Monday, March 7, 2022

The Lost Middle East Loses & Butt (& Company)..."THE LOST DAUGHTER wins BEST FEATURE at the 2022 Spirit Awards".// I didn't want to write this before the awards season was over---due to a non-stop rush of mostly geriatric-aged Londoner/English hate celebrities gnawing at me like a pack of zombies during the 6-months prior to the final finish of these awards for movies and stuff---The final finish is this month or maybe there's still the French awards for Cannes--which could mean more abuse and hate coming at me non-stop from teleportatoin from more candidates for their bs movie K-rap shit. Hope they never are put in movie starring roles ever again (those who have terrorized, tortured, raped, abused and ransacked my life and property and body not just for the past 6 months of hell they forced upon me, but for their partners and family members who also expect to attain immediate nepotistic promotions as collateral terrorists. I really hope they are utterly and completely destroyed on all levels, just as they have been doing to me.

 "THE LOST DAUGHTER wins BEST FEATURE at the 2022 Spirit Awards". Film Independent. March 7, 2022.

Luckily, unbelievably, for the FIRST TIME I can remember, a top winning film which I sought to stifle all my approval for just to not draw the attention of more potential terrorist scumbags WON TOP AWARD AT THE SPIRIT AWARDS!!! It is amazing, I truly honor this system which appears to not be in bed with rapist filth and bs operators out of Whorewood, GmbH, Ltd. Good for you, great for you Miss Maggie G and Olivia Coleman and the rest of their crew, NOT A SINGLE ONE TELEPORTED OR ATTACKED ME IN ANY WAY WHILE THEIR FILM WAS IN THE AWARDS NOMINATION CIRCUIT. And truly, it is a film that deserves it's standing and the outstanding level of maturity in the film translates to the quality of goodness and talent that this cast and director and production crew (and producers and etc--so I hope) exemplify and this SHOULD BE THE STANDARD UPON WHICH H-WOOD AND THE FILM INDUSTRY SETS IT'S QUALIFICATIONS FOR TOP LEVELS and not for abusers, rapists and mind fuck operators using this Government-funded arsenal of asinine hate technologies and death squad operatives. The immaturity and stupidity of the people attacking me has been tantamount as their main characteristic despite having "won" top awards and lead roles for far too long (maybe now a decade of this going on and on and on and on...).
But The Lost Daughter was my favorite of all the films I was able to purchase for FREE STREAMING online and it had subtlety and many themes that I found admirable on so many levels. I was grossed out by the sex scene, as I 99.9% of the time am in these movies, this film no exception.
I'm shocked that one movie I liked and thought was the best of all that I could view for free was awarded for The Spirit Awards. I am shocked, simply shocked that this has happened because usually it's a dismal droopy "not again" syndrome for whom and what "wins" in these top awards rigged events.
This film touches upon aspects of gang stalking but supposedly that is not what the film is about. Certain behaviors are very much a component of the overall terrorist agenda put into this film. Supporting actors deserve more credit than I think they got in the awards categories.
Good deal for a change.


I could write more about what I liked about the film but hacking and brain-manipulation is high and I'm tired of fighting this. Waiting for the day when my government will stop this terrorism and stop allowing this to be continuously forced upon me and any other target who unjustly is being destroyed by their pernicious system.


But I really loved some of the filming shots--perhaps that means editing department but as I am not a film student I don't exactly know how much of the great shots are due to editing and the camera person or director...? Loved Olivia Coleman and the adaptation of this book which I have not read. The mother-daughter theme, and the guilt complex for not being a "good mommy" but also wanting a career are reminiscent of "The Women's Room". I found Coleman weeping and expressing "guilt" for not being a stay-at-home good girl mommy for the rest of her life a bit annoying since it was melodramatic and deterred from the rest of her performance--and the plot and my engrossment into the film--it was shattered for a few minutes watching Coleman sobbing and I could only think it was not-great "acting" and also a bit over-the-top for the content one is supposed to empathize with for her crying bout--of women wanting a career. Abandoning children is supposed to be almost a draconian punishment edict for women in that context, but to succumb to this kind of sobbing made me a bit queasy for a while. Otherwise it was a slow but deep pace of impact on emotional and visual levels and I truly admired it. So glad a worthy film has won and it is a work of art in the celluloid department and deserves this top prize.


Now for a potentially politically-egregiously incorrect statement on my part (but probably many people reading my posts deflect my opinions as being apolitically correct).

However, another shocking news microbit was put on a fame rag mag about one of the most vicious attackers upon me, a complete intellectual property theft criminal rapist enabler who has obtained "feminist" status from ideas it stole from my ranting about her participation in the crime against me and her friends who have just obtained unjustified lead roles and awards ever since (but they were nevertheless famous beforehand). I wrote of the racial discrepancy between whom has been allowed to enter into Poland as refugees and the comparison which I was also sort of copying from an intellectual powerhouse lecturer on YouTube, about one of the Middle East countries that faces absolute genocidal starvation and destitution from years of bombing and drought and starvation and breakage of their infrastructure--with US-backed bombings from an extremely wealthy country. 

I wrote this just a few days ago, and voila! The celebrity who non-stop takes my writings and turns them into her crusade posturing (for political viability and more celebrity "saint" status) out of adapting my position as her "charitable" concern for humanity. While still having me mutilated so she can claim that she is "more beautiful" and in having me abused by her English friends who are just a small coterie of the huge group of vicious starving geriatric zombies gnashing at me and lashing out with hate and all kinds of real violence inflicted upon my body--

and like them all of that group, anti-Semitism is a key and dominant feature of their "justification" at any level for all the hate crimes they are committing against me. But likewise, it's not out of mere pseudo-religious hate cliches but also because there are "blondes" of this "race" that they force into my face with their boxed-in cliches intended to paralyze and make diminished the target into a tiny little cramped and crushed personality--squat and broken psychologically and emotionally--one of the main psychological aims of these racist attackers a crippling psychologically and emotionally and of course financially but not necessarily--only as long as they submit and defer to them--the racists. Then they are satisfied and don't go full length to destroy their target and even "allow" them to obtain any level of iconic "success" but only with their rancorous approval and only if they are self-demeaning as proxy for the embedded racism that these haters employ with full violent genocidal efforts but now it's just very covertly being done!
Smiling for the camera now in another quest
and the people it is going across the planet to save? Probably those who are likewise very adaptable to Nazi genocidal minority minion performance--as I know very full well from just having access to other cultures from the region in my travels around the world. Thus, I find it "good" in a sense as superficially it appears as a kind of "heroic" crusade objective--but like all the crusades in the Middle East before them, it was to indoctrinate and crush and absorb the region as a dominating English Lord and Master operation--as The English have done for Centuries and this is no exception.
I hope I cannot ever say the same about Olivia Coleman and her personal objectives for her career--coming out of England (in regard to me and the inherent racism of this contract out upon me, which so many English are more than willing to contribute to with the utmost Naziesque hate and hissing gnawing geriatric clawing for flesh and fame and life-force to suck out--just rotten).
That same quality also comes from younger persons such as the "hero rescuer" who has become this figure out of concepts I,....ME...which I have written of regarding this hateful bigot's behavior alongside her husband and group of Europ-a fascist Nazi and Mafia genocidal killing-machine mind-f**K operators.
so what seems "good" may not be after all. 

I am at least glad a movie that is somewhat decent has won for ONE of the film awards in this dreadful season of the Bitch that seems to never end (that film awards season).g

A few minutes later: I always become hyperbolic and ranting and cursing by the end of these posts about the terrorists due to the mind control tech affecting my "thalamus" or that area of the brain connected to emotional excess--I am really under a "memory depletion mode" also and I know the name, the hypothalamus or which area is that called--my brain goes into a memory blank zone while I am under this brain-altering tech spot in front of this laptop--which also always affects me in public places while I am under various types of attack.
But the point is that this celebrity terrorist, rapist enabler, full  supporter of anti-Semitic genocidal rhetoric and rape and torture, laughing about it while teleporting me but frowning in public disdain for it's "saint" label for the brand of bs it is selling (skank snake oil charitable humanitarian perhaps)? other words, this country it is now making headlines for going to in order to promote this idea that I wrote of just two or three days ago (quite an opportunity for her to latch onto) where she is going to this country which I think probably has been trained (by the Colonialist powers that really order the devastation as the Middle East has been slated to become the next New World Order resort Nazi and fascist sex tourist destinations after places like Thailand have become polluted and over-populated and too expensive---after the genocides of the indigenous populations of the Middle East country are over and the Lebensraum operation has been completed)
but they are fully, I have no doubt, immersed in the philosophy of "bomb Israel to the ground" and "Kill all Jews". 

This really is what I was getting at. In this respect the fake benefactor and it's publicity stunt victims in that impoverished and "war-torn" country which is literally in a humanitarian crisis mode all have this one sentiment in common.

So is it a good thing I wrote this about the people of that country in comparison to how white war refugees in Poland are being taken in while the Africans are not, and then I mentioned in the same sentence this other country where refugees are given very little global attention and so now this is the result--is it a good thing as far as I am concerned? They are all waiting for the final solution to the Israel problem and all want to see Jews and Israel turned into a New World Israel without Jews and a Nazi version of religious fantasy Disneyworld with all the Jews dead and gone if possible. That is a version of what they are aspiring to in this contract out on me, but the ones who can remain living are dyed blonde or inter-married with Nazis or non-Jews or have light appearances and absolutely defer to the Nazis and Mafia in every way like slaves but allowed to function as if they are "free". The invisible constraints and the dictates of complicity to the demands are deadly and the punishment is very often death but using this covert version of mind control/poisoning/suiciding/fake accidental death assassination and genocidal technology and death squad operations.


