Thursday, December 22, 2022

Why Andrea Dworkin and her writings figure so prominently in my mindset: Minneapolis, 1983. "Feminism is hated because women are hated. Anti-feminism is a direct expression of misogyny it is the political defense of woman-hating."--Andrea Dworkin

 "Andrea Dworkin--1983 anti-porn ordinance in Minneapolis". Mickey Z. January 17, 2017.

I was in my Freshman/Sophomore year at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. I lived on campus in a women's-only dormitory. At the campus coffee shops, people remarked that buying certain magazines like body-weight stuff for men was restricted or under threat due to this push by the feminist movement under Dworkin for removal under an anti-pornographic movement undergoing. Newspaper articles abounded for a while and people talked of this movement. I was always drugged and not able to get around, really was drugged into a nearly non-stop comatose state (and have been most of my life from this horrendous drugging, because this group of terrorists attacking me can't abide to see me active, threatening in any way and thus nearly paralyzed and now they want me to just become a breeder and sex slave/cooking as well and watching other women use my ideas to sell "feminism" as their own concept).

I took a few classes in feminism, one taught by a male professor who was excellent but attacked me using the usual methodology of all the terrorists. He taught such subjects that contained examination of sexual violence. I then kind of compartmentalized the subject of "feminism" but retained some of the concepts. I believe I was mind controlled to let the issue go and let it slide, as well as with other "Progressive" political concepts and to slip into a kind of non-political stupor, which so many people around me also were doing.
I didn't even vote. I believe this was a part of the drugging/mind control clamping down on my mind, independence and capabilities for any reasonable social presence--plus being too drugged and partially paralyzed to move and get out most of the time. That was way back, and I've been stuck in paralysis ever since due to drugging but now my MIND is going far ahead to the place I should have been back in 1983--and how I wish I would have made the extreme effort to see Ms. Dworkin at least once when I had the chance. Her legacy remains with me today, and that is why my "feminism" is very highly geared towards Andrea Dworkin--not just from her presence in Minneapolis which induced me to study feminism in the first place, but because he writings are mind-blowing reality which has been so stifled for so many decades of my life, even having grown up around a so-called, self-proclaimed "feminist" who made sure that her daughters were treated to harsh sexist treatment but worked emphatically for blonde Nazi bigot--with all their coloring permutations and skin colors but still wanna be Nazi-- women to thrive--.

"The Rise of Far-Right Female Influencers/Decade of Hate". Vice. December 10, 2022.


Now for the "Left-Wing" "Feminist" terrorists, rape supporters and cheerleaders and cloaked Neo-Nazis of Whorewood/H-Wood:

"The 'Death' of Feminism--Why The Movement is in Crisis". The Take. October 5, 2022.

Not even 4 minutes into this video, which I could not get through; it was because immediately fingernail photos of celebrities were put in neat rows, all labeled as being "feminists"--the numbers of them who have happily partaken of the rape and torture protocols, albeit enabling the men who rape, then they help to abuse and use racist slurs to emphasize that it's about anti-Semitism and not about me being a woman--and that, too, they want to steal, suck out and pilfer and then destroy and claim they are superior. So many of them, mostly all blondes (or dyed, or very white fair skin) appear just within a few minutes. If Amber Heard, who used this feminist pitch after my 2 years of writing about it endlessly regarding her and Depp and their mutual violence against me, which I wrote very clearly for all those years was due to their OWN domestic violence backgrounds--but, if she had not CONTINUED to help them assault me (a few times, not on a regular basis--no, that had been taken over by pitt's former wife who stole my ideas about feminism as well--but.....I add this video to that list. One of them (from England) specifically used genocidal Holocaust imagery--knowing full well of course that I had been raped on a routine basis by her friends she was sitting next to in the rows of chairs. Glaring with determination to use physical violence against me and the "die in a concentration camp" rhetoric---interviewed about "women" being sexually exploited in this video. Enough to be nauseated by. She's being interviewed, I'm being silenced. All these women make the Forbes' "influential" women list or itemized in such manner by major news outlets and entertainment media promotional awards and circuits and businesses. I am discriminated against literally every single place I go with vicious and deadly violence, ignored in my decades of fighting and my writing censored, hacked, my brain unable to think clearly (my writing has been reduced to probably 30% of it's real potential--). 

Not even 4 minutes into this video, which I could not get through; it was because immediately fingernail photos of celebrities were put in neat rows, all labeled as being "feminists"--the numbers of them who have happily partaken of the rape and torture protocols, albeit enabling the men who rape, then they help to abuse and use racist slurs to emphasize that it's about anti-Semitism and not about me being a woman--and that, too, they want to steal, suck out and pilfer and then destroy and claim they are superior. So many of them, mostly all blondes (or dyed, or very white fair skin) appear just within a few minutes. If Amber Heard, who used this feminist pitch after my 2 years of writing about it endlessly regarding her and Depp and their mutual violence against me, which I wrote very clearly for all those years was due to their OWN domestic violence backgrounds--but, if she had not CONTINUED to help them assault me (a few times, not on a regular basis--no, that had been taken over by pitt's former wife who stole my ideas about feminism as well--but.....I add this video to that list. One of them (from England) specifically used genocidal Holocaust imagery--knowing full well of course that I had been raped on a routine basis by her friends she was sitting next to in the rows of chairs. Glaring with determination to use physical violence against me and the "die in a concentration camp" rhetoric---interviewed about "women" being sexually exploited in this video. Enough to be nauseated by. She's being interviewed, I'm being silenced. All these women make the Forbes' "influential" women list or itemized in such manner by major news outlets and entertainment media promotional awards and circuits and businesses. I am discriminated against literally every single place I go with vicious and deadly violence, ignored in my decades of fighting and my writing censored, hacked, my brain unable to think clearly (my writing has been reduced to probably 30% of it's real potential--).


Triangle of Sadness should win top awards in America but it's listed at the bottom of a few lists for "best" for potential Academy Award winners. On most of the lists it is never mentioned at all. This movie covers a theme that not only captures our obsessed with materialism culture, but our political landscape is more controlled by H-wood than in reverse. Fashion and H-wood are so integral to the appearance of American deception and life than how and what politicians claim in their public statements. People nearly worship celebrities and they make decisions on political careers, it appears. From my teleportation experience this is what I have experienced to a great degree.// What my experience from years of being teleported to H-wood celebrities and then their political defenders and colluders and power-mongering partners--while sleeping and sometimes awake--to plastic-surgery re-inventions of Nazi iconography celebrities--years and years of observing how people from Congress and society react to their behavior and their ascent into political power and how they are nearly revered for their every action and all protection against all crime is pursued at top levels of the Judicial and legal branches of society trickling down to the very lowest common denominator of justice:

 "TRIANGLE OF SADNESS (2022) Official International Trailer". Coproduction Office. October 6, 2022.

What is so threatening about Triangle of Sadness that it can't gain the recognition of being a serious film worthy of a high award status by the consumer-driven society controlling the Governor's Board at The Academy Awards? Some of these people in those positions have participated in this terror attack upon me and have only approved of it. As far as I can tell, they are American but only favor the fashion out of Europ-a-land as much as they possibly can, and those who perform the most fastidiously performed roles of being a murdering bigot Nazi concentration guard or fascist are put into highest leading positions in awards categories.

Besides that personal analysis based upon concrete, but as yet undocumented evidentary-based reality of the teleportation hell that is endlessly being inflicted upon me, I must state that for any penetrating thought whatsoever offered to the general public about what forces truly control them must be quelled as quickly as possible. While this film, A Triangle of Sadness, is as well filmed as other winning films from past years, a much better screenplay, much better theme, much better acting, much more interesting in theme, and many other factors involved are of high quality worthy of highest esteem.
That Americans cannot be even put to the test to contemplate the forces which truly create the every fiber of their reality is beyond the capability of our leadership to offer as a pursuit of contemplation before the public eye. They must be blindly pursuant to the control factors of purchasing their fabricated reality as part of a never-satisfied gerbil wheel chase for an unattainable sense of euphoria and "success". What I also see that is evident is that the "wins" these death-grasping greedy personalities obtain from their selfish and hate-based pursuits for "wins" and "power" and "fame" is never satiated and must always be on a continuous hunt for more and more. This is the American way of Life that generates a society of consumption. It must never be put into question.

