That what I write is considered a sleazy and funny "joke" to people reading my posts describing every criminal infraction of law possible--done by politicians of highest ranking in these corrupt organizations such as the House of Representatives, at the former and current Executive Branch, in the Senate, in Hollywood--and accordingly, they have all set me up to appear "delusional" for writing about what I am not able to defend with a shred of evidence. I keep seeing the criminals attacking me broadcast in nearly every main publication. All the underground zines and the alternative sources of information are either blocked or are now taken over and completely devoid of anything but a regurgitation of the mainstream sources of information. I see endless lists of these sick people being advertised as having the top qualities and their endless promotion for acting and behaving like absolute scum and filth and crap is as unbelievable as the fact that no one ever approaches me with a single bit of support or help--globally. All those who have, in the past, supported me in any way whatsoever are dead or I cannot contact them or find them online or anywhere. There have indeed been people who have supported me in my life. Most of them are now dead or, as I just write, they are invisible I literally cannot find a trace of them in any search. They of course avoid me completely.
I have not received a single personal email except from people directly attacking me for at least 10 years, if not longer. Every personal contact that may be genuinely friendly or supportive is BLOCKED.
I therefore appeal to whomever is out there to please put an end to this torture, rape, dismemberment and violence situation immediately. No one ever has. I waited under the Obama administration for these supposed "liberals" who "care" to stop this situation. Instead they participated and the actors involved have not stopped having me nearly tortured to death, day by day, since the very least 2012. Thus, for the last 9 years these same actors whose names I do not want to broadcast any longer as every time I make mention of their atrocious behavior they only receive more top awards for the next year, and the next, and the next. Every movie they make is underfunded by this organization so I believe that production costs are allayed as terms of this disgusting contract out on me. They get every kind of support to have polished movies of highest quality production also enhanced by this organization, to which they put their names on as their final package which is then released and then duly, as per terms of this insidious contract they participate in torturing me using this sick technology, then are awarded they go on and on indefinitely year after year viciously attacking me using every kind of abuse, hate and rape and disfigurement crime and financial and home-break in and everything else, i.e. heart palpitations, teleportation to try to destroy my mind, body and soul every single night they direct hate and destruction of my spirit, soul and they want to effect a collapse of my nervous system (thus they have ordered my nervous system under extreme stress which these technologies can remotely induce, along with the implanted microchips). There is so much more I can't describe it all. That this is going on and on year after year with no censure and no support for me and no stopping them, with endless more an dmore and more an dmore and more and more awards year after year for these rotten slime sleazy crap personalities is beyond belief for me to have to bear. And yet now a tv anchorperson is being put into highest categories of media acknowledgment--who attacked me and is still a part of this attack system It is absolutely vile t hat this is continuing for over a decade and yet not a single person in Congress or in Hollywood or in the planetary judicial system will stop this hate crime against me and I just sit here writing and writing while the hackers block my capabilities to think and write while I fight to get this out--as I sit here for the TENTH YEAR IN A ROW detoxifying from hardening poisons which have left me crippled--while these millionaires and billionaires who have attacked me have tortured me in order to use the synthetic telepathy technology (that is one term I have heard it called--it is "thought-reading" technology using the cochlear apparatus in the inner ear, and such other devices which pick up extremely sensitive inaudible ranges of vibrations which vocal chords emit as the brain/body continuum reverberates thoughts that a person does not openly vocalized--yet the thoughts themselves are very subtly vocalized regardless and these inaudible vibrations are then picked up--that is what I read about how this technology operates on one of the stalking websites). There are so many invasive technologies devised to penetrate into a person's inner sanctuary of privacy and grace, in order to inflict as deep psychological, sexual and physical wounds as possible but leave no traces or evidence. All of these completely devoid and vacuous creeps, including the very nasty endlessly joking tv anchorwoman whose every newscast is treated like the news is a humorous sarcastic joke--giggling at every story about corruption and then operating as a criminal terrorist alongside the very people she is "exposing" in her entertaining exposes which are very well written and rolled out as entertainment. There is no serious take on anything and every news broadcast is exactly the same: giggling throughout the "expose" broadcast but then in real life, this most deadly serious, sleazy and greedy person is filled with hate, derision, and like all the rest of them, will do anything and sell anything out in order to "win" to contest of endless media attention. They are all now deriding their good partner Trump for his role in his adherents attacking the Capital, which is what they have been doing for years using this technology. Every movie, tv show and everything they do is rife with subtle psychological mind-control propaganda in order to lure people into the fascist, Nazi fold which is really their main benefactor agency.
