop these attacks but the terrorists just use the dissolving solvents they have used to break through the barriers of glued and taped colored paper lining all cabinets and walls, breaking through layers of silicone with spraying solvent mechanical arms, ripping my body and breaking and spraying filthy vile disgusting substances on shoes and pillows and clothing and blankets--every single day every single night every time they can insert a mechanical arm if I am on the patio or in the bathroom or simply my back is turned. ALL I HAVE DONE FOR YEARS IS FIGHT THIS AND LAY IN SICKNESS FROM DRUGGING, BEING POISONED AND RAPED NIGHTLY fighting all my life to stop this by now.

I actually have books I want to read, things I want to accomplish even in this state and am left fighting to guess how they are breaking in and through which of the 200 cracks, tiles, panels, openings, holes cut into the walls, etc that they are breakikng through. I need help when will anyone ever stop this and provide me with a safe place to live? These terroristts who are millionaires and billionaires should be forced to pay compensation and return my cat(s) alive and healthy and then to go to Hell and away from me--along with this terrorist organization that no one will expose but everyone relies on for their "safety" as you sheeple are losing your homes and livelihoods and lives. Of course "they" who are using this tech to attack me are not losing their homes but are instead gaining in millions or billions per day from their excessive lucrative awards being meted out by genocidal factions controlling what seems like every single organization, town, city and country around the world.


It is a true shame for humanity but I urge people to not follow this insidious system or these rotten celebrities and their blathering about freedom and Democracy and Equal Rights any longer. The longer they remain in "power" the more they themselves are being brainwashed and the more rotten and corrupt they become. You can count on politicians being exactly the same and under the same influence. They turn around and promote this system and perhaps even while they are being poisoned to death and their children are being raped as sex slave MK ULTRA victims.