Other themes that are far too ubiquitous in power and mind programming are that women who fall into the model image category are to be, especially if of the Nazi hue and coloring (skin, etc) but mostly in behavior of callous contempt and glorified smugness, to be deemed more "worthy" of society's basic needs than those who do not fit into those categories. Those who are excluded by birth, economic status and other factors they cannot control. I am "supposed" to fit into the latter category, and thus I was "supposed" to have been trained at an early age to "believe" this as "fact" rather than try and then compete and actually win and try again and win, as I did. The programming for me is to be utterly raped, beaten, poisoned, mutilated and crushed psychologically, sexually abused and left without even a cat to love, an animal to have as a companion, surrounded by hate and my body deformed and made stinking, broken, crooked and the standard of fascist Nazi model iconography is held against the image of me having been poisoned with internal suffocating, hardening poisons and my skin and hair doused with utterly devastating chemicals and thusly--unable to compete, where I may have been able, or at least, held my own standard and not cared--which is what I actually have done most of my life--I was indeed brainwashed during puberty but that was also due to my family succumbing to the forces of hate that surrounded us and how the people of my family must be and appear as frumpy followers of Nazi orders--the role assigned to people of my category according to the pig apes whose categories are dehumanizing which I never subscribed to or understood that upon pain of death I was supposed to conform to.
Yet I find and discover that the politicians and leaders of society have yelled in hate at me that for not appearing like a Nazi model, the foul parasites endlessly torturing and stealing my ideas which I worked for for MY career and life are also entitled to maiming and mutilating and technocratically enslaving me (the endless torment now is to force a baby out of me so this group I otherwise wish were gone and extinct finally could obtain more promotions for forcing this baby out of me, although they ordered part of my uterus severed out for not complying to being raped and exploited and abused and then discarded by the next wealthy white male Europ-a-land based pig ape who wanted me to immediately comply with this slave protocol techno-teleportation schedule which has not abated or stopped for over a decade of poisoning and near-death constantly for me and endless awards for the Nazi filth who then get MORE plastic surgery so they can appear like more fashion images, thus engendering MORE political support because the politicians are absolutely mesmerized by these model skanks and treat me with hissing hate for not being a willing plank they tread upon and destroy with my loving support for them and the ideas they steal from me so they don't appear like hateful pig ape whores that they truly are in reality for their posturing Brave New World roles in the media and in politics--

but, I have discovered this. Still struggling to get the poison out of my body and have my own standard of beauty and life without their continuous demands that I degrade myself for their fascist fashion approval standard of their claim to superiority.

But it is being enforced by near-death by the US Government, this standard, upon me and has been by all the politicians involved in also obtaining their own promotions out of this involvement with these people who put Trump into power.

That is why this film is too dangerous, and just ignored by the media. It won highest award last year at Cannes but is completely ignored in America. It is amazing that the French can recognize the forces which that country itself constantly reinforces within it's own society to embellish the Nazi and misogynist standards upon which women are classified as being worthy of love or respect. But in America, it's now against the law, almost, to not comply with the dictates of a model or celebrity and almost and is a death sentence within the context of this heinous sleazy filth group I have been endless forced to confront and the forces that also rely upon consumer and media glamorization.

Even if you think this is very silly or worse--I think of that scene in The Triangle of Sadness, and the movie itself. I saw that it was listed at the bottom of "favorites 2023" awards potentials on a movie review website--that is tragic. Just so sad, because it made a message about this genre of life that controls so much. People are far more concerned about the public statements of models who turn into "actors" who turn into politicians then they are with the impact statements of victims, brutalized and beaten down and politicians frumpy from years of being plunked down studying and worrying and caring and fighting for rights, legislation where ordinary people can live well--etc.
the best model walk I've seen yet--not a bitch-in-heat-dog-eat-dog attitude but a sleek sensual non-committal interesting, yet keenly aware and intelligent look --not hateful boredom look---not an f-u look I'm too superior for you to look at me and it's boring anyway--
this is more interesting than watching over-paid dog-bitches of the Nazi triangle pyramid society glare in hate and disdain and walk like skanks on crack staring ahead with zombie nullification of mind and spirit--

"Cat Fashion Show". grossbel1. December 28, 2020.


Wednesday, December 21, 2022

This is the future of humanity if mind control technology, coordinated with power-high death squads with full permission and no legal checks---if this continues to be disseminated and allowed, and ignored, and the perpetrators awarded.

If you make the erroneous assumption that these are only some deranged teens, maybe drug addicted girlies, just overwhelmed by some drug or are a thug gang and this can never happen to your local administrative leader, your police chief, you partner, your school teacher, your friend, your president of your country, and up and down that pyramidal structure, you are very deadly wrong. What appears like "immaturity" is being enhanced in a dramatic way by the misuse of this technology. Not just being "immature" as in not having some restraint, but what used to be called the "infant terrible" in French nobility is now considered "high class entitlement" within the death grip of this neuvo-riche group which is now attacking me and that mentality has slowly, over the years, permeated into highest levels of government as you have all seen them transition from denouncing depravity into embracing it as a factional whole for their group. The seeming opposition rants about it but covertly participates in the same very immature way that is akin to a tiny child having a nuclear weapon at it's disposal with a whore set of parents drugged up, drunk and perpetually at orgy and wealth parties never monitoring the child.


"'Friend' of Toronto stabbing victim says he was defending her prior to swarming death". Global News. December 21, 2022.

8 Teen Girls Accused Of ‘Swarming’ Canadian Man, Stabbing Him To Death Between ages 13 and 16, the girls are suspected to have been involved in at least two altercations in downtown Toronto after meeting online. 

The example in this article,  of a group of 8-10 teenagers surrounding a very weak and defenseless man (homeless, but in a shelter, who had done no wrong other than to try to stop the theft of the alcohol his friend next to him was sipping on outside on a porch area)--

With full permission from all authority figures up to highest levels of the authoritarian structure, and no accountability, even slight infraction of immediately giving whatever the perpetrators want upon slightest request, for any and everything they want to steal, rape and rob and maybe they will murder the target anyway afterwards for "fun" because they "can"---

parasites and rats in huge groups without accountability can get away with this using mind control technology, surveillance, Nazi/Mafia fascist leadership which mind programs people into such mentality by their psychopathic celebrity worship and demoralization of the society through it's mafia/porn-driven murder fantasy but, on the other hand, deification of blonde bigot Nazified imagery who only get the comedies of love and romance, high living standards and ease of psychopathic criminal enterprise handed to them with ease of comfort--

what appears to be a bunch of little girlies in hoodies surrounding a homeless man is exactly the same mainframe program of mind control, teleportation and torture you are ALL SUPPORTING AND/OR IGNORING. 

The more those who participate in these groups feel entitled, the less "justification" they require for murder threats and attempts. The more they feel entitled to rape, suck out and steal. The more timid and scared the population becomes and the more they want to be included in this very lucrative power pyramidal hierarchy. 


These celebrities and politicians and otherwise "leaders" of society who participate, under the protection and cloak of all exoneration, silence, promises of awards, rewards and money without end and the cycle of awards out of the cycle of violence has created people who are unrecognizable in the dark shadows of the teleportation hell they have forced upon me. They slide into some kind of subhuman state of brutality akin to how apes would be, or gorillas, if they were drugged and inflicted with brain-altering tech forcing them into ranges of extreme violence and sleazy deprivation.  Enforced with endless titles, promotions and awards, it has become not only acceptable but is not NORMATIVE. That means all standards of behavior that were aligned formerly with "Democracy" are now reduced to mere stock phrases uttered out for public promotion and for sales. 

In the video above, a man comments that the "girls lives were also ruined" because they will seemingly be arrested and put under confinement. Imagine if the girls had been showered with higher all-paid expense shopping mall privilege--were told they could go off shoplifting and then get put into manager position as a reward for the store they were stealing from. Imagine if they killed the pets of people they want to steal ideas from and/or just raped, beat and robbed them because they were Jewish, Muslim, were competitive and could outperform them if given a chance. Imagine Jewish and Muslim leaders fully supporting the fascist Nazis in this new techno-terror operation because they will also get more mansions in better, more exclusive gated communities and then, if they retain their silence, more power positions. All comply. The entire society is being sold on your external privilege and appearance and those who "lose" in the game of money and privilege are losers and relegated to homelessness, and death of course. 

Or, they are gang stalked to death. 

Either way, what is being sold is not just allowance to "do as you will will be the whole of the law" but it is replacing any and all kind of moral accountability, much less legal restraint or accountability.


When I see this article and watch the video, I hear the "shock" of the "good" people who are safe and warm, the cries of the victims who are shocked because of the brutality and randomness of these attacks--

and that is the basic two-sided situation of this new technology and the two-sided perpetrator/victim paradigm which is being fully endorsed and entrenched into our society, by our "Democracy"-spouting false representatives.

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

I'm finished with your crappy movies, cock rock music, hard core cock rock theatrical spewing, your bitchy Nazi elitist celebrity violent and rape and torture/murder behavior and the crap you continuously crank out about how benevolent you are with the equivalent of watery urine smiles. Sick from your brainwashing programming while my posts, post rape and torture, for over a decade--written daily almost-- about feminism in reaction to the empty, blank and stupid ape whores who are assaulting, raping and torturing me of all genders--are stolen by the Nazi female skanks who cheer and fully support their rapist pig ape males--the children of which are told they are entitled to reap the semen seed of the rape and torture indoctrination celebrity status culture as their sole entitlement for having been born into the neuvo celebrity faux aristocracy fascist league of scum out of Whorewood. Trained fully in posturing in fascist fashion as being "powerful" sexual objects with the alignment of the fascist line---supported by fascist social engineering experts who are touted as being the "leaders" of fashion and the entertainment industry--fully indoctrinated, perhaps trauma-based mind control victims mostly all themselves--trickling down the trauma and glorification of sleazy whore submission for extreme wealth and security in exchange for what had been a movement that provided domestic violence shelters, independence for women in the market, political power, abortion and leadership roles (albeit now taken over by either fascist Nazi women or their wanna-be minions of the minority shades).

 "Right-Wing Women by Dworkin/Ch. 1 The Promise of the Ultra Right/ a reading". GNC Centric. June 10, 2022.


My programming has induced me to reflect upon this lesbian women reading only chapter one of Andrea Dworkin's book--Oh my GAWD==-she's not thin and thus not worthwhile as a woman. She's wearing clothing that isn't contrived to appear like French fashion and fascist fuck-me clothing out of Europigapeland---she's reading a book that just isn't cool and she's obviously and must be a complete "loser" as you filthy dirty stupid women of the pig ape organiZation appear to endlessly sell as a fear product into the market as you rush to help them rape me for your sleazy ho promotions. glamorized without end and protected by the entire US Government and it's female reps in Congress and in the Executive.

