"Y Pants--That's the Way Boys Are". KGB070272. October 9, 2010.
MIND CONTROL, MK ULTRA, creative fiction, teleportation, technocracy, science fiction, drugging, state-sponsored terrorism, synthetic telepathy, voice-to-skull technology, gas lighting, microwave attacks, gang stalking. terrorism, sabotage, hypnosis. microchip implants, behavior modification, NEW WORLD ORDER, philosophy, dystopia society, HUMOR, LOVE
Sunday, August 28, 2022
Deadly serious while playing on toy instruments. Mickey Mouse paper drum kits for children. On stage for the NO WAVE revolution that the rape culture has striven to negate from the annuls of short-term pop celebrity historical memoribilia, hope, they pray that this dyke revolution will be buried so rape culture can prevail. The Me Too rapist enablers surround the "victorious" rapist who got away in front of cameras with rape and violence because he's a part of their fantasy complex media celluloid circus, which enables more rapists to go out and just "be boys" who will be boys looking for toys to break. Rape, they love rape. The rapist enabling women get a free pass from more violence, so they hope. They discover that they must lament and bleat out that "boys will be boys" more frequently.
How I delineate the difference between "Art" and Porn-pop culture. Porn-pop culture is the purview of the terrorist "gang stalking" goons. This is no negative reference to Andy Warhol's Trash as his trashy porno-driven film and the likes of art such as people like he have rendered contain the seeds and the foundation of artful rendition and introspective, often poetic in nature observations about life and society/animals, our universe. As for the rest, it relies on titillation and pornographic versions of sensationalism to "sell" the plot devices which are repetitive formulas. Sometimes the end-point of porn-pop culture art is of a spectacular epiphanic revelation, but that too is sometimes a formula, often replacing one icon with another but selling the same old formulas that keep society stagnant in one hierarchical entrenched stratification--in this case, it's a 4th Reich attempt to mind control and program the population into thinking something sexualized and "different" is anything but the same-old representational mind programming patterns of fascist authoritarianism.
"Jacque Dutronc Il est 5 heures, Paris s'eveille". comandantecaliout. October 2, 2012.
Saturday, August 27, 2022
The sexualization of fascism and torture society. The idolization of fascist and violent whores and parasites by the media in order to lure more people into MAGA riots. I think of HBO Game of Thrones and how one scene in that show was referenced by a member of the designated Terrorist organization The Oathkeepers in the January 6 Select Committee on the Trump Insurrection. HBO seems aligned with cranking out violent sexualized shows featuring fascists of the 4th Reich actor's "guild". The result is more indoctrination into fascism via the portal of sexual "allure" for sleazy thrill-seeking arm-chair porn purveyors. The result is increasing trending towards fascism in the United States (imported from the Europ-a fascist 4th Reich theater, being portrayed as "Democratic"). . Some of the parasites have gone on trial for crimes they committed because they were so emboldened by this endless crime teleportation technology torture system afforded, with endless promotions and profits by the fascist Nazis who hand out such prizes and lead roles; these viciously conquering worm parasites gravitate to the programming and violence, and this is thus transmitted to the world. But I am waiting for Godot to render JUSTICE in this situation, waiting and waiting while no one in the US Government will even blink an eye or venture to stop this contract out on me because they are essentially all "in" to what appears to be truly a real-life conspiracy of criminal fascism. It's just that some want more overt forms of despotism than others, so there is some slight variation of opinion on how to deal with the Insurrectionists. But now that the culprits are being brought to trial, the criminals who helped to bring TRUMP to power and are exemplifying stringent mind control protocols (trauma, violence, sexuality, addiction, the lure of money and fame) are still being adulated and all the world can't tell the difference between mind control sleaze and just plain stupid porn wrapped around a sleazy and meaningless plot featuring endless scenes of violence with playerz vying for power. THis is the now typical plot that H-wood (I mean Whorewood) hands out for the viewers. . I see one of them has flourished out of this contract as her father raped me almost daily for about 2 years using this teleportation torture situation, that was after two other Europigape men took turns for 4 years teleporting and raping me while they were murdering me via poisoning and stealing ideas --as all these filth parasites have done leaving me bereft of even sustainable income to survive poisoning--(obliterating the possibility of me being able to afford basic health care) while blocking health care and financial earnings while continuing to poison me. The skank whore of Depp, the spawn, has flourished in a way because it has a Europigape fascist backing by it's filthy whore French mother and the sleaze womanizing abuser that resides in the idol of Depp, this filthy greasebag who is more filthy and vile than anyone can imagine when he lets his greasy hair down and teleports and beats and rapes and threatens. Sleaze whores, I write this because of the lack of justice, and my words are the only weapon I have besides writing in an enraged mind control state (cognitive analysis capabilites are far lowerred in this state). Plus hacking and obstruction of the keyboard as usual making typing something like an arduous fight. But the parasitic daugher has fed off this violent rape contract, has been joining in with The Weekend and the pig pit and filthalina gang with so much violence aimed at me--that was last month, before the next violent abuser took his shot and began heart palpitations and violence and then now there's another mafia personality who is attacking me because I clicked on a video regarding Brooklyn mafia--it does not matter what or whom I click on or not any longer they come like waves of locusts coming to feed off me. But I see that many of the criminals have been taken to court in the aftermath of this puffed up sense of invulnerability to commit crime that is the ensuing lingering sense of entitlement these subhuman pig apes all experience as the programming is to instill as much fascist Nazism as possible into each and every scumbag low-life who teleports me. Because they are endlessly adulated by society, they actually believe that their plastic surgery posturing and coaching entitles them to breaking every law possible which they can get away with. Many of them then don't get away with every crime but many of them are still being brought to court like an endless stream of crimes they committed whilst they were teleporting and committing every kind of sexual and physical assault crime (all felonies) with not just no incrimination but only more promotions, millions of dollars and etc. But the skank whore splurt of Depp has fed off this contract, has enjoyed it, has fed off violence and has been only sexually energized by it. The same is true of filthy skankalina the wife of pig pitt--they are vile and filthy parasites but so plastic-surgery coated and so endlessly paid in millions while they have mutilated my body--nightly, daily, every kind of blemish and scar and broken bones and etc cover my body from their thrills and energy highs out of ordering me to be made physically paralyzed and then scarred and mutilated--I wait for justice, I wait for this government to stop stop stop promoting these pieces of shit and it is never ending. NO one makes any connection in the media between HBO and it's programming as part of a mind programming sex/violence/fascist/white supremacy operation. Where are the analytical critics of the media? They no longer exist. Everything is dumb and dumber peeps making comments about the lighting or the enticement factor or the action factor of these movies. There is no in-depth analysis of what the movies or shows actually are portraying on a deconstructive layered analysis. The pig ape whores continue to flourish. I wait and wait just for the semblance of JUSTICE for Congress to at least STOP this vile situation that has been forced upon me. Nothing and silence and more creeps join on it's like every month there are not two or three more--the list is so long of parasitic filth creeps attacking me--but the rotten rat spawn of Depp has been latching on (still latching on, part of the audience sitting next to The Weekend last MONTH while I was violently assaulted repeatedly by this endlessly enlarging group