Monday, August 9, 2021

Eco-friendly, self-sustainable $5 Billion resort project: "The Heart of Europe", a tourist destination in Dubai with a name not befitting heartless terrorist/gang stalking/fascist Mafia/Nazi Europigapes. To all "holiday" and "ex pat" Europigape Nazis and Mafia fascists: Go to Dubai to the "Heart of Europe" because you have no heart, at least go to a place that sounds like you do. Solar-panels and eco-friendly resort far away from humanity, a boat-ride away from Dubai, where the Europigapes can pollute at a much lower degree with their filth and slime. That goes for the American terrorist operative pig apes and all the minions of the world as well who can afford to go on "holiday" because they conform to the polluting, nasty and evil vile fascist Nazi/Mafia pig ape system which they believe in and conform to. Years of being hit by cars and assaulted by HUNDREDS of "vacationing" pig apes mostly from Europe for over a DECADE non-stop and raped, attacked, and poisoned and drugged here in Phuket while I see the entire island and country of Thailand flooded with construction, cement and no respect for nature, animals or the environment. I conclude as I have with the seemingly "immature" phrases describing these terrorists (i.e. "pig apes" but it really is so apt. I hope the throngs of this organization of greasy pig apes will instead pollute a self-contained set of islands in some other part of the world.

 "The $5 Billion Heart of Europe Project". DJ Bliss. July 22, 2021.

I live in a tourist area which has seen the cementing of pristine natural areas and the near destruction of the beauty of the natural environment. Not to mention the sociological forces that also destroy the cultural basis of Thai culture in this take-over of the country of Thailand. BUT...

In DUBAI is a man-made oasis based on various European cities and countries. Each little island represents the mood, design, cuisine and atmosphere of various EU countries. The promo here focuses of France. What is amazing is that this is a ECO-SUSTAINABLE project where solar panels fuel the energy needs (I am unsure to what percent). The swimming pools require no CO2 or polluting technologies to filter and maintain the water supply.

I think the Europ-a's should congeal in these man-made islands instead of pouring into Phuket to continue to create environmental devastation. I don't know how many eco-friendly resorts of places exist here in Phuket, but I can assure readers that the endless construction of huge massive hotels and coffee shops and houses dotting the once beautiful landscape of Phuket are all operating on sucking out energy from the usual power grid system. Many people come here and pay the price per night or week/month and run air conditioning and water endlessly, like it's a never-ending source of vacation pleasure-seeking luxury for them to exploit (like everything else they want to exploit that appears ripe for the taking here in Thailand).

Of course, many come to Thailand for the cheap and easy sex trafficking industry (I mean the girly bars or almost "free" prostitution which probably would be much more expensive in a place like "The Heart of Europe" or in the larger city of Dubai, which could also be a health hazard as it is here in Phuket due to the Corona Virus.

Well, I just hope more of these pig apes flock for their greasy sex exploit "Paradise" energy consuming sucking parasitic "vacations" in Dubai instead of here in Phuket. The vast numbers of hundreds of thousands of "people" who have attacked me in this terrorist organization who come here for their "holidays" is a testament to how destructive they are at the root of their very nasty "hearts of Europe" and so I encourage the pig apes to pollute a small island in the middle of some ocean or sea and get away from me and this much more beautiful place. Maybe the Thai people would likewise not become so enthusiastically indoctrinated into emulating fascist Nazi violent terrorist actions.

Saturday, August 7, 2021

Teleported in the sleeping state, but at the fringe of the nascent waking state, to the smug, smiling, silent Germanic expletive rapist/torturing bigot/parasite last night with the usual audience crowd of H-wood celebrities sitting in chairs like an audience as I once more screamed in rage at this foul rapist as they all remained silent, but prompting me to react to their prior stimuli while I was in a state of hypnosis. The German is glowing and looks like he has reduced in the aging process by ten years. I look damaged and my body has literally shriveled as if I have been sucked dry. I feel 20 years older after this filthy parasite did everything to suck my life force energy out of me through rape and technological opening of my body's responses while in a sleeping or nascent state, drugging included, while inserting fungus into my body, damaging my body , hitting and abusing and insulting me immediately afterwards and then going off laughing to parties. Now the 2 months of this violence has brought him to a place of serenity and joy in his appearance as the back pats never stop from the "Italian-American" mafia and Austrian counterparts to this fascist overtake of the US mind control programming entrainment machinery. Not only did this parasite energetically suck the life out of me almost, while threatening to destroy my body as I scrambled to buy antibiotics because he literally made me infected while he was sucking out my life force (his internal ugliness, misery and negativity poured into me, my beauty, joy and loving kindness sucked out of me). As in most domestic violence situations, for public perusal, the abuser is calm, composed while the victim is screaming. I am put into that state under hypnosis while in a sleeping state, however. I would be much more composed and calm if I were only not drugged, left alone to sit alone in isolation while terrorists suffuse endless hate upon me while disfiguring and destroying my body and home and poisoning me non-stop in every way through every orifice possible. This parasitic creep is now gloating and probably enjoying the bestowments of this Nazi media controlled promotion machine with every dream of success handed in front of him if he just continues to try to break my body, mind and soul into a permanent state of collapse, as they have all been doing and continue to do every single day and night without a pause or a day of it ever being stopped. He is glowing, looks extremely happy in love has been fed nurtured with his fascist rape violence his really threat of sex trafficking which he was beating me to try to force out of me--I can only imagine the prizes he would have been won. The smug and good ole boy back pats came from DeNiro with deadly punches into my face but not quite hitting me after I tried to stop the extremely violent rape that kept going on and on night after night as this pig ape whore has been handed his dreams of promotions. His career, you see, like so many of these people attacking me, was in decline and he was depressed and looked old. Now I feel like I have been utterly slimed with old-age energy and sucked down further into physical decline and aging process due to this miserable nasty creep who has sucked my life out through this parasitic exchange which I kept begging online for people to stop. The mafia and Nazi actors are enthralled, thrilled, the women love this man the men love him more because he's such a bi-player and uses sexuality like a weapon and a tool for his promotion and also for his endlessly sleazy performances (I consider his hips open and phallus stuck out while he's performing to be sleazy and now knowing what his real make-up is, I know that he is a pile of sleaze grease with a huge Nazi hormone-growth experimental body for Nazi somatotype indoctrination into huge bodies overwhelming people in this physical form of fascist imposition and threat. I am disgusted that I was forced into this situation by this heinous technology with such a heinously disgusting scumbag. But alas this is what politicians like Pelosi, The Clintons (both are involved), Sanders, AOC (in a collateral way) and other notable Democrats are fully supporting in a most nasty and fascist way. Imagine what the silent Republicans involved in sponsoring this mind control apparatus who are the real fascist and Nazi adherents who don't have to "prove" their identification as such while the "Democrats" must, I believe, often prove that they really are in with the Nazi side of the team but making public appearances like theatrics to the exact opposite. The exact same is true of the celebrities who appear as "liberal" heroes of Democracy and freedom but in fact are vital components of this huge deception that there is a plurality and a saving grace to the endless encroachment of fascist Nazism in American society and politics. I see that this utterly stupid and rotten (but trained by Jews whose families had to flee Europigapeland due to Nazi genocide) but now are training little snot crap like this pig ape rat spawn from Germany this classical violinist who is now glowing with joy and love and energy, thrilled to the core not only to be pouring his old age and rotting decaying bodily decline because his entire persona is fixated around his public stature as a performer--now elevated, glowing,, looks like he's "in love" with some whore skank Nazi minion or white supremacist who has been cheering him on to rape and abuse me--and, he's having what appears to be the time of his life. I remain fighting to heal from more and more damage to my body and I see the energy he sucked out of me has literally made my body age and break down even more. He's continuing his assault upon me as I scream to get him off me get them off me as I have been doing every single day for a DECADE..

