Tuesday, April 5, 2022

There are so many comments, stories and ideas I would like to write...but, alas: I realize I am simply forced, through censorship--in a treadmill of circular entropy and redoubt, Writing to criminals engaged in the never-ending violence, but silenced by their consent to the hacking censorship of me and all that I am and work for and have tried to create; thus all I write is relegated to a closed-system rotating black hole-- circular treadmill rotation of criminals and psychopaths--which means all of you reading this, participating in the censorship and all the torture leveled against me perpetually. Trying to garner any outraged reaction from any perceived audience in this hacked little confined bubble of blocked and hacked writing attempt goes round and round like an echo of your criminal and jovial pursuit of my entropy--writing about your criminal behavior is just a joke. ///I realized how badly the hacking is today after my system, which I cleared out, which operated quickly, smoothly for about 15 minutes was almost immediately breached and the "restore point" I had created with the clean restore function had been deleted.

**After the hacking commenced (as usual, I have not had a system that hasn't been breached for the decades I have been barely able to use the internet--the system was so bogged down after just 10 minutes of it being hacked. It was so quick, light and all operated almost flawlessly. With my use of streaming media, the hackers jumped in, they got into the portal of the hacked printer that showed up on my Devices page, and now the system is freezing, DOS attacks are continuous--pages don't open and all is blocked. The keyboard prior to the hacking worked perfectly--now it's completely frozen, the keys are unresponsive, what I press won't operate and different letters appear than what I had just typed. The endless parasitic attempt to block my every communication is continuous and disgusting filth endlessly latched onto my every moment, sleeping moment and etc. I also want to add that for the past month, the creeple attacking me while I sleep have ordered that this microchip implant in my throat is "tweaked" somehow so the sphincter closes and my throat chokes while I am in a deep sleep. My throat makes this horrifically ugly noise which is so loud it wakes me up. They do this every night at least 10 times per night (more like 15-20). It is disgusting. Can someone at least stop this attack and all of these people and their sickness endlessly encroached upon my life--years of this--years....when will anyone have any kind of sobriety of thought to not endlessly sanction this type of sick attack upon me? It is the same, the very same reaction that H-wood gave to that nasty attacker who "won" and all the attackers (almost all top awards were "won" by people either involved or closely associated with others who have attacked me--for years). The hugging and applause of that un-seeming act of spontaneous violence at that "awards" rigged event is just part of the general ooze that I must endure from the filth that is endlessly forced upon me by this same group of "wonderful celebrities". All supported by our wonderful politicians who heap praise upon these criminal "entertainers" and fully support all their violence against me. But seeming some of the actual clips of these expletive scumbags who have teleported me and participated in this for years hugging that not-great "actor" and applauding and cheering his violence just reminds me of how much giggly smugness they all must share with one another after their nightly abuse and violence heaped upon me while I am in a deep, healing sleep from fighting for my life to heal from murder attempts via poisoning. My every reaction of enraged violence to their years of slow murder makes them smug and even more violent and sleazy and sick and nasty. To see them all cheering on this violent personality, their partner in this crime against me, only brings home how sick the entire "power structure" really is. it is good that some people are left in the US who are not fully indoctrinated into this system of hate and jerky programming (of course, the corrupt system wants to "cull" the population of anyone who disagrees with their barbaric methodology of higher technology which programs the creeple participating to become lower than thugs in behavior--not just primordial but base and mean and violent. All considered "elite" behavior, and cheered and praised and paid in millions (for those using the tech that covertly assassinates those who disagree or can't be "trained/programmed" into their hate schedule of emotional and psychological, immature albeit violent and deadly idiocy at highest levels of "society".


 I want to write more about the sickening reaction of H-wood to the debacle at the Oscars. Those who have participated alongside the not-really-discredited "actor" (expletive) are themselves perpetrators of great violence. They hug and applaud him. I would write more, but I already have written about it in unflattering terms. I can feel my head being attacked like part of my skull is being slightly crushed inward and there is an internal pressure--this is the effect that is sometimes labeled "The Havana Syndrome" but it is some kind of technology (plus perhaps an embedded microchip in my brain) that is blocking neural firing on some level (or however the synapses are being blocked)--I can feel this and the attack culminates in me becoming dizzy if I spend too much time fighting and attempting to convey thoughts. The hacking commences on the keyboard and the system is completely hacked.


As I wrote above, I did a system restore and discovered that after getting on YouTube my system was immediately corrupted. I also saw that external devices were logged-in to my "devices" list which are part of the hacker arsenal of weapons of hacking terrorism. They are using, I believe, a series of printers through which some IP attack is being made--so I gauge as the devices has printers added to my devices if I don't check on this page often. That is what happened just as the hacking began and ruined my very long process of restoring the system to some "clean" slate functioning. 


I am under grievous threat to my life for writing, and this is also a "deterrent" to any more of my enraged, mind-controlled seeming" rants' but they are legitimate and the things I wrote I have heard echoed by other commentators on the tube-net (my term). I now have to wonder if my thoughts are being stolen or not..but it is disgusting that the kind of violence I have only been writing of for years has been met by levity, jolly sadist reactions of thrill by not just the H-wood celebrity A-list level but also with much more sinister hate by various members of Congress who are not so entertaining in their performances so they can obtain their own version of awards for their efforts to project how actually fascist and un-Democratic they truly are (towards me). The acting is always the same for both of these institutions (H-wood and Congress).


But I am under severe threat. "They" can also hack into my thoughts and steal ideas that way as well, which is what "they" are doing no doubt. I don't check what "they " are saying or doing because any indication of any click or viewing of their k-rap fodder only means that "they" will teleport and rape, torture and perhaps try to murder me (some of them have done this already, but any click or viewing or listening is any excuse for these deplorables to wreak their hate and violence upon me--and many just have no excuse whatsoever they just cling on to the rest of the parasites latched onto me and this contract). The rest just keep applauding them and their violence, the reaction of H-wood is so disgusting. They condone the violent behavior in the same kind of terminology that they would defend a rapist (as in, "He was too excited he could not handle 'the pressure"" type of rapist defense that was all-too familiar not too many decades ago (as these actors who use these terms are well into their endless decades of being put into lead role status--so too is their rape justification terminology so encrusted into their psyches). Some even label the behavior is a man defending his beloved wife against a joke--no, it was nothing like chivalry and this man lovingly defending his poor insulted wife--it was an "entitled" violent personality who has been programmed into fascist and knee-jerk reactionary violence by the organization promoting each and every violent abuser who yearns to be part of the small percent of "aristocrats" who are allowed to get away with every act of violence if they get slightly perturbed by any comment by anyone who they deem is weak enough to not have the clout to react with even greater violence. I.e. weaker poorer people--but that is for the "future" when there are no more Jim Carrey's left in H-wood who will stand up for any sane and logical reaction to this crime.

It is the same situation I am confronted with every day, and have been not just the decade of this debacle of H-wood pouncing upon me every day and night, but "normal" Americans of this Mafia and Nazi organization which entails millions--MILLIONS--of people just waiting to exhale and go out an slap people around in an entitled fascist Nazi and Mafia dictatorship of absolute mediocrities put into lead positions of power--

Republicans are waiting to put this into more direct implementation just in about 10 months.

Saturday, April 2, 2022

A video clip from a movie depicting why I use the terms that are so "offensive" such as Europigapeland and the American fascist Nazi/Mafia wanna be Europigape aristocrats. This is from the film that showed a bombing of a Vietnam village by US forces (taking, I mean replacing French forces that had occupied the country prior to the US "turn" in subjugation--of course at the expense of Americans and national pride). I moved to Thailand in 2008, and where I moved was a bit of the old Thailand and I recognize SE Asian culture in this clip. The onslaught of overtake especially after the military coup many years ago has replaced the bombs but not the destruction. It has all been done carefully with a polished $$$ policy and civil rights suppression by the Military Junta/now government. (It is dangerous for me to write this).

 Now, the explosion at the Oscars, which has shocked America to such an extent, derived from a person who has happily engaged in this terrorist teleportation operation is just one infinite snippet of what feels like an eternity of MUCH WORSE violence (and is much worse) from the group associated with this actor and his entrance into the cloistered and protected up there in the higher ethers of unaccountability of the wealthy and privileged.


