Thursday, December 30, 2021

The Malevolent Socio-Political Entertainment awards 2022: The OPIOID OF THE PEOPLE. The opioid celluloid industry scam. Democracy malfunction. This post will be: A seemingly childish vindictive post in parts--offensive! Warning. Post-stress infantile reversion therapy for me.

 I have to make up (childish) but nasty (immature but I laugh) names for the pig apes attacking me in these teleportation hate skits. One of the pigs after the apes in line viciously converge upon me during the happy holiday season. They threaten death, one of them with a most ugly and nasty aura, spiritual negativity akin to a seriously foul sink-hole blackness--oh, he's black but a fully-fledged black Nazi.

So Poop Hog--rapping, tapping at the gates of white supremacy they have let him in! He's proven his reverse racism amply by most viciously with hate, threats of violence, absolute violent negativity threatening physical violence (like the two ugly squat trolls from the Brooklyn "Italian-American" mafia celebrity wormhole that crawl out of their nasty dark pits to likewise threaten me with violence and make violent gestures and make sexualized filth comments while I am on the toilet or in the shower or getting undressed--using the surveillance and teleportation and voice-to-skull --V2K--technology). Very much on the same nasty wavelength--Poop Hog and the two porno-trolls from Brooklyn performers

just a few of the 1% of the millions of other vile and repugs who have attacked me all these years

if they can't "win" an award or nomination out of it, I now see from the daily grind of flatulent celluloid entertrainment fodder on the internet and their adjacent magazine fodder projectiles into cyberspace that at least the black anti-Semitic Black Nazi has again embraced a white supremacist blonde female after having viciously threatened me with all kinds of violent insinuations and hate. Note that it's for this contract for promotion and nothing whatsoever I have done except to fight to defend myself against multiple rapes and attempted murder. 

This rotten Poop Hog is now a presenter for the Golden Showers Nazi awards and with his huge greasy grin is again demonstrably infatuated with the blonde Nazi next to him, adoring her of course.

It's amazing that he's actually married to a black woman. I can't imagine them being actually in love because his only obsession is to appease blonde Nazi women by demonstrating how reverse racist he can be. 

Apparently attacking me has become so "chic" an avenue of promotion into these higher slots that it's now a trendy activity but it's taken extremely seriously by the violent aspiration-mongers who throng especially at this most glorious holiday season to get into the awards categories or now they are presenters because they are not actually actors (some are models, some of K-rap K-rappers) and some are just famous for having made that huge leap from porno flicks that are now buried and "forgotten" into block buster franchise macho subliminal Nazi hate themed flicks. Year after year it's like a catwalk of scumbags who have attacked me most viciously, almost having me killed or threatening to do so or have viciously raped, beaten and all of them have fully participated in having my body and home wrecked and disfigured and mutilated and spewed with foul toxic filth to destroy me slowly (meaning slow murder or "soft murder" if you will).

That's just a tiny fraction of the never-ending long and lengthening list of refuse that the industry refuses to ever exchange for newer faces. If they do arrive I think the plan is for the spawn of these foul and nasty parasites to take the replacement for the rotten and foul parents. Each of the 40+ year old so-called "actors" who have most actively partaken in endless awards and promotions all have little tykes they want to effortlessly include into the singular rotation of the monopolized circuit of unofficially-sanctioned Nazi bigots of all races and colors and professed creeds all being slipped into highest ranking awards and lead roles categories.

I attempted to watch some of the movies and I could write--if only the hacking would be stopped and my brain was not deluged with electronic interference to neural-firing as I attempt to formulate words and concepts--which inevitably are stolen

Oh yes, I forget that the pop singers included are also an integral part of the terrorism and one of them supposedly in line for multiple awards like so many associated with a special tight-knit group of English wealthy fascist Nazis--has verbatim stolen words that I wrote (the exact words) but on Facebook--and's, 