I find her so refreshing and you so loathsome and hideously sleazy and ugly and stupid and rotten and foul---

As for this reader, below--I see from her youtube channel that she's lesbian. I didn't automatically identify her clothing choice with gender identification. I also can't discount lesbians from your sleaze rape and hate culture, in particular those who are "liberal" and chant slogans at marches and protests and claim they are the reps of the Goddess and The Moon and all that K-rap. Absolute racists and sexists trained to the core and they can't get out of the programming regardless of clothing and genital choice.


If any of you venture into this video reading of Dworkin's book, you will get to the part where Marilyn Monroe's sexuality is deconstructed and her victimization into supplying an never-ending sexualized fantasy that mortality could not sustain--resulting in suicide--is analyzed. I must point out that currently pig pitt is going through yet another round of Academy Awards since his terror campaign aimed at me and the result of his years of being nominated or awarded ever since he began this deadly assault upon me. His movie about Monroe coincides with some posts I wrote a few years ago, maybe 6 years ago or so--regarding the Monroe exploitation analyzed in a feminist context. It is just another example of an idea that I wrote of that somehow fit into the pitt-filthalina ever-enlarging list of movies being awarded with ideas, concepts and VERBATIM theft of my writing which they have also been endlessly paid in how many $$$'s of $$$? In return, as has been happening for all these years, according to the protocol, Pig pitt must then continue to suppress me, my ability to even write (and trust me, this post has taken me hours due to the keyboard not working, the laptop freezing, my brain being put into hysterical ranting mode so I am thoroughly discredited but if you bear with me a bit and cull the rants from the concepts--as these pigs always do to obtain their ideas--subliminals are also constantly being pummeled into my brain so I repeat their hate sneers and my emotions are artificially induced into an absolutely uncontrollable rage--from the brain-mapping mind control tech). But in return, as pig pitt and they all must do, the pigs must then torture me to obtain awards for the ideas they have stolen. year after year pig pitt has been threatening to kill me just prior to awards season, and he brings in Europigapes to do the same and they all coelesce into a cesspool of pieces of shit gathering to do the same hate spat at me--the blonde women out of Europigapeland in particular and all their filthy nasty American spawn of the pig pit and his friends and co. The year pig pitt won his supporting actor award, he had me nearly killed when Trump's Europigape wife had me hit by a car. They tried to knock my teeth out, and they cut into my gum tissue so it's permanently gone. This was in response to my writing on my blocked and private facebook page, where the shit was stealing my ideas from in the first place--with a request for JUSTICE and that he stop being awarded with Oscars for his violence against me. I was threatened with murder by Trump's skank wife and pig pitt then teleported and tortured me for a year, broke my laptop, tried to have my teeth knocked out, my gum tissue severed to the jaw line and it's still like that, as they cut into my toes and under cuticles had me raped nightly fungus inserted into my vagina. The shit pig pitt won the oscar. He is now threatening to kill me just a few weeks prior to the next academy awards season. The pig as usual stole the idea from me in the first place, destroyed my body, life home and fincances and any and all chances for me having any single thing. He's not gloating in his next death threat and abuse structure which will provide him potentially with another award as usual for about the 8th year in a row--all the years he has been terrorizing me with shitalina and not prior to that. And this year is no exception to the endless yearly formula for pig pitt and shitalina. Every year they steal an idea from me and turn it into their movie concept-and torture me to obtain funding for the movie and torture me to win awards for it--I mean "win". Rigged awards as corrupt as what Trump claims the elections in US politics are--could Trump know something that "we" don't about how elections and awards are bought out, people are sold and converted while appearing as actors for a political side?

But I had to add that in, as probably shitalina is going to steal the idea, I want people to perhaps understand how much of what I study and write is stolen by them. When it comes out, it may take a while unless someone finally stops these pigs from being paid in millions to inflict this upon me--then you will know I am not hysterically "lying" as they accuse me of. This reading so applies to the ballet world equivalent of Harvey Weinstein--but it's Mikhail Baryishnikov--but because he's a bigot Nazi with blue eyes, he's just considered a good ole boy with a blonde wife (who undoubtedly with his bigot blonde daughters are awaiting endless promotions as they see the shit from whorewood also endlessly obtaining for their endless rape and torture). Never are these filthy whore scumbag pieces of shit ever considered to be put into white trash, white n-word or harvey Weinstein categorical filth labels--no, they have blue eyes, are not Jewish or Black, and thus they are so fully protected. If you want to use the word Niggardly it would certainly apply to all of them. But this reading by Dworkin so fully amplifies the current hate and attack upon me which this "old world" Europigape fascist and Totalitarian fake "liberal" has been dumping on me, with the rotten Whoreweood usual group of rapists and their filthy spawn and etc--with brutality rape and hate--and the reasons? Oh, how this filthy and ugly man requires America to be absolutely indoctrinated into Europigape old school systematic racist and genocidal practice--like all of the above and all the shit people I have been writing of for these years of writing these posts concerning this hell they are forcing upon me.

Dworkin so well establishes a rational microanalysis of the really rotting underbelly of what people are being tortured for even mentioning--and abuse of women is one of the prime forces of fascism. I suggest you people who want a different perspective from the "strong" women of Forbes Magazine's "Top 100 Women" and "celebrating women" could get a far different vision of what "strength" truly is. You will find that the women paid in millions and billions on these male-dominated franchise lists have been groomed through domestic violence and rape themselves and are fully into the "Right-Wing" women submission and reverse discrimination categories which Dworkin so aptly details here. I am unable to write with any applomb. I am being blasted with brain-altering tech and suppressed by blocks to writing and thinking and exaggeration of angry and hate states-of-mind; only compounded by an utter universal collaboration of state-sponsored rape and torture of me. If you listen to this first chapter by Dworkin (and understand that undoubtedly Dworkin was probably also assassinated by bloating poisoning and other covert murder methodologies, and her death was undiagnosed and she said that she had no understanding of her ailments or what was leading to her huge excessive bloating resulting in her death--untimely and the world has lost a beautiful and loving and wonderful spirit and soul as a result. People only see the huge hanging flabs of bloating poison which she could not begin to get out--which I have been struggling to get out of my body for almost `12 years while these filthy skanks, rotten Nazi shit creeps make jokes about how bloated and huge and ugly and deformed my body is, which they are cheerily laughing about as they know 100% that the poison is being inserted into my vagina along with sewage water and fungus ane men adn women are breaking into my room (they used to) and putting my spine and hips out of alignment, my body ravaged nightly--etc etc. 
This chapter will give you an open view into the wound that drives them all--the need to conform to the dictates of conformity to male sexualization of women---but they are then put into "power" leader positions and when they steal ideas from me they actually have something to say or write about their fake posturing sleazy Nazi postures of elitism.

It is hard for me to get out of the rape culture indoctrination programming. Your movies and your drugs intended to program me into that submissive state have drugged me into a near coma state of mental inertia; I can attest that your programming is absolutely of a dulling of the mind into near and total blankness (where the real subliminal programming can do it's very deep embedded work).

"Right-Wing Women Have Accepted Their Own Subordination". Big Think. June 21, 2011.

"You don't vote for people who don't vote for you"--who am I going to vote for, then?
"Shaved women collaborators"--(Crass, Shaved Women)
It is truly time for me to devour, figuratively, feminist literature and read each book by someone like Andrea Dworkin and Gloria Steinem like it's a Bible--becuz you spasmatic scumbag rapists who are either the males pricking me with your greasebag members, or the members of your family who look on greasy smiles abundant in all the gifts and awards you shit government and it's entertainment arm of lies will hand to you for free for shoving women into phallocentric boxes--with me it's an "anti-Semitic" trope, even though I have never been associated with that religion except to attend a few services and try to understand what the diaspora and religion is a bit about--disappointed. Never part of the Jewish Community--attacked endlessly by "Jews" who rally around the Nazi protocols who attack me--(like at 90% rate I have ever experienced, or a higher percentage). Because I don't fit conveniently into your hate categories and you must put me down, like murder, to stop me from having success, being beautiful, healthy and happy--you must see "Jews" twisted into deformity it's been going on for thousands of years. I fight back and get the government and it's female representatives fully cheering on rape culture out of racist collusion or their own misogynist programming and mind control submission.
You pricks and ho's are an abomination. It's time for me to stop looking at the bullshit "art" you pig whores put out and read and watch videos on feminism--which truly will do more to interest me than your shit fake movie crap about how compassionately intelligent you are (not).
And it would probably be the "old school" feminists who roused women to actually take action and create political change--something that is only happening on street level in response to the vicious fascism you whores of the female gender are enabling with your filthy greasy prick fathers/husbands and male partners in your criminal exploits labeled as "art" or "entertainment".


"Crass, Shaved Women". Pauly Gall. June 19, 2010.