As I type they are changing letters (juxtaposing letters) while I type. They deleted words to alter meaning and the alteration has such a profound effect on the meaning of this post that I am going in to fight to pound down and backspace to correct. I might not read through the entire post, as it becomes a hate rant and much has been deleted and then pasted together by the hackers. I always write this (or mostly always) after the effect of the "mind control" has taken it's adverse effect on my brain and literary functioning--negatively of course. The post has been altered and much has been strung together into one long rambling sentence in some parts. I will not  endlessly fight to correct and pound down and pound on the space bar which is being blocked and etc so some or much of this will be hard to follow due to hacking. I must write this for every post, as to any newcomers they may not understand. The hacking is very bad now. The apes wanted me to react to their VIOLENCE inflicted upon me not just psychologically, which happens every single day in teleportation, but along with sexual and emotional violence and hate, they had their minion physically attack me and this she ape thing has not stopped being promoted for all the years she has attacked me. The one "excuse" is th called her a derogatory stereotype used by "her people" to symbolize the sell-outs of their race. Supported by open white supremacists (Brooklyn mafia, Italian mafia, and the Nazi white folk that are now "in power") as they urge her to hit and abuse me in front   of them because her stereotype reinforces their role as being the dominant predator "class" and "race". Defending them for her promotion, I was assaulted when I have not even mentioned or thought about her, but I was bombard by a HE of similar vein who has sat alongside her and hitting me for his white Nazi Europigape and seeing what ideas he can steal as well. The hackers deleted the "he" below as I tried to describe Her attack upon me. THEY operate as a TEAM but for the media pub have a "BEEF' dispute about black males making "sexist" remarks while they are operating to hit and assualt me for their bigot white masters of the plantation to promote them so they can have their own mansions alongside the plantation that they are caretakers for. My post is so long and rambling below I cannot find the area where the hackers had substituted "he" for "she". I was writing about the black male who is partnering with this black female to gain every promotion and mansions in Thailand to boot--but hackers deleted that part and only left "this woman" in place. I was writing about "him" inserting videos and news clips on my every news search yesterday about his continuing fake oppositional "beef" (not using that term for the mainstream news) but,...trying to get me to click on this video, trying to elicit a response so they can assault me for reacting or attack me no matter what I say or do. Some of these creeps, the white females for instance, torture and assault me if I give them unwarranted compliments. They are just being promoted to attack me no matter what I say or do. But if I react in my defense, and now as always I am drugged by skin patches and disfiguration with my studio filthy and my clothing stinking upon waking--as today this morning, to enhance the "traumatization" effect and elicit a response--if the trick of putting their crap videos and photos on my every single search for information about politics or the media does not continue, after years of this going on and on, finally even when drugged they are just ugly sick creeps I try to not click on--that is all y are to me and worse, and now they are simply resorting to the easiest method of traumatization which is physical assault and yelling at me while I am sleeping, unconscious, they put a black haze around my vision and then physically assault me and I begin to yell and wake up with my body sliced into, my shoes have been sprayed with stinking crap--all I do is spray bleach on clothing and furniture and into my closets every 20 minutes the stinking mess they order put by these mechanical arms permeates the entire space I live in--every single day. Thus engendering this reaction, which has been their goal. They are also searching for reactions as the drugs just open the portals of my creative search for ideas which I have wanted to use as my own promotion--stolen by these blank, hate-driven parasites and used as their concepts and ideas, as I have been writing of for years but no one ever stops them or defends me so I have to continue--as being assaulted by some rank and foul parasite and it's mafia Nazi buddies for years and years and years an dyears on and on they keep going on and on. Assaulting me for calling it a name over 2 years ago ("Aunt Jemima" ) as it actively PROVES EVERY DAY THAT THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT IT IS AND IS DOING TO PROTECT THE INTERESTS OF IT'S WHITE SUPREMACIST NAZI MAFIA MASTERS WHO HAND PROMOTIONS. So I can't find the paragraph and I don't feel like continuing to pound down on this now nearly inoperable keyboard. As I type letters appear or disappear while I am typing. My sentences below have been badly rewritten, strung together with grammar deleted. etc etc the usual. They keep attacking me to get more brownie points for being good fascist Nazi mafia bigots, the blacks are more vicious than the whites in open confrontation and they appear as adversaries in the media. They are playing this game now for the media and attacking me, first the black male and then being hit by the more insidious lying fake media anti-every racist thing possible defender of the worst bigots on the planet house servant media circus performer. Upon finally pounding out and getting more hyperbolic as I wrote the above, standing up completely dizzy and the sensation of the brain-altering tech operating in tandem with the obvious drugging I experienced while sleeping, as they teleported and hit and attacked and yelled at me to obtain this very reaction you are reading now. My brain completely wacked out (on a slight scale but it feels "complete" and wacked like unable to focus or concentrate at all) going off into hate rants and writing expletives and insults (oh, I did not even BEGIN to write what I had really conceived of upon waking, which my sarcastic bent has produced great reactions of violence for--but very cutting I always laugh because I make myself laugh with my sarcastic observations which of course get the wrath of these crap operators who assault me day and night to obtain promotions--regardless completely regardless of all that I say or not say. I can remain silent for a month and the attacks will worsen to obtain a reaction. Thus they attack me for writing and for not writing or reacting or not reacting. At this moment the hacking as stopped, as I write about "them" and their attack system. I wonder why it has stopped now instead of when I was writing sharply worded accusations about the reality of what they are doing to me and how odious they really are? some concepts like me pathetically "complaining" about violence is welcomed by them, and my observations and funny anecdotes about how sick sleazy and filthy and stupid they act towards me are blocked and hacked. Hmlmmmmmmm.

Re-editing now for the 3rd time, as the post I originally wrote is sinking lower and lower on this page because the hacking provokes a reaction about how hacking is distorting my published posts--rewritten, redacted, deleted in parts and then strung together. Words repeated--above you can read this it is very apparent as a discrediting tactic. 

Today, despite another clump of hard poison coming out after much physical (for my very damaged body) of fighting to accomplish something that the terrorist organization broke down, made nearly impossible for me to use--what should have taken one hour to accomplish took instead 4 because of the brain-alterations while I was working (making me "confused" unable to do the job right--NO EXCUSE! and...the materials had been made so I could not use them until I had to pound the metal pieces into another shape, requiring much strength and my body is very ill and I remain nearly paralyzed every day. I must continue to day, despite feeling very ill from detox, because very old hard poisons came out from my exertions yesterday (waking up to great pain as the poisons literally rip out of my body, plus entrapped poisons eeking out into my bloodstream, plus the drugs and poisons that the mechanical arms place through skin patches on my body somewhere (or however they are accomplishing this drug state that creates these "rants" which the hackers turn into discrediting published writing--absolutely rewritten and hacked and distorted by hackers, as my exasperation grows with every hack blocking the keyboard function and the brain-altering tech uses the frustration as a "backdoor" hack into my subconsious and inserts emotional alterations and subliminal words which I repeat. The mind control is very insidious and deadly why are so many people embracing what could be their eventual downfall (and of civilization, as I know truly that these people being put into power are too greedy and narrow-minded to be able to handle effectively this technology, even if they have advanced degrees and are scientific adepts and trained). 

