Monday, June 26, 2023

Stand up, stand up for your rights; There's more of "US" then there are of "Them/They": "Demonic possession" and State-sponsored terrorism aimed at the civilian population, a co-dependency//is the theme I am thinking off as I write this today; as yesterday very late at night I wrote an extremely hacked (hyperbolic aka "hysterical" post yesterday on fb which I will /maybe copy and paste here) but first morning awakening commentary on the deluge that the brain-altering tech induced into a state of rage, which was pent-up waiting to be released but not as a torrent of cursing.

I have no doubt, whatsoever, that Michael Jackson was put on a target list for "soft" murder via overdose in what "everyone" understood to be an operation, but which was not disclosed legally so it's now in the realm of "crazy" conspiracy theory mongering. A video like this is certainly one of the nails pounded into his coffin that the sinister bigots used to get their neighborhood death squads to do the dirty work. It took the black doctor, perhaps as the theories go, to finish the job for the Nazi white supremacist death squad operated by the US Government and all it's tentacles around the world, creating death squad societies in every country included in this montage video (below) of death and brutality by the State against uprising civilians.

"Michael Jackson--They Don't Care About Us (Prison Version)(Official Video)". Michael Jackson. December 12, 2010.


I strongly suggest to anyone reading this who is not a sleazy foul sinister parasite expecting to have everything handed to you for free forever in your dirty foul life, not caring about people like me, but still concerned about your position in the power structure of hate and death--perhaps you will not survive the next round of Me Too or some so-called "Witch Hunt" aimed at something you have only emulated that all the bigots around you do openly but in private for your Whorewood and Congressional Party lives of the sleaze and filth degenerates who are destroying the country--but morality is something that has been deemed "uncool" and the moralizing people who spout hate at me and claim they are religiously pure are filled with bigotry and only too willing to castigate me into their mental boxes with only condemnation and demand that I submit to their own version of moral imprisonment--so I hearken to Bob Marley, a voice I rarely listen to because it's so hopeful and I am now in a state where I am extremely sad thinking that the activists like Marley and Jackson have been so methodologically killed off in covert assassination schemes to silence these very sentiments. I am too sad about these killings to listen to Marley, and I am almost shocked to see this Jackson video that was so attuned to the plight of homelessness and the prison-industrial-complex--in rage, rage that is real---and that had to be killed off. A desire for love and to stand up against state-sponsored terrorism in the form of Marley likewise had to be covertly killed off (with a brutal cancer, one of the many lethal weapons of covert killings the 4th Reich uses an infinitum in the civilian population to excise anyone they deem not corruptible, compliant and/or silent in the face of injustice going along. 
Why wait for your turn to be next? It could and probably already is being inflicted upon you (mind control, poisoning and mind control drugging through various mechanisms sponsored by the state to control and exploit you with your full consent and participation by remaining silent when you see it happening to me or others).

"Bob Marley--Get Up Stand Up + Lyrics". Γιάννης P.,

It is very impossible but available in my mind to mention these expletives as anything but lower classes of subhuman expletive matter mixed with a huge dose of "evil" darkness--

the disgusting plastic-coated parasite spawn of the  ugly sinister rapist celebrity who has been championed by this group of hateful celebrities and politicians--his nasty dirty spawn who has been energetically feeding off torture for a decade--the technology these parasites who come from cocaine addict, alcoholic parents is addicted to torturing me. It's vaguely the same hormone drug component that is a continuous feeding trough for the animals to feed off --for years and they can't stop. Mostly because they lack the skill to actually perform, but it was crazy-making when this putrid dirty nasty thing came for the tenth year in a row to suck something out of me, after a few months of her and her dirty rotten father attacking me because they were showcased by fascist Nazi/Mafia genocidal murdering bigots in France a few months ago. 

Riding the continuous wave of exploitation, torture and dumping hate, malignant filthy foul putrid bad energy onto me, elevated by torture, hormonally-driven by feeding off another human being in a sense of exaltation to dumping interior blackness onto someone else in non-stop terror Nazi contractual terror technology that the dweeb Elon Musk is fully funding and cheering on--he brought them back by using Heard once more to bow down and play dead dog for the jury which exonerated this filthy abuser (the trial was held in his home state of Kentucky, also the Bastion of the Republican Party and it's pivotal cornerstone of corrupt and malign power-mongering righteous bigotry ensconced in the form of Mitch McConnell (who threatened to kill me alongside the senator from S. Carolina).

Asking me for ideas about feminism. This dirty stupid spawn of the fake posturing comical psycho scumbag father and dirty gold-digger mother (the women surrounding these "men" are gold diggers who play that game and bow and bend over at the appropriate moment)\

This putrid stupid skank once more, after years of her and the rest of the scum in this group of filth asked me for more ideas after I had written about the sexual debasement of the basement of American society which is put on a pedestal for public viewing in the form of Whorewood tv and movie mind programming to be undulating sexual objects while the divide-and-conquer strategy of eliminating abortion and the castration of women who are not white, or black and brown or any other race and privileged who can easily go out in a debauchery spree every weekend but alas for those targeted or destined to have nothing at the expense of more mansions for the parasites who learn only to feed off anyone and everything and then kiss up to the power structure like obsequious whores that they are.

So the dumb creep asked me for MORE ideas for them all to steal, after years of making MILLIONS off my ideas which they tortured out of me and stole verbatim off my writing--I wrote on Facebook because every computer I wrote on was stolen. My every item was being ransacked and I thought I could store my thoughts on Facebook; instead all was blocked from the actual web as the parasites in a f-cluster have stolen ideas and then mutilated my body with the intention of permanent disability, paralysis, my body, skin and figure completely broken as they stole my money (literally) stole my cat stole my ideas had poison sprayed into my body/furniture/clothing/food EVERY DAY while they have had me raped by their minions in the rooms next to me, who also put my spine and hips out of alignment and then went off smearing stinking filth into my food/body/clothing stole ripped and tore and sprinkled stinking filth on the floors, everywhere--every single night--for years and years and years as I could not even move. The expletives continued to mutilate and torture and teleport me to death and rape and hate while I was being raped in the prime body state as they constantly asked me for ideas which filthalina and the rest of the Nazi group of skanks all stole as they claimed I am ugly, stupid and a nothing loser.

Me screaming after more than a decade of this going on and on while politicians have just turned into snarling parasites themselves as they all attack me alongside the scum and filth who they order to have endless monopoly so they can work as a tandem mind programming-into Nazi and Mafia criminality and lack of concern for human life while posturing as if they do.


So yesterday I began to scream for what seemed like forever in the teleported state. Thus, I tried not to react but when I am on the internet there is a mind control effect that emanates from the pairing or integration of whatever electromagnetic force is being aimed into my brain and nervous system affecting my limbic system (heightened nervous hate and near screaming hysteria--induced by altering my brain waves) while various parts of my brain are being blocked off (higher critical thinking) while excessive hyperbolic reactions are likewise forced, as subliminals are pounded into my brain while I am fighting to think as I repeat them, literally, on paper thus totally discrediting my appearance while simultaneously hackers are rewriting and deleting at least 1/5 of all I write so sentences are half-deleted and then pasted together or partially deleted and rewritten to turn my concepts into the obverse, which makes it appear as I am agree or think the ugly sinister parasites are beautiful or great (the hackers rewrite my words to change the meaning 180-degrees).