If you can imagine what MUCH WORSE and forever going on and on really means, then perhaps you can forgive me just a little for using such seemingly "immature" and hysterical language. The shock that Americans encountered was what I had experienced years ago (meaning over a decade) of this ongoing hell that I am forced into from these famous celebrities--but after MORE THAN A DECADE I am now just...using these terms to try to describe the ugliness that has been showered down upon me from this artificial prop machine of piZZing on the poor and helpless. They become indoctrinated into such violent usurpation policies, and in Thailand without the benefit of missiles, bombs or other torture apparatuses other than World Bank and financial chaos inflicted upon Thailand after the Vietnam War and the Cambodian genocide---this clip reminds me to let you all reading this know why the culture is such a "promising vacation destination" more and more as the years go by. Thanks to all the bombing and destruction, from decades ago, the path was set for lovely vacation and holiday and ex-pat almost free slavery from the Thai people.

But besides this appearing to be a socially conscious post, I had meant to write in the first that I arrived here in 2009. The bamboo hats, little carts with dried squid hanging for individual purchase which lined Ban Siayuan Road in Rawaii have been replaced by 711 and little shops everywhere. People who had arrived in Thailand 10 years prior to my arrival said that the road I relied on to get to the beach had not even existed--or was a dirt road--only 20 years ago. Now packed with tourists driving drunken on the roads (police presence is nearly non-existent for the tourist areas--all is allowed, in other words). You never hear police sirens or learn of accidents, problems all is covered up and allowed.


But the culture--the culture is so far gone on obtaining the $$$ that is pouring in. What had been women wearing loose-fitting cloth Thai-style around their bodies is now thin and plastic-surgery young women who adorn the massage and cafe/restaurant areas. The old culture is gone almost completely from that area in just in the span of a decade.


The viciousness of the culture that replaced this area where I had used to live, was so thrilled to be living near after having left the US--is now packed with Europ-a's trying to hit me with cars and assaulting me and etc with Thais openly hissing in hate, glaring in hate, and endless attacks to the point that it is life-threatening for me to be in this area. I remember going to places where the Thai women--not "fashion" thin plastic-surgery types--who hugged me, talked in English (almost no one can "speak English" now that the place is packed with all English-speaking foreigners, the dominant international language at least in Thailand).

I feel like I have witnessed the bombing of this culture and the war is now violently and silently practiced in the terrorist "gang stalking" zones which has become the entire world.


I miss this old Thai culture. If I were to venture out of Phuket I would not "discover" wonderful, "lovely" and nice old Thai culture. I find that the worst of the attackers come in from these rural areas and are doing their best to "get out". I have experience of being in smaller and more natural areas of Thailand and the Thais in these areas were not happily bucolic and filled with Buddhist peace and tranquility--as they make sure to display for the $$ Europ-a's who come to look at the "cute and lovely" Thai people just smiling and smiling and so lovely and wonderfully cool and not hostile or anything resembling their hateful, genocidal culture back home.

This is a small little mini-essay for why I call people these names--out of frustration that the policies that should have protected my rights as a human being have NEVER been enacted in the good Ole USA and I find are being instructed by fascists out of Europ-a-land and I see how violently viscous they are in their "master/slave" paradise spot of Thailand. Watching this movie clip is like watching the slow-motion destruction of Thailand for the last 10 years happen in about 6 minutes of a movie clip. I think of the reverberations in H-wood and the slap that has resounded across the country--I feel they are all interconnected. I could use "Normal" language is only some responsible entity would stop this endless assault upon me. But since no one has, I have had to formulate theories as to what or how it's all going on. The war is not over, it's still going on but has now expanded. It's a more quiet domestic policy within the US at this point. It's open genocide in other less fortunate countries around the world, but the same system just modified for different environments and which will sustain the more violent policies.


"The Doors--The End (Full) Apocalypse Now (1979) Music Clip". 

"Apocalypse Now Clip--Ride of the Valkyries (1979) Francis Ford Coppola". 

"Full Metal Jacket--Hooker Scene". Oliver Knight. September 4, 2008.

AMERICAN PSYCHO SOCIETY ( in H-wood). In Corporate America. Never take no for an answer or you are a p&&ssy (for all you "feminists" out there, that means emasculated male because being associated with female genitalia is the ultimate insult to anyone in power--get it? Rapist enabler "feminists" out of H-wood this post does not imply necessarily psychopathic males who you pander to for power). . "The Biggest Secret to Succeed in Life. Never take NO for an answer".

 I am up to almost a decade, or longer, of saying and screaming NO to one teleporting terrorist after the next. Some of them have been coming at me for over 8 years and with an onslaught of torture, I tried to say "yes" but could not because it was pretty snarly and unacceptable (using the most "cute" innocuous phrases possible because I have been watching some videos on YouTube of LA personalities who speak about their opinions on sexual assault, the crazy and zany atmosphere of who's who in H-wood--and it appears that to be anything of any notice in that place, you have to be quaint, indirect, expecially (sic) for women it appears. So cute and funny and giggly while describing being sexually assaulted. Nothing angry or threatening or realistic, whatsoever allowed. To be credible you had better keep that make-up on for the close-up.


But the men---oh, they will not take NO and this is enhanced because I have had no avenue of being made into a "personality" and even if I had, I doubt they would change their colors (black and red).


They just won't take no, the go-getters! Years of me saying no, their philosophy is to take the word "NO" and turn it into an affirmation that it's really a "yes" disguised, just hasn't happened yet. 


The "success" philosophy of psychopathic power grabs and enduring sadistic violence upon those not in powerful positions of power. Ah, why didn't I get the real point as reality when I watched American Psycho so long ago? I was in denial I thought it cannot be the ultimate American reality.


"Don't Take NO For an Answer--Ryan Seacrest (@Seacrest)." Evan Charmichael. May 22, 2017.

"5 Obnoxious Contestants That Refused to Leave--Had to be Escorted off the Stage!" Talent Recap. April 23, 2020.

"#Relationships #Communication: When he won't take 'NO!' for an Answer". Deborrah Cooper. January 18, 2017.

Wins Oscars for best performance--lead male---psycho response from the audience!!! Never takes no for an answer---is never confused with a spineless boring non-entity personality. Gets away with every crime and is paid and promoted for it! Why didn't I connect the dots earlier to the extent that reality has shown me so long ago? How to be ultra successful and wealthy and get away with all crimes to the cheers of the members of the club! Never take no for an answer.

"American Psycho--Ending". CoolCoolMovies. January 14, 2013.

Friday, April 1, 2022

The living-in-filth targeting protocols despite not being "filthy" or "dirty": Systematic, systemic and every other system you can imagine is the racist reason why I and others are forced to live in filth, due to State decree. It is not limited to the "Get rich or die trying" American landscape. It is an integral component of the targeting /"gang stalking" death squad protocol system of elimination of targets. I had sworn not to write again, but instead of focusing on individual culprits I will focus on systems instead (today).

 I still remain being teleported to sexual abuse situations, albeit in a seemingly "friendly" version of sex trafficking last night (another celebrity inputting his version of fantasy exploitation skits--I copied a few of his songs on my last few posts --not from yesterday--and the theme was of a certain type of "subculture" clothing style and mentality). I was put into a "loving" mode where another parasite sucked out my energy as they put me under hypnosis to believe I was either "in love" or felt feelings of sentimental attraction to this person--who I would never look at otherwise in normal 3D reality. He of course, like them all, gave NOTHING in return--just sucked out whatever he could and then they teleported me out of this nasty and unwanted situation with a person I had no attraction, friendly feelings toward. He just drained whatever he could get, and that is the standard protocol for all of these parasites who teleport me. 
they all then have me disfigured, tortured and abused immediately afterward by the local terrorist Nazi/Mafia network as they continue passing me around. 

But all of you are far more concerned about Democracy for Ukraine than people "like me" in America--oh no, would any of you ever do a single thing to defend my freedom as you are all putting the colors of the Ukrainian flag on your lapels or wearing pins and shouting about "Freedom and Democracy for Ukraine" and get those Russians but never, ever has a single person done anything remotely similar for me, in the United States although this situation is a direct threat to all forms of Democracy and civilization. No one can begin to ascertain this apparently because they are programmed to just believe they are entitled to whatever they can drain and suck out and get away with while the "law" allows all these crimes to continue unabated. Full permission from Congress as well (they are, according to Madison Cawthorn, at coke parties and having orgies--just like the H-wood celebrities perhaps Used TO DO until they realized it was bad for their close-ups eventually they all had to stop--but not so Congress--of course the orgies remain. In their endless loveless state of being (although seemingly "happily married" in some cases, they have a dire need to experience the kind of love that they can't elicit on their own any longer

and so, with or without having access to the love forced out of children or younger adults, they are "practicing" sucking out life force, fake "love" obtained out of torture and hypnosis (no love for me ever, anywhere, nothing but torture, hate discrimination living in filth and crap).


