Wednesday, May 3, 2023

Excuse my ranting...but....I am very weak from detox that has lasted over a decade while being viciously attacked and tortured with these covert technologies every day and night and moment almost--it's improved since the Republican take-over of The House--but I am unsure who or why but my years of writing these "crazed" posts have produced at least this slight effect.

 I am at the point of detox where it is too painful to try to stretch or do more than sit in stagnated exhaustion every day. I have changed my diet slightly so every morning there is poison coming out of my body (do I need to be more explicit?) but it contains poisons that have been embedded through the hard poison that has latched onto my flesh and bone for at least 2-3 decades. Mind control poison and hardening/bloating/stiffening poison. There is a huge "block" of hard poison embedded into my left side, and it sticks up from under my skin. It is literally "glued" or cemented into the left side of my spine, and there is another much lower ridge on the other side of my spine. I can pound both with my fist as hard as I can and I feel nothing but hear a dull echo from the thudding on this hard, solid piece of poison that was once invisible, clear and odorless poison inserted into my food every single day by terrorists who were my lovers/friends/family/waitors/cooks/terrorists breaking into my living space to poison my food. After maybe 4 months of trying to do basic stretches and exercises with the "voice-to-skull" technology, a dance instructor (of high fame and repute, worth the title unlike most of the actor celebrities), is giving me pointers that my years of studying ballet and modern dance never produced--I never got the basic training and in fact was lied to about body posture and also in "rehab" classes my Medicaid paid for. I believe the wrong information on how to stand and hold body weight was intentional, as well. Regardless, the poison acts literally like a python and as I detox to lower "layers" of the stinking foul, now black poison which is perpetually coming out, as some of it has been in my body all the 50+ years of my life--it is now pulling on my rib cage, and pulling in opposite directions in my lower thoracic region. It's like having ropes pulling my spine in every direction except straight, for any movement I make--literally "ripping" my spine apart so I can't exert anything but the slightest of pressure on it at this point. I can't exercise, so the torture of endless teleportation, the undoubted continuation of drugging, and I'm not sure if they are still poisoning me with bloating/hardening poison, and the stinking sewage/fungus liquids are no longer being inserted into my bladder through my vagina--that prime area of mental and sexual violence that these expletives are constantly aiming at in order to penetrate into destroying and enslaving me. I am very indiscrete at this point because my years of writing about rape just seem to flow through the consciousness of all human beings reading my posts as if it's the norm, which to most it is as rape culture abounds much more clearly in the wealthy than one may otherwise assume. I am trying, without trying to "turn on" the sadists, to explain how vile and putrid and disgusting these "people" you all cheer on as your leaders are. This is what the politicians for the past decade who have partaken of this situation all approve of. This is what they are paying Elon Musk to further in his technocratic push for "freedom".

As I just wrote, since there was a slight shift from Pelosi finally being put down from that dias, as the Republicans took power, some of the very vile stinking sewage insertions have stopped. That is a first. I wrote that Trump is nicer than Biden, but I am always besieged by hopes and illusions when I write of which personality may or may not be somewhat decent. Trump was and is absolutely indecent. 

The first politician who has been involved who is slightly negative (or more) but not like a dumb and sleazy nasty attacker is Kevin McCarthy. He at least sits back and assess the situation and doesn't make sick or stupid hate skits, which is almost a first for all politicians involved, including really sick and violent Krapola who is as vicious in her black woman "fight" against racism as the white supremacists have been towards her--people like her and Oprah have assimilated the racism and just vent it onto a convenient scapegoat category, which is me in this case. The violence with which they approach me resembles a fascist PLantation slave driver, as far as I have heard of them in all the stories I obtained because I was educated in what you would call a "anti-racist" educational backdrop, where we studied the history of slavery and people like Martin Luther King, Jr. As I was indoctrinated into the evils of slavery, I tried to be open to fighting against racism. I was assaulted by blacks while I was trying to not be racist. The whites who were blonde and made the n-word jokes were beloved by the same blacks in my "black neighborhood" school I was bussed to because it had a much higher degree of independent education than my white neighborhood grade school (I was taught Shakespeare by age 9 and 10, reading Beowulf and George Bernard Shaw at age 10--in a class for advanced reading. This is college material for some students in normal class. I got violin lessons from a European man who studied alongside Isac Stern in a conservatory--at this school nestled in the black neighborhood of  Urbana, Illinois, operating as an "experimental" research-in-educationa lab for the University of Illinois).  But I was attacked by blacks and they did so for the whites who called them the n-word openly. The racism was so open back in 1975 and the same hierarchical structure of racism still applies in the H-wood situation and that of course carries off into the political spectrum (The Squad members, some of them, the whites backing them like Warren, the blacks attacking me and saying they are "fighting so black girls can have chances" meaning them as black girls--and pushing me down in their hierarchical hate category into the "role" that they claim they are fighting against--when it comes to them). All of them wearing absolute glam and glitz ostentatious jewelry and fashion the longer they remain in Congress as supposed "leaders" of resistance to racism. Obviously a lot of money is being handed to them by the desperate of their allotted geographic representation to continue the "hope" that they represent, but an even more huge amount of money is being covertly poured into them by the fascist Nazi bigots of the 4th Reich in order to further the aim of a psychological war of feigning concern about fighting racism while those representatives are plied with money and movie and tv show deals, operating alongside the H-wood 4th Reich pretenders as well. Stealing the ideas I wrote and deleting what I wrote and claiming my ideas as their own--some of them, mostly the actors. The other actors who are some of the most anti-Semitic like the "Italian-American" actors in Brooklyn are endlessly playing heroes saving "Jews" against Nazis in holocaust type dramas for tv. The Germans who have physically assaulted and raped me play "Jews" in movies fighting against Nazis--


But I am at this stage of healing whereby I remain nearly paralyzed once more and can't get this stress of the nighttime subliminals I know they are pounding into my brain while I am in a black, deep unconscious hypnotic state. The teleportation skits which are done while I am forced into a different sleep but brainwave activity so the "skits' can be registered in my brain, while my body literally is split in two in some quantum entanglement situation, and I see and experience albeit in a very unclear and foggy visual and dumbed down sensational effect of my body--but I am in two places at once as in both places my body is being sliced, hit, raped, abused, I am threatened with death now that I am, after years of Krapola profiting with her daughter and husband off this contract forced upon me, becoming Vice President for using hypnosis and mind control while I'm in the deep state for me to repeat that I want her to be president. I was nearly delirious with need for Trump to be gone after his deadly violence upon me. He had fungus inserted into my right ear and now my hearing is much reduced as as result. I had given him a tarot reading and told him that I "saw" that he would lose the election. He had fungus inserted into my ear for at least a month or two after that, and it could have been deadly. Etc. I can't really compare Biden and Trump any longer, because under Biden a German man who was raping and slapping me in a most disgusting pornographic way, pounding poison as deeply as possible into my body and not stopping as I continued to say no, while so drugged I could barely function--they had most of my hair chemically destroyed so it fell out and will not grow back after more than a year and a half of me fighting using every single thing to get it to grow (not using Rogaine as I heard that must be used forever because if you stop your hair will fall out). I need to have my hair regrow so it's permanent. It won't grow, I am trying every day. That was the result of screaming in rage after a month to get off me to this pig scum from Germany--Biden and his team then had my money cut off, and then my hair permanently mostly chemically destroyed so the huge bald patch remains covering most of my scalp and head--and they did other disgusting things. That was over a year ago, but fully into the Biden bigot 4th Reich and Krapola has just come at me with multiple death threats because I wrote about Nazi punks in San Francisco and wrote that she is a huge part of the racist problem and the result has shown up now in how desperate the people are in that city and how degraded and destroyed it now is. The racist politics of having a few "token" blacks as symbols for the Nazis to hold up in their "Democrat" Party caucus meetings is only a mere facade. 


So I am stuck semi-paralyzed and fighting to get enough poison out so I can begin to exercise and not succumb to the stress of being drugged and tortured with subliminals of death, hate and violence literally repeated into my sleeping brain while I can't do anything to protect myself. This situation of me being a perpetual rape and torture victim is so tantalizing to almost ALL the politicians involved, they appear utterly turned on by it, the celebrities are viciously attacking me and have zero humanity or compassion about it all. 

So I am ranting. If I were able to exercise and get out of this room so I could go somewhere and have my focus on at least defending myself against people in the 3D dimension of waking as opposed to the 5th Dimension of being teleported while in a deep sleep state, drugged up, not able to see what or who is coming at me as they all come at me suddenly upon "waking" in the sleep teleported state--\


After having gotten up from the laptop, some minutes later as the ideas rushed back into my immediate consciousness because so much is being suppressed by the brain-altering tech blocking memory and cognitive function as I fight hacking disruptions by the terrorist hackers:

Hakeem Jeffries also has been recently involved in this terror attack instigated by officials from this next administration. His input has been very benign, until the death threats from Krapola. Perhaps the black caucus as usual overrides the concern to actually fight against racism in all forms, and not just when it comes to themselves and their need to get higher resprentation in media and business exploits.

Perhaps the seeming lull in outright disgusting violence has something to do with Jeffries, I am unsure. Only that once Pelousi left that position and it was replaced by a younger Brooklynite, and the Republican Party Speaker came with the Maga rep MTG--sexually assaulting me as she did--but in the last few months some of the more disgusting assaults have been stopped. Both the leaders of both Parties (McCarthy and Jeffries) are calm and kind of stoic personalities which is an absolute boon to the political process. 

Unlike Pelousi who has a virtual stake in California graft and grifing, the Brooklyn Jeffries is perhaps not as personally involved in partaking of the California celebrity scam that is the death-Nazi-squad that California-based Krapola is personally indebted to from the years of them putting her into power as the Attorney General and her creating yet another false image of "equal opportunity" as a "black" woman. With her "Jewish" hubby as well, they appear very martini-cocktail Democrat clinking to their grift in the California wasteland overlooking the homeless tents they helped to create--urinating as a metaphor over anyone they can as part of their racist indoctrination. The people "like me" and those who are slated to become the oppressed and destitute N-word throng of destroyed as the "elite" black and brown reps claim they are "fighting so black girls can have a chance". 

oddly, what the daughter of the Obama's put into media has produced is part of a tv show series about a psychopathic or psychotic black female obsessed with the black female (dyed blonde) pop singer gyrator who has endlessly been thrust into the limelight--who has spoken in hate at me in front of the German who raped and assaulted me--anti-semitic words proving her affinity for fascist Nazism as the black Nazi promoter she and her "rapper" hubby are-as well as the rest of the team assaulting me, with Krapola part of the California exploitation team. But this tv show that Obama's daughter helped write is putting the black but dyed blonde singer into a "Queen" fictitional state, which so many of the blacks aspiring to rise up in the Nazi hierarchy all claim that they are--and then, the black woman oppressed just kills off anyone who upsets her or makes any derogatory comment about the black female singer--which is EXACTLY how these violent and sadistic sleazy people of the black portion of the white supremacy movement behave with these technologies of teleportation, torture, mind control and "punishment" for saying or THINKING anything adverse to the utter crap they crank out perpetually--which the public loves. I have never loved any of their stuff and they keep asking me if I do--I always say no, they ask me why, in the teleported and sleep state, and they torture me for what I have said. They keep torturing me now to obtain these reactions out of me and never stop but threaten me with death to stop. They then continue to poison and abuse and drug me in order to obtain these reactions. What Krapola did was so extremely violent towards me, so symptomatic of the oppressed turning viciously upon another group or person who hasn't spent their lives, as these all have, groveling symobolicly and then being paid to live as symbols of ostentatious wealth for their roles of supporting white supremacy and Nazi 4th Reich cultural indoctrination and exclusion. The exclusion process is akin to sending people to concentration camps but instead of shipping them off as the Nazis had to do, they just force them into homeless camps in the streets to be constantly harassed by the police who shovel off their belongins so the little they obtain is thrown away and they have no chance to ever get out, for many that is the case. It's a system that Krapola has helped to create in San Francisco and her violent towards me for writing anything adverse to her is like the script that Obama's daughter wrote about a similar black female ("girl") killing anyone who offends her. This is the "black" "empowerment" system that these psychopath celebrities and leaders are avowing and defending. Not saying that is what Jeffries is. I don't know if he approved of this attack upon me with all the death threats, but I do know that the English Imperialists relying on the philosophy that John Lennon actually helped to create for the anti-Vietnam war (don't force white boys to fight, just keep the poor and blacks fighting for whitey boy so they can smoke some pot and go off on porn sex vacays in Thailand once everyone has fought for bigot white boy to not have to fight in Vietnam).