After a decade of this putrid parasite and it's loathsome rapist filthy ugly father and the French filth around them, I have no admiration for that culture or those people as all I have met from France are violently fascist, anti-Semitic creeps--unfortunately, I am always surrounded by the absolute worst of humanity so I never get to see people I would like or have any positive interaction with. These types of people are always like sheeple who sink back into the shadows in fear of having to actually fight the system which keeps them comfortable. The other types who would fight are being and have been systematically killed off in various covert operations of assassination. Do I have proof of this? Only in what I have seen of these people and how some people react who are first friendly towards me and then they are transferred, lose their businesses or are actually killed in suspicious but normal-seeming ways (i.e. fentanyl overdose, cancer, suicide, "accidents" all various covert murder operations that this death squad operation can so easily perform, and they do).


I am sick of seeing glistening-with-hormonal sexual heightened parasitic sadism the filth and creeps who are being handed death squad weaponry to attack me. I see it in the shopping mall I go to, now polluted with the vicious Euro-p-a throngs with people glowing with delight as their dark-skinned minions perform nasty attacks upon me (i.e. I was handed a fake bill when I was shopping at Macro, it was yellow instead of the customary pink for the 100 baht bill. I only saw it after I had walked away from the register and this is a huge warehouse and I didn't want to wade through all the clusters of terrorists and shoppers so I went to a cash register and asked for the bill to be replaced. That began a series of 8 Thai people surrounding me immediately, all wearing the store uniform and surrounding me saying "Wha?" as if me showing them a bill was something they "no understan"--they talked only in Thai in this store where normally everyone speaks English to the huge English-speaking tourist population upon which they all rely for their sustenance--after I repeated six times to the "wha?" Thai women encircling me as the white Europ-a's stood in the background--finally I repeated that this needed to be changed and etc... the Thai woman who finally "helped" me yelled "OKAY" just in the same way that the Europigape fascists yell. My brain was frozen, my body was frozen, and I could not move or talk. I silently took the bill as this woman slammed her register closed and walked away in a huff. I took my cart to pack the items into my bags, as a glowing and glistening with the tell-tale hormonal high pair of white Europ-a's came laughing and ambling towards me with their shopping cart full--going right alongside me. It was not that they were laughing, but the hormone glow that is so recognizable--that no one else had, it is the glow that the filth parasite of the celebrities all obtain from endless torture. It is what these people look like who orchestrate hate skits while they also have government-funded torture brain-altering weapons so I can't speak or defend myself. My brain is blasted at these moments with a non-understanding inertia, and it takes me at least 30 seconds to recognize what has happened. There are a few reactions that the terrorists always have, and I see glowing skin from hormonal dopamine or seratonin like having a slight orgasm from the ones who sit back not actually performing the hate acts--usually the whites who have their darker skinned or poorer or minorities of white skin--whatever--do their hate work for them. They glow like they are having orgasm watching the hate as my brain is being blocked from all cognitive function I am simply mentally paralyzed at these moments and can't recognize that I am under attack. I am just frozen, I walk away as my brain is being blasted by subliminal "commands" and I can't think, my natural reaction is to get away in a fight-or-flight situation because I can't think to fight back against a verbal attack that is vicious and filled with hate and violence--under these constraints all I can do is walk away not able to think but I can physically move away--and all I see is the same glow from this putrid parasite who has come after me since her puberty as her dirty and foul father (probably a pedophile, along with his endless sexual violence and hate attacks, which all the Nazi models who claim he never harmed them are completely shielding as the $$ and contracts flow for them to shut their dirty foul mouths and just play along, as they always have anyway)

so glistening with endless hormonal highs, the filth spawn was attacking me to obtain yet another idea from me, in teleportation as I began to shout at her and yell what a sick foul expletive she and this group is--I went on trying to not allow the mind control tech force any more ideas for this group of stupidity to steal once more. I tried to not react but late at night last night, it came out, screaming into the void to get them off me.

So I was teleported to being nearly killed in traffic accidents with huge multiple-wheeled trucks nearly hitting me in huge traffic multiple-laned bypasses with people swerving around me in all directions and blocking the path as I tried to get out of the endless ruts they formed on the roads, which is what happens while I actually am driving as near-death accidents are nearly averted because I stop at a split-second in time to not be hit, and this is almost the norm for every trip I take. This happened a few times in teleportation, and then I was teleported to a "shopping" scene whereby people blocked my path constantly, and a blondish bigot creep female obviously part of the wealthier Nazi cartel tier came up to me dressed in a store uniform and all I saw was a nasty whorewood personality coming to participate, smiling with a huge hormone skank smile as I struggled to "wake up" and not have another parasite coming to feed off me with hormonal feeding frenzy glee and also to obtain their endless promotions for this type of social engineering, which everyone not killed off either gleefully participates in, around the world, or sit back silently not doing anything to stop it or help or defend me. 

They will when it begins to happen to them. I wonder how much longer that will take? It's like wondering how much longer Biden is going to postpone the Trump Trials but I know he's postponing all for the election cycle so this greedy and selfish bigot team of the Democrats can make the Republicans flounder just in time for a division of their power structure just at and around election time.

A strategy, not so hard to ascertain. Of course, none of the endless  Youtube white males who past and plague my every attempt to find any verbal interpretation of the posturing bs coming perpetually out of the celluloid news market can every connect those dots, everyone is just waiting. I am waiting for humanity to begin to realize how sick and deadly dumb these filthy parasites are, so for the time-being, I must write while under mind control suppression so it comes out as hysterical ranting replete with curses that go on. 

No one can imagine how sick and vile these smiling plastic-coated parasites truly are, but then again, the mainstream public is as vicious and sick and disgusting when it comes to "gang stalking" death squad promotional activities. 

How much longer will it take for enough sheeple to become victimized until there is actual coordinated response and resistance to this travesty of culture and higher intelligent social life?


*This post was hacked, I had to backspace and correct literally every other word, often every word. That means that much will have been rewritten, made incomprehensible or rewritten to sound like I am complimenting or fully brainwashed into claiming that the filthy expletives are good or great (they change words to the exact opposite meaning after I post).


I'm still waiting for any semblance of responsibility towards society from the US Government, it's "liberal" commentators and I have completely abandoned all hope for the conservative white supremacists with their black and brown Nazis to ever have any kind of concern for human life outside the enclosed gates of their 4th Reich privilege whilst the rest burn in a pyre the 4th Reich is now fully implementing as a hell-on-earth for those they want to steal everything from; laughing as they watch the homeless and immigrants and call them names, as they make people disenfranchised and impoverished with no hope unless they serve as slaves, maybe if they are good, and then, they glow with this glistening hormone orgasm glee because it's all so supported by every government around the planet. 