But I am digressing as usual.

I had begun to read a synopsis on IMDB about a movie coming out of England about the evident lack of housing and standard of living (I believe based on the US model which has been unfolding into crisis levels for many of the "less fortunate classes" in the US--homelessness is abounding now like a plague of ugliness--a shame on the United States.)

So, looking at how the "black" woman is being treated in the UK (somewhere, I didn't get exactly deeply into the video to see which area, or I forgot it doesn't matter where it's all part of the larger system/systematic). Living with mold, fungus and stinking mess--which is almost as bad as what the terrorists have forced upon me in all my living conditions--for years as I have inhaled the stink and fungus because I was too scared to leave open windows for fear of more break-ins--(trying to eliminate all the open spaces to determine which spot is the worst in all the many panels and cracks in this horrific torture chamber situation). The expletives used to pour stinking almost foul and fungus-laded liquids on my bathroom floor to the level of almost part of an inch deep covering the entire floor (there is a ledge so the tiles are two inches below the living space floor--so the foul stinking water never seeped into the living space area). 

The systematic racist targeting of people includes this kind of impoverished living condition, in the case of "gang stalking" targeting/death squad activity--it involves forcing people even though they are poor and are given housing --as my situation is controlled by these terrorists--I essentially am provided with no way out, no options and no resources so I must go to the one place offered when I try to do any internet search and the terrorist organization blocks every communication I attempt to make so I am always forced into the hate situations that are constructed hate and torture/rape/mutilation with slow murder operations--with all the "neighbors" fully cooperating with the attacks. The video about the black woman in council housing is just a clear example of how the "system" denies services while providing them-- it's the same protocol essentially as the slow murder operation I am continuously fighting against for my Democratic Freedoms which NO ONE will recognize or fight for (openly to actually stop this situation).


The targeting is of entire populations by now, it is not limited to a few mind control operations like mine. My situation is a bit particular as it involves more covert mind control technologies that these loveless parasites really need and demand: on-demand instant sexual and violence gratification and/or intellectual property theft and/or programming to install "master race" programming on the other end of the spectrum (probably all the expletives attacking me are privy to this type of subliminal programming and they are all "rewarded" with MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in awards, promotions, prizes and real estate holdings and of course offered the best plastic surgery, housing and etc by this global operation. AS one can see, homelessness is a global crisis and it's called destitution and illegal immigration to those who want these global genocides to continue under the umbrella terms of just warfare collateral victims of drought, war, famine and unjust governments (that my government and also the others in this grouping of celebrities out of foreign countries also participate in as foreign policies but undisclosed as such openly. Privately of course it's common knowledge and being inculcated to the celebrities, politicians and it's now an ingrained political operation.


On the micro level, though (although Council Housing appears as a Macro operation, when I refer to a global paradigm I mean this flat playing field of international paradigms, projects and operations to create the wealth gap to eventually have absolutely open fascist, Nazi and aristocratic regimes held in power only as Democracies in name--even that may be open to renaming in the future.


Daniel Kaluuya to Make Screenwriting Debut on Dystopian Drama ‘The Kitchen’ at Netflix

Read a few sentences of the brief synopsis of The Kitchen: London 2044--gap between wealth and poverty becomes so extreme that middle class is completely gone, replaced by outskirts of London "temporary" housing. Something like that.
Should the United States adopt the UK policy of "Socialized" Council Housing?


"'Unliveable: The council flats judged the worst in Britain/ITV News". March 23, 2021.

Is systematic racism the reason why? It is the same condition forced upon me, as forced in every black ghetto across the United States. My theory is that people are being paid to create filth and mess. I base this on an experience I had of hearing a German who visited Detroit back in 1994--(this was when I lived in Stuttgart, and this guy was a fake "friend" but is a journalist and a writer so he had at least something to say, albeit not much outside of the boring protocols that all the people attacking me all use). He showed me a photo of a black man in the urban area of Detroit who had created a kind of beautiful glass sculpture garden with cement in his back yard, along with growing a garden around the beautiful sculptures. The German dude then said in a kind of sarcastic but Schadenfreude tone (I am very used to the tone of voice, what it implies as Germans speak in a very uniform way and style to express various emotions or ideas--)--but in this sarcastic "oh, too bad!" sort of sighing (but in gleeful contempt) he stated that "someone" had broken the sculptures and stole the vegetables that he was growing. This too is part of the uniform protocols of attack against me, as against the poorer "minority" neighborhoods and the white supremacist Nazis organize such raids and attacks so people they want to oppress are constantly living in filth, ugliness and squalor. Only the "good" ones are allowed to climb out and then go live in the big house on the plantation so they can be isolated to some degree, then "look down" on those who are struggling and then absolutely conform to white supremacist standards of attacking others. I used very "insulting" old-school terms for this but it generates a lot of hate and chagrin from people--they claim I am being "racist" but I am only describing what should not be ignored any longer, which greatly contributes to racism in our modern version of "wokeness". I am angry at the people who perform such acts against me, but I am also under drugging and duress. They of course also attack me prior and after my vocalizing my theorizing and observations so it doesn't matter whether I say anything deemed "offensive" or not, they go along with every command they are instructed to perform and turning hate upon me is something they appear very glowing and enthralled to pour out onto someone else. I have personally seen that people will target their own community in order to obtain a higher standing --some of the people make grand gestures of charitable "help" but ultimately are working to create a wealthy and impoverished two-state nation (one half dying and suffocating in toxic filth being poured into their lives by the other half in extreme luxury and entitled aristocratic cleanliness). The "widening gap" is now something repeated in US circles not only by Bernie and his followers.

"Empty Council House 119". Empty Council House. March 17, 2021.

Empty council house waiting for "the right people" to move in---?


DO they owe us a living?

"CRASS Do They Owe Us a Living?" Punk & Protest. October 2, 2008.


When you are banned, as I am, barred from economic solvency as I have been artificially made in the "wealthiest nation in the world" the United States through systematic poisoning, disfiguration leading to absolute near-death from hardening poisons, then people breaking and fracturing my spine, then my feet, then my fingers, maiming me putting my hips out of alignment every single night---deforming my body (now completely coated with scars, blemishes and disfigurement) cutting out part of my uterus--trying to have my teeth knocked out--etc etc etc

But when you are this discriminated against, as so many are and it's worsening yearly in the US with wealth increasing almost exponentially for some (the wealthiest two, one of whom is one of the terrorists with his tech endlessly participating in this crime against me) and the other one--two have more wealth than 42% of the impoverished of the US (A Bernie statistic I saw on a YouTube video, made a few days ago).

Yes, they owe me not just a living but compensation. But for now, no one will even begin to STOP them from from nightly teleporting me to be fed off, abused and tortured and then in every other situation nearly killed by cars almost or actually hitting me--people abusing, insulting, attacking and flicking crap on my clothing from behind, ripping clothing, while my home is made stinking and all broken and scratched, made shabby, broken down no matter what I do I can't get anyone to defend my freedom or Democracy. This is what the program is, and this movie (above) may touch upon the problem, probably in this case focusing only on black people and ignoring the more universal situation (it also happens to white people).

"Banned From The Roxy". Crass--topic. May 1, 2019.

More Crass music to accentuate the topic of injustice in this economic and filth-splattering discrepancy that is part and an integral component of creating a bedreggled group of destitution and those programmed with fascist ideology and the force of the governments of the world to back them up that with all these hateful technologies of mind control and destruction and elimination they are simply entitled to committing every filth act possible to ensure no one is an "upstart" to their power cartel--only the "good" ones are allowed to live as "house slaves" in the white master's plantation. They have to push others down the "masters" deem a threat to their power.


But if only there were the economic freedoms that America has somewhat "promised" to people who yearn to be entrepreneurs, I could shrug off this group and not care--don't give a damn if you ban me from your party just let me have my own. But no, they most control and have all resources. This group also killed one of the personalities (so I believe they did) in the name of Prince, from Minneapolis, who was an "upstart" who may or may not have supported me in some way (I was "reached out to" by his group a few times in MPls and also in Miami). He was covertly assassinated two weeks after I tried to contact him via this creepy social media stalking network and he reacted again from within that framework. Oddly he was killed two weeks later. One of the worst hegemonists of the tribe then put on purple clothing and a fist up in the air for an honoring party to Prince--absolutely could not conceive of the concept of a black person having originality and obtaining wealth more than what she has been handed by the Monarchy for her role in feigning concern about the impoverished and the minorities.