//This last part, and all of this post in fact, as since and was very hacked and partially deleted and re-strung together. I am re-reading this post after one hour, because I know how much damage the hackers produce to my every post which is written correctly. I don't have the stamina to spend hours constantly backspacing and rewriting so I leave the posts in the hacked, discrediting state. This post is no exception. I was writing that THE BEATLES AND THE ROLLING STONES, to be more precise, backed what John Lennon sold off as an anti-Vietnam War platform for their identities in the subculture and Hippie movement. In decades of being "knighted" and living in some space like Knightsbridge, London (exclusive, very near to Harrods, etc) they are fully incorporated into the reverse psychology sphere that I am trying to write about in these posts.

Very foggy, my brain is under attack, the hackers create the rest of the damage. My last sentence about these "men" was partially deleted. what I wrote about them in my last post earlier today was also mostly deleted when I was writing about their hypocrisy. I didn't even get to the Rolling Stones (Jagger/and that other uncooth one who physically assaulted me in a murderous threatening way for saying that I don't want to support them in this contract because I want America to remain solid in it's sovereignty--independence from Imperialism I implied but only used the word sovereignty. He tried to crush my head in a car door--in one of those stop-and-start editing process the actors use for their livelihoods and now they use it on me as a terror tactic).


One of the good friends of Keith Richards, the celebrity who began this entire celebrity onslaught upon me, back in 2013 when I wrote TWO SENTENCES on Facebook to him about how I enjoyed his movies. I was raped, he had my cat tortured and then stolen when I began endlessly to write and say no to being teleported and raped. He wouldn't stop for another 2 years until I began trying to castrate him. He just re-appeared two days ago, just in time to get his skanky rotten daughter probably another rung up on the hierarchy for his violence towards me, or his film about being an aristocrat royal is coming out and he needs bolstering for his product. They keep coming back. I am screaming and trying to kill them, and they keep coming back. They keep asking me in the hypnosis "truth serum" state whether I "want" them and demanding that I produce a baby with him, or another one. All I have said and screamed and fought for and against is to get them all off me. They keep asking me and demanding. 

This putrid disgusting scum greasebag actor not only had my cat tortured and then stolen within two weeks of me writing two sentences complimenting him on his acting, as almost a first for me to write anything on any social media to a celebrity. I have never been involved in celebrity worship. In exchange for stealing my cat, he got his rotten creep daughter immersed in promotions by Nazi Lagerfeld at al. They haven't stopped having me beaten and tortured and they tried to kill me years ago and they still keep being handed this tech by the creep team of celebrities and politicians to torture and abuse me in this sleep state, whenever they need or want a boost for their shitty movies and tv shows and to get promotions for more extremely lucrative deals. They come at least 4 times a year, while pig pitt and shitalina are attacking me the rest of the 361 days of the year, but shifting the focus to other scumbags and politicians to take the lead role. Thusly the torturers never tire and it's a non-stop never-ending rotation aimed at destroying me in every way possible. The pigs after stealing the last animal I had as any semblance of a loving family, giggling as they did it while I cried to return her--then maiming poisoning putting fungus in my every orifice and laughing about it. their claims that the Europigape nazi bitches whom they spawned their shit children with are so much more "beautiful" and that has been the endless refrain throughout all these years of violence and mutilation towards me. Under these same men who are still attacking me, they also severed out part of my uterus which came out of my body, with an absolute slash mark of a surgeons precision knife, into the shower while I was taking a shower. My body has not been able to function on a hormonal level since, the aging process and skin deterioration plus non-stop torture, hate and abuse has resulted in quickening of the aging process. They keep insulting how I look compared to the bigot Nazi women who laugh and giggle and order these pig men to beat and rape me as they are in audience, as shitalina has done for years on-end without ever stopping and giggling and hugging the men who perform this deed for her to enjoy watching. My ideas she has stolen all these years about domestic violence and rape culture and feminism, which I studied in college and also in grad school (studying for Criminal Justice and then being confronted by an ENTIRE US Government fully immersed in the most heinous of criminal activity and laughing about the ease to which they get away with all their stealing and robbery and rape and violence and murder and war and etc).

So they never stop this pig scum from attacking me with his disgusting ugly daughter and French whore creep wife and their French Nazi contingent handing these pig apes mansions and deals and party invites into perpetua for helping them to infiltrate and take-over the dumb scum like this actor who is such a deranged and bedraggled scumbag rapist, along with The Rolling Stones who are his buddies in this situation, with an entire coterie of Engish fascists waiting behind them to also partake of this empire they all envision out of endless and perpetual torture of me until I break and do what all the pig apes like Bloomberg and Krapola have done willingly with huge, subservient smiles and they have been rewarded and now are thoroughly brainwashed into exerting violence upon me for fighting against this system which they now "love" like Stockholm Syndrome slaves.


Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Re-Trump v ersion 2.666 in the 4th Reich Bigot Biden team. Krapola and Ape-rah and Mobama with a Whoppie fart cushion to soften the constipation of the confluence. The same attack that fascist T-rump used against me, Krapola the black side-clown accomplice with Bigot Biden used--a car hitting me, but in teleportation. I was "awaken" in teleportation, like all the creeps attacking me, they do it from side angles, poisoning my food with tasteless and odorless murder drugs and poisons, lying perpetually, as they all do to the collective "you" too out there, especially those who are dying for some "hope" amongst the bs actors who are chosen by the 4th Reich to "lead" my country into chaotic disarray and division so they can swoop in, claiming inherent "superiority" as Farrakhan the bs hater claimed they were as he first threatened, then sexually humiliated, the threatened, then told me (in teleportatoin) that the bigot white trashy Nazis whom he was sitting next to were "superior" to me, after years of poisoning and mutilation and blocking all financial opportunity and blocking all health care while constantly poisoning my food and inserting poison and fungus and mold into my body--every day, while having people rape and put my body out-of-alignment--every day, for YEARS and the list of damage to my body and life is endless I can never even begin to "remember" any of it while in this brain-altered state while fighting the hacking blocking th ekeyboard).

 **This post was BADLY hacked and rewritten, particularly in the latter portion written beginning with "A half hour later" below: sentences were half-deleted and strung together, many typos were inserted as I wrote perfectly and corrected all the blocks to the spacing of the keyboard while typing this out. Re-reading I see typos galore and absolute non-sequitur sentences that had been half-deleted and pasted into other half-deleted sentences. They changed the meaning of some sentences to sound opposite of what I had written as if I were congratulating the rapist terrorists instead of writing my ranting rage diatribe here. The hacking has very much disrupted the quantity and quality of my writing. It's hard to get through and these hacker terrorists always insert more curse words and make my writing appear very bad---I was ranting and my brain is always under an influence while I am writing, but this is after hours of torture while I'm in a deep sleep. The shit people forcing this on me can't get enough of producing this reaction out of me, I guess they get endless promotions out of me reacting to what shit they are. It never ends. But it's now nearly and even more violent and racist than the Trump team was during all those 4 years of hate and violence. In fact, Biden is a much worse racist and the shit from Congress are "coming out" in ways that Trump restrained them from all those years. In comparison, Trump was "nicer" than Biden and they are on par with their fascist capabilities, if not worse concerning the Biden team which is endlessly producing all these fascist Nazi racist bigot Mafia people who endlessly are starring in films and tv shows where they are rescuing Jews from Nazis and etc the bs never ends.


I was on a bicycle, in this teleportation "skit" while I was in deep sleep. I was put suddenly in the middle of a busy street. I was put in the middle of two sedan type cars sandwiching me into a triangular space between them at the junction of a busy 6-land road. One car moved and barely swiped me on the left, and the car immediately in front of me relaxed his/her brakes and drove into me, but stopped short of knocking me off or running me over. I could not move as I tried to get past the car. I could "feel" that the driver, whomever it was, had no intention of seriously harming me so I was relaxed and pushed myself out of the headlights of this car, one of those "assassination" cars that are much lower than the bicycle, riding very low to the ground. Trump used a vehicle like this when he and M-bolognia his wife ordered cars to drive suddenly from behind parked vans and drive into me in a similar manner. These were nothing like cars you can buy in any car dealership. Special types of cars, maybe for racing but mostly for hitting and killing people. That is what the pig apes have access to who participate with the sleazy filthy celebrities to appease the Nazi 4th Reich which controls and monitors them from places like London and Gernany andf France--completely having bought out the entire political-celebrity landscape they chose their clowns and rapist scumbags with ease as money dangling from endless promotion is all it takes for meaningless crap out of America.

I wasn't outright assaulted by sleazy dirty ugly Krapola or filthy nasty rotten Ape-rah or M-obama or Whoopie the fart filth bag cushion, (excuse my "juvenile" depictions but suppressed need for retaliation on my part, this is all I can do to try to alter the image you people have of these creeps who are as stupid and animalistic and incompetent and surrealist cartoonish buffoonish as I create in my "immature" jesting of them--which to them is grounds for murder and assassination, completely Nazi fascist style).


I was then subjected to a celebrity moving me to a white box-shaped room, rectangular actually. First they showed me that behind the back wall of this room was a removable wall panel with a glass panel and behind that was a room of technicians using technologies against me from behind the wall. It looked like a government agency or some officious laboratory. The panel went down and the faux "wall" re-appeared, and then a huge poster of this celebrity (in his earlier days) was tacked to my wall (taped). I was asked in the sleep, deep hypnosis state, if I liked him or this poster, I said no in honesty not only because he's involved with this situation and for many years as a peripheral operative, but also because I can't see huge posters of celebrities facing me any longer in any guise or form, and definitely don't want to see "them" on my personal home space.