--30 minutes later: after having turned off the computer and walked away--the ideas sprang back that were stifled due to the brain-altering/memory deteriorating tech effect that always is in full effect whenever I attempt to write about these crimes and criminals attacking me (perpetually--and how sick is that, and why doesn't anyone else think so?_). But, I wrote the post on Facebook and my blog just a few days ago regarding this discrepancy betwixt the darker-skinned refugees in Poland exiting Ukraine and the other "war-torn" areas of the world where brown-skinned and Black desperate and dying masses of people are fleeing for their lives--ignored in large part by the media (except for Democracy Now!, which I watch almost every day it airs so I know these topics are covered reguarly--but never or rarely in other major news mainstream or even independent sources that proliferate my YouTube hacked experience of attempting to gather information--all is skewed of course and much is blocked/censored by the terrorist stalking organization and mind screw operators. But MY POINT was the the refugees who receive maybe a few minutes of air perhaps once in a very long while but their situation is always ongoing and genocidal--my situation of attempting to garner help for hate crimes in this covert mind control torture gang stalking operation are met with silence and silencing by all authority figures and all subordinates of them. Literally throughout the planet I can find Zero PEOPLE willing to support me in a visibly demonstrative way and support and protect me. not a single human being on the planet will do this. But my writing, as I wrote, about feminist issues that the expletives can steal and use as a platform to sell the skank snake oil I referred to above, their hype about how they are "feminists" fighting to really--their real goal is to eliminate Jewish rapists like Weinstein but allow their blonde racist menfolk who promote them to inflict their rape and de-feminization efforts at me and not at them---this they fully support like drunken whores howling at the moon while the men they marry or support rape, beat and rob me and then they steal the concepts I write about domestic violence, rape and discrimination but turn it all around as "their" cause and I am then further silenced by the world as they not only profit off my writings--sometimes verbatim they steal the words and concepts--but they gain notoriety from it I get "punishment" for defying their automatically-assumed "entitlement" to do whatever the fuck they want to me (using the mentality they express, the f-word that is their real mentality I am only slightly paraphrasing--but that is their real output they can do whatever the FUCK they want in raping and exploiting me and stealing and beating urinating upon and punching and raping and beating and etc--years and years and years of this going on from this same skank who is now taking this concept as her heroic mission--but I wrote it maybe just three days ago because SHE is one of the most racist and vile perpetrators or hate crimes I have ever met, but there are so many she is just one--but the longevity of her attacks and determination to get this contract, to break my spirit, to mutilate me endlessly and claim I am ugly she is beautiful--etc etc, I am stupid she is smart, my pleas for help are met with silencing her promotion of my concepts about her and their injustice are met with applause, global attention to the issue with her appearing as the "saint" while I am tortured by the fanbase who put snake oil skanks like this on the fake pedastles and then keep them there for decades--and that was the entire context upon which I wrote the initial sentiment that refugees "of color" are granted almost zero representation but white refugees from a pseudo -Europ-a country are treated like desperate heroes for having undergone such tumultuous times and fled and were accepted without having to risk leaky water-logged boats traveling across dangerous waterways--as many of the darker-skinned refugees have had to undergo and they are met with ignoring their cries to lifeguard boats when their little rafts are capsizing and they begin to drown and then do drown. There are instances that Democracy Now! has covered but you don't really hear about this often in US mainstream media (maybe from the BBC you will, though--). So, I had to include the ultimate irony of the situation because it was blocked from me. The very hard attempts I am making at just typing has turned this into a finger strength exercise as the keys must be literally pounded as hard as I possibly can because otherwise the hacker malware distorts all keys I press. My brain is hindered as usual--and calling this expletive a "skank" is the least offensive term I can think of after EIGHT YEARS of this bs going on and on and on and on and on and on. But that was the context--I am relegated to writing about this with undo attacks on my brain and keyboard (and the internet connection is bogged down by malware as well so it's worse than extremely SLOW to get anything done. My keyboard won't do more than one single download or function at a time--if I have two tabs open I can't try to access a URL which spins and spins for over 1 minute at least, but trying to go to another tab will only be blocked so I must wait--I can't do more than one single thing on this one-year old Windows 10 Dell computer at a time, the hackers have made sure I am stuck fighting to pound words out and fighting to get more than one single thing done at a time just to navigate the web. The expletive celebrity I mentioned has been handed millions---MILLIONS OF DOLLARS to be promoted as this "liberal" charitarian (aspirations for political office and leadership in media) role for these attacks and thefts of my ideas. As I wrote earlier, the people she is ostensibly "saving" in some sense, or bringing the refugee status to, are probably extremely anti-American and anti-Semitic and want to see both blasted in nuclear holocausts and immediately--as Saudi Arabia is responsible for the genocide but America has provided the bombs and the "Anti-terrorist" efforts of mass genocidal proportion. Both this bigot racist half-English expeletive and her brown-skinned and black partners in this crime are extremely racist against Jews and you can take that to the bank as they always do--rewarded so much with millions of dollars in contracts. Controlled by English out of London--the Imperialists who probably have funded all sides of all the conflicts in the MIddle East just as is never reported or nor investigated the illicit funding of the real divide and conquer strategies in that region and especially concerning Jews. The Germans and many Americans love to state wrongly that the Israeli Jews behave like Nazis, but in reality it's the Dark Money of the English and the Germans and other extremely racist anti-Semitic wealthy national "leaderz" through "dark money" operations who create this fascist genocidal state but then blame it on Jews who are only following orders--as Jews must "obey" this structure--Israel is by now means being controlled exclusively by Jews or Americans but by rabid racists from Germany and England--for example with at least a century or more of stake in that region (especially England in their Balfour Declaration but mostly in their Royal Claims to beind descendants to the House of David and thus rightful heirs to the Temple at Jerusalem and of Israel itself--otherwise know as British Israelism or Christian Identity).


Much hacking, deletions and rewrites in the last paragraph and much in the other above paragraphs and statements. I did not go into the edit phase because I have already done that and just the act of typing is extremely difficult and painful physically due to pounding down with all my finger and hand and sometimes arm strength--they rewrote words, deleted parts of sentences and glued them into other sentences--it happened frequently so all mistakes are due to hackers not to my inability to write. I also want to add that my body has been mutilated once more in very ugly and visible ways once more and the scars are now permanently etched into my skin by chemicals that the terrorists smear on my body while I am sleeping with their mechanical arms breaking into my room through the outdoor patio and the panels on all sides and floors of this torture/surveillance/penetration studio. Not only is more than 1/5 of my hair destroyed--hair follicles are permanently destroyed and damaged--I must wear a plastic type of tarp over my head because no matter where I sit in this room, behind my head is some opening where mechanical arms enter through very disguised portals and my hair is sprayed very lightly from behind while I am watching or sewing or doing anything. I can't spend any time sitting down without having to cover my hair in plastic completely to the nape of my neck. I used a type of shiny bit of double-folded material to do this and for a few days my hair stopped falling out, but then they ripped little holes in the fabric and the chemicals are being sprayed very unnoticed while I am watching or listening--and I am just always stuck sitting in one literal position all day from the endless pain of detoxing hard chemcials which rip out muscle and flesh tissue as I fight for the 11th year in a row to detox--my body remains huge, bloated and a huge pot of poison remains hanging off my abdomonen despite yeas of fighting to get this out while these same plastic-surgery celebrities make sure I can't have a day of peace, tranquility or happiness without some cut, slice or endless abuse to mar my body and destroy my health so my body can never be in a healing state and then they poison me more and mutilate without end. I brushed against a metal hook a few days ago and it was a small scratch, which burst with infection two days later and now is a brown stain on ny leg because it was saturated with brown permanently staining chemicals. My chest has been sliced and infected while I slept--I went to bed, it was fine, I woke up with huge welts which are scars now--my entire body is covered like this--my head is barely covered with a thin layer of hair and I have to cross it over like a balding dude--all done by the celebrity who orders this who is stealing my ideas--and has done it once more to put herself into some light of being a decent human being. Her theme concerning me has been for years, after daily rape, abuse while I am unconscious but able to see the abusers in a tunnel vision, night after night a hell of abuse and rape and insults and violence from her and all of them--her theme has been that she is more beautiful, all the celebrities and politicians surround me and chant this with hate aimed at me--they continue to deform my body and block financial access to health care (or just to try to repair all the years of damage they have done to my body and life and home and property). So if and when there is every any REAL humanitarian who is reading this out there--I ask you to force this rotten bunch of bs to pay me in huge amounts for the damages they have inflicted, the ideas they have stolen verbatim (which is a very long list) and the block to my access to publish (this and all my blog posts are blocked by now--all attempts to gain any audience outside of this torture organization have been completely blocked, all attempts to earn money online are blocked--all my fighting to get my Masters Degree have been met with poisoning with intention to murder me--I sit here in bloated poisoned paralysis as they torture me day and night and it's been non-stop literally since 2013 from just THEM and their Euorpigape fascist Nazi/mafia pieces of shit who were violently torturing and poisoning and raping me with them watching and being trained from the sidelines--now they operate the technology as their train their little rugrat piece of shit children and the rotten geriatric pig apes have trained them all (references are above about the London crew of geriatric zombies--clawing at me to intern their dying and lost careers that were at a height 50 fucking years ago and they are reviving their corpse careers by viciously attacking me--as are the middle aged expletives also out of London all vying for top awards this year--and on and on, the trickle down effect. They should be made to pay me in much, much money and then this shit should really be stopped because the unbelievable census of people who blatantly follow this system, the celebrities and politicians--is so enormous and the millions and millions of people at lower levels who also comply with full viciousness towards me (meaning deadly). That I should not have to undergo this. My fight with them all mostly is that they have no RIGHT to do this to me, and they are torturing me not just for a few years but for DECADES without end that they can do whatever the FUCK they want and it's all supported financially and fully by every government on the planet and all of society. The waves of immigrants and this situation are in a kind of orchestrated global plot situation of who gets exterminated with no rights and who gets endless undo attention for feigning that they "care" as they also then rake in millions of dollars in charity funding (even if it's just interest on the money they deposit and rake that in--or however they bilk the funding but they also get these "laudable" but laughable bits of status for their pretense at playing the opposite role for which they really are engaged to and intertwined in: genocidal fascist Mafia/Nazi death squad systems of operation. So...back to The Lost Daughter---well, it's a movie about people being oppressed on various levels. It's all kind of mixed up, these victimization movies and the charity celebrity hoaxes and the silencing of the real victims and the castigation of those who try to uphold their self-determination in the face of all of the oppression that is not sanctified by Nazis-backed-by-Mafia bigots who endorse the victim plight as their personal crusades for celebrity photo-op status.

