Friday, December 17, 2021

Les Enfants du Paradis. I am in the mood for a female independence appreciation day. Also freedom from racist cliches and stereotypes. This subject is very hard to find in current or older films and I can't find a film of mainstream that comes close to addressing this topic.

 "Les Enfants du paradis (1945) - trailer". BFI Trailers. October 11, 2014.

The independent woman must be confined, trapped and domesticated by the wealthy men "in power". Ah, the rescue scene at the baths near the end of the film! Ah! The longing for love lost but retained in memory! Ah! The funny and easy-going nice guy wins but loses her heart. The jealous domesticated wife clings onto the formerly free male who had the love of the independent woman nearly scorned and derided for her stance to be free of confinement. 

Ah! What a film. Made by Jews who were not persecuted during the 3rd Reich but it was an anomaly. Now the entire spectrum has been Nazified in lead roles for women both in France and in America--always blonde always with blonde hair that is supposed to be the desirable female at the top of the food chain. The brainwashing continues and the Nazi propaganda machine is still cranking out it's stifling boxes of confinement and the media industry is still welcoming in the tanks of control with red carpet and fanfare.

So I love this film but can only watch it once or twice as something about it tweaks my constant threat because I always was an independent spirit and have been thwarted and the people assaulting me are working to confine me in every single way--with the tacit approval of society en masse using their death squad terrorist system of control and manipulation and destruction.


"Natasha and Andrei's Waltz: War and Peace (Война и мир)". Jasmine Trinks. October 30, 2012.

This is so exquisite--the form, the grace, the camera shots from above-the dancing of course--
the Russian version--I must watch this film
Also glad to see that the beautiful woman is not the endlessly portrayed "blonde" which is always now considered the epitome of beauty in these racist and sexist movie plots (especially the romantic comedies). Of course this film is "old" and so the shift towards absolute racist conceptual ideology incorporated into character traits conforming to racist principles are more entrenched than they were all these years ago. You can see the same with the 40's version of Les Enfants du Paradis.


"The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo 2009 Trailer HD | Michael Nyqvist | Noomi Rapace". Trailer Chan. July 4, 2017.

This film trilogy in my opinion is one of the best movie series I have ever seen---and it's NEVER listed in any of the mainstream lists of greats for best film on any site. Even on feminist sites it is not listed (for major movie lists of top whatever movie hits of all time or all the fodder that is cranked out about what is deemed "best" by some panel probably mostly comprised of chauvinist men and their subdued women who basically are the "good girls" who essentially are rapist enablers.
Too bad Noomi Rapace has not created a role this powerful or dynamic since this movie came out and has instead become something of a fashionista (very common with these movie stars) and the rough and strong woman has been groomed down into a celebrity powder puff.
Of course the real credit goes to the author of the book series from Sweden--Eva Gabrielsson---along with her partner the incredible and daring, bold Stieg Larsson-- the male credited for the concept (but you know Eva had much of the strong woman feminist input that created this book series and was the impetus for the daring concepts attributed to the punkster female protagonist).
What a film--and also a credit to a certain segment of the former (or perhaps current as well) "punk" culture (however you want to define it--I prefer it to mean the punk against authority but not the fascist Nazi branch that grew out of the original movement and twisted it into an aggression and hate/anger sirocco.


"FANNY: The Right To Rock - Official Film Trailer". Fanny: The Right to Rock. March 23, 2021.

"We broke through that (cock rock) barrier (my inclusion in parenthesis)...and we just did it."--
This band just popped-up on my YouTube channel and I have never heard of them. I will hear more of them now---(why haven't I heard of them before?)


"Judy Garland & Gene Kelly - Ballin' the Jack". Ohujapaksu. June 26, 2013.


"Dancers. Tap Dancing. Judy Garland, Mickey Rooney. Girl Crazy, 1943. I've Got Rhythm Part 2". Andrew Choreographer. June 13, 2019.

A celebration of cowboys, guns, cannons and stomping synchronicity. Of course it's only the men who get to hold and shoot the guns.


"Call Me Madam 1953 You're Just In Love Compilation". Victor Lee. June 14, 2014.

Ethel Mermen was dressed in frills and satin and lace still tough and not timid to speak up, even while dressing in exquisite "girly" gowns which hail the feminine mystique. Beautiful but strong, witty and caustic but in a funny (and acceptable) way. Not afraid to take the lead. 

Twinkly, charming, light and fluffy (and in addition--look at her DRESS! Gorgeous!). I wish movies like this would come back in style--silly, happy and about love and friendship and happy living.

Slight correction/addition. Having walked away from this "mind control" zone where I sit at the laptop, I "remembered" what I had wanted to write but got lost fighting to backspace, correct, retype and think clearly.
I did not mean that all the romance especially romantic comedies feature exclusively blonde woman--the small spectrum of color allowed for such roles spans a very limited area of brunette but light-haired at that. Perhaps a red-head is also allowed to have love and fun---I meant "blonde" but the Nazi definition also includes various lighter shades not specifically of the yellow spectrum of hair color. The facial features that Nazis only claimed were of "superior" and thus entitled to love and have fun status on this planet of the misery that this racist bigot group inflicts upon most of the darker races of the world remain consistent in movies: a square jaw, blue/green or contact-Nazi enhancing colors---square jaws can be manufactured by plastic surgery and I'm sure many a famous female Nazi/mafia celebrity has had extensive sculpting of her jaw and face in order to conform to these standards of acceptability--even if they have black skin--the necessity to appear structurally in the Nazi confines remains the same standard throughout.

I just saw a photo of the Miss Universe pageant winner who comes from India. She looks like any white suburban blonde except that every other feature of her face appears only in a different color. I feel certain that she had her face reconstructed to create that square jaw look and whatever else was done (only a theoretical guess). I know a bit about beauty pageant winners due to my motorbike shop sending off their daughter to have extensive plastic surgery before she "won" the national contest for "beauty" (manufactured to conformity to Nazi standards).

Thursday, December 16, 2021

I reacted to the attacker terrorists teleporting me--I wrote their names, I wrote today about how violent and hgly and sinister they are. Their attacks which have increased in violent threats since Pelosi joined in (making The Democratic Party under Biden worse than the Trump admin, almost but not really much of a diff):: they are attacking me with a singular ferocity to obtain this exact reaction out of me. Writing in a list of expletives the violence each on pours upon me in every daily attack that has only increased in the last few weeks. I forgot to mention a slew of septanarian musicians such a Paul McCartny and Bob Dylan and others of their former ";peace and love" platform who are eagerly also inserting endless videos of their music while I write posts in the comment section as if they are cool and I like them and their music. I used to like Dylan but now I just try to ignore these former "hippies" participating in the fascist mafia Nazi onslaught endlessly being aimed at me. The longer I try to defend my rights the more of these fakes join in.

 And so their goal is to get me to write about them or react in any way. There is only so much violence and abuse any human being can take before responding. Endless utter violence, rape and death threats aimed at me by all these celebrities and politicians who so happily engage in rape, torture, mutilation and fascist Nazi Imperialism. They are all under the thumb of a disgusting pig out of England named Danny Moynihan who began this media theft of my ideas--is connected to English Monarchy just like Oprah is (a most foul and disgusting abuser and rapist supporter, especially when Europigapes do the rape as she's only into appeasing white male supremacy and it's female counterpart in every action of hate at me--she participated in this long before I called her an Aunt Jemima in rage in the sleeping "truth serum" interrogation sessions after they abused me. For years she has then as a result openly physically and sexually insulted and assaulted me--only to be granted more appearances and more money and collusion with the "black woman' caucus bringing in Kamala Harris into the teleportation scheme--and thus the power behind it all is coming out of Europe and probably the English Monarchy which has established itself as a leading force in H-wood politics and promotion (with a huge Europ-a contingent alongside them) but for the purposes of my contract at this time it's been run by mostly the English faction because Moynihan globbed on and sucked out my life and was murdering me and has stolen ideas and ideas from me and handed the contract to the English part of the American H-wood scene--either they have partents coming from England or they have "English" ancestry and are devoted solely to being lavished with European acceptance and lucre all derived from their various genocidal and Imperialistic exploits throughout the years, decades and centuries. 

So I reacted and now I have written only a handful of the celebrities attacking me just in the past two weeks. There are a few more but I won't name them as they are more onlookers or casual exploitation artists seeing what they can get (for free) out of the contract--because under mind control I clicked on their videos on YouTube--that is all it takes to be tortured, raped and assaulted in this technological tyranny. Oh  yes, I forgot about keenu Reeves who has not stopped assaulting me since I watched The Matrix I think it was just before the pandemic even began--he's still threatening me and putting his face on my YouTube channels endlessly.

Unwatned, get off all of you.

The hackers are making a complete mess of my typing I have spent an inordinate amount of time simply fighting to backspace to correct typos hackers are inserting. The keyboard is going haywire and won't operate.


I know that after 8 years of the same pig pieces of shit coming at me in a never-ending rotation of abuse--the same people who years ago were torturing and raping me are now taking turns during this holiday promotional seasons where many of them are vying for top awards and have unjustly nominated by an extremely corrupt media conglomerate tied in with dark darkest money to the political one-sided spectrum.

I know no one is going to stop them--I keep writing trying to generate at least a semblance of humanistic compassion towards me as I have done NOTHING to deserve a lifetime of torture and abuse. Nothing remotely deserving of endless rape and violence by countless scumbags using all this tech and poisoning and the technology to destroy anyone who might be any competition for them. I am now nearly balding, my body is coated in scars from toes to skull-my skin has been lathered with curdling agents so my skin is broken down completely---this is still going on every single night and I have tried for years to protect my body. 

I remain in dire poverty because all income earning has been blocked. My attempts to obtain a graduate degree were met by murder attempts to which I had to run from the country to obtain any kind of medical rescue that I have had to pay for myself on sub-poverty while being abused and tortured to death slowly while fighting to heal--so my body has additionally broken down due to stress and negativity that these pigs pour upon me every single day--they go off getting theri plastic surgery and smiling and laughing into cameras as they are handed millions of dollars and prizes and awards for the meaningless violent and pornographic shit that they are told they are to play which they do--and in real life they are so meaningless porno whores all sexuality is a disgusting power penetration ploy for them--even if they are in relationships I still can't understand that they can have love or meaningful relationships with anyone--but they appear to be doing this. The people who assault me are all married or in relatinships and I remain alone with no support system adn the rapists and nazi mafia fascist enablers are being plied with every kind of sexual and emotional uplifting prop possible.

But I keep writing about them--the hacking is so bad right now I can barely get any words out.

they want me to react, and they get promoted for it. The violence is escalating as I try endlessly to ignore them. I have been writing about these same pig whores for years and they are never sotpped by any administration or government official. Pelosi has been one of the most disgusting persons attacking me but they are all vile and putrid and rotten--each and every single one of them.

And so I just got the list of pigs I wrote of earlier promoted by simply breaking to the point of writing their names in hopes that one of you out there will EVER do anything to stop them from being promoted adn stop this this travesty of justice.

Maybe some day people will protect me. Today obviously is just another day of me writing in rage because I am druggfed up and under mind control technoology absolutely hindering calm repose and writing skills while hacking does a mess of the rest of what I am trying to convey.

But STOP THESE PIGS WILL YOU GODDAMN READERS OUT THERE? How long and how many news stories of corruption and domestic violence regarding these whores attacking me do you require before you see an imminent threat?

Of course, Pelosi is being portrayed by Biden, a guilty party in this hate crime against me, demonstrating openly his latent racism that he was once blatant about but now has to conceal behind a politically correct voter approval demeanor

I don't want to help get these pieces of pig shit promoted any longer. I don't want to have to beg on line any longer for anyone to intervene. The more I try to remain silent the more they become violent and then they torture me even more for having reacted. 

Will anyone ever stop this insanity?


I also want to point out that if every administration whether Dem or Rep is very eager to participate in this contract, that means obviously that Americans are not in control over their own government in any way. Whatever central organization is in control of this terror technocratic torture technology afflicting my life and body and home, it appears to be of European origin.

Doesn't that make anyone who cares about Freedom actually concerned and worried about the future of such a group of violent sick andj disgusting parasites who are murderous and racist to an extreme being allowed to continue influencing people like US Presidents and Speaker of the House and celebrities who are largely responsible for slinging out mind control propaganda?


I can't describe again how horrible the hacking and interference is. I have spent 40% of the time writing these posts today just backspacing and fighting to get words out and correcting and retyping. Obviously the terrorist hackers are going to destroy all coherency for many of the sentences above which I will not re-read or edit. I have spent hours fighting tg get a few paragraphs out--the itnerference is continuous every word or every other word.

Can't anyone ever stop these celebrity/politician terrorists? The moment after I posted my last entry--(meaning 30 minutes later while I was cleaning more filth that this group ordered spewed into my every bit of clothing and property and of course into my body while disfiguring and slicing parts of my body and then teleporting me to rape, violence punching slapping and threats of murder and dismemberment--mostly now being done by Europigape "celebrity" shit along with the wanna be Nazi-fascist aristocrat-in-training American whore sell-out piece of shit alongside them. Last night I was and always am under extremely strong "mind control" while I sit in semi-paralysis in front of this laptop (and this group of ultra-wealthy pigs and whores block my every earning capability while stealing my ideas and profiting off them while depriving me of non-poisoned/drugged food, medicine--I can't afford to see a doctor I can't trust any doctor to not create more damages which this group is creating anyway every day with their mechanical arms while I am sleeping and teleported and feel nothing in the comatose MK ULTRA "alter" hypnosis state, my body literally split in twain). I was completely drugged and under mind control and I wrote of a scabby elderly English skank whore woman who has participated in this crime against me alongside her Irish rapist former boyfriend since at least 2013--probably much earlier than that. I wrote that her performance as being a yelling and abusive fascist in a movie role was terrifying or something like that. She appeared while I was in the nascent sleeping state to insult me by saying that to "for you my name is Dame blah blah blah" and I replied with my usual quick response to all of them with, "to me you are a piece of shit" and that is now my entrenched formulized response to all of them as that is all they are--not just "to me" but in general they are shitty pieces of shit. Really a double portion of it.

 My entire laptop is now so corroded with malware that I have to wait over 5 minutes to click on any browser once the spinning cursor stops once I turn on the computer and the system goes up--then it begins to spin for 5 minutes or longer--and every function requires waiting as well and the system pops up browsers and deletes things (hackers of course).

I posted my last posts and another rotten whore skank who has tons of plastic surgery behind her posturing bs sexualized crap who is starring in a movie that is based on something related to my family--a complete insult to my uncle who was a producer and writer in H-wood and participated in some of the most iconic tv show comedies for his generation and participation in H-wood which has completely degenerated into a fascist Nazi corporate globalized bs factory of hate and death (behind it all). What I didn't write openly but now will is that the comedies that do exist that aren't based on endlessly using female genitalia as a version of insult to men--which feminists remain abysmally silent about as feminism appears to be a Nazified construct that has not real feminist critique or introspection and mostly no analysis whatsoever.

This creep blonde foreign (from a colonized country of England) has been part of this attack upon me for years and years and years. She has played movies starring in roles as victims of rape and womanizing and denigration of women--the #me too bs con artist who only wants Nazi women to be on top of everything and rape to be inflicted upon women like me--who want to be independent of the facsist Nazi cartels and want to complete and can actually win against shit like these creeps if not poisoned, paralyzed and tortured and blacklisted endlessly and then dismembered disfigured and my body covered with scars, blemishes, my hair balding from chemicals smeared all over my body and it's still going on and on night after night--for years. This skank whore has been laughing and literally dancing in delight while these pig whore men rape and beat and abuse me while the whores like her from Europe get top listing in the H-wood scenes--a French woman also has been involved directly--these are the ones who sit in the rear rows of the rows of shitheads watching as one pig after the next insults and rapes me-they sit in metal-framed chairs (so I can only see in a blurry way the background while I am teleported) but it's a seating arrangement with rows of the pigs sitting silently but of course the whores who are the blonde Nazi or otherwise Euro-pig-ape fascist variety--who play these roles in both real life and in their movies as victims of white male supremacy rape and abuse and domestic violence and etc etc..they are the most keen on giving advice on how to really dig in the abuse and hate because they study these roles and play the deceptions for their power-grasping in H-wood (to eliminate "Jews" like Weinstein--all the people attacking me are taking the vacuum left by the ousting of Weinstein and all have production companies and etc).

So she began hissing in sarcasm, "Why don't you just give it up" because I am writing and writing and writing without end about the tortures that these creeps have profited off, laughed and danced over (she has--the Australian pig ape whore) who is now playing a role based on something associated with my family. Immediately being put into awards circuit and I saw the trailer and the performance can only be described as inadequate, insulting to the real characters and personalities and I saw that the movie involved something about the Communist "scare" in H-wood (which my family also was ensconced in, although my cousin would not directly discuss this with me when I asked him because he knew we were under surveillance and did not openly discuss anything about the interrogations by Congress to reveal the possible Communist threat in the media.

That is supposed to be the "telling" part of the film, to have some "deep and profound" message about politics involving comedy and a inter-racial marriage. But the Republican "scare" about the "Socialist Progressive" agenda reeks in the background of this film. I will never watch this crap movie so I can't comment on the absurdity of a fascist Nazi actor playing the lead role and trashing the actual talent of the real star of the television series--which morphed into various other tv series with her starring (omitting the divorced hubby). My uncle was a writer of some shows and then went on to All in the Family and other very popular famous shows for that time. But the insulting part is that this creep is coming after me year after year and every year it's around this time when her rotten plastic surgery face is being shown as top contender for top awards in France and in America--it's disgusting as her lack of talent to me is obvious but apparently I seem to be the only one who believes this (or I have not read any criticism as criticism really is not allowed and only yes-ass-kissers are allowed to make a few caustic comments for critics sites but otherwise they follow the generalized rules. The critics can't all say the pigs who are awful and skank whores who made it to the top are awful so they criticize a few who end up "winning" year after year). 

So it's been in the last two weeks--just two weeks: Snoop Dogg threatening me with violence, working for and making hints in the pirated/hacked songs he put on my archived WNYU radio show "Hip Hop & Her Family" which suddenly shifted tone and a bunch of LA gangster rap base lines with extremely violent and threatening lyrics mentioning Quentin Tarantino's movie --for which he took the idea from my THOUGHTS using the though-reading technology. Then it was Hillary Clinton two days later. Abuse, yelling and fighting once more because she used the thought-reading technology to attack me because I thought of what a liar and fake she is after she stole ideas from me. I THOUGHT something after seeing a video about her on my YouTube channel (hacked and pirated of course to trigger a reaction). What I am trying to get to is that immediately they try to get any reaction whether written or thought-out just to attack me with hate even if  I write something complimentary. Nothing I can say or do will bring any kind of friendly response from ANY PERSON part of this system. All they do is get promoted and paid to rob, steal and destroy every and anything about me and their attack points are foremost sexual and then physical and in every other way.

so then it was DeNiro and Pesce, making their porno attacks on my body and image while I am in the bathroom--as they have done for a few years at random times (it was every day for a few months but that was done by Pesce--when DeNiro joined in it was direct extremely violent physical threats\\

Then it was S-negger yesterday morning--and early this morning while I was almost awake it was --this rotten English woman I wrote of yesterday--my brain is under such a blank and blanketing attack by tech--(I am also listening to music from an archive as hackers insert sudden blasting peeping noises into the music, the keyboard is nearly impossible to operate--my brain is blanked out--I "forget" names and "remember" them as soon as I walk away from the laptop where these mind control technologies are blasting away at the spot where I sit--- I can't remember her name but I wrote yesterday about her role in Dune--as a fascist I wanted to write but I put it nicely--yelling and violent, which really is what this power-mongering fascist hater bigot racist really is--lots of wiles and smiles in public and with a soft demeanor but is really a raging Imperialist along with her other English and fascist Europigape companions who sit instructing their American wanna'be's how to become absolutely tyrannical genocidal Holocaust enablers and producers.

Yesterday as I wrote it was shit-negger the Austrian fascist Nazi who threatened me with utter violence after he attacked me in teleportation while I was in my bathroom (to be like DeNiro and Pesce--) obscene, and supposedly their sexual insult hate rhetoric towards me is supposed to mean that I am in some lower category than they adn they are these abuser rapist enabler great good ole white man who have the "entitlement" to do this and appear like they are "leaders" for attacking me as an innocent civilian for wanting to succeed and win--and because my government has inserted microchip implants into my brain and parts of my body and thus all my striving for any kind of normalcy and life in all countries around the planet are now blocked completely and every pig parasite has the "entitlement" to rape, abuse and try to treat me like a completely traficked sex torture victim slave with no human rights whatsoever. And pig scum Shit-negger has this pompous attitude from decades of Americans handing this putrid rotten thing every single leadership role when in fact he mishandled the California economy and has brought in absolute fascism into the H-wood cartel--or is just another enabler of that infiltration. I spoke about this while under torture and hypnosis while in a deep sleeping state while being teleported to extremely evil Nancy Pelosi who like all of them fed off the thrill of having a "just push a button" torture victim to teleport, insult and threaten to kill, and then press a button and the victim disappears back to their sleeing state where the local terror gang tortures, rapes and endlessly without end makes my home a toxic stinking death place of toxicity. All I do is clean and clean. But stinking foul Shit-negger took his place in the never-ending circuit of shit people attacking me--ostensibly due to anti-Semitism but mostly I try to compete and they need concepts to steal because they absolutely bow in deference to the mediocrity which rules them--and then they get high off torture. So I was assaulted by him after Pig-lousy gave him the green light to threaten me with murder and extreme violence, which he did by silently using the "voice-to-skull" technology while glaring at me in hate, after I responded to his insults and abuse which were sexulized and I just always turn all the insults back onto him--and he threatens me with utter violence--sometimes directly but he is now using the voice-to-skull so there is no visible or audible evidence of his real violent intentions. And that is what the pigs have been doing--stealing ideas from my thoughts, inserting threats and death threats inaudibly through the voice-to-skull technology--and teleporting me endlessly and using subliminals to get me to "react" online and write anything about them--if positive they teleport me and hiss in hate at me. I am shocked about how negative and nasty they are. I wrote this post yesterday after hours upon hours of my brain being blasted by mind control tech. Because I get no health care and can't afford it and can't trust a single doctor around the planet to actually treat my body without trying to either murder me covertly or creating more injury, disfigurement, dismemberment or death I thus remain fighting in pain to guess how to remove hard poisons still latched into my spine and into my intestines--a decade of these same pigs adn whores attacking me non-stop--for a long time it was brad pitt and his rotten shit wives--every day for YEARS--but only after Depp and his foul wife and nasty dirty daughter took their turn for YEARS raping, beating and assaulting me. And all are starring and in line for top awards--their attacks upon me are a rotation of revolting shit people and the top awards and lead roles are the same rotation but they are all plastic-coated smiling for cameras thrilled. Behind closed doors they are revolting and foul and nasty and pornographically violent and threatening to kill and maim me every single day one of them takes the place of another and immediately they are up for the next interview, plastered everywhere on the media sites, and top awards and lead roles. It never ends. Because of shit like Pelosi and the Biden Administration after the utter violence towards me by the Trump administration and then I waited for Obama to DO SOMETHING to stop the violence and he and his wife had to get in line to use this contract because Michelle wants to run for President in 2024--and they have to be advertised as entertainers as well so they have never done anything but participate (along with Kamela who probably wants to run with Michelle for 2024).

And then there's more--just from within this 2-week span of time:

Then it was that other rotten blonde stupid whore dancing skank from Australia--another fascist Imperialist colonized minion of the English Imperialist Empire coming to bring Nazism to America through the media and put into this lead position because she is thrilled to do so (dancing while I am teleported as she is more than thrilled to see me in this rape victim situation of endless daily and nightly torture that is covered-up, concealed by all the top politicians of the United States as they welcome shit like her into the country to infiltrate and it's all a complete united fascist Nazi mafia cohort) who is starring in a role about the woman my uncle wrote tv comedy shows for---I just "remembered" her name but it took a long time my brain is under that much attack the neural firing processes are being thwarted and blocked in horrible ways.


If president after president of the United States send shit like Pelosi (pig-lousy) to join in with the group of shithead pig ape whores from Whorewood and threaten to kill me so Arnie shit-negger can be assured that he is completely entitled to abuse, rape and infiltrate the United STates with his fascist Europigape contagion, which is how I see his function and role allotted to him by the Europigape mafia fascist contingent which essentially controls this entire operation--assuredly there are many other nationalities involved but for purposes of this H-wood contract all I have seen are partnerships mostly between Europigape and American skanks who are all being handed so much excessive money and promises of power and leadership in Whorewood for absolutely performing and integrating fascist Medieval type oppression upon anyone caught in the web of this technology and mind control death operation--to which many future victims are assuredly playing a huge role in implementing and creating but they remain assured that they are going to be safe and integrated components of the system and they are so deluded into thinking that this system is always going to pay them free promotions for being force-multipliers for lying deceitful fascists, Mafia and Nazi cartels in the form of corporate conglomerates.

So disgusting rotten skank Kidman (I just "remembered" her name--it was completely blanked out because my brain is now in a "hate and ranting" zone due to the tech, but also because this is now every single day some "freshly" hateful and energized pig ape parasite is coming to vent their miserable hate upon me while leaders award them for their training spectacle of fascist criminality.

But, this disgusting horrid actor kidman who is a joke of an actor but always up for top awards--ever since happily "dancing" like a stupid skank at me while I have sat in a daze, teleported, sleeping, under hypnosis--dancing like a whore back and force and gyrating in utter enthrallment to be participating in this crime against me. Every single year that talentless dumb bimbo is put into awards categories for her vacuous performances. It is amazing what kind of crap has been put into lead position year after year and what their affinities and affiliations truly are. Because no one is reading this except for members of that same said organization this is nothing new or news to any of you. Hopefully "one day" someone will get my posts and actually take them seriously and care about the destruction of the media and the united States, and not just give "lip service" for the deception that is indeed ruining the country. The entertainment business is fully ruined at this point. The movie Dune is an art masterpiece of cinematography--but the themes are the usual mind programming lot and the rotten scabby skank who literally rushed to attack me in teleportation the same day--however they are achieving this international type of attack system--there must be teleportation devices in many locations-these incompetent idiotic meaningless sell-out actors and politicians are being handed these technologies like it's a huge endless holiday party of gift-giving by the fascist Mafia Party controlling them all. 

These terrorists RUSH to attack me almost instantaneously if I do any thing like click on a movie, download a musical genre that they are also involved with, or do anything related to them in any way. Shit-negger began assaulting me after I downloaded a terminator movie--that was at least a year ago (??? or maybe 10 months ago) I just watched a 20-year movie (or however many years ago this movie was actually put out) and not to see that ugly ogre troll parasitic creep but for other reasons-and he's been snuggling up to the German violent rapist who is still there--and on and on. 

I didn't even watch the trailer or movie about Kidman I just wrote about comedy and this pig whore began assaulting me hissing like the stupid empty meaningless enemy of the US that this creep is: "Why don't you give it up?" with hate and sarcasm--meaning to stop writing about the sickness of these creeps and the bs crap they keep being promoted to pump out to further the interests of extremely anti-thetical anti-american Anti-Semitic Anti-feminist anti-life porno-rape-promoting rotten creeps who control this all are controlling with these dumb and rotten celebrity politicians who are just so sick and evil it's beyond the pale of description.


I'm so sick of writing about their sick acts and getting no response from any power or authority or group or person.

How many more insurrections will it take or how many more rape scandals before people begin to understand that these fakes actually are a huge part of the problem?

Beyond that, when will anyone not just go along and watch me get trafficked in a teleportation hell that everyone apparently either participates in or remains silent about--although the real danger is that masses of people are already being subliminally controlled, their thoughts "mined" their lives destroyed people assassinated by these organizations and technologies?

But shit like Pelosi and the rest of the politicians like Biden, Warren, The Clintons and Trump and the Obamas must keep it a deep, dark "secret" that EVERYONE participates in openly but "disguised" as weird coincidences and group swarming in public places that no one seems to be able to help me provide any support or evidence for.

So everyone wants this system to flourish. All the people who may have been against it are now dead or silenced under threat and promise of promotion. 

Yet I am writing once more to try to implore the people reading this to become human beings instead of consumers of this information and to do the right thing by me which is to protect my constitutional and human rights expressed under all the documents and treaties that these nefarious fakes I write of all purport to be firmly supporting in their every con artist snake oil sales pitch for their endless mutlti-billion dollar lifestyles and enterprises. They won't be handing out free promotions to any eager and rotten participant for the indefinite future and once they get this system firmly established (as they are doing now, and have already done) there will be many more deaths--if global warming catastrophe doesn't stop this system before they begin to kill millions--either way they are creating massive death coming soon to a theater or tv or streaming site near you and to you. First it's already come to me and like so many people who see someone getting killed openly in broad daylight but all just pull back in fear or lack of concern, you allow your own eventual destruction by allowing this most global net of terrorism to engulf every aspect of life, including your body functions, breathing, heart rate and your very thoughts. 

Right now hacking and brain-altering attacks are at a high and I can't finish my sentences or thoughts.

I keep trying to find ways to get people to think about just watching this go on and on with violence endlessly aimed at me.

I am innocent I have not committed a crime I have not harmed these pigs or whores. I have fought to defend myself when Europigape rapists tried to insult and then sexually abuse me. Once they began poisoning me to death I called them pigs and they have been sending out these wealthy celebrities to rape and beat and abuse and dismember me for years because I am standing up for my humane rights while no government or law enforcement agency will do more than keep patting these pieces of pig shit on the back and letting it go on and on. Now it's the holiday season and an avalanche of pieces of pig shit are coming at me daily to assault threaten with death rape and dismemberment if I listen to hip hop, if I click on a movie, while I am stationed here in pain and needing health care so I am stuck in one sitting position literally all day. All I can do is fight to endlessly clean up the stinking toxic muck that they have sprayed on my clothing and my body so all I do literally is sit in stinking filth fighting to clean it while my body has been so badly poisoned with hardening murder poisons I can't move and it's extremely painful to do anything.

When will this fucking shit ever be stopped or these shithead whores ever be stopped by anyone responsible in any way for "Democracy, women's rights, anti-racists who are "fighting" against hate crimes--who all participate in this as if there is a huge problem with me fighting for my rights while all they do is get paid in millions to portray themselves as victims of endless violence fighting for the very same "rights" which they scoff in hate at me and tell me to "just get off it" when I keep writing to the vapid air of this hacked and blocked internet as no one ever stops this. I have been writing of endless violence and crime directed at me for over 8 years now and I am still writing. 

When the fuck will you readers ever, ever ever do more than be silent and glib about this endless violence being committed against me and it's unjust and extremely wrong. 

Light-hearted songs of the past compared to heavy sexually-pornographic, criminally enhanced songs of the present as part of mind control demoralization.

 "Who Put the Benzadrine in Mrs Murphys Ovaltine? - Harry "The Hipster" Gibson (1944)". Clotho 98. January 3, 2009.

*Please note that hacking and mind control obstruction permeates my every post/interference with coherency (deletions/hacking intrusions) and mind control obscuring of my thought processes.**

Light-hearted songs of the past compared to heavy sexually-pornographic, criminally enhanced songs of the present as part of mind control demoralization.
This is a funny, humorous song from the war time jig music scene
It's a kind of lackadaisical look at how getting high on some kind of amphetamine will greatly improve a droopy life of drudgery!
Whether you like it or not (advocating drugs), the song is humor. The cartoon shows how awful cleaning was before all the manufactured mops and cleaning supplies improved the drudge aspect of housewife chores and confinement.

Although "white" women of suburban status perhaps indulge in oft or occasional stimulant highs, the songs coming out I have heard are all about black men fighting for power in ghettos and selling drugs and shooting and etc. The theme is very heavy and deadly as are some of the musicians who have assaulted me for their promotion and profit.

They turn around and sell their devotion to the housewife white women who cook and clean with a huge smile (who themselves can be said to have criminal records) but it's all done with a sanitized and cheery form devoid of any real humor that is light and funny.
Opps, I got too far into the very bleak zone of being threatened by these celebrities reading as I make vague reference to the ones have attacked me in just the past two weeks--along with a huge list of others. It's HOLIDAY time and they have to get their holiday packages and promotions for celebrity appearances in movies and etc during this time period so the heavy and not sexy or funny grasping greeders grasp at attacking MOI for their next or latest runs for office (as in tying politicians alongside their criminal cohorts in the media entrainment business).

Oh well, I was trying to be not "threatening" by writing about the reality although I have not directly written of any person by name--

It was just nice to hear a song from some artists of these older generations where a light approach to heavy subjects made the situations bearable and much more honest--somehow, I guess it was more honest I only write as a distant onlooker from times that probably were very corrupt and dishonest.

But they were light not heavy and filled with sinister references to drugs and sex--which sell like hot cakes doped up with saccharine mind programming K-rap on top as I believe is happening now and with the technologies that I have been trying to describe for years which no one appears to take seriously as a threat to the human condition (while the media claims that Democracy is under peril).


Tuesday, December 14, 2021

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Is Reportedly Planning to Run for Reelection in 2022" (People Magazine, article link below) NOOOO!!!! The Democratic Party desperately needs a change of power and shift to fresh, fair, competent and actually not Republican in action but in name Democrats coming from the age of senile and rotten-to-the core Dinos.


Speaking of which: Biden is hailing (sieg) this corruptician who assaulted me in teleportation and thus through the Mafia/Nazi network obtained permission to pass legislation--thus Biden is fully aware of her criminal activities and collusion with fascists and of course is openly congratulating her. I remain here on the brink of catastrophe with the teleportation going on and on every single day, with celebrity-after-politician almost a revolving revolting non-stop spinning hell hole vortex of these hateful expletives coming after me to obtain their deals and promotions by demonstrating how much they will attack me with vicious hate, death threats, and of course ordering dismemberment, accidents, rapes, poisoning and drugging and etc by the terror network in my vicinity which is probably more putrid in personality violence than the expletives who are famous. It's all really disgusting and vile no matter which level of society the parasites come from But at the top, it's now Biden fully wanting this fascist Nazi pro-Republican speaker to remain in power and it's like a calcified rotten group that has taken over the Democratic Party. Not to mention the Republican Party which is ossified corruption and fascism and Nazism.
But of course, it's like a planet of the expletives in "power" as the planet is dying and reeling from their corrupt exploitation scams and schemes. I thus have included another clip below which states that the planet has less than 5 years to stop the destruction of the Antarctica before a huge ice shelf breaks off and sea levels will rise many feet inundating coast lines around the world--thus millions or hundreds of millions of people will be affected. That means dead.
So far, the pigs in power remain putting their crappy rotten disgusting lies and corrupt schemes into the power structure and the celebrities keep disguising the ugliness that sustains their also endless monopoly of unjust "power" over such a malingering malevolent mind control mechanism--tied in with politicians and politics as I have so unfortunately (for me) had to witness through this insidious teleportation hate that never ends.
I see that the media comedy "news" anchors are interviewing the celebrities and politicians--all have attacked me--from the anchors to the comedy commentators who threatened and hit and assaulted me me after asking me for ideas and information--interviewing the celebrities and politicians who have threatened and ordered the destruction of my body, home and life and have helped the funding of this terrorism.
I can only state that the planet is dying due to the greed and selfishness and utter lack of connection to life and love. That also includes the NazI creep from Sweden whatever her rotten nasty name is--I don't want Thunberg--an ugly and stupid sick creep absolutely groveling for celebrity status and participating with the very people who have helped to further extreme climate disaster by their greed to obtain promotions who have then helped to put politicians who are climate change deniers who have increased the destruction of the planet and exacerbated and hastened the process until now it's just death and destruction and the planet trying to get rid of the disgusting evil parasites who are destroying the planet.
It's a long-winded sentence above--hacking is very bad and my brain is under attack--I must fight to pound out words and hackers are inserting and obstructing and my brain is under attack.
Just, please, get these sick people out of power if anyone can actually see beyond their endless merry-go-round of self-interest in promotions for their nasty careers and see what kind of hate this power structure has brought and wrought to the planet. Just the violent climate change catastrophes are symptomatic and parallel to the absolute HATE AND DEATH that this organization--this Nazi and Mafia fascist group--this same extremely violent weather is on a same violent level as this organization and the combination is like parallel twins--one destroying and the other reacting in destruction.
#It's impossible for me to type and write clearly I am not able to write cohesively due to all these attacks on my brain and my laptop. I also see that hackers have gone into the text and revised/deleted/added words and phrases so the context is jumbled and parts of sentences are incomprehensible. I tried to edit but I can't endlessly correct what hackers destroy after I post.



If you ignore the rotten and ugly smiling hyena above--Pelosi--(or rather, I call her Pig-lousy because I have had to be attacked so she could pass two significant pieces of legislation through this endless procession of famous expletives attacking ME--YES ME, IT ALWAYS HAS TO BE ME--but teleporting me is now like a group orgiastic f-party of attacking me for every kind of promotion for top level positions in America--it has been an endless procession of these people. Biden has not participated but he's definitely rewarding pig-lousy for having brought some sway with fascist Nazi Republicans--But today it was once more Arnie S-negger the Austrian bully fascist nazi who has popped-up once again after Pesci and DeNiro but not too long after H_ Clinton viciously yelled and attacked me--until they are such revolting crap in my opinion and I just ask this planet to get YOUNG PEOPLE (NOT THUNBERG OR NAZIS LIKE HER) BUT ACTUALLY people who care really at heart about the issues they claim they are fighting for. If you are fighting for the environment you can't disassociate climate from the racial divide because racism is also fueling climate crisis. The people put into these positions like Greta are fascist Nazis as well--adn awarded for being such. Native Indians should be speaking on behalf of Nature and not hissing and nasty fact-spouting Thunberg the Nazi. But Nature is going to try to eliminate the threat to the planet by going berserk in the next few years--we have FIVE YEARS until the ice shelf at the Antarctic collapses--watch the segment within the first 5 minutes of Democracy Now and just think that pig-lousy is going to continue on the same path with her Californication ossified dinos of the Republican Party like S-negger who will make dirty and nasty deals so they can graft off the legislation once the money stops at their dark money deals behind closed doors where they can teleport ME to be attacked as proof of their fascist and nazi mafia affiliation to which they really bow down in deference to. (more like Pig-lousy bowing down to shit negger the rotten Austrian and he's another disgusting foul parasite that I have to ask this planet to get that rotten disgusting huge hormone growth nasty thing off me. But watch the video and then compare what Pig-lousy really has NOT DONE and how much has been CUT so the mainstream ultra-right wing can be placated that real "change" will never occur. You can thank pig-lousy for much of the lack of actual progress in the Build Back Better and that includes the environmental protections that were supposed to be passed, but pig-lousy has to protect the interests of the fascists like shit-negger and the rest of the mafia/nazi pig apes. I can't stand them they have tortured me for years and years without end using this tech--so I call them names and it's immature but you can't understand the hate and violence and real life-threatening violence they are endlessly ordering be inflicted upon me to which I am merely REACTING. Get this rotten foul hyena old foul pig-lousy out of power goddamn Democrats get that rotten thing out of power. I really can only assume that she (pig-lousy) has always colluded with Trump and his posse mob attacking her office was his retaliation for her otherwise endless service to the fascist alt-Right causes of racism and hate, disguised by her bs rhetoric, and then she refused Trump his effort to take over power (because probably pig-lousy realized she could graft off millions through her buddy Biden passing this bill and legislation so Trump retaliated by having his goons smash up her office during Jan. 6--and if anyone thinks this is some kind of gushing hyperbolic ranting on my part you really can't understand the magnitude of the corruption of these "leaders" who are destroying not just the country but the planet. And so look at what the continuation of these putrid parasites in power is going to effect upon hundreds of millions of people around the planet in just a few years' time unless some huge shift in power occurs IMMEDIATELY. Do not reinstate pig-lousy Pelosi into any kind of position of power--anywhere. Stop allowing shit like shit-negger the former governor of California to continue to exert corrupt influence over crap like Pelosi pig-lousy as he has been doing and every time the Dems pass some kind of crucial Biden legislation in the House pig-lousy Pelosi teams up with Shit-negger to viciously threaten and assault me in teleportation. Obviously this is a political action on their mutual partnership. Please note of course shit-negger is a Republican and also I know just a bit about these Germanic fascist Nazis who pose as if they are warm-hearted and "liberal" and funny and witty. Extremely fascist and Nazis and waiting to inflict another Holocaust and war and to see American get brought down "from within" and that is the function of shit-negger in American politics and in Whorewood. I have ranted quite a bit--I can't describe the incompetence of the Democratic leadership and the corruption which I have been witness to--the actors and media tv anchors are as corrupt and rotten and they appear to have almost a similar life-time tenure into their entrenched positions so nothing alternative can ever get past these dinosaurs (even if they are "young" they have been trained and ordained into the orders of the rotten and foul dinosaur corruption hierarchy. The planet will become nearly extinct very soon the waters will surge around the planet the weather is going to destroy entire cities and life as we know it. They keep being put into power and continue the same policies. Greta Thunberg has attacked me in teleportation along with the very same people who have assisted in putting people into power who have severely increased climate disasters. I screamed this at her as she attacked me and she has been awarded by Germans for her "environmental" activism--which is just hissing and spitting out mechanical facts about destruction and hissing hate and leaders--which she is trying to attain for her own power cartel. She is supposedly young but another dinosaur as part of the "Millennial" crowd of relics of the dinosaur age with young flesh (or whatever her "generation" is called--generation Y? what ever---still rotten to the core and useless). THERE MUST BE CHANGE IN LEADERSHIP IMMEDIATELY IMMEDIATELY no more of the same cartels and the same parasites being put endlessly into lead roles and lead positions. Stop the monopolies of power. 


My posts today sound extremely ranting and hateful--I have been attacked non-stop every single day by different people who have spent years taking turns attacking me. Every single day it's another one fresh off the revolving door of hate aimed at me. They come back to attack me now it's a daily rotation. All of them are freshly vicious and attacking at an increasing crescendo. All of them have come after me years ago and keep coming back when their movies and interviews and promotions are due for publicity status. Elections and awards seasons are like an avalanche of hate aimed at me as these expletives scurry to attack me to prove that they are capable of utter deception aimed at the public while the real power is installing hate puppets who follow orders. Absolutely evil and violent and vile, all of them (these famous "liberals and Democrats" and the Republicans appear for the most part to be absent because now they have completely come out of the closet and don't have to hide their nasty Nazi and Mafia affiliations---there are of course the Republicans coming into this fold as well-S-negger is one of them. He's attacked me today and so the inclusion of him with Pig-lousy with death threats and rape and torture (by a German who they embrace like he's fantastic--a violent and racist rapist and probable real violent murdering bigot if he can get the chance--which they would give to him, the mafia especially-- I mean DeNiro and Pesci like the Italians nearly grovel at the feet of blondes out of Northern Europe in absolute deference). But that is digressing. I am so completely inundated like polluted to the max by these hateful parasites who have devoured much of my life for so long. That Pelosi has been one of the most violently threatening of them all is almost shocking if not for Clinton coming to get her publicity allowance by participating as well (with ensuing very deadly slashing into my body for now it's over a year of me fighting for my life). 

I was looking forward to seeing Pig-lousy GO at the end of her final octegenarian term for this miserable experience I have had to suffer so she and Biden can get permission from Europ-a's like S-negger who apparently they grovel in deference as well. It's sickening and so under the extreme attack of mind control I am ranting. I was so happy that perhaps in one YEAR some kind of change might occur in the Democratic party--hoping the Billary would finally fade away but Hillary is now being interviewed and quoted by magazines almost every day and she just visciously attacked me just this past week. So it's one piece of sick crap as they are all deplorable and disgusting by this time of YEARS of me writing about how foul and sick they are. Everyone still just keeps silent while they go on destroying society and the planet but they are selling this snake oil--you can see rotten pig-lousy selling "women's rights' just like Hillary but only in the light of cameras and the media while behind these filthy vile red doors they have happily waltzed into for their orgiastic inclusion in the male rape and womanizing mutilation schemes for women (like me) they enjoy and engage in like rabid vampires and hyenas (hybrids). so I am ranting at this point. Hackers and mind control technology are blasting into my brain and laptop capabilities. 

I was just talking to shit-negger the rape enabler fascist Nazi white supremacist in Whorewood about how soon Pig-lousy would be gone and f-ers like him perhaps won't be so welcomed by any new and real politicians who may take over Pig-lousy's post. But Biden is probably running again and at this point I think it is crucial that people who actually are genuine run for either Party who care about the planet and society as a whole, not for their private graft enterprises and power-mongering exercises in power and bs con artistry for the public.

Monday, December 13, 2021

"One Ring of Power" to control/corrupt them all: Not subjected to teleportation torture last night, However, while awake this morning I am under various nasty and violent but subdued forms of technological torture. I spoke on the phone and my vocal chords were "tweaked" to sound like I am a different person. I had to struggle to think and speak the entire episode of stumbling to eek out words as my voice went and cracked and I had to struggle to get any sound out due to my throat being constricted by the microchip implant. Of course as I type this hackers are making the keyboard too stiff to type without having to actually physically struggle to pound every single letter out.

 My mail service in Orlando is closing their office in one month. I got the notice this morning in my email, just two days after they threatened to cancel my just paid-for annual renewal for 2022 unless I sent a form for a contract that doesn't apply to my service--and they refused to answer any questions I had about the wrong contract they wanted signed and sent back to them. Giving me one month to find another similar service, I phoned an agent from another mail service and my voice was almost gone within 30 seconds of being on the phone. I had "forgotten" to put on this aluminum bowl-shaped "hat" I made to try to thwart the technologies endlessly altering my functioning and I can see a slight difference between wearing this thing and not wearing it in my ability to formulate any coherent line of questioning or addressing any issue.

My eyes are tearing up due to the nasal attack that the microchip also inflicts upon my body--which this group has exploited almost to the max for years--tears constantly brimming in my eyes--often while driving---damaging my eyesight and skin and making driving hazardous in this country where people swerve and vacationers drive drunk and there is almost no traffic control whatsoever. I have been hit many times by terrorists and so their attacks on my eyes are often extremely dangerous. But the damage to my skin around my eyes and on my cheeks and to my vision are permanent by now.

So although the teleportation was not violently disgus ting as usual as it always is when these terrorists want to get their promotions for demonstrating how racist, abusive, sexist and violent they are in combination with this covert technology which really is a segue to tyranny and fascism--loss of Democracy certainly--but the situation is still at this level of  utter devastation because years of it neve ending and going on and on every single day have reached a kind of threshold level, which is their aim of course. Meaning threshold of physical destruction because of, for example, tears always brimming in my eyes after damage that has already set in makes the damage even more entrenched.


Otherwise, I hope to never have to be teleported to or have any contact whatsoever with the people I have been writing of all these years. In particular yesterday with Pesce and DeNiro, who have gone after me for this contract for at least 3 years and have obtained nominations and awards for their violent movies along with the actors sitting alongside them and all the blacks who copmlain incessantly about racism and of course there is Spike Lee who has never assaulted me in teleportation but certainly has participated and stolen ideas and glared in hateful photos plastered on my page--so he essentially is operating with the bigots from Italian-American descent whom he makes so many antagonistic movies bout while he does the Wrong Thing himself, personally. All for their promotion and glorification by the Mafia/Nazi terror operation which controls them all ("One Ring to control them all" essentially was not just an allegorical statement made by Tolkien in Lord of the Rings).

I wait for the day when these incompetent and ugly, sick, incompetent (to handle such sophisticated tech) goons are stopped and this tech taken out of their immature and blindly bombastic but too sleazy and selfish to understand the real import of what they are doing. I refer to  the entire organization of these thugs, including the well-educated from Harvard like Cornell West, or the liberal libel like Noam Chomsky who I have personally met in a class and he's beena part of the internet targeting and probably has participated in this situation to some degree in some way or the gangstar rap K-rappers from "the ghetto" now living in Beverly Hills, it's really just the same operational principle controlling them all. One Ring of Power to Control them all.

I wrote just a few of the multitudes of names in this post. I also include nasty Hillary and the Pit Gang in  H-wood with all the Europ-a's sitting back while their colonized and already mind controlled slaves attack me for their egress into Ameican culture with full red carpet type treatment handed to them by the likes of Pelosi with her Mafia cohorts waiting, like DeNiro and Pesco, to punch into the air next to my face to insult and order deadly fungus and mold poured into my body, home and food as they make snide and stupid disgusting comments while I am in my bathroom doing anything and everything they comment sometimes. Utterly sick and foul. I hope to never have to be subjected to these people ever again in any way--not their photos or videos or movies or teleportation. I so hope that my country will step-up and begin to understand that you are all co-creating a despotic confederacy of idiots who really are inept when it comes to handling such mind control instruments. Handed to them by corrupt sinister forces like Clinton and the other politicians who I can't name as they are extremely--all---violent and wiating for me to write about them so they can have "justification" to attack me even more.

Not teleported to death, rape or hate last night. If there were some teleportation "skit" it was buried deep into my subconscious state of sleep. I recall something happening but don't "remember" and perhaps it was my unused actual dreaming state that is trying to resuscitate itself from decades of dormancy (how contradictory: sleeping state in dormant state). How unnatural and sick this teleportation technology is and how mishandled it has been with the misuse of that tech upon me by "tech" experts who are most wealthy and renowned for their superficial appearances of being politically correct in all things.

 If hearty thanks are in order for anyone actually working to stop this terror group from their incessant violence upon my sleeping state, then I send this and only can wish and hope that it will continue to be done so this violence is permanently stopped and I can rest, sleep and live happily ever after on this planet and in the beyond without the ugliness, stupidity and violence of thugs who have been unfortunately promoted who have been coached to be presented as if they are capable and responsible. I can only hope that this tech is exposed and stopped and that the threat to life and to the human race that these people, organization and their pernicious, violating and violent technology poses upon the planet. Thus far it's only been seen as some entertainment supplement and a fun torture and sadomasochistic toy or for those who use it for their personal pleasure then some kind of substitute for actual love in relationships which they appear to be completely devoid of. 

Another realization of the unfortunate brain-altering/aka "Mind control" use of discrediting me. Giggling and laughing under serious abuse situations, and not able to comprehend that I am actually under serious and perhaps dangerous attack. My brain is completely stifled and my emotional centers are tweaked into uncontrollable and sporadic giggling/laughing mode even before the insulting attacker has finished his/her sentence of attack.

 I was teleported this morning while I was naked and in my bathroom cleaning my body. One of these men likes to make insulting comments about my body and bodily functions while their surveillance cameras are trained on every part of the bathroom and the comments are disgusting, foul and tres creepy. Joe Pesci and Robert DeNiro, in other words. At this point from years of their violent exploitation of my life and home and thoughts and their theft and assumption they have every right to do this (with full approval from Pelosi, another "Italian-American" whose unfortunate placement into a high position of governmental power has enabled more mafia participation in what can only be called a Racketeering and sex trafficking technocratic tyranny. The replacements--the underlings of the "leaders" who hand the technological portals of torture to these troglodytes from Brooklyn---mafia actors, you all know of them very well. A pair of abuser goons with hissing insults and real violent physical actions backed up by Mulberry Street--not good but fellas in other words. 

Immediately as Pesci approached me--I can't explain clearly how ephemeral the teleportation really is. I am split in twain and I can see in a diminished capacity (I think this has been created by their tech so I can't see all the many people observing from the side angles that are blacked out--there are times when the visibility changes). He came from the side as the terrorists always do (or mostly from behind in their attack mode) and made fun of the huge poison bulge that is embedded into my body from all the people and terrorists just like him and his "Italian-American" mafia bigot and otherwise ethnic diaspora and all the other bigots and racists and black nazis and every kind of Jewish Nazi on the planet whom I have come in any contact who had access to my food intake (breaking into my home to poison my food, for decades). 

The truly unfortunate mind control was enacted into my brain: before he completed his nasty insulting sentence which was just childish but stupid but terrorists of all nationalities participating in these terrorist sequences use any tactic and all obscene and foul methods of insult and blame (it's always they who are to blame and not me).

Before I even began to understand fully what he was saying I BEGAN TO LAUGH AND GIGGLE. I realized a few minutes later that it was not "funny" and that the giggling, which has accompanied every insult and attack by expletives and this same sort of "mind control" attack on my emotional state by their tech has accompanied all the hate that people have slung at me--unless they glare in hate and even then I burst into giggling that comes out unexpectedly while I have not even understood as other critical functioning areas of my brain are simultaneously blocked and stifled so I really can't comprehend the danger or attack. This is no exaggeration and it is a multi-pronged attack on my brain while I am surrounded, ALWAYS ISOLATED AND ALONE because everyone-or I should say NO ONE will have anything to do with me any longer. I have been stigmatized so badly I have no chance for any real human companionship much less protection or defense system. Being alone and always under attack in every single situation and place, I fall prey to their predatorial tactics. 

I had not realized how uniform this version of attack has been and it's gone on for decades. It's part of the brain programming/mind control to laugh along with the abuser as if I enjoy being abused or think it's funny. Also, the attempt to defend myself with no protection and police, courts, Executive politicians as in Presidents, Vice-Presidents, Congress members, local and State so-called leaders and death mob and terrorist groups waiting for commands to break, destroy or maim my body if they possibly can if I try to defend myself is also an inhibiting factor in verbal defense while I am in public situations (being teleported even while alone is a kind of public situation--it is a human encounter which in my life by now every encounter almost is a potential lethal and hate situation. Luckily not all are like this and so I am graced with nearly real human beings perhaps 15% of the time. I find that I appreciate them all the more and am grateful for the fact that a small percentage of people who are not immersed in a hate and death organization are still alive on this planet.

However, the brain-altering tech is extremely powerful and I tried to be serious towards these "men" who are loathsome abusers at this point--not funny their mafia "Italian-American" nasty woman-hating jokes that you can sometimes hear snippets of in the rotten movies that endlessly plague the media to glorify this aspect of criminality that is part of the control apparatus for The US Government and for H-wood. 

Boy, I am now pounding down and backspacing all the time on the keyboard as hackers are blocking functions. I spent nearly 5 minutes trying to write that brief short paragraph above.

So I responded and I have to state that while I am under this kind of lucid or waking but still sick from morning detox (meaning I am still trying to clear poisons out of my blood stream, pre-morning caffeine state or while just waking up in bed--that is the prime time that the parasites latch on to abusing and breaching my defenses, but I respond immediately and I can't block them out--I can't just "ignore" them and I respond to everything like I am addicted or glued to this situation. I try to break my concentration but it's like I must become a purist zen meditation expert in order to achieve breakage from the technological grip that this tech has on my consciousness.

Thusly, the negative energy-draining attacker parasites "brought me down" to a lower energy level from my morning placidity and peaceful actions of working to heal my skin and damages and poison inserted and destroying my skin/body and functioning that this organization has forced upon me--these two also for years--i.e. my hands are now deformed from a decade of non-stop hand-washing stinking foul items day after day because I must seal my room while I sleep so no fresh air comes in. So many piles of rotten and fungus-laden stinking putrid clothing (much brand new but bought from 2nd hand stores) and my hands and skin have been laced with chemicals by this group which has permanently damaged my skin--I would require some kind of dermatological treatment or plastic surgery to cover up the blotches and stains and scars--in addition to the cuticles of both middle fingers so badly disfigured my nails are useless and falling off and loose and the cuticles cut into every night for so many years there is a huge gap and it's all bulging and disfigured and scarred up. This is the state of my entire body--including my hair which has also been chemically treated to fall out so the hair follicles are now permanently damaged so the hair that has been falling out daily from years of this group (and these actors instructing their minions here around the planet where I had to run to fight for my life from murder attempts at poisoning)--to poison me, disfigure me, cut parts of my body off, rape and insert fungus into all my orifices and food and on all furniture and clothing and into every cabinet so I can't use any cabinet or drawer for anything I put close to my skin or eat--

but they are insulting how I look and my body as they threaten and make insulting comments about me. I respond and I try to block them out and can't. I try to make myself stop "giggling" from the mind control tech which is an abysmal denigrating form of forcing me to appear as if it's all fun and games and they are just funny and it's all just a joke (on me). I make insulting comments back at them about their bodies and about them, as they threaten me with violence and then I try my best to focus on my immediate surroundings to block them out. I feel my energy sink into that black hate zone that this group of celebrities and politicians always thrust me into--their zone--but they go off laughing and partying afterwards with the hormonal glow of delight as they are handed their dream promotions and contracts and I remain with more items destroyed and more violence because I tried to defend myself while under this form of "truth serum" teleportation hypnosis and mind-altering technology so I can't really control my reactions.

I have written their names, chances are they will be promoted for me having written about them. My quest in having written this is to expose the travesty that these people are and how they behave and what people can expect in the distant future when it's not going to be a few lone people being targeted but psychopathic smug "elitist" murdering bigots who hold absolute power in a tyrannical form of government that won't need to rely on the facade that they are all "fighting" against evil and for Democracy and for #me 2 and for feminism and for equal rights and for anti-racist societies which they are all actually destroying all the movements that created such fights in society to begin with--and then they jump on the bandwagon once the people in the streets burn and scream and create change and the parasites latch on to every public movement that they wouldn't dare participate in while they are living in mansions around fascists and Nazis and Mafia--and so, that is why I am writing at least in part another reason. To let people understand even if this is a "Secondary source" of anachronistic information that could easily be disputed as hearsay--unreliable due to my "traumatized" and sometimes or often "hysterical" state as I write with hackers part of a major discrediting effort distorting my writing to make me appear non-sensical.

However, just to give people a somewhat hazy picture of the portents of future power-grabs and the types of behaviors that these "leaders" exhibit when they have the chance to sink to low levels of depravity it takes almost NOTHING to push them into this low energy zone or behavioral abyss, which they revel in and are glowing in hormonal highs over.

I was right that the terror and hate will not stop, as I wrote yesterday but I wasn't teleported in a way I can recall while sleeping last night. That doesn't mean they didn't do this while I was in the most deep (Delta? Theta? I have to research which states are the deepest). But upon waking I realize how badly the mind control operates and it's so all-encompassing in my body that I am unsure whether a Zen Master could master his/her reactions or emotions under such technological tyranny. 

These terrorists treat the technology and the torture as a game and a fun exercise in power. They really don't understand the technology and all they are instructed is that they press a button or someone else operates the tech for them. I can't express how dangerous this is and how people should be much more alarmed about this technological oppression that is on the threshold of becoming and already is a major inhibiting factor for the human race at the expense of every kind of human enlightenment that has come into existence for the last 400 years. Gone, gone with the wind and intertwined with technology like a poison vine devouring all and turning it into a tangled enmeshed block of rigidity and lower baseline negativity. Meaning leading to just another Dark Ages of ignorance, uneducated oppressed and destroyed societies while a small minority rake off the best from everything while they destroy and rape and plunder and kill off the rest.


As with all my posts about the hate crimes endlessly being thrust at me along with every other thing thrusting hate at and into my body and home and life: The post above is rambling--mind control affects my every written post so I digress. I have no checked for inevitable hacker deletions or inserts but there were no spell check red underlines as I wrote and I was editing while I was typing. One thing the mind control does is also to create a stream of consciousness while I am writing (as they are blocking key function) so sometimes I go off without adding appropriate commas in the middle of long sentences where I go off into these tangents. But I refer to the weird lack of cohesion and the misspelled words and the sometimes utter incomprehensibility that the hackers create which I had not created but it is always forced into my writing.

To No one, as there is no one here (except me). Update on the attack on my life, this time financial. It was forced on January 14, so last week. As I suspected and knew, it was done recently and my mail was rejected at the mail service I have used for months---returned my money suspended. They are demanding either a redetermination--I am chronically disabled, this group crushed my lumbar and cervical vertebrae the medical records state chronic and permanent disability which means there is nothing that will make me "Normal" or capable of doing much, but of course they will try. I am s tuck most of the day in pain and unable to even do anything but they want to squeeze everything out of me, the tiny subpoverty included from SSI Disability. I could not obtain Social Security Disability, which would not force me to live on subpovety "Welfare" subsistence, but instead some livable expense and able to live abroad in order to survive but on SSI you are forced to have repeat reviews--but I am disabled they still are forcing the qualification for welfare upon me. They are not supposed to. They also either did not k now or lied but Social Security administration has changed various rules for food budget and you don't have to report on whether you have assistance for food or help, but this woman asked me if I did. It is listed on the website as a recent LAW that changed the policy, right below the main top portion of the main Social Security Administration page ( but she did not know this. I did not need to remind her for fear of the usual recrimination for knowing more than the person put into some position to deprive me of something like basic service and survival. That is how they have forced me to live. I now have to wait to phone this department in Hollywood to speak to a man to make some phone interview where all kinds of questions will be asked and I could lose everything. Even with medical records, they will force me to have to fly to America where I have literally nowhere to go, no money to survive on, and a physical condition that will make me extremely sick and in threat of extreme physical decline or illness from stress to my spine.

3 hours later of bureaucratic targeted stalking bs (repetition of the same events for most calls proves that this is not just the normal bur...