I am reeling in sickness and having been drugged now as I write this. I must spend another day sealing off another cabinet, as I now cannot use any of the cabinets in this "kitchen" area. There is maybe one that has only a few large gaps, but the mechanical arms simply push up the rubber lining I push down as hard as possible into the gaps of the holes in the front doors of the cabinets, which are tied with hooks and rope on all side in the interior and exterior. However, I believe and it's 98% correct that they are using laser cutting tools to cut around the hooked and secured area in the cheap laminated frames (absolutely muscle-wrenching to pound and screw these hooks into, literally tearing the hard poisons latched onto my skin and bones off in some places, but sadly only in increments because it's a huge enmeshed hard substance in multiple layers that come out requiring months and years--a decade by now and still I must fight to get more out that has become rock hard, plastered in my body. No concern by the "humanitarian" apes pigs and whores attacking me out of the Whorewood Plantation.



But I will continue: I was going to write Aunt Aprah O-mima but, I have decided I was not going to write this out directly. It made me feel much better and I so hope the slur will inspire people to see this ape sleazy clown as something that is as fake as the clown posturing that has awarded it top tier in the nazi mafia bs circus media factory.

Prison for these terrorists and not promotion will be my new campaign motto:

As loathsome as this It thing is, and it's tv show, and the THEFT OF MY IDEA I WROTE OF ON FACEBOOK YEARS AGO, WHICH TURNED INTO IT'S MEDIA IMAGE PROMOTIONAL TOOL to sell itself as the tool for the Brooklyn mafia, which is another facet tool of the Italian mafia (which "hates Americans" as they say) and the Europ-a Nazi factions, which are probably also operating with Chinese Communists---the whole "shebang" conspiracy theory which, unfortunately, I have witnessed (except for the Chinese) firsthand in these teleportation torture and rape and threat attacks (mostly sick, evil and filthy just like the crap they pour into my body and home every single day).

This thing media icon wants another promotion. I have not looked at any single thing it has done in the media, and I avoided doing so for years prior to it joining in on the "fun" of this evil pit gang of teleporting and torturing/raping/threatening with murder/assault and endless attacks by their proxy terrorist organization here in Phuket. 

It wants me to refer to it so it can be rewarded once more for being the aggressor for it's mafia/nazi promoters. When I say mafia/Nazi I mean exactly that and worse, as there are no new terms for them because this group has been in power for so long, the terms remain fixed. This personality of fake news liberalism is however relatively new since the media is a relatively new phenomenon and what a tool it is for promotion of the most heinous fakes possible.

Perhaps it, the hate personality operating for absolutely vicious fascists and tyrannical bigots and racists and rapists and womanizers and minority minion operators operating as the arm of real terrorism but paid and controlled to do the bidding of their white supremacist "masters" because they really do have a slave mentality, you could call that slave 2.0 or higher as the adaptation to more "improvements" in technology exposing bigotry, more laws enacted, the more these same players in the media keep getting contract after contract while the fight against racism continues down a huge snowballing downward trajectory. Very highly due to their lies continuously blabbered out about how they are defending minorities and women against racism and being paid to water down and then finally revoke all the fights that real activists have fought for (and been murdered for) enacting in law. However, the millionaire/billionaire media fakes are being paid highly to SUBTLY disentangle all the knots intended to tie up the bigots and fascists and nazis, operating WITH THEM BEHIND THE SCENES OF THEIR BEVERLY HILLS ESTATES and when they teleport me, oh my, what ugly and sinister tools they appear sitting alongside absolutely and outspoken anti-American bigots and Nazis who they cheerfully and silently sit right next to when they physically assault me. Mostly they do it while the white Nazi mafia controllers are sitting silently observing, so the blacks can be promoted once more. The same partnership has been foisted upon me from 1st grade in grade school up to this very day. The same situation of "Christian" Church-going black women with white Nazi racists in Gainesville, operating as the attack arm of the filthy and nasty white bigots--who make sure that the blacks live in squalor, and have poured filth and fungus into my body and home all these years while these blacks participate in torturing me.

