Thursday, December 16, 2021

I reacted to the attacker terrorists teleporting me--I wrote their names, I wrote today about how violent and hgly and sinister they are. Their attacks which have increased in violent threats since Pelosi joined in (making The Democratic Party under Biden worse than the Trump admin, almost but not really much of a diff):: they are attacking me with a singular ferocity to obtain this exact reaction out of me. Writing in a list of expletives the violence each on pours upon me in every daily attack that has only increased in the last few weeks. I forgot to mention a slew of septanarian musicians such a Paul McCartny and Bob Dylan and others of their former ";peace and love" platform who are eagerly also inserting endless videos of their music while I write posts in the comment section as if they are cool and I like them and their music. I used to like Dylan but now I just try to ignore these former "hippies" participating in the fascist mafia Nazi onslaught endlessly being aimed at me. The longer I try to defend my rights the more of these fakes join in.

 And so their goal is to get me to write about them or react in any way. There is only so much violence and abuse any human being can take before responding. Endless utter violence, rape and death threats aimed at me by all these celebrities and politicians who so happily engage in rape, torture, mutilation and fascist Nazi Imperialism. They are all under the thumb of a disgusting pig out of England named Danny Moynihan who began this media theft of my ideas--is connected to English Monarchy just like Oprah is (a most foul and disgusting abuser and rapist supporter, especially when Europigapes do the rape as she's only into appeasing white male supremacy and it's female counterpart in every action of hate at me--she participated in this long before I called her an Aunt Jemima in rage in the sleeping "truth serum" interrogation sessions after they abused me. For years she has then as a result openly physically and sexually insulted and assaulted me--only to be granted more appearances and more money and collusion with the "black woman' caucus bringing in Kamala Harris into the teleportation scheme--and thus the power behind it all is coming out of Europe and probably the English Monarchy which has established itself as a leading force in H-wood politics and promotion (with a huge Europ-a contingent alongside them) but for the purposes of my contract at this time it's been run by mostly the English faction because Moynihan globbed on and sucked out my life and was murdering me and has stolen ideas and ideas from me and handed the contract to the English part of the American H-wood scene--either they have partents coming from England or they have "English" ancestry and are devoted solely to being lavished with European acceptance and lucre all derived from their various genocidal and Imperialistic exploits throughout the years, decades and centuries. 

So I reacted and now I have written only a handful of the celebrities attacking me just in the past two weeks. There are a few more but I won't name them as they are more onlookers or casual exploitation artists seeing what they can get (for free) out of the contract--because under mind control I clicked on their videos on YouTube--that is all it takes to be tortured, raped and assaulted in this technological tyranny. Oh  yes, I forgot about keenu Reeves who has not stopped assaulting me since I watched The Matrix I think it was just before the pandemic even began--he's still threatening me and putting his face on my YouTube channels endlessly.

Unwatned, get off all of you.

The hackers are making a complete mess of my typing I have spent an inordinate amount of time simply fighting to backspace to correct typos hackers are inserting. The keyboard is going haywire and won't operate.


I know that after 8 years of the same pig pieces of shit coming at me in a never-ending rotation of abuse--the same people who years ago were torturing and raping me are now taking turns during this holiday promotional seasons where many of them are vying for top awards and have unjustly nominated by an extremely corrupt media conglomerate tied in with dark darkest money to the political one-sided spectrum.

I know no one is going to stop them--I keep writing trying to generate at least a semblance of humanistic compassion towards me as I have done NOTHING to deserve a lifetime of torture and abuse. Nothing remotely deserving of endless rape and violence by countless scumbags using all this tech and poisoning and the technology to destroy anyone who might be any competition for them. I am now nearly balding, my body is coated in scars from toes to skull-my skin has been lathered with curdling agents so my skin is broken down completely---this is still going on every single night and I have tried for years to protect my body. 

I remain in dire poverty because all income earning has been blocked. My attempts to obtain a graduate degree were met by murder attempts to which I had to run from the country to obtain any kind of medical rescue that I have had to pay for myself on sub-poverty while being abused and tortured to death slowly while fighting to heal--so my body has additionally broken down due to stress and negativity that these pigs pour upon me every single day--they go off getting theri plastic surgery and smiling and laughing into cameras as they are handed millions of dollars and prizes and awards for the meaningless violent and pornographic shit that they are told they are to play which they do--and in real life they are so meaningless porno whores all sexuality is a disgusting power penetration ploy for them--even if they are in relationships I still can't understand that they can have love or meaningful relationships with anyone--but they appear to be doing this. The people who assault me are all married or in relatinships and I remain alone with no support system adn the rapists and nazi mafia fascist enablers are being plied with every kind of sexual and emotional uplifting prop possible.

But I keep writing about them--the hacking is so bad right now I can barely get any words out.

they want me to react, and they get promoted for it. The violence is escalating as I try endlessly to ignore them. I have been writing about these same pig whores for years and they are never sotpped by any administration or government official. Pelosi has been one of the most disgusting persons attacking me but they are all vile and putrid and rotten--each and every single one of them.

And so I just got the list of pigs I wrote of earlier promoted by simply breaking to the point of writing their names in hopes that one of you out there will EVER do anything to stop them from being promoted adn stop this this travesty of justice.

Maybe some day people will protect me. Today obviously is just another day of me writing in rage because I am druggfed up and under mind control technoology absolutely hindering calm repose and writing skills while hacking does a mess of the rest of what I am trying to convey.

But STOP THESE PIGS WILL YOU GODDAMN READERS OUT THERE? How long and how many news stories of corruption and domestic violence regarding these whores attacking me do you require before you see an imminent threat?

Of course, Pelosi is being portrayed by Biden, a guilty party in this hate crime against me, demonstrating openly his latent racism that he was once blatant about but now has to conceal behind a politically correct voter approval demeanor

I don't want to help get these pieces of pig shit promoted any longer. I don't want to have to beg on line any longer for anyone to intervene. The more I try to remain silent the more they become violent and then they torture me even more for having reacted. 

Will anyone ever stop this insanity?


I also want to point out that if every administration whether Dem or Rep is very eager to participate in this contract, that means obviously that Americans are not in control over their own government in any way. Whatever central organization is in control of this terror technocratic torture technology afflicting my life and body and home, it appears to be of European origin.

Doesn't that make anyone who cares about Freedom actually concerned and worried about the future of such a group of violent sick andj disgusting parasites who are murderous and racist to an extreme being allowed to continue influencing people like US Presidents and Speaker of the House and celebrities who are largely responsible for slinging out mind control propaganda?


I can't describe again how horrible the hacking and interference is. I have spent 40% of the time writing these posts today just backspacing and fighting to get words out and correcting and retyping. Obviously the terrorist hackers are going to destroy all coherency for many of the sentences above which I will not re-read or edit. I have spent hours fighting tg get a few paragraphs out--the itnerference is continuous every word or every other word.

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