Saturday, March 5, 2022

Terrorist stinking filth report. March 6, 2022. The stinking filth out of England attacking me (now two more of the rotten geriatric crew and it's now an endless rotation of this pig ape skank whore group going from one rotten disgusting decrepit rotten scumbag or pair after the next).

 Ordered by these putrid pig ape whore creeps but performed by the rotten dumb thugs and the Europigapes here in this vicinity where I live.

Stinking and foul substances are being poured into the entire back area of this condo so the entire back portion of the condo stinks--the smell is wafting up from the natural area in the back./ It stinks of sewage and there is a sewage pipe that the pig ape scum terrorists open up to make the entire back area stink in the entire block of apartments. It is a steep, nearly 90-degree incline of a hill that keeps air from flowing so the stench just carries and remains lingering in the air. This has been going on for the last two days. I had to shut my windows and breathe in fungus and mold for over 4 years and have become perhaps deathly ill from it, but now they are making the air unbreathable outside my window. The stench was put outdoors 4 hours ago and the stink remains now.


I was teleported to sickeningly stupid blonde Nazi women who all made lesbian passes at me last night---ordered by the rotten old men out of London/or some rotten small villages in England's rural bigot communities--disgusting and stupid pig apes who are considered "intellectual" because of their rambling old bag soliloqueys for their Shakespeare performances and then because that is considered the epitome of "culture' in that disgusting country (by now I am sickened by the English I have had to be subjected to all these years of being stalked and attacked by scumbag after scumbag--the English the most vociferously disgusting but Americans vie for that top filth and loud-mouthed rotten qualification of blathering hate group and culture and race.

Two stupid rotten and disgusting old putrid men out of England ordering this--and lesbian atacks in the teleportation---and my body has been injected iwth something that has created welts and scars on my chest--more scars from more pigs. And all because I admired the very old adaptation of the book about the Claudio-Augustus line of Emperors out of Rome--written well but adapted very well. The actors have never done anything comparable in performance since then and in their personal demonstration of piggish ape qualification for immediate promotion by attacking me, they prove stupidity beyond measure for measure and in every case it's minimal measurement of quality.


As usual boring, mediocre and mainstream following-orders exploiters are calling me "stupid" for a creative idea that just came out while they were harassing me--as a kind of joke. The pigs of this group ALWAYS call my ideas stupid and the next thing I see from them is them stealing the idea.

this has been pigaline the whore ugly skank going on and on for years and years--with English backing 100% as her rotten whore mother is English. But they keep on allowing her and them to disfigure my body, maim, destroy my hair (mostly balding now from their attacks) and the ideas I had written of, bereft of all opportunity to publish to write and have any chance to gain any recognition of my ideas and concepts--the ugly dirty foul whore stole the ideas--and now the next pair of them are going at it. The 6 weeks of English pieces of shit coming at me in a never-ending exploitation drive of worthless shit aged celebrities (the rolling stones, ugly rotten disgusting fascist pigs who expect immediate sexual gratification and all handed to them for a few ditties about their ego gratification and satanism and not much else and all stolen from black musicians out of America--most of their musical style but scumbag creeps--and for YEARS paul mccarthy--and then filthy pigapewhorealina with brat pit the pair of shit that has disfigured my body so filthalina can claim endlessly that she is "more beautiful" as all I do is fight to heal and clean up the stinking filth in my body and home andheal the endless violence ot my body that that rotten skank piece of crap has ordered upon my body

then there's DAmn Dumb Whorren Mirrage--a worthless hateful blonde whore out of London who used the "left-hand path" to extract information out of me using this technology--as these ugly rotten English men are doing or have done--a few nights ago--softy but deftly using fake friendliness that people in America are so "charmed" by--it is one of their greatest strategies and the English have used tactics like this for centuries to disarm people into their tactical abuse and exploitation strategies--including those of their own kind. But in a system of me being drugged, asleep or barely awake, while they gently ask questions with open-eyed stares without hints of hate or glaring disdain, waiting for the right moment to attack once the target feels "comfortable". In most cases people are not asleep or barely awake and drugged up so they have at least some time to respond or get away or protect oneself. But in my case I can't get away, I can't even look elsewhere as my vision is mostly confined to a narrow tunnel vision and they attack without end. I can't not respond in this state and I have tried--and lacking all human contact in absolute isolation I am just stuck as they endlessly go at me.

But it's now another pair of rotten pieces of shit and the stink that is emitting out of my back yard is the stench that they really are--the group of them--all of them.


This is a very untactical post as it's probably discrediting to me to call them these names. They are stupid and rotten and disgusting and act like this each and every single time I come into contact with them. The posturing bs that they make for people they want to impress, it's unimaginable but it's just pure bullshit what I see of them is their real personalities ungarnished with the fake posturing bs that they have been coached to perform for public.

That is why I call them pig apes and pieces of shit.


They keep insisting that this is what "I" am supposed to be and that is only because they want it to be the supposed-cliche formula they require in order for "them" to be considered automatically put on top of all social classifications. However they are inadequate in reality and I really do not consider myself to be the shit that they really are. 

however, as I wrote about my father earlier, if anyone reading this has also read that post: the point is for them to endlessly verbally abuse me and when I fight to defend myself they use these tactics of stinking filth, torture, dismemberment, violence, discrimination and etc and all is rendered and handed to them by The United States Government, which to me at this point appears to be a colony of the English upper crust of a crusty shit sandwich of bullshit called The Crown--I have no respect for these pig ape whores and their monarchical ugliness. The more I see of what is supposed to be their core leadership the less respect I can ever have for this country  which used to hail some of the greatest artists of Europe--a long time ago--maybe just dying off 20 years ago but now seemingly pretty much destroyed and gone and replaced by this mediocrity of Nazi operatives for furtherance of English Imperialism. Partners with the US but it's apparent that the US is being controlled by Europigape Nazi gold that these whores have stored up for all these decades and are now flinging around to influence and buy all these rotten dumb whores in places like Whorewood, USA.


I know it sounds like crazed ranting--but none of you ever stop these pigs and I am stuck with pieces of rotten shit inflicting their violence upon me. I am constantly fighting to defend myself and the United States, which seemingly no one else will do in this context. People will fight an open enemy but in terms of just being bought off by Europigape money they fully comply with every covert form of infiltration and covert psychological warfare--and that is what this is all about.


Unlike my father who didn't fight and was covertly murdered by the skanks and Nazi bigot American shit that he married because as you can see in so many cases, Jewish men who become highly successful in the Nazi bigit pigape world of commerce and society must obligatorily marry blonde or Nazi whore skanks who are their token entrygateways into entrance into Nazi-controlled society. The creepy thing is that the Nazi contingent which makes their conspiracy theories about how "Jews" control all the finance and the organizations and agencies that they claim are keeping them from their "white supremacist" roles of natural identification are actually, if being run by "Jews" the Jews are just superficially placed and behind them is an entire pyramid structure of white supremacist Nazis or their brown-black skinned minority equivalents--just like in whorewood, usa. I am fighting to not just sit and take their shit--and the result is that the US Government has sent presidents and representatives and leaders of Congress to collude with these actors because "they are all friends" in attacking me because people like Mafia-backed Pelosi and Mafia DeNire most violent ugly sinister creeps with obvious Mafia ties and participation must continue the street thug mentalities of Brooklyn that they both grew up around--bullying, pushing Jews around and intimidation and insults without end and if you try to defend yourself they are extremely violent in upholding the psychological violence towards jews--insults, threats and any resistance or fighting to defend oneself is met with an explosion of more violence. That is what is backing the posturing bullshit whores of whorewood, for example and I see this repeatedly in civilian life with blonde Nazis and dark-haired mafia men ("Italian-American" as these sell-out scumbag whores call themselves) and it's the "muscle" behind the bullshit blonde Nazi paradigm and behind all of them are millions upon millions of black and brown-skinned "minorities" all vying for entrance into the select subordinate but not targeted placements of society.


Over and over I have seen this all my life.


I am "ranting" right now, it's 1:30 in the morning. The dumb apes in the rooms just below mine are again almost shouting but the stink and stench of the putrid crap has kept the really sinister-sounding goons who yell and make the most evil laughing noises--I could try to describe it but my writing skills are now restricted in scope to ranting--theylaugh like moronic goons but with absolute evil and it sounds like some synthetic machine making these noiese but it's a few sinister and sick Thai creeps. It makes a case for "Satanic possession" they absolutely sound like legion of demons are making these creepy laughing noises. It's something you might see on some creepy cartoon, the sounds are revolting not just thug laughter.


But that is another matter. They are the evil that the evil sent to do their bidding.


On the loss of The American Dream as far as this mind control fascist, Nazi/Mafia, technocratic organization has socially-engineered the downfall of the United States. //My very handsome father at age the tender age of 23---a fresh graduate of Yale Law School in the photo.....The rest of what I would write would be much less societally acceptable on the path my father took--but it's an all-American story.

 My father in the Yale graduation yearbook grid photo, page 38 bottom row in the middle--handsome boy!