I would not care if they blocked me from entrance into their (boring sleazy orgy addiction clubs) but I do care that they block my attempt to have my own power bloc and party--and those who brought me power are now dead and killed off.

Thursday, March 31, 2022

SOME PERSONAL MANIFESTO SONGS in response to fascist Nazi overtake of my country and my life and the pig-ape-whores' attempts in this conquest: I BEGAN THIS BLOG WITH A (Santana) SONG. Now I end, at least that is my hope to not write any further but considering the deadly attacks I encounter on a near daily basis so I must "beg" for help online like this--thus entertaining the fascists with my pleas for help---but at least theoretically, for today, I end with a few Crass songs, to fit the situation of death terrorism aka Gang Stalking/MK ULTRA/Mind Control and the tsunami of violence that this technology brings, has brought upon the world, wrought upon humanity and unless you reading this fights to stop it, the carnage will continue (and perhaps you will become a statistic too).

 "I am no Feeble Christ". I dedicate this song not to the leader of that band Crass, to whom I was teleported, I think it was in England where I was confronted with post-punk neo-fascist racism by the very proponents of "freedom" in the 70's who started this band (the white male). A hateful English woman began just yelling at me when I had posted how much I admired the band (this is typical for all the parasites, that I like their movies and they teleport me almost immediately like the grabbing parasites that they really are, and then they glob on and begin to feed off abuse and violence--and then of course get promotions, tours, and some hang on for years and get oscars and prizes and promotions and deals--they steal as many ideas as possible. I thusly do not honor the defunct "leader" of this band but the people who created the content, which were the less "fortunate class" in old England who helped shove this bigot wealthy "entitled" expletive into his Punk posturing position. I had hoped he was an extraordinary personality but I am by now used to the faded and jaded former "hippie" and "punk" era 60+er's who are crusty and nasty and probably have not long held those wealth-attracting principles longer than necessary to sell some records or make some movies. 

Some of the performers for Crass were extraordinary artists and the band was a phenomenon nevertheless. 

**btw: this blog is not formatting correctly due to hacker terrorism and I would have to put the computer and myself through another 5-hour waiting period to clear out the system using the Windows 10 "system restore" function. I don't know how long it takes for people not afflicted with non-stop hacking terrorism but I am always too ill to wait. I sit in front of the laptop all day in one single spot mostly unable to move due to paralysis from poisoning. I just write this to let people know that when I write in these hyperbolic terms it is because I am also kind of forced into one "sitting duck" position all day while the "mind control" technology--intended to both extract ideas, information and hysterical reactions thus to discredit me-- is probably unrelentingly aimed into my brain all day while I sit here fighting to heal (as I am attacked so my nervous system, endocrine system and health is sorely afflicted from hate, stress and the endless violence being aimed at me in so many ways, from technologies burning my body and closing my throat sphincter while sleeping and eating to various other attacks (heart palpitations, etc). 


But as I wrote earlier today, I am not going to play the martyr role that is being demanded of me ("accept being raped, abused, used, stolen from and then compliment and befriend and give all with no expectations of any reward, thanks and then even more they will destroy my body, try to make me appear hideous, fat, disgusting, broken down before they extract all and then murder me without--their aim--any protest from me but instead loving devotion to those ape pig whores and their careers and their sexual sleazy gratification and etc etc....


"Crass--Reality Asylum". AnarchoAlan. June 23, 2007.


"BIG A little a--Crass". Byrmeiteldown. February 15, 2013.

Oh, it is ever-so-difficult to write at this time with hacking freezing the system and the keyboard being manipulated as my brain is also under serious attack (they also attack my motor skills so my fingers over shoot the keys I am trying to press, while the keys are mostly inoperable--they also make things pop up on the screen to block what I am tpying as they insert all kinds of things while I can't see--but to continue;. This next song is about, in one part of it, retaining your composure in the face of hostile forces. Don't get involved with negative people exploiting you, is the basic easy message (but very complicated and much more elaborately expressed in the song). I think of the English haters who I have been FORCED thru teleportation to encounter who also forced a kind of "truth serum" effect which is also almost always put into effect in any written or verbal communication I try to have in any capacity. Thus I can't "control" my reactions and of course while writing I delve into tangents and ideas which of course are then sucked up by the parasitic group which is being promoted exclusively to steal ideas from me and then let me know with all the hacking inserts that they have indeed stolen my ideas--as they gloat in photos and when I react they glare in violent hate into cameras--as I am tortured and violated endlessly afterwards (and before, in order to elicit any response). I try not to react, so they continue the deadly assaults upon me in all facets of life from my finances, always having me dangling over being made homeless, to health and attacks on my body to eveything else possible. But I am FORCED to have to "open" my ideas, my mouth, my barriers of protection shattered in this deep sleep teleportation state, where I can only see directly in front of me, don't know where I am, there is a black haze and then the pig ape whores feeding off abusing me directly in front of me (often attacking me just as I am put into "aware" consciousness, always in some physical position of vulnerability while they are attacking me or raping or hitting, etc). It is impossible to not stop talking or reacting to these awful people. The advice given in this song is something I could possibly do if this insidious tech were not ALWAYS forced upon me which it is, always when some scumbag is tryin to use, abuse, exploit etc steal from put on fake friendly gestures only to screw me over badly when the time comes to do so (they are always operating with a larger group so they are given signals of when and how to do this). It is disgusting. I would LIKE to be able to psychologically defend myself against these parasitic energy feeders and bleeders. They are practiced in the bottom-feeding practice of lies, manipulation and deception. With all my barriers obliterated in these various semi-conscious states while teleported, my eye-sight not even at a 30% functioning capability, and unable to think clearly I constantly react to their questions, answer all and then begin yelling in hate after they immediately after getting information or ideas insult, call me stupid, yell at me in hate as I yell back. All of it is an unfiltered unconscious reaction without help of the ego or superego (just to use these terms but without the layers of emotional and psychological protection that one at least seminally normally has or can access in certain situations. Impossible in the teleportation. Out of England, as this song makes direct reference to an established form of abuse, exploitation and elitism that the pig ape whores employ with obvious parasitic glee for this is their forte, what they actually thrive upon, and then to claim that they are now "superior" because I am in a sleeping and teleported, drugged up and blasted with brain-altering technology, this of course means that they have the advantage. Too bad my government simply allows this technology to fester and get out of control as it has done. The latest H-wood scandal from the awards should back up my YEARS of warnings in my every post almost about how the use of this tech will alter society and make fascism an acceptable behavioral standard. I also have written that people who formerly postured as benevolent and "alternative" fun guys become openly violent after they use this technology--. They are so used to immediately abusing someone without any negative ramifications. But this stokes the egos of the English pig apes who are loathsome from my personal experience of their violence and utter genocidal behavior--racist to the core, rotten to the core, nasty and ugly to the core I can't stand looking at their photos any longer please do not let them teleport me any longer it's a vomitous situation having to deal with them. This song exemplifies how adept these wealthy pieces of shit are at manipulation and mind fuck operations without the technology. Imagine them with this tech and how disgusting they really are when they get the chance to play their favorite fuck-around games as they do? Listen to the lyrics and get a taste of English society and the "ruling class" tactics. 