of celebrity sub-human shit which has not stopped feeding off this contract of just abusing and raping me for over a decade--they are sick as hell. They transmit sickness into society. I see this so clearly from my position of having to have witnessed the utter decrepit ugliness and stupidity that they repeatedly display towards me--as if this is me, and after they torture me to obtain ideas which they then steal--. as I cried to stop--I was being poisoned (something that never stopped for the next 8 more years) and the bloating poisons have been trapped in my intestines and in my body while these pig ape rapist men teleporting me just kept pounding it into my body. Now I see this parasitic daughter of the woman-beating rapist, who "won" a defamation suit, and the boyfriend (or lover or former, I don't know, I have never even heard one of his songs or if I did it was forgettable to me, as I really can't abide that kind of electronic synthesized vocal style that is so popular). This parasite got her entire career blasted off, from age 13 or something--her chubby cheeks, her eyes and her face plastic surgery modified--turned into a celebrity, she stole ideas and concepts I wrote of and used them for her initial movie lead roles--stole and watched on as I spat on Depp's face after two years of him assaulting and raping me non-stop (stealing MY DAUGHTER which was my cat, La Moux) because I kept saying no for the first two weeks--which turned into another 2 years,. Culminating in near-murder from an accident I barely averted at the last moment--it would have been instant horrible death for me. They created this. The hateful sleazy daughter whore skank has energetically fed off torture, just as The Weekend participated in teleportation hate skits that turned into endless violence...the show that is being highlighted by HBO is of sex and sleazy and this prostitute skank who has been handed every single goddamn thing for spitting on me repeatedly after I spat on Depp after yaers of him beating and raping me in teleportation. The rotten pig ape whore daughter has been feeding off violence, torture, rape and is like high on the hormones of violence--it reflects in her skank appearances completely sexualized by violence and the exploitation of me. THIS IS THE GENERAL AIM OF THE MIND CONTROL PROGRAMMERS --to enhance the violent fascists and to completely destroy people like me who has been fed off by parasites non-stop for over a decade (or much longer than that, but in this most insidious covert form of torture that is as inhumane as any kind of CIA torture prison environment---).
**Most of this post was destroyed by hackers--I repeatedly tried to express this in this post below--endlessly I discovered upon re-reading parts of sentences deleted, sentences strung together after parts were deleted. The Non-sequiturs alone are significantly obfuscating in how this post reads and is so nearly incomprehensible in parts---so disjointed. All 100% due to hacking. The keyboard is barely functioning. They are attacking my subconsciouss with subliminal messages constantly while I write, and also affecting my motor skills so my hands can barely move as the keyboard functions are made very stiff and inoperable. The result is a mostly deleted post, I "remember" what was deleted only after I physically get away from the laptop and only many minutes later after the initial effect of the brain-altering tech has slightly worn off. Right now typing words is nearly impossible it's extremely slow and I'm fighting to get every single word out. The post below reflects this endless block, but as a reader you cannot know or understand. You only see me ranting. This is not me, it's mostly from the terrorist hacker operation--100% in fact due to their interference and not my "ranting" hyperbolia. They are blocking functions as well, and inserting pages while I type, blocking scrolling, etc it's non-stop interference and blocks while I am fighting to think and can't get anything out rationally with my real writing skills that are clear and concise, factual and without endless insults towards the people who are attacking me--exccept to me they are not "people" any longer which is why I call them these names in the first place--they have lost their humanity I see them only as expletives and parasites and other foul and nasty bad words that I use in these "ranting" mind controlled posts--(every single one degenerates like this--for years, I can NEVER write or ty pe on any system this hacking follows me to every single computer I try to write on***when will this goddamn culture stop this attack upon me so I can live and thrive in some normal peaceful lifestyle situation?
When will you get these filthy parasites off me? This is a decade of me screaming in hate at ugly nasty men I find destable and their filthy women to get off me, every day, on and on--when will this be stopped? The lack of Democracy and FReedom should be so concerning but everyone joins in to get their free new promotion as the society is entering some kind of chaos stage of de-evolution. The crap movies and tv shows brainwashing people the viewer sheeple into desiring power struggles out of violence and fake feminism and white supremacism as expressed by minority mininions and etc--it's so obvious yet I appear to be the only one writing about this--and I can't even write about it-the censorship due to hacking and brain-altering tech is ever-present. Why will NO ONE EVER INTERVENE AND STOP THIS SICK contract out on me? When will these celebrities and politicians be pried off attacking me for their profit and promotions and sense of sexual empowerment?
This morning another Brooklyn Mafia personality actor connected to pesce and deniro and their gangland bad ole boys network teleported me while I was just waking. I don't know if he had teleportation skits put into my sleep consciousness or not, but the skits were more innocuous than usual. However, as the conversation between us in this nebulous state of me being forced for information extraction and being forced to have contact, almost extremely interpersonal as I am waking, getting dressed/undressed in the privacy (or lack thereof) of my room, where they are asking me every personal question possible and I finally have gotten to the point that when one of them, as he did eventually, began to unveil his fangs I responded with acrimony and by now this is the DAILY situation and has been for over a DECADE with one psycho parasitic creep after the next torturing me endlessly using this tech. THey all then go off to more criminal pursuits, and as I wrote above, some of them are now in multiple trial situations, but most of the females of this group have fed off watching me get raped and beaten by these criminal men and they revel in it--they feed off it sexually, they are emboldened and titillated and feel absolutely glorified in having a woman beaten down so they can feel uplifted. This situation is one of the beauty enhancement projects that the fascist pig ape organization is using to pump up these whore pig ape rapist enabler women, who all get plastic surgery enhancements and cover photo-ops endlessly after they have me tortured. But I digress..this morning it was yet another one of these hateful violent men--he used a soft approach at first--I guess it's his tactic and probably one of his modus operandi principles for his criminal exploits--to come in speaking softly and to go out causing carnage. The experience transpired in that downward direction until I got to the usual point of me yelling internally at some creep I never allowed into my life, much less watching me cooking, going to the bathroom, etc as they watch on looking for anything to criticize me about, to insult me about, to threaten me about, etc. They then pump money and glam and beauty treatments onto the skanks who cheer them on, as filthalina has been handed everything, as all the women who participate in this are handed every kind of uplifting facelift breast lift cheeckbone square Nazi blonde eye blue hair etc etc etc
Thus, the violent man--just another one--brutality is his byword in this situation as the threats hinting at murder if I so much as got angry at his increasing hostile volatility--the build-up to violence. His modus operandi for his mafia life of crime, now "famous" in his hood for having played in The Godfather. I can only imagine that he idolizes the blonde skanks who have been feeding off having me raped in front of them as the pig men beat and abuse me and cast me aside and then take these filthy skank women out to glam outings while I sit in stagnation because they have kept poisoning me and pumping the poison as deeply as possible into my body via rape--in teleportation and also when the pig apes in my general vicinity have access to breaking into my sleeping place while I am unconscious and can't move or defend myself.