I think the Oscars may include a few various other movie choices but year-after-year this offensively Europigapeland-controlled venue franchise of the Golden Showers rigged Wards of the fascist Nazi State (I dare not call them "awards") are given top slots for this most foul and disgusting endless series of attacks upon moi, simple moi never had a chance! Fighting endlessly with top politicians and most disturbing of the Democrap party leadership--women in particular--all with the most theatrical components to their posturing antics for media conflagration of their personalities and celebrity status tethered to their so-called political righteousness. Feminism so-called (subverted to say the least) ONLY AND ONLY for white women and a few of the "good" minority minions but only as long as they stay in their "place" which of course is subordinate ultimately to them and their male-white supremacist partners--even if they claim they are "lesbian" and etc etc (meaning blah blah whatever trendy label they want to capitalize on for their promotional "oddity" status).

If there were awards for political commentators it would be white male supremacy awards for the most convincing "Progressive/Liberal" lying to the YouTube world about how they are incensed about the deterioration of "Democracy" as they call it. All mostly white males or their adjacent white women (a few blacks included) but all "towing the line" and keeping in place. The DECEPTION of countermining the ensuing rise of fascism and Nazism and State-control under a tyrannical technocratic institutional "free" United States under the guise of comedy and incensed information about covert strategies that these pundits for "liberal information" outlets is the "opioid of the people" that Marx had claimed that religion had formerly been misappropriated for to quell the anxieties that "the masses" have or had regarding State domination and tyranny and injustice.


But after having struggled to pound this out and rewrite and think, I have only gotten into THREE of the violent predators who have most nastily attacked me in the last month. The list of people --I mean pig ape expletives--who have gone after me, well--I have written of this for the past few weeks of course the result is that they are grinning with shit-grins for the cameras NOW as they present and go out with their next and endless series of promotions (they never stop globbing onto attacking me the endless parasitic enterprise is so foul but for those "at the top" it's just like observing another day of grasping like pigs and apes for power that they are all so accustomed to doing and participating in).

But the list is very long. I have thought of so many silly and obnoxious names (to these pig apes my name-calling is "justification" for attempted murder). But it's all done under extreme duress on my part after a DECADE of attempted murders rapes and violence and endless destruction of my body and home by THEM.

Where is the humanity of the United States in general? Specifically or in any iota of the country the entire atmosphere is just exactly the same as these pig apes at the top. As I have written endlessly for years, the people who had once supported me are now dead for one reason or mishap or probable covert assassination reason or another they are GONE. Dead. What remains is the destruction of the country and of the planet. I swear this is not hyperbole at this point, it is a correct summation. All they want to do is go on and on repeating the same grave mistakes and philosophies until they rob the entire planet of it's very core of existence. Their greed has no boundaries and with no ostensible transparency or even the slightest of moral, ethical and intellectual responsibility on the part of those politicians and those in law enforcement to stop this travesty of technology and death squad activity--my words will resonate one day but the blame will be put on those who are already assured that whatever destruction comes in the future they will already have lived most of their foul and greedy lives out and they have left the future for their spawn who care about the consequences but can't begin to formulate anything other than the same paradigms that created the situations in the first place. Grasping, greed without boundaries--lies and lies and lies-racism and Nazi genocidal conquest--Imperialism

without going into more details and writing long treatises on the subject I can only loosely attempt to define what I keep struggling so arduously to fight to pound out on this most hacked keyboard and system.


Oh yes, that reminds me of another silly "immature" name:

Hissing in Hate Helga stinky tuna berg, the fascist Nazi environmentalist scam scum

absolutely a Nazi and attuned to the Northern Europigape sanctity of them investing in destroying those poorer nations and then having their neo-nazis beat people to death in the subways and raise their hands in a sieg heil for the surveillance subway cameras--that is their minion population but they really want the "other" parts of the world to be "dirty" and their snowy (but not for much longer) northern climes to be free of pollution so the death only goes to the Souther Hemisphere and to the "people of color". Stinky Hissing Hate Helga tuna berg.

Oh, so immature on my part. !!!