Maybe he was "relieving" me of the more murderous content but "allowing" for "Just" one death threat instead of Krapola and her black women crew (there were black women involved with the white trashy contingent yesterday who threatened me with murder, and Krapola lovingly looking at a black younger woman, hinting at the preferential treatment of Blacks over whatever "race" they ascribe me to. Since her own husband is a "Jewish" man who attends Synagogue, at least in form if not undoubtedly in substance, or that has never brushed off on the white supremcist-driven Krapola Ferris (wheel) the crappy circus clown put into 2nd rate position by a 3rd rate president but typical of most who have come before him.


Was it T-rump and B-lognia T-rump offering Krapola the same car system that they used to have me  hit years ago when i wrote that Shit pitt the pig and Filthalina the skank should not be awarded after they steal my ideas and torture me every day and night with murderous intent and poison that I am still fighting to get out--asking for justice, written one time on my private Facebook page where I have blocked every other person on the planet so no "friends" and no one able to see my posts. I was then subjected to s hit pitt throwing baseballs at me while he was naked, because torture and murder and violence and rape turns him on. then he raped me (sodomy) and then he slapped my face and then he had me tortured viciously every single day for the next year until he "won" a role for a movie where the basic concept for the film was stolen by the "good" "Italian" American scumbag director who is famous for his hate and anti-racist pro-black pretensees and thus far, all the blacks surrounding all these "lead" scumbag actors in H-wood are fascist co-conspirators to the white supremacists like T-rump and pig pitt and filthalina et al--most of whom appeared for the Met Gala with the blacks who participate fully publicized for every magazine from Huffpost (English-owned) to Time to etc etc---all the black Nazis appeared who have partaken of this contract who are females who ever since (and after having stolen my concepts, some of them) now are featured year-after-year in these Nazi spectacles of fascist fashion and awards ceremonies. That includes Michelle Yeoh, as well, who has not personally or viciously been involved but absolutely has participated in virtual stalking and pushing her videos and herself on my social media non-stop for over 4 months while that horrid stupid movie that won all those awards was handed non-stop top awards for KRAP CRAP.


All part of the racist team. All behaving like the "fascist Nazi" T-rump whom they claim they are adverse to. That includes, of course, what Wintour herself claims is her semi-political stance to reject those who make outright anti-Semitic statements but oh how she pushes those who are adept and coached and faking and feigning pseudo-religious righteousness of being fighting against racism. 

Krapola strikes again, but the death threat was "buffeted" by a car nearly hitting me in a more elusive and anonymous way than an ugly square and muscular body-builder woman threatening to beat me to death because I wrote some posts detailing, after years of being raped, beaten, my body mutilated and tortured without end--about how fake and sinister these black nazis are in particular what the Biden duo has forced upon me with an endless line-up of rotten politicians of both "opposing" parties who are exactly the same fascist bigot template.

The blacks and other minorities like Bloomberg the "jew" from NYC are an abomination of racism and anti-Semitism. I told Bloomberg over one year ago that Biden was K-rap and he began threatening to kill me as over 2 months of yelling "loser" into my face began from his ugly and stupid sinister daughter who is half Nazi half Jewish Nazi.


Thusly, I don't mean to aim my chagrin solely at the plethora of black Nazis who have accumulated all these years to attack me along with their white supremacist "superiors" and benefactors.


Half an hour later: my early morning rant assuaged somewhat by the morning routine. I wrote the above fresh from waking up from non-stop subliminal hate content pumped into my brain while sleeping, in a "Brave New World" style of brain programming to crush the spirit and destroy the mind and soul.

The celebrity I only vaguely mentioned was, of course, a white male very wealthy and prominent in media and celebrity, who as one of the players of the boy band reaching fame due to the originality of one of the members (assassinated in an MK ULTRA mind control situation) for over 50 years and is I believe an octogenarian. It was he who played the "sent out your monkeys and play the rescuer role" in this nighttime teleportation murder intimidation threat episode.

Because of the Met Gala and the other White House parties at this time, the usual criminals are not sitting with their now extremely expensive clothing in the seats and rows of chairs staring with hate and aplomb at me for saying No to their exploitation plans of raping, poisoning and murdering me after stealing ideas, breaking my body and ruining my chances for having any single thing except sickness and poverty and being on my knees essentially giving fellatio endlessly to men slapping my face and calling me bitch in their racist hate enthrallment teleportation skits---while they are having their minions where I live insert sewage-fungus-laden water directly into my bladder through my vagina, inserting silicone injections into my body to appear like cysts, hard and round under the skin. Fungus in my hair every night for years and years, poisoning of my food and inserted into my body with hardening chemicals and mind controls drugs while I would react to their non-stop rape-pounding the poison deeper and deeper into my body so I could not fight it internally---breaking my body down, ruining every bit of clothing and furniture and forcing me through their global usurpation of the entire telecommunications network system to force me to live around ugly white trash pig men who come into my room or home while I am in a deep, MK ULTRA sleep state, raping and inserting filth into my body and stealing and robbing and destroying and then stalking and abusing me when I would go outside as they sat staring and calling me names at late night through their windows--(here in Phuket that happened in one community where they then broke my cat's ribs and etc---the situation exacerbated by the shit from Whorewood who only do the very same things as the white trash porno rapist pig men from Europigapeland who flock to Thailand for near slave sex porn industry prostitution. The wealthy men who are training them in this modality of their Imperialistic exploitation are the ones you cheer on as the "sexy" Nazi-appearing black and white boys and women who are endlessly being cheered on by English Wintour and the rest of the Europigape flock and especially for the Cannes Awards and the German awards and etc--these emulators of sex tourist prostitution via teleportation and torture and poisoning out of America get absolute monopoly in the Europigape theater of awards ceremonies and always put into the Met Gala presentations as long as their plastic surgery holds out. This year there were a few new inserts coming out of England (from the Game of Thrones Nazi indoctrination series) and although the men who viciously yelled with threats of death at me and raped me from England, it was the women behind them who were featured by Wintour--and they are not beautiful to the slightest degree, in my opinion they just play the role of fascist colonist and the black Americans I have mentioned above in this post are more than eager to obtain their mansions and invitations in Europigapeland as a result of proving how anti-Semitic Nazi they truly are behind all the glamorized anti-racist movies and tv shows they crank out and political roles they are handed by absolutely death-mongering Biden who has proven his real racist policies by the "border crisis" and the Afghanistan crisis--he loved watching the "brown-skinned" slated for genocide people struggling to survive, and the violence they have inflicted upon me , as time progresses, reaches the endless frenzy that T-rump and his crew --which is the very same crew operating with Krapola out of Whorewood who helped her obtain her 2nd clown position to Biden the Bigot---that would be Apr-rah and the rest of the black Nazi posse including all the Jews and Asians and Latinos operating from withing that same "victim" status group playing up kissing up schmoozing up and attacking me with very visual hate to present their absolute affinity with terror applications of technology used against "enemies' of the Nazi State.


So the white male who was not at the Met or with his good friend filthalina, who sat next to the other surviving Beatle, the endlessly chipper one who was so racist and nasty towards me when he sat next to filthalina, the English factor playing in very strongly, as it was last night or early this morning while I was in a deep sleep. Ringo made sure to let me know with a post of him from a few decades ago that he's there sitting alongside nasty racist Paul and completely destroying the legacy of The Beatles for me. I have to worry whether John Lennon would also participate in this in his geriatric years along with Paul and Ringo? I think that George Harrison would not have, so that is comforting. I have to wonder if John Lennon would be a pig ape assaulting me using this technology as well? It is very disconcerting because John Lennon far above them all was one of the great influencers of my childhood---so I hope he would not have been brainwashed if he had not been shot in the brain by this team of mind f*** operators whom the Beatles cling to for more "fame" and money and movies as McCartney has obtained through all the years, along with The Rolling Stones, in assaulting and participating in attacking me.

It was the English imperialist that quelled the black minion Nazi violence of Krapola---as always it is they who instigate the violence and they who call off their dogs, the minorities, when they want to exert the "hero" rescuing role.

And that is why I endlessly state that I know it to be fascist Nazi Europigapes who are playing the behind-the-scenes dictator imperialist function but making their usual appearances as working for "love and peace" and "Democracy" in and around the world. The division and chaos they sow is now apparent in how America is being demonstrably turned inside out and upside down and cracking into splinters of acrimonious opposition. The exact strategy I see every day in the micro version of the same strategy for total impregnation with an Alien monster coming to feed off America and then spawn a new Nazi colonistic system

If you see how a Nazi minion like Krapola has helped in turning SF into a vicious racist and homeless very violent city, you can observe her immediate knee-jerk reaction to death threats for any slight criticism with the endless violence that is now headline in SF on a near daily basis--so I have heard the jump in crime has exploded as well as the homeless population. These are not accidental policies but the result of vicious fakes like Willie Brown (former Mayor who helped bigot blonde Nazis to very dangerously assault me) and his "girlfriend" Krapola who was coached and groomed into following this black Nazi approach to "leadership" that has so obviously failed and her absolute incompetence except for scripted speeches she makes, varying her "black" accent with the color spectrum of the crowd--just a clown joke and a sinister representation of how Nazis have absolutely bought out the black Nazi group--in Whorewood and in politics as well.

Unfortunately for the surviving and undoubtedly they have survived because they are just more opportunistic fakes following trends that Lennon created, the HIppie movement but now absolutely sinister men completely backing a racist Imperialistic Nazi movement which is very much connected to the Vietnam War that they so openly protested against (to "defend" white males from having to fight and die in that war, like Bill  Clinton who attended Oxford in order to have a clearance from having to fight, stating with sensitive-driven rhetoric how much he cared about not helping to foment war and killing--and look at how many have died from his bombings and wars once he obtained power, with Hillary a shrieking power-grabbing scumbag and endless adored by the white power contingent of the fascist "left" wing of the Nazi Democrat Party).


The rise (and hopeful ffail/fall) of the planet of the Black Nazis operating as Anti-Semites for the white supremacist r4th Reich.//The "black" half of the Bigot Biden 4th Reich Oreo s**t sandwich teleported me, characteristically as having been indoctrinated into "black" fasco reactionary hate and violence using teleportation due to a critical statement I made yesterday rregarding Krapola Ferris and her Nazi white supremacist role in SF politics.