What was yesterday's French collaborators with Nazi soldiers, are now the top "models" and "celebrities" of nasty dirty foul Whorewood. Even the lesbian feminists--ach ya! Fully trained and sexualized scumbag whores fully willing to do the bidding of their masters. They want power but of course racism and rape culture are part of their arsenal. Meanwhile, abortion may be completely destroyed due to this group of filth I have been writing of for years helping to put Trump into power--they did it, for the most part. You never even point to H-wood as being very much responsible for the MAGA movement or the fascism of Trump--do you MSNBC and all you media commentators--don't, can't and won't even touch on that topic it's so protected it's almost sacrosanct for the industry. I never hear of any negativity cast upon Whorewood and it's fascist Right-Wing political leader factory output (Reagan-Trump) for example. Whatever gloss you put over the face of Reagan, he did a lot to bring in the corporate fascism which has lead to the current Dark Money control over the US entire economic and political system, including in rotten sleazy dirty Whorewood, USA (controlled really, behind the scenes, by fascist Europigapes and other fascist countries of the global 4th Reich). Call it conspiracy theory or not, it's been what I have seen as the dark matter genuflecting the machinations of the Americans who are put into power ,and the protocols and absolutely repetitive formulas they are handed, which are handed down from Nazi programming and mind control and human experimentation systematic torture. MK ULTRA is just one name for that system. //I know that filthy shitalina, the filth whore wife of pig pitt the rapist smug sleazy stupid shit actor pig pitt---you all love that blonde Nazi psychopath so much the rapist violent symbol of your 4th Reich psychopathy and US entitlement and participation with filthalina the skank dirty ugly whore into the 4th Reich posturing Nazi fascist aristocratic murder regime you all can't wait to see be installed while you silently let it all happen--but that filthy sick ape whore is scouring my post to see what ideas she can steal without actually having had to research or think--she's been stealing my writing ideas and synopses for years, years it's been a decade. She will continue to be adored by the rape enabling politicians who come to insult, threaten and continue the barrage of rapist pig whore men who are in line now, filth pig after ape all sick and disgusting and stupid and sleazy and they are only awarded and praised and promoted for this ineptitude of human behavior. It's supposed to imply they hate for me. I meanwhile will be forced to live in stinking filth that they are ordering their filthy stupid minions with dark skin to perpetually day and night spray and dump into my living space, which is a hell they force upon me as they block all financial opportunity and even physical movement, refuse any kind of help in me obtaining even basic medical care and watch as I am suffocating internally from the poison they order inserted into my vagina/bladder or into my food or water or injected into me or all of the above. Whatever it is, 12 years now of fighting to get this poison out every single day and ALWAYS being stuffed with a hug pot abdomen sagging down and shitting piles of stinking gooey and hard pieces of poison out literally and usually it's just constipated into my body as I suffer and starve to get it out--this is never ending murder atttempts plus being hit by cars and maimed and mutilated m ybody inflicted made blemished from head-to-toe and bones fractured toes broken skin mutilated by chemicals and stinking liquids inseted into my body and all around my home--every single day. And why? None of you care, you just jump into attacking me so now it's a mutually enforced group circus of pig apes encircling me endlessly as I scream for help only more smug and sleazy ugly politicians and media shithead come to inflict more violence upon e. It's not going to end. I am going to end looking and combing through YouTube videos to try to find any of the shit that perpetually puts their crap on my pages to find a single individual human being who is not following the exact patterns as the next--all stupid and sick. But disgusting sleazy and stupid sick shitalina the wife of pig pitt eh rapist Nazi filth machine is going to be paid for what she steals from my writings in this non-stop decades of murder attempts, rape and they have stolen even my beloved cat they have destroyed and stolen as much as possible but they just continue and go on and on. She's going to steal more from this post, probably as that is all that stupid whore skank has been doing since she and pig pitt began this endless crime against me a decade ago. When the US government topples you will all be responsible for being entertained by movies that filthalina stole from my writing about Andrea Dworkin's writings on Sleeping Beauty, when I wrote an analysis of the character of the "evil queen"--which shitalina took as her concept and was poisoning me to death and having me mutilated, raped and poisoned while making everyone hiss in hate around me, as my body was dying from internal suffocation, about how much more "beauitful" that piece of sick shit is--in their filthy pig ape programmed opinions which are not their opinions because they can only follow orders and think according to what they are told to believe. So it's not going to end. I regret writing this post for that reason, that any idea that stupid skank piece of ugly white trash shit is going to steal might help her in her political aspirations for claiming she is a "feminist" empowering women.

Monday, December 19, 2022

A continuation of my last post--my body stinking from putrid substances inserted deeply into my vagina and bladder. Yes, this is explicit but it's not me it's all from this group of stinking evil foul filth you all celebrate as your heroic champions of culture and politics. It is stinking--this is what the old men of this group have been doing for years--it was deniro and pesce for years making obscene disgusting comments with hate for HOURS every day WHILE having my body inserted into my vagina with foul semen, fungus and sewage water. Then it was greasy and dirty ugly Lindsey Graham--most foul and putrid and thusly his attacks were an echo of his filthy interior landscape. Then and now there's ballet cesspool of hate, abuse and filth Baryshnikov who by now is this parasitic sponge of filth and ugliness forced upon me. I began screaming at him and punching him to get off me and haven't stopped hissing insults at him in a dire need to stop his rape and abuse--I caved in because I was dying from poisoning--this happened last month after two months of writing about his violence and gang stalking maneuvers with his Russian apes here in Phuket (Thailand is now infested with wealthy Russians fleeing the war--all imbued with Soviet Stalinist death squad mentality so they are fully trained, as B-kov is with these hate tactics).

I have not minced words in my last two posts about the atrocious acts of deformity and sleaze imposed upon me because technology forces me to be teleported to people who can bring out their inner demons and pornographic violent fantasies. They are usually done in front of a camera and/or audience. I am asleep in one location and my body is teleported/split in twain but two separate forms somehow loosely inter-connected via quantum entanglement are merged in this experience. The depravity of the misuse of this tech is beyond reckoning and the lowering of all standards should alarm some, but still no one is concerned. Is it because as victim for years and years of daily and nightly torture, drugging and poisoning the negative connotation of the "bad woman" who "deserves" torture, punishment and slow death means that she/I am too dumb to actually tell the truth, relate reality and that none of you can take my hacked and drugged hysterical writings, always hacked, redacted and revised to discredit me while the keyboard and brain-altering mind control tech is thwarting cognitive and motor skills--blame the victim, as usual, it's the usual regression therapy for group psychosis to adhere to in order to cast blame upon the victim. 

On a sort of tangent thought--Gloria Steinem is protecting perpetrator/rapist enabler Heard now, and claiming she is a victim of systematic misogynist rape culture and etc. My mother knows Gloria Steinem. My mother is pictured in photos with her arm around Ms. Steinem. I have reserved doubts as to the innocence of Ms. Steinem NOT knowing about my situation. As a member of the group labeled as "Jew" (who now dyes her hair blonde) it is TYPICAL that she is supporting the blonde Nazi female and utterly ignoring my endless pleas for help and support. Everyone is ignoring my endless messages, posts but so many come to attack me who are in lead, media and political positions which means a hell of a lot of expletives know and are aware and through the pipeline---and oh yes, also include Ms. Fonda in that equation. It's never-ending this discrimination--from Jews, from feminists, from blacks, from latinos, from liberals to every minority possible. I am subjected to hearing a baby cry every morning when I walk out onto my patio--they have 100% 24/7 surveillance of my movement in this room where I am tortured, mutilated and pounded with hate subliminal messages 24/7--non-stop. The baby crying stops after I walk away--and it begins once I just walk to the entrance of the sliding doors. The demand for me to have a "baby" so some putrid rape murdering sleazy whore bigot and his filthy stupid whore Nazi wife can obtain more and more and more and more and more awards and deals, because obviously there is a huge, huge huge award and prize for forcing this out of me. 

I can only think of one song that exemplifies in the tiniest aspect the loathing and contempt and disdain --putting it mildly--for that concept. Rammstein has also pasted a lot of their videos on my YouTube page shortly after I posted something on my Facebook page--this is not to try to draw your attempts to get any contract out of also exploiting me, oh Rammstein I just feel an affinity for this song which has a double-meaning in German--"du hast"=you have but phonetically "du hasst" means "you hate". read the lyrics and you can ascertain the rest, if you care to. 

I wish them death and would rather kill them and get away with it than have any fu88ing baby with one of these pieces of shit and crap--along with their filth wives and children and friends.

If you continue to read my descriptions, whether drug-induced, hysterical or not, the few years I wrote in decent language writing in calm reserve about torture that was met by seeing the rapists being put on media pedestals, Obama never stopping the violence, more celebrity shit joining in, more of their crap children participating, more celebrities joining in, then since Biden after Trump it's a non-stop barrage of politicians in Congress and in the House--

The "You HATE" song--(it's not MY hate)


You Hate

 You Hate

You Hate me

YOu have asked me

if I will marry you and love you forever



mother fucker NO

how I wish I could emphasize the NO with the death upon these filth pig whores I would really like to impound the profundity of my wrath. 

So please, please release me from this curse my desperate parents sold me into prior to birth--a Nazi progrom for controlling the Jews of America--my grandmother who really sold my family into this wealth-obtaining contract (as she is half-Nazi and half-Jewish--or was, her legacy of shit lingers to this day upon me, a curse that I am struggling with all my life to entangle myself from that the US Government has fully supported, this fascist Nazi silent technological and death squad overtake of the society and government/media and every layer inbetween).

Get these crap performing scumbag celebrities off me permanently--let me live in peace. I have worked to have my own mind, I have always worked to have a future career. I can barely write anything much less creative. I think I should not be endlessly excluded from attainment of American fortune and independent success without some fascist Nazi filthy pig ape "controlling" me so I can't get out of the boxes of stereotypes that the bigot Nazi depend upon to claim their false superiority. Let me achieve my own level of success without being poisoned, drugged, raped, attacked, discriminated against in a covert but government operation for social engineering for the 4th Reich partnership with fascist Nazi Europigapeland and Russia included (and former Soviet Bloc countries). Of course, there is also the Asian groups associated and the expansion of the Nazi/Mafia empire into this now global conglomerate operation....