So many names I have thought of for so many years. I think of them when I am waking up after having been teleported and tortured and now every day it's scenes of someone dead. That must be the two rotten ugly old troll brothers out of Brooklyn, your "Italian-American" mafia actors who are disgusting on psychological and energy levels in a way that their glamorized violent mafia movies never depict. 


What else--so many of these creeps and all the names are now blank. My brain of course is under attack and my short and long-term memory functions are being stifled by the terrorists operating for the expletives in H0-ho-ho-wood (not funny ho ho).


Oh yes, some of the names are coming back. 

There's pig-lousy--speaker of the stye

then there's piggary shit-ton--(who could that be? you can only guess by the suffix "ton" at the end. I'll give a hint: it's a blonde fascist female but disguised as a benevolent uplifter of humanity and of women's causes.)

I think probably if anyone is reading this post, and they previously had any sort of faux compassion for my plight or for me, these silly words would turn them away (if not sooner because I've been writing such hate words under drugging and torture for so many years). 

'tis the effect of not having a defense or support system and having to fight for Democracy, my human rights, my right to not be raped and violated and tortured endlessly for YEARS by scumbags who are doing this most gleefully with the posturing assumption that they are entitled and that I have absolutely no human rights and no platform on which to stand. 

Oh yes, that reminds me of another "Humanitarian" which I have called Ape-ra

and there's more

can't remember them all

it's all the duress and stress from years of being tortured

All human rights will be abrogated by these pig apes if this system of electronic torture, teleportation and violence for promotional purposes to install a nepotistic and despotic absolutely fascist and tyrannical technocracy is not stopped.

No one seems particularly scared or worried about it. Perhaps global warming will destroy their Tower of Babel before they destroy the planet and society and create a most hideously foul contagion that may be mistaken for a "civilized" society. All the millions of people who fought for freedom, their lives forfeit for the sake of a few absolutely CRAPPY MOVIES AND TV SHOWS. 

I mean, the movies are not worth losing Democracy or society or the planet but people are just drugged into the worm holes of these tubular fake entertainment reality portals.

sucked in so deeply into the immersion of fantasy that their very life essences are so depleted and sucked out that they must constantly suck the life out of anyone they can--it's been me for years. Wait until more and more victims are available as more vampirism creates a new strain of dystopian death for the planet brought about by your opioid celluloid industry scam.



On a more sober note, seriously and with full adultness I can only state emphatically:







as for the rest, not so much.

The powerlessness of the dog (meaning "God" backwards) I have analyzed as a symbolic Christian Identity white supremacy myth programming flick with symbolic meaning aimed at the lineage of King David. The English actor in lead role has participated not directly but indirectly in this endless attack upon me. I really consider most of the English who have attacked me to be part of this extremely fascist Nazi cartel which is tied to the white supremacist Evangelical movement in the US. 

But that's another attempt I can't get at while all this obstruction from mind control technology and hacking is so awfully distorting my concentration, ability to type and think and also all is blocked so my posts only reach fanatic enemies who only read my posts to see what they can steal and to find "justification" for further torture of me for writing anything resembling criticism of the torturing scumbags who endlessly attack me for their non-stop yearly promotional gain with the most repugnant and repellant sinister vileness which of course is what the drooling fascists all want to inculcate into American culture with all the movies that are awarded for instilling the utmost subliminal programming into death culture and racism is the phantom thread throughout the entire panorama motley presentation of superficial colors but all melded into one portal of black-sink hole light distortion.