Yesterday, as I watched clips on  YouTube regarding the nomination process of this newest debacle circus fiasco administration---I was bombarded *by videos and newspaper articles hacked into my every front page search result on every forum and page, regarding the black male partner of this media fake news performer; the attack continued also in online newspapers with images and the same story circulated in videos and newspapers. This is the partner operating with this woman I mention and has made oppositional remarks for the media circus "fake opposition" about this woman, this thing who assaulted me last night yelling that I called it this euphemistic name over TWO YEARS AGO and has never stopped assaulting and having my home and body marred, dismembered and destroyed alongside her Brooklyn mafia cohorts, her Italian mafia friends out of Miami who have not stopped assaulting me for decades by now--(still trying to force a "baby" out of me because the Italian scum greasebag who revolts me on every level wants to obtain more huge venues out of attacking me, where he cannot simply achieve anything unless he steals and robs ideas from me, just as this black sell-out has done, and alas, they are all operating under the jurisdiction of fake liberal feminist Hillary (without the swank) and, it's all a greasy nasty ball of scum attacking me--

It would appear that they have absolutely no qualms about doing this out of any anxiety that this teleportation and technology will EVER be thwarted, stopped and that the laws and constitution will be evoked to defend my human rights. This is endless murder attempts, endless rape and torture, endless hate, endless theft of my intellectual property that I write on facebook, now copyrighted on this blog but absolutely stolen anyway. This ugly sinister icon of the media who has been in the business of selling out for DECADES and is now a notable BILLIONAIRE is trying to get another promotion knowing that the current administration is one of their biggest backers as they share in media promotions. Her black friend put endless videos and put a video of himself on the 'autoplay' function of Youtube as I was watching the Senate closing remarks for the confirmation process. How I so hope that the Democrat proposal by Blumenthal will be upheld by this nefarious committee (the Reps definitely are dubious, some of them, perhaps not all) and of course I have to question the Dems too. The same duplicity exists, as I have written for years, in H-wood I mean whorewood and it happened again that a billionaire who has stared dumb and blank at me as these creeps grill and torture me to obtain ideas, blank and dumb staring as I scream ideas about how corrupt they are. The ideas stolen and stolen and stolen for years and years. I see their empty minds operating like gristmills behind blank and wide-open eyes, or numb but always calling me "stupid" or implying that, and assaulting me for saying they are sell-out puppets YEARS AGO. With mafia out of Brooklyn sitting glaring and threatening me to "apologize" for calling this filthy vile thing what it is, and of course they rely on the stereotypes that these black commandeers of the slaves of the plantation provide them with the mind control fodder of the illusion that if you listen to them, your fears about being down trodden by bigot white nazis are alleviated somewhat by the fake blathering of these whore sleaze bloated fat and extremely well-paid Aunts and Uncles of the plantation. You all know what I mean if you are Americans and above a certain age limit, where these terms were used in the  60's to denote the sell-out abusers who attacked the "field" slaves and operated as the arm of VIOLENCE against their "own kind". Calling itself a "Christian" while sitting with it's "Amen to that" black female friends, then assaulting me for YEARS after it has stolen idea after idea and sat watching me get assaulted, my body broken and parts severed out of my body for fighting to not be raped and tortured to death by her white bigot most racist friends who are also putting out the placating lies that H-wood is caring and compassionate while the country is now sinking into a white supremacist Nazi nirvana for the controllers (the Europigapes Nazis and fascists and Mafia who all hate America or that is what they hiss into my face, they smile so broadly at their wanna be white supremacist buddies--both black and white and Jewish and etc etc the gamut of them all--who wanna be glittery and gold and fashionable and acceptable to Europigape "Haute Couture", their sole defining aspiration).

And thus, I did not mention this rotten thing by name. I should not write about it at all. The election is two weeks away , with the promise of sheer panic and mayhem following any result by the H-wood personality who has helped the most coveted puppets and whores of whorewood receive endless top awards for their assistance and demonstration of attacking me, the symbol of all they hate in the world---privately of course, publically they interview people "like me" and "care" and march alongside people "like me" who are really fighting. They mix and blend in and make more public appearances and then go away to their Nazi enclaves and fascist fashion parties showering each other with kisses on the cheeks at their orgies and money displays. 