After having graduated high school in Brooklyn at the very top of his class of around 500 students (that was the word I heard from my family)--I was told he was the valedictorian of his graduation as well. Then graduating Cornell with a meritorious Phi Beta Kappa distinction, and then onto Yale--finishing the whole educational path to the very top of American society establishment education by the age of 23.
The rest of his life's journey is another story I would like to be able to write without censorship or blocks, hacks, people stealing ideas or whatever---maybe one day I can be able to have the chance to actually write what I want without hacking and interference and my ideas being stolen because everything I write is under surveillance and it's a free-for-all to steal ideas and block my ability to create or access any form of my own promotional writing or for any career or earning potential.
The rest of what I would write would be much less societally acceptable on the path my father took--but it's an all-American story.
But what a handsome guy at that age! My mother also was very beautiful.
He is listed here on page 38--bottom row in the middle. I see myself reflected in his early years but not how he looked later on--he changed due to having to adapt to certain situations I try to not conform to.
Rest in Peace. I owe him a lot and am in gratitude for those things that he did provide.
I blame the fascist Nazi bigots of America and those who partner with them for all the crimes my family was forced to commit towards me and themselves as well in the name of achieving "The American Dream".

I blame you people who are involved in this sick and disgusting contract. My father may still have been alive today if he had not succumbed to the pressures of this racist group forcing it's sleazy plans upon my family and upon me as well.


What's really sickening to me is that the creeple who teleport me and have direct face-to-face abuse accessibility to me while I am essentially put into a hyperbolic emotional state, not able to get away, not able to stop engaging, not able to formulate responses while my brain is being blocked--these hateful expletives call me all kinds of names like "trash" and that I'm a "nothing" and "bitch" and all kinds of intimations that I must be a free prostitute aka sex slave. When I search their parent's resumes I see that it's actually they who are trashy who rose to the top by ass-kissing and groveling selling out and playing all the games necessary to become as solvent and then salacious as they now are. But they all have access to my profile they know nothing about my background or chose to completely ignore it. My parents are all Ivy-league educated professionals on intellectual and educational levels that these moronic scumbag whores who torture me in order to extract ideas and information from all display absolute stupidity, lowness and ignoramus sleazy sloth on all matters intellectual and emotional maturity.

I'm only chagrined that my parents were forced to have to play into this system and were manipulated into having to do so and then subjugated by the low-life crap that have compressed them into the lower roles that they enforce for the sake of their racist stratification while they are mostly mediocre and unintelligent on levels that their positions require.
I am not posting this today to "show" them anything but it's just another part of the mind control apparatus to quell any competition that the United States had at one time offered and is now in the process of eliminating due to mind control, death squads, poisoning, artificial cancers and suiciding, accidents, and the old-fashioned discriminatory practices but used in more covert fashion now with the same appearance of being "open-minded" and "tolerant". Everyone who wants to have a chance to compete and succeed in the rankings of "minority" status must defer to bigot scumbags in one form or another. For my family it has been inter-marriage with Nazi shit scum people who openly make anti-Semitic jokes and racist slurs in front of my family while they sit silently staring straight ahead (then calling them names behind their backs but only very quietly and then deferring to them once more when they are supposed to behave like minority minions). And so my father I believe died far earlier than he should have and his greedy wife who made all the Nazi jokes and the Jewish slurs kept all the money and etc..the old story. It's another reason why I fight against bigot pig apes trying to force themselves on me (one after the next) for this contract of forcing a baby out of me and then eliminating me afterwards. Never caring, exploitation without end--rotten piece of shit pig apes all and never there is a discrepancy between one piece of shit and their exactitude of following the shitty orders of this pig organization of nazis and bigot Mafia and they are all crap so I just can't--and in one sense, in honor of my father whom I believe was covertly poisoned slowly to death--as they tried to do to me and still are.
so go to Hell you lousy rotten pig ape whores out there reading this who have attacked me. Not a single one of you nor your dirty nasty daddies and mommies are anything close to being as capable, intelligent, beautiful or talented as my family. The tragedy is that I have been physically so assaulted for so many years I can't even function, my body is a total mess and I have no career, home or money and this is the result of my father having worked like that only to have his children be torn down by the emergence of this Nazi and Mafia-driven society that is being taken over by the Europigape filth whom are completely taking over Whorewood and of course that also means society and politics. This is a rant but it is all completely accurate.
how can I say this more clearly--fuck you all and your shit contract out on me. In honor of my father and the beautiful man he was and should have remained his entire life, not having to sell out, bow down and get trampled upon by Nazi whores who poisoned and robbed him and my family (this is a private family drama but its' something I would really love to be able to not be attacked/hacked and stolen from in order to express).


What I wrote above, in ranting rage--is very largely due to the technology blocking critical calm and thinking capability. Typing is very arduous due to hacking. I am not just getting into an enraged state, the purpose of this post is to describe albeit briefly how the American Dream has been rendered obsolete except for those chasing the dream of European identification with Mafia/Nazi orders of established pre-Enlightenment structure. No Jews allowed. If allowed, only as subordinates and they must bow and endure insults, humiliation and also not threaten or challenge the bigot white supremacists in any way, whatsoever. If they do attain higher positions, they have to conform to various subordinate stereotypes (the women must be kind of loud and crude and never extremely beautiful--the men kind of frumpy and not strong or hardy just kind of doormats in general but serving, obeying and then being denigrated without complaint--compliant in all respects to the slights and oppressions of the bigots).

The story I am trying to relate is that if only left with actual equal opportunity someone like my father is capable of achieving his finest and best. What happened in the course of his life was a downhill slide into servicing the enemies of his (and my) race who historically have slaughtered and hosted and created anti-Semitic genocides. My family has been slated to inter-marry with this bunch of ape whores and they are all emulating the historical racism of Europigapeland--and thus all the Americans in this celebrity Whorewood contract defer also kind of like automons towards the hate hissings of the Europigapes--in this case out of London---my case I mean. I only hear stupid and dumb hate phrases coming out of all of the shit coming out of London who teleport me--nothing remotely intellectual, intelligent or superior on any real tangible level. Of course, when it comes to calculating and manipulation and doing figures and "meting out" objectives they have been trained to dominate. No one must have a chance.

My point, once again, being that this elusive "American Dream" had been co-opted by the fascist, Nazi and Mafia-backed terrorist organization which is thrusting out these mind control technologies, death squadron minions (mostly comprised of minorities) and the electronic torture equipment. The US Congress appears to be rife with bigots who fully support all of this action to the fullest extent and approve of it in the form of Pentagon Budget increases year-by-year ostensibly for "Anti-Terrorism" and "Homeland Security" under the PATRIOT ACT and etc etc the justifications and titles of the financial mis-appropriations are undoubtedly endless with acronyms and officially-named pieces of legislation and budget approvals by CONGRESS.
this is how the Europigapes smirk and laugh as the dumb and rotten whores out of Whorewood do their bidding and act like sleazy flops of crap flinging their stink in my direction only because they are promised a new promotion for the next year in a row if they help to enforce these old racist restrictions that are always the prelude to genocide.
My father fully conformed to this system in order to be able to have any reward for all his hard work. His work then became kissing ass of pig ape Mafia and Nazis for his legal work and then getting screwed around by the bigot whores that he married who stole and robbed and made derogatory remarks about him and me and my family and were racist scumbag whores with little or no education. They were just part of the American Nazi/Mafia cartel and THIS is what my family has been obligated to inter-marry with in order to appease the demands of this piece of shit group in all it's dealings and actions.

Friday, March 4, 2022

Rotten old English men teleporting me---rancid in personality are now attacking me--just like the putrid hyena English female who has just "won" an achievement award for bullshit "pro-feminist" Pro-anti-racism pro bullshit award.

These two rotten old men, actors out of England who are now attacking me--responsible I assume for having ordered destruction of my property because I made a little joke about Shakespeare, then this rotten dirty ignoranmus stupid pig who is supposed to be this intellectual because he's more like an accountant schoolteacher in an abusive Charles Dickens novel who must fastidiously abuse anyone who doesn't get into the boxes that he, himself is confined in--with him and his rotten crew of crusty English only "supposed" to be on top and superior. Of course in emerging fascist and Nazi racist America this is so wholly and fully embraced that it's nothing short of a Paradise colony for English Imperialism at this point in time--America that is. Without the complicity of Americans this group of dumb-as-shit shithole asinine scum would have have been allowed to get away with these endless crimes against me--but they are the "role-models" that are "training" the American actors and so, they are treated with this kind of reverence. I am being abused by politicians for fighting for any civil and US Constitutional Rights that these fuckers are ALL destroying in this systematic covert fashion. But all of them are the loudest shouters of "Freedom" in the helliverse that they are being paid and promoted to distort into a fashionable bullshit self-destruction.


The ONE AND ONLY role this ugly rotten English piece of shit has ever played that was exemplary was when a Jewish director instructed him on how to be more sensitive and artistic. The other roles I have seen of him, including his coveted Shakes play for a movie directed by another openly fascist Nazi English bigot fuckhead shithole (with his rotten "partner" or former wife) he was stiff, boring and meaningless as an actor and in every subsequent role he has ever played where I was forced to watch him as a kind of supporting actor the role of blank and empty, stiff and meaningless authoritarian type of "leader" has just blanked out the impact of the movie. I came to the conclusion that he had been bought out by "fame and money" but perhaps he too is a mind control victim? I think many people are and they have no clue that they are. But I had to remind him of this but I was very "nice" about it while being very angry--I am putting this in a more angry and direct way at this point because I know this rotten disgusting ugly old man has ordered this--or just ordered destruction of my property--they are focusing on poisoning my sponges for cleaning pots and cookery and my one and only cooking appliance which I just bought this week--which was beautiful and clean now it's like the old thing I had to throw away which was saturated with stinking substances and metal-deteriorating chemicals so repeatedly that after less than one year it was stinking and deteriorating rotting hunk of metal and stinking pot. The heating element still worked though. I had to throw it away, buying a brand new beautiful item that now is rotten and brown stained the metal is gritty from having been deteriorated and the cooking pot has scratches on the bottom--it was perfect, shiny like bright and clear just two days ago--the mechanical arms went into my room while I was sleeping and destroyed my property instead of the scumbag pigs who ravage my room whenever I leave. 