The dumb, psycho-giggly incompetence comes to the fore, along with the incompetence of Biden as an admiistrator of "Democracy"--the black woman ape pig contingent of "entitled victim of racism" that anti-Semite dumb Whoopie, and blathering sleazy and really kinda stupid Aprah, and the rest of the vicious racists of the black victim possee (poop hogg, the scum elevated after threatening me with absolute hate for the white supremacist blonde Nazis he adores like a groveling slave in their mutual orea cooking cookie tv show crapola they crank out) and on and on, that is the entrance exam given by the wh ite 4th Reich contingent for all blacks who enter through the gatges of Whorewood, to be rabid anti-Semites for a complete overtake of whorewood and ousting of "jews" who also must comply with anti-Semitism fi they desire any role whatsoever in that citadel of pig ape whores. FAstism is now outright chich and this teleportatoin contract has been a career-maker for politicians and actors alike for over a decade. I'm the perpetual victim of this and waiting for some sanity in politics to stop this, but it never arrives (see bottom portion of this post):

I won't title this video or give reference, I'll just call it giggly psycho-dumb ape pig Krapola:Here is a plastic surgery modified completely incompetent ape pig who is being slated as a potential president of the US and all criticism and all debate is now quashed by the 4th Reich Biden fascist team (including the faasco ape pigs of the black "strong" female portion, like Obama the corrupt female partner with the late president her husband, dirty and filthy Aprah, blathering "only I am the highest entitlement of racism" Whoopie who has made absolutely stupid comments about Nazis and Jews and is still in the public perview (-of course, that was an official decree by the ape-pig backed Biden 4th Reich team due to Krapola having been given access to hypnosis and me stating untruthfully that I thoughg she shold be president. Well, go to hell you piece of shit Krapola and please, America, do not let this incompetent ape return to power and allow for debate in the next primary and stop this filth bucket sleaze fake "black" Nazi from giggling hedr way to the White House again---a complete fascist Nazi reaction she had to my one sentence of criticism only claiming wha tobviously is the damn TRUTH about what a fascist black Nazi she relaly is (and her Jewish Nazi husband and half "Jewish" Nazi/half white supremacist dirty ugly "model" daughter too). A team of bs put into the limelight for selling out and sleeping in with the Mayor and playing the sleaze and stupid game endlessly until she is so dumb that this clip below is a typical meme of this incompetent ape pig and a total embarassment for the Dem Party. Now Biden is trying to block off, totalitarian, any and all competators for the next election campaign. Dirty Krapola has now emerged as afascist counterpart in teleportation along with the other pig apes and ape pigs of Whorewood who are fully into the white Nazi 4th Reich and have put Trump and Harris into power.



I once met her former "black" boyfriend, former Mayor of SF, Willie Brown. He was at a very lavish restaurant owned by Wolfgang Puck, and I was invited by a white team of "yuppie" 4th Reich terrorists who were undoubtedly paid to take me to this lace. It was in the mid-80's, I think aroundf the time that Krapola because the squeeze of the squeezer now a geezer on SF. I associate Willie Brown, the former political leverage for Krapola into "power" for a black Nazi power structure ostensibly appearing as "black" power which has ascended through sheer will power fighting coruption. But Mayor Wilie Brown sauntered up to me and the white Nazi group I had been with, "hitting" on me and asking me all kinds of questions. It was liek a sleazy come-on approach. I was always, always drugged, and I had no idea what he wanted or what was really going on. I was then followed in the streets of SF by Mr. Brown as I got off various public transportation hubs for the train taking me from Palo Alto to SF--it was not a heavily filled train and I arrived downtown and was wealking in an isolated spot as Mr. Brown tried to sort of pick me up and I ignored him. A few weeks later I was put into a most contrived deadly "accident" which caused me to have to fight for my life and being blocked from all health care, I was literally left to die by my country and I believe Mr. Brown helped faciliate this attack upon me. I was living in an extreme terrorist situation that appeared like an artistic community apartment sh are situation on Lower Haight. they did some "Satanic" things like mutilating naimals and leaving them in the bathroom, in very sacrificial ways. Creepy and sleazy but I was so thrilled to be out of Minneapolis for a change and out of heaps of snow and freezing weather and in a dynamic city like that, I really completely ignored these poeple until I was very badly attacked/ by them probably in conjunction with Mr. Brown, Krapola's benefactor and rise into SF fascist Nazi environmental politics. Nazis and white supremacists truly were everywhere even amongst the "punk" community which att that time was not truly alive and was denting towards being dead.


True to form, one signle sentence I wrote on my post yesterday about how someone like Krapola came to power in that environment and I didn't mention her foray with Mayor Brown, but she came, true to form, fascist Nazi style to threaten me using a white trash squat-looking muscular woman with a body posture of being about to rush and beat me to death is she only was given permission to do so, dirty Krapola would have done it as well but the team of greedy sleazy pig apes from whorewood still haven't obtained every single iota of the contract out of never-ending torture and violence towards me (a baby they are demanding endlessly out of me, while all I do is wish them death and pray that they die every single day and try to kill them as often as I can but they have made me os physically weak and the extraction of my life force continues unabated--their insults about how ugly and what a b-word I am never ends, and the subliminals of aboslute hate and murder and death and oppression and insjultss goes on as well, I can "feel" it upon waking but they put me into a black unconscious sleep mode and pump it into my su bconsciou for that deep mind fuck trick that their hypnosis has produced).


I was threatened with death by a very violent and determined-looking chunk of white female crap who was being paid by Kraploa Ferris (wheel) the spinning bloated ape pig consort of Bigot Biden--her former "nemisis" who she claims voted to block people like her from being bused to a "white" school or something like that she blathered in her early primary campaign so many years ago--the years have compressed together iwth never-ending violence from the next 4 years of piles of shit coming to tleeport me under the next presidential administration. 

Dirty and psycho-giggly ("demonic") Ferris (wheel) Krapola obtained her lofty position in American politics after filthy bloated Apr-ah your famous former presidential canddate who is a cheap and ignorant tv personality talk show host which dumbed down America loves to the max--the dumbness combined with the Aunt Jemima comfort for all those white folks in the audience who need a warm, fomforting. domesticated and adoring "slave" to fulfil the plantation needs of listening to their problems and with a sad and comforting face, consoling them and giving them "tough love" advice with a spicy hint of "bad a$$ girl" demeanor. It's something I cringed at and never could watch for more than a few minutes, all those years of that whale ape pig on air--and in teleortation an absolute violent fascist black Nazi-along with Farrakhan and so many others of the blacks like Poop hogg the rapper at al--absolutely sleazy and violent sh itty people but "black" and "fighting" against racism.

Fascist and Totalitarian style (aka Black Nazi style) Krapola Ferris wheel the psycho-giggly embarassment of the Democrat Party--had me in some place where a very stout woman had stolen something from me, and when I asked where it was, she came with flaring nostrils threatening to kill me--I was put into the "stop-and freeze" edit process very similar to acting editing in movies--I "froze" as I remember, and was physically doused with electronic mood-altering shock. I remember being "frozen" and unable to move and there was a time-shift in the action as I was nearly trembling because they had put me into a more comatose state, tried to embeded absolute fear of mjurder upon me while in the most susceptible state, then "waking" me up while I was in myh "prime" state in my actual bed in a deep sleep, but teleported to this stupid situation where this woman was staring with full intention to murder me and made it clear she was about to spring on me. Not only put into this state, but not being able to see well, in addition to freezing, I was trying to see if she had a weapon in her hand or if there was something I could grab around me to defend myself. My very frial and nearly broken body from years of the pig apes who Krapola obtainedf her position from, who have been handed Oscar nominations and awards ever since, in a non-stop continuum of Obama-Trump-Biden for the filth and sleeze of Whorewood to endlessly capitalize on this contract--they hand the pig ape aspiring politicians the teleportation equiment so the ape pig candidates can get a rigged "win" out of it. the other politicians fall very easily in line with teleporting and torturing me from both sides of the "aisle" in either/or administration, and then the death threats and volence spirals into a h uge massive pile of sh it rotating in teleporting and torturing me. The shock to my system is so great that I write about something every day to alleviate the stress, because I remain stuck in semi-paralysis from all the years of them pinning me down through internal poisoning with blaoting and hardening poison, plus having my hips and spine put out of alignment every day in addition to be physically raped in this room while being tleeported toa buse and rape and torture and every kind of emotional and psycholgocial torture poissible that they could inflict without turning full-on Inquisition. They had some restraints, but if left unchecked there will something like personal little sleep-state Inquistisions of torture and mutilation and murder when Musk finally doesns't kill off any sentient being he can insert with a microchip who can then be exloited, raped and tortured for the thrlls andpower trips of shit like Krapola and Bigot Biden's team, now a continuation of the Trump terror team sans Trump himself (because the Biden 4th Reich ape pigs and pig apes get first priorty and T=-rump doesn't get access any longer, but his filthy and nasty Senator minions do so the filth and hate coninues).

Now, from one critical sentence in a post I wrote, filthy ape pig Krapola has arrived, with two years of fascist programming behind her in the now-emerging fascist Totalitarian Biden regime, the ugly and sinister ape pig is coming out of her particular "black" "fighting against racism" closet.

Along with disgusting decrepit Whoopie, the "Only blacks can understand racism" preferential treatment victim group that the black celebrities are, and I think the politicians are as well. Undoubtedly, I assume, pig aprah told Krapola to threaten to kil me, as filthy dirty Aprah had the mafia threaten me likewise for over TWO YEARS without end as she stuck her filthy vagina in my facek, slapped and beat me, had groups of violent criminals threaten me (the mafia actors from Brookly, who "love black women" they claim) and demanding an apology for calling her the "aunt jemima bnlack slave of the Nazi plantation that she adn they are.


and Krkapola has joined in on the plantation and like the slave she is playing the role of defender of black folk who serve the 4th Nazi reich, going to every police murder of black unarmed men shouting with her dopey ferris wheel barker voice (like her disgusting ugly "model" daughter who gained her modeling career from Krapola becoming the black representative of the Bigot Biden administration, under protection from filthy Apr-ah)

and so, thereafter in this teleportation skit, I was verbally insulted and threatened constantly. .This was the reaction from me writing that I had experienced very severe physical violence and racism in San Franciso. I was writing about a cock rock "punk" musician but nevder got into the details. I was nearly klled by the death squad racist teams of San Francisco that pushed a possessed and impregnanted racist of white supremacy doctine so deeply into Krapola Ferris wheel that she's the black poster for white supremacy but very few will recognize this as the Democrat Party has become fully immersed into the 4th Reich fascist Nazi ideology. The minority minion s such as those who perform their stu nts for cameras like AOC and Sanders (yes, he's a Jewish man by "definition" and thusly part of a "minority" group but fully incorporated into the white supremacist 4th Reich line-up of criminal minions playing their roles in fomenting chaos and division so as to divide up the system for the overall one-party Totalitarian system to override all former actual authentic attempts for "Democracyy"0.


Speaking of which, I got a video on my YouTube vchanel sent to me by I believe someone else. It was about how Lyndon Johnson had a "mistress" with the same first name as mine. this is a reference that I have never seen earlir. I have recently began to advocate for a third option to the Dem primary (now pushed back and silenced by the media and by the block to any debate for the primary season, completely totalitarian fascist style of political machiavellian machinations by the Biden Bigot 4th Reich team, Krapola Ferris wheel included)

so, it would seem that the "contract" of me being a "sex slave" sort of mind controlled prostituted thingy for men to exploit and get untold power and prestige if they telpeot and rape and abuse me using what Elon Musk has been paid all the money in the world to further implement into dying monkeys who can't take the stress of the implants--and the other wack "scientists" who are trying to create other interfaces where the subject doesn't die.