NO, the answer has always been NO. NO. YOU HATE. YOU HATE. YOU HATE Me. You have asked me to love you forever. NO. NO. (read the lyrics in German--and understand that "du hast" also is pronounced "Du hasst" which means you hate YOU HATE. (2nd person singular for hass=hate).

"Rammstain--Du Hast (Official Video)". Rammstein Official. July 31, 2015.


Why must I resort to a German Hard-core band from Berlin to epitomize this Nazi contract out upon me. What I write, scream and spew into these internet posts, which are partially stolen by the filth whores of the pig rapist men to claim they are "feminists"--the ideas are encapsulated in this video--so well. How could the Germans understand this Nazi methodology so well if it were not common FACT in German artistic circles? Why is it so well displayed with a depth of artistry that the Americans in Whorewood completely silence and ignore and claim I am "crazy" for spewing as I fight to get one filthy parasitic rapist after the next off me--who teleport me while I am in the shower to rape me using teleportation when my defenses are weak--or sleeping (their favorite) or their very favorite when I am in sickness inertia unable to move from detoxing for TWELVE YEARS the poison they keep putting in my body (doing detoxes--Master Cleanse 10-day fasts for at least 3 years and my body still bulging from poisons blocking my digestion---they all claim I am lying that I have been drugged and call me "bitch" for stating the reality). But, so far, perhaps only the French could put it more clearly but the parasitic abuse of women in this video--so revealing. When I write they call me hate names and silence and torture me for expressing what I cannot write under the duress of mind control tech and blockage of my motor skills, keyboard malware hacking and revisions until I can only write a few paragraphs at most--only once a day--I always feel like I am sick and dizzy when I physically stand up after fighting and struggling to write these posts. But I must resort once more to Rammstein. I am certain the sleazy and hateful misogynist S&M French, well versed in torture to obtain passionate response from women who are tortured nearly to death--or sometimes to death--the formula they use to justify that women only really want to be beaten and abused--. The men who feed off them make them old and bitter. The men feed off violating and raping and feeding off. The Nazi women love this contract out on me because their foul and lecherous selfish pig ape men need women (like me) vulnerable and helpless to feed off in every way possible. The bigot filth women laugh and giggle and clap and applaud they feel superior and exonerated. filthalina and the French women and daughter around sleazy and violent Depp and Heard who thought she was exonerated from the violence when she also laughed as he dumped his disgusting violence upon me---(then upon her). I am still ignored she has gotten at the very least global recognition for the ideas I wrote for the 2 years of their mutual gain out of the promotions for beating and raping, poisoning and drugging (to death) and killing animals stealing my cat making my home stinking and filthy every day and abusing me slowly to death---. And it never ends. The contract to force a baby out of me (although pig pitt and filthalina had part of my uterus severed out and then began inserting poisons into my bladder which of course could have been or still is killing me). Etc etc. To this day it is never stopped but kept as a State-guarded secret, protected and a vehicle for promotion of foul and disgusting filth pig apes. 

Mein Herz Brennt=My Heart Burns

"Rammstein--Mein Herz Brennt (Official Video)". 
Rammstein Official. May 31, 2015.

I have been drugged internally and then nearly raped in teleportation--I had to run for my life in a parking lot--that was the skit I had to endure--some ugly huge white piece of trashy man (American I assume) was breaking into my sleeping area--I had to flee through another door as he chased me. That was the teleportation skit I was undergoing while teleported, so my body was physically split in quantum entanglement as the more solid body form, my prime form, was sleeping here in Phuket. While that body was inert and unconscious due to my consciousness being teleported to this rape and torture location, so I could not feel the objects penetrating into my body--it was being simultaneously done--rape threat and insertion of stinking sewage water and mind control drugs to induce hysteria as has happened this morning.

it's from a decade of torture. Pig pitt threatened to kill me yesterday because Senator Cruz also joined in with yelling at me and threatening and lying and handing a dangling bs carrot in front of me--he would help me, he promised, with protection but--how would you like Texas? What do you think of Texas, he inquired? Meaning of course I should be his slave promotional stepping stone by being under his "protection" if I just moved out to Texas--

meaning of course all lies and all entrapment, from the lawyer-turned-senator. Protector of Trump, ally to the Nazi filth from whorewood--and the stinking murder attacks continue to be inserted into my bladder through my vagina so my body reeks and stinks--it keeps eeking out of my bladder so my body stinks from my orifice constantly. That stink stopped once I was giving that ugly dirty man Baryishnikov blow jobs with loving passion out of fear for my life--the stink stopped out of my vagina and now it has resumed now that I am fighting and wishing him death and trying to get this grasping parasite off me--oh the contracts, the endless free deals this pig ape an dhis filthy ugly blonde family will obtain from endlessly latching on to abusing and insulting and poisoning and raping and then partnering with the peopole who tortured and poisoned me for years--who I have been fighting to get off me since they began--yelling in hate to get off me since 2012

I forgot to mention BOYCOTT ROLLING STONE magazine as the English contingent of fascist Nazism extends to Mick Jagger but very much to that ugly partner of his---Keith Richards--good buddies with the stinking dirty foul Depp family--when Keith Richards asked me why I was fighting and not welcoming them to exploit me like all the rest, I responded that it was because I want "America to retain it's sovereignty" to which, dirty and stupid ape Richards then had me teleported to being on the ground level as he stood over me nearly smashing a car door into my head. I was polite when I said this, it was said in a calm way, I was not insulting that ugly dirty foul stupid fascist Nazi fake "liberal" black -muskc rip-off scumbag--

boycott that filth as well. They are also English imperialists who have fully participated in this hate crime against me with endlessly aspiring to be Europigape arosticrat fascist nazi filthalina with stupid dumb violent and rotten pig pitt alongside her.


So, of course, Cruz did nothing but allow it all to continue, just like Raskin, Hillary Clinton, Trump (who increased fascism into the US almost exponentially in the past few years), then Kinzinger deriding me for making any derogatory comments about "Germans" (meaning Nazis, which is what the major component of German culture truly is--and I have lived in Germany, I know Kinzinger has been in the military but soldiers stations in barracks have a different sugar-coated welcome from the Germans who are very keen to beguile black soldiers in particular--which is how you get black Nazis by the way like Oprah and et al--they don't have to go to Germany the same formula for mind control is just brought to america through their obsession with Europigape fascist fashion regalia).


So I have been badly poisoned again, with stinking substances inserted into my vagina and then deeply poisoning me into my bladder. Urinating it out, it stinks. Every day. When I give blow jobs on my knees under sleep teleportation, as pigs like Baryishnikov slap my face and the group of shit celebrities watches on smiling and giggling (the blonde nazi pig ape whores especially, the men glaring because I can't stand them but they are not as brutal as Baryishnikov, who is training them on how to be so brutal that only the choice between life and death remains for the rape victim being teleported--which is why stupid dumb wanna be aristocrat Nazi pig pitt has been constantly threatening me with murder and he's so fully awarded year after year by the Europigape-controlled media--not by Jews, by the way).


Is there any justice, any decency, anything but stupidity and sickness out there? Can't you goddamn fucking people ever do anything to stop this sickness from endlessly being pumped into my body and property and life with all made stinking and broken as the Nazi pigs tell me endlessly they are so "superior" because they hav e groups of oppressed minorities willing to perform every stinking act of sabotage so they are not oppressed into the same position as I am? 

Or whatever, greed and sleazy selfishness is the main operational principle of these shithead pig apes you all adore and let go on and on.

PLEASE GET BRAD PITT AND HIS WHORE FILTHALINA AND THE SHIT SPAWN DAUGHTER OF DEPP OFF ME. Please will someone please fucking provide me with any justice or relief from this group of parasitic shit and filth and stupidity, wrapped in plastic surgery and billions of dollars for their fascist Nazi promotional appearances using MY IDEAS for their shitty stupid asinine movies about how compassionate they all are? They are murdering me, they have been poisoning me to death for over 8 years it never ends.