  I can see immediately the glow around this German-Nazi-rapist-fascist parasite, along with his parasitic cohorts who have likewise inflicted mutilation, torture and rape upon me for more than two years in just this small coterie of Europ-a/American Nazi fascist adherents in H-wood GmbH:  celebrities like DeNiro and S-Negger the Austrian and the other Germanic and fascist-oriented participants (if American or from other cultures outside of the recognized former Axis Power zone all have intimate or business ties to their controlling "master" countries--although they would never deign to recognize that they are simply white versions of minority minions and in some cases mind controlled slaves themselves). I must add that along with the American "Italian-American" mafia actors such as DeNiro and Joe Pesce who operates closely with Victoria Gotti, there is also Pacino who has been supportive of German men raping me, insulting and threatening me when I say no in the teleported state with slurs and hate speech. Plus Tarantino who mentions putting me on a train to Auschwitz when I say no to him asking me for free ideas so he can use this protocol system to steal ideas from me, abuse and torture and watch me get raped and mutilated and poisoned and drugged and assaulted without end, pay nothing of course for the ideas as they have all done, profit in exorbitant dollars like millions for the products they then come out with, and then they latch on to doing the same thing to me as often as they possibly can. They take turns. There is Scorsese who is now filming with DiCaprio who has been involved in all this for years, albeit not in a hostile manner overtly towards me. There is Sylvester Stallone who has been coming after me since 1997 with Nicola Siervo, his real Italian mafia partner who has tried to have me killed, poisoned to death, electrocuted, put in car accidents multiple times, abused without end, still here (also Bernie Sanders told me that he would get Siervo off me but of course that also was another calculated like for Sanders' promotion to prove that he's actually another good ole boy working to create the seeming bipartisan system which really is one system that is deteriorating and turning into America becoming a fascist Nazi substate of the fascist corporate empires that now control both Senate, House and H-wood and much of society as well. The list goes on and on and on and on but for now this "Italian-American" mafia group is particularly involved in this contract. They are thrilled that this classical musician may bring the vestige or semblance of "class" to their otherwise sordid images (I am guessing but they are seduced by this homo-erotic manipulator sexual player and user and abuser and worse--like sex trafficking probable serial killer or murdering SOB. He reminds me something of the character in Pyscho, Norman Bates as this German boy is fixated upon the love of his mommy---and he has put videos of him with him mommy in public like a pair of lovers but according to the fascist Nazi model of motherhood, this is supposed to be a "normal" mother-son relationship. Daddy of course is abusive and cheats and beats and etc. That is the prototypical German male of this caliber of scumbag and arrogant emptiness and meaninglessness which has been so touted after the decades of Nazi indoctrination have thoroughly blocked all other concepts of male identification in German society Even the "liberals" are completely fake on this point. The fake "left" image continues. I knew what he was immediately, from my years of having lived and suffered through Nazi bot rapist ape from Stuttgart after the next. The programming is so typical I can predict almost immediately what the pig apes are going to say or do next and what their inevitable reactions are going to be. However, the insidious maniacal technology this parasitic rapist whore ugly creep forced upon me forced a physical reaction while the techno-manipulators forced subliminal and emotional reactions out of me. This this hateful ugly sleazy and really rather stupid (but trained to play by Jews and perform as if he has a soul and spirit and he's a good "actor" in that regard) German pig ape is now so completely uplifted by 2 months of utter violence on a really criminal level at me (it's all criminal but these are violent types of rape and assault that should land someone in prison for many years--plus essentially great physical harm and threats of more and imprisonment and rape and gang rape and whatever else--all of that within a two-month span of what seems like half a year or longer of me endlessly saying no and stop while my body was forced into some kind of technologically-induced reaction as he torture and mutilated me because I was fighting and saying no when I could finally manage to think instead of having my body submerged in some technologically-induced state of near comatose inertia while he raped me (mentally-at least). I was not in control over my body in other words. This is a travesty to the human race, this technology and the filthy and vile "hands" which are being handed this tech are the destroyers of the planet. I refer to the climate crisis because this group of pigs must develop endlessly to have their careers and plantations with slaves and mass luxury. That has brought the planet to a place of extinction. 

Now they are using this technology so absolutely filthy parasites can literally suck the life out of someone and abuse and rape and murder them through covert means, while it's being televised through "dark web" channels to the delight of disgusting rotting ugly pig ape men and their crappy whore female counterparts who delight in women "like me" who are raped, beaten, disfigured, mutilated and destroyed while all watch on applauding and cheering the vile scumbag predators. 

So this is what is happening with this greasy piece of pig rat ape meat out of Germany. My desire to see him destroyed increases day-by-day. He's out partying and glowing with satisfaction and being handed every promotion possible. I remain in the same dire poverty that this group has forced me into, while people who have made a lot of money by both torturing me under this global system but also from stealing concepts I attempted to write, in the now destroyed chances for me to have a sustained career after much studying and fighting all my life--mostly the fight ended in struggling to get health care that stopped this slow poisoning murder attempt. 

But callous and loveless as they are, they are out making "love" in their luxury jets and mansions right now and partying and being told they are beautiful, wonder and the best. All the plastic surgery modifications to conform to Nazi beauty standards also promises them global recognition for appearing like Nazi icons to the planet. Their endless joy and delight at pouring hate upon a helpless victim and feeding off the energy of that endeavor has also bolstered like a hormone dose of drugs their sense of power and prowess. They all blossom and are promoted into top position they go off laughing as I remain fighting to clean and heal from endless filth sprayed on everything my body now deformed, crooked, this German pig whore ape subhuman had more destroying chemicals sprayed into my hair as clumps fell off the already nearly gone hair strands that remain on top of the nearly balding spots due to years of this attack upon me hair with me frantically for years fighting to stop the mechanical arms from mutilating more of my body, skin and hair. Unsuccessful as the terrorists throng into my room once I am healthy enough to leave and poison as much of the food I have that I can't carry with me, break through all the defenses I have to stop the mechanical arms from once more breaching into my room and destroying my hair and body--

and so I am trying to dump all this negativity off me by writing about it knowing that this response is exactly what this pig ape whore greasy piece of pig meat German violinist is trying to evoke. It's part of the daily protocol of creating an extremely angry or negative reaction out of me. They all aim to penetrate me in any way possible, to open up "love" energy and then inflict as much psychological and physical, sexual emotional and financial and in every way possible every kind of damage to me as possible. Years of being tortured and passed off as a gang rape subject through this technology--plus being raped in my room here in Thailand as the mechanical arms breach through my attempts to protect myself and the pig apes in my vicinity are raping and assaulting my body while their "brothers and sisters" the pig ape celebrities are getting their promotions by raping and assaulting my "twin" body in the location that I have been teleported. Every day now for over 10 years and probably much longer.\

I am now fighting to pound out words, letters are appearing while I am not typing, my fingers won't move and the terrorist hacking is too much. 

Begging people to get them off me for a decade has resulted only in more and more people joining in to get their free multi-million dollar promotion. I supposed the catch-phrase from all of "them" is that with all this money being bandied around, who can "blame" them for trying to enhance their careers? They are all glowing after years of obtaining endless deals and then they get their children and parents and friends involved and thus the revolving rape circuit is a never-ending psycho-circus. 

The protocols seem to demand that they must encourage a negative reaction out of me in any way possible. No holds barred. 

Friday, August 6, 2021

"It's a small world, after all". Democracy, or the principles therein, under threat worldwide. Weapons of assassination and coup proliferate through the international fascist, Nazi/Mafia channels. (Article below) Myanmar Citizens Arrested in New York Over Alleged Plot to Kill Nation's Ambassador.


"Myanmar's UN ambassador: 'Military coup must fail'". | Talk to Al Jazeera. May 1, 2021.

Here is Another example of the long-arm of the fascist Nazi global control over minions (aka "Post-Colonialism" aka Imperialism) arms dealing and Machiavellian indoctrination and infestation. For, whom supplies the Thai arms dealers to Myanmar with the weapons, in the chain-of-funding and covert activity? The Nazi-saluting Thais (See "Hitler chic and Thailand" search on YouTube or on Google):

"Authorities say that in July, the duo ("Two Myanmar citizens...Phyo Hein Htut and Ye Hein Zaw), communicated with an arms dealer in Thailand who sells weapons to Myanmar's military, which overthrew the democratically elected government in February....Tun represents the civilian-elected government that was overthrown and has denounced February’s coup. According to The Associated Press, the military tried to fire him, but the U.N. has not taken any action."


"Thailands Nazi pop culture phenomenon." | DW Story.  May 12, 2019.

I find it odd that a German news source has conducted and published a piece on this theme while the American press remains somewhat idle and blind to this global movement of Nazi indoctrination that has also swept throughout the American population to a very large degree and is continuously being promoted in pop culture i.e. H-wood celebrity fascist Nazi modelling indoctrination and fascist Nazi/Mafia movie themes. The themes are usually impounded into the subconsciousness' of the mind-blown viewer population through carefully constructed forms of mind control including technological twists of brain function through these government-sponsored mind control technologies--the average denizen viewer who have been trained not to question because of lack of information on the impending spread of Nazism and fascism and Authoritarian control. It may be due to the fact that whereas in Thailand the adoration of the fascist Nazi "masters" who control their country is unveiled, it has to be necessarily hidden in the Western countries such as the United States and instead a mass form of psychological indoctrination through pop culture and enter-trainment has enforced these exact principles throughout years of these subliminally-embedded and symbolic mass consumer mentally-driven products and entire cultural movements. Including of course the co-optation of "subculture" which has been a dominant theme of usurpation for decades since pop culture began to take sway over the huge billion dollar industry and mind control/political apparatus.


Murder and Death of nature. Murder and rape of a probable Europ-a terrorist "gang stalking" fascist Nazi tourist at the Ao Yon Waterfall tourist site.

 Swiss tourist dead, believed raped and murdered at the Ao Yon Waterfall, Phuket.


Ao Yon Waterfall near the Panwa (beautiful) coastline area of the Southern tip of Phuket. I have never attempted to walk alone through this scenic waterfall area alone. I thought to myself upon parking in the desolate location with the tiny pathway that even for a pair to walk through this butterfly laden, glistening pathway next to this waterfall may be perilous due to thieves, attackers or worse. I have often stopped at the waterfall banks where there is a tiny road block with the pathway behind it, not even daring to get off my motorbike for fear of being ambushed. I also left a cat whose spine had been crushed and it's body laden with feline leukemia by the Europigape terrorists just across the little embankment on the other side--so this is a place of death for me, although exquisite upon first reflection on it's beauty. Now I see that my initial fears were absolutely correct. A woman was found raped and murdered in this very isolated but scenic spot

Another travesty of that area is that the formerly pristine location, with water herons and water buffalo grazing and happily living the sweet life in that last remaining pristine bit of land in Phuket, are now being shoveled off into their own version of expansionist murder by the developers as cement and more worthless ecosystem destroyer buildings have been planted while killing off the animals and the natural-based survival ecosystems of that area. I stopped going there a long time ago also due to being followed by groups of Thai terrorists on motorbikes along with the inhabitants of that area coming out on their porches to make stalking trigger gestures--also ominous and the minions fully indoctrinated into the death culture of the Europigape and otherwise Europigape-controlled minions who follow in the creed of their profit off the death of the planet, the misery that they feed off energetically and the goods of the planet that they plunder and bring to ruin and death.

# Yes, after my most beautiful cat "daughter" child friend and last family member was stolen because I screamed "NO" to being raped by Johnny Depp who teleported me with his girlfriend/wife for over 2 years with his daughter joining in spitting and hitting at me (then promoted by the Europigape Nazi franchise organization into movie roles her entire career spawned out of the rape and violence inflicted upon me which they are still clinging to as a form of promotion--too bad that me writing about it will further enhance their career instead of them being demoted and castigated much less arrested for this heinous Nazi criminal crime and fascist Mafia conspiracy of endless torture and violence heaped upon me for over a decade and much longer). My attempts to form a bond with the starving local cats was met by Europigapes who rented rooms next to mine in this single, flat one-story building in this resort then commenced in killing a mother cat and the two kittens were mutilated and the last one I retained, and loved, was slashed in his throat with leukemia and then his spine broken as he was put in front of my room for me to struggle to help him and then attacked while fighting to have him euthanized, as Thai children flocked to the little vet clinic windows of the cubicle where my cat was dying--I was followed by trucks with painted splash-guard flaps with pictures of Brad Pitt who had this ordered upon this cat after I said "NO" to being raped and exploited by him. That was in something like 2015-2016. He teleported me again last night with the Germanic prick scumbag greasy rapist who wants to imprison me into a sex trafficking type of violent prostituted sex slave status in Germany for his friends to gang rape, with threats of dismemberment and etc from this greasy pig rat subhuman who feigns having compassionate romanticized loving musical abilities (which he emulates from the classical musician Jews who actually or so I believe have those qualities which this performing pig ape only imitates but it's just a pornographic display of his greed and selfish narcissism for fame and money and power. But, they are still attacking me.

I placed this very murdered cat in this waterfall area of Ao Yon after sobbing and sobbing as the vets were so abusive but put this cat to "sleep"--driving it in a white plastic bag to that waterfall area--that exact spot--under a tree and on the other side of the streaming water area--I have not gone into that space ever since not just out of trepidation of what attacks could occur in such an isolated spot with me as a virtual constant target of violence and under contractual assassination and Nazi Holocaust targeting but---I just can't even drive to that spot any longer. And I write this now as a remembrance to the beautiful cat who was so strong and healthy and innocent. I suspect that the Swiss woman may very likely have been a terrorist attacking me for her own racially-based reasons or if not a white Nazi supremacist then for inclusion into the Nazi sphere spanning the globe--so I have no remorse for her except that her murder in that area has confirmed my initial suspicions. I want to add that while I was trying to salvage this cat there were white Nazi Europigapes giggle, making triggering gestures with the usual ratio of 10 Thais surrounding each single Europigape Nazi--they appeared gratified that this murder had occurred to this cat and it was happening to me. I am still hoping that someone will have my cat La Moux (pictured above as my avatar for this Facebook page) returned to me alive asap as she is dying from depression and I actually had her microchipped--the vet who did this is at the Chalong vet clinic next to the Tesco shopping mall area--(near the Chalong Buddhist Temple). If her name is La Moux--please will someone help me to locate her and then have her returned alive please--she is so old, over 20 years and Trump has stolen her in order to terrorize and force this most sick agenda of forcing a "baby" out of me by some rapist Nazi abuser racist hateful murdering bigot with his female companion --they are "all the same" it doesn't even matter what famous names they have.



It's more like a trickle of water from a very small stream, next to the trail where this Swiss woman walking along it's banks was murdered. The stream of water pouring over some rocks but okay--for tourist purposes it's designated as a tourist attraction "Waterfall". /,



This page is now hacked so badly that the link for the Ao Yon waterfall is not appearing as the video--only the URL is shown. I tried to post the link twice and the problem persists. This goes along with the problems of the functions from Facebook being blocked as I reported regarding trying to report the Shanti Lodge post on the Phuket Ladies group that appeared and I could not remove it earlier today when I first logged-in, which promoted this long response about how Bernie Sanders said sarcastically when he took jumped into the fascist and Nazi mafia crowd in attacking me during teleportation that he was going to close them down immeidately--but instead ensured that they were promoted for what was an apparent anti-Semitic attack that he, like all the minority minions and so many of the Jewish men who proliferate where there is the "success" crowd all have blonde, Nazi fascist and racist wives. You can include Harvey Weinstein into this Jewish slave category as his blonde, Nazi pig ape Europigape wife left him immediately to try to absolve her of any blame, plus a hefty amount of his money in the alimony settlement. Although this last addition is a bit of a digression it all ties in together, since this terrorist fascist Nazi group is really one and the same computer programmed bot performing hate actions aimed at me, one after the next without any bleep or glitch in the system. It ties into the destruction of nature and of course in my inability to care about a Europigape being murdered as they would probably try to slowly assassinate me, because years of living here I know this to be to be the case nearly 100% of the time. It sounds like a gross over-generalization or perhaps "paranoid"? Unfortunately it is all too correct and accurate in statistical probability.

Terrorist hacker/Facebook report: August 6, 2021. A business here in Phuket, operated by South African fascist Nazis but feigning an "alternative" and "organic" open-minded almost "hippie" approach very viciously attacked me years ago --it is a small family-owned resort with organic cooking in Chalong. They had people attack me (men wearing tiny swimsuits that were disgusting and barely covering their genitals) follow me around, attack me from behind while I was on the computers for the customers--this place is called Shanti Lodge--they went into my room and stole my driver's license, my Social Security card and some other form of identification while they put foul things on my bed. I was attacked by the old granny racist who would plop her fat bottom on a chair opposite mine as I sat alone eating in the dining area and ask me all kinds of personal questions after they ordered their slave staff of absolutely obsequious Thai whore skanks to poison and drug my food. I was there maybe one and a half weeks until like all the other establishments I have paid to stay in I ran from another extremely abusive situation. Bernie Sanders, yes that politician, teleported me along with Hillary Clinton, yes that politician--as they glared in hate at me because I would not go along with Clinton exploiting me as she yelled at the top of her nearly bursting veins popping out of her red screeching mouth at me only because I just said no, politely even to her attempt to exploit me. Sanders, when Hillary informed him that this place had put something very disgusting on my bed, said in a snide Brooklyn accented sneering in contempt voice, "Oh, they will be shut down within 60 days". That was years ago. What has happened instead is that they were offered, as soon as the Biden administration came in, a much larger and more expansive operation in the same area instead of the cramped by grungy place they had operated for years. In other words, promoted and I think by Clinton and Sanders in effect, through their participation with this Nazi and Mafia organization.

 Their post on the Phuket Ladies Group page on Facebook, as I just posted my last post today about hacking and the impossibility of me achieving anything or getting anything done or writing or thinking or removing poison or getting any kind of real help for this criminal organization co-sponsored by the US Government in all it's "Democratic" hypocrisy tending towards the new-re-invented fascist technocracy of despotic secular humanistic Nazism:

I tried to block the post by the filthy rotten woman who had assaulted me with teams of Thais, teams of white bigots, poisoning, theft of my important documents which I still lack because I must go to agencies and directly order them in person or I just can't afford to pay for the repeat and have them shipped (kind of an excuse on my part because I now cannot afford to live in any way that requires such documents and I am not in the United States and don't need them for proof of identification). But nevertheless, I will have to pay to have them restored some day if I ever return to the United States and need to obtain any kind of official proof.

I could not block or report this group to the administrators. I got little notices from Facebook that the "function cannot be performed" and there was little other information. All attempts to report this group or block it from my Facebook were met with blocks of all I attempted to do to block this group. I have written some comments on other Phuket sources (this huge terrorist Nazi-controlled Island with almost zero people who are against such a system). They know myh position they are aware--they just got a promotion by the "Democrat" Clinton the "feminist" who is a worse bigot or on par with Trump and attacked me in concert with Trump and in partnership with him and his group, in addition to Sanders (it is disappointing to see and know how many so-called "Progressives" including the nasty and dirty Cornel West who masturbated in enthralled glee at me being abused, raped and all stolen from me--the typical black wanna be white supremacist fake "radical" anti-racist bs Progressive who is like Oprah and Ice Cube and Will Smith and his wife and children and Samuel Jackson and et al--the list goes on and on--oh yes, Tiffany Haddish--)

naming them only means more promotions for them. I don't know if Harvard University has blocked tenure for West due to his hypocrisy that perhaps some of a more critical analytical bent would perceive and pick up immediately?

But it's like being attacked online by filthy and disgusting fascists non-stop. I thought I would not write actual names or make any other "reports" but I had to scream, hit, punch and fight with smug, gloating and laughing Europigapes and fascist Nazi mafia out of 
Brooklyn who have made my body cut up, scarred-up, my hair falling out, raped for the last two months by some rotting disgusting Germanic scumbag who had plans to prostitute and pimp me out to his friends and partners while threatening me with absolute violence, dismemberment if I didn't obey and had rotting meat and fungus substances inserted into my vagina after forcing fellatio upon me while hitting me back and forth when I tried to pull away--while my body was under a most unbelievably dangerous technology that took hold of my basic and primal centers and gripped on like a vice into my very internal organs so I was unable to think --of course drugged up extremely severely while my brain was also under extreme kinds of mind control

I am so disgusted by them and yet they never are stopped--I scream in rage and yell I want them dead and they sit silently smiling as I make a performance of hate that is eating away at my body--this is now years and years and years on a nightly basis of being forced into a "truth serum" mode while teleported and drugged up after being beaten, raped, tortured and abused by these smug and promoted millionaires and billionaires. All promoted into higher positions including Sanders who is supposed to be the epitome of defense for The American People against the very criminals they claim they are "defending" the "American People" against all their rapacious greed, usurpation of all they can steal and rob and what they call the "1%" of exploiters of the planet. All good buddies when the cameras are not rolling and producing them as icons for roles that they are supposed to play in the drama that unfolds of the unraveling of the United States. All the actors play their measly and rotting fake and plastic-coated pretentious parts. The politicians for the most part do not have plastic surgery and you can see the worry marks and the over-exertion some of them have made for their careers. Not so with the dumbed-down actors who do as little worrying work like study and concentrating on formulating concepts about victimization which they are going then "save" humanity against--as they just now can teleport and torture people like me and then ask every single day "why don't you like this" and then--the screaming and slowly murdered victim rants and vents and then they steal more ideas from the rantings which they are having recorded.

If only someone would get some of these videos of me screaming at the pig apes and use it as evidence to finally block this terror campaign against me.

I have thought of idea after idea and concepts for short stories and essays and I can write NOTHING. Nothing except for hacked and rewritten nearly hyperbolic (sometimes actually so) posts which are then severely redacted after I struggle to pound on a hacked and blocked keyboard which is essentially non-functional, while my brain is under so much attack from remote or embedded microchip technology that it is "painful" to think to write. My nerve endings my synapses my neural firing whatever is under electro-torture-suppression attack renders the effort to think and write something like wading through an electrified eel swamp at waist level. A bit less shocking but this would be the effect of after-shock and being numbed from having been stunned. My thoughts are blocked out as I attempt to "remember" basic words, spelling and names of people, places and even using any more sophisticated vocabulary is very difficult to access.

 Besides all the above problems that are foisted upon me, I encounter great psychological and physical abuse and torture every time I demonstrate anything other than blanked out conformist acceptance to the prevailing order of mediocrity and Nazi/fascist/Mafia brainwashing ideological concepts that are continuously veiled in heroic posturing of the many various facets of this insidious systematic form of racism, sexism, oppression and the stifling of competition and equality and "Democratic" freedom. Oh, the culprits of this system want "freedom", which is a huge catch-phrase that Nazis and the white supremacists use for their nefarious covert actions of racist suppression, covert assassination and theft a la fascist Nazism.

The slingers of these contrived postures of Democratic Freedom who I have been suffering through with daily screaming and hate from me to them as they sit gloating, smug and giggling at the endless deterioration of my body and my life that they are forcing upon me with non-stop hypnosis while I am sleeping, in a nascent waking state and in this most "truth-telling" and vulnerable state (meaning my psychological defenses are almost gone) I scream in hate and rage after endless rape, violence, abuse and the endless fight I must endure to simply protect my body from being mutilated further by their mechanical arms breaking into my room at every single possible moment (literally) to either spew filth, stinking odors, spray chemicals into my hair from behind as I sit eating or doing anything--from the endless cracks in all the cupboards and panels I have pasted together with cheap construction paper, metal hooks but there are chinks and cracks and literal quarter-inch cracks in the doors and the mechanical arms are extremely malleable and can bend, curve, get through angles, spray, rip, tear, make incisions, mutilate, spray toxins, drug my food--and it only takes one small mechanical arm to destroy my hair, skin, body, food, room and whatever else (steal money from my purse, etc).

Thus, going into a bit of a digression (another attack that the mind control tech always forces upon my brain as I attempt to think in linear structures while fighting to explicate my thoughts to the people who seem like slugs going at slower-than-a-snail's pace in movement to alleviate any kind of threat that is actual towards the United States.

Stolen, my ideas stolen for over a decade from simple phrases to concepts I could barely type out to a short story with parts lifted and stolen to hair coloring I created--all of which, anything I do or write or create which is a "treat" to the fascist and Nazi ideology of only the White supremacists (and their groveling but pretentiously "fighting against racism" minority minions at their side in concentric circles of wanna-be-white-supremacist fascist aspirants)--anything I create that is original, anything I say or do that isn't a ground down mediocre nothingness that could be stolen for the glorification of a parasitic scumbag posturing as if they have exalted and noble emotions, concern, humanitarian goodness but are instead rotten and filthy whores who delight and drool with gnarling slimy delight at torture, mutilation, theft, abuse, hate, rape, murder, genocide and rush to participate with genitals bursting in anticipation of releasing all their pent-up pornographic fantasies of their powerless unleashed into a semblance of "mastery" upon the helpless victim/target. With the technology that has been handed to them by this most UNDEMOCRATIC UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT the pig apes have been unleashed. Thus, they can steal the concepts I have uttered or written or even though under the violence of their endless assault and because I have tried to write poetically and in a creative fiction style, they steal and rob all and then glare in hate and torture me not just if I respond with chagrin and anger at their theft but they attack me immediately after I attempt to produce anything worthwhile that could be deemed commercially viable, which they, in their utter banality and mediocre ugliness and sleazy fascist nazi smugness and with all handed to them, they suck out and turn into more banality that sparks something more noble in the consumers than the usual trite K-rap that is continuously being pumped out about plastic "love", pornographic gyrating titillation and pumped up  hypocrisy in the mind control industries (including politics).

Thus I am tortured for attempting to produce anything that could feasibly be used to enhance any semblance of a career that has been quashed by these groups and this larger organization of obeying mindless minions (even the white supremacists are minions to one degree or another). Then what I manage to barely pound out with my head feeling like it's in a type of clamping and squashing instrument of blood flow constriction, is then stolen and then I am poisoned, tortured and attacked afterwards, called "stupid bitch, shut up" endlessly by the subliminal mind control torture that is continuously being pumped into my "inner ear" or cochlea or whichever function is being used to transmit these "silent" but vaguely audible words into my brain--at situations where people are confronting me I can't "hear" the suggestive comments because people are usually talking in rude, loud and negative tones at me and I am also under various other forms of attack.

Thus I cannot write my short stories, film reviews, analyses, for these various and more unnamed reasons.

Meanwhile the mind control breakdown of my personality continues as this vile social engineering technocracy continues to have celebrities violently rape and threaten to dismember me continuously, smug and gloating and smiling as the latest one is as his entire career has been uplifted (he was depressed, he had NOTHING going on for his career until he began endlessly and violently to assault me, now he's glowing, the actors of the NY Mafia Brooklyn crowd the "Italian-American" thugs (white supremacist racist bigots who are all "friends" with extremely complacent blacks also huge celebrities in the H-wood cartels who bow in deference and make anti-Semitic remarks and steal and rob and assault me physically are also part of this racist and fascist Nazi cartel of thuggery).

The social engineering is also to destroy my sexuality and body physically--I now have to fight to not have all my hair falling out once more due to chemicals being sprayed while I am sleeping or sitting at this very desk as the mechanical arms push through the layers of padding I have inserted into the 1/4 inch cracks of the kitchen sink pipe area underneath--where the mechanical arms get through the watered-down and soggy particle-board wall facade which has been made loose and malleable. 

I continue to be teleported to this most vile latest teleporting rapist who is an affront and a hateful violent probably criminally insane fascist Nazi out of Europ-a-land--absolutely embraced by the entire throng of these expletives who have not stopped latching on to abusing and raping and having me nearly killed in accident after accident to endless violence on a 24/7 scale for over 8-15 years by now this is endless. This morning once again screaming in rage at this same silent group of parasites who have done this day after day for year after year to promotion after studios handed to them to top awards with more and more other celebrities rushing to get involved in this very easy promotional pyramid scheme. 

Right now I am exhausted from pounding down on the keyboard and fighting simply to get letters out as the keyboard is so stiff I can't type without exerting the entire strength of my fingers, hand and into my forearms to simply pound letters out so they appear on the page (only then to be deleted, rewritten, all punctuation partially deleted to create run-on string sentences that have been partially deleted and glued back together without commas or periods separating the terrorist hacker deletions/rewrites).


So it is endless, daily screaming from me to people who are detestable who sit in a huge crowd, in chairs in rows, watching me trying to punch the pigs in the faces who have raped and tortured me, endless screaming in rage as they sit silently after they unleash endless violence upon me. They smirk, the Europigapes are the most smirking of the lot. They in particular are overjoyed to hear me screaming in rage. The latest most violent and disgusting pig ape who I have been writing of in increasing rage, desperation to get this ugly and sleazy rotten pretentiously "emotionally-romantic" scumbag rapist racist pig ape whore off me--to the silent complicy of Whorewood which always watches on, sees what advantages they can get from either participating or going along and supporting all the fascists, mafia and Nazis who have wrested control over this most insidious mind programming and social engineering fiasco conglomerate billion dollar enterprise.

I am too exhausted to continue to pound down on the keys and fight and backspace and rewrite and send out another missive into the vast nothingness of the entire spectrum of the people who thoroughly approve of all that is happening to me and want this system to completely overtake all governments and countries of the planet--they have already infected most of the planet already as the despotic fascist and tyrannical murderous Nazi adherent states around the planet all follow in this model. The S***t movies continue to be pumped out. The social engineering continues. I remain fighting to not be mutilated and destroyed physically and remove hard-as-rock poisons from my body as these millionaires and billionaires who torture me to obtain any and all phrases, concepts, vocabulary, creative ideas and political and anything else (hair color, anything I create they believe is theirs for the stealing and theft and taking) while being told to not outperform the mediocrities who can purchase what other fascist Nazi designers crank out according to the dictates of the pedophile rapist fasist Nazi designers and creators--but, alas, to the millions of people who conform to this system and embrace it. I fear to write that many of them are now laying in death because they followed this system and were infected and killed off after they gave everything to be a part of this system and not excluded. Utterly brainwashed but then used and discarded (killed off, exterminated is the more correct use of terminology).

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Still traitors to "Democracy": Biden and Harris honor the Capital officers who defended, fought, lost their lives or were maimed, PTSD's and traumatized for the sake of a host of traitors to America on January 6, 2021.

 "Biden and Harris honor officers who protected the Capitol on Jan. 6." Washington Post. August 6, 2021.

Instead of CGI superheroes performing orchestrated stunts to scripted lines: the real heroes of Democracy are honored by this President who evokes the real patriotic spirit of upholding the goals of a Free and Democratic society (except when it comes to my situation, along with the rest of Congress who just observe and won't stop Nazis and mafia from every foreign country who want to impose infiltrators into H-wood so the Mafia ("Italian-Americans") can continue to monopolize, through their Europ-a contacts and associates who remain the Dark Money influencers and brainwashing into fascist Nazi ideology. But no one responds to my endless appeal to stop these people and much less the Biden Administration but at least they are trying to redress the wrongs of the masses of tv zombies who drool over the fascist Nazi celebrities and all the fake posturing about how they care about Freedom (to rape, plunder and abuse and murder and steal and exploit).

WHEN ANY ADMINISTRATION ACTUALLY STOPS THIS MOST FASCIST AND ANTI-DEMOCRATIC ATTACK UPON ME, WHICH HAS HELPED TO FOSTER AND PROMOTE SO MANY OUTRIGHT FASCISTAS AND REAL-LIFE NAZIS INTO POWER (all claiming they are "fighting" against these movements in their every movie, performance and charitable tax-haven function):

Movie synopsis of Demon Seed: an extremely accurate portrayal of humans teleporting me, behaving as the "evil" AI computer system, almost exactly with the same programming installed into their brains as the evil AI computer system.

"Woman Impregnated by AI!? Demon Seed (1977)." Slash Forward. December 29, 2020.

The perfect Dream Sex Fantasy for players who are bored with orgies and porn--AI sex doll. Your perfect dumbed down female who will always remember what you want and will do it upon command. Highly recommended for those who are teleporting me who want such a programmed object for their sense of power and gratification.

'You can soon buy a sex robot equipped with artificial intelligence for about $20,000."  ABC News. April 25, 2018.


Monday, August 2, 2021

Extremely violent threats aimed at me (in addition to the other assaults that have been absolutely violent recently but the threat of extreme harm has appeared in the last few weeks). There are extremely violent and deadly fascist threats of evil and sick attacks going on around me which are part of a psy-ops terror action aimed at me. I went to pay my motorbike rent and on the huge plasma screen on the wall right in this tiny one-room "office" was a trio of Thai women screaming and crying with blood streaming from their empty eye sockets--a huge jar of (fake or real) eyeballs were placed in a huge glass jar as the women cried continuously. I turned the tv off as this screaming sobbing noise commenced. The remote operator handling the remote for the tv turned it back on instantly. I had to switch it off again. Later that day in a Japanese 2nd hand warehouse "thrift" store a tiny Pomeranian dog, which is beautiful and wonderful, was sullen, black energy surrounded him, and one of his eyes had been gouged out. I had just been at that store a few days prior (three) and the dog, which customarily stands on a tiny desk in front of the store playfully licking and wagging in delight if you pet him, shied away with his one eye gone and the socket stitched up. The terrorist group had placed three hostile and nasty Thai women and one very large white American male with a distinctly Southern accent (who at first appearance is dressed and has the mannerisms of Europ-a's in Phuket who are the main forces of attack or orchestration of these attacks--they dress in casual and usually slightly dull, faded clothing with teeshirts and look like they are alcoholics, to put it bluntly, which means he has become fully immersed in the culture of the Euro-p'a "ex-pats" who abound here out of Euop-a-land. I thought immediately he was one. The Thai women under his "control" would yell at me and talk in harsh and ugly tones nearly shouting at me (I always listen to loud music on earphones while I s hop and with the brain-altering tech blasting away into my brain simultaneously I could not "understand" that this was a hostile attack--I "froze" in other words, as I always do under such attacks even when I am not listening to music on earphones). I then tried to pet the dog and this American white male began holding and petting the dog just as I went to pet him, so I would have to have contact with him and under this mind control influence, . I asked what had happened to dog's eye and got a most ridiculous lie in response. The lie was about how the dog ran into the road and the spoke of a motorbike pierced his eye out (obviously nearly a sinister joke on his part--or he was told what to say of course as they all are, these minions are all instructed on exactly how to act and what to say and given instructions while the situation is occurring perhaps using the Voice-to-Skull technology or earbuds). I realized then that the 3 days prior to going to this shop the dog had been in the vet clinic for this very operation of removing his eye. I had not been to that building for months and always for a few years that dog is fastidiously placed on that table greeting everyone. The seeming correlation of eyes being gouged out and this occurring twice in the same day--the tv spectacle of eyes being gouged out in a supposed tv horror movie and then this also happening to this dog while this white American man followed me out of the store, stared at me in a sexually suggestive way as I ignored him and my brain was so blanked out by the technology I could not register the reality or the actions as being hostile until I left and began to think clearly in another location.

 "How Mind Control Works - Psychopaths and Advanced Mind Control."  The Journey. August 21, 2018.

I have had other covert symbols and hints of extreme violence aimed at me in other suggestive ways--extreme physical violence and torture have been implied through suggestions and hints and verbal threats by one of the people who has been teleporting me recently. If one of them does it, the entire group backs it or they do nothing (or so it seems, I really can't tell what is going on). I do know that the majority of people backing this current spike in violence and threat towards me are either Europ-a's or have close ties and identify themselves as being "Italian" or "half-English/half-German" instead of as being Americans with any identification of such as their prime heritage. 

I'm tired of seeing the people I mention by name being promoted so I will resist writing about them. If anything, I know from years of this same situation going on without end, that the dog being partially blinded was "probably" due to an order to maim him using this egregious attack on his eye balls as a form of terror and psychological inducement to obey and not question or defend myself. I have seen animals I feed and love with broken spines, eyes gouged out, broken tails and just plain shot to death by the Europigapes who have been put in rooms next to the stink holes that these stink whores have forced upon me--with Thai people giggling and laughing with exaggerated joy at participating. j

Welcome to the New World of Thailand the "Land of Smiles" which are schadenfreude at the core of their gleeful induction into the culture of conspicuous consumption (mentioned briefly in my last post, regarding climate change and the burgeoning homeless crisis facing the United States). All of these acts of levels of violence are all interconnected and related in a tangle of actions designed to destroy confidence and harmony within all populations. The self-serving and those harboring fantasies of rape, mutilation and torture and terror are flocking to this organization and the methodologies of covert terrorism that I have described for years, and what I detail a bit leaving out names and identities of the criminal psychopaths involved. They have been embraced by the people who control the entertrainment conglomerates (aka "Dark Money") influencing the mind control information that courses through the brains of the consumers and viewers who ingest such carefully deceptive output by those same personages who are most double-faced liars and conniving and violent murdering/rapist/racist haters. Do not exempt any other race from this equation nor any socioeconomic status and of course that also includes, unfortunately, those who most deceive when they continuously spout out various "Liberal" concepts and opinions and shout the loudest at rallies about how they are "fighting" for equality and justice. Many of those are involved deeply with these extremely violent fascist white supremacists and bend over backwards to please them and to fight FOR THE RACISTS when they can demonstrate their fealty to the forces that have paid them in huge sums to portray this double-standard of deception.

It is absolute fascism and murderous violence which is being taught to all the minions who follow these orders and are enthralled with performing violence and getting away with it in this technocratic systematic version of genocide (including politicians who have been involved--I have named them before). And I am tired of seeing them get promoted every time I write about how heinous they act and are.


*Whatever hackers have deleted or included I have not re-read to discover. (5 minutes later): I did read partway through and saw parts that had been rewritten or my brain is under too much attack for me to have a clear and concise flowing rendering of my thoughts. I had to rewrite as the hackers are blocking key functions constantly so I must backspace and rewrite words almost every word at times while fighting to pound down. The usual hacking obstruction. I cannot "think" to use higher vocabulary or a more analytical approach, so the choice of words remains in a most basic sense and the concepts I would be able to pull out of my memory is blocked almost completely. I am stuck having to fight to type at a more basic level of English due to the brain-altering blocking technology. I was under more attack than I am now while I was in this store and could not begin to even realize what I had instantly known the moment I walked into this huge warehouse 2nd hand Japan shop, that these were terrorists who have taken over the payment desk--who are shouting in hate and negativity at me when I ask for prices as nothing is labeled with a price tag--they either charge per item or heave everything on a scale and weigh it and charge per weight. Shouting in hate at me, I froze and could not begin to tell them to stop. This is the constant attack forced upon my nervous system and brain while people verbally attack me. Simultaneously the mutilated animal and this white American man, with subliminals pounded into my brain such as, "What a nice man" so all my former precautions and barriers were instantly gone in almost the blink of an eye (was that an intended pun or inserted into my subconscious by the obvious English-speaking terrorists utilizing both the hacking and the brain-altering tech as I sit here right now--I think so).

Trying to warn the readers of this post about the heinous potential of the violence these terrorists are inflicting, will inflict, will be allowed to inflict with no curtailment by any government agency and full allowance by society. No one can care until it happens to them, obviously. I am stating that if it happens to you, you may be too dazed by mind control and drugging and threats of violence or financial ruin to begin to act or defend yourselves or your loved-ones or anyone else around you. This is the kind of inducement of threat of severe violence that this group in actuality acts upon including murder of targets, of course as you all know.
I am now struggling to fight to type single words out without having to backspace and rewrite. As I type functions and screens pop up constantly and block the page as I am writing.

"Now is the time" for people everywhere to become MORE concerned about their fellow human beings and for animals, nature and the environment than racing in the conspicuous consumption death race.

 Begin by petitioning local governments and State legislations to extend the moratorium on eviction in your local area. This means a concerted effort on your part to "do the right thing" by your fellow human being. If you think the homeless are "losers" and should be relegated to being out-of-sight, imagine the swelling of numbers of homeless turning to crime and dying and vomiting and fighting in the streets to add to the already untenable numbers of the homeless abounding in the streets of the United States.

"White House: Biden Asked CDC to Consider New Eviction Moratorium." Bloomberg Quicktake: Now. August 3, 2021.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

Manufacturing Consent (Chomsky, video below). Mind-to-gonad control in reputable news sources: Foreign-owned and controlled Wall Street Journal's owner Rupert Murdoch, The purveyor and former owner of the British tabloid The Sun, which equates to "Page 3" topless women in The Sun is now entertaining the masses with info-entrainment control in The Wall Street Journal.


*Nota Bene: I just had to rewrite the first paragraph for the 3rd time due to hacking deletions after publishing this post. I have only read the first paragraph, which took some time to write out as hacking and keyboard malfunctioning is rife (as always when I write or use any laptop around the world). I copied and pasted this post onto my blogger page and had to rewrite the title of the Chomsky video below 5 times because hackers inserted some malware that deleted parts of the title as I was writing it. I can only imagine that much has been changed, deleted, punctuation as always deleted to create run-on sentences, etc etc. I can't go through all of this post for the 3rd time to rewrite so I have only tried to re-edit the first paragraph.