When it happens to me, I know almost immediately from the same sort of "mask"-like appearance of the people standing by who just happen to be right behind me, glowing and smirking and smiling or with a sort of mean-spirited face. If there is anything similar to "demonic possession" then the endless almost mask-like quality to the very near precision simulation of the same ugly demonic masks on their faces which appear like caricature faces of demons--


I was 

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Failed State: The sickness of my dying country continues. The pig apes controlling the tech and rotted "culture" believe that their techno-warm-gloved tyranny spouting "Democracy!" every minute into cameras and "Freedom", believe that all the implants, mind programming and convenience is going to absolutely prove a world of happy slaves servicing rotten parasites who are truly plastic-coated psychopathic killing dumb bots to begin with, being handled people embedded and people glued to tubes and screens to control. This includes politicians of highest rank down cascading to the lowest and entertainers lacking anything but sleazy posturing entitlement that they have been coached to emulate by their fascist Nazi/mafia 4th Reich exploiters who they gyrate for and get awarded by.

 Introducing the general theme of all my posts I have written since I became exposed in the "private" covert torture situation of being teleported and having to have my disdain for them turned into shock and then chagrin and then dislike and then hate and then trying to kill them if I can only reach them trying to get away begging the filthy United States culture--or so rotten now to the core lack thereof of culture--to please get this shit off me. Only the next generation of fascist Nazi politicians come to replace the old, the old dinos completely plastic surgery modified claim that what they had so augustly ruled is now a "circus" and they were so austere and professional. It was they, the lousy and the profane, who turned America into a huge global sick joke upon the planet of death and hate.

But meanwhile, I was teleported while in deepest sleep to some scumbag yelling from an oblique angle, of course they always come from behind or at some visual angle the target is unprepared for--while my vision of course is impaired, and I am "woken up" in the deep sleep state with two body entities separated and vision largely remaining in my prime body state where I am being sliced and damaged by mechanical arms (formerly raped my hips put out of alignment my money stolen) and then I am forced to have to be around vicious dirty foul and stupid sick professional scumbag whores who act like filth and crap and are exalted for it by a dirty dark money vacuum of skill in political realms of hate and murder and imperialistic 4th Reich Nazism and criminal Mafia partnership.

Thusly--the scumbag, whichever one it was, or one of the onlookers vying for a higher position in Whorewood, began shouting at me while I was in this dark passage, not able to see really where I was, not knowing which angle this attack was coming from, only "waking up" in a time-frame of about 30 seconds--shouting as this pig ape had been instructed to do like a fascist-- with rage and hate at me some insult as I was in some dark passage way, (confined on all sides by some structure) I grimaced and grit my teeth to brace and then I was put into some dark sleep state, waking up to all the panoramic views of the shit whores in my mind fleeting from years of the sickness I have been exposed to, like some pornographic vile display of hate and ugliness, bigotry to the extreme and all behaving and following one single script for their promotions; it comes to my mind as I wake up--I always forget to breathe because I am now in my real state but the shock to my system can be seen clearly on the deterioration of my body into premature old age and destruction of my health and life---which I strive to rejuvenate every day--they severed otu part of my uterus and have been inflicting daily torture upon me that spans hours per day never ending day and night--with cheers, giggles and applause and full participation from highest political sources and their greasy dirty nasty media counterparts--so I go through the panorama of the pigs attacking me in my mind, and relive shortly their years of violence as I have been fighting for this concept of freedom and democracy and fairness and to stop racism--as I am shunned, tortured, mutilated and violated for every day. I hear on the "alternative" news sources that poor Julian Assange is such a victim. The very people who endlessly sympathize with this man from Australia who published top secret US military torture information is held up as a hero. AT least ONE of the people who has proven to be a main pundit for Assange whom I met briefly one time decades ago has hacked his videos with his "America is an Imperialistic death culture" style rhetoric since before T-rump came to power. Nary a single thing has he done with his following cult members who shower him with applause the longer he remains silent about this actual travesty facing the United States and the world which his technocratic buddies in high power, who sit alongside him in the academic halls, all have worked on, their Theses and all the feces they have accrued towards their research contract for the behavior modification, and the lecturing is part of that behavior modification so people feel appeased in their sole representative who goes along but makes very light-weight condemnation which is vociferously praised and endlessly rehashed for podcasts created by Progressives who all chime in that Poor Julian Assange is a great hero of American freedom and expression. They watch silently as I am silenced and I fight for actual freedom from torture as they join in because they need to have their air time in media podcasts and news interviews about how Julian Assange is being tortured for trying to expose US Government torture, which they fully support either actively or by doing nothing and continuing the silence when I do it. Obviously this is a racist-based differentiation because white male with white hair is so much more deserving of concern when he is imprisoned but when I am TORTURED AND MUTILATED for writing about state-sponsored torture and I fight against the system which puts these fakes into positions to blather about how they "care" they remain mute and the violence is never stopped as they continue to feign that they "care". How many of them have connections to Whorewood, I wonder? Well, many of these Progressives who are so damn concerned about freedom of press and Julian Assange have joined in with the filth pig ape whores of Whorewood to teleport me and then they have gone off happily being re-put into "lead" position of alternative voices condemning abuse-of-power--the roles they have been paid in huge sums to play.

Thusly, I remain in the vice of the criminal sleazy whores of all the various branches of American incompetence and ineptitude, well-coached, trained, modified and pumped up by endless awards and rhetoric about how they are "the best"; and their antics of violence that have accumulated into a vortex of a shit stain upon humanity that Whorewood and Congress and the "Search and Destroy" society that has emerged after all the covert murders, assassinations in America that have plagued the country with ineptitude put into highest position.


I do not refer to well-educated a$$-groving professionals as being incapable of doing their crap jobs of lying, stealing and then posing as "Democratic" pundits for "Freedom" and "Democracy".

I mean the most basic and inherent necessary qualification to handle such an entity based on fighting ancient regimes of oppression as America has stood for, not functioning in this capacity by any means but the standard has lowered until the jockeying for higher position by demonstrating absolute affinity for fascist Nazi and Mafia criminal and genocidal inclusion are the standard by which anyone is "allowed" to basically survive the onslaught of violence upon humanity as a whole that the United States has since been generating.


In short, what you perceive as a smiling host of plastic surgery miracle performers is truly anathema to further survival of the planet. They are so short-sighted and greedy and incapable of human compassion with the tech they are being handed absolute destruction is assured--hopefully it will be mutually-assured so they cancel each other out.


This group of undeserving shit ape whore pigs from Whorewood with the endless rotation of lying, sleazy dirty shit politicians coming at me with parasitic vicious intent to exploit, torture, mutilate (and that's the "Democrat" feminists and their "freedom/Democrat" male partners and the Republicans are just thrilled and delighted and rush at me with death threats as their counterpart Democrats just jump on in and then are included in the higher rankings of political power, shitty fake "feminist" tv shows and how incredible they are (NOT).)


This group of loveless, meaningless whore shit has stolen idea after idea from me for over a decade with not just NO money repayment but destruction of my entire body to the point I have been fighting for my life to not suffocate with poisoning and have been detoxifying for 12 years (and much longer, but I was not fighting every single day to protect my food and life because I didn't understand the magnitude of this organization prior and even then, I am still always shocked that every single creep who joins in the teleportation is actually a disgusting bot imitation of the entire group of meaningless shit who claim they are independent and original).