And here was another violent mob personality threatening me with implied death threats if I spoke up against his increasing insults and threats--trying to coax any kind of inter-personal communication using this technology I still cannot block or shield myself from--so I react, I respond. Once they crack open this door into speaking into my brain, my mind, using voice-to-skull technology, they begin the worming parasitic functions they are all being paid in million dollar contracts to inflict upon me with as much psychological harm as possible to my sense of self. Every single day, this has not stopped for years. Once again, another psycho pig ape creep wormed his way into my life using this tech that the pig ape scumbags before him had used.
But this was awfully bad energy from this murdering bigot 'italian-American". I had this energetic sense of morbidity and ugliness--this was from a killer---not that anyone else is not a killer. If you kill insects you are a killer--most people are killers of something, at some time or another even if by accident. But this person and this faction of society--so indispensable to the US Government to do some of the really nasty and dirty work for them --hand-in-hand criminality of the US Government and entertainment-glorified villains playing the mafia roles that they are only embellishing with glamor instead of the really ugliness that truly permeates their society--if you are an outside as I am--that is. I felt this ugly horrid energy as this person transmitted himself to me, unwilling as I always am, using this voice-to-skull and barely visible teleportation technology. It was a foul and rotting energy of slow rot and negativity.
Once again I found myself delineating on the higher aspirations of finding a place of righteous normalcy or nobility in terms of how to live life, how this contract only lowers and demeans everyone in connection to it and what a threat this sick system and technology truly is and has been put into the wrong hands. I found a phrase that I heard growing up from my Brooklyn parents coming into my head--that is of something "going in one ear and out the other"--it was a phrase that my parents repeated until it echoed in my head; they NEVER once used that phrase in connection with me. I listened to them (up to a point) and they didn't have to repeat things or get nasty with me (luckily they weren't). But that is a phrase I recalled and it just was put into my subconscious by the Brooklynites that used this tech-I feel certain of that. That was the single-most positive thing that transpired in the entire communication between me and this man; who is like an epitome of mob boss (played in The Godfather) and the situation felt like cold blood, congealed and stagnant and dying. Perhaps he has a health problem and I could feel this cold, death sensation emanating from him.
The hissing sexually-titillated skank spawn of Depp, however, has been frying like a piece of tender fish, tenderized by plastic surgery and millions of $$ in her appearance ever since 2013 when Depp began his endless assault of me. The skank whore piece of shit spawn from Depp has been clinging onto torturing me ever since then, her career entirely built around this contract. The Weekend of course operates as the consort to filthalina, another liquid-emanating parasite spewing her filth on me psychologically, physically, and having my body mutilated and spewed with skin-damaging chemicals--resulting in permanent hair loss (my hair won't grow back, she and this group ordered that most of my hair be chemically damaged as most of it fell out--it's now only about 1 cm in tiny tuffs underneath hollow shells of hair barely covering the balding spots--which they created after the next pig ape rapist from Germany was pounding my body with his 6 ft+ pig body while filthalina and co. kept the poisoning/bloating insertions into my bladder nightly--keeping me paralyzed, stagnant, unable to move, to exercise. Blocking my finances as they have done (I can't even get my mail service to send me ANY information on mail received, even when I repeatedly phone and ask they reply with nothing--either the letters are being deleted or they are a terrorist situation just not doing anything but keeping me without information about my mail). The extent to which I cannot function on any economic level except to remain at sub-poverty level is disgusting. The millionaires and billionaires continue the endless assaults on me. I have had to stop writing my creative ideas because they have stolen so much, put their finished product in my social media so I see it directly as soon as I open my browser to check on information or the news or etc...
But I am waiting, waiting for some kind of change. It seems to no avail. I informed two members of the January 6 Select Committee about the violence these creeps, who helped put Trump into power in the first place, and what they are doing, how they are so closely allied with fascist Europigape groups such as THE CROWN out of England. Silence, the men participated in abuse, insults and threats and then got a flurry of public media appearances and were featured during the trial--one is running perhaps for office.
I remain waiting. I wait for ANY truly intelligent critical analysis of the content of these movies, actors, what they are really portraying about racism, fascism and entitlement culture along with the endless formula of fascism that permeates every film. HBO seems to be flouting every kind of fascist mind programming plot sexualized as the apple luring you into the promise of entertainment paradise. The titillated torturing parasite skank whores are put into lead position constantly as they truly emanate white supremacist 4th Reich fascism. It is so difficult for me to type by now--I can feel that my hands won't go to the keys I am trying to press. My brain is under stringent attack. I can't backspace endlessly. I could try to elaborate without endless insults and ad hominen attacks but it's impossible under these mind control conditions. I wait for anyone to protect me so I can write but everyone is just happily pluncked down in front of their tubes--as I am because I am so sick from endlessly being drugged or detox from deadly poisons and mind control drugs.
Waiting for some kind of shift in the world consciousness because so far everything has pointed to the continuation of fascism and despotism and a kind of brutal petty tyrannical society which this technology and these fascist rape and murdering pundits you all idolize are truly poisoning your minds and gonads with.
They feed off the hate and violence so endlessly and they are addicted to the endless promotions they are all being handed just for endless violence non-stop directed at me. No one from congrss is here defending me. Not a single one. They all claim, on the Dem side, that "Democracy is on the ballot" but they all continue to allow these skank whore pieces of shit to pump out this fascist-programming in the sleazy and violent, meaningless power-grabbing movies and CGI superhero fake K-rap that these filthy and vile parasites are being endlessly idolized for cranking out--
I wait for some kind of awareness, for some kind of critical review and there is none out there in the media universe I have encountered--as my internet is so completely hacked and so much content is blocked from me (I can't express right now how awful the hacking interference is and how hard it is for me to pound these words out--=endlessly backspacing and rewriting). While I was trying to correct and rewrite, which I could only do on a very limited space on this long post--the hackers would block the copying function so I had to go back and forth trying to just highlight passages that had already been rewritten and hacked and obliterated--making almost no sense whatsoever. Trying to rewrite, hacking, backspacing, rewriting constantly--(of course you get frustrated and lose the thread of your internal rationality and as you get flustered they increase the mind control subliminals until with every single post I am cursing and writing names and it is part of the deteriorating discrediting I am s ubject to. If the keyboard were just functioning I would be able to write with much more aplomb instead of bombing endless "immature" insults. I think these are being subliminally forced upon me as well by the creeps using every tools and means available to just completely destroy me--day and night, day after day--etc on and on. Waiting forever for Congress, for law enforcement, for THE FBT for goddamn someone in Whorewood to stop up and stop this endless violence against me. Everyone is railing about the surge of fascism and the "threat to Democracy". I was teleported to Trump and he began to win in the primaries back in 2015 and yet no one can connect this situation with the impending threat facing the US. Everyone seems to really want a fascist overtake of society; so they keep on idolizing scumbag whores and then leave me as a perpetual feeding object for these parasites to feed off sexualized by torture and stealing ideas and abusing me without end--as the government and society keeps them on pedestals as idols.