The "magic" ingredient to me dying is something onne of them can understand and I don't want to give a hint about it here. 

but Mr. Kennedy, I do not want to be a "mistress" for anyone, if that was your intention. this system is an abomination to Freedom and Democracy and I h ope that along with protecting the environment you will also protect the environment of the brain and heart and soul of human-kind and not further this heinous "Demonic" implant technology and the obvious pig ape quality of those dumb and dumbed down krap contingent who are being handed these technologies fo vent their rage upon and feel entitled and light from the hormones of violence and murder and rape.

Sunday, April 30, 2023

More "Virtual Mailbox" terrorism.

 I was promised, by the man on the phone for an address in the State where I have my identity, that instead of paying the $99/year rate with 10 free scans per month plus $0.25 per page afterwards, because I was lied to and told that the "street address" promised on every single "virtual mailbox" site possible, instead I was lied to by the terrorist agents on every phone call I made or email attempt to get one single virtual mailbox in any city in that region. I also had to take into account potential emergency situations where I might have to travel and go to my mailbox in person, and thus I had to chose a certain area I am familiar with that has high travel access (Florida is notoriously bad in that respect unless you have a lot of money to travel to smaller places, where connection prices from places like Miami are at least three times higher than from major cities in Florida, like Miami- Gainesville, for example).


After I received NO MAIL alerts the first year, I requested information and was told I had "three letters" but upon repeated request, they did not respond and never scanned the letters I had to ask about instead of being instantly informed about.

In the middle of that year, supposedly the mail service changed in every aspect, including name of the business. I was never informed about the change and got a woman on the phone who answered with a suspicious tone as if my phone call were a threat to her, like a prank call or something. She was wary and almost refused to answer questions. They have since still never informed me of the price until yesterday upon repeated request for the information of prices.

I was given a "fee schedule" which cuts in half the number of free scans and doubles the price of copy-per-page. It also doubles the fee for the box entirely. I spent 2 weeks 2 years ago trying to obtain a single "virtual mailbox" response that was able to provide me with a street address, and it was this one single place in that major city hub. I tried various cities in Florida and none of them could answer questions; they all told me that any "street" address would have a "suite" number at a very high range, like Street XYZ, Suite #1203 for example--not a very "street" address.

I had to "personally" phone one of the agents in that city, because these virtual mailboxes are franchises and you are supposed to phone their major 1-800 toll-free numbers to get signed-up. Every single time I was told they could not provide me with any service--I just wanted a basic virtual mailbox. Every single call was diverted to a terror agent from this hate crime organization (4th Reich).

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Biden's autocratic fascism emerges, his incompetence and dictatorial fascism emerges, with the edict by the "Democrat Caucus" that no debates will be necessary for the Democrat Party primary for US President. Automatic induction of totalitarian Biden like the system he is covertly building with the Mafia and Nazis in H-wood and in the media and my personal situation should be a huge red flag to anyone who knows about this situation of what is imminent in US cultural decline of "Democracy". They claim and nearly shout into microphones about Democracy and then the policies and actions they take absolutely undermine the Democratic Process. Nina Turner is saying that Biden's refusal for any debate is absolutely "Undemocratic".//RJK, Jr. made an analogy of what the Dem Caucus has just "pronounced" like an edict in an "aristorcat" versus peasant town crier style to the peasantry that they have no options or choice as to the next Democratic Candidate. RJK did NOT say what I just wrote, as my brain is being so jumbled in linear cohesion that I am writing thoughts as they are being blanked out and what I meant to say is that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. states that DEMOCRACY is in deep trouble. He is mincing words but alluding to what Biden is doing as an autocrat. RJK, JR. stated that the Insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021 was a deep and profound symbol of the rift between the American public's trust of government and media. Biden is accentuating this rift. //One can only hope that an act of "God" will either rid America of the despot so there will be debate and some other candidates have a chance to participate in the Democratic Republic election process described in the U.S. Constitution. As far as I know, nothing has been written about an incumbent having automatic right and entitlement to being the officially recognized candidate bypassing all the election rules and regulations that the Constitution guarantees for safe and fair elections. I hope Americans will begin to really fight for the right to have more choices than what the Democrat Party boxes off as their only choice with no vote or debate. Biden's true colors are showing.

 "RJK, Jr.: How my uncle's death links to modern government corruption/The Record". Newsmax. April 26, 2023.

Terrorist stinking water flooding report: my bathroom is being flooded by the terrorists on the other side of the bathroom wall who are using a mechanism to keep the water spurting out of the toilet spray nozzle junction. I clamp and screw it tight, it stops spirting and dripping, and once I walk away and return the floor is flooded, within 30 seconds, with water spraying out of the screw connecting the water nozzle to the water pipe supply (it's a duel junction connecting the toilet to the spray nozzle with two ends for both water supplies). The bathroom sink is not connected to this system but when I use it for anything the water begins to spray next to the toilet--they also are pumping water behind the toilet so even if the water is not being sprayed through this metal t-junction pipe system, if I turn on the bathroom sink the water begins once again. I turn it various directions and it stops. It begins mysteriously once more after about 1 minute after I finally walk out the door. As soon as I screw the water spray bolt and close off the endless spraying, that occurs at random times--ti doesn't spray all the time, only once in a while, but now with increasing frequency. This is a terrorist attack and not a problem with the pipes or the spray nozzle tubing or t-junction pipe system. But when I am turning that screw, bending down (hurting my body in doing so from their poisoning, the terrorist poisoning) and I stop the attack, they screw it around on the other side and it begins again when I am literally fighting the person on the other side of the wall to get the spraying to stop. I accomplish the task of stopping the water, and there is nothing dripping out of the screw area, and then it begins again within a minute. This goes on and on all day. I turn off the dripping and wait for the water to fill the tank, or whatever. Everything is fine. I leave the room after 5 minutes of waiting and once more, I return to see the floor completely flooded and there are insect pieces and black flecks floating in the puddles of water that are stagnant on the floor--the water stinks, there is some kind of greasy oil put in the water so it won't dry. It goes on and on and on and on and on all day. They put rubber bands on the floor and flood the area behind the toilet--this is being done by opening the tiles on the other side of the wall from the room on the other side. it is disgusting. I am constantly cleaning this up so I don't have to live with stinking filth and water with insect pieces and greasy stinking fluids floating on top of the puddles of water as the water is so deep my shoes get stuck in the pressure of putting the rubber shoes down on the floor. I can never go barefoot in this room because of constant black filth being sprayed on the floor and the stinking filth being spewed into the bathroom. Every time I take a shower once I get out and clean the floor of excess water--because there is no window in this condo bathroom unit, it's a closed atmosphere. I keep the door open at all times because of constant flooding and insects that are put into the bathroom constantly coming out of it if I open the door trying to stop mechanical arms from breaking into my room from that area. It's a constant stinking filth mess I must constantly clean. now it's at least 2 hours every day of just cleaning up and mopping up stinking stagnant water with black filth and insects floating in the water (insect pieces, not entire insects). I discovered a huge cockroach, dead, buried under a plastic soap dish I used--in the bottom portion.//Foul and sleazy dirty nasty people do foul and dirty, sleazy nasty disgusting things. This is what they are, this is what they do.

 I just discovered that terrorists also glued the screw/nob on the top of the t-junction leading to the toilet water tank shut, so it won't close water off at all. The bottom screw leading to the nozzle spray tube I can still close off, and even though the water is shut off for that spigot leading to the spray nozzle metal tube, water still drips unless I screw around various portions of the metal piece attaching the bottom large screw to the water supply, although all water is closed off and no water should be dripping at all. They have inserted something to completely affect the water supply. I also have a tiny, I mean little tiny dripping of water coming out of the shower hose--it's so tiny I can barely get soap off my body and have to hold this tiny dripping stream of water over my body for 3 times longer than it should take, just to barely get the film of soap off because the water pressure has been turned to a near dropping stage of water supply. Years of asking this landlord to increase water has done nothing. The maintenance guy turned the water on so at least a normal amount of water came out. Within a day of that fortune one time of normal water supply, the terrorists turned the water back down to the trickle stage. And by the way, no amount of WD40 or prying the glued-down top bolt/nut connecting the water tank to the water supply on this t-junction piping system will begin to move the rusted or glued bolt. It worked smoothly the last time I turned the water off, a few months ago as I leave it on. It has been working perfectly for the years I have lived here. Now it's so glued down it won't budge. 

They have broken the heating system to the shower as well. It worked perfectly, then suddenly one day the heating control knob was out of alignment and I had to keep the control knob in one single position or it stopped working. I returned and the knob had been shifted and the entire heating system is not working. These things cost over $100 to buy and I don't have the money to replace it. They also have broken an 18" fan I bought which should be at top working order and it's barely functioning. The list of things they break which I am supposed to pay to replace, as ordered by billionaires who are torturing me using this system, and the ideas they have stolen from me in order to portray themselves as being compassionate decent people---it's the sickness on all levels that I deal with, that remains silently ignored as well and not considered anything disgusting as a behavioral pattern for the wealthy exploiting and torturing me like this in every way possible, non-stop every day they can get off and get paid for it--for over a decade now from the same people. They remain being awarded by "my" society and I remain outcast sitting here fighting to heal my very broken body from the decade of them repoisoning me so all I can do is have to detox and run to the bathroom every day, only to have to deal with this, and more damage to my body that they inflict as often as possible leaving permanent scars. I spend every day either cleaning filth they force into my personal living space, or my body which they have exponentially increased in damage while sucking ideas out of me and raping and beating and abusing me as often as they can with endless accolades and promotions for them.


they glued the top part to the toilet water source completely solid so I can't turn it in any direction. They did the same thing to the light bulb in my refrigerator, so I can't remove it. They then burnt out the light bulb so I can't replace it. They do things like this to all the plugs in the room, the electrical sockets. They are all broken so I can't put plugs into the sockets without them wobbling and falling out. The edges are cracked and the interior of the socket has been whittled out by screwdrivers. I am financially responsible for replacing and repairing all the filth attacks they make.  They are also in the process of slowly breaking this laptop, the third laptop I have had to buy on subpoverty income which they are breaking and slowly destroying. 

Friday, April 28, 2023

For over 2 years I have witnessed Biden hugging and inviting the rape cheerleaders who have participated in racist assault, rape and torture of me. He just invited filthalina, the ugly sleazy sick parasite who has stolen my ideas for at least 8 years of her profiting off the teleportation/death squad/mutilation/rape/torture contract out on me. Nearly dying from the abuse she profited off, Biden has invited that trashy white pig ape to the next series of fascist Nazi/Mafia perpetrators attacking me for an officious ceremony. While Biden puts a horrendously fake advertised re-election tv clip about FREEDOM being his main platform, he is in actuality endorsing and building up a global terror unit of greedy and sleazy fakes who will rape, torture and murder and bring down the last semblance of Freedom for humanity with this mind control program that utter s*** like filthalina the skank ugly dirty and really filthy stupid parasite fully embraces and is bringing into fruition . Add to the list most of the other blonde Nazi women of Whorewood and the minorities as well as those in Congress and you get the Freedom-from-Freedom fascist Nazi technocracy league of scum put into lead position, with Biden endlessly supporting it all. His new tv advertisement about his re-election with the term FREEDOM and All Americans having equal opportunity is like someone offering a dumbed down idiot a free doughnut with "freedom" in icing on top but all laced with cyanide. He offers "freedom" while pushing for every fascist Nazi/Mafia cultural thief, rapist whore and skank possible with technologies that will constrict human life and intelligence and thwart all real layers of Democratic principle. You can add disgusting blathering Nancy Pelosi, AOC, and the list of people who are viciously and ugly and sinister towards me in the "clique" of "elite" lower dregs of humanity who participate in this teleportation scam hell torture technology, including of course Musk, will stop all Freedom and for such a long time humanity will or may never recover from the stupidity and greed and sleaze of these filth parasites you all claim are so beautiful and wonderful and "superior".