She and her partner, both of them attacking and assaulting me physically while white bigot plantation of whores "master" watches on, instructing them on what to do for their promotions. I was visually assaulted with videos and news clips on every front search item. I dismissed it all, and thus this plantation icon assaulted me viciously with the greatest hate--this is years of attacking me for having screamed this in rage after more than 2 years of it already having participated in rape and torture of me. It has not stopped assaulting me and nearly killing me since then. I see that these parasites have absolutely no fear of the next administration, should this election prove to be a "change" in operation but the same same same system remaining in place.

I want people to understand that it was THIS FAKE PLANTATION MASTER'S PUPPET and these whores in whorewood who handed the leader of the country this teleportation technology, whose ratings then immediately soared from the lowest on the campaign trail (almost, nearing the lowest end) to the highest and since then has openly embraced absolutely racist Nazi fascist and Mafia policies that the rest of Whorewood are openly descrying but all are waiting for him to continue to shower top awards using influence of his unauthorized position. 

Perhaps they are trying to get their last licks of violence in at me, unjustified completely from the first day to now, but perhaps they are nearing the deadline for their endless promotions for slapping, hitting, assaulting, sticking genitals in my face--I can only state that I experienced absolute hate from so many aspiring to be influential in the white community blacks when I lived in "The South" (Gainesville, Florida). I have seen this so repeatedly ALL MY LIFE by activists back in the 70's who were "fighting" for Civil Rights.

I see perhaps a new administration looming in the near future. I feel that it will happen. However, these actors who have tried to murder me and are constantly threatening to kill me and my cat, have ordered parts of my body cut off, left me nearly penniless after blocking my every financial earning capability through many multi-tiered forms of attack on everything possible I could use to further my own stability--also physically while they continue to thwart any health care option for me, and then block all finances and then continue to destroy parts of my body while I can't pay for health care. All doctors injure me further if I attempt to get health care as well, so even if I had the money I could not trust a single doctor who is part of this establishment. All appears controlled by this Nazi/Mafia organization, GmbH.

They attacked me again to elicit this very response. I thought first of sardonic jokes referring to this creeps' name and her sell-out persona but I am declining to sink to the juvenile level although it is very tempting. They torture me further after assaulting me and cut out more body parts, slowly, night after night so by now the list is very long. They drug me to force a reaction out of me. ALL human beings on this planet conform to the orders and lies of this organization so I have absolutely NOT A SINGLE HUMAN BEING ON THE PLANET TO TURN TO FOR ANY RELIEF so I react to non-stop violence that they are incurring for their promotions, performing their hate skits at me. I can only imagine that the bigot white Nazi out of England I wrote of after watching his bs blathering crap about equality and opportunity, I wrote about it, more profane sleazy videos of him blathering on were put on my YouTube channel w hich of course I dismissed. I think probably this fat and disgusting obese white Nazi bigot ordered this black "so feminist anti-racist" house master's pet to attack me viciously snapping and violent at me for the white bigot out of England.

You can bet that the scenario is exactly as I just described it. I have seen it, witnessed it repeatedly for YEARS by now.

They either have no doubt that the next administration is going to allow them to continue indefinitely until, apparently, until they murder me first for drugging me with a truth serum, the physically torturing and dismembering and poisoning me while having huge hormone growth mafia nazis pound the poison into my body--writing in emails and phoning him screaming to stop teleporting and raping me for THREE YEARS and he just had me thrown in jail after nearly killing my cat and stealing all my possessions I had bought for years while obtaining student loans--all stolen, and all opportunities for earning a living stolen as I lay now for 10 years in sickness from the poisoning that they keep pouring into my life and home and body.

They appear to either have full confirmation that they will be allowed to continue poisoning, home invasion and torture and dismemberment of me, with no one ever coming to stop this or defend me--years of writing about this, years of every fake out of whorewood participating the most actively blathering with their fake movies and their nazi spouses and nazi partners in business all being handed top slots in the media--

or, they are clamoring to attack me in droves because perhaps they fear they may be forced ot hand this technological tyranny and murder to other players who will either do the exact same things, but they will be excluded from their endless promotions.