My "crime" (according to the Nazi/Mafia and their minions) is that I defended myself against MURDER operations, rape and abuse without permissively succumbing and granting pig apes permission to continue to do so. In other words, just simply in defending my rights under all constitutions of all these so-called "Democracies" around the world which copy the United States which was the original founder of this constitutional country of "human rights". My "other crime" was in competing and winning against Nazi and mafia pig ape scumbags who I had better training and capabilities than--plus athletically also a "winner" all the time until my family succumbed like the good minions that they are for their promotions and acceptance into Nazi Mafia pig ape American culture (they are well-off and have fully participated like all the vicious parasites who now attack me). This is in reference to Merrick Garland and the components of my post below on his lack of fighting against Nazis in the most important case he will ever have to preside over (in my opinion of course I am not privy to his rulings fully). Oppose that to T-rump and his green light that the courts are currently handing him for every kind of real and concealed crime that remains a symbol of white supremacy pride that the "Jew" Attorney General does not prosecute, will probably not prosecute, and the black parts of the white supremacy oreo program like Clarence Thomas are fully in line with also supporting their "masters" (this includes the Jews). The "program" of endless rape, torture, violence, theft not only of any idea I write of but also with the thought-mining technology anything I think is game for torture, "punishment" and also for theft by dumb and rotten whore pig apes out of Whorewood. //I get beaten, abused, raped and tortured on a near daily basis in teleportation. I used to be both raped and tortured while sleeping in one physical state and the other more transparent state while being teleported--simultaneously--thanks to the friends of your celebrity terrorist/pro-politics group. All the "entitlement" they are handed by the top officials of US power and government (with full cooperation from every scumbag on all lower levels of society up to penthouses on 5th Avenue down to the streets and homeless-they ALL behave in the exact same way). The programming this group of pieces of collective shit are conducting is to try to force me to be yet another compliant minority minion servicing, giving and being handed, if I am very good and help to destroy my own children as my family has done to me, or let them abuse, insult, poison, drug and say and do nothing to defend myself, and etc I have grown up with having to see this--but they are torturing me to try to force this upon me. They believe this is their programming of me. It's just them being trained to be fascist Nazis who are then put into power. I wrote of this yesterday. But today I saw another video which has inspired this further comment on the state of America in general: Apparently T-rump can now back-up his 2016 campaign claim that he can go out and shoot someone on 5th Avenue and no one will prosecute him. But, What a tough week it has been (this week) on white supremacy USA, Neo-Nazis and Nazis and Mafia and the KKK in general (and it's splinter sphincter organs): First, it's Ketanji Brown Jackson's likely confirmation to the Supreme Court. She's not what the Oreo-proponents wanted out of North Carolina. She appears to have an agenda that will not create a completely lopsided Supreme Court. The fight to retain Roe v. Wade continues but still inaccessible despite a pro-choice judge put on the Court. Then, what "they" will undoubtedly call an "illegal" renaming "woke lib-tard" Governmental agency--which is looking into renaming ye ole Confederate naming without shaming of public edifices and according to this article by Defense Update, even a water tank is under scrutiny for being renamed. We can't put Confederate names on buildings any longer because guess what? They tried to destroy the United States and destroy Democracy! Finally there is a recognition of that, perhaps the January 6th attempt at an Insurrection brought that point "home" to the minds of people who do not want America turned into a vassal state of fascist Nazism and Mafia thug gangs any longer (as it has been but all concealed behind the smiles of the people like the terrorist celebrities who really endorse this kind of action and alteration in US politics). BUT NEVER TO FEAR white boys and your nasty girls (oh you nasty bigot gurlz of all colors, sizes and shapes and races--like the Janet Jackson song but she forgot about the nasty gurlz too): I predict that T-rump is going to get off Scott-free in the Insurrection accusations of attempts to overthrow the government. Yes, his earlier claim that he could just kill someone on 5th Avenue has proven to be extremely accurate a prediction of the predilection of the American mood and propensity to approve of criminality in highest offices. If you are a "gang stalking" target as I am and have been all my life, you know full well how many of the "good American" citizens actually are fully in favor of death squads and covert assassinations and theft and rape and robbery and destruction--including any and all minorities who claim they are against all that if they are the intended victims but turn around and gleefully participate if they can be considered part of the good ole network of white supremacy.

 Confederate Names and Symbols on Hundreds of Military Roads, Structures, Ships Under Review

"'Do Your Job!' Jan. 6 Committee Grows FRUSTRATED with Merrick Garland". Waldorf Nation. March 31, 2022. 

Perhaps a few of his associates and underlings will be held slightly accountable, but in the end, I predict he will just be swooshed into his golf parade retreat happily smug that he got away with it all with no legal repercussions. At least for the Insurrection charges. It appears that the new Prosecutor DA, Alvin Bragg, Jr. in the NYC case of tax fraud likewise is adjourning before the case has been brought to trial (the attorneys who had done the exacting prosecutorial research under former NY District Attorney Cy Vance have now recused themselves and quit the case probably under pressure. It looks like even though a black judge is on the High Court and perhaps buildings and statues remain, the prize of T-rump getting away with his white supremacist Neo-Nazi rally, the real crime and onus of a serious racist situation, will be handled like all the rest of the "entitled" throng of criminal bigots and Nazis who proliferate at these "highest" levels of society. One must please excuse my former mistakes when I wrote about the District Attorney--my brain is under severe constraint/memory block. I had to look the name up an the title of the official office, but "know" it when I am not being blasted with brain-suppressing technologies. I have corrected the information above, but when I first wrote it, I could not access my memory whatsoever in front of this laptop--got up and did other things (washing something --my bed linens--that had been sprayed with stinking fish oil by the terrorists utilizing the mechanical arms to wreak every kind of damage to my body--and now I am limping because I am trying to heal the broken toe that T-rump ordered his minions to inflict upon me while I was sleeping--as they also ordered the not-accident where oil was trickling down the cement slope of the condo where I live-a "repair" truck just there--what appeared to be some water in a tiny little stream coming down which crisscrossed the road, made my motorbike wipe out completely within an instant of a fraction of a second--nearly falling into oncoming traffic in the road at the junction of the bottom of the hill--yet another potential death that happened under Trumps' administration when he personally teleported me) and there are many others-(oh, my toe was okay after I fell, but broken completely when I woke up the next morning--just as they also tried to knock my teeth out, and then sever the gum tissue while I was fighting to heal it--for simply asking for justice and that pit not be allowed to "win" at the Oscars any longer after YEARS of him participating in this teleportation hate crime against me--and so that is my reason for writing this post--). These are just two examples from more than FOUR YEARS of endless violence, including endless rape, other mutilations upon my body to the point of nearly cutting digits off and destroying my feet--which now are very badly injured perhaps permanently disabled (in addition to the fractured vertebrae and the years of being poisoned with hardening poison latched into my back/spine/hips/skull/into my feet). But the list of extremely violent injuries that occurred while T-rump operated with the smug and gloating, laughing and really "evil" celebrities were so constant that I am spending something like every moment of my life trying to repair the damage--every single day, stuck in pain and paralysis and now --I just three days ago tried to stretch the toe that they had broken twice so it's now pointing at a 45-degree angle into my other toes--which are now sliding out of joint as well due to the constant pressure. I used an exercise to strengthen the muscles and since then, upon waking, I can't put any weight on this toe without limping while walking. These creeple use the mechanical arms to sever and break bones as well--which I think is what they did. T-rump continues to inflict violence upon me along with the same people who fully supported his violence and their violence which he supported when he joined in with his H-wood "friends" and allies, who then helped put him into power--and they are all merrily enjoying the years of being put into top position by the mediocrities who only want subservient terrorists fascists with Nazi and Mafia leanings or affiliations to come and help to break-up the United States (so they can take over--the Europigapes who are so foul and disgusting who have been put "in charge" over these sell-outs.) Apparently Merrick Garland or his office have been either threatened with death so badly they are terrified to speak out. I recall in his nomination or confirmation speech that his family escaped Nazism and fled to the United States. It gave some kind of assurance that he would fight to stop the Nazi infiltration and invasion but apparently like the weak and non-confrontational Jews who have let this terror campaign be put around me like the weight of targeting they all want to push to someone else who they then use as their scapegoated witch hunt excuse for not standing up and fighting against this racist threat which killed millions of their relatives or people they knew or have heard about---just letting it all happen once again. I remain watching the news and realizing how awful the situation in the United States truly is. I understand the J-6 committee truly is dedicated but now the problem resides with the DOJ to actually prosecute, and I fear the Garland is living in perpetual terror and the death threats are probably continual on a daily basis against him from all the Neo-Nazis who rally behind T-rump (the Celebrities you can be assured, the most vociferous against him in public are actually some of his biggest supporters--many of whom are "Italian-American" mafia but all with real Italian contacts to whom they also shower with deferential obsequious bowing and scraping while handing them all the keys to power they possibly have stolen for all these decades of their decadent movie glamorization of all things Mafia). I don't refer to just one or two, but an entire socio-economic group which behaves in the same way from Miami Beach to Brooklyn to Portland, Oregon (in my personal experience of having the same stupid and dumb statements hissed into my face by thugs and scumbags who--this is some kind of Italian sickening thing to do but they spread their legs like whores to signify their genitals and being serviced--they are foul and I find nothing highly significant about them or that rotten culture--don't care if you love Italian fashion or the food--these apes never created any of it they are only imitating and repeating what they have been trained to replicate like the robots that they really are). But sick of them completely I am, as this morning once more teleported to the most foul and sinister actor who is so famous but I find to be a most foul and disgusting hateful sex trafficking abuser using sleazy and foul disgusting comments while I am undressed--and etc on the toilet--the trashy and dirty and foul=mouthed creep from Brooklyn who attacks me when I write a most poignant post on how disgusting this operation is. You all keep them going. They all rely on T-rump and every administration prior and succeeding T-rump to remain in power (make that including Obama, Clinton(s) and et al). They are essentially united and not vying against one another for power, as they make out in public--make that all those aforementioned and then many hundreds more or millions in this case (administrators, teachers, professors, land lords---etc the people put in "control" over other people's lives--put deliberately in power while the ethical are shut out of powerful positions). Oh the decline in American society is rife with examples that remain concealed with polite and polished rhetoric and blocks of critical information about their real covert activities and how people are put into power. I try to write about it, I am ignored (meaning I "try" to write while hacking disrupts the keyboard, my brain is put into an emotional hyperbolic ranting state, and yes this is very possible with the tech and drug interface I am continuously forced into).
So they have to keep "him" in power because that keeps them in power. The fakes and "liberals" I mean--the famous ones. I have also tried to have dealings in local political offices working and I was shunned and attacked because these too have been infiltrated. I also have been attacked when trying to vote in "liberal" Miami Beach (not "liberal" at all, it's a true bastion of Nazi and Mafia collaboration at this point with American Nazism fully welcoming in all the Europigape scum to come and come in and take it all over--the same applies to LA and especially to Whorewood, Intl conglomerated, where Trump sprang from into power).
But in the act of attempting to formulate ideas, as I could not do when writing the less hyperbolic part above regarding the Manhattan DA--I could not "remember" the name of "District Attorney" as I rarely use this term but know it immediately when I am off the laptop and away from the brain-altering technology sweeping my brain functioning into a chaotic swirl of blank memory and emotional hyperbole at the same time.
So the bigots will all get out their baseball caps of red and blood and shout happily when T-rump gets exonerated and set free to continue to slither and do the greasy dirty things intended to debase people like me (with all your complicity--all you out there reading this/hacking in, etc etc)\