Stealing my concepts and ideas, they then torture me afterwards, block my ability to earn any money, scream "loser" at me constantly, have me raped by a rotation of shit pig "men" whom I just listened to the crap they come out with, like most of the planet, beguiled and mesmerized by the very coached performance they have all spent years in acting class perfecting as if to appear "normal" and that this image is actually what they truly are and not a fabricated construction, concealing absolute malice and sleaze, selfishness and any lack of higher intelligence worthy of leadership position. That includes the Ivy-league professionals in Congress. 


So, rather than even THANK me for the ideas they have stolen, according to the contract some Europigapes concocted while they were stealing ideas from me, (a pig out of London, with ties to English Royalty because his daddy painted portraits of the Royalty YEARS and decades ago) and now the rotten pig ape scumbag son--old by now, don't know how old but he's old like a rotten dirty foul dead thing--he has to appear maverick and original although all he is is a complete imitation of the good ole boy rape and plunder Imperialist fascist 4th Reich shit society out of London which I have lost all respect for, as they have shown me murder and hate even though I have only tried to befriend them and have never harmed them. They then have ushered in shit after shit wealthy English fucktard with a lot of money, bestowed by a corrupt Crown system, to rape and steal and then pass me off to the whores who obtained their positions by showing their T's & A to onlooking rape old pig men, and then there is the actual real Italian mafia with their French Connections to the Brooklyn Mafia which the US Government has been working hand-in-hand with since WWII (or earlier, much earlier in their secret societies).


So they were handed this contract to steal ideas, torture me for having the ideas, blocking my every attempt to have a career so they can claim I am a "loser" so they have poisoned me into paralysis and blocked all finances except for basic bare subpoverty non-survival financial dire straits--keeping me blocked from earning anything and screaming at me in hate using teleportation endlessly that I am some "loser" and have never done "anything and nothing" and etc. I have done so many things and studied and obtained a graduate degree in Criminal Justice which, after having seen the crime of the leadership (or lack thereof) of the United States, studying Criminal Justice is just a precursor to understanding how to circumvent the legal system and commit major crime the higher you climb the pig ape ladder until you reach Europigapeland approval and get red carpet treatment and mansions if you commit every act of internal sabotage against people like me in America, the targets the Nazi 3rd Reich screamed were nothing and "losers" and then mass murdered more than 6 million Jews and many others. 

So they just keep on torturing me after the stupid pig ape shit have made millions off stealing my ideas and mutilating me so my body is a flaccid and broken down destroyed thing that I can't look at in sunlight they have put so many scars, blemishes--my hair is so damaged my skin is like sandpaper my hair has huge grey streaks from them putting follicle killing chemicals on my scalp--every day.

Adn they never stop torturing me. They have stolen my cat and killed and robbed and raped.

Nothing I write about this seems to shock anyone or move anyone to make any move towards some semblance of a fair society.

Not the shit lawyers and attorneys in Congress who have studied Constitutional Law and spout bs to the public about how they are fighting for freedom when they are actually vying to be included in the higher tier of the Senate so they can be truly more welcomed into the Nazi 4th Reich club. That is just a small example of how these ignoramus filth crap losers of life are behaving and it's being handled as if a glorious triumph for the Europigape cartel of Imperialistic overtake of American society.


But the shit whores I have to deal with all scream and yell at me using fascist behavior, mutilation, death threats constantly, babies held by their filthy dirty minions surrounding me

and America just continues to lavish these pig apes with every kind of award and prize and applause possible.


I know that the networks of hate and murder abound all across America from coast-to-coast, and I know that every law enforcement agency fully conforms to this group of shit and is only part and parcel of the hate and murder culture that is now openly baring it's fangs while the "opposition" (completely fake) feigns shock and dismay and the pundits of false narratives spout shock and dismay for their media "News" exploits, fully aware of the problem and laughing and giggling about how they are going to get their own tv shows when they comply with fascist Nazism. 

There is no color or race differentiation now amongst the plundering scum of this organization, any longer. All the activists have been slowly and covertly assassinated off and the rest are completely brainwashed as I have been. 

Even with my years of experience of being mind controlled and knowing how it operates, I am usually manipulated and fall into the teleological trap of "beleiving" that some creep lecturing about justice and fairness is authentic. I click on the bs shit they post and hack into my youtube and then I am beset by their terrorism as they join into the group. Imagine the generations coming out of skunk Musk's brain implant factories--the fellatio slaves the willing sacrificial victims who will do anything to be slowly murdered so they have a chance at some "career" if only they are affixed to a "handler" who will poison them to death when they get tired of them and want to see them dead--which they will enjoy exploiting and will also enjoy killing and then will enjoy stealing whatever that person has accrued all their life.


The politician who came to threaten to kill me for fighting to stop putrid rich white pig ape men, this "first woman" in power who is supposed to represent white female Nazi/Mafia power aspirations who has fully incorporated male rape culture into her posturing for political power --and oh, by the way, she was trained in Whorewood, California USA and you can find her listed on IMDB because she was trained to pretend she cares, professional acting classes and has performed in some thing I never looked it up it's probably a dirty greasy semi-porn "feminist" scam celluloid crap thing just so this creep can demonstrate her fascist Nazi Mafia propensities for the casting couch fascist who also put their whores into political power through the agency of Whorewood into Congress (it's not the East Coast controlling the media or entertainment now it's completely the other way around, contrary to the distortions and lies that people claim about how the real power base is back in the East --"Jews" they claim, ever so racist and lying and false using the same old Nazi lie and acorn that it's the "jews" who control all the finance and all the problems the sleaze and corruption comes from "Jews" from Jew-York as the black Nazis call it or whatever they also do as followers of white supremacy indoctrinating their own masses into black nazi inclusion with full hate against "Jews")

But this Oreo shit sandwich had been and is still being lead by this "woman" in power, calling herself a Europigape in origin but she was raised as a Mafia scumbag on the East Coast--told to destroy "jews" and that has been a platform for the Congress-backed Mafia for years as part of the overall US 4th Reich Nazi unspoken policy.


Congress is now a "joke" this joke of a politician claims. Having been trained extensively--and I saw clips of her in the early 90's and I can attest that her voice, her face and every single thing about her has been Whorewood modified, completely altered, much work has been done to re-configure this rotten creep so her voice is softer and sounds like a computer-generated AI bot, her fake smile and her plastic surgery and endless extremely expensive attire rotation (never wears the same thing twice--all the money she has stolen "from the American people" has been used, in part, to furnish her wardrobe and her acting and speaking classes.

That it's now a Circus once she has left. What I saw of this filthy vile clownish skank was a disgusting clown putrid filth whore, fully embracing racist rape and genocidal clownish filth put into highest political office in the form of nasty and dirty actors who also have been likewise trained in how to feign having a mind and some semblance of a positive "spirit" (completely devoid and plastic-surgery coated over).


It was SHE and her antics of hate, submerged behind a huge veil of top security clearance by the dinosaur-in-Chief, fully committed to an "Italian" Nazi Mafia controlled techno hate tyranny society--his wife is "Italian" an American creepy woman I saw grab with her hand at the crotch area of a guard on the day of their inauguration. Sleazy and a grabby creep for a "woman" whom this rotten dino-in-chief claims is of "Italian" origin and thus he's tough himself because his daddy told him so many things which he listens to (the pig apes always have their mommys and daddies as reference whenever they make public speeches, letting you know that they obey authority and the real code underneath it all is Big Daddy whom they listen to and obey. The black women also use this same tactic and it's put into 2nd Dino position.