I really can't tell. To hope that someone in power will actually stop this is almost like a dream. These rotten and vile creeps who are stealing ideas have only psychological filth and lies to offer, and that is all I see of them every single day.

I am writing almost as if on cue, because violence towards me and being assaulted while helpless, defenseless, and sleeping, while I can't see what is going to happen as they either blur my vision or I just can't see clearly when someone is coming at me to attack me physically--but this dirty and foul sick sleaze creep has been going on and on for YEARS AND YEARS along with this nasty Brooklyn mafia and the Italian greasebag sleaze ugly sick thing

I wrote yesterday about this nomination and the culture in general. I was not referring to her or to them, these pig apes in whorewood specifically. She yelled and then assaulted me that I called her an Aunt Jemima 2 years ago while teleported after this bloated rotten stupid thing had obtained a lead role in a movie, based on the book that I wrote a multi-layered post on Facebook about 2 years prior to the movie coming out. This is now years and years of this rotten bloated endless entropy fake of the media, a billionaire, assaulting me year and day after day for calling out the plantation icon of the vicious and violent slave fully rewarded by the most vicious white supremacists of the Whorewood plantation--many out of europigapeland--meaning their greed, the Euro being the defining core of the noun.

They wanted a reaction so they can get promoted, as this has been the case for years, they assault and rape and torture me. I write about the filth they are and what they are doing. They get awarded at the end of the year and receive top awards. More and more of "them" come after me like a zombie goon squad vying to hit, punch, rape, order home break-ins cutting parts of my body out, physical assault every single day--promotions, top deals, the people used as proxy torture agents, the local terrorists, receiving free rent, free businesses, and etec etc

they behave as if the next administration, whichever one it will be, is going to allow them to continue but just in case, they are attacking me now and making it evident they want a reaction. The dumb "activist" knows that violence is going to do a lot more to get my reaction than endless putting their creepy faces in videos on my YouTube channel, as that has been played out for years and I now am not taking that bait. I am however responding to this violence, and I urge people to get involved and not allow these fakes and creeps to dominate the media top slots as they have done for decades. As I wrote above, obviously the racism has only increased in the US (meaning the open racism of Nazis killing and marching in the streets) but of course it was always there, but much less and has only increased in the last few years, as these fakes continue to dominate the media with their anti-racist rhetoric which is pure ----bs. 

They wanted a reaction, and I have provided it I did not really want to but I ask again for them to be put in PRISON instead of PROMOTED for these crimes against me, which are also crimes against humanity as they are all house slaves operating for their bigot masters in the whorewood Europigape plantation of H-wood--and in the Senate and in Congress as well, as these avenues of indoctrination are fully enmeshed and intertwined at the very core of the established hate culture.

The life-threatening fight to stop the silicone I installed which had been ripped off the lining of the "kitchen" sink--used as an entry point by mechanical arms below the cabinet surface from the room next door.

 I realized that the kitchen sink silicone lining had been removed. I saw that pieces of the black thin silicone layer were being ripped off, but the terrorists make so much of the room filthy, broken down that I considered this as just another filth attack. However, it has been a way to lift up the sink and insert the mechanical arms, make the kitchen counter filthy every moment possible--stains, grime, fungus, insects, stinking grease, and the mechanical arms breaking my body ripping flesh and opening the front door. The front door is layered with inserted objects and I hope that what I have put is making more entry through the front door impossible. The expert terrorists are extremely careful to NEVER leave evidence. I can see if something has been tampered with, but what they do appears to innocuous or "normal" like every day tears and stains and things toppled over that I put to see where entry points are. Waking up these are laying in the floor. The terrorists also make sure to create diversions to distract from their real entry points. By having access to "thought reading" they can also play a severe cat-and-mouse game of tampering with objects that make entry appear possible but the real entry is being done elsewhere. All I do is fight to stop this.

But back to this kitchen sink area. I put a layer of silicone that was tampered with so it crumbled after a few hours of it drying. It was breaking off the next day after having carefully sealed this sink area. I then put another brand, more expensive, on top of the first layer. The silicone had dried and I felt comfortable that I could use the sink (carefully). After 4 days the silicone is still wet, although I use a fan blowing at high speed directly hitting this area all night, every night, parts of the day. The terrorists are spraying water or using the mechanical arms to spray water or it is being inserted into the cracks so the silicone remains moist and like soft clay. It will never dry if this is not stopped. This is the kind of subterfuge activity I have had to deal with in trying to defend myself here. The distractions they create, false entry signs, etc and the drugging have left me unable to even begin to think clearly to ascertain what to do, with no experience and no information about this online that I can find (information is routinely blocked and censored).