Wednesday, March 30, 2022

The Oscars come almost exactly one week after the Rite of Spring (The Vernal Equinox=March 20). The reason the Oscars takes place one week after March 20, every year, is due to the controlling fascist Nazi controllers who are celebrating their Black Mass orgies of paganism in their private enclaves and denizens of the dens of their secrecies. The Oscars is a pagan/Nazi/Mafia sacrificial dance of pagan orgiastic revelry, proclaiming the 4th Reich best-posturing as benevolent altruist worst performance but best-scripted Nazi/Mafia/fascist endorsement mind programming award---The movie that "won" the Rite of Spring for best sacrificial pre-Nazi orgiastic ritual programming piece (for one of the awards--or really, ALL of the "winners" in the top positions, perhaps excluding one or two, have had a fascist hand in attacking ME personally in the teleportation Nazi/mafia hate contract. One of them made outright fascist Nazi genocidal Holocaust kill the Jews statements at me in teleportation--winning--but it's all rigged of course. The programming to become Nazified has gone from hostile and nasty rape to outright death threats and genocidal hate phrases--by blacks, whites and all etc in this acting clique with their unseen hands of control hovering over making sure they pose the right Nazi sentiments for their awards and prizes--in this case is an anti-religious theme but disguised as a corruption "expose". The acting was SO BAD, but as usual with this controlling group of mediocrity which decides and doles out lead roles and decides which types of movies reign at the box office, I can believe it "won" best acting, but not for the acting. Lousy acting, in my opinion of course, in at least one of the categories of main focus, "won" at the Oscar (Meyer-weener) awards mind programming show awards because the "winner" in question is part of the terrorist celebrity clique and fully endorses and has collaterally participated in this debacle of hate criminality fascist, Nazi and Mafia programming aimed against me (but for fascist Nazi mind programming incorporated into "entertainment" for "Them" to further gain control, power and to gain further access into mass social engineering protocols). One of the themes that the real Nazis incorporated into their own programming was to eliminate the officially recognized Church and replace it with pagan belief systems which endorse, in some aspects, human sacrifice and allows all that gives pleasure as access to "awareness" and "personal power"--all is allowed, in other words. Throw away morality, in other words. Torture is just a means to an end and is now ingrained in H-wood highest circles.


"The Rite of Spring--Sacrificial Dance--Nijinski reconstruction". Fadedhour. June 29, 2013.

(This first sentence was amended later on in the post but I won't alter it now): Not going to include this on my blog as it's unrelated to mind control issues except for the mind control inherent in the movie which I think is a shot at religion. The "winner" I thought was far less than superb in it's role as this former famous personality. Not only did it not portray the real person accurately at all (despite the heavy makeup) but...the film was not good at all. It's acting was NOT of top quality. I think, like so many of the other roles, what "won" was the characterization for a mind programming agenda that these actors only played (not in a great way at all--it's male co-star did a much better job actually).

I won't say who, but I believe her to have been involved in the terrorist teleportation hate plot which for a decade has been forced upon me (nearly a decade directly but these same actors were behind this for far longer than that chronology--along with Stallone who globbed onto this contract with his Italian fascist nazi Mafia cohorts out of Miami Beach--in the club where I sold cigars in 1997-98. They never stop latching on, these terrorists they go on and on for DECADES.
But the movie was awful and the acting which won "best" award was worse than the movie itself and the anti-religious theme, which is a part of the moral deconstruction of the American and global population in order to install the highly unethical Nazi/Mafia genocidal 4th Reich into power, establishing power-over control lacking all religious moral belief-systems into more focused acceptance in the substrata of the public unconscious, with hopes of it becoming the dominant strain of accepted fascist regime change in politics.

Well, I guess this is a post about mind control after all, so I will indeedy copy it to my blog. My words come out like a sieve the mind control is always operating with "truth" serum-type brain alteration to break down all barriers. The terrorists then "punish" me for writing anything that resembles any form of critique and then inevitably they STEAL the ideas and claim them as their own, thus 'winning" more accolades from the establishment but always they permutate the concepts and ideas into more subliminal fascist, criminal, racist, sexist and genocidal Nazi 4th Reich propaganda media fodder for ingestion of the dazed and dumbed-down yearning for immediate gratification masses.

If you read the book The Golden Bough ("The Savage Mind"), by James Frazer, you can gain an insight into pre-Christian pagan orgiastic and human sacrificial practices of Europeans and other cultures around the planet that were held as sacrosanct and righteously ordained as such. The Kings were put on thrones for one year and then sacrificed when the next King was declared. That is one instance--but the tome The Golden Bough is a huge and hefty work that I tried to read one summer while "working" as the terrorists around me attacked me in this horrible London office (one of the "stories" I may never get to actually write about all the decades of one place and group after the next sabotaging me and my efforts to thrive in society). But....the concept of human sacrifice is an older and established tradition in European society. The Nazi aspiration of course was to get the public weened off the "weakening" influence of religion and replace that with an "emboldened" spirit of blood lust for life practices, a la these ancient pagan systems.
Putting all that in the context of the H-wood industry (and the US military-politico-complex-industrial) the concept of human sacrifice is cloaked in warfare and "losers dying in the streets cuz they just can't make it and that's because they are losers" (aka homeless). And then there are the death squads that try first to make targets homeless and then have them killed in the streets but they are just considered the "trash to be taken out" afterwards.
But back to the movies: almost EVERY film you watch that is supposed to be significant has at least one sacrificial style murder operation involved. Regardless of whether it's a Romeo & Juliet-style "romance" or a "thriller" or something "cool" the premise underlying all is the same: blood sacrifice. The movie I did not mention by name above (and hackers deleted parts of the sentences so the writing is confusing, cohesion is lacking in many of the sentences DUE TO HACKING DELETIONS) BUT...the movie involves a pseudo-religious theme but of course denounces religion and in this case televangelist Christianity at the same time. Now you know exactly which movie I am referring to. I can't prove the inclusion of the actress in question who "won" but the numerous visual triggers on my social media have amply given me the knowledge of her participation at some level. There are so many attacking me and some have really monopolized the contract so I only assume she has been a collateral participant and I have no reservations in assuming she helped or gave advice or assistance in the torture protocols--. There are perhaps two of the main categories for the films that won top awards that as far as I know were not involved--but I have no idea really as I have stated there are rows of these celebrities sitting in sessions and somehow my vision is always obscured (I can definitely see the people in front of me, attacking me and threatening, etc).
Every movie, though, or so it seems to me, has some sense of sacrifice and mostly it's human. I believe this fits into the Pagan ritualistic transplantation of the practice into our modern emerging fascist and Totalitarian society (not really just recently emerging at that).