**Hackers have deleted/rewritten parts of this post--so whatever loss of flow of the post is due to hacking and redaction/deletion/revision by terrorists seeking to discredit me and my writing.
There are also parts of this post I had wanted to write but got "lost" in fighting to backspace and rewrite every other word--literally the hacking is so bad I must non-stop backspace, rewrite, and then once I publish and re-read I see that hackers have deleted segments of the post--stringing the rest together so it's out of sync and confusing. They delete choice words, often that incriminate certain people so the sentences are partially blank with information left out.
MOst of the functions I press on this laptop don't work--it's from malware not the computer. It operates differently when I am offline bu tthe hacking resumes if I get on a hard drive platform like wordpad--they hack into every single app possible and on every system and everything I do is blocked and made nearly impossible to operate. Most of the time they block the intenet so I can't use it normally--it's always slow to the point of being inoperable.
But back to this post and it's concepts--I can't access my thoughts--I can tell that it's all being blocked right now. When I wrote about how the spawn of Depp was attacking me, like Depp, she attacks me from the side when I am just being put into conscious mode, while sleeping, teleported, under hypnosis, and teleported to a location on the other side of the planet. The other pig apes of this group attack me in ways like I am laying down, they are slamming car doors into my head (The pig whores out of London really like this one-that was rolling Stone Keith Richards, after I said that I didn't want him and Jagger to exploit me because I want America to retain it's sovereignty--that was a quote that I used. it was no personal insult to him or that band or the creeps that they are--I just don't want any more foreigners trying to exploit MY country--as I think they are and this is an overtake of America by a lot of fascist Europigapes--the Rolling Stones included. And oh yes, their magazine completely lacks critical review content. They mostly applaud every mainstream pawn of the media 4th Reich conglimerate--as they represent this in their magazine. They are part of the no critical analysis component of the mind programming operation. They have been involved alongside Depp for YEARS, since 2013. Their willingness to inflict deadly violence upon me is now at the point of almost full normalization for these sick creeps attacking me. Their every output for the media is of them being all jolly and carefree wonderful defenders of all liberty, against all racism, and etc. But Richards was implying murder/assassination/death for me just saying I didn't "want" them because I want America to retain it's independence and autonomy--not even a personal attack. The same action was thrust at me from this ugly blonde (contact lens-blue-eyed skank) from London who has been part of this as long as the Rolling Stones and Depp--all of them, the women in particular, have been touted by the media as being the "Most beautiful" and the prizes and beauty treatments and plastic surgery modifications and glorification and endless energizing of these fascist, rape-enabling racist white supremacist mostly Europigape women (either their parents, one at least, are a foreign agent working to infiltrate Whorewood via their shitty rotten skank whore children--the girls are particularly skanky and Ameican loves this fascist appearance imported from Europigapeland. sorry for the "immature" labeling, I know it really turns people off. I can't write about them or their countries any longer as if I take them seriously--they are just so foul I call them names, in my opinion they are so low I can't call them by their names. Excuse the "immature" factor here. This is a DECADE of torture and rape and murder attaempts, poisoning and the destrucrtion of my finances, body home and income. None of you will stop this, I know. I write about it because I was passed off to another foul nasty man who I have no connection with who I never invited into my life who became an instant abomination promising more years of torture if given half the chance to go on indefinitely as most foul and disgusting pesce and deniro have done--to their oscars and awards and years of lead roles. They fully support Trump and all his facsism. These are all fascist Nazis, the blacks included, the Jews included. Their tv shows and moves are ALL about fascist Nazi 4th Reich indoctrination. they all keep attacking me to get more promotions. somehow this is unbelievable to me and yet the government continues to fund and support this fascist overtake of the country. The shit violent and sex rape culture MAGA movies keep being pumped out non-stop wtih the same formulas that no critic seems to be able to discern outside of the entertainment and titillation factor they all make much ado of but no content analysis seems permissible. FAscism keeps being the main indoctrination factor but sexualization of the skank whore rapists and their shitty daughters and children is the promise of a future of nepotistic fascism via entertainment and brainwashing programming. None of you can take me seriously it appears because I am ranting after a decade of no one ever stopping this violence against me....
Wait until the situation you have all allowed to unfold becomes untenable for you to survive in....See how much YOU will be ranting when that time comes.
Wednesday, August 24, 2022
FREE Florida from the gripes of the "Armor of God" enslavement society of bigotry and assault and a warfare-technocratic society of fascist Authoritarian Dark Ages sociopathy. What DeSantis means is the "freedom" to wreak death upon "enemies" deemed to be "Satanic" or "Radical Liberal".
"Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Marco Rubio team up on campaign trail with a stop in Tampa". 10 Tampa Bay. August 25, 2022.
Deferential/passive-aggressive/master-slave plantation social engineering technocracy/fascist-proponent scumbags, inc.//Oh Greasy Graham the Cracker Senator from S. Carolina--get thee hence--go to your Big Daddy in Florida. Get off me. Stop this endless violence from this filthy dirty group working alongside him--the pig pit gang et al.//Deadly "silent weapons for a silent war" terrorism remains slowly murdering me today--sickness aimed at me from sleep terrorism via teleportation. Slow murder and social engineering for a truly despicable pig ape society unraveling centuries of Enlightened Progress towards more aware and profound societies de-evolving into a violent catastrophe to the applause of the dumbed down and numbed down//Terrorist Report: August 24, 2022. Techno-Induced Heart palpitations/arrhythmia continues. Deadly assault on my heart; long-term. Feels like it's killing me slowly. Teleportation terror skits of death to animals. Sick, violent, stupid and disgusting as usual. The daily pit I must deal with, the cesspool of terrorism allotted top slots in society/media and politics. Wishing/hoping and praying the pig ape whores who have ordered these attacks are themselves destroyed and I am free of their pig apeness (but living on this beautiful planet without their filth and sickness and stupidity endlessly forced upon me). You can forget about any "forgiveness" type of compassion coming from me towards them at this point. Calling them names is only a miniscule bit of pressure I would like to exert to in reality destroy them. Wishing them death and destruction , as they have been forcing upon me to their endless greasy greedy advantage and for years and years.