 This is all to say that years of torture from Trump, years of absolute violence coming from the Obama team with Biden behind him, now years of Biden's celebrity scumbag parade being invited to his big White House for exposure as part of the "freedom" and "Democracy" team but who absolutely are sleazy and foul, dirty ugly sinister filth exploiting America to the max and bringing in fascist Europ-a Nazi/Mafia throngs of infiltrators and exploiters all for their nasty selfish interests. Given more "power" by Biden as Freedom in reality will be some concept absolutely destroyed by this contingent that surrounds Biden, Obama, Trump et al.

Celebrities like filthalina and her endless positioning in politics is a shame and discredit to the United States.

Why am I the ONLY ONE writing about this? Why are no other celebrities even beginning to care whatsoever in the least about what these scum filth creeps are really doing? None of the celebrities do more than hug and kiss these whores every time possible and work as eagerly as possible to be included in this endless award and promotion scheme that lying and dirty Biden along with filthy and nasty trump and fake and deceptive obama and on and on---basically they are all working for a 4th Reich technocratic despotism. All embracing one another with secret hand shakes and smiles, the parade of shit goes on at the White House in these public displays. 

Added to that is of course the Nazi Gala upcoming celebrating the fascist Nazi who absolutely embraced the filth skank children of the rapists who used genocidal Nazi death attacks while and after and before teleporting and raping me--the skanky children spawn of the fascist Nazi Americans with Mafia backing for everything, alongside the filth like filthalina attending a Biden dinner and being pictured in magazines as if this stupid and dirty ugly sick skank is really--with my ideas she has stolen for all these years from her endless violence against me due to racism and fascist allegiance with her Europigape associates--but with my ideas as her fake presentation of being intellectual and a "feminist"--just endlessly embraced by the crap of congresswhorewood like Schumer and Biden--and Pelosi and etc .

All you celebrities reading this continue to shower this shit group --your friends--with pats on the back as you plaster your filthy faces on my YouTube page--most unwanted, and even if I click on the crap you force onto my youtube page in the endless sickness that your good skank partner shitalina had poured into my body via insertions into my vagina into my bladder, with fungus-laced poison into my food and drinking water-for years, while spraying fungus and  horrific stinking substances on my clothing and furniture every day and night for YEARS to poison every single orifice in my entire body which that ugly skank also had ordered mutilations covering head to toe--laughing and giggling about it as you all embrace that ugly and disgusting piece of utter shit and crap

but Biden is really embracing the worst of the abusers towards me. What shit Biden is. What utter shit Trump is. 


If Kennedy is better than this, I still have to wonder if he is anything much better in comparison as he's undoubtedly part of the same good ole boy's club. I don't know, it seems that no matter whether it's Ape-rah or Trump, the result is the same for the crap being endlessly championed by people who I thought would have known better--like the rest of whorewood reading my posts and always doing almost nothing to stop any of this, as you are all in agreement apparently.


But still, some things have improved but mostly it's the same thing repeated. The honoring of these thugs and whores and parasites by Trump and Biden, who are such rotten disgusting people and that their hate is being forced upon me, as both are full bigots with blacks surrounding them only as mere props to aid in the "multicultural" aspect of racism, intertwining black into white supremacy.


There's filthy pigalina with her multi-"cultural" indoctrinated children fully embedded into white supremacy culture being championed by Freedom-from-Freedom fascist Biden and honored as such by the media.

I am as usual ignored, tortured, writing about torture which all the pig apes being portrayed as "fighting for women" and "fighting for freedom" are actively, every single day, fully endorsing and participating in violence and torture upon me, which they plan on increasing into the general public as soon as Musk can develop more successful brain implants and mind control satellites and all the technology that Biden and the fascists from all sides of congress are fully approving of, with shitalina and dirty foul Whorewood right behind them, operating the torture and murder death technologies and then blathering in public about fighting for "Freedom".

awarded awarded awarded given millions and billions told they are more than super-incredible, given endless monopoly.

I am ignored ignored silenced torture for fighting in reality for freedom and women and feminism and human rights and against fascism and slavery and trafficking and oppression

A New Hope or a fantasy projection? Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. campaign speeches are, I hope, not a movie trailer about a "New Hope" celebrity CGI hero movie://Sleaze, porn sex trafficking (slavery) teleportation skits as "punishment" for writing my political views in chagrin, and that I don't want either terrorist, bigot Nazi/Mafia candidate to continue to be allowed to present this rape and poisoning/drugging/torture/teleportation contract out upon me for aspiring media/entertainment and politics Mafia and bigoted Nazis to exploit so they can then promote the candidates in promises of endless media glorification as their "reward" for partaking in assaulting me in every way possible: and I am writing that I actually do NOT want them in power and hope that Kennedy ousts them from the role they never should have been granted in the first place. My response from over a decade and from years of gang stalking/death squad/teleportation violence, US Government backed, Whorewood circus engagement rape and torture by our elected "leaders" in this MK ULTRA/microchip implant/teleportation hell forced upon me by the millionaires and billionaires of Whorewood GmbH and Mafia/Nazi minionhood of D.C.

"RFK Jr. throws down the gauntlet". The Greyzone. April 26, 2023.


"CloseUp: Kennedy will put himself to the test of NH voters". WMUR-TV. April 23, 2023.

The last few days I have written in a negative tone, to put it in a most mild tone--about the two dueling dinos who hold positions of candidacy in the upcoming election cycle--you know who-saurus versus you-know-who triclops. I have been subjected to teleportation skits, while in a deep, sickness-induced daytime sleep from never-ending detox (euphemism for crapping out) of hard poisons that are cracking and like some compressed series of finely compressed layers of hard poison black filth, sliding off and pouring out in never-ending decompression. Parts of my body are so affected I can't move, as the poisons are latched to sinews, bones, joints, into viscerae, etc. The process along with recurrent poisoning (meaning never-ending repoisoning in a most horrific slow murder via poisoning campaign that has been aimed at me for over a decade, by your delighted celebrities of all skin colors who have been handed red carpet appearances never-ending as well for their promotional lead roles exploits after ordering such murderous filth to slow and derange and destroy me.

But sleeping today after making a wonderful meal, the warmth of the food, seeping into my painful body wounds and putting me into a very deep sleep--

but no, the terrorists can't miss a single moment of me being "vulnerable" in sleep mode to not teleport and inflict whatever hell and terror they can. Today's torture "punishment" for not willingly allowing people to poison and drug me into death while pumping poison into my body via rape and then also destroying my health--to the point of death of course--with hate abuse and terror tactics that the technology of death has allowed them to unleash almost unfathomable violence which they never tire of but only are emboldened and energized by inflicting and exploiting as often as they are allowed. 

I was teleported to a bulging (i.e. fat, with a large pot belly) white middle-aged man, light browning hair with a balding patch (not that it matters really what he looks like) but the "skit" was that, as usual, I was (and am essentially) homeless (but paying a lot to be raped and mangled and poisoned in a torture chamber "studio"--again, with no options or choices and all telecommunications diverted to one choice which turns out to be a constructed terror prison-style unit of surveillance and torture infiltration and bodily-zapping non-stop every day and night with technologies situation on all sides of the room, top-to-bottom).

I was told that being homeless with no options (in the teleportation skit) I would have to have sex with this man, and not just "sex" but a most porno version of "humiliation" style male fantasy of subordination. 

Supposedly that is meant to imply great "shame" for me because some pig ape men want to dehumanize and have their bigot Nazi blonde women steal all they can from me (ideas to make their pretenses at being "liberal" while playing both sides of the political farce that I am writing of in chagrin--thusly leading to more violence against me in these covert teleportation skits).


The situation of being made homeless, and underlying all my fears is the fact that this group has kept me poisoned with internal hardening poison while having me raped literally physically in deep sleep comatose state while the terrorists on all sides would break into my room--although I have various locks on my front door, the mechanical arms which enter this studio on all sides of the walls from the other side--opening pre-constructed panels which line both sides of the studio walls, literally cabinets which easily can be used as opened portals through the panels to stick very tiny mechanical arms into my room--extending to open every lock and relock the front door in exactly the same way I had tied all the strings and barricaded the door with propped up items and items stuck into the cracks of the door and frame, and etc--it took me years, literally, to understand that mechanical arms were being used as I fought to not have my entire body be put out of alignment, fungus and semen inserted into my body, hair, food, clothing, etc

So the threat and the "mind programming" of sex torture abuse this afternoon, as I collapsed from the stress of poisons pouring out of my body through my own detox procedures I had to self-teach myself--(no health care physician or person has ever actually helped me to rid my body they only profitted by using modalities but keeping me in limbo stasis of poisoning, always knowing what was happening to me but literally "testing" out their alternative medicine, all I could obtain in America of any kind of health care for my body through a non-profit)--but as an "experiment" on how to treat serious poisoning and illness like this but never, once actually administering actual real protection for me on a personal level. Never once informing me of the death they were not stopping but only holding back so they could continue to "experiment" with how proficient their students were at the student clinic which provided me with any kind of actual real health care as part of student training. 

I am now digressing from the point--but this is the point, of never-ending poisoning, sickness going on for years, and then being abused in deadly and daily/nightly teleportation hate skits and then tormented with rape and sex slave fantasy skits by disgusting creeps

and then being told that I'm a "nothing" sort of prostituted b-word and etc


I woke up, so ill and sick (I never know if they are repoisoning me or the sickness is from the daily detox of stinking poisons that come out black and rancid out of my body--a huge bulge sticking out of my abdomen without end--basically all my life it's been going on.


I wrote of politics and of both Trump and Biden--I can't consider them as human beings any longer, as well as their politicians like the most vile corrupt Pelosi and the Progressives like Sanders and et al.


any candidate like Kennedy, Jr. appears as the "Camelot" hero that people like me have been yearning for all these decades of the debacles of the endless successions of corrupt and rotten, lying presidents and all their women too (and "minorities"). 


don't be surprised, dino pack of thugs of both political Parties, if "The people" you claim you represent rise up in huge massive rallies shouting that they will elect Kennedy as your rotten and foul bottomeless pitt behinds get slammed in the door as you walk out of the offices of power in the next election. Kennedy, Jr. 2024!