"Explaining James Frazer's Theory of Religion (Magic and Religion)". James Bishop. June 14, 2021.

According to this analysis of Frazer's work: Explaining the transition of monumental/societal thought paradigms from magical-religious-scientific. Each major paradigm "replacing" in primacy the last as official, or unofficially-recognized cannon. What was acceptable as religious thought has been replaced in our modern zeitgeist by the urgency to rationality and the scientific method approach. Thus the movie mentioned above (which I said was lousy acting on the part of the person who "won" best actress) makes of religious followers fools paying out cash for fakes and frauds, which "won" because it assists in the severance of a Christian moral stance that is an enduring support of the Beyond Good and Evil concept that Nazis so relished and grabbed hold of as a replacement for the former religious zeitgeist. Thus releasing all inhibitions such as mass murder and torture, rape and plunder. Main components of what fascinates the planet about the legacy of the Nazis and why so many cultures strive to emulate them now. Always underpinning each and every "award-winning" film in one form or another (whether Nazi visual ideology or sacrificial and genocidal murder). Sexualized and often visual imitators of Nazi "beauty" standards are portrayed as Killers and are glamorized in many of these top (rigged) "awarded" films. It's the theme that counts and the programming underpinning each effort, not the quality except that each production includes top quality manufacturing (filming, production/props, CGI, etc). The mode of murder in such movies is often of a high technological emphasis or clever almost scientific analysis and cold deduction process by the protagonist--those who are sexualized and glamorized, in many of the films. 


"Psyche and Symbol--Ritual Sacrifice". Joseph Campbell Foundation. March 5, 2019.

The "New King" is chosen every year, often at the turn of the seasons in Spring. Sacrifice brings rebirth and hope as the old dies out in ritual (murder/sacrifice). Every year at this time H-wood celebrates it's own rebirthing process. The chosen candidates perform their anti-religious crimes during the 6 months prior to the celebration of life after death. Who knows what other types of sacrifices are made in the private enclosures of their mansions in order to fulfill the blood sacrifice quotas?


"Blood Sacrifice: Occult Secrets of Hitler and the 3rd Reich (2017) Full Movie/Cory Black". Exploration Films. November 14, 2021.

Watch the video to tie up all the loose ends I wrote in a mind control cloud (in front of this computer in my surveillance/torture chamber/mind control tech afflicted studio chosen as the one and only choice I had to move out of a very serious deadly living situation--which this place also has proven to be..but I survived long enuf to write this post so far). Oh yes, plus extremely obstructive terrorist hacking and then terrorist censorship in the form of deletions/rewrites after I publish: 

The Trickle-Down programming. Lots of controversy from H-wood I could comment about on my blog/Facebook BUT....my freedom the 1st Amendment has been constricted and denied me. My posts are blocked from the actual internet by this terrorist organization. I am tortured for my dissenting opinions, and all my opinions are against the people who hold positions of power who are a part of this brutalization mind screw and body disfigurement/dismemberment operation (slow death). Every and all ideas I write of are immediately gobbled up by one or another black, white or any color of skinned thinned personality who needs some different perspective from their "following orders" protocol heavily well-funded life-styles. Thusly: I cannot contribute an opinion any longer because this is a decade of being tortured for writing about the ills that have been heaped upon me. All those who participate, and this is the only thing I will contribute to the conversation about the prevailing debacle in the H-wood drama (better and more interesting, comment-worthy and profound an act of authoritarianism/fascism that was demonstrated for this event; to full applause by the audience I have heard in one of the most intelligent interviews about this "sickening" situation as he described it--this action and the act on stage demonstrating the real hateful content that has been ascribed to the terrorist and co. which is now their entrenched belief-system indoctrinated upon them by this technology and death squad "gang stalking" opportunism to immediately react with violence upon any action or comment they deem not ingratiating to their mediocrity and nasty stupidity--the performance ad lib, spontaneous revelation about the real character of this actor in his more naked aggression; more intriguing than the film it (the actor in question) was awarded for)

 Years of being tortured and tortured for writing my opinions. Years of being poisoned, deformed and attacked/raped/mutilated/made paralyzed and disabled by just trying to compete and win and having the capability to do so (and thus rendered obsolete in competitive terms). Also sentenced to death without trial for fighting for my human rights that the US Constitution claims are inalienable--which the fascists claim are obsolete by nature of racist classification.


So I cannot comment, although I just did. The technology is social engineering with full consent of the public and the masses and those at the "leadership" positions to indoctrinate the peeps into authoritarian/aka fascist/aka dictatorship mode. It was a clear example of this, but left without legal punishment or law suits as all just did what the "targets" are "supposed" to do: remain silent, accept it, laugh it off, be deferential--and that is the accepted role that is supposed to be programmed. The H-wood establishment portrayed this par excellance for this on-stage knee-jerk reaction of the posturing terrorist who with his nasty wife attacked me and then were surrounded with awards, prizes, top positions for their entire little 2.5 children family unit--brought to Europ-a-land to be more indoctrinated but mostly showered with money, modeling prizes and fashion K-rap out of Euro-a-land. The result is a fascist minority minion and it is the prevailing mode that is part of this overall structure combined with immediate gratification for both violence and sexual usurpation of life force via immediate gratification due to teleportation--violence inflicted--no evidence--full approval by all highest authority sources--fully cheered on by the masses who conduct the street and home invasion terrorism. 

The on-stage live performance actually was probably the best performance indicating the real gauge of our society at this point. As some critics commented upon, many of the movies held for top awards were re-creations of older movies--thus bypassing the real zeitgeist of our emerging 4th Reich technocratic environment and the insidious nature of fascist and Nazi/Mafia indoctrination that is currently undergoing in society due to these nefarious and covert technologies which no one knows about but oh-so many people utilize on a daily basis against me. Huge smiles and energy sucking and draining glows on the faces and bodies of the terrorists after they are "allowed" carte blanche to get away with these crimes. 


One of the celebrity terrorists fully participating in huge promotions out of this endless near decade of teleportation terrorism aimed at me by this celebrity clique made her inclusion into the mainframe of discussion: she was supportive of the "poor" disparaged woman whose sexuality, she claimed, had been under "attack" like "in grade school" by the comedian. This of course is part of the black caucus both in H-wood and in Congress for power that this general nomination and award portends for the future not of awards but of general power. It was a convoluted sentence to match the convuluted nature of this situation. I cannot "blame" people for defending their partners in a huge and enlarging power cartel because obviously competition is deadly and fierce and to hold power means to have to group together--at least in this aspect of fighting for power in a formerly antagonistic milieu as H-wood and Congress has been (and still is to some degree, with only postcard placards as human beings "representing" color and identity politics but in actuality all are not exactly what they seem--to put it very nicely.


She defended the action claiming that the joke in question (which I have not heard--I have not tried to delve into this matter at all or learn about the particulars of the situation)--she defends the violence, she is part of the violence. She is of that skin color that is now supposed to be "royalty" according to the memes and themes constantly coming out in movies with these same terrorists who turn around and viciously use Nazi language and participate with openly racist white supremacists when attacking me. They are, as I wrote, indispensable to the "power elite" most notably white supremacists because they appear to be "fighting" the evils that they in fact are in a convoluted fashion actually supporting--and undermining the real fight and the reality of the actual oppression, glamorizing bs fantasy to boot about how courageous and "powerful" these groveling and vituperative, now openly violent if they are not met with instant gratifying praise and encounter any perceived or real threat to their "royal" status. To the white supremacists, they remain their cherished and protected minority minions. This same power structure applies to the blonde Nazi women (or their white equivalents with either dyed blonde hair or of a darker but only slightly hue, only that they must have very white skin and green/blue eyes) and....they perform the same exact function for the rapist male chauvy crowd of power-brokers whom they shy away from when it comes to sexual debauchery-leaving the sexual abuse for women "like me" to have to endure without protest or legal or Constitutional protection as they laugh and giggle about it. They play this same role as the minion who just openly demonstrated how fascist and violent these terrorists who participate in this contact have been programmed to be. I have stated this many times in my posts: the celebrities are the ones being programmed it's not really me who is the experimental "subject" but only just a variable, a kind of pivotal point between the controllers and those who are being fully indoctrinated into this fascist and Nazi/Mafia cartel of the 4th Reich--which is then transmitted into the public sphere which applauds these efforts and then strives to emulate them. The actor-turned-President (no, not that one you all think of) but back in the 80's, THAT president didn't call it "trickle-down" theory of economics for nuthin'. So aware of how the power-influence into social engineering truly operates, he was and that crux of power is still being employed to shift public awareness and behavior into that same mode. It's been many decades of this effort, the people in question whom I have referred to are just players in roles that they were groomed for decades ago (as I wrote, H-wood is rife with people who have been there for DECADES many of whom since the Reagan era of Trickle-down programming).