Having to witness the utter disregard for the United States--and it's "people", it's laws for whatever game of graft and theft and murder those in power can get away with, along with their cascading lower levels of minions--seeing this social engineering "project" forced upon me that these politicians uphold in their greedy aspirations and social engineering project of fascist white supremacy installed covertly via mind control technology, media brainwashing programming and every enticement possible for those who will easily cave into destroying the society and indeed the planet as well if only to have "fashion" and a presumed "elite" status. Seeing this doesn't negate electronic attacks upon my heart--which are deadly. I must appeal to the planet to get Greasy Graham the Cracker and his death technology off of me. This attack on my heart began once again when this nasty hateful sleazy creep began violently threatening and assaulting me last month--. All I did was say "hell no" after the first week and his ensuing question they all ask (while I was teleported and very ill from detox, bedridden and unable to move--unable to bend, lift or get out of bed--would I want to be enslaved in his South Carolinian KKK fascist entrapment so he and his wife and family could get out of testifying before a Georgia Grand Jury to avoid having to testify? He didn't pose the question in any way like that--it was just the usual "you can't say no" type of demand without even asking the question--as I said "hell no" he responded with, "It will be Hell" and then commenced with non-stop heart palpitations, filth and filth sprayed on clothing non-stop every day. Teleportation skits of hate, people violently yelling at me, the celebrities who were glowing with excitement when he joined (then somehow within the next two weeks obtained pardons for their legal cases which were regarding malfeasance and corruption in what had resulted in property damage, I think perhaps death, and projects for "charity" resulting in absolute failure and people's lives being destroyed in some cases--and this was a very old case, but within the last month this celebrity endlessly terrorizing and abusing me in this contract was exonerated--got plastic surgery--was handed perhaps for free an incredible multi-million dollar mansion right on the Coast in California--but during this time-frame it appears suspciously like a hand-out. Despite that, they are still attacking me with skits of death and hate while I am sleeping--the same people, but working with this nasty Senator who has not made his appearance--they will do and say ANYTHING to get more free multi-million $ deals and so they are acting as proxy agents for the Senator. Maybe he was excluded from more torture, so he assigned his expletives out of Ho-wood to act on his behalf of death and hate and heart palpitations.
I also was teleported to Mitch McConnell while Graham was in the middle of his sneak attack to obtain this contract--somehow he thinksk that his status and the obliteration of my life and all human rights forced upon me by HIMSELF and his friends in Congress negates my entire existence as having any rights whatsoever. I finally began calling him names, as I do with all of the haters after they torture me, all claiming I "can't say no" (to whatever they want to steal and rob out of me and rape and poison and deform mybody without me protesting or fighting back. I was told by McConnell that I am a "radical liberal" and then a few seconds later both of the bigots (Greasy Graham and McConnell) spoke in unison : Death (to me, they meant).
Thus that is the scoop of the poop today--never-ending bs and sickness you all consider to be entitlement elitist behavior that the wealthy are allowed to inflict upon those who are not wealthy The MAGA maniacs also want a piece of this action, and so they are threatening violence for any agenda they want passed. The Plantation society is trying to obtain the same "rights" the wealthy expletives are being allowed to inflict upon their targets and victims. The entire society will de-evolve into another planet of the apes even with all this sophisticated technology handed into their grasping greasy paws they can't handle the tech because they are un-evolved human beings who are told that their every bs speech and action for public enthrallment is only the most supreme in all the Land. They all think they are either Gods without blame and no laws are supposed to touch them, or if they are minions, they want to be royalty.
I thus think of the bowing and scraping that someone like McConnell bestows upon Trump when he insults him, but threatens to kill me only for fighting in my defense against his and his partner's violent assaults upon me which are of a covert nature--so cherished and supported in Congress by men like him and they--but also by the "radical liberals' they claim are their "enemies". The real fascists "know their place" when they grovel in obedience to being insulted or attacked by those who are in higher positions; with all that groveling and deference to authority, the corrupt authorities they all nearly worship--their "brotherhood" of criminals--but whenever possible they unleash unending violence upon those their social engineering system is targeting as assassination/murder "nothings" who have no human rights whatsoever. This is the social engineering project men like Graham and McConnell and the celebrities and the Progressives (who participate alongside these "fascist Republicans" but only in secret when they are in their safe enclosed terror units teleporting and threatening and assaulting me. I appear "delusional" in writing a post like this because how well they play their roles, and how many people want to believe or need the illusion because they are fervently working to create this system of entitlement to kill and rape and steal and completely discredit targets (like me).
Thus the bowing servant violently assaulting the helpless--in a system they are very violently working to make a concrete system within the US and everywhere else--for their false claims of superiority. They plan on faking it until they make it (the fascist system, the 4th Reich, etc).
Mitch McConnell Seems Afraid To Defend Wife Elaine Chao After Trump Calls Her ‘Crazy’
"Bow down before the one you serve, you're going to get what you deserve"--
Tuesday, August 23, 2022
Deadly physical attack via heart palpitation technology. It's been ongoing for weeks (months or years) but I am so ill from the poisoning that has accompanied all the other deadly attacks I could not tell which pain or problem is due to stress or from drugging/poisoning/tech.
The heart palpitations are at a very low level, but deadly nevertheless. It feels like me heart/chest is being slightly pressed downwards (crushed, slightly) and it's hard to breathe deeply. They put strain on my nervous system probably there are many factors affecting various parts of the circulatory system (heart palpitations, constriction of muscles/chest/lungs). THis is NOT due to stress, prolonged as it has been.
Otherwise there is no end to freshly sprayed filth/brown grease that remains clinging to surfaces despite all scrubbing and cleaning agents (baking soda, white vinegar, bleach) NOTHING gets it out, not even scrubbing with scratchy cleaning tools--it remains permanently stained into the walls/floor they spray this on my kitchen counters and on the table I use for eating--every day there is stinking filth in multiple places. My clothing is sprayed with foul substances repeatedly, often multiple times during the day.
I am so busy cleaning just to not have to live in filth that I cannot actually CLEAN my room for the things that need cleaning, instead I must fight to remove toxins that I must breathe in or have next to my skin--and my body is polluted with their endless drugging and poisons--so I can't bend to clean all this stinking foul mess. On the patio are endless hairs and debris stuck into the gooey mess they spray on the tiles, all corners, under all furniture--every single day, every day without exception it never ends.