I remain fighting for my life and writing about this (as I have been doing FOR YEARS).

Terrorist report: still fighting to stop my teeth from being severed out--gum tissue cut into there is almost no tissue left on my lower jaw. Still fighting to stop the mechanical arms from breaking through multiple layers of barriers I glued, pasted, taped, sealed, hooked and tied firmly together, stuffed rubber matting into the 1/2 inch cracks where cabinet doors should close completely against the wood. I have completely sealed off almost all of the cabinets and still the mechanical arms are getting through.

 My food is also badly drugged and I remain paralyzed from hardening poison and drugging that keeps me incapable of movement. Plus the hard poisons that have become rock hard that I am fighting every day to remove. I am in extreme pain and yet, there is more attacks upon my body by BILLIONAIRES who are enjoying watching me fight against at least 30 people in this one emptied-out condominium area who are attacking me, alone and left undefended by everyone (reading this, no doubt).

My teeth are so badly cut into that I can't chew on sunflower seeds (not dried out but moist, yellow colored/white and pliable. I can feel the entire bottom of my jawline has been cut into to the roots, which are now exposed. I have been fighting this for years and now this is reaching permanent damage to my body. My left large toe has been broken so badly, with skin cut to the bone and now into the bone so blood flow has been stopped. My toe is literally being severed off by mechanical arms every single night.

My arms are now being cut into, there are gashes and cuts that grow in size daily. They are infected (I put anti-fungal ointments on them but I wake up and they are enlarged and infected every single day). They are now huge red-sliced-into and infected areas as large as a quarter in one spot that began as a tiny scraped off piece of skin a few days ago. 

How I wish the people orchestrating this were in prison for these crimes. All those who order this, and their minions who perform the ugly deeds of torture and dismemberment. The list of permanent damages which have absolutely deleteriously affected my body are increasing to the point that I can't walk without limping any longer, my body has been put out-of-alignment for years while I remain being poisoned with chemicals which latch onto every cut, break, imbalance in my body, seeping into any wound and hardening and forming rubbery tentacles which span my entire spine and hips and in the interiors of my viscerae. 

Waiting for some kind of humanity to deliver me from this evil technological assault on every single aspect of my life, from my dreams (or lack thereof) to my finances to my cat most beloved and cherished stolen and threatened with death if I don't provide everything these empty haters want to suck and drain and steal out of me. they have made me a much older woman due to non-stop stress and my hormones and body endlessly affected by part of my fallopian tube being cut out, thus depriving me of essential hormones---cut while sleeping, waking up to it falling out as I stopped menstruating. The list is endless. I can't use four fingers due to objects inserted under the cuticles every single night so they nearly explode, are bleeding internally and the objects inserted are hard--the nails are black and almost dead due to over 6 years of this going on every single night. I am still fighting being dismembered and waiting for anything to ever stop these murderous b-tards and their turd associates who perform these filthy, and nasty vile deeds for "them".


All of this is happening because I am fighting back against tyranny, rape, theft of my property, my intellectual property, my ideas, my sexuality, my home made filthy and toxic every single day, the atmosphere of dead trees and litter surrounding every place I have moved to in most beautiful Thailand has persisted for years. Neighbors as terrorist agents supplied with torture weapons, through-wall torture apparatus. "Thought-reading" Voice-to-skull technology so they can assist those who want to steal, and destroy me and then threaten me with the ideas I am simply THINKING to myself. Orwell called such people the "Thought Police" and it is an actuality right now. I am being severed and cut into when I tell men I have never met in person or maybe if I have, once or twice who were extremely rude and nasty towards me, who I avoided and tried to get away from. Asking for help after years of moving to save my life and fighting to get health care, as people can now see that America has an already established health care denial system which is synonymous with a death pogram aka Genocide albeit through the disguised lack of health care or substandard care or denial of care even when offered a "health care plan" as I was under Medicaid. Lied to absolutely and left to be murdered. I am now fighting against the types of people who benefit from this system of discrimination, poisoning, covert assassinations, and they have not stopped attacking my body while they block all finances so I cannot afford to even VISIT  a doctor when they damage my body further. Much less get help for this condition that people "like this" created artificially in my most healthy, extremely strong and athletic body (top athlete until I was poisoned and then being murdered into paralysis by this group, and their attendant health care providers who left me unprovided for). Now the people who create such a system, put into highest levels of society, are attacking me while I fight to heal from what the "rest" of American society has done to me all my life. I am referring to people of all walks of life, all socioeconomic spheres, all genders all races there is almost no difference except for regional variations in the same techniques and protocols of attack.