And so, it's disgusting for me to have to see this. If only I had just "accepted" I would have been poisoned to death and beaten and raped and abused to death by now.

But waiting for anything sane to come out of this, when I see the line-up of the next generation of crap vying to be put into positions of power, who are less trained, some of them, appear to be more authentically fascist than their predecessors, and thus the coached and plastic-surgery rape skanks claim that they are far "superior" to the less-coated and less-trained in acting followers whom they actually were the representation of graft and easy cheap and sleazy deadly money-making endeavors using this technology of teleportation to appease the Europigape Dark Money donors and to have more opportunities to work at the Consulate in Italy, have more standing ovations, go to the Vienna Opera with full welcome and applause for their participation in making America a broken down colony for Europigape invasion and overtake, through these sick and stupid albeit sometimes very well-educated pig apes

As I have to see this constantly. All the ideas they tortured out of me on how to heal, they return with deadly poisoning and go off getting every award for it. I spend my entire life fighting to heal and clean now, that is all I do, and begging online for some kind of fucking response from my country and there is NONE.


So it's a disgusting culture--or lack thereof--I fully can't stand America any longer and it's leadership. There is nothing left. But they still won't leave me alone even though I am halfway across the planet telling them I hope they are raped and beaten to death that they are shit I try to hit them and kill them but they have made me so frail and sick I can't be any kind of deadly threat in response to years of slow murder and torture. The stress is killing me. 


*As usual, the disgusting crap surrounding me in this condo torture unit chamber have hacked into this post and deleted/rewritten to discredit my writing and me. I re-read it and the parts about skunk Musk and his implants were completely deleted, every sentence. Many such sentences were deleted in this post. Musk's nasty implant factory is going to provide, these worthless sleazy parasites hope, fellatio slaves, bend-over slaves, pedophile paradises as most of these pigs are truly sexually debased and can't wait to debase anyone they hate and want to ravage and destroy, they hope, for the rest of their lives using this tech. 

Apartheid Nazi Musk has been elevated by my sick society into top wealth and leadership position since T-rump was handed this nefarious death technology by the same crap group which has latched onto torturing and mutilating and destroying me since 2013. 

They are just torturing me now to say "yes" to them extracting a baby out of me. I imagine how I can kill them and wish them death every day. They have cut out part of my uterus, mutilated me non-stop after forcing "love" rape out of me where I was so drugged I made passionate "love" to ugly sleazy worthless "men" while groups of pigs and whores watched on applauding these men for being rapists using genocidal language and abusing and torturing and insulting me immediately afterwards. When I finally tried to hypnotize myself into not responding with "love" to people essentially murdering me and stealing everything from me and destroying me afterwards and insulting and abusing and poisoning and laughing as I begged them to stop pounding poison into my body and then torturing me afterwards as they laughed and were handed awards and lead roles for themselves and their now sick and putrid filth whore children and groups of friends, endless oscillating filth creeps from Whorewood and Congress now encircling me with hate to pump out more from me as I cringe in hate after first having been friendly, loving and nice to them. Years, literally years of the pig shit from Whorewood sitting on chairs staring at me and taking notes after they would have "trauma" sleep teleportation skits forced upon me, so they then acted vaguely "friendly" as I was "desperate" in this most vulnerable deep sleep state, I told them ideas as it was like a "friendly" sort of mind-sucking enterprise to suck everything out of me for their own use.

Instead of even thanking me for the ideas they all stole, they continued the torture to suck out more and more and more and more, and then mutilation for me fighting to get one ugly filthy pig ape shit man or woman to stop raping me as I reacted with "love" and then disgust and tried to pry them off, as the energy life-sucking parasites tried to literally suck my sexual energy out of me while I was in a paralyzed sleep excessively drugged state as they abused and insulted and stole from me and sprayed stinking filth into my body and property immediately after they would have me give them full passion and love, which they obtained by poisoning and drugging me slowly to death and then raping me while I was sleeping in a sick and dying state.

NOTHING OF THIS is shocking to anyone who is reading this. 

Thus I can only state that the United States is a sick clown circus as I wrote above, and when Nancy Pelosi states that after she stepped down the House of Reps is now something of a circus, she fully created that environment as has Biden, Trump, Obama, et al.

You reading this now, as well. Certainly I haven't done any of this except through my drugged up conformity to doing nothing. That is how I know that most of you are likewise drugged or under mind control. None of you care, as I didn't care until I had to realize my very life was under constant threat which I have been fighting to stop for over a decade. My country is completely gone is would appear. What am I fighting for? At this point, just for myself. But I so detest these filthy dirty shit creeps teleporting me and the stupid sick system which they claim is so superior to me but they can't stop invading my every private click on the internet, what I listen to, to see what they can steal to appear original or compassionate or have original ideas or care about anything else but their orgiastic greed consumption and profiteering.

They want a baby out of me to complete some "research" on generational mind control implant technology. I want the 4th Reich dead and gone and will try my best to destroy them. AS I am alone and absolutely not a single piece of shit in any position of "power" in the United States will do a single thing to thwart this ambition to have a 4th Reich colonized destroyed country with implanted bots to be raped, fucked, tortured and murdered or for wealthy to obtain endless body enhancements as they try to make people dumbed down to the point of having no ideas or mind as these soulless creeps have monopolized every Party every opposition and they believe that in the long run this will create some kind of perfect luxury plantation for them to rule in, like their slave societies of yore, back in old Europigapeland even before the 3rd Reich, stemming back millennia. To wit, America was supposed to be a reaction against, it has thoroughly been compromised and is a dying cesspool at this point. Rotten Apartheid Nazi Musk, you all believe, is truly your "friend" in helping white trash boys and girls to have a wonderful plantation society with Europigapes coming into help them have "class and style" in the upcoming plantation master-slave technocracy.

I seriously don't think that anything resembling this will occur as the result will become something of a destroyed Failed State on the Failed State index of global countries.


Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Legalized or through penalty-of-torture-to-accept--open discrimination is the goal of the cartel of the Mafia/Nazi 4th Reich, and if they have their way, as they are doing now in gang stalking situations used upon me in real-time situations, it is and it will continue to be once more blacks sitting at the back of any vehicle not just a city bus (airplanes, etc) it's whites given preferential treatment in shopping lines, being ushered ahead of the "minorities" while everyone is waiting in line, etc..//A real-life terror "gaslighting" skit put into teleportation deep sleep/hypnosis hate skit. The reality of "gang stalking" operations but with the ultimate goal of absolute discrimination openly expressed for everyone, if the 4th Reich has it's way. 

This is what the bigots with all their black Nazi Aunt Jemima's and Uncle Tom's want (out of the Supremes, out of Whorewood, out of mainstream society) and I have personally SEEN THIS and experienced it in 'REAL LIFE" SITUTAIONS of gang stalking.

All the caps, but trying to emphasize that open discrimination is the goal, and it's blacks sitting at the back of any vehicle not just a city bus (airplanes, etc) it's whites given preferential treatment in shopping lines, being ushered ahead of the "minorities" while everyone is waiting in line, etc.