But the heart palpitations--however slight they are, are a slow murder assault upon my heart muscles and body functions. It's painful it's been ongoing for weeks or months or years (probably the latter--just that I am so ill most of the time from the poison they keep inserting into my body while I sleep, or in my food, I can't tell the difference any longer because they are attacking so many areas of my body simultaneously--including my emotional state, they want me enraged or miserable as often as possible, if possible to my death non-stop and they never stop this pursuit of destroying every thing about me. My skin has been ravaged and continues to be sprayed with damaging chemicals, and it looks like my hands have been dipped in cleaning acidic substances every day for years--they have damaged my skin so badly it's unsightly and to me it looks hideous. They increased the heart palpitations last month to a point where my chest was completely constricted, it was very hard to breathe, I could feel the pounding of my heart while I was laying still--the sensation is of a creepy "heat" sort of feel, the electricity coursing through my chest and the nervous electronic energy they are pumping into my body (beaming, whatever and however it's being transmitted). That was the segue to that Senator who then began his campaign of terrorism and endless stinking filth--he attacked me with these heart palpitations so when, while I was extremely sick and in this healing crisis stage last month--as he began his attempt to steal this contract from the usual H-wood celebrity terror group--the married couples, their children, endless years of them going at me taking turns--the senator then asked me about anything he could use for his own healing (he asked me about how to detox) and then he continued not only to viciously and psychologically violently to assault me, with stinking filth (ie. inches of water with fungus poured into my bathroom floor by the mechanical arms opening the tiles between my room and the next--I was in a very painful healing situation last month and was bedridden so this senator--I can't use the insults any longer he's a psychopath deadly and dangerous bigot and has access to every kind of terror technology, thanks to the grab-bag of terror equipment that US President and Congress have been secretly alloting to any terrorist of this bipartisan effort to destroy the country and install fascist authoritarian leadership--unfortunately it's completely and totally a bipartisan effort. but as this senator began to assault me while he was asking me about how to clean out his body--then torturing me afterwards to inhibit my healing, turn my life into endless filth and violence and hate--teleportation of people violently yelling at me, inserting objects into my body--etc--I began to elaborate upon health issues--he continued to slowly destroy my body with heart palpitations and then began his own campaign of endless filth sprayed on clothing, the floors- to a degree that could not be ignored it was so foul and stinking--every day he went on and on. As a collective, along with the terrorist celebrities who have raped, beaten and abused me nightly and daily for over 8 years--he handed them government money--"dark money" in order to obtain access to this contract without them impeding his version of the protocols--stinking and greasy and ugly and nasty-- this has gone on for a month--non-stop day and night. Yesterday, it seemed he had gone away, but still orders heart palpitations that are non-stop and I can feel it by now after days or weeks since he stopped the really deadly assault on my heart that could have killed me if he had ordered it to be continued. He has since ordered it to be continued but at a low level, almost "ambient". I think as a result, as all of these expletives get some kind of "dream come true" award, prize or promotion; He's now gotten a kind of reprieve from the Georgia county prosecutor's office after taking his appeal to I think it was a Federal appellate court--so perhaps today the "lull" is just deadly but low-level heart palpitations instead of deadly pounding and constriction of my chest-- and the endless everyday filth they spray on the floors, clothing and everything else (food, they put hairs and nasty substances in all food unless I seal all so it can't be open easily with mechanical arms--which go berserk in my room every night while I am in a deep sleep being teleported to hateful people who are assaulting me for their own promotions).
Of course, the senator in question handing the already endlessly awarded terror celebrities who have gone after me with deadly hate, violence, torture, murder attempts, non-stop threats of murder by now since all I do is fight to get them off me (and have not stopped for over 8 years, every single time they teleport me, every day--that makes 365 X 12 to be roughly 2800 days--give or take--a conservative estimate but I have not had screaming fights with physical violence in my attempts to get them off me every day. Otherwise the teleportation skits are murder or homeless scenes, almost without exception, night after night. They were handed more $$$ and prizes paid out of the coffers of the United States government so this senator could get an exemption to his court battle to not have to testify for his crimes against the United States government in election fraud investigations.
Paid off so this hateful nasty senator could torture and violate and assault and abuse me non-stop in order to get favoritism by this fascist Nazi group, which he represents in his every conflict of interest in his legislative capacities, every day--for how many years he's been going on exerting this agenda I do not know...but in the last month it's been an endless assault upon me because these expletives all know by now that: if you need a promotion, go attack me in teleportation with the celebrities and politicians and you get an instant promotion, get awards at the end of the year, get promoted as being the most beautiful but only after extensive plastic surgery modification which is also paid for probably in full by this group--and then if you are the politicians who tortured me just in order to get put into power, you can then get out of your criminal cases after YEARS of non-stop torture of me, so that your criminality which has been supported by Congress, and the fascist Nazi 4th Reich network with endless hoards of minorities doing your bidding and dirty work for you--and when you are told to appear before court--why, you can continue to viciously attack me to get out of that.
And Congress keeps remaining silent, allowing them to slowly murder me with poisoning and/or heart palpitations just because they "have to" continue to slowly murder me while trying to exploit and extract anything remaining in my body or mind that hasn't already been destroyed, broken, frozen due to endless threats and subliminal hate speech endlessly piped into my very low-level subliminal hearing capacities (I "hear" endless nasty insults being continuously piped into my inner ear).
**AT this point I am fighting to clean out the hacking inserts on this 2nd read-over of how badly the terrorist hackers have altered or deleted what I wrote-and I see hacker terrorists deleted an entire paragraph. I had written that unfortunately the politicians in question operate as a bipartisan effort to really destroy the functional capacities of the former system of checks, balances and any kind of representation of the law when it comes to covert terrorism activity--aka State-sponsored terrorism, for the purpose of eliminating threats within society which they have deemed I am--and simply because I was competative, wanted to succeed, and then finally tried to get rid of rapist facsist creep after parasite who wanted to abuse, exploit and then discard me with contempt and hate after having date-raped me (drugged, poisoned and under mind control tech affecting my sexual functions, subliminal content blasting about how much I "loved" some rotten hater I didn't know at all). Speaking of which, I still don't know the celebrities who have telelported me for over 8 years--they never say anything but questions to extract information. They are so hateful and rude towards me that there is no conversation ever except why I am not immediately granting them access to exploit me as a "slave " that they have been handed permission to rape and then murder if they want to--I am fighting, I remain alone writing these posts asking for the murder, home violations (4th Amendment Rights completely obliterated by Congress, the Dems and Reps, never-ending rotation of them by now--all with the same agenda. People in America are "worried" about the threat to Democracy, but these famous politicians (Clinton, AOC, Sanders, Graham, McConnell, Trump, et al) are all working TOGETHER to achieve this objective but some are more adamant about turning their own version of government take-over into a complete Totalitarian technocracy and others want to retain a semblance of the working system, but terrorism aimed at people "like me" fully welcomed with smirks, laughs, giggles and endless supply of cash and money flowing to ever already famous and wealthy celebrity who can then throw the money to their stalker operatives on the ground level. The flow of cash and money, prizes, get-out-of-testifying is non-stop. Get into office, get out of your criminal charges--Congress, the members who are aware of this situation, remain supporting the terrorist celebrities and their political machinations for power and control disguised as Homeland Security anti-Terrorism--or the surveillance, or however they justify it especially in terms of legislation and duties and funding for these types of "security" measures.
I wonder if the above will be erased or deleted after I post this--changed--fighting to pound out letters still--but I had written that this terror contract of teleportation out on me is absolutely a BIPARTISAN cooperative arrangement between both Parties of the United States Government*** it was deleted, the sentence it was deleted from was then pasted together with another sentence. I had to correct that and read through the entire post to realize that the sentence about this bipartisan terror objective of taking over the
Democracy of the US government and turning it into death squad fascist genocidal "culling" of the population remains a popular murder sport for celebrities and politicians of both parties alike--with equal gusto in ALL CASES.