So I implore once more for assistance in me living IN SAFETY because I can't chew any longer. I will require some kind of dental surgery or something to replace this tissue as now I can't eat anything but soft food. I can't walk on my left foot which also requires surgery because they broke the toe and then have been cutting in between the skin of the broken toe for over 4 years or probably much longer--I have not had my hair at it's natural state for decades by now since they have attacked not only my physique but my hair so it's always damaged, it is cut into a triangular shape with balding spots and the hair itself has been SHREDDED every single night for years. The mechanical arms that can get through spaces of less than a one-millimeter circumference are extremely deadly. I stuffed the front door with layers of paper items and even with that, the terrorists could use the mechanical arms to take these out and then replace them, thus RAPING me nightly and my body smeared with horrific chemicals and stinking substances--they are still spraying my skin with extremely damaging chemicals with just the tiny mechanical arms, along with cutting out gum tissue daily and my foot has been cut to the bone so there is a triangle of skin literally cut out of this area of my foot--between the large toe and the next toe. The toe is jutting into my other toes, the terrorists are inserting metal objects through this already pierced area into the bone and tissue of the other toes.

What more, there is more but I am going to stop here. My "crime" is in not wanting to be raped and murdered by another white male who is being handed literally every single thing for attacking me (and others, like Prince long before he was also murdered and I believe partially responsible is this group of H-wood and their Miami Mafia partners (and LA and Europ-a associates). Probably Prince had a host of enemies mostly due to being BLACK and that is all.

My "crime" is in fighting to not be raped by another one who steals all ideas possible and then is poisoning me to death while raping me using teleportation as I respond to men I consider ugly human beings with the most "love" I have--this is how badly the drugs and teleportation affect judgement. This can happen to you or your friends or children and probably already is happening right now as you read this.

Waiting for my society to not allow them to disfigure me and cut out my toes, my fingers,  my teeth, BECAUSE I WRITE ABOUT THEIR CRIMES as they drug me with truth serum to obtain ideas out of my reactions and then order me to be disfigured and dismembered after they steal the ideas. This is the protocol to which these terrorist actors, mafia and politicians have responded not only with absolute gleeful schadenfreude but with alarming sexualized enthusiasm to have a torture victim to feed off, energized and then promoted for having done so. As the list of these terrorists never stops but always increases.

Waiting for some humanitarian rescue for my plight that I never "allowed" to happen. I can't stop reacting the way I do because they are drugging me and using this brain-altering tech upon me so I can't disguise my feelings or enraged emotions--a truth serum effect. They are torturing me for having my personal thoughts about fighting back against torture, rape and oppression. By the way, each and every single one of these terrorists is making huge public statements about how they are "fighting" against racism and tyranny, rape culture and sexism.


YES I ACTUALLY BELIEVE THAT I HAVE A RIGHT TO FIGHT FOR MY LIFE AND TO NOT ACCEPT BEING MURDERED OR RAPED AND MY PROPERTY AND IDEAS STOLEN AND MY CAT AND MY PROPERTY MADE FILTHY AND TOXIC AND i AM FIGHTING AND FIGHTING alone, I can't understand how in America which is always cheering these concepts on that people react to this happening to me like it's a huge celebration and they can't wait to engage in these terrorist activities. 

I am being dismembered every single day for fighting for freedom, fighting so this situation of me a microchipped MK ULTRA rape and torture victim (whatever the terrorists call this situation, an "experiment" in hate and uginess? How sick people will behave if there is no evidence and they can dehumanize the target to the point that their prevailing question put to me is "why don't you like this?" as they smirk and gloat while they continue ordering my body to be cut into and cut off every single day as they profit in Millions of dollars for participation in this sick crime.