**After the hacking commenced (as usual, I have not had a system that hasn't been breached for the decades I have been barely able to use the internet--the system was so bogged down after just 10 minutes of it being hacked. It was so quick, light and all operated almost flawlessly. With my use of streaming media, the hackers jumped in, they got into the portal of the hacked printer that showed up on my Devices page, and now the system is freezing, DOS attacks are continuous--pages don't open and all is blocked. The keyboard prior to the hacking worked perfectly--now it's completely frozen, the keys are unresponsive, what I press won't operate and different letters appear than what I had just typed. The endless parasitic attempt to block my every communication is continuous and disgusting filth endlessly latched onto my every moment, sleeping moment and etc. I also want to add that for the past month, the creeple attacking me while I sleep have ordered that this microchip implant in my throat is "tweaked" somehow so the sphincter closes and my throat chokes while I am in a deep sleep. My throat makes this horrifically ugly noise which is so loud it wakes me up. They do this every night at least 10 times per night (more like 15-20). It is disgusting. Can someone at least stop this attack and all of these people and their sickness endlessly encroached upon my life--years of this--years....when will anyone have any kind of sobriety of thought to not endlessly sanction this type of sick attack upon me? It is the same, the very same reaction that H-wood gave to that nasty attacker who "won" and all the attackers (almost all top awards were "won" by people either involved or closely associated with others who have attacked me--for years). The hugging and applause of that un-seeming act of spontaneous violence at that "awards" rigged event is just part of the general ooze that I must endure from the filth that is endlessly forced upon me by this same group of "wonderful celebrities". All supported by our wonderful politicians who heap praise upon these criminal "entertainers" and fully support all their violence against me. But seeming some of the actual clips of these expletive scumbags who have teleported me and participated in this for years hugging that not-great "actor" and applauding and cheering his violence just reminds me of how much giggly smugness they all must share with one another after their nightly abuse and violence heaped upon me while I am in a deep, healing sleep from fighting for my life to heal from murder attempts via poisoning. My every reaction of enraged violence to their years of slow murder makes them smug and even more violent and sleazy and sick and nasty. To see them all cheering on this violent personality, their partner in this crime against me, only brings home how sick the entire "power structure" really is. it is good that some people are left in the US who are not fully indoctrinated into this system of hate and jerky programming (of course, the corrupt system wants to "cull" the population of anyone who disagrees with their barbaric methodology of higher technology which programs the creeple participating to become lower than thugs in behavior--not just primordial but base and mean and violent. All considered "elite" behavior, and cheered and praised and paid in millions (for those using the tech that covertly assassinates those who disagree or can't be "trained/programmed" into their hate schedule of emotional and psychological, immature albeit violent and deadly idiocy at highest levels of "society".
I want to write more about the sickening reaction of H-wood to the debacle at the Oscars. Those who have participated alongside the not-really-discredited "actor" (expletive) are themselves perpetrators of great violence. They hug and applaud him. I would write more, but I already have written about it in unflattering terms. I can feel my head being attacked like part of my skull is being slightly crushed inward and there is an internal pressure--this is the effect that is sometimes labeled "The Havana Syndrome" but it is some kind of technology (plus perhaps an embedded microchip in my brain) that is blocking neural firing on some level (or however the synapses are being blocked)--I can feel this and the attack culminates in me becoming dizzy if I spend too much time fighting and attempting to convey thoughts. The hacking commences on the keyboard and the system is completely hacked.
As I wrote above, I did a system restore and discovered that after getting on YouTube my system was immediately corrupted. I also saw that external devices were logged-in to my "devices" list which are part of the hacker arsenal of weapons of hacking terrorism. They are using, I believe, a series of printers through which some IP attack is being made--so I gauge as the devices has printers added to my devices if I don't check on this page often. That is what happened just as the hacking began and ruined my very long process of restoring the system to some "clean" slate functioning.
I am under grievous threat to my life for writing, and this is also a "deterrent" to any more of my enraged, mind-controlled seeming" rants' but they are legitimate and the things I wrote I have heard echoed by other commentators on the tube-net (my term). I now have to wonder if my thoughts are being stolen or not..but it is disgusting that the kind of violence I have only been writing of for years has been met by levity, jolly sadist reactions of thrill by not just the H-wood celebrity A-list level but also with much more sinister hate by various members of Congress who are not so entertaining in their performances so they can obtain their own version of awards for their efforts to project how actually fascist and un-Democratic they truly are (towards me). The acting is always the same for both of these institutions (H-wood and Congress).
But I am under severe threat. "They" can also hack into my thoughts and steal ideas that way as well, which is what "they" are doing no doubt. I don't check what "they " are saying or doing because any indication of any click or viewing of their k-rap fodder only means that "they" will teleport and rape, torture and perhaps try to murder me (some of them have done this already, but any click or viewing or listening is any excuse for these deplorables to wreak their hate and violence upon me--and many just have no excuse whatsoever they just cling on to the rest of the parasites latched onto me and this contract). The rest just keep applauding them and their violence, the reaction of H-wood is so disgusting. They condone the violent behavior in the same kind of terminology that they would defend a rapist (as in, "He was too excited he could not handle 'the pressure"" type of rapist defense that was all-too familiar not too many decades ago (as these actors who use these terms are well into their endless decades of being put into lead role status--so too is their rape justification terminology so encrusted into their psyches). Some even label the behavior is a man defending his beloved wife against a joke--no, it was nothing like chivalry and this man lovingly defending his poor insulted wife--it was an "entitled" violent personality who has been programmed into fascist and knee-jerk reactionary violence by the organization promoting each and every violent abuser who yearns to be part of the small percent of "aristocrats" who are allowed to get away with every act of violence if they get slightly perturbed by any comment by anyone who they deem is weak enough to not have the clout to react with even greater violence. I.e. weaker poorer people--but that is for the "future" when there are no more Jim Carrey's left in H-wood who will stand up for any sane and logical reaction to this crime.
It is the same situation I am confronted with every day, and have been not just the decade of this debacle of H-wood pouncing upon me every day and night, but "normal" Americans of this Mafia and Nazi organization which entails millions--MILLIONS--of people just waiting to exhale and go out an slap people around in an entitled fascist Nazi and Mafia dictatorship of absolute mediocrities put into lead positions of power--
Republicans are waiting to put this into more direct implementation just in about 10 months.