I have had to open my patio sliding door by now I am being killed by having to close it and get no fresh air to try to stop from being raped by people breaking into my room---not just raped but my fingers and toes have been cut into even by mechanical arms--my hair has been mostly chemically blasted out of the scalp the hair follicles in my arm pits and on my scalp won't grow back--huge balding spots are covering the crown of my head--the hair won't grow back at all. They put my hips and spine out of place--cutting into the skin between my toes--all of this every single day for YEARS AND YEARS. I would close all windows and doors and tape them shut just to try to SAVE MY LIFE.

But now I am keeping the patio door open because I am now dying from toxic poison inhalation adn I have to stop this closing of all fresh air. My body has completely broken down just from breathing in the fungus and stinking filth that is sprayed into my room on all furniture and clothing repeatedly--and for years.

But now another piece of rotten shit from England is latching on as the typical parasite--first with his male English partner--asking questions as if they are "friendly" and interested-then upon gaining whatever ideas they want to steal for their stale and boring mediocrity productions lacking all originality--but because they have played roles of Emperors out of Rome and Shakespeare they are supposed to be some elite father figures upon whom all must bow--especially if they are not blonde bigots out of Europigapeland of fascist Nazism. 

He began yelling at me when I just said blithely, "Billy Boy Shakespeare, Jr." as a little witticism (at least to me) and the yelling began. It turned into me after 5 minutes telling him to finally stop, then after another 10 minutes of this yapping disgusting old man going on and on with me yelling about how they call what I write and say "stupid" until Nazis steal it for their own boring productions, which brought him to yelling about something and other things but I could not hear that piece of shit and what bullshit it had to say I kept telling it to shut the fuck up already and began hitting him and it just went on and on,. Now this immature and dumb rotten ugly old man has ordered this kind of destruction of my property because I am reacting to not being able to stop engaging in these pigs when they teleport me, as they abuse and insult and torture me--defending every rapist and attempted murdering bigot who are all their good friends. 

My country remaining doing absolutely NOTHING to stop them, despite AOC, Pelosi, Kinzinger, and another member of the J-6 committee Raskin who asked me if I thought his son was murdered via being "suicided". I said "It is likely" and then he asked me if I thought it was because he is "Jewish" and I said "Undoubtedly". To which he and Kinzinger, the great "defenders" of Democracy began to join in with the abuser actors and since then (maybe three weeks ago or a month this happened) I have been confronted by a new batch of shit from England the attacks have not stopped and they have all gotten their advancements from whatever sick organization hosts this group of parasitic hosts. as I deem them to be.

That is just the last year since Biden took office. For 4 years it was Trump and his family and then the actors who were given carte blancy by Trump, but under Biden there was violent rape, death threats, and the endless destruction of the ONE SINGLE COOKING appliance I can afford to buy--plus I have no room for anything else. 


The hacking and the mind control is very awful as I fight to pound this out--the keyboard is made stiff, I am fighting to backspace constantly as functions won't work. Pages are popping up as I write, blocking the writing, etc. Terrorist hackers are deleting parts of sentences after I write.

EIGHT YEARS of writing these posts only to have more politicians and more pieces of s hit from Europe--England in this case--but they are all disgusting these Europigape scumbag whores--the ones here in Phuket it's disgusting having to be forced to deal with the filth and sh it that they throw at me constantly as if this is what I am and not them. It's they who are disgusting filthy dirty and stupid dumb whores.


They (these rotten English "actor" ape creeps--great in roles that expired decades ago--now corrupted and rotten like the rest of their brood and ilk)--also ordered my body to be attacked--there are welts on my chest, huge puffed up areas where something made the skin swell up. Nightly my body is cut into, bruised, doused with damaging chemicals or otherwise (much worse if the terrorists had physical access to my body instead of mechanical arms the minions use in lieu of the actors who are as fou l and violent as any terrorist--as the US Government is a terrorist organization--. 

AGAIN I reassert that I have done NONE OF THEM any harm. They tried to murder me and havn't stopped slowly murdering me once I began to detox and over 10 years later, going on 11, I am still detoxing from the poison these same English scum ordered put in my body (the actors in question maybe not, but their Monarchist benefactor who has gone after this contract out on me since 1987--this most disgusting parasite this most foul pestilence endlessly attacking me for decades now--and they all assert that they have every single "right" to do whatever the fuck they want to me and my government and country fully support them and leave me writing as people laugh about my posts and mock and make fun of them. I have to face either the foul creeps who I have done no harm to, but they support years and decades of unjustified violence against me due to this technology--all so their wilting careers can, like the rotten dumb mirrage whore who they are good buddies with alongside the rotten pig ape scumbag who is the connection to English Monarchy to whom they owe this immediate promotional and never-ending series of deals, contracts and awards for doing SHIT--meaning NOTHING. And not talented not any longer if they ever were at one point in the decades that are long gone--and only due to one Jewish director in the case of the two men in question--and I am not stating that only "Jewish" people are top quality directors but in this instance it in volved a barb aimed at the Roman Empire to which Jews are not fixedly in awe of if they know their history at all. 


Taking the p-out of Rome, in other words, the Jewish director extracted the very best out of these actors--and then the rest is a puffed up puppet spewing out stale and empty lines posturing and now glorified in the Shakespeare cult of self-importance and posturing elitism lacking substance in ensuing roles--even in Shakespeare adaptations.


So it is sickening. I now have to face yet another pair out of years of one after th enext, coming at me in pairs and going after me to break my body and spirit while Governments come and go and the Presidents just join in the complicity and silencing and it goes on forever. the current US President is connected to the former, former participant and so the silnecing must be a total endless series of leaders lacking leadership. If and when a Repub Prez comes into office who has no connection to any of the above-mentioned, they will have to protect Trump and of course their foreign Dark Money donors. The rest of the helliverse who knows about this has to "protect" their security and the status of their endless rotation of top roles.


It is thus incumbent upon anyone who is concerned about the real state of the nation and of national sovereignty and the special characteristics of what The United States has offered to the world; that there are opportunities, that centuries of slavery and racism need to be abolished. And the silencing and lies of this hate "gang stalking" system needs to be shattered and it needs to be stopped. For so many people's sake. 


And whatever hate and hell series of "skits' that are going to be imposed upon me, as has been the nightly case for over a decade with these psycho scumbag "leaders" who are lacking all leadership but full of posturing--

I find that ignoring them is impossible. I need a support system and a safe place to live that is beautiful and happy without the ugliness and sickness of these energy parasitic filth whores to infect my life and property and my life's chances. won't anyone ever get involved and stop this group of f-ing shit?


IT is disgusting: one rotten scumbag whore pig ape male after the next having me drugged, then using the mind control to force a certain druggy reaction of immediate gratification--then acting like a pig and whore towards me while I am loving, kind, passionate and very beautiful towards worthless pig whore apes--then I was "dumped" by them for a very long time until I began to dump them quickly--then I began to be harassed, followed, the police assisting in the men stalking me--I tried to go to court for protection I was lied to by government and city clerks about restraining orders--then I became absolutely celibate and then the teleportation rape began and didn't end for years--with ugly rotten men I thought were putrid and disgusting like the English pig ape whom all these rotten English pieces of shit are "defending" by doing almost the same things with the same attitude: they can do whatever the fuck they want to me and no one is going to give a damn or help me. Endlessly supported by politicians now who also are vying for political promotions in this obviously English-controlled contract out of the Crown (and from other places, but I am not certain which other fascist Imperialist places this contract really originates from at this point).

So I have rotten foul skank whore women with English backgrounds, or their mothers are English, or they come from an English colony but are slightly "independent" (Australia and Canada--the skank whore in question out of Canada is a male but with English partners/women of course connected to all the skank whores out of London who have viciously attacked me and of course their Aussie surrogates for English Imperialism).

I am writing in a most cursing mode--but it's just another disgusting pair of parasites attacking me to "defend" the rotten and ugly disgusting old woman, seemingly so vital to the connection between The Crown and the acting scumbag subordinates of The Crown. Thusly they are attacking like a pack of cards flying at me in group formation with absolute hate. This is all due to first the male from 1987 who I avoided who was stalking me when I lived briefly in Chelsea. I can state that when I avoided him instead of jumping into his snare, it seems like the whole of London attacked me for him. That is how dedicated England and Londoners are in retaining their aristocracy and the caste system. 

Since 1987 I believe this man has monitored my life in order to ensure that I was physically broken down by poisoning. I was mind controlled when I tried to find his contact information in a last ditch desperation to find health care which I had tried for YEARS to obtain in the United States. I knew that something was horribly wrong but was too drugged up to begin to understand or comprehend how seriously sick American society really is. 

I was being poisoned to death. I was urged to contact him in a mind control operation that he hasn't stopped exploiting for endless profit since 2008 (in a direct manner, as opposed to monitoring the death progress of his American minions who will do anything they are told, like all the minions and all the people involved in this attack situation).

years of him having me poisoned with intention of murdering me and raping me the entire time. Then taking turns with the Italian mafia creep who I had turned to for help because this foul scumbag was obviously going to do nothing and I still, at that time, had zero concept of what was happening to me. The connection between these people is a nebulous parasite connection that is beyond the conception of anyone who has not been teleported or forced into these mind control trap situations. 

But to make this shorter--by 2013 I was aware of what he was doing and so finally, after asking him to stop teleporting and raping me while he was still having me poisoned, when I saw my ideas sold off to Europigape men in the film industry--verbatim words, concepts and I know that only this rotten English pig scum had access to my information on that level--and obviously so did his Europigape fascist peers who he either sold the concepts to--or rented them out as some of the ideas appeared in more than one production.