Monday, March 28, 2022

Shaking off the hate of the foul, filthy and stupid rotten haters every morning after teleportation. Ugh! The dregs and residue of the lows of the negative "baggage" emotional energy transmitted and then transferred onto me. Probably the parasite feeders are out feeling relieved while I am fighting to "clean my aura" of their hateful attacks after they pouted out their filth upon me (every night and day this goes on and on in every facet of filth possible forced upon me which I am perpetually cleaning and fighting to remove). I succumbed to their negativity in the teleportation and woke up with these hate thoughts, then realizing how low this has made my emotional and psychic energy I have to once more pull myself up to a more sane level of understanding and balance......Of course, compounding all of this must inhumane and unnatural sickness being used as a stepping stone for manipulative lying abuser criminal parasitic celebrities and politicians (and everyone else down on the trickle-down hierarchy)---is that all people either participate or do nothing essentially to really fight for freedom and against racism--not when it really counts in this way, as this situation is most egregious but they only repeat old chestnut anti-racist memes that the murdered and assassinated real activists shouted in rage, and after their extermination the greedy and sleazy and dumb repeat the slogans which become meaningless and empty until the term "woke" is a joke.

"The Elegants--Little Star". Jack Gauntt. October 3, 2011.


Even in the teleportation I felt alive, alert, happy, flowing with life as this white trashy, American but Germanic-English-looking parasite scumbag, who represents the main street America attacking me with poisons, drugs, rape and all the tactics that are handed to them in their cloistered secret meetings (information administered to them by the top administrators coming from the top). I felt, while this ugly sick woman (considered "good looking" because she has probably and undoubtedly copied every fashion magazine possible) but her appearance reminds me of the celebrities BEFORE they were plastered with facial modifications and endless luxury beauty treatments (probably on a daily basis for most of them). She just began screaming at me with vicious hate for some pretext about some idiotic thing--it was so meaningless an excuse I can't remember what it was about--it was a lie of course, as these attacks always are--(they "program" a response or an action into me, which seems innocuous but they use this as a pretext for some attack--literally that is the programming and one of the main systems of attack they use--the drugging and the mind control tech combined make personal choices at times when one is unsuspecting almost impossible to avoid). But I began to yell back in the same tone--defending myself and yelling that I "didn't do that" which I had not--as I recall. I felt myself yelling in this hate tone at this woman who walked away and all I saw was her back when I began to defend myself. They always physically position my body or the attackers in ways that I am always at a physical disadvantage. 

I then felt my entire body and energy sunk to this very ugly and low level of energy---it was like being pushed down into a dank hole with sewage --by garbage creeple of course--I hate to use these hate terms but I am still in that mode of being politically incorrect by writing in such a hate style. Years of being attacked and always left alone with hate surrounding me, all animals who are loving killed or gone--and I sink even in this state writing about it. They are all so loathsome but so honored by this political-industry-entertainment spectrum which fully represents Main Street America which is full in every burg, city and town with these organizations following the same protocols of terrorist "gang stalking"--all inter-connected and now even worse with social media and instant telecommunications and spyware and satellite surveillance and drone surveillance and gps and etc etc.


Dragged down by low-level creeps who have taken over the highest positions--with their millions of lower-ranking scumbags equally as foul but just not famous or coated with plastic surgery so the stupidity and ugliness is absolutely un-garnished with that superficial coating.


And I had to pull myself up in spirit even in the teleportation. The creeple had their little rat children staring and glaring in hate as more of the white trashy Nazi Americans glared in hate at me--under order by the pig apes from Whorewood but mostly because America is absolutely controlled by these networks of white trashy hate operators, death squads (aka "gang stalking 'harassment'" that is a lie that is being bandied about regarding this terror operation fully supported in every way with technologies and equipment and drugs and technology) 

and oh yes, include Elon Musk into this entire mix who provides even more sophisticated tech into the mix--and like all of them, as Americans are plunged into poverty, more and more in the years this has been going on with me and people like Musk have been involved-he has risen into being one of the wealthiest Nazis on the planet while minorities and women are beaten down--with only the most nasty rising to the top who fully endorse this Nazi system which DAILY is increasing in scope with the tech and all the newcomers who see this organization as being the one and only route into power and "out of the ghetto" or "out of the kitchen".


I have to endless work to do the most difficult task human beings are posed with: controlling the mind and while drugged and under a sleep mode and being lied to and manipulated like this in a state of deepest sleep and unconscious mind manipulatable vulnerability told to be "loving" or "friendly to people who are waiting for the cue to viciously rape, beat or rob or abuse me after they open me up, suck all they can out of me, and then dispose of me with hate, violence and often murderous attacks (poisoning, putting me in accidents, etc after I give love, friendship, they always dump their problems on me and etc).


I left America more than a decade ago and I still can't get the shit of this group off me due to this technology of teleportation. The bs of these awards is just a sick joke upon humanity. I saw that Uncle tom who "won" this award because he's an indispensable component of white racism and the black uncle tom playing "king" defending "poor black peoples" from racism while laughing with his ugly and dumb-looking face (now modified by plastic surgery so his huge ears and jawline are square and squat, resembling white Nazi facial features)

and this disgusting creep "won" because the facade that racism is in decline because some black uncle toms play the enraged black male and "strong" black women endlessly in the same roles but for different movies but viciously attack me so white Nazi racists will approve of them--is just part of the real undermining of the real struggle and the really intelligent people  who fought to create these movements to fight racism (which these weak and cowardly and sleazy and conniving fakes copy and steal ideas from). One of the worst "won" the top award for a really badly acted role in a very predictable and not good at all movie which keeps "winning" because the fake black uncle tom is so required for white supremacy to keep up the bs about how they are so "alternative" "liberal" and that hated word by the Right, "woke". How "woke" they all are! 

Their movies put me to sleep they are so effete and rotten and also an insult to the real people killed by the death squad operators and operations of the same crap white trash and their minority minions who are currently attacking me (out of Whorewood and also in society---the millions of rabies-infected sleaze trashy people attacking me in these hate skits).

All funded by The country of FREEDOM the United States--a sinking shit country at least towards me, to me, and for a lot of other people who are now disenfranchised but who still participate in this terrorist operation which so many cant' wait to participate in.

I try to lift my energy up after every night of their stupidity, hate and slime sick and bad energy forced upon me while I am this vulnerable. The sick US government can't see that more than a decade of this is just "not enough" and the goal of breaking me is their ultimate aim so I must endlessly endure this. I don't know how I can program my own mind enough to not be "friendly" because I am a friendly and loving person, believe it or not my posts are enraged because these parasites force me to "give real love" to ugly pig whores who are abusing and using and poisoning and murdering and abusing me--in waking and sleeping states. While waking I am now not involved with people any longer (so they killed all my loving animals and made sure no animals are anywhere in my vicinity everywhere I live--all animals in my area are killed and gone) and the hardest thing to do in this life for any human being: to control one's subconscious connection to life and other human beings--which is integral as we are social beings by nature for survival reasons. They manipulate this openness in the most vulnerable state a person can be in: sleeping in deep sleep, drugged by barrier-destroying mind control drugs so I am "open" and "friendly" to shit scumbags whom I would never even talk to if not drugged up endlessly and under this mind control influence--then abused by them, as I react in a "raw" emotional state because this group is always blocking my cognitive capabilities of critical analysis (and while writing--ALWAYS).


Of course, compounding all of this must inhumane and unnatural sickness being used as a stepping stone for manipulative lying abuser criminal parasitic celebrities and politicians (and everyone else down on the trickle-down hierarchy)---is that all people either participate or do nothing essentially to really fight for freedom and against racism--not when it really counts in this way, as this situation is most egregious but they only repeat old chestnut anti-racist memes that the murdered and assassinated real activists shouted in rage, and after their extermination the greedy and sleazy and dumb repeat the slogans which become meaningless and empty until the term "woke" is a joke.

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).