**This post was very badly hacked/rewritten/partially deleted by terrorist hackers who altered my writing to a degree that makes it a rambling incoherency. I try to edit and when I rewrite they just delete it after I post. It's so misconstrued that it's almost completely altered in parts by their hacking rewrites and deletions. They deleted endings of sentences so what appears if half of an idea that ends abruptly, but is then pasted onto another sentence. This is the kind of crap that also accompanies my attempts to reach out for any humanity any justice and if there is any compassion it would be unbelievable at this point. THis is slavery forced upon me with destruction of my body and life and property and finances that is never-ending. As opposed to these blank and dumb whore actors, I spent SIX YEARS in grad school (online) and they mostly have no college degrees). They are stupid and dumb academically and study tax evasion, apparently. They have been torturing me to obtain the ideas I studied for and also my creativity which is different because I grew up in a way outside their fascist conformist system. (brought up in a University/Hippie/anti-war environment). They are trying to murder me while extracting ideas from me every day, while having me beaten, raped, dismembered disfigured and it's like I am public enemy number 1 for fighting in my defense, for my independence and for my life. I called Oprah an "aunt jemima" and it's the entire black celebrity caucus violently threatening me for having called that sell out whore Oprah, a Black Nazi much worse than Kanye and more slithery and deceptive. I have responded to pigs and whores who have been stealing my concepts as their own (as Oprah had done, years before I called her that name) and then having me tortured so they can be included in the Nazi enclave of shit with shit pitt and pigalina the whore ugly skank and stupid pair of parasitic filth. I have men raping me now waiting in line, two presidents in a row viciously condoning these operations, both Biden and Trump are fascist but Biden is of the "liberal" fascist variety with his mafia wife. It is never-ending begging on my part for justice. But this post below is just obstructed into a blathering insanity ONLY DUE TO THE HACKING INTERFERENCE and not ot my state of mind. i was teleported to someone trying to rape me last night. I was teleported to people abusing and insulting me. I am teleported upon waking to the group of shit pitt and co asking me every personal question and information-extraction after the abuse of the teleportation. This goes on every single night and has been ongoing since 2012--from one piece of pig shit to the next, on and on. White wealthy dumb and sleazy men, also extracting ideas out of me and using them to sell themselves as being original while raping and poisoning me to death, endlessly. I have been brutalized by Baryishnikov for the last three months. He is operating with the filth spawn daughter of J. Depp--and whenever I fight to get this fellatio-raping man slapping my face and sticking his disgusting ape pig penis in my mouth, after having sewage water inserted into my vagina for weeks while I screamed at him to get off me--I finally could not take feeling my body dying from poisoning any longer. He teleports filthy Depp's daughter to insult and yell hate at me after I "lovingly" under torture give this rotten ugly pig ape Europigape fascist man his blow jobs because they are mutually murdering me. He has me abused immediately afterwards adn then the stinking filth and poisoning and abuse continues without end. 
Finally I am screaming in hate and trying to kill him and hoping he dies. I scream at them constantly that I hope they die horrible deaths as I also pray for this nightly. I have been writing these posts for years and years about how sick and stupid and dangerous they are to society and I did this regarding Trump, Musk and the rest. You fucking idiots out there continue to allow this situation to fester and this tech to continue. These filthy pig apes are now extremely violent fascist Nazi ideology and all of them are fully cherished and supported by EVERY MENBER OF THE US GOVERNMENT--with their consent or through their silence.  


I was teleported to that stupid and ugly filth bucket pig pitt yesterday and I got another death threat--its' only constant now from this group. They lie and deny all their violence against me. It is always supported and funded by politician who are increasing in number. The Republicans, well, you can expect this kind of support for fascist Nazism as that is what their party aligns with, now openly. But filth pigalina and pig pitt are putting out the bs mythology that they are "liberal" and compassionate, along with the rotten spawn of Depp.

This is now over TEN YEARS of this same group of shit and filth adn stupidity having objects inserted into my body, poisoning me, putting fungus sewage water into my bladder via my vagina nigtht after night for years--my home stinking with fungus--my hair so damaged and falling out from chemicals poured into my scalp and hair--my body endlessly shitting out piles of stinking black poison because they keep ordering me to be paralyzed so I can't ever get out of this room to actually meet people, have a social life, get any relief from physical torture that is non-stop aimed into my body and brain by these electrical remote torture technologies (thanks to the shit like Elon Musk, who is now openly regarded as a fledgling fascist, while I wrote about what a fake he was for years, I was only tortured for writing the revelation that no one wanted to recognize--because they want to believe the posturing liberal Whorewood fantasy that these plastic-coated, Nazi-appearing people putting out all the scripted lines about how they care (which Democrats also mimic in their posturing lectures and political aspirations) and people just completely are sold into the deception.  Until it's too late--the wealth and power the fascist pig apes have amassed, and all sitting in these groups watching me get raped and beaten and abused day after day and night after night--

as they acclimate to having this "power" over someone--they then need to get more high off the hormone power trip by increasing the violence. Full-fledged fascism emerges in them. THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED ALSO TO DONALD TRUMP in his 4-year terror inclusion in this very group of shit and lies and hate and violence and murder operations---it is what got that thing into power in the first place--it was filthy disgusting stupid pig pitt who put trump into the orbit of this group of filth and shit. It was Elon Musk who ensured that Amber Heard would not win in the defamation case. It is Depp and his filthy disgusting stupid plastic surgery Nazi-posturing skank daughter (who has rotten and stinking things inserted into my mouth and these pigs have been inserting stinking fluids into my vagina deeply into my bladder every night while I can't sleep for YEARS).


I could go into a ranting diatribe endlessly because it's now over a decade of this never-ending group of criminal fuck scum endlessly torturing and poisoning me to death and using my ideas as their own--in also an expanding group of that shit who never ends. Then there's blonde Nazi Eminem who also has been stealing concepts I write of, or even talk about in these endless information/torture/idea-extraction sessions, in particular with the sick and sinister duo of deniro and pesce, who endlessly called me names, most foul, had me tortured an dmy body sliced and partially dismembered while sleeping--stole idea after idea, put them into movies like the Joker--tortured me and paid NOTHING. They stole my money, they stole my cat, they destroyed my home, they called me every kind of hateful name insulted my body while they were poisoning me with bloating and hardening poison--

and Eminam was there to steal and suck out ideas--another blonde Nazi bigot filth blathering hate celebrity with his slew of black minority minions gravitating around the acceptance of white bigot culture who adopt black music and then put blonde bigots into the roles assuming the angry disenfranchised but now wealthy bs con artist.

the list is never-ending. It's never ending. 

I pray for their deaths every single day. They are abomination and stupidity and filth and hate and are constantly fully embraced with devotion. You should see ugly and sinister blathering Jamie Raskin with the dyed blonde bigot prositute-appearing hormone-addicted-to-torture daughter of Depp, yelling and pointing in hate at me to "obey" that stupid ugly rotten skank whore piece of shit, slathered with millions upon millions of dollars in beauty enhancements and an entire country (France) of pig ape Nazi shit going through the greedy and sleazy daughter of the sell-out battering rapist scumbag father Johnny Depp to infiltrate the United States via Whorewood. so far, because of Raskin's utter brainwashed-into-Nazi ideology (i.e., his son was probably suicided, he's not traumatized and trauma-based mind control got blathering about Democracy Raskin into absolutely bowing like the slave that he is, mentally, into trying to force a technologically-enforced, death squad (which is probably what poisoned and put the suiciding into his son) system--fully ensconsed in serving and servicing this group and violently attacking me for defending both myself, the United States as I am truly fighting for the US and not for selfish self-grasping sleazy filthy whores who steal and rob everything possible using the tools and weapons the defense agencies have created for military purposes--mind control, etc, now used to sleazy filth crap in Whorewood can help fascist Nazi Europigapes to infiltrate the US via the Entertainment portal of power--with US politicians only blinded by the glitter of all the wealth these pigs stole and use in their endless fashion shows


But I am at the point of considering praying daily for the death of Pitt. That fucking pig lies and lies continuously both about his poisoning and how many of my ideas he has personally stolen. As for filthalina, his ugly sinister stupid greasy whore wife, another product of white American trailer trash KKK intertwined with infiltrating Europigape fascist skank nazism--like that stupid ugly spawn of Depp

and they steal and steal and have stolen and stolen not just my ideas, but my life for a DECADE of non-stop poisoning and torture on a non-stop basis.


Please kill them, polease get them the fuck off me finally


I sit here after a decade of poisoning these pig ape whores have force dupon me so I remain paralyzed, sitting ina roome being tortured by them so they can feed off hormonal highs off torture, then they steal ideas, I remain fighting to get any politicians to care whatsoever--the racism is unbelievable, the collusion between fascist Nazis and the entire spectrum of elected Government politicians is absolute and enforced absolutely for the entire 500+ body politic called our US government in elected position.

-------------I will have no holiday, as usual as I have  had nothing for a decade. These pigs who earn millions MILLIONS of dollars for the movie iedeas they steal from me--now filthalina is considered one of the wealthiest female whores in Whorewood--years of her obtaining contract after contract in starring roles playing ideas she has stolen from me--giving not just nothing but destroying my body calling herself more beautiful than me after having my body inserted with objects,poison, fungus, insertions of silicone under my skin, my hair destroyed, my face broken down from years of tears being forced out of my eyes, years of hate and abuse years of everything I love being killed or taken away as I figth and they continue and continue and contine and they get paid and paid and paid and supported by this filthy shit government. 