Yet, that this attack upon me, who has never tried to delve into the Los Angeles area much less in their arena--nor have I EVER been affixed to the patterns of these movie ceremonies and awards rituals. I always shunned and avoided these trite movies and now I am thrust into being tortured so these actors can obtain ideas (I also have to include pop singers who can steal one-liners that I write, as my capabilities to write are so diminished and I have had to stifle my attempts to write anything that could be stolen or copied, even tiny descriptions are now being stolen so meaningless pop singers can have a few lines to incorporate into their fake displays of creativity. And I just sit here today, again sick from detox that never ends as my body is shrinking from the poison endlessly ripping muscle and cellular structures (at the micoscopic level as the poison is literally glued like cement into my body--it's so hard that it comes out with the texture of glass shards--it's been so compressed for decades and is so hard I can pound my fist against it hard and entrenched into my body, latched into my spine/hips/skull/legs and down into my feet. I sit here in utter sickness day after day, as I have for years and these vicious and violent psycho scum creeps have not stopped for a single day of their endless awards in terrorizing, abusing, have me raped, my body completely disfitured, my home sprayed with deadly toxins that I have had to breathe in for years without being able to keep a window open at night--hundreds of people swerving into me while driving and walking into me in stores for years without end, near death while driving every single time I drive anywhere. Due to extreme poverty this group of millionaire/billionaire psycho terrorists have forced me into, I must drive for miles and miles to get the best deals at various different shops located miles away from my home, in many different directions. I am so ill from their non-stop recurring re-poisoning and drugging and plus the detox, I cannot move and drive for days on end. If people are going crazy from just one year of isolation due to the pandemic, imagine a decade of being tortured while forced into near paralysis while observing that the ideas I studied in grad school for, the ideas I thought of in all this hate and isolation, are being literally tortured out of me for the benefit of some rotten fascist Nazi adherents playing "liberal" compassionate media roles in order to control any opposition to their real fascist, Nazi controllers who then reward them for helping to implement absolute death technology as they are then showered with every award for the ideas they steal out of me, in order to present this false display of compassionate charity to the public. The public then assists in terrorizing me and then, if they are victimized by this increasingly deadly system, the go out protesting but yet I still receive not a single person who will support me against this kind of racism, hate and rape and violence.
After obtaining these ideas with their clipboards in their sleazy and dirty, filthy laps as they sit in circles torturing me to obtain ideas which they can't be bothered to read a book in order to obtain because they are otherwise too intent on going to Europe to go shopping and have more exquisite orgies of wealth accumulation with their fascist Nazi leaders kissing them on the cheeks and calling them "bella" or whatever bs lines their hateful, anti-American benefactors say at these lavish billionaire parties and fashion shows.
They then continue the non-stop torture of me which has not stopped for a DECADE while my every attempt to earn money and get health care I need to expedite this healing process is met with a complete block--by these millionaires who steal ideas from me and claim them as their own. Or, they just abuse and insult and threaten, hit and rape or order endless rape of me by the people breaking into my home at night--
and all of this, and so much more I can't remember it all it is more than a decade without end--on and on, the mafia Italian who was murdering me has a parked van in the garage where I keep my transportation with the insignia of the disco he obtained by torturing me here in Phuket--the English creep who I met three times for less than 30 minutes each time, every time I avoided him and got away under drugging and mind control obstructing my ability to talk or think while he tried to rape me, insult and exploit me. It's now 30 years of that sick pig ape attacking me and he's connected to English royalty and thus, he's endlessly being touted as red carpet wonder by this group of idiots who are endlessly being paid in millions and billions to continue all these BIG LIES by two-bit players performed with such meaningless and braggadocio.