The hacking is now making it impossible to type any longer. I can't get the keyboard to operate I am pounding down as hard as possible to get anything to print out at this point.
Monday, August 22, 2022
Porno-Plantation-Apprentice-Extended-Sex +Drugs+thumpy electronic-disco-Music-Television-Show. It has a long title; but it appears to be very short in mind programming protocols and formulas. Perhaps extremely a shortened version of the same plot unfolding into a tv show of racist white supremacy packaged as porno-titillation "modern" fast times at plantation-porno-High School.
"The Idol Trailer (2022)". ONE Media. July 18, 2022.
I don't want to see these actors, nor do I wish to help to promote them by reacting to this trailer--(which is one of their big aims in part of the protocols, to get a reaction out of me, ostensibly this implies that in the larger context of mind control over a larger segment of the population, if they get a reaction out of me, they can get a reaction out of the masses/audience viewers. This mind control "experiment" means that this formula on lessor levels of trauma (but tv shows replete with trauma-based mind control formulas, albeit in entertainment guise) is how these actors are being themselves programmed when they endlessly--for years and years without end--participate in this contract. These two included ( don't know about the rest of the production crew or director, etc). I see a near holographic replication of the mind control programming they are forcing upon me--but put in a much different and softer version in this trailer (I have not watched the show, the trailer begins with blaring almost horror film music--the trauma and sex titillation begins, the mind control programming begins with the ominous music that blasts into your consciosness immediately shifting you into their intended consciousness shift into their tethered slot they want you to comply with and be programmed into. The rest appears to be drugs, sex and glamor. These are the enticement triggers that lure people into breaking from any moral consideration into doing any "evil" deed in order to feel part of a glam porno universe of entitlement and luxury. I could go on but its endless struggle just to type and think clearly.
AS both actors-so called--in this brief "trailer" "get it up to screw on down" slick prick pick for the next sexualized mind control/programming slot for the upcoming "season" of the Midterms elections running undoubtedly into the 2024 Prez election; they are both associated with $45 (that is, post-Obama) not indirectly but directly in this teleportation terrorism. The white supremacist (white female, not the black one) actor has obtained an entire career and every kind of entitlement deal, plus violence towards me for YEARS- out of this teleportation terrorism. When I write about these people I KNOW WHAT I AM REFERRING TO. This post is not some conjecture or theorizing on how H-wood operates and the subtleties of programming injections into the consciousness of the viewers and the endlessly surging entitlement white supremacist/fascist/Neo-Nazi programming in mainstream MAGA (don't forget the "liberals" who are the silent partner of this movement but appear to represent it's "antithesis" but in actuality only support the larger movement by providing a joke of "woke" culture in which to counterbalance the deception that there are "opposing" sides to the impending 4th Reich. In other words, this tv show is one of the warfare prongs of mind programming into fascist Nazism and white supremacy culture; disguised as being something so "hip" and wantonly chic and glorified and "inter-racial". Just please try to not forget about Clarence Thomas and his white creamy cookie interior who worked to push the Insurrection through using "legal" means illegally. It's the same principle of master-slave appearing as a inter-racial couple who is not "racist" but truly epitomizes how racism operates on a subtle psychological level.
First,s just like many a show on tv or movie, sex is pushing the agenda into your errogenous mental zones by first enticing you to let loose your sexual inhibitions while you watch this show--at least on some minute level, you don't have to go all out. In tandem with mind control programming protocols, sex on some level, especially using a kind of taboo representation that keeps you yearning to view what you are not in reality "supposed" to do (according to the racist society which compels shows like this to be pumped into the mainsteam mind meld universe of tv and movie mind control--once that sexual door is open in your body or mind, the rest of the programming slips in like a back-door hack or virus infecting your hard drive with the openly porno tv shows that now proliferate the mainstream genres to the point that what you see routinely in Prime Time viewing is nothing but porn flicks with some plots and a lot of violence in between--for the very popular shows or movies--or some of them, in particular those which promote MAGA white supremacist and Insurrectionist mentality (master-slave is the desired outcome, all the movies and shows I refer to have this power differential contained within the very plots, even when it's white-upon-white porn or violence.
I will not go into more theorizing as it's always very difficult to type and think--hacking is very bad, every key I must pound down on, the hackes are making the keys extremely stiff, and then when I do get something to appear it's the wrong key although I press the correct keys all the time. My brain is so attacked I "lose track" of my thoughts even when I just had the idea it's like a tabula rasa--blank slate at my memory is being temporarily erased while I am fighting to circumvent the hacking, backspacing and etc.
Back to this theme: these people have been participating in the TORTURE/mutilation/deformation and rape and torture of me, the female in particular has obtained every kind of promotion out of attacking me and regularly comes and spits, hits or insults me and then voila! A movie with her starring in it comes out a few months later (long enough for the entire production to have been handed to her, conceived, and then the finished product comes out. She keeps coming back to get more, as they all do. The parasite line-up of leeches is endless and they politely take turns as they violently assault and insult me every single day (poisoning me slowly to death included--ideas they stole from me to make their movies, as this bigot daughter of the man who raped and beat and tortured and poisoned and had animals stolen or killed that I was taking care of--stealing ideas from me for years-but now she's finally making movies that have other themes that I would not want to have thought up or of--since I don't write my creative concepts any longer to stop this endless flow of parasites stealing ideas and then attacking and participating in slowly murdering me.
The black male is the interim ping-pong ball between the divorced fascist white supremacist Nazi couple. The female of that pair is closely aligned with #45 the former prez. I have written of the fascist and Nazi foreign alliances they have formed for this endless contract out on doing all this violence against me-for-promotion contract.
The little trailer I watched, as I saw how much plastic surgery the female has been handed (knowing what she looked like before the extensive surgeries and etc) and also, along with the rest of them, as they got plastic surgery I have been mutilated, poisoned and tortured non-stop with sleep deprivation and sleep itself turned into an endless hate and abuse nightmare--that they all profit off. AS they are lifted up by the fascist white supremacists like all the politicians of both parties who participate in this contract of teleportation, I am pushed down so what my natural attributes have been they have mutilated me, as they got everything handed to them for behaving like genocidal violent fascist "elite" users and abusers--
I watch this show and I see the usual minority minion programming which I have been writing of so furiously for so many years while I am forced into having to deal with it endlessly demanded of me to comply with (or die, they would demand, but it means death/murder anyway whether I comply or not).
The racist formulas remain, the rape-culture sleaze, white supremacy motifs remain as they are in reality with these actors and politicians who are handed these technologies to torture and debase and attack me, with their proxy terror operatives (aka "gang stalkers" deforming and mutilating, poisoning, raping and destroying my body and home always claiming that after all the damage where I have no defense, they are "superior' and I have never accomplished anything, theyh with their endless violence and deformation of my body that I cannot defend myself against are so much more 'beautiful" which minorities hiss in hate at me almost screaming it at me--while they get face modifications, plastic surgery so they look nothing like they did when they began their careers--and etc.