**This post was absolutely hacked and rewritten in parts. I tried to edit but once I got into the edit part I could not find the errors and I have to just add them now. I wrote that Jamie Raskin is NOW brainwashed by trauma-based mind control, not as the hackers had rewritten, "not brainwashed" or whatever--I am reciting this paragraph from memory. The keyboard barely functions. I press keys and other letters appear. I press keys and nothing comes out. There is nothing wrong with the keyboard, it operates perfectly i.e. when I am in the bios mode on my computer. What I had written was also partially deleted so the ideas were blocked out. They have been, as I have been writing for years to no response, silence and they continue--they have inserted objects under my skin to appear as cysts--they have been pouring poison somehow into my body so I am constantly stuffed with bloating and hardening poisons in my intestines. Literally, my intestines have been extended and bloated with poisons that glue and stick to flesh, bone, enamel, everything, this poison they have been putting into my body has literally made my spine crooked--this began from childhood. The pig ape pitt and filthalina deny and lie about every single crime they commit, giggle about it, are smug as hell because it is all funded and fully supported with counter violence against me by highest-ranking politicians when I try to make any claim for justice, fight against attempted murder and fight for my human rights.
I told pig pitt yesterday that he should not be awarded any longer endlessly as he has been, that his attempted murder, his theft of my ideas (which he of course lies about and denies--probably the ideas that they stole from my Facebook writings, because I could not save anything on my computer, they have stolen photos I have tried to save, the terrorist gang stalkers have been going into my room and destroying DC discs for recoverty, I can't have any kind of digital save library I can't function whatsoever in society under these conditions--)
but, they probably deleted the ideas I wrote of and claim they never stole these ideas. I know what I wrote and they quote from me verbatim in their movies. At the time that filthy pig pitt was doing this with my ideas, he had part of my uterus severed out while I told him not to rape me, and fought him off. In retaliation he had part of my uterus severed out. Filthalina had me raped by Depp after I didn't say that she was more beautiful than me. She has been on a campaign to have my toes broken, my hair removed permanently, my skin doused with such damaging chemicals that it appears like broken reptile parched paper--literally in dried and dead scales on my arms--poisoned into paralysis with hardening stiffening poison, my body brutalized while I am unconscious every day--I was RAPED here and everywhere as they wateched as the rapists would insert semen and fungus into my vagina, put my hips and spine out of alignment, and I could not walk much less move as they abused and teleported me and drugged and tortured me. They continue to make movies out of the ideas I wrote of--filthy whorealina is doing it yet again this year. When I asked this group of shit to just each contribute $100 per month so I can afford to pay for a small house rental here in Phuket for just a swimming pool private access--the cost is around $1000 per month--filthy pigalina gave them all the "NO' nod and they all remained silent. I have been mutilated and poisoned--all of this for what fucking reason goddamn why am I just being endlessly torrtured by this group of shit? With zero support from any government official while they are ALL blathering endlessly about human rights?
It has gone on for a DECADE of me fighting for my life to get them off me. They have increased their violence towards me into a non-stop splat of hate and violence with non-stop death threats by ugly sinister and stupid pig pitt-who is endlessly touted as being intelligent and a great guy---he's a plastic surgery-coasted monster dumb prick of fascist orientation, obsessed with becoming another europigape aristocrat with nazi aspirations for world and global domination. They are all like this. You all keep putting them and keeping them in power. The US Government is now facing it's demise because of them and your silence to their system.

PLEASE YOU GODDAMN NEVER-ENDING DO-NOTHING readers out there--if you have any respect for the United States, a system where people can live in peace in their own home, and you don't want fascist Nazi dictatorships partially enforced by endless Mafia/Nazi networks of organized crime, death squads who WILL attack anyone for no reason if they are ordered to do so--and will kill upon command happily--
please, it is the holiday season. This group of whorewood shit has stolen my life for over a decade. Imprisoned in internal poisoning I could not get out for all my life--but increased to the point that I have been just slouched over in chairs drooling nearly in comatose drugged states while filthalina has had me tortured to extract information so this dumb and stupid ignoramus can obtain original ideas while absolutely blocking not just my attempts to have any single thing but destroying all I create, love and she has been feeding off this with her dumb and rotten plastic surgery scumbag fellow idiot pig pitt for years and years and years and years and years and years and years and years it's now a DECADE can't you fucking get them off me for the HOLIDAYS so I can at least have SOMETHING at least something that is joyous this year instead of endless torture and murder from a bunch of sleaze and filth I have been screaming in rage that I can't stand since day number fucking one for all of them--years of screaming I can't stand you to these pig whore apes for a DECADE since the very first day adn they never stop. No one ever stops them. GET THEM THE FUCK OFF ME ALREADY GODDAMN THIS SHIT COUNTRY USA. It's so lost in fascism and corruption it's completely a destroyed country. Try not to let stupid plastic-coated shit like this from whorewood deceive you with the Nazi brainwashing that is ever-present in all media and entertainment output--trauma-based mind control entertainment continues in both news and movie bs fodder. You are all so mesmerized by a plastic-surgery modified blonde Nazi image without any sense to discern what kind of stupidity and ugliness they truly are, apparently. That is what I was trying to say about traumatized Jamie Raskin--by the way, and this is a persistent theme in how people are so brainwashed by this mind control operation and these pig ape whores who are stupid and rotten as hell. I tried to warn you fuckers about Elon Musk but you all helped put him into that position. YOu all want despots and freedom of expression dictatorship censorship disguised in the American blathering bs "freedom" fascism to fully take all over.
Goddamn can't you fuckers every leave me alone and get them the fuck off me? I just want my cat La Moux returned alive, this fucking shit to be stopped and this crime to be stopped against me and $$$ in restitution forced out of this greasy and greedy group paid to me so I can change my appearance and remove these embedded tracking microchip implants in my body--have my own home and live in fucking peace finally.
Can't you fuckers EVER EVER EVER EVER actually care about justice when it's so egregiously under threat by this group of stupidity and greasy sleazy rape culture and entitlement murder and fascist Nazi bs entertainment media mind fuck crap?
Can't you ever do anything you fucking pigs reading this to protect me as a human being, a US citizen by shithole creeps who have Europigape and probably Russian fascist anti-American infiltrators backing them to bring as much hate and fascism into America via these crappy movies and media and political performances--can't you ever fucking do any single thing about these creeps endlessly attacking me and stop this crime?

Sunday, December 18, 2022

Terrorist Report: December 19, 2022. Tears artificially forced out of my eyes almost continuously--(an implant in my throat connecting to the implanted brain microchip plus remote tech to blame). This has been ongoing for months but I am writing about it today. The endless rape and violence in teleportation has taken up much of my time, plus poison inserted into my body via food and into my bladder and begging for my life online (for years) has also wasted much of my life and time in writing these desperate posts. But this torture, and it is, which has damaged the skin around my eyes, my eyesight, the skin on my cheeks, continues. They increase it every time I eat so I am tearing up constantly and must dab my eyes constantly while eating. Otherwise, the celebrities continue in their effort to enslave and rape and abuse and crush and oppress and suck out ideas and sexuality with absolute determination that they are entitled to having and draining and stealing and destroying everything about me for their pretended facade at "caring" about the planet, society and human beings. Only and every moment obsessed with creating an oligarchy of absolute wealth entitlement to use tech and gang stalking/death squad proxies to inflict murder upon their intended hate targeted people or groups. The oppressed flock to participate in order to obtain a bit of favoritism in this quest because THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT OF FREEDOM AND EQUALITY AND DEMOCRACY is funding these operations at highest levels on both sides of the "bipartisan" equation equaling 1.

 **hacking is as usual very bad. In just attempting to click on the "size" of type function, I had to wait while it froze, didn't come up, came up partially, I clicked and waited until finally, after circa 1 minute I could click on the "large" tab to get the print into a readable size. Whatever other interference occurs, which I will not monitor or correct because it's so endlessly time-consuming--you must bear out (if anybody is reading this).


Otherwise, I am not receiving any mail from my mail service in Miami. They are charging me double and doing nothing---they refuse to scan mail and I only learn of the mail after request for information. They respond that I had received two letters and then won't copy or scan. I have had to keep my profile low and moving and moving and having to deal with various agencies is beyond my strength at this time--all my phone calls are diverted to extremely hostile and lying agents on the phone. This is part of the terror operation that all the celebrities who have obtained their political and public speaking slots out of the writings of MINE they stole and usurped and used as their platforms--are fully endorsing. They call me "loser" because I can't get a single thing done, and they scream this into my face while they are having me also poisoned to death. All with new sets of plastic surgery coating to adorn their posturing facade and alongside the death-spouting politicians and their wives and children, they all join together in this ever-increasing chorus of people sitting in rows in chairs staring as the next pig ape slapls my face and sticks his nasty phallus into my mo0uth after years of non-stop daily poisoning and torture I can't fight this alone any longer--so it's an endless murder operation fully endorsed by tis most offensive government system. 

I wait for Hakeem Jeffries to take the throne of the Dem Minority Speaker position, in deluded hopes that the black male with the blue eyes will not be like the blacks surrounding the openly Nazi blathering celebrities in their racist spittle spat into my face about death camps, having me taken by train to a gas chamber, with Jewish Nazis attacking me with vicious desperation accompanying the bigotry of the celebrities who all have a slew of minorities accompanying them, pushing them up almost like worship idols--(and getting paid in millions for it--or billions in the case of endlessly coddling white culture Oprah with their problems and viciously and violently attacking me with her Nazi brethren, all smug and complacent in their government-funded terror 4th Reich operation of teleportation, rape and tyrannical murder capabilities--).

Will Hakeem be one of these, very much like so many of the "minorities" who also have partaken in this most lucrative "Prove you are a Nazi adherent" contract out on me--why me, it has to be endlessly I don't know...? (wtf).


I heard that when the Nazis overtook Ukraine, they had a welcome from the Ukrainians because they had been formerly starved to death (something like 4 million starved under Stalin when he stole all their food supplies and had all shipped to the main-motherland of "love and social equality" Russia). The brutality of the Soviet Stalinist regime was so deadly that the Ukrainians assumed that it could not get any worse under the German occupation under Hitler. They welcomed in the Nazis tentatively or wholeheartedly and got to participate in genocidal anti-Semitism but post WWII, the claim is that it was a horrible invasion and the "poor" Ukrainians had "No choice" between the Soviets and Stalin and Hitler and the Nazi occupation. I keep comparing this model of a former brutal regime (what I am now under, with Pelosi at the helm of the J6 Committee instigators of hate aimed at me for their media and political machinations while endlessly spouting in a most sleazy and disgusting bombastic way about how they are "fighting for Democracy"). And then, if Hakeem Jeffries is to become in that former seat, how much direction will he take from his predecessor in assisting in this most anti-Democratic fiasco of teleportation and gang stalking murder operations (with of course the great assistance of the Mafia and criminal organizations)? How much will he comply to racist dictates and how much better or worse will he be than what is now forced upon me--with so many people aware of what is transpiring, all putting out videos daily (in the case of media commentators, and just another MSNBC media anchor, a very popular one, was treated to dinner at the White House alongside many others who have also fully supported this Nazification of the United States sitting right next to this MSNBC anchor and his wife--with Biden).