I read through a few paragraphs of the above--and saw that of course hackers had deleted parts of sentences (words, grammar). There is no post I can write that is a polished finished product. With all the hacking it is virtually impossible (due to virtual terrorism). Of course, the pig apes only want white male supremacy and it's adjunct minions to be able to make any public statements or observations so I must be relegated to watching the endless slew of white males hissing and spitting into their webcams and cams for their video presentations which have craftily-written "exposes" of corruption that I write of most plainly but am absolutely suppressed. The hacking and brainwave alteration ensures I can't write a decent sentence. Of course the bigots exploit that to make claims that I am incompetent to make any reasonable sophisticated analysis. The pig apes who teleport me after having me mutilated like to also denigrate my appearance and etc. All they attack they then claim is a part of my general inability to function or be presentable in any competent fashion. I must watch what the white males have to say endlessly and then hear it regurgitated by their minority and white supremacist females. I am silenced of course by all of this. My emotions are always subject to attack while I write (cognitive processes, brain-mapping technologies blocking various aspects of brain activity and etc--I am not a technical expert I only know the effect of the tech upon me because it is the same pattern of blockage every time I fight to write, every day, everywhere in public--it's a pattern that is so recognizable by now. But without evidence I can only ramble on and then see what I had written correctly completely skewed by hacker deletions and add-ons. Horrible but for now the masses only want the same old pundits and entertainers and politicians to control their seemingly comfortable opioid lives of expectation of future and current entitlement. Free bonuses for participation that will just continue indefinitely, they believe, I am certain.

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Ongoing physical mutilation terrorist report: the slashing under my fingernails and cuticles so that elevated bloodied swelling continues, the fingernails and fingers swollen, cuticles completely severed-off my toes and fingers, in addition to poisons put on my toenails to harden the nails into coarse, hard plastic texture never-growing deformed twisted and blackened. The mechanical arms are constantly going underneath all the layers of protection I wear every night also into my scalp to make hair fall out--falling out in clumps once more so the little bit left on my scalp is mostly gone.//While ugly shitalina the filth torture prostituted Nazi bigot of Whorewood with the German ape scumbag rapist her ally in utter genocidal violence, promoted by Trump and the Nazi 4th Reich and Gotti dynasty mafia with Stallone, et al (gmbh ltd English monarchy ltd) and once the slash under my skin they inject poisons, or foreign substances or materials so the "mind control "terror regime can continue for HOURS upon my waking from hate skits forced into my sleep state while being teleported, while they are slashing into my body and my consciousness is teleported outside of my "prime" body.//Every day dirty ugly shitalina has her rape dirty foul "men" and herself laugh about my breasts while I am getting undressed--the poisons she laughed about having her dirty nazi scum and brown and black and jewish minions pour into my body every day for the past 15 years, with my family, neighbors, and the 4th reich death squads having done this for decades priorr to this filth creep (but her dirty Nazi daddy was involved in this contract out on me back as early as 1974 or 1975, probably 1974 when my step-father the highly skilled poet writer professor was involved with the author of Deliverance in a poets seminar in Atlanta and returned extremely embittered, and he had to change his priorities of writing he then partnered with one of the English terrorists back in 1987, in London when I went there for a summer post graduation of college--and this man is intimately connected to the English royalty as a painter and his wife is the daughter of the director of Deliverance--partnering with dirty shitalina and pit ape pitt for over 15 years but ordering my family's targeting, my poisoning (which did begin before they got their filthy leeching apparatus sucking apparatus onto my life for their endless promotions) I was sent to live across the street from this English bigot back in 1987 in the organized hate structure, and my step-father was also involved in this orchestrated plot for his own promotion. But beyond all the greed and sleaze of this group including my own family, I must state that this ugly dirty whore has looked at least 20 years youjnger while I look 30 years older from the parasitic leeching off my energy, having dirty men rape and beat me as she watches on smiling and laughing along with dirty foul shit ape pig pitt and ther est of the apes and scum of Whorewood and Congress. The joke is that my breasts are not plastic surgery like ugly shitalina's and the jokes are endless after abuse death trheats this German ape endlessly punching my head and face, getting the crap of the Steven Tyler group connected to Stallone's Italian--all with English Italian French and German fascist Nazis rushing to join into collaboration of their take-over of Whorewood with dirty u gly stupid shitalina and pig ape pitt put endlessly into the Oscars every year, as they have been taking turns since their clutching onto my life for this contract back around 2014, taking the tech from Depp and putting Musk into power along with T-rump. The rest is " history" but you all keep silencing this situation so it's more death squad censorship.

  I put compression socks on my hands on top of layers of materials so my hands feel squeezed into crumpled shapes upon waking/. The ape shi...