The WSJ: Bought-out by Rupert Murdoch shortly after the WSJ reporting team had won the Pulizer Price for the reporting on the September, 11 terrorist attacks on the WTC. The reputable and "respectable" Rupert Murdoch newspaper owned by Australian mogul--Murdoch, who formerly owned Brit tabloid The Sun which heralded the famous "Page 3" of a topless female as one of the prime selling points for the daily pulp commuter titillation street rag crowd and the beer, "football", hooligan, snooker, porno fans---has also had his American highly "respectable" newspaper the Wall Street Journal publish a "study" from a group of "researchers" about how Disney's "Princess Culture" is not "toxic".

Oddly but not surprisingly, this reputable newspaper continues the tradition of a topless tabloid street rag by insulting the intelligence of the reader or assuming that a less-than sophomoric level of education prevails in the readership; does not deign to "bore" the readers with such unnecessary trivia such as which institution has conducted the "study" and which "researchers" claimed that this "5-year" study was firmly in the pocket of Disney investors vying for a positive result to their ongoing Princess culture themed (likely) billion-dollar industry.

So much for scientific methodology and accuracy in reporting and detail for an informed public to also check on the test or on which institution conducted this "study" or which participants and how many were chosen--and were they randomly chosen or not?

I have not subscribed to the WSJ so I have not gotten into the "meat" of the article. I will continue to try to look up a "free" online source for this but so far have no luck.


"'Page 3 would be best thing my son could see in The Sun'."  BBC News. January 20, 2015.


"In-Depth: BYU study explores princess culture & toxic masculinity".  Fox News Utah. July 30, 2021.

On YouTube I discovered a slightly different theme but it was posted within this last week, which would coincide with the "study" that "researchers" spent "5 years" conducting--(quoted from WSJ introductory "free" few first paragraphs from article above). The emphasis shifts from Princess Culture affecting females to the male "toxic" inculturation, with lessor influence on the female portion of the study. The Fox News clips details that all these children exposed to the new and vamped-up more aggressive tomboy Princess culture on modern Disney movies are more apt to become enculturated into "Progressive" party lines, with men having "less toxic masculinity" if they watch these Princess-themed Disney movies. It all sounds so healthy and responsible and modern and well-informed. The use of the scholarly term, "hegemonic masculinity" is self-described but this institute must delineate what that means. Male domination in other words. Watching Disney Princess movies is supposed to, according to this research, unravel the male domination paradigm that these celebrities are working and these organizations of entertainment are operating to deconstruct oh how hard they are working to be woke and hip and feminist. Unless, of course, the actors or investors or share-holders who are also celebrities playing these roles want a huge multi-million dollar deal by participating in rape and torture using mind control teleportation imposed upon me--which many a celebrity who has made movies (one in particular was a theme stolen from myh writing based on Andrea Dworkin's "Woman-Hating" book, the Sleeping Beauty theme that has enabled a vicious racist rapist female to be portrayed as having a most maladapted hypocritical stance towards rape culture which of course she firmly conforms to all the toxic masculinity possible in the privacy of this terror operation inflicting non-stop rape and violence upon me. But oh well--Disney is "promoting" feminism and this "institute" researched how watching these Disney movies played by rapist enablers and paid for by Disney executives who hire and produce all who rape and torture me according to the backlash against feminism--it's all put out by people like Rupert Murdoch in the now post-Page 3 addition to the tabloid marvel universe of news reportage (plus Fox News of course, reliable and not sexist but just ignore all the claims of rape and abuse of women at Fox News).


 "Noam Chomsky's Advice: Learn to Chose the Truth."  Through Conversations Podcast. April 24, 2021.

With subliminal mind control technologies that remain a "silenced" topic in mainstream news sources (exempting Alex Jones, who is so hysterically-inclined that it's very hard to take his rantings seriously). As for gang stalking activities, these are the covert arms of the State of repression that also remain silenced except for the rantings of Jones and a few YouTubers who do not get real notice. A few news clips regarding these issues are scattered through searches but very rare in quantity and low in information and quality. These are the methods of the silencing of dissent that abound and remain as the "torture chamber" channels through which questioning and going against is thwarted.

I was poisoned by the (United States) "State" in a covert state-sponsored terrorist mutilation, torture, rape and murder attempt (only the latter has been successful). I have been implanted with microchips rendering me comatose while I am assaulted, disfigured, maimed, raped and brainwashed and then teleported to vicious abusers who giggle and laugh about their exploits as they are handed contracts ranging in the millions for participating in the torture/technocratic systematic murder operation that can only be ascribed to the much larger contract out on the American people being evicted starting today. . I was denied health care even while being supplied with US Government health care due to the poisoning that was ordered upon me by this "powers that be" who also deigned to block all health care resources to me (or lack thereof) in the reality of necessity. Like everything else this organization does, it fronts concern but is quite happy to commit murder if given the chance to cover-up their crimes. I was attacked by death squads (aka "gang stalking") utilizing torture covert weapons supplied by agents of the (US) State. I was left to die a horrible death due to a State-sponsored terrorist protocol agenda of covert assassination and targeting. Upon leaving the country I have been attacked by billionaires and millionaires, mostly famous US citizens but a huge number of Europ-a's and other foreigners operating from what appears to be a centralized Europ-a core of the origin of this hate system who have demonstrated not just a lack of empathy or humanity, but are being paid to inflict torture on a non-stop basic upon me. All supplied and sponsored and approved-of by the United States apparatus of concealed but protected and highly coveted US state-sponsored terrorism. I finally had to leave the United States for a 2nd time in my life due to State-sponsored terrorist poisoning and other types of murder attempts orchestrated by terrorist cells operating under the jurisdiction of the (US) State covert assassination system. Yes, Ms. AOC, the moratorium closure is a version of the same state-sponsored terrorism that the US Government has inflicted upon me and continues to do so--with full consent of notable politicians in the US Congress. It really is a 4th R Reich genocidal policy disguised as mishaps of capitalism in a failed state situation due to a "pandemic".

"AOC Speaks At 'Extend The Moratorium' Rally To Stop Evictions: Homelessness 'Is A Policy Choice'".  Forbes Breaking News. August 1, 2021.

As a victim of being forced to deal with state-ordered poisoning and lack of health care and then torture while fighting to heal without proper housing, food or shelter due to government torture protocols and a lot of complacent people watching on and observing--I know that situations such as the upcoming massive wave of homelessness can be prevented. I know what kind of violence is lurking behind the seeming helplessness and apathetic approach of the people who have the resources to cut some funding from the billions for overseas military expansion and instead put it to some humanitarian good in the domestic sphere of the ordinary citizens--11 million now facing eviction and homelessness. How can there be any defense from Congress allowing such a situation to develop with guaranteed catastrophic results for not only US society but for the well-being of the Democracy and for the image that the US is projecting to the rest of the world as a result of this laxity towards concern for it's own population during this ongoing pandemic?

Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...