And now, I am stuck as my brain is always under attack as I fight to type while the keys won't operate and my hands are like stuck and can't move, because so many parts of my brain are under simultaneous attack while I fight to type words while hackers just block key functions. I have so many ideas for short stories and other such interesting concepts and I can't write, for one reason because my words have been verbatim stolen and despite having put a copyright symbol on this page, of course this page is not open to public internet surfing and the terrorist actors and their writers and benefactors just continue to steal all and anything they want from every single thing I do, and even what I am thinking they can steal that information too.
That Congress has observed this happening to me directly under Trump for the past four years, and under Obama and his association with this group of terrorist RACISTS out of H-wood-including the blacks who are merely racist and rapist enablers but playing key roles in the continuance of suppressing actual "progress" in racism--
and I sit here as I have done for years and and years waiting for someone to actually do anything to protect me from this group of filthy and vile, disgusting parasites and so far, no one has done anything but a few small acts of charitable support which is always veiled behind silence.
I wrote on FAcebook today about my cat La Moux, because I observed in the Daily Mail that T-rump gave an impromptu speech at Mar-a-lago when a charity event had taken place for rescuing dogs being eaten or abused in China. I had to go into a hyperbolic rant over the fact that T-rump has taken possession of my cat, La Moux, for which I have been writing of since they stole her back in 2014--March. She has been waiting for me to pick her up for all these years, if she is still alive. That is all I had left and yet no one can even do that. These apes who have tortured me to obtain ideas so they can present themselves as being compassionate feminists and liberals in the media have not paid me a single penny for these ideas, and instead according to contract have ordered dismemberment, torture, rape and poisoning of my body and home--which essentially all amounts to very slow torture-to-death. And still my government continues to not only support them, but participate in attacking me so more millionaires and billionaires can get funding for their "pet projects" worth BILLIONS of dollars in handouts after they graft money from this latest American Rescue Package. A member of Congress, directly involved in threatening my life after I defended myself against yet another attack by yet another scumbag who does not deserve or is qualified on the very essential qualities that such high positions should merit, if only America were a meritocracy instead of a corruptacracy crazyland.
Yet I remain, after fighting endlessly for my rights as a human being, I am treated as if I were the worst criminal who has no actual charge of having criminal wrongdoing--according to law. This is purely a hate crime due to whatever reason, but as I see this group of pig ape hyenas want to refabricate a slavery system where people are torture, raped, disfigured and discarded after use and all is hidden completely by these gang stalking terrorists which comprise the gateway law enforcement agencies throughout the world, protecting the shit that has been put at the top of a pile of refuse that is absolutely polluting the world into extinction, destroying Democracy and it's all being cheered on as if they are cultural heroes. That so many people are willing to let them break and destroy every concept of liberty in order to believe that this technocratic slavery and racist system they are creating using implants, microchips, MK ULTRA, brainwashing and programming and all enforced by massive waves of shitty creeps attacking every lone individual who NEVER obtains a support system and all other victims are very carefully blocked from every reaching out to one another.
Thus I write this next post in years of writing--as all the other victims do, they just--we all just--write and write until there is finally silence and the victim has been killed off. They remain, completely censured and no mention is made of them by any leading source of information.