The demand that the minority or minion deflect, adore and submit to "bend the knee" is visible in this trailer--it is a hologram of the master-slave relationship I see every single day when I am out in Thailand and see how "post-colonialist" society operates when the morays of a "normal" society are taken down, the Churches are almost non-existent here, and slavery is almost open but the slaves are "in love" and happy about the situation (usually most of the plantation "masters" only come for a few weeks at a time, so the "slave" get a rotation of the basic same type of personality but at least they get a change of the stale air. I get a rotation of abusers teleporting me as the rest watch on; it reminds me of high season in Thailand in these certain respects.
However, the formula of racism that I must witness and that is being foisted upon me with torture and poisoning and a relentless attempt to alter and change me into this kind of submissive minion--although they beat, rape and torture me, in sheer desperation of the poverty they have forced upon me, I am stuck having to try to consider if I can palpibly tolerate any of these haters and I find that they are all too repugnant and so violently abusive in an attempt to appear that they are "masters" in a slave situation. Worse than deplorable and no where near attractive, this is a true sex trafficking hate situation I am embroiled within. But back to this tv show. It is sex and racism packaged as a titillation sexulized something plot--not sure what else there will be to this tv K-rape stuff--ultra wealthy in Whorewood gyrating to what should have been a 3-minute sexual porno video turned into a lengthy season--all out of this contract out on me--this is just one of the by products of how they get their tv shows--just months or years of torturing me and plastic surgery months later and endless hand-outs and free uplifts for their appearance and finances and promotions, here is the byproduct: mind control programming appearing as a sexual titillation porno extended music celluloid product with the mutual understanding of master-slave embedded because the actors in personal real time are pushing and perform these same roles in either teleportation but also in their personal relationships.
This is the programming they are pushing on to me but they are pushing it to a much larger, perhaps global audience. Here in Thailand there is no need for this type of programming, but in America to supplant the former "free" "Democracy" this is just another prong in the multi-pronged warfare to establish a fascist Nazi 4th Reich in America. Racist programming is complete with a porno-video-racial-programming guide as this elongated porno-music video-television-show will subliminally condition the audience to emulate and get turned-on to. It's all of course very fashionably expensive and lavish, also to complete the titillation and incentive-based programming. Offering people wealth and status is a huge component of the actual recruitment for the proxy terrorist goon squads. Minorities surrounding a tiny quotient of white supremacist haters is the usual formula; this show depicts this but in that mind programming enticement which, like Game of Thrones, helps pave the way for the programming into the 4th Reich to be more fully entrenched into the minds of the viewers and of course into the soulless loveless bodies which copy and repeat what they are programming to do. Thanks to the endless porno efforts (Game of Thrones is oh-so-pornographic in detail, visually) and other shows like this which are employed by the Nazi contingent to sell their product: fascist Nazism. Sex helps to sell it off. Glamour and image is one of the most useful tools of recruitment. Obsequious minority minions bowing in near abject worship of white Nazi imagery is tantamount to the entire effort. This tv show The Idol appears to encapsulate so many facets of white supremacist programming. I know this because they 've been torturing this formula into me for over a decade: these very same actors or their partners whom they latch onto who use them as well to attack me, a joint effort.
It's an extended music video with drugs, sex and black worship of white women. Will sell like the other black white supremacist enablers of H-wood's output. Nazis will keep this show running as long as possible but posing as inter-racial. Sleazy politically-incorrect sexualized/pornographic titillation sells so well in H-wood. People with tons of money and plastic surgery galore posing as H-wood stuperstarz--who actually have been put into power because they represent propagandized racism and bigotry disguised as novelty and of course music video expansion--just with plots, sex and the black man nearly worshipping at the white bigot Nazi blonde woman's plastic surgery posturing--. What ever the plot will be is only secondary to selling various motifs of racist implication of minorities servicing white Nazi imagery as sexualized "fashion". That's why The Weekend is in bed with bigot fake women who feign being politically correct. The sell-out factor of Blacks in H-wood continues, and I think a Jewish man helping to write the "plot" will make it seemingly an attention-grabbing experience instead of just an elongated titillation semi-porno music/white supremacist modeling video turned into tv show. America has proven it welcomes white supremacy in entertainment disguised as being somehow enlightened modernism (that's why they had to conscript the "Jewish" writer to get any semblance of a story or plot within the usual formulaic context of what appears to be glorification of white Nazi plastic surgery enhancement with black servitude--a la that ghetto rapper dogg and the cooking blonde woman--is't all so racist but sold off as inter-racial "enlightenment". It's nothing I will watch but the trailer showed me that this is essentially the programming being installed into American consciousness; perhaps to help sell-off another Trump run or a MAGA entertainment mind programming exercise in titillation to brainwash the public into this modern form of Blacks 4 Trump & co (Don't forget Trump is friends with these critters like Depp and co---out of his 12 years a slave master in Whorewood with his apprentice master-slave programming glorification of blonde Nazi indoctrination via money and power sells tv programming. BTW: The Weekend's former (or current) gf's father, Voight, is a staunch supporter of Trump, the Insurrection, and into a lifetime mandate for MAGA white supremacy established in white America (with the "good" minorities playing the roles demanded of them). It's not a case of father and daughter not agreeing on political issues, it's the case of the daughter playing the false opposition to conservativism in order to sell her product, which is supposedly original and not of an outdated position of conservativism, as her father encapsulates in his every political appearance to support the white fascist movement--these people are all intertwined in H -wood private cartels. The programming is very carefully designed to appear as being liberal but it's extremely conservative very traditional programming albeit sold off with psychological and focus group psychology enabling writers who pump out what appears to be hip and current. It's just another plantation product sold as something titillating. I wonder how violent the so-called "plots" will be alongside the gyrating porno imagery and black-worshipping blonde Nazi culture indoctrination?
Emergency: my money has been cut off and I am facing death: A direct life-threatening situation from this terrorist group is in the real now financial. My money has been suspended. I have checked my mail and have been told either complete lies, or someone has alerted the agency which cut my money off. So tired from cleaning the stinking filth in my body the past week, and collapsing in utter sickness while being tortured non-stop, and then cleaning today muck and just checking and the funding has been "suspended" in red in my account. It is Saturday and the government office is closed until Monday, which means I have to wait over 48 hours to discover what I must do. They might demand that I go into a field office, which means I will have to
fly international to get an appointment because someone alerted them that I am not in the city--a probable reason there have been no problem...
I must order express extremely vital financial objects from my mailing service out of the US. So far, Fed Ex in Phuket has no telephone nu...
Many songs trigger thoughts, emotions and concepts directly or indirectly to my experience of observing the endless repetitious patterns o...
For the past few days the terrorist minions, which here in Thailand specialize in Asian cooking condiments such as Fish oil and fish cakes...