I was just being poisoned to death and my money is still being stolen--now by the destruction of my property at a pace that is sucking out what meagre amount of money I obtain which is below sub-poverty.


But in 2016, the vulture parasitic skank with the title of Dumb Whoren Mirrage (my "silly" name--just affix the English titles to it, which in themselves confer probably far too much to scoundrels anyway)

on and on since then, she and her buddy from Ireland haven't stopped profitting off this--and now like the man responsible for having handed out this contract which has been his gigantic leap into the film industry (he began production of the movie he wrote the anti-Semitic, anti-American "art" theme on--all due to this contract out on me

and now they are determined to abuse and "beat" it into me that they are entitled to doing this to me with no repercussions or blocks or admonitions from anybody but instead applause, money, profit and promotions.


Is everyone fully immersed in this shit cultural facade that these scumbags are beyond law and entitled to murder and rape and theft when they are blank hateful scumbag whores in reality but posturing bullshit con artists for the public domain?

while I get no chance at anything I am left here with threats of all kinds and sickness I am still battling with as they block health care and continue to abuse me so my body can't heal? When will this ever be stopped?

Goddamn this incompetent government of the United States. //More terrorist destruction of my property-=-brand new appliance I bought this week is now partially damaged after terrorists poured deteriorating chemicals on the metal plate.

 **Upon having re-read part of this post: (also while trying to scroll and rewrite hackers are blocking key functions, blocking scrolling of the cursor, blocking highlighting, etc....)  Hackers of course went through and deleted parts of words and added confusing add-ons and deleted grammar and etc....I can't go through the whole thing and rewrite constantly so I leave it as is, as usual but it's a mess to read and get through in parts:

I cleaned it until it was a shiny surface without a spot. Just now I opened the box and there is the gritty powder that has stained the once extremely clean and unspoiled surface. There is grit and brown stains the entire plate has deteriorated from chemicals put onto it's surface. The pot that is placed on top and inside this pressure cooker, brand new, is now stained with parts of the bottom scraped off. The terrorists have destroyed my last pressure cooker/rice cooker which is far above the lower range price and quality which they have just turned my brand new expensive--I can't afford to constantly replace these items--it's now partially ruined. This makes the entire cookware stink from rusted metal and this permeates into the food The stains are now permanent and nothing I do will get this out. It is completely artificially made and created, laboratory permanently staining and deteriorating stuff. The millionaires and billionaires who steal my ideas after torturing concepts out of me, blocking my capacity to write, think and have my own career, have been attacking me for over a decade and stealing ideas for a decade--lead by this English contigent which has proven to be absolutely fascist and racist--but supported by the politicians who have participated in this attack adn this technology--adn thus this is never stopped. . 

The disgusting, foul, sleazy and ultimately stupid pig apes out of Europigapland and their American counterparts--this is the sick and rotten crap they are getting away with under full support and additional attacks upon me by leading American politicians of BOTH PARTIES this is not a partisan terrorist organization. 

It is disgusting but no on can be bothered to get involved and for over a decade I have written posts and asked people for help or support. It is cooking appliance--one after the next--that is saturated with these stinking and deteriorating chemicals so I can never have a clean and nice cooking area or place or appliance or utensil. Every metal object is coated with a stinking deteriorating chemical so it stinks upon touch and this never goes away--the chemicals deteriorate the surface coating of the utensil or appliance. The plastic items I get are stained brown and scratched by terrorists so everything looks old, droopy, scratched up, stinking (they also put permanently stinking substances into the plastic, which are completely clean after I clean them).l

When anyone can ever get past the racist concept that only blonde and Nazi women are not supposed to be abused can I ever get any support--but so far this is a completely racist organization with no one ever stepping forward (forget about all the "activists" on this planet who are fighting for their own race or friends --including Jews of course, the group which I am supposed to represent which the "real" "jew" who practice the religion but are subservient and don't want to "make waves' and are terrified but can only do a little but then subsude into the background--thus there is this huge vacuum of people who can't do anything and then the rest are so programmed to only "care" about blonde or dyed blonde bigots of this global organization. That is what I am thinking today after having watched a political discourse on YouTube about how all the genocides are irrelevant in terms of real concern for the oppressed populations when it comes to the murders and bombings (i.e. Yemen, Afghanistan) but the concern is high for the pseudo-European "white" population of Ukraine--and how racist the Poles have been at border checkpoints in only allowing whites into the country as they are fleeing the bombing--while Africans and other dark-skinned are being blocked from entering the neighboring countries. I thought of how this relates to my situation and for today that is what I am coming up with. Although I know this isn't the only truth it surely feels like it when I see these movies made by the Nazi rapist women who steal ideas from me to make out that they are "feminist" and the concern of the audience when they are subjected to oppression by  men, but the silence when I say the things that have been stolen by the rapist-enabler Nazi women which is met with hostility and silencing and no support. They win awards for it, I get nothing and just more and more.

But now my brand new cooking appliance has been essentially ruined and is now stinking after two uses. 

The stinking pig whores out of England and America and Germany and Austria and France--and the politicians of America who welcome them in to bring into MY country their brand of fascism and Nazis and destruction of my body (still deformed, my hair mostly gone, balding, scars are all over my body, broken bones, etc) and this is STILL going on and on with years of me writing about torture and violence--years of asking for help--and years of the whore skank pig whore apes stealing ideas I have written about justice, freedom feminism, domestic violence and politics and art all stolen by them, often verbatim. They are reveling in the awards they obtained from what they stole from me and their ascension due to participation in hate and racist contract, I remain as a  kind of circus attraction for the hackers and people reading this as a kind of joke and testament to how wide-spread the apathy and ignorance and mind control has already spread that no one can give a damn about what is happening and going on--even when it relates to politcs at the highest level everyone just does no thing and can't give a damn really.

They keep it a silent secret they lie about how much they care. 

I want these rotten whore pig apes to be pried off teleporting me and for this to be stopped after a decade of their violecne, destruction and torture. When will anyone ever not be a fucking do-nothing fucker reading my posts and doing nothing?

Goddamn this incompetent government of the United States. 

Mind/Social Control versus self-mastery. One of the oldest aspirations of human beings in (at least some Eastern religious and philosophical realms of) history: controlling one's own mind. I have one of the most important duties, tasks and obligations to my evolution as a human being as yet another monumental obstacle in this mind control helliverse that is their hell and not mine. To shrug off the inflicted weight of the misery of others and not allow it to envelope my own personality, thought structure but in particular, not to engage while in the teleported, drugged-up, under torture conditions hell that is inflicted upon me so what I consider to be dubious quality personalities can get automatic promotions to top tiers of the subordinate power level structure controlling the Helliverse that they all have foisted upon the world in a kind of cloud-computing mind control operation. . The real drama is internal in controlling my own mind, despite drugging, violence and mind control technologies forcing unwanted parasites into my personal mental and spiritual and physical domain space (every day, every minute with zero blocks or inhibitions it appears from authority sources or societal moral obligation or law enforcement in particular). The control of the mind is one of the last frontiers of modernity. So far, individuality appears to be losing and mass control is the norm that is never revealed so it's misunderstood and blatantly accepted as "not happening to me, and if it is, I'm comfortable with it and who cares?".

 *Hacker terrorists have altered the writing of this post--pls take note**

The real point is not in helping another expletive power-seeking parasite to obtain more promotions out of this contract of mind control hate inflicted upon me. The rationale of all of the attackers is any single iota of anything I say or do that is slightly not in line with bowing obsequiously to the acting, movies, plots, politics, demands, sexual immediate gratification, their white supremacy or the minions of "darker" hue who also are a part of this scheme: if I say or do any single thing, no matter how trivial, they use this as any justification for endless verbal and physical attacks. I respond immediately with the lower level energy defense because mostly this is over a decade of zero defense for me and endless awards and promotions for all who attack. The line-up is endless and the rotation (again, in the last few months, English out of England are flocking in to attack me to defend the putridity that assaulted me last month--which has just won another top "lifetime" award and I have no doubts that her genocidal Nazi rhetoric and violence along with her Irish thug boyfriend/actor had almost everything to do with both her nomination to that supposed award for benevolent posturing in movies, and also having been handed this opportunity for more accolades according to the racist, bigot, systematically oppressive media conglomerate which also has more than  a HUGE influence on the political structure of the United States Government. As far as I have been privy to see how this operates operates through all these years of being transferred from one undesirable who then "wins" contracts and awards to the next undesirable who then gets his/her undeserved share of the loot.

Not wanting, thusly, to help yet another expletive who has just joined in, a relative new-comer although he's been in the background for all these many years of this celebrity circus of hate and "mind control"--

I will just recap the silly but sinister sequence of events that turned from a slight joke on my part, just like a light-hearted glib statement which was turned into a deadly yelling match by this English bigot, racist sexist who has, like all of them, latched onto any sentence, thought or idea I make while under this endless system of duress, threat and hate and violence--ostensibly it's all out of racism because I am not a blonde Nazi or it's brown-haired (lower ranking but still) equivalent---it's ALL completely out of racism.


It's not a pair of "'Spring chickens" now attacking me but senior actors out of England--meaning of the Sept-or Octogenarian age range--70's or 80's with ample experience in all the various shifts of public opinion and "liberal"-to-"conservative" shifts in the public paradigms, for which the actors all adapt and change in accordance (or fake it, mostly on the "liberal" end of the one-sided see-saw, which just remains unbalanced on the ground level of the base of operations into fascist and Nazi/Mafia territory--the bottom line of course $$$ and the easiest ways of acquiring and consolidating money and power.)


I had made a reference to Heathcliff--that "brown-skinned" character in Wuthering Heights. In my drugged up, nascent waking or sleeping state (I'm always inbetween both when they really begin the interrogation for ideas, to try to abuse me into compliance to bowing down to them and doing what they want without question--which is agreeing to my own destruction so they can exploit me and get a thrill from raping poison into my body and poisoning and abusing me to death with my consent--and this is exactly what the contract is and what the intention of this contract is.)