It's really you rapist sleaze porn trash operators who are forcing this rape and sexual violence contract upon me because in all your orgies, porn policies and debauchery, in all your racist attitude towards women "like me" and your bombastic blatherings about racist equality for the benefit of appealing to a fanbase in tv-land--the reality of your hate will not be supressed any longer as people will begin to feel that there is some kind of advocate against your lying corruption and porno piggery--it's really "you" who are forcing this upon me who are the sleazy disgusting dirty foul porno sleazy "nothings" but put into power, the whores and the bitches but pain in millions and billions for your duplicitous roles. Thusly you are titled as the "entitled" and put your snouts in the air in Nazi posturings of "superiority".

Some times "the people" cannot be fooled any longer. I'm not saying that Kennedy, Jr. is the Camelot promise of the Kennedy rebirth of a revolution into integrity, but it would appear that many will rise up to rid themselves of the really stupid platitudes you have been coming out with as political punditry and rise to nominate and then elect in massive numbers Kennedy into the position you believe is your "right" from all the years of your lies and deceptions and whore-mongering war-mongering exploitation exploits of the economy and of the nation for your pan-Europigape 4th Reich infestation of humanity and the planet.


Don't think that you are ironclad in your position as candidate.


Meanwhile, the man who has ordered much rape against me here in this condo unit is now on trial for rape in Manhattan. The endless violence this expletive has inflicted upon me makes the claims of all his "victims" the blonde nazi women appear to be something like mosquito stings compared with endless murderous regimes of rape and poisoning and torture while fighting for my life to heal--as Trump has  done for over 4 years because he has to exploit me as much as possible for his endless "entitlement" to rape and torture women, in particular not of the blonde Nazi variety whom he merely rapes in closets and pays for porn sex but has me tortured and mutilated endlessly as "punishment" for not playing the victim on a much lower rung of rape and exploitation than his blonde Nazi women who also fully endorse what he is doing to me--they get a "better" ability to fight back as in they are legitimate in court whereas I remain censored and tortured for simply fighting for any right to be a woman and to live in peace without torture via sophisticated, US-government endorsed torture and rape technologies of teleportation and "gang stalking" death squads.


Biden is just a blathering fake and the violence heaped upon me for the past 2 years and directly coming, for the first time in all the years of teleportation to the celebrities who endorse the candidates, to now being directly assaulted by the media reps pretending they are not fascist to the politicians who feign caring about fighting racism (with a slew of blacks surrounding them as usual, some of them have Jews and many of Latinos but it's the basic system that is the same of having visual props surrounding every fascist Nazi/Mafia murdering bigot who aspires to reach a corruption power plank in the American "dream" nightmare scape they have been and are creating.


One can only fantasize the Kennedy, Jr. will be different. It's not a real happy hope I have, but at least the rhetoric sounds very damn appeasing to my near-breaking nerves from years of torture without end and poisoning that has never stopped/drugging continues--ascribing me to being not a grad student, not an accomplished person, but a sex fellatio rape and torture slave due to anti-Semitism and the hate of people like leaders of the Democrat Party (pelosi) et al, making Trump appear as a mutual ally in that respect, which he is, and they are.


As for all the white male political pundits I see and hear and the black women on YouTube who claim they are "Progressive", they belong to the Bernie barrage of bs--many of them. Hopefully Kennedy, Jr. will provide a more realistic and less bs blathering representation for the silenced and censored preffered rape victim torture and mutilate victim as I pose to the witch-hunt society of the not-free America. Maybe even Kennedy, should he sweep up the remnants of a dying corrupt dinosaur political "swamp" and win the election in 2024 (wouldn't THAT be some miracle?) but maybe Kennedy may even begin to recognize my plight as a direct threat to the safety and sanity of the general population, instead of turning it into a covert escalation of the corrupt contract as all the people currently endlessly engaged in this terror rape and torture contract are.

It is they who are the sleazy and dirty foul rotten whores and not me.

Will there ever be a political person who will NOT participate in this hate contract out upon me and instead actually have some consideration for basic human rights and those principles of self-sovereignty that the US Constitution so promises which mostly white pig ape Nazi Mafia claim is their inherent "right" but never mine. They try to take away my citizenship even, and staunch Nazis in places like Gainesville, Florida ask me routinely, "what country do you come from?" when obviously I have a most indistinct American accent. My skin gets darker in the sun of endless sunshine Florida.


I read through my post above and saw that much had been deleted and re-strung together into elongated paragraphs. They changed words, such as the sentence I wrote about how the rape-enabling and rapist celebrities and politicians involved in this terror campaign of teleportation tyranny upon me are PAID as in $$$$ in millions and billions for the duplicities and lies they continuously spout upon the planet through their celluloid presentations which turn into red carpet celebrity billionaire status for them, and the wreaking of the Republic of America for most people like "me".


I have a subconscious aversion to writing about Hillary Clinton, whose video appeared on my YouTube channel after the first day of me writing about Carlson's interview on Fox with Kennedy, Jr. As I wrote on that day (a few days ago), my guess upon hearing of Carlson's dismissal was that his stance was becoming too "liberal" or "progressive" for the Fox platform, but also that his celebrity was endorsing Kennedy, Jr. with too much fervor. Others in the media claim that Fox endorsement of Kennedy by using favorable interviews such as what Carlson accomplished was supposed to create a division in the Dem Party. What I heard on the interview was Carlson going against both the Biden and Trump planks and platforms and essentially railing in effect against both. I thought that was perhaps a more salient reason than the usual rationale I heard later that the Dominion suit was the "reason" behind the firing of Carlson. Carlson was going against the established view a bit too enthusiastically and for almost once I felt that this was an actual human being on Fox News putting out a more humanitarian bent than the usual lying stuff endlessly protecting the white Nazi/Mafia clique with which Fox News is stuffed as the fodder producing the racist-laden bigotry posing as "news". I say this as a person "on the ground" being exposed to the followers of the news propaganda source and not as a news analyst. The end result is a fomenting of racism along the lines the Europ-a-based Murdoch has set, in accordance with the dictates of his English Monarchist backers who also hold positions in Whorewood to influence the wanna be fascist aristocrats of the H-wood "celebrity" spectrum, many of whom have fully adopted the "Murder any dissent" position that they aim at me continuously with endless death threats accompanied by murder attempts on so many various levels on a continuously, decade-long basis (and longer than a decade, in fact).


Hillary Clinton swore with her new plastic surgery and her new hair dye job that in her rebirth of extracting as much money as possible from the politican opportunities that have been coming her way, with her English-based husband from his years of having been "programmed" in England into "liberal" fascism and racist hegemonist bigotry disguised in liberal rhetoric and displays of race-based rape-culture "feminism"--Hillary swears that Biden will win. As one of the terrorists whose yelling and screeching abuse attack upon me in teleportation then ensued in slicing of my body every single day for months in ways that would have literally severed parts of my body until I began to wind materials around my feet and limbs as much as possible in order to stop the mutilation that would have literally cut my toes off and finger sinto bloody mutilation (they are still mutilated after more than a year of me keeping all my hands and fingers and toes and feet covered, except that routinely I pass out in sickness and leave my body exposed when they slice into my body again while I lay in deep sickness sleep as they then teleport me to ugly filth men raping or beating or abusing me and claiming I am only for their porno rape fantasy subordinate fun and games as the women like Clinton watch on gleefully with Pelosi right behind her; both stealing money from "The American People" whom they claim they represent and "women" in particular.


She's waiting for her endless handout from her lying pretense into the political arena which Americans by now are  tired of, even some of the Democrats in fact. I have never actually participated in any Democrat Party activities as whenever I tried, blondish women sat in chairs at tables in front of the entrance to the Democrat offices who glared in hate at me. The mind control poisoning and drugging lead me to walk away in distaste at what obviously had been another orchestrated terrorist skit of subliminal messages combined with nerve and brain attacks by "mind control" tech plus open and obvious hate by racist blondish women like Clinton and Pelosi, who is private in teleportation really let their racist hate proclivities pour out while their Mafia men who worship all things blonde and Italian and fascist and fake and criminal bow in delighted deference to the blond iconography which they defend with absolute violence heaped upon me when I fight to defend the Constitutional Rights that all of these politicians and celebrities and MSNBC anchors claim have nothing to do with lowly me, who obviously "deserves" this treatment for daring to say NO to being raped and poisoned and abused to death by white Nazi pig ape disgusting creep "men" so-called and their rape cheerleader wives and daughters and girlfriends and boy-toy-friends and black viciously anti-Semitic minions along with the vicious Jews and Latinos and Asians who cheer alongside and get their promotions for their participation and deceptive betrayals both of themselves and of their own "race".


**Again, the "corrected" paragraphs have been hacked and now need to be "corrected" by me, but I will leave it all with all the typos and hacks....rewritten, and twisted by terrorist hackers as usual---Unable to think clearly or write concisely or think in linear compact clarity, as usual by the confusion inflicted into my brain by the tech aimed into my brain by the terrorist technocracy involved in this tyranny terror contract forced on me. 


Thursday, April 27, 2023

The flower garden & trellis is being slowly destroyed and killed off by terrorist minions using their mechanical arms to attack my personal space from rooms on all sides of me. Besides pouring debris, and nasty crap onto the patio every single day (hairs everywhere glued to the patio tiles, debris always sprinkled into the sliding door grooves, every single day a huge quantity). The flower buds are being sprayed with something that wilts and kills them off. This has been done so routinely while all flowers in rooms around me blossom and bloom constantly. It's not due to some pest or disease and it also happens in every Thai place I have lived, with the same process going on and on. I have to either try to rejuvenate a p lant that is now half destroyed or buy another one and go through taking the half dead (formerly beautiful white flowering plant) now with zero flower buds, like all the new plants I just bought, which came with many flowers and now all flowers are gone, they pick off the buds every day and destroy the remaining flowers so I NEVER get flowers on perennial flowering plants which should be in full bloom all the time and no matter what, all flowers are picked off at the bud everywhere I go in Thailand terrorists make sure plants are half dead on my patio with dirt and filth everywhere.) The landscape behind my patio is filled with plastic hangers, huge plastic bags and what had been a hillside of flowering vines is now weeds and plastic bags and no birds or animals anywhere---killed off, shot at, they are silent it's like a dead zone.//There also is a cat that is a kind of "stray" but gets fed and lives around the condo grassy areas. It runs to me meowing for petting and loves me. They take this cat away every time I go out of this place when I am strong enough (now only 2x per month). I thought the cat had been taken away, but it appeared after a 2 or 3 year absence because it is always taken somewhere else for every trip I make--for years they have done this. It slipped them one time a few days ago. I told the cat (who "speaks" Thai I guess) but I said in English to sit and wait for me while I went upstairs to my room and then would return. It sat immediately and looked "obedient" and was waiting. It was gone when I returned and is now gone every time I go down again. They take every single beautiful and loving thing that I have or which approaches me away IMMEDIATELY. My cat La Moux is waiting, if she is still alive and this precious animal is being tortured just to torture me for fighting for human life and dignity that no one will defend or protect me from this endless murderous onslaught of sickness and violence I did nothing to "deserve" except oompete to win and not be "enslaved" and raped and poisoned to death by people I do not think are so "superior" at all. //Still nothing from society or it's entertainers in this respect whose lives revolve around selling these same concepts of individual freedom and defense against tyranny and oppression.

The floodgates of open discrimination will only widen under 4 more years of Biden (and worsen exponentially under Trump) unless there is a significant change in US political leadership.//Terrorist discrimination and obstruction and outright lies from my bank. Waiting for 4 hours to complete two simple transactions via message chat service and on telephone (using SKYPE). Was lied to with nasty "I just told you" quips from the customer service rep, after 3 hours of being hung-up on repeatedly by the agents as they were in the process of "helping" me. After a battery of id questions (unnecessary they just need my social) after obtaining the endless series of answers which I had to look up specifics of my account information, as I had to explain for the 5th & 6th time the same question about opening a type of account, while they were "please hold while I look this up" the connection was cut. Every question in the message chat service, which I have to enter via my account by logging in, was met with over 7 minutes of waiting time per simple question. Just to get the agent to ask the first question for the chat "How can I help you" required 7 minutes of waiting in silence as they did nothing. Every subsequent question required a waiting time of over 7 minutes for just simple policy questions about how the bank rates and services are rendered. My brain was put into an absolute "truth serum" mode as I fought to not get "angry" in which case they would hang up or start yelling, which has happened before. I recognized how my parents would be extremely chipper and fake cheery on such similar telepphone calls for the very same reason, even though they always did what Big Daddy fascist bigot told them to do. They got at least prompt service. 3 hours of my laptop freezing constantly, not being able to switch tabs on the browser, waiting interminably, I was so desperate to get this done that when the dude on the other end, because being in chat was not working any longer, and I was trying to open links which froze so I could not get the business done--I was told that two different items I wanted to know about were the same because one interest rate was higher than the other but the nasty-sounding expletive dude on the other end, supposedly an agent, told me in nasal, whiny hate immature tone, that "I just told you the difference", which he had only said was that one type of service had a higher interest rate than the other. I asked about the stipulations or why these were two different products, and he told me "I just said". It is impossible for two services to have the same stipulations but only a higher interest rate for one than the other. I could not get an answer from him and the whine nasal tone remained until I just agreed to take, of course, the higher interest rate service. Not knowing what minimum balance was required. I could not "understand" that "$100 minimum to open" meant that I needed a minimum deposit or balance of $100, I thought it meant I had to pay that price in order to open the account,. THAT is how badly my brain and calcuation was affected by the tech blasting into my brain. I also could not leave any slight sentence without outright clear explanation be left to guessing so I had to ask him repeatedly what that meant, really in such a blrry sense of mental fog from the attack on my brain plus HOURS of sitting asking question after question waiting for 30 minutes for three questions to be answered and still not getting anywhere near solving the issues I needed in the first place. //My brain was stuck in a non-understanding exhaustion at that point, not understanding that I was being played with or lied to, just absolutely needing this service from a situation of having to rely only on telecommunications for this service which the bank offers. I also got many different answers while in chat, such as "yes" to a request and then "no" and back to "yes". It went on and on. //Now I have to deal with my mail service in a certain city which has not once sent me any information on mail received. I told them that a letter would arrive in the next few days coming from the city of my bank's headquarters. I received a response from that service this morning, which said that three letters had arrived before from that address and should they open and scan the letters--meaning they have never once alerted me of mail. My agreement was for all mail to be opened and scanned in the upfront yearly cost for the service. This means that with lies they will demand a high price per page of scanning for letter that I never got alerts about in my "digital" box which is supposed to inform me of all mail incoming and ask whether I want any of it scanned or not.//Every single link in crucial correspondance is fraught with lies, my brain being blasted so I can't think clearly while they whine in hate at me and lie and discriminate as the connection is broken repeatedly so I have to constantly retry the question and to phone or email the business. //This bank is in the State that Biden was born in and has roots in. The mail service is in a city that was very warm and inviting to me years ago, and since the invasion of fascist Nazism that is now open, I can't get any business done or any service. I experienced so much violence from blacks and latinos as the minions of the white supremacists that it felt literally like near death squads operating in the open towards me. All of that was during various administrations that have come and gone. All operating as a seamless mess of hate while all claim they are fighting for "freedom" for "every single US Citizen".

 I could not "remember" while I was fighting to pound down on the keyboard to write words, that my mail service, which is supposed to offer a digital service, has blocked the lower price option for digital mail service by lies, and denying me access to information. The first year I had this service, they never alerted me of any mail incoming. I had to request information. They then lied to me stating that I had to pay for each page scan. I was offered a much higher price than the lowest "tier" of this service when I opened this digital mail service two years ago. They told me for double the price all mail would be scanned and sent in emails. Nothing happened, whatsoever I never got a mail alert. In trying to obtain this mail service, my calls to other mail agencies were so discriminatory that I got lied to blatantly so endlessly that I had to choose this one options which has remained NEVER alerting me of mail and then demanding a high price for scanning each page. Any letter opened and scanned would require me having to pay something instead of what I already paid.

The second year, I asked about the scanning being included in price. They sent me a renewal financial form and I paid and since then, not a single piece of mail has been sent to me in any email alert. They are now asking me if I want three letters I previously got from the address of my bank, but not stating anything about paying for each page scanned. I have to wait for their response now, which undoubtedly will then lie once more and inform me that I would have to pay for each page, something like $0.15 per page or maybe less, unsure what scamming lie they will present this time.

I need to have a mailing address so I have no options, As always, the calls I make for basic services are all relayed to terror agents, often operating from within the bank. When I ask for specific information they all blank out and claim they just told me, but in effect, they do not know because they are not agents from that company. They have been trained in the basics so I can't get answers to my questions anyway even if they tried. While I scour their website for information, the other hacker terrorists freeze the page and/or make little pop-ups appear blocking the information. The pop-ups don't go away I have to sit and wait for them to stop blocking my page. If I click on the pop-ups to close them on the little x-box on top, more pages appear. Then the entier computer freezes up and I can't even get anything to register that my cursor is trying to open or close. That happens to frequently I have to fight to not click or move the cursor any more than necessary so the hackers can't use that to freeze or make side pop-ups appear if I move the cursor over anything. Sometimes the pop-ups appear at random no matter what I do (this is with three ad-blockers on every browser working and this never happens when I am not on a "business" call or message chat service).


Hacker terrorists rewrote parts of this post--changed grammar and deleted or changed words. It reads fairly badly, not as bad as some posts. It is made to appear that I am barely functional in grammar and writing style, but with words deleted and rewritten so it appears that I am basically defunct in correct grammar usage.


The terrorists blocked all the phone calls I made to all virtual mail services in the location of my US address. Every call was met with "we don't offer that service" while it was stated on their website. One site that offered a "home address" virtual box told me by phone that the address I would obtain would be a "suite 2000" number for my home address. They told me it was a computer generated address and they could not change it whatsoever. Absolute lies and I had no options but to try to find one single mail service which would provide me with a seminal home address style virtual box address. Literally every call I made, and I saved all the emails I also sent which required a separate folder in my email box just to save all the rejections and lies I was sent by these companies. None of them had virtual mail but all advertised that they did, or some of them didn't advertise but I know all mail centers can scan emails to me using a virtual mail system. I got 100% rejections and lies about home addresses while they used business address with suite numbers, obviously alerting anyone that this was not a home address. I got only this one mail service in one city which claimed it would help me. The chipper and giggly man on the other end, who disappeared from the "service" after I paid double the price from the lowest virtual mail service with options to pay-per-paid, was replaced by a female who only said that I had to pay for everything thereafter I had a signed agreement that all services would be included. The next year, not wanting to change my mailling address since I was and continue to only get diverted to lying discriminatory agents posing as "service agents" or customer service, I just have remained at this absolutely discriminatory mail service out of desperation to get any single iota of business done in any capacity. I do nothing and avoid having to use this agency at all cost. But I must have my mail from my bank sent to this address so they can scan and forward the application forms for the service for the bank which took half a working day of waiting, being hung-up on (while being very friendly, chirpy and friendly to the surly and lying terror agent on the other end of the communications). 

I have no idea what mail I have received for the past 2 years. I have requested that they scan mail they finally admitted was in my "box" upon my request. They never scanned the mail. I sent two more letters asking them to scan my mail. They never did, they never would.

I now have to ask them gingerly what the policy is for scanning my mail, because they would not answer this question when I paid for another year at twice the price that their virtual mail system has on the website (it's a system which operates like a franchise through various mail box vendors who are more independent but use these franchise virtual mail services). 

It's unbelievable and it's ubiquitous, this endless chain of lies and blocks to all services. I can't tolerate hearing Biden blathering on any longer about fighting for blacks who turn around and viciously attack me for whitey supremacist in their mutual pact of anti-Semitic attacks for their mutual power structure while all claim they are "fighting" racism. Underline that with the Trump appearance of "fighting" against racism by blacks being firmly put into his orbit (one of the more vicious of the black celebrities is his past lover and good partner and friend and attacks me with the same idiotic hate that the impoverished minions use while whitey Nazi/Mafia sits in the background in a relaxed position of smugness, smiling as the minions viciously attack me for them. It's the same at the "top".


The blacks who attack me, who are celebrities, ascribe to themselves the titles of royalty--they are "queens and kings". The Whites connect divinity to themselves, in particular in their media output in the computer-generated imagery and superhero blockbuster fodder continuously pumped out about how superpowerful they appear to be (with a lot of help from technology).

I don't know if Latinos are following in the "I'm a Queen/King" mantra along with the blacks who become "worshipped" as such.

As a matter of fact. some of the spawn of the blacks who participated in attacking me, associated with the "Democrat" gang from administrations past (and past and past) have co-written episodes for tv shows about "Queen" so-and-so with psychopathic murderous tendencies being associated with female black "empowerment". The very same people who are part of the political "elite" who partner very heavily with white supremacists posing as "Democrats" who are endlessly bantering out phrases, stock phrases, about fighting for equality and freedom ----mutually attacking me and so the blacks can jump the small chasm from politics to media entertainment tv shows--which they are now starring in every season in one form or another. Obtained undoubtedly by partaking in this hate enterprise being foisted upon me. Any response of rage on my part after years and years of deadly 24/7 terrorist attacks upon me such as having part of my uterus severed out after fighting white supremacist Europ-a-men teleporting and poisoning and pumping poison into my body and saying that they want to see me in a coma and going on as I begged them to stop the teleportation pounding of poison into my body as deeply as possibly by the force of their violent rape nightly forays while I was sleeping and teleported. 

All the blacks who fully participate in THIS obtain more free rewards of lead roles, playing "queens" and "kings" while they are hugged by the white supremacists who have created the prison-industrial complex and their H-wood allies who jump from one party affiliation to the next whichever way the wind blows you know they are going to kiss up to that top spot on the lower rungs of the pyramid to continue to appease the power structure for endless monopolies they obtained during the fascist Nazi Reagan era--and most of the terrorists attacking me obtained their front jockying positions in the race of entertainment presence during that Reagan Era and are now being offered top monopolies and more endless lead roles--once they got the "dirty Jew" Weinstein out of power, who also helped to put them into power.


Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).