Will he introduce any relief to me in this endless injustice? I wait for next month to see--it would appear that the endless cycles of elections ever since I began to understand the enormity of this operation (global, millions of people participating, not a single peson coming to defend me globally literally not one single person will openly defend me in any way, except for a few who timidly come out for a brief few moments and I never see them again). Entire governmental administrations come and go and the system only increases and the numbers of terrorists sitting on these chairs watching as I scream in rage and try to smash the faces of the scumbags who have raped and tortured me endlessly for years only increases. They stare in glaring rage while I am screaming. Because I am a positive person I make the jump-to-conclusion that they are angered by the injustice being done to me. Realistically they are enraged because they assume that I, as an endless "cash cow" cornucopia contract for them to suck every single thing out of and drain and abuse, break, poison, mutilate, rape and have surrounded on a continuous basis by sick and disgusting creeps performing acts of unjustifiable hate and rage upon me in this global 4th Reich push for absolute control over the planet. 

Will Jeffries actually be anything like a change from brutal Stalin to the Nazis, or will he be status quo do-nothing as Obama was with Biden sitting behind him and Pelosi on the other side for his speeches filled with wild promises about the future of America because he's a black male put into that position with the fascist Nazis sitting behind him actually calling the shots, pulling the strings...etc etc.


More hours of screaming (3 or more hours non-stop) with the most furious rage and hate I possibly can due to drugging and the mind control. I could not breathe or stop--the reaction was instantaneous it was in my brain I "saw" the hated abusers who are latched onto their careers being skyrocketed by latching onto torturing me for decades--for expletives like Rambo it is more than 40 years for shitalina and her filthy father it's more like 50 years of them latching onto attacking me in this contract--they attacked my family and it has been ongoing since 1975 with s hitalina and her dirty father and the English shit who directed Deliverance--mostly it is the fault of my family but they are incapable of defending against a world of violent Nazis including in the Jewish community. Today it was again G. Clooney, who laughed when he was being promoted as advocating for Kamala, who rushed to abuse and attack me smiling lovingly at the rapist German expletive who has been there influencing every person who jumps at the money he and his Nazi German team is throwing around like drugs to addicts--the money is unbelievable the Holocaust has generated 70 years of America being completely bought out and transfixed on having their own holocaust to steal all possible from Jews and anybody else they can label as being whatever--targets . Clooney screaming with rage that I am "supposed" to sacrifice my life be poisoned raped and tortured abused to death ideas that blank hateful stupid sleazy bigots--himself and his friends the shitalina pig ape pitt group who have stolen my ideas for over 15 years and their benefactors also associated with the movie Deliverance out of London having done the same for over 20 years--Stallone and h is Italian mafia with Steven Tyler and his daughter having done so since 1995 and onwwards without end. They hit me they punch into me they threaten my life they scream that I have zero rights I am going to be killed they scream endlessly to submit and just let them murder me destroy my life so t hey and their lack of actual top talent t heir lack of creativity their endless theft of my i deas can be stolen without me having a single "right" to defend myself. Absolutely supported by MAGA with full blessings of years of Obama the foul black Nazi who is probably more a puppet of the insidious Biden group than anyone could ever imagine, the posturing of all is so extremely deceptive and bombastic and the lack of actual criticism has been lethal for the United States--all is so discouraged a barrage of fake lying "liberals" are the only ones allowed to dominate the "algorithms". So Pete Hegseth, who with his wife and children began about 3 weeks ago to torture threaten my life endlessly yelling as I am stuck shitting out the poison that the dirty shitpigapealina pair and group and stallone and tyler and all the rest poured into my body to keep me so paralyzed, sick and dying that I could go NOWHERE every day I am paralyzed iin pain shitting poiso out that they ordered put in my body. I spend 80% of my time fighting to stop the endless mutilation of my body by mechanical arms while I am asleep and being injected drugged poisoned by mechanical arms and then it used to be I was being raped by people breaking into my home, injecting fungus into my hair and scalp and damaging chemicals are smeared still on my skin--I try to cover all up every night it is impossible--they would put my spine and hips out of alignment and rape me I had semen and fungus coming out of my body and smeared into my hair and I was in extreme pain, walking crooked with a limp every morning after they pounded my body and did whatever--sliced part of my cuticles out in my toes broke my toes cut into my gumline to the jawbone etc etc etc every single night for YEARS in this torture room. Now Hegseth who was with Bannon last week screaming with death threats constantly and they killed a pet on my patio that I had a connection to, they killed more plants they screamed with fascist murder and today Hegseth told me that he would cut part of my arm off and that I would die and that he would make sure I was going to submit. I have a phone appointment with Social Security on the 27 and they could cut my money off. This group and organizatino has fractured my vertebrae so I am chronically disabled--there is x-ray evidence I am listed as permanently disabled. They forced me into the lowest payment schedule because they fractured my body 3 months out of college as I was temping in San Francisco (at an elite law firm, btw). All was done while I was sleeping, inert and unconscious. I was since denied health care and then I had to fight for survival. My family did NOTHING to help but instead viciously attacked me while I was that helpless and did nothing and kept saying that I was making up the spine condition, a claim they still make although I have to tell them that there are x-rays to protect their crimes against me they claim that I am delusional and making it all up, a sponge on the system and etc etc. My brother John came to "hug" me in front of pig ape shitalina a few months ago, he has not done that since I was about 4 years old, and he was abusive back then under instruction from my family so it was just to demonstrate that he was as usual a full-on Jewish nazi doing what was told by Nazi filth attacking me--my family has sacrificed me wholeheartedly--the entire family from uncles to every member--like all of society. I thusly am faced with Hegseth who has used non-stop violence death threats and such extreme yellin screaming I can feel my hair turning grey again as it did when the German ape scum was raping and punching me in the face while I was completely drugged and under mind control and could not stop the sexual "urges" that are artificial one million percent; ever since they have forced this ape on me because I reacted for a few days and thusly they say I am "supposed" to give him a baby so he can infiltrate America and become an extremely VIOLENT NAZI influencing all the Left and Right of the scum group who have joined in for all these years. And I fight but the lingering threat of them having my money cut off remains. They forced this upon me, they had a situation where my money was cut off a few times in the past few years because they used their Nazi influence to have people like Trump and biden force all kinds of threats to my security. They had my mail returned and the agencies claimed that the letters had been returned instead of delivered and cut my money off. Then they demand a phone interview where they could ask me for items I cannot provide information on and could cut my money off. They are all assuring me that they won't do that which means they are planning on doing exactly that. I need someone to intervene not only to stop this endless life-sucking drain of their vampirism and screeching weasel parasitic latching onto my life as their endless springboard for endless incompetents endless has-beens who obtain plastic surgery and are put in every lead role for years afterwards. The shit like Dumb Mirran who obtained non-stop- plastic surgery after having had her Irish boyfriend (former ) rape me as she obtained plastic surgery and has been put into lead roles ever since--the flocking of has-been women like Jane Fonda who brought the German rapist into this slew of scum as well as the Gottis, and Deniro and all whose careers had been in decline they have been at the Oscars and at the White house all of them ever since. The screaming screeching parasites are outraged that I am saying NO after years of being stuck shitting poison out, fighting to get the murder of poisoning me to death and paralysis to be stopped as no one would intervene--to stop this endless destruction of my life--they are threatening my life for trying to stop the endless murder tortrure and rape so a bunch of stupid ape shit can have a lifetime of movie lead roles after torture of me--by now I have become a symbol of hate for all to rush and abuse as has been happening for decades--believe it or not, I used to have a lot of friends was top of my class was beautiful and they have mutilated my body through the stupidity of mob mentality all view me now as some target witch hunt person no one dares come forth who may be against this. //The interview is on February 27 at 9:30 EST--with the Indian River Social Security Branch in Miami. They will phone me, I cannot provide various bits of information and I can't state everything clearly but I also would not be lying if I said that I do not go to any Western medical doctors any longer. I have not seen a doctor since 2011. My disability is from spondylolysthesis which is crushed vertebrae and this is a condition in many places along my spine from men who raped and t hen when I said no they had my spine fractured by the teams of death squads . These so-called "men" (in their 20's) had drugged and date-raped me. I never wanted "instant sex" I was drugged into an overwhelming state of sexual desire and like floating and drugged but appearing compliant I went along like I was floating down a fast torrent of manipulation. And now, this is a man who had my pet killed last week, and his family has proven to be extremely nasty there is no semblance of any kind of the Christianity that is associated with the kindness and compassion of Jesus it is the Christianity that is derived from another source (Christianity was a religious theme before the birth of Christ--). I am stuck without any way to go outside I am still very ill. today I shat out more poison that has been lodged in my thoracic region of m y back probably for decades as the poisons have hardened into a mess of flattened pieces stuck together like a lumpy cement mixture. Hard as rock but intertwined with vertebrae and muscle and ligament tissue (and into my intestines into my skull) and etc.