I was teleported to this in my deep sleep last night, with a blondish hormone growth woman and a blondish man who paired off to attack me in a shopping line. I was ahead of her, she was behind me, the brown/blondish haired "man" told her to come to the register in front of me as she walked up to get checked out instead of me, waiting in line. I was just "woken up" into this situation, this is the "stop/start" movie production editing process that the celebrity filth force upon me, so I "wake up" while in deep sleep in one physical state, teleported with my body more ethereal into another location on the planet, wherever the teleportation equipment or tech is beaming me down (not up) to the low put into high positions with their crude and foul psychopath fantasies of power and torture and violence, all mostly backed by decades of drug abuse and alcoholism and pornographic lack of love and commitment to anything but themselves. Utterly devoid of all that humanity requires for the sustenance of life-saving technological control which they are being handed by likewise greedy and selfish political pundits of the death 4th Reich cartel.


I told them both that I was waiting in line, the usual obvious explanation that she was cutting in front of me. They stared at me and suddenly she had backed up as I told her I was first and she kicked at me (not into me) as I called her the b-word. Now, this blurted out, and it was "programmed" into my brain under duress in a "stressful" situation where I was not able to conceive my words (especially in teleportation but it happens routinely in public confrontations).

I got tensed up, ready for a fight but she was a hormone growth lump and I am physically nearly destroyed from hardening poisons latched into my fractured spine with years of not being able to work out and exercise or stretch plus poisoning and drugging and non-stop deadly stress EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR A DECADE WITHOUT A SINGLE DAY OF IT STOPPING.

So I am extremely physically weak, plus years of malnutrition especially under T-rump who had my money stolen while the pig apes broke into my room as I was in deep sleep teleported so I felt  nothing couldn't wake up as they stole, raped, put my body out of alignment, and poisoned my food and drugged it constantly (which they are still doing, the latter, but with mechanical arms after the YEARS of me fighting to understand how to block my front door from having mechanical arms open it from the inside--as the trickster terrorists would stop the attacks if I tried various blocking protection techniques to stop the entrance and break-ins so I thought my strategies were working when they were not, but they performed their violence so stealthily I could not figure it out and also, once I left this room to buy food, very infrequently due to sickness they caused, they would come in and rip apart the blocks I had tried to create not understanding exactly how all the violence was never-ending and it took me years, plus not being able to AFFORD any single thing I was always at a point of having almost no food while being poisoned and not able to afford basics much less an endless rotation os supplies to try to figure out how to stop all the slow "soft" murder). The same celebrities attacking me now were ordering all of this back then--and the people who have joined in were only waiting in the "wings" watching it all occur anxiously hoping they could get a turn to get a free house or mansion in France, Italy, England or whatever out of this plus awards and free deals. The black pieces of shit in particular, who are vicious rotten and crap with all their rap k-rap it's just unbelievable deception for culture and for the fight against discrimination. But don't forget the Jews in all this as they are some of the most vicious in these attacks and in racist ideology, openly or concealed.


I called her the b-word which I had not intended to do after she made a kicking motion at me when I was trying to stop her from just pushing me aside in a shopping line as the cash register bigot white male (whom you will never see in that position in real life, almost never) telling her to get ahead of me. But she moved into the open space at a 150-degree angle to my left and began kicking at me but it wasn't engaging--just the kicking motion, only for me defending my right to not be discriminated against. This is the main point of the targeting campaign against me by the filth, shit and scum of whorewood---to not defend myself, to accept and obey, to allow and help them to legally install or vicariously push through a global, not just national, absolute discrimination policy which is enforced through social engineering, mind control and with a lot of politicians now openly supporting Nazis and the Mafia is an extremely racist organization. That is not to say that they don't embrace blacks and minorities, only if they follow and violently help to push down other "minorities' who the "master" instructs them to attack. I think of the black pieces of shit who have done this to me out of Whorewood and I think of this rotten creep below, who is part of the Mafia cartel in Whorewood and so he is being used as a "mascot" of "anti-racism" when he is hugging this blonde woman who refused to condemn the bigot rapist scumbag at Cannes--a stupid story but she has become the "litmus" test for how much acceptance Whorewood now has for white male supremacy in rape entitlement in Whorewood. The black dog next to her has attacked me alongside his Mafia and Nazi counterparts in this movie cartel with the Italian-Americans as they call themselves in public but say they are "Italian" in private--vicious, sleazy, genocidal, Nazi and they only work to operate as "muscle" for Nazis and absolutely defend white supremacy---like that ugly old disgusting man from Brooklyn the actor who is so famous a white bigot who orchestrated non-stop disfiguration and violence at me for fighting to stop German men from raping poison deeper and deeper into my body so they made most of my hair fall out permanently (I probably need a hair transplant now it's a huge balding patch that literally nothing heals they forced on me for simply fighting to stop being raped and beaten by some pig ape whore piece of stupid and sick shit which this group of shit from Whorewood literally hugged while he was doing this to me, gravitated around him and because he plays classical music that means, in their dumb and rotten minds, that he's a "superior" Nazi and my fight to get him to stop has to be "punished" by absolute destruction to my hair and body--which has been ongoing ever since.

so this blonde white woman is being hugged by this black uncle tom scum Nazi minoin who has been used as a symbol of "anti-racist" and whatever else he signifies in his acting in how he is against racism and working for female empowerment with his black wife--blah blah blah they attacked me and tried to get this contract and were vile and disgusting towards me and obtained lead roles and nominations for top prizes afterwards after I fought to get this black filth creep off me for at least half a year, but because he was put in rotation with shit Nazi pig pitt and shitalina the filth whore bucket, I only wrote about them because they are the onus of the problem and he's a sleazy and dumb puppet and he's being used again to sh ow that t his poor beleagured white woman who was asked a simple question about how a man accused of violence against woman fits into her former "me too" public persona profiteering personality.

He, the black uncle tom, is defending his cartel to which the white bigot filth creep belongs as well--I am being a bit confusing because I don't want to name names every time I write about this Europigape-cartel puppet scumbag drug addict and it's filthy Europigape wives and the fascist Nazi cartel, the politicians allow the shit whores to viciously attack me and the politicians then obtain free mansion in France and England and Germany and whatever else they are handed for helping the United States to turn into an open pit of discrimination, hate, violence, divided breaking down into a 3rd world colonized prostitution zone for the Europigapes to take over and turn into a colony and with homeless concentration camps and all the other factors they truly yearn for and have put into public consciousness but claim they are not like that now---


In "real life" I have experienced black people willingly putting themselves in inferior positions in all sorts of discriminatory attack replications for terror skit /"gang stalking" purposes. Obviously they are handed promotions for it, and I am assaulted while everyone watches on doing nothing. Even those who are against this do nothing. 

People attacking me from behind in shopping lines as the cashier does nothing and goes along with it. People cutting in front of me as the stores do nothing about it.