I had said that the author was Jane Austin--I had clumped my Sophmore year of college and it's English lit class into the female "romance" novel compartment as all kind of being Jane Austin in theme. However, the real author is one of the Bronte sisters. I was informed of this the next day by these fastidious English actors who are vying for their own next huge explosion into the field just as their partner, this older woman who for years has obtained every kind of notice in red carpet for "senior" women freshly plastic-coated with every kind of role and etc--absolutely enhanced after the violent and disgusting rape by her partner the Irish thug (the "famous" actor). Thus, after years of probably waiting for "their turn" they are now inflicting every kind of ridiculous justification for endless violence upon me (at least verbally and now more disgusting attacks on my property with stinking filth poured into my eating utensils and property).


But I was admonished for not "remembering" the exact authoress of this book. I made reference to Heathcliff because one of them asked me if I wanted to live in some small English town. I guess that meant as his "slave" in this small English town. My experience with English out of London is of absolute xenophobia, racism and stupidity of a most immature level of dumbness out of supposedly some of the most intelligent acting skills that country has produced in decades (as they keep on being put into lead categories for movies and films). I have been subjected to English hissing hate and racism at me here in Phuket in such ugly and sinister rotten ways that the mere concept of (being forced to) live in some small town in England could only evince some vision of this novel involving an immigrant "brown-skinned" child brought to this small English town and then lambasted throughout the rest of his life with ostracization and abuse from the locals (and the adopted family). Much of the abuse and verbal hate and violence I think Bronte left out and only left it that he was slighted--I can assure anyone that English society is probably more tame now in terms of racist violence than it was during Bronte's time. But I could only think of that character in that short amount of time while talking (about one second) and then when they asked me who had been the author I countered (with memory and my brain functioning being hindered greatly by this brain-altering tech) I only could remember Austin--because to me she is just one of a group of "romance" novelists with basically similar themes and I bunch them all up when I have not read them for probably 40 years--and essentially don't give a damn either because it's kind of boring and I already know about the subjects, topics and it's not very exciting. The opportunities that women were supposed to only have and the narrow range is essentially trite and boring and these novels are one step briefly above pulp fiction.


But using that as any incentive the dude from England--a nit-picking abuser as it turns out--began to castigate me on not remembering the exact name. I then made a joke, (to me it was a light-hearted distraction from his hate-themed attack, as his goal is and was to attack me for any single thing possible he could pluck out of any conversation while my brain is under attack and I am teleported, sleeping and etc--a condition which is almost impossible for anyone to be circumvent in).

I then made a little "joke" about Shakespeare, saying, "Oh yeah, Billy Bob Shakespeare, Junior" just making a little silly joke on names. 


That began yelling, violence, threats of violence, that I am so stupid and etc. I began to yell at this P$$ck that what you call "stupid" by me is then stolen so a blonde or bigot Nazi like you can steal the idea and then it's called incredible and they make money off it. That began a fight that ended with me as usual screaming in hate because this creep went on and on and on and on attacking me. 


Now, that is just the norm for all the actors. Their GOAL is to find any slight or smallest "Justification" to abuse or attack me. Unless I just say "yes" unconditionally and what the crap they come out with and their brainwashing Nazi/Mafia material (and politics and the lies and deceptions and exploitations of the population) that what they do and say is just wonderful by automatic assumption without questioning--another one of the MAIN GOALS of the brainwashing mind control apparatus--with or without the mind control technology, drugging and adjacent torture that accompanies or just outright covert MURDER AND ASSASSINATION of those who don't agree and pose a "threat" on any level.


Back to my original point above. The crudity and stupidity of this tit-for-tat with someone whose abilities, personality and allegiances is essentially worthless to me on every single level--and the endless cycle of these attacks has been that when I react to them they obtain a promotion. If they merely engage in attacking me using these drugs and technologies they obtain a free promotion ANYWAY. But if I write in hate and rage at their rape, torture, violence, poisoning, attempted murder, the violence they all can't wait to inflict upon me that they do without any reason, justification on any real level--but for the smallest reasons possible because it's all they need--for their promotional purposes.


I am writing about it now but not making direct reference or even veiled hints as to who this person is. The people involved in the more inner circles of this terrorist operation know exactly who these men are--

as for the others--I have to emphasize that just recently seeing the woman of their peer group who has most viciously attacked me in every way possible and been handed another huge undeserved award--her every movie for many years has been of her fighting against racism, sexism and of rape culture and etc (or public appearance and "charity" bs posturing for publicity).

Just winning this very media-circus acclaimed "lifetime" award and seeing this rotten hyena of a putrid and rotten bigot skank being thus awarded, my writing of her violence IGNORED en masse by both politicians and celebrities alike who also are vying for their own promotions out of this seemingly English Monarchy promotional ladder of terror system.

I am LOATHE to help more of them get another rung up on this same ladder.


My only thought is that the targeting of me is out of racism because I was born with a slightly darker complexion and have dark brown hair--brown eyes and my family comes from a race that has been attacked for thousands of years and genocide is a common theme to oppress, control and manipulate those who remain alive. One of the goals of this foreign legion of Legion (Biblically-speaking) is to eliminate the Jews from the United States power structure--or that is how I view their operation due to the expressed anti-Semitism of one of the men who has been part of this who wrote a book of fiction that expresses (in the book) the Nazi blueprint for elimination/extermination. The others are just following the rhetorical path of metaphorical breadcrumbs.


SINCRE NO ONE WILL EVER DO ANYTHING about them or this situation, because I am not a blonde Nazi whore skank who they all drool in sexual devotion to and who wants to also rise up in status by becoming a rapist enabler or rapist herself--as I am not of this group--and since racism is the most overt and covert them of this planet and the victims are held in silence, unaccounted for, discriminated against, slated for extermination in all these planetary genocides and wars with white cultures remaining dominant and the movies about them going to "help" are just props in the otherwise political spectrum of the 4th Reich emerging out of the chaos that they are all fully supporting. My targeting is just one component that is being championed because it will entail a much easier transition from any "equal opportunity" disguise into overt fascist authoritarianism--and coming soon like the movies that never stop putting the same fascist Nazi enablers who are also rape and hate racist enablers into lead positions.


It is incumbent upon me to find a way to not react to them on any level, whether under drugging or sleeping or in a waking state. The technology acts like a clinging parasites upon my psyche and I can't block them out or not react. This is far different from being in 3D space with people who are disgusting and you don't want contact with. It's like you detest the parasitic creeps and you have a chance to yell hate at them and it's a kind of alleviation of the stress. In effect it only enhances their status and weakens you. If there were an audience which could find that the rational and the words you use are actually true and it would help shift public opinion against them, it would be beneficial but this is always the case of sleazy and parasitic liars who operate these technologies and their aim is genocidal extermination and control and completely monopolies of country, politics and media.


I have some books someone sent me on mind programming but I am always too ill from the non-stop drugging to read them and have been for years. The drugging remains non-stop and constant just for the purpose of keeping me mentally and emotionally unbalanced and not able to formulate a stable response to endless thrusting and shoving at my personality in order to push me into various hate and rage states so I get immersed in worthless arguments with people who are intent on keeping me in this state. They go off laughing and obtaining these undeserved awards and promotions and most of them NEVER stop attacking me for YEARS AND YEARS.


How can I do this alone, without companionship of any kind, surrounded by hostile people who have been cutting parts of my body out while I sleep and who poison and drug me according to the commands they are told and abuse and attack me whenever possible--laughing about it afterward?

how can I achieve a state of balance while being drugged nightly by skin patches put on my skin by the mechanical arms I can't stop from penetrating into my room. It will require a monumental effort on my part. Oh of course, with NO ONE protecting me because you are all only supposed to "care" about blonde women or men being attacked (or their brown-haired but blue or green-eyed equivalent--many of these dye their hair blonde anyway). You "can't" care and the media is rife with these distinctions and categories which keep this limited list of who in society should be cared about and who is left to be discarded in the larger extermination policies and politics.


I thus must find some way to do what seems to be the impossible. I can't "ignore" them but I must try. Not wanting to name the disgusting scumbag attackers by name any longer, as it only means that this Nazi/Mafia group which is essentially turning the entire planet into a shithole--but of course, everyone keeps them in power--but how to "ignore' the creeps when they attack me because mentioning them by name means they obviously get highest awards and contracts. Reacting in any way also entails they obtain a free new promotion of some kind. The promotions for the lower level minions who attack me in stores is something like free groceries if they block my path or attack me. Trust me, the money flowing into this mind control operation is endless and it's flowing continuously.


Thus: not reacting when they are drugging me, teleporting me while I am asleep, insulting any single thing possible and when I react by making a slight joke such as "Billy Boy Shakespeare, Jr" will mean vicious yelling insults, hate, threats of violence, abuse that goes on and on I think he went on for half an hour. It was a yelling match then because they are so disgusting to me and all their tactics of sucking ideas and information out of me through this kind of violence and then claiming all they steal from me as their own concept and idea--then laughing and putting their awards on my social media like a stream of endless jabs at me--on pages I have never subscribed to or watched or care about and I never input the person or information so no algorithm search would produce such videos or information. All hacked of course.


