This is an addendum to the post that I am writing after having published this post: I was very upset as the situation is upsetting to have to face injury and infection due to the malevolent crimes and criminals I must deal with and without any protection whatsoever from any authoritative source that is supposed to protect these very instances of egregious harm inflicted by violent people.
I wrote that I am merely protecting my "rights" under the US Constitution. I used a very oft-used catchphrase of sorts, that the Constitution lists the "rights" of the citizens. I was stuck in a mode of cursing and anger due to the technology ALWAYS hindering my cognitive functioning while I write and enhancing all kinds of chaos and alternative states while I fight to formulate thoughts under these adverse conditions.
I realized after I got away from the laptop that what I had meant, or should have written, is that I am defending my Unalienable rights that the Constitution referred to, but meaning that the limits imposed upon the excesses of Government intrusion and all those violent acts of state-sponsored crime and terrorism I experience on a daily basis are outlined by the Constitution as what the Govermment is supposed to be enforcing and protecting--the privacy provision and freedom of speech and ability to defend oneself against a corrupt government and it's forces. These are aspects being undeniably denied me and yet, this has become a norm that is far and above the normal corruption that people even like Edward Snowden has exposed in his feat of exposing the invasive actions and unconstitutional realm of violating every kind of privacy that the US Government is currently engaged in, alongside their partner corporations such as Google and Apple (one of the celebrity scumbags who has attacked me for years and years, I believe, is involved in some way with Apple).
I fear the infection has spread into my internal organs. I don't want to go into details as this is a kind of delicate subject to write of on the internet but it's been a very subtly deadly attack that has made me literally ill and could cause serious health problems. I have no money to go to doctors and doctors from each attack that mutilates my body and affects my health. I don't know what to do I don't know if I am internally infected and how this could affect my internal organs. The problem simply has lingered and I know that is very serious. The infection will not be stopped with by now a lengthy antibiotic course. It has reduced but remains scary and serious. I don't know what the long-lasting impact of this will be. I remain using "natural" healing and a few antibiotics daily but the situation has remained lingering and now appears to be chronic--just from what these pieces of shit from Whorewood ordered or whomever else is involved in this deadly assault upon me that goes on and on with attack after attack upon my body by shit celebrities who have, in the past 10 years, severed out part of my uterus, tried to have my teeth knocked out, have then had their agents cut into the gum tissue of the teeth they tried to knock out--have had me raped nightly for years while I was unconscious in the MK ULTRA teleported sleeping state--have had cars hit me and at least a few hundred cars drive nearly into me nearly every 5 minutes of driving--that went on for years--cut into my toes cut into my fingers and tried to make my hair permanently balding and damaged beyond repair (which it is to a large degree by now and my fingers are permanently damaged). There is a lot more violence this group of shit and filth like pitt and his nasty rotten wife have ordered upon me before and after torturing me to obtain ideas for their award-winning bs movies as they keep being patted on their greasy pig ape whore backs for what they have done in this Nazi, fascist contract out upon me with zero recriminations and zero support for me to live in peace. I am now infected and they put the rotting meat substance in an orifice and the infection has spread into my organs due to what these filthy and sick pigs have done--but mostly because NO ONE would defend me and now I am covered with scars and illness from this group of pig shit. Pitt and his filthy sick ugly whore skank wife--so disgusting towards me and to me by now I can't stand the sight of this pieces of shit anywhere not in the media or on my personal searches--as for the others involved--they are detestable, ignoramus whores and pieces of shit--when my country ever gets to the point of not allowing this to go on and on will be a huge milestone in the elevation of the United States--but for now it's this covert genocidal agenda that is never stopped. I remain very ill and this group of billionaire pigs who have obtained idea after idea from me and have blocked my every attempt to earn even a single dollar, while they have had their minions actually STEAL MY MONEY while I am unconscious--I can't afford to go to a hospital and I think this is very seriously affecting my health (plus years of trauma-based torture so my immune system and the stress levels have been deadly and have never stopped-while I fight to heal from serious poisoning)