Sunday, December 19, 2021

SITTING BULL. A film regarding an historical precedent of subtle infiltration leading to overtake of the land. American history is forgotten when it comes to the same Imperialistic conquest that ravaged the Land 200 years ago. This movie I have not heard of and yet it speaks to clearly about imperialistic overtake (of America). History is repeating itself and yet I feel like I am the only one not beguiled by the false promises of the europ-a fascist Nazi/Mafia throngs with aspirations to become overlords of America (and so largely already are with full welcome and consent by Americans who unfortunately have been put into power by corruptician forces). This clip below is an example of Why I fight against foreign infiltrators and intervention. Why do I feel like I fight all alone? Why am I fighting all alone?

 "Sitting Bull". Jax P. June 25, 2015.

My poetry (below), while in this resonant mood in watching this portrayal (film clip below, Sitting Bull) which finally has authentic characters playing lead roles, with honest appraisal of how lies and distortion play out even in the sad longing takes told of victims and victimizers:-----------

Speak truth not forked tongue.
Consequence is war and fighting.
Either way,
If someone wants your land,
Truth or lies wins.

In the end
The land falls.

All fail.


mericans" as the Europigapes call them behind their backs may take a little hint from watching a movie like this when they greedily grasp at the seemingly wonderfully free 'Handouts that are being promised as some future power fixture which will fall once the wool has been taken away from their glossy and drugged-up-on-fake-power eyes, filled with promises brimming with lies:

The strategy of Lies...always applies.

Give a promise and break it.
Whatsoever typos or badly worded sentences/paragraphs exist are 100% due to hacking terrorist deletions/rewrites. I have edited this post while writing and did not make any mistakes.

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