Yet I keep on writing. If perhaps one day enough people become victimized and finally recognize that they are no longer part of the "fun" joke of torturing someone else and instead they are the targets, they may actually stop laughing and will cry out instead that "it's not fair" as one of the black English models mocked and hissed in hate into my face while I tried to get her and her Canadian partner (famous white male actor) as they tried to lure me into their trap and I as usual fought for my independence and autonomy from them and this system. I remain, today, having exploded on Facebook as usual about my most beloved cat La Moux, and there were endless cat videos of cats with my cat's exact type of markings (i.e. versions of American shorthair breeds) with captions of "mother cat carries her kittens to another room" or just endless mother cat with kitten videos, when I tried to get more news intake from YouTube. Perhaps I should finally and forever get off You Tube but it is my main source of information about what is going on in the US. I am stuck in this situation of having to know what is going on in the US. I was bereft of internet for the first stimulus check because these creeps had my computer broken and thus I NEVER RECEIVED the first stimulus check last year because these terrorist millionaire thieves blocked all information from me, and I only tried to track down the payment last month and they literally inserted the amount into my bank account and when I phoned the IRS they claimed that the money had been direct deposited last year. II NEVER WAS DEPOSTED the amount only showed up while I was on the phone call with the IRS. And thus, I must remain in direct contact with current information as the people attacking me (to death) are part of the main news now every single day--as more of these creeple attack me, the more the news is rife with information about them as they are put endlessly into lead roles in media and in politics. That happened after I simply wrote on my Facebook page that Pitt should not get endless top awards year after year of participating in this crime against me--I asked for JUSTICE and that this situation be stopped. that was all I did. for the next year he tried to kill me, he raped me, he had animals killed (I wrote about on Facebook just an iota of the gory details of the sickness by which this smug psychopath scumbag creep operates and his friends as well--the gang of them, then they blocked the stimulus payment after they broke my laptop*(in addition to trying to have my teeth nearly knocked out and then cutting into my gum tissue night after night to make the teeth fall out--, after an accident where they had the steering wheel of my motorbike rigged so it spun towards the ground as I hit the brakes while car literally drove directly into me and hit me from a parked angle on the side of the road and as I tried to stop and brake, the brakes stopped working and the wheel spun directly to the ground--I fell on my jaw--it could have shattered my jaw or broken my neck. this was met with rape by shit pitt the disgusting swaggering rotten psychopath actor who has been part of this rape and torture team for over 7 years by now--his rotten skanky shitty wife plastic-coated creep and his friends and mostly Europigapes who are violently fascist and Nazi--all stars in Tarantino movies who also attacked me. This group has not stopped winning top awards for over the past 7 years of non-stop torture aimed at me, exclusively for these contracts and free deals. WHEN DOES ANYONE EVER STOP THIS CRIME AGAINST ME? The sexual delight that the people involved demonstrate towards having a person to rape, torture, disfigure on order by their whim is so emboldening for their facsist and controlling aspirations that not only do they receive top funding, top awards, but highest hormone levels of power and excitation. The people who support these crimes are likewise turned on and excited sexually and in every other way by just observing what is happening to me. I have not had a single compassionate gesture of support or help for over a decade and as more people are being killed off who this group doesn't approve of, there are fewer people on this planet who are not steadfast psycho scumbags looking for people to torture, rape and destroy. The hacking by now is extremely bad, most of the letters I must pound down to get out are deleted as soon as I press with all my finger and hand strength. When does anyone ever stop this attack on my ability to type and write and think? I have studied and tried to have a career and this group has had me put into accidents (nearly killed on the first day of grad school--hit by cars while trying to get to grad school--when taking online classes my every internet is blocked by hackers so I can't work--and now, my ideas have been stolen verbatim for over a decade--and longer, with the same people who were not climbing up that ladder who have not stopped attacking me and being propelled upwards by their inclusion in this absolutely sick hate crime that never is stopped by any supposedly responsible agency of law enforcement or of any branch of the government on any continent.
Where is ANYONE who will ever come to my defense against this endless increasingly huge swarm of parasites who steal and rob everything I have ever worked for, loved and created in m ylife. Even in this stinking, filthy foul room they have forced me into, the very cheap decals I put on the walls have been sprayed with stains and grease--brown grease coats the walls and floors and the decorations I have put on the walls to try to cover the panels from being opened on all sides of both walls--every cabinet I have had to seal off so the mechanical arms can't break t hrough but they still do because I can't cover it all unless I literally pound boards into the walls with nails--which I cannot do as this landlord is an extreme abuser and is a vicious parrot being told what to say and do by disgusting Europigapes who are the controllers of these puppets--it is the same exact configuration with the actors in Whorewood with their Europigape fascist Nazis instructing them on fascist tactics of genocide, hate and Imperialism.
That Congress just watches on and more representatives participate from both sides of the political lopsided partisan body of corruption, it's just disgusting amazing I still can't believe that this is never stopped that this is being promoted that this is still a running joke for this entire culture that I thought had at least some kind of integrity or soul or purpose other than to hand the country over to rotten Europigapes who are training rotten incompetent actors and politicians into how to rape and murder in the style that Europigapes have done for centuries---which lead to the American Revolution and these actors and politicians are absolutely DESTROYING these concepts and what is propelling them is simply pure stupid greed and selfishness and the desire to completely eradicate the concept of free and fair competition to all , instead of to them being handed complete power.
And thus your continued silence is creating this system. You readers who laugh about what I am writing of for so many years without a single person reaching out to me to offer protection or support. There may have been one person who has, but the support is so veiled--I refer mostly to the bulk of the creeps and not to those who have done some act of kindness or some act of blockage to the criminals--for whatever reason but it's really NOT ENOUGH because this system of idiots who have no basis in competence other than they are members born into the mafia or Nazi cartels but lack all real competence in terms of leading Democratic ideas and a system as powerful as the US--but they are loathe to allow for people like me to have a chance due to their racism--and now they have created and are creating through this technology absolute block to any competition to the mediocre crap that they spout and put out as they always do and continue to endlessly be put into lead categories. The movies are so boring and filled with hate, violence, brutality and death--and the politicians create such policies of brutality and death which spans the globe, and it's a sick joke hearing them complain that what is happening in the United States is supposed to happen in Tin pot dictatorships and not in the United States, However these same idiots spouting this set of lies are the ones who continue to sponsor Home grown terrorism--they just want to quell any future attacks which may be directed at themselves in the future--but as for what is happening to me, which is directly tied into the Capital attack and all the brainwashing, mind control, aspirations to create an absolute power fascist Nazi State (controlled by silent partners out of Europigape countries and other countries, probably Russia) and yet, they all are sighing a heaving relaxed sigh of relief that they can continue to disguise all these crimes under the guise of a return to normalcy and the problems will soon fade away. They can comfortably observe me swaying as cars nearly hit me, upon their orders, as other cars then nearly hit me on all sides--repeatedly as happened the last time drove for miles and miles for hours--every 5-10 minutes literally all day I was almost hit within a few inches on cars driving into me from all sides. People at shops were insulting and nasty. I could not think or count simple sums while under brain-altering attack. People swerved into me like zig-zag formation as they swerved to walk into my cart while I was simply walking down shopping aisles (the hacking is now making it impossible to get words out)--I must pound down every single letter with the full strength of my hands--WHEN WILL ANYONE EVER STOP THESE ATTACKS UPON ME? WHY IS THIS S UCH A JOKE TO PEOPLE TO OBSERVE IN STEAD OF BEING ALARMED AND CARING IN ANY WAY?
That I write about their violence towards me and this is considered a funny situation by the rancid ugly old men who control these stupid filthy vile creeps, the older white males mostly out of Europe and from other countries who endorse every kind of violence against me. Two of them raped me without end using this technology while they were knowingly poisoning me to death.
Most of the post became very disjointed after a few paragraphs. It is so impossible to get a few words out without the keyboard hacked into haywire disarray--pounding down to get words out and my brain is blanked out. I spent so much time rewriting the first few paragraphs which had been partially deleted and made little sense, and as my brain right now is blocked from accessing what I had just thought of (this is absolutely possible with this technology)
I can't "remember" what I had originally intended to add after I got off this laptop. I spend at least 50 percent of the time I write simply backspacing or rewriting what should have taken me a few minutes to write if not impeded by this hacking and brain-suppressing technology--
I just want people to stop this terrorist network and to protect me from these crimes as this has been an ongoing murder by these people for decades aimed at me.
I also cannot access this blog any longer in it's published state. I have checked all the security locks on my computer and there are no blocks to accessing this application or any application or this page. I have not changed any security settings but this is now impossible to access my published page for this blog.
I also want to add, because I was under so much hacking attack and motor skill attack due to brain-altering technology blocking body movement so I can't type or move my hands--they just freeze and can't move where I want to type as the keys also don't operate and I must endlessly backspace and delete what hackers are inserting while I am fighting all the other blocks
they have catnapped my cat and are demanding a baby out of me from one of these scumbag rapist whore creep men so their disgusting skank wives and they can all enjoy more top awards, more orgies, more money more deals more production costs more studios more red carpet treatment more promises of endless monopolies of power and influence by joining with European fascist Nazis who absolutely control them and the media and also, undoubtedly much of Congress in what Senator Whitehouse calls "Dark money" but I suspect they all know exactly where much of that "dark money" comes from and all are beneficiaries to remaining silent about these partnerships and absolutely they all profit of it in joint corruption graft schemes.
one such scheme is developing this technological slave and thought-reading, torture, terrorist protocol system aimed at me. The popularity amongst the unqualified and sleazy leadership members amounts to an atrocity in culture that has almost become a solidified coup against the United States. Now they all just want to go back to normal as the millions of terrorist Nazis from Europigapeland are going to return to Phuket to torture me, and it's no better in the United States and yet no one will formally recognize that this situation is ongoing and is a threat to the planet's population. The leaders want massive genocide and population reduction and control and for a fascist technocracy. They are loathe to dismantle this system and are encouraging this torture protocol system at all levels. Thus I remain writing into eternity about what is going on and it's completely ignored. I warned about a fascist takeover of the United States back when the first celebrity began terrorizing me, in 2013. This psycho famous white male actor stole my cat and laughed about it, raped me for another two years and I was almost killed by either him, his wife, or by Trump who joined into the partnership in 2016--one week after I was nearly hit and killed in what would have been a horrific death for me in a completely orchestrated near-death accident. Yet they all continue with having babies surround me, babies put on my YouTube channels when I try to obtain news. Stories about cats who look similar to my cat with kittens on page after page while I surf to find news stories. The stores about cats with kittens are placed directly in my every search, and these rotten parasites can even control where my eyes can look or turn (at random times so I am not braced against it--that is how this technology is more effective in the misuse that these creeps employ it for).
Thus, all I have ever worked for has been stolen and what tiny I have left I am clinging to. I am fighting each and every day to heal from their poisoning--while they remain with this threat of killing my cat unless they don't get a baby out of me--these are people who have tried to murder me but changed because of this baby contract out on me--these are pig ape hyenas who have tortured me for YEARS without end and stolen ideas while calling me stupid, every insult possible aimed at me, have had my body so disfigured and poisoned it has broken down and aged, have had me raped in every room I have fought to heal in while I spend all my tiny subpoverty income on buying whatever materials I can so I can try to block these most sophisticated technologies from allowing people to enter into my room--now the mechanical arms do as muc hdamage to my body as they can--or it's enough damage to permanently scar my body and this goes on night after night while I am comatose and unable to move or wake up. These disgusting parasites are trying to force a baby out of me and all I do is wish them death and I have not stopped telling them, one and all, that they disgust me, to get off me, I scream at them they punch and rape and hit and abuse me, they gather around in groups insulting me--and as I fight and fight for the most basic of human rights I call them names for which they inflict YEARS of violence demanding an apology from me--I tell them they are whores and I wish them death--and if I did give in, they would kill me slowly eventually any way so there is no point in being a slave to pigs and incompetent scumbags just to try to save my life as it's a foregone conclusion that they plan on murdering me after they obtain all they can suck out and steal from me.
I need to add a slight correction/addition to a paragraph above. It is so hard for me to edit, write or get anything done I am just adding it here, as I am so consumed by backspacing and retyping nearly continuously as I write due to the mess hackers make of my every attempt to type I can't get anything else out:
The IRS, when I phoned that office, in addition to a rude and nasty terrorist stalking agent who was diverted to answer my call because I never got the first stimulus check. I wrote that while I was on the phone the amount was suddenly visible for the May, 2020 month that it was supposed to have been deposited. The amount appeared while I was on the phone call. The amount was clearly there on my account. The actual money was never deposited. The "money" is "lost" through nearly a year of the two transactions I make every month but during this time frame I would have to try to phone my bank, try to claim that the amount that is clearly visible never arrived, that the IRS is verifying upon request, but the money transfer is not recorded on my account as having been actually spent. THIS is the kind of sabotage this group is capable of and is performing upon order of the president and of other members of Congress and followed through by every agency, bank and operation in between the transactions.
For those of you out there who spout your rhetoric of various laws that are like a modern version of "Jim Crow" discrimination-well, guess what? The whites you so adore who give you prizes for participating and attacking me are using these technologies and networks to enforce a much worse equivalent of Jim Crow if they want to discriminate against a person--ie. me in this case, which all or most of you reading this fully endorse and if not, you do nothing to stop it, which is tantamount to complicity in a crime.
I just wanted to add how cleverly they concealed the stimulus payment refusal that this group has forced upon me. Since then, my attention is drawn into everyday political events because if I miss out on something, I miss out on information that is vital to my survival and life. If I had only done a bit of research about these celebrities beforehand instead of assuming they had a semblance of what could has been termed "bourgeois morality" as in not endlessly abusing someone out of morally corrupt greed--but instead having some kind of self-constraint or moral impediments to murdering people "for fun" and for profit--but no...not so and I had no idea how sinister they were. I now have to study all these personalities who attack me with this new knowledge and then try to avoid their endless participation and exploitation of me by at least understanding how deep, far and wide this entire system is rooted into all systems on the planet.
With all the information about "gang stalking" and these technologies on the internet, there still remains ZERO available information on how to defend oneself against these groups, and what information is available is part of dis/misinformation terror attack groups posing as gang stalking support groups online--or if you choose to meet in groups, the groups are rife with terrorists posing as support system. The situation is so bad that it's pointless for me to try to attend any group or join in on any online group. I swear this is the reality of someone (me) who does not "give up" and stop looking and fighting to obtain support or help. Years of these horrific experiences and all I can do is write online fighting for every word to come out.
But I was bereft of this first stimulus payment, and now all I do is look at the news and get bombarded with the slimy photos of these celebrities and these politicians who are always unwelcome. They keep getting promoted after they attack me and it's become a near impossibility to not have to see them on each and every search I make online, despite how much they are inserting their fodder into my wifi system they are still being endlessly publicized and put into headline position. Meanwhile, Americans just want everything to go back to normal. Normal? Normal slow decay of society and all the values that America could have truly been great for if only people like this were not put into power by maniacal fascist destroyers coming from every fascist, Imperialist country on the planet with hoards of corruption money paying these sleazy creeps to inflict as much destruction upon all the tenants of a free and fair society as possible within the boundaries of keeping the appearance of all being part of a "normal" society just kind of breaking apart at the seams, seemingly by just supporting their good friend Trump but somehow if only Trump is is the dissolution of the value system of the United States--which has been unravelling for all the presidents who reject Trump who attended the last inauguration until now I see that everything is just going back to the old normal which created all these catastrophes and deaths. No problem, it's all going to be okay, I can "hear" them all thinking and laughing about as everything resumes and the tortures, death, gang stalking are never stopped.
I keep writing and writing to this empty vacuum of readership. With no solace, not even my cat, no home, all money earning blocked, literally all--all broken, stinking and shabby and destroyed in my rented rape and torture/mutilation and slow murder living situation I have been forced into
writing and writing. They keep the internet on so more wortheless creeps can steal more ideas from me and hear me ranting in rage for someone to finally after a decade of writing while SO MANY people in high positions are involved and aware of this torture and they all cry out about Democracy being threatened adn they are all fighting against Trump and those stupid terrorists he employs and blah blah blah
But they are so thoroughly titillated, thrilled, sexually turned on-these terrorist attackers, these purveyors of Democracy and freedom and equality as long as that means them and not me and whomever else they want to keep disenfranchised, imprisoned, working for slave wages, tortured, poisoned, bloated, raped disfigured turned into endlessly raped victims of their sleazy whoreness
but they love reading my posts endlessly imploring the planet to do something and finally stop these tortures. Day after day they must hear it and they continue to send one sick sleazy parasitic pig ape hyena after the next to attack me. If I write anything positive about any of you, it's because you do have qualities that earn some kind of recognition but the essential characteristics of being lead players in a free society is nothing any of you possess on any level. I suggest that many of these terrorists are very brainwashed and drugged up victimized and traumatized pawns of this organization and the psychology of reverse discrimination plays an enormous role in recruiting more terrorists into this terror operation.
But they all want to hear me scream in agony day after day to a slow, horrific death of mutilation, destruction of my body, home and finances and desperation for ANYONE TO DEFEND ME. Everyone thus remains silent allowing it to go on, smirking, laughing and enjoying watching me fight for my life like it's a Roman Circus where dismemberment, torture, rape and violence are caught on the surveillance cameras positioned in my room to tape the every rape while I am in a comatose sleeping/teleported state--they put my hips and spin out of alignment after they rape me, they smear chemicals on my skin and hair to make my skin literally curdle and my hair fall out---they insert metal under cuticles and slash my toes every single night. This is a turn-on for these psycho pig apes and I continue to write about it to the dead silence of my country while all I ever hear on these YouTube videos the criminals all participating in this crime against me crank out day after day, year after year, is how much they are defending "Democracy".
And so I am ranging again. This is now a DECADE of non-stop 24 hour torture, rape and destruction. I am treated like I am public enemy number one for simply fighting for my rights as a human being which these subhuman pig apes are all torturing me to strip away from me as they negate my humanity every day, steal ideas they can't begin to think of from my thoughts and writing so I must s top writing all creative fiction or any creative thought just to stop the endless years of seeing my ideas stolen by wealthy piece of crap after crap year after year as they all are now in highest H-wood positions and are vying to become the next leaders of the industry--all due to utilizing this brain-altering tech and subliminal mental coercion upon me as a prototype for the future control over the planet where they WILL BECOME ABSOLUTE DICTATOR MANIACAL MURDEROUS fascists who hide it all under the American version of it--with stupid jokes, absolutely stupid movies portraying these fascist rapist pig ape whores as being heroes for which they then run for political office in order to consolidate more power and more graft, more fascism more racism more death more grifting grafting and more absolutely horrendous financial and public policy--dictated to them by fascist Nazis out of Europ-a-land which they have been trained as actors to repeat like scripts and obey like the whore puppets that they are, and are venting their hate upon me to try to force this but much worse upon me. To just give them ideas for free before they rape and murder me, that is what they are demanding and then a baby too.
Will ANYONE ever stop this group of pig ape pieces of shit ever, ever ever will anyone ever defend me against t his? Why must I entertain this group of pig shit so they can get more promotions out of torturin gme to death. Today is my birthday and I am sick from the endless decade of shitting poison so toxic and embedded into my body because these pigs could not stand to see me beautiful, strong and healthy plus a threat to their mundane mediocrity and so I am being tortured, disfigured raped and robbed of every single thing possible that I have ever worked for and they rape and suck out life and love, they torture and make my body stinking, foul, crooked, bloated to three times it' snormal size as my spine and hips are completely out of alignment. I sit here entertaining these pshcho pieces of shit you all cheer on with my endless posts about their torture for which they keep getting promotional raises in status for. When will someone ever stop them and stop this torture of me? I remain here sick from another day of shitting their poison out, as I have done for over a decade. I have had to stop all my life progress for over 30 years due to this poisoning, have had to fight for my life for over a decade to heal while these pigs torture me without end. Heart palpitations and tears pouring out of my eyes, my nervous system forced into hyper-over drive with hate and negativity surrounding me every moment and in the sleeping teleported state it's pure nightmarish hate thrust at me fromm these disgusting whore apes who attack me out of Whorewood who you all adore and cheer on endlessly.
I end this post completely dizzy. I got up as my arm is exhausted from pounding down on the keys, while the computer is frozen so I can't even open pages without waiting and the computer is blocked for most functions but eventually the system is unblocked but I can't even navigate anything without endless blocks to every click, search and of course information is endlessly blocked from me so I only obtain their brainwashing propaganda crap with only the people terrorizing me featured in nearly every video I obtain. If I go into searching for other information, they begin to pollute my internet with their agents who are part of this system, and I can't get information from any source outside of their brainwashing apparatus of information. This, I highly suggest, will become the norm for everyone just like Orwell predicted in 1984.
I end this after pounding down and fighting to get words out with a completely dizzy and nauseous state due to what this group is zapping into my body and brain. I feel so ill I can' barely see straight after fighting to write for a few hours what I should have been able to write in less than 30 minutes.\
And for what purpose all this effort? To entertain these scumbags, most of you reading this in other words, by my endless appeals for justice, for torture, violence, dismemberment, rape and hate to be stopped against me--for the TENTH YEAR IN A ROW with no response? Because I cannot verbally go to any single person, agency or group because ALL ARE INVOLVED YET ALL DENY THIS IS GOING ON.