But that is the type of "justification" used by these terrorists. Beforehand, as I just wrote, they ensure that I am drugged, while sleeping teleported, after more than a DECADE of non-stop rape and torture every single night I am teleported to mostly homeless situations with creeps surrounding me and doing sick and stupid dumb things--all being awarded and paid for it while my money is blocked and threatened with being cut off for reacting to this stupid and sick bullshit--and then the parasites get promoted for me reacting. They go on and on attacking me until I do react. The rotten vulture English woman who just won this top award has been part of this torture of me for over EIGHT YEARS and I tried my best not to react to her or her Irish Thug rapist boyfriend. I wrote one post or a few YEARS ago about how she has participated in this and my writing was a bit sarcastic (meaning just a little bit, not a lot). YEARS later as her attempt to obtain this "Lifetime" award by the fascist Nazi conglomerate media structure I think was offering to hand her if she would once more participate openly in this closed torture circuit--to attack me--which I reacted to in disgust because she is a disgusting rotten and odious personality. The English "wealthy" of this rotten and odious group, those who have participated but have been in the background and etc--ever since last month (or 6 weeks ago) have come rushing at me like a rotating rotten circus act of famous expletive shitbags, one after the next, with the most stupid and disgusting statements that really belie the myth that if they make or quote Shakespeare, as they are all really in a cult of Shakespeare as identification with "top quality acting"--but it's just a cult--and supposedly they are also supposed to be of top quality if they can quote or play a Shakespeare role. I find that not to be true in the reality of great acting or film. But in a sense this man was attacking me for not bowing like the lowest rank of a pseudo-religious cult praying to Shakespeare as the symbol of English might, power and competence and of his identification thereof (he has played Shakes' roles in some movies). I think all the famous English attackers have all played on one or another Shakes' movies, adapted and I can't say I think of their acting as being great even in a Shake's adaptation. Of course, one who is only collaterally involved but not directly who played the lead in Titus was excellent in that role but not in King Lear (nor the expletive outright Nazi-statement-making skank who played alongside him in that film who attacked me along with her nasty former husband or partner--all up for awards this season---or next season.)

...And I never wanted to make a direct reference to them or even indirect. 

But this kind of narrow-minded simplicity and stupidity is what has been ordained to control American movie and film production, which in turn also controls largely American political nominations and the power structure. 

How can I begin to prove that last statement if my every post I write that is critical or realistic or open is met with threats, violence, death threats, accidents, my money being cut off, and no one ever, for years ever not once coming to defend me? 


So I must do what I can but I don't know if this is possible. How to not engage with these parasitic leeches? I don't know. There are libraries full of Eastern Philosophy and religion on this topic of non-engagement and of stoicism and of non-involvement in evil and worthless arguments and people. 

Yet the technology adheres to my brain like another parasite, and my vision literally is restricted to a narrow field of vision. I can't "get away" from them while in this state. I have tried on many occasions to get away from the attackers and they follow me around. I stumble like a semi-blind person which is what I am in that state. My brain is forced "open" like a cracked egg shell and I can't contain my emotions or ideas. I try to remain silent and I can't. 

This is probably the most difficult life lesson for any human being to be able to confront and control and succeed. I would like to view this like a champion and say that if I "will" it I can achieve it. However, I have found and discovered to my dismay that the force of personal Willpower does not override the electrical force of the technology. Imagine if you will that you are being electrocuted slightly and you try to use your force of "will" to overcome the electrical pulses shocking your body. Can you overcome that by force of will?

Wednesday, March 2, 2022

I cannot speak with political correctness when someone is making physically violent gestures towards me, especially while I am in a dazed, teleported and nascent waking state. That is what happened to me this morning early just as I awoke and the usual hate operation of trying to destroy me in every way once more, for the next day in a row after year after year and year of it going on day after day--once more, threatened with violence by Bad Brad your swaggering psychopath representative of white male privilege and supremacy--always glibly getting away with crime in movies and being touted as a sex symbol "entitled" to this kind of "above the law" sex appeal (which translates into trickling down into white supremacy in general and then into actual and real violence out in the "real world").

"Top 10 Brad Pitt Movies".  CommuniTv. November 30, 2020.

 ---------But from years of me being tortured and my ideas stolen by his dumb expletive former wife, his current partner in this endless crime--I am ranting in hate and trying to pry them off of me they never stop trying to exploit and destroy and rob and steal from me in order to accentuate their psychopathic white supremacist (sans the various other "races" that constantly surround them, it's just a prop in order to appeal to "liberals"). But he has this expectation that is not great that he and his crew have every right and entitlement to YEARS of torturing, raping, stealing my concepts, having me raped in real life by the terrorists in the places next to where I live as they break in while I am being teleported--my body mutilated animals I love killed and stolen from me (my most cherished cat La Moux--my family what is left of what I had as personal contact with any single thing--and everything else they have stolen or killed even animals in the back natural area where I live which I feed and observe and make contact with they kill or take away). But...he's been handed roles portraying him as a criminal with glib and swagger and "sex appeal" and it just hits the fanbase like a bomb--but in reality it's blowing away concepts hitherto known as "Democracy".

But, he came at me with hate and threats of physical violence telling me he could "kick my ass" after years of torture and violence using these gang stalking goons--I tried to punch him and strangle him and began yelling things and so one sentence came out blurted out--which I could not speak lightly in that state nor clarify it completely--. The sentence I said was, (sort of paraphrasing, not the exact words but very close), "Let good actors IN and GET OUT."

That stopped his initial attack. He looked "hurt" by it or angry but it abated his endless gesturing and getting "in my face" with threats of beating me up--I also told him I hope he dies and I mean it after years of this torture. My recent explosions of rage via internet (my blog and Facebook) posts in the last week is the accumulated effect of after more than 8 years of this group having parts my body mutilated and my home turned into a slow murder operation of toxic shock poisoning and drugging and violence--he has been told so endlessly and through these roles that he is of the top quality and without any legal restraints if the crimes committed are against me--in the racist light of "why" they believe this, the English have clarified it completely with their endless Holocaust references (and Americans who direct people like Bad Boy Brad have also replicated this) and genocidal references to gassing and killing Jews. They are told they have every right to slowly murder me after years of rape--poisoning was attempted, I called the people who handed this contract out to this group of actors a pig after years of his violence and attempted murder---which he has been told by English Monarchy as a white supremacist covert Nazi he is absolutely entitled to. The American government has likewise handed all of them these covertly expressed "rights" and most viciously by the Speaker of the House who threatened to have me killed because the Austrian who used very obvious Nazi statements towards me was chagrined when I began calling him a piece of shit--as I think of them all. My reasons are based on reality theirs are based on a white supremacy (fallacious) mythology which they are trying in a global system to re-create as Law and not as covert orchestrated acts of terrorism and murder and assassination and geopolitical acts of genocide and then resulting Austerity Measures so money is endlessly transferred to the 4th Reich through these nefarious means. They are using the actors to create a New Nazi era of Mafia-backed hegemony--but very few people seem to care and it is never stopped. I am fighting that "good fight" but no one will endorse me or join in this cause, they just remain apathetic and continuing to champion these actors, also the black actors some are extremely viciously pro white supremacy and they are being handed top awards just the last few days for their "activism" to help "Black men" rise up in the film industry--and supposedly in society as well. It is all part of a huge deception and ruse. But since I have been so discredited I am not taken seriously by anyone it seems and the situation is never stopped and that means that people really want a system of white supremacy with minority minions playing the roles of supporting the bigots in a comfortable apathy. As long as other people are getting killed and destroyed, that is.
He IS a good actor and sometimes great at what he does *for the swaggering criminal psychopath that he plays often--for the particular iconic character he is slotted to represent in the pantheon of characters who represent a certain paradigm that is being conditioned into the minds of the viewers--but in the context of this contract out on me and their endless attempts to thwart, destroy and break my body and spirit and mind in order to prove they are successfully utilizing the mind control tech to BREAK and destroy competition who "they" don't want to have representation (in any aspect for anything--silenced, if a female raped if they are not "good" and supplicating enuf and willing to be raped endlessly for male domination and pleasure especially in that H-wood business).
I want OPPORTUNITIES for other actors and not a monopoly. I cannot speak clearly in the teleported and drugged up/brain-alteration state while in a semi-nascent waking state under these conditions so do not misinterpret. As for some of the other people in that troupe, I cannot say the same (that they are good or great). I want to see change, opportunities for people who have OTHER qualities to offer the public instead of this vast monopoly of a rotation of the same actors being put into lead positions--or their children as part of this nepotism that accompanies all the other "authoritarian" aspects of the contract and technology and terrorist gang stalking that is attempting to completely overturn the concept of Laissez Faire and the chance to "make it" in the United States--also controlled by Americans and not by foreign interests who have no interest in respecting America or it's people or system but instead of destroying, infiltrating and taking over and creating a colonized subservient racist (Nazi/Mafia) hegemony.
That is what I meant--he took it personally I cannot speak clearly in that state.
But yes, your acting is good and sometimes great---one of the best--of the troupe attacking me. Nevertheless there are other issues at stake and I try to help society as a whole in the way that I deem to be important. Don't look so sad, Brad. BAd, in a bad way but good in acting. Aspirations to be a benevolent dictator are not "good" and thus, I want to see other "good" actors who are focused on acting and not on appeasing foreign "Dark Money" donors for personal power and gain in that industry.
My interpretation of events that unfold surrounding this nasty contract and it's various performers playing upon cue exactly doing what they are told in a system of absolute encroachment of all formerly existing acting standards--in my opinion only having brushed with the industry through one family member whom I only met once (but hung with his son, my cousin, often when I lived for a few years in Portland and learned and heard a bit about H-wood where he grew up. The racism, the anti-Semitism, the gang stalking operations which of course my cousin also indulged in in order to obtain his own version of a promotion. Once he obtained his promotion I have not been able to see him again, he blocks me now but didn't when he tried to use the contract on me in a really illicit way. Thus is my family, polluted in every way by the demands of this organization of terror and fascist Mafia, Nazi racism and oppression disguised as "normal American Democratic society"). I am not willing to help people who are so engaged in that entire panorama of oppression to the point that they obtain lead rulership in a domain such as the H-wood propaganda mind control machinery. That is my fight, and why I keep fighting (and many other reasons, like I would like to see great movies with great actors that aren't repetitions of Nazi/Mafia-themed propaganda supporting their organizations for more immersion of the public into criminal and racist mentality and etc etc etc.