MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Friday, December 3, 2021
Kamala Harris has also participated in this scam scheme of teleportation mind control over me. It was with Oprah who sat nearby as her "black" fellow mainstream proponent had me utter in teleportation deep sleep hypnosis that I thought she should become president. That was during the campaign cycle in 2019 or early 2020. I was so drugged and under non-stop violent assault by Pitt because a YEAR earlier I had written on my Facebook blocked-to-all page that I asked for JUSTICE and that he be stopped from "winning" more Oscars year-after-year while torturing me as a huge leader of this group (always he pits blacks against me while he sits back, as all the white supremacists do in public spaces but they are not famous just Nazi/Mafia localized subgroups of their leader commanding operatives--oh, the "divorced" wife sits right next to him in solidarity even while they are "viciously" getting divorced and that is an entire publicity scam on their part). The first two months of the Biden presidency every single time I opened up my Facebook page to see what horrendous violation the rioters and fascists were conducting upon the US, I was always confronted with the top two posts by Biden and then Harris underneath. Until Pelosi came around and threatened to have my foot chopped off in the teleportation hate skit while she sat next to the fascist Nazi/Mafia Europ-a who I have so endlessly identified as an infiltrator and firmly believe is and is absolutely a Nazi coming to envelope America with it's tentacles of Entertainment Entrainment control--and it's been working so far. And so it's not really Trump's realm any longer. He has not teleported me since before Biden took over. The torture and hate has been almost the same, with me begging continuously for someone to stop this as it never happens. I so hope that whomsoever reads my posts will try to get something truly alternative to this endless seesaw of one-sided power out of office and to be replaced by people who do not want an autocratic bs government of fascism and mind control and murder, inc to preside any longer. I do not advocate especially for 3rd Party just for the US Constitution to be upheld in more than name by those who already are comforted that they will not be under attack by the system they either participate in covertly or openly but in these terrorist covert death squad groups. I so want something from any party that has some upheld convictions against establishing a global Nazi fascist technocracy with an entrenched "elite" group of minions who obey the orders of a truly despicable deplorable hidden and veiled group of insidious death-mongering pretty limited and mediocrities. Destroying the planet while they believe they are asserting power for that conspiracy-theory term a "One World Order" or government. Call it what you will, I am subjected to the outskirts of it's more hidden inner workings and it is worse than deplorable. So even if you want a "black and female" president these people who assault me are just vying for power using the same hate system of discrimination but turned against Jews for the purpose of Nazis promoting them. They simply want to establish a power cartel. I can't blame them for wanting to establish a unified power structure because of the stench of racism and hate that has been forced upon them--and me, and many others of all races even of whites. But in this respect they are simply reconfirming the original state of racism albeit being accepted into the power structure only if they fully submit psychologically to the paradigms of racism and death squad lynch mob hate. I can't express how many people conform to this and are trying to establish power. Harris is a mainstream corporate icon and will only perpetuate black racism. I used to term Aunt Jemima for this hugely popular black icon of talk show fame because her role fulfills that role so greatly that white supremacy has rewarded her with billions of dollars. I called her that in sleeping, drugged up rage while being teleported and under hypnosis so it was a "truth serum" situation and that was more than 2 years and a starring role in a movie taken from a post I had written about fighting a technocracy with love to defeat it. She has since violently gone on and on and supported vicious and violent rape by a German hateful fascist NazI and has tortured me to obtain an "apology" which I can't do. I now express this and hope that it will help to change the "stench" of this organization into a more positive direction for real change instead of a deception changing only a marginal level of the hate-based death system of racism and sexism that these icons you all cheer on (or maybe not) are have been cherry-picked to portray for DECADES in endless cycles of awards and promotions into lead roles. Their children and the ensuing generations are likewise trained into this system and the celebrities viciously with deadly intentions towards me have gaggles of their children for whom they want to also present as "liberal" "fighters" for "justice and equality" (when they are not more adequately playing evil roles of villains, for which they are exemplary in their performances every time).
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Terrorist mutilation report: I am writing this to get the stress out of my psyche, because 15 years of writing about it has only produced scores and dozens and hundreds and thousands of more terrorists rushing to attack me; they have to wait in line sometimes. The physical, ongoing mutilation of my body. Ongoing daily mutilations of my body repeated nightly and daily while I am unconscious, teleported and in deep unconscious comatose sleep state (my consciousness is literally teleported out of my "prime" sleep body and transported to the teleported semi-physical body. Apparently I appear "whole "in tangible form to the people abusing me viciously murderously every night while i sleep to their gleeful sadistic feeding frenzy. My body is ravaged, put out of alignment, mutilated parts severed out damaged stinking liquids poured into my hair, body my skin is doused with horrid curdling chemicals---
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