Orlando, where Nazis march openly in public now and for a few years this has gone on, since this group of shit from Whorewood put him into power using their Nazi Mafia Europigapeland cartel operators and media benefactors out of Nazified America--

Orlando at Walmart I was trying to get some fabric cut at the sewing department. They created a skit where two huge fat blondish dyed American older woman were taking up  two entire aisles with their huge deformed fat bodies, as I waited for the attendant to come and cut one single yard of fabric for me with all the bundles of fabric and the place empty besides these huge ogres on both sides of me. Another huge fat obese black woman came up with a little lapel pin with her name on  it, ostensibly working for the store--as she approached the blondish woman were yapping and giggling very animated, the black aunt jemima came up and began almost yelling at me that I was in her way, while I was standing at the counter waiting for her to arrive, as she should have been in that department and I waited for 10 minutes for someone to arrive. I was boxed in as the blond woman giggled and the black aunt jemima yelled at me, waiting at the station, to move because I was in her way (I am repeating this, my mind is blanked out right now). I became angry because her voice was very nasty and it was beyond rude--it was an orchestrated attack of course, she probably didn't work at the store at all, as I know that agents are put in  these situations and the management always complies with this Nazi/Mafia organization. I went to find a manager to report this, and I was immediately surrounded literally on all sides (as flanking the target is the goal to keep them surrounded by enemies at all times attacking from all sides, every moment of every day without end).

They stared at me as if they were on drugs, literally their eyes and faces were pumped up on adrenaline, shiny and bulging eyes with a violent aspect--it was eerie to say the least and because I had not, at that time, fully grasped the full import of how global this organization was, I thought it was an authentic team of managers, but it seemed "odd". They of course listened and did nothing. I had to repeat the story fives times as more people gathered to "help" and in the end, they tried to find this black ogre aunt jemima and suddenly she had vanished, they claimed they could not find her. They told me to "wait" and after 10 minutes I realized that something was wrong and I just walked out, but at the cash register a white woman who was an employee there was extremely polite and friendly, telling me  in a very open and personal tone that she was so very glad that I had come to Walmart and she was so happy to have me as a customer. Good things for the small things that good-hearted people do. And there are some of these people, but they have to restrain their complaints against this hate organization because it has taken over the US government for sure and far too much.

There are many other stories I can relate. I was put on an airplane in a long flight, I had a 2nd plane transfer on my destination, I think this was in some Southern State. Literally the plane was a very small jet, and blacks were put in the back, and it was grungy, dirty and the seats were ripped, stained and it smelled bad. The front of the plane had white people with clean seats and new fabric on the seats. I was placed at the back. I moved up to the middle near the front  once all the seating was done. The blacks fully complied. I imagine and I assume now that most or all of them got some free deal or promotion out of the entire racist skit performance. But I may be wrong.

Ultimately, as the pig ape pieces of shit from Whorewood, with yelling and death threats and ensuing mutilation from rotten scum and filth like Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, Rachel Maddow to name a few of the "iconic" "feminists" of American bs media presentation of the 4th Reich and politics--that I am fighting against putrid ugly filth men who are teleporting and raping me and poisoning me to death and stealing my ideas so their filthy shit wives and children can have original ideas to proclaim as their own concepts and how "feminist" they are and how "unique" and how intellectual they are (sans having studied anything but beauty tips and tax avoidance)

and with all the blacks working for them, they get rotten crap and "feminists" attacking me non-stop. I assume that the current spate of politicians attacking me who claim they are from some Europigape land country all are currently obtaining mansions and funding from the Europigape cartel which controls them all. They have cheered a most filthy and vile rotten creep who beat and raped me and then sicced his friends and family on me for a decade--cheered with a standing ovation. The shit spawn of this pig ape is behaving in a most fascist Nazi way that when I fight for my human rights this is deserving of a death penalty for not allowing the pig apes to do whatever they want, which is their credo: "I do what I want" and I have heard this time and time again from Europigape Nazis who moved to Miami where these pigs now attacking me have obtained this contract and this tech (from the celebrities who have attacked me since 1997--Stallone for one and it's cascaded into a huge racist glob of filth attacking me non-stop, but behind them are fascist Nazis out of Florida coming out of Europigapeland). And in places like Orlando and Gainesville blacks are operating in skits whereby old racist segregation policies are put onto me, as they perform their roles happily and have no compunction against this form of discrimination and racism. They of course get promotions while the rest get fucked over, and they could care less. 

Can't ANYONE get these pieces of shit off me, ever?

**This post was hacked, rewritten and obfuscated as all my posts are when I am trying to express complex thoughts. They deleted key words and rewrote and took out grammar and etc etc ijn this post, the typical for every single post I write. ** 

"Don McLean--American Pie (Lyric Video)". Don McLean. November 11, 2021.

I've only been writing about these pieces of shit for years and years

and the crimes they have committed should have landed them in prison for years

but they are rewarded, and so they keep coming

to get their shit into production to get lead roles to get out of prison to get laid to get their misery vented upon others to have a power trip on torturing someone else and a huge hormonal high

to get promotions that are beyond belief.

They keep coming after me, non-stop for a decade just with a bunch of shit from Whorewood and politicians

and of course, a shitload of civilians worldwide

they come after me and come after me after poisoning mutilating destroying my home taking away my money stealing my ideas cutting out part of my uterus breaking my toes destroying my cuticles and toes putting horrid chemicals on my skin and hair and destroying the texture of my skin and body--plus the hormone damage from part of my uterus being severed out. The pig ape who is constantly clinging onto obtaining a baby out of me laughed when his filthy dirty ugly wife and this shit gang ordered part of my uterus cut out

The filth creeps from this one family who I just had nothing to do with but wrote two sentences on Facebook back in 2013--which resulted in years of rape, years of battery and assault, years of torture protocols of the pig apes in the rooms and houses next to mine with rape and murder attempts and poisoning and my cat stolen and my animals I took care of beaten to death and left dead on my porch--after they stole my cat. This is this one family from Whorewood who from the very beginning I said NO NO NO NO NO and they keep coming at me like some never-ending virus STD that I can't get rid of. I write and write and write, and the pieces of shit have a movie they obtained in a starring role by torturing and abusing me, years ago, and then onwards, and so they come periodically between the list of revolting shit celebrities who I may click on the shit they produce and I may not--as I am drugged every time and under mind control while I surf the internet and if I  click on their video I can't get rid of them in teleportation rape, torture and violence. One woman, a black Nazi ugly dirty old woman has come with both barrels cocked with her black team of Nazi older women who are endlessly attacking me after their leader the huge ugly ape-rah had already been participating in the attack upon me for years before I called that ugly disgusting stupid nasty thing a name that implies black sell-out disgusting creep from a racist ownership violent emulation of the "master" situation---it's been non-stop likewise  black people coming at me demanding that I bow down to them and the white pig apes they are beholden to, I can't tell if they are a chorus of back-up performers for the same plantation but it appears that Whorewood is indeed a plantation type master-slave atmosphere and homeless people swarming that rotten city are the open display of the hate and violent exploitation that abounds in the wealthy cringes of the creases of the fabric of that society.


But I can't get rid of this pig filth and it's shit spawn and I reacted to this ugly dirty thing attacking me like a rabid goddamn parasite after it's filthy ugly dirty greasy father had   raped and tortured me. This ugly dirty skank thing asked me why I don't like it's father-in teleportation.  I said he had tortured me for years. She put some disgusting thing in my mouth while I was in the stop-start edit phase of this torture situation as I was spitting it out I saw this ugly look on the filthy ugly dirty skank who is being handed this tech because Whorewood so desperately needs a revolving circuit of stupid and rotten blondish Nazi skanks who are devoid of talent who specialize in parasitic energy sucking sexuality based on rape culture and prostitution culture.


So they keep VICIOUSLY coming after me, after they cut otu part of my uterus, after the endless years of rape while I screamed to get off me as I obviously was shitting diarrhea black stinking poison out. THey broke my toilet they broke my refrigerator they sprayed fungus on every single thing in the room I had to hermetically seal off to try to block the people coming in and raping and disfiguring and dismembering my body while I was sleeping and unable to wake up. That was in 2013-2015 when I moved to this place and began YEARS of fighting to stop the terrorists from breaking into this place. By that time, the shit scumbags were forced to hand the technology to shit filthalina and pig pitt, who also still never stop latching onto exploiting me in this helpless situation which I have perpetually been fighting for A DECADE OF EVERY pig of this group being handed a special feature movie and award and prize and nomination and becoming president and etc for teleporting and raping me. 

When I survey the politicians who have participated I see absolute incompetence in terms of running a special country that was born in the hope of having a new kind of decency that would require a lot of work to sustain. They are busy working on undermining it and some in destroying it in principle, if not even in open working functionality.


So they latch on to alongside the shit and scum, not having any higher capability of mastery of anything but stupidity and torture to which they are promoted if they display the lowest kind of debauchery and sick sleazy violence that appears like the "elite" violent classes of antiquity who wreaked death and slavery upon the masses and majority and lived in splendor, capable of killing people who offended them in public (i.e. ancient Rome, which is always the standard-bearing symbol that the Nazis use).

This group of shit from Whorewood with their Congressional and Executive Branch neer-do-wells with offices and wealth and are articulate and say all the "Democracy-saving" speeches "for the people", are torturing and nearly killing me and attempted murder has been non-stop as I fight for any human rights whatsoever. 

completely ignored and people laugh and gather around to see the real-life witch hunt, while fucking Trump, who increased this witch hunt against me into something of a non-stop celebrity and politician frenzy, is claiming that his violation of law and the attempts of the FBI to rein him in from his crimes is a "witch hunt" and thus in likewise fashion, my every attempt for any justice is met with a counter-reaction of violence and torture with the disgusting implication that I violated the right of the disgusting low pig apes in their quest to rape plunder steal rob destroy without any resistance or complaint by the victim (me in this case). They are being programmed to behave, and thus to ingrain the constantThat they are entitled to this, and my fight to have some kind of decent life void of the stupidity and hate of sick people I never chose to have in my life--to try get them off me, to not be drugged and tortured and raped and passed around and poisoned and attacked while I am so drugged and lied to so continuously I have no idea what is happening while it's all around me. so far that has been the situation surrounding me all my life up to this point in time, so I fight to stop this and they torture me for fighting for the most basic of human rights outside of all-destroying slavery, which is what they believe they are entitled to. So I fight them and call them names in rage and I write posts--that is all I have ever done to this filth and shit, and they were handed this contract by Europigapes out of London and Italy whom I had also never harmed--after years of other people pretending they were "friends' and doing the same--as I fought not understanding the repetitive patterns but staving off the filth people thinking they were actually people instead of scum and shit and worthless white Nazi supremacists with hosts of black and brown minions operating as dumb scum for them in violent terms.  after YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS YEARS (that's 13x the word years, which is approximately how many YEARS the pig shit ape family of rats from Whorewood with their French exploitation cartel and Mafia shit cartel have been attacking me in a huge collective of crap people with crap movies and crap acting. They are entertaining but not artists. They can draw and paint but they don't make anything that stirs the imagination).


One of them I thought was a great actor, but I was drugged up and after years of solitude in America due to being excessively drugged, and the "alternative" movement dying out, I longed for the fantasy of the roles that this rotten fascist Nazi scumbag played hoping that it was somehow based on his personality. That is all. I hated him the first time I saw him. Make up and plastic surgery and a need for a fantasy after I had been "locked-up" in internal hardening poisons made me so drugged in  teleportation that I needed someone and my human desire provided this parasite with my life force which he sucked out and then tortured and mutilated and pumped poison more deeply into my body while I was fighting death and to heal and have peace. That was in 2013, and now it's a DECADE later and his rotten shit spawn is coming at me and coming at me and coming at me over and over and over and he is too, before his appearance at that fascist Europigape demonstration of their Sieg Heil entertainment infiltration agent the dumb drugged up scumbag who has been completely mind programmed and is their slave puppet dumb whore they are using to get into Whorewood as controllers. The dumb Americans only long for "fashion" and can't even allow Americans to compete they are only creating a monopoly of Europigapes based on fashion that is limited only to Paris--for the 4th Reich to control all, a psy-ops situation that I apparently only am capable of seeing as I don't care about the Europigape fashion cartel and monopoly. 

And it's not for having a "lack of 'class' or style it's because I have seen other types of fashion which are legitimate that are being ignored in favor of the fascist 4th Reich Europigape mafia cartel that Americans in the positions they have been handed for demonstrating how fascistically oriented they are are blocking the originality of others from my own country who can produce wonderful designs--not imitating French fascist sexist male-dominated crap culture either. It may look beautiful in part, but that is also a long heritage that many are just picking up and imitating. But THis is what I don't want to help become more ensconced in America, and yet I am being tortured and threatened by American politicians for both fighting for my human and basic rights as a citizen of the planet, and also to not have some Europigape fascist cartels come in through dumb drugged up scum from Whorewood in order to control and divide and conquer with a host of Nazis in America who are similarly disposed to creating a fascist Nazi replication of the 3rd Reich (which is "outlawed" in Europigapeland but completely being fostered in America by the Euro shit that has come to invade, and I am fighting for this to not happen with violence aimed at me perpetually by all and everyone, and no support for me in this endeavor of resistance, and all support and "love" for the shithead apes who are pigs in plastic surgery disguise.


Can anyone ever get these shit pig apes off me?


The social engineering of this situation is for a fascist Nazi/Mafia organized criminal overtake of the United States, but in the name of "Democracy". Why am I the ONLY ONE fighting this who also is slated for this technoterror enslavement system? Where are all the fighters who will stand by me? They all appear to honor and love the Europigapes who spout equality themes but also participate in this crime against me. How much more racist can any situation be than this? To have blacks and Latinos and Asians and other Jews attacking me viciously for the sake of white Nazi pig apes promoting them while they claim they are fighting racism? It's like the epitome of hypocritical racism, in particular for the "victims" who are so happy to viciously turn upon me while feigning perpetual victimization for themselves and "their people" whom they want NOTHING TO DO WITH they just want to hang at the wealthy elite parties of the white pig apes. If they have contact with "their people" it's for promotional purposes in order to gain a larger power base, which is then transmuted into the general white supremacy population (which includes the Progressive Party in the US).

It's all very sickening for me to just sit here with shit crap scumbag after the next one attacking me while the US Government is fully participating in this and won't do anything to even stop this sickness. SICKNESS SICKNESS IT'S FILