Monday, December 13, 2021

Not teleported to death, rape or hate last night. If there were some teleportation "skit" it was buried deep into my subconscious state of sleep. I recall something happening but don't "remember" and perhaps it was my unused actual dreaming state that is trying to resuscitate itself from decades of dormancy (how contradictory: sleeping state in dormant state). How unnatural and sick this teleportation technology is and how mishandled it has been with the misuse of that tech upon me by "tech" experts who are most wealthy and renowned for their superficial appearances of being politically correct in all things.

 If hearty thanks are in order for anyone actually working to stop this terror group from their incessant violence upon my sleeping state, then I send this and only can wish and hope that it will continue to be done so this violence is permanently stopped and I can rest, sleep and live happily ever after on this planet and in the beyond without the ugliness, stupidity and violence of thugs who have been unfortunately promoted who have been coached to be presented as if they are capable and responsible. I can only hope that this tech is exposed and stopped and that the threat to life and to the human race that these people, organization and their pernicious, violating and violent technology poses upon the planet. Thus far it's only been seen as some entertainment supplement and a fun torture and sadomasochistic toy or for those who use it for their personal pleasure then some kind of substitute for actual love in relationships which they appear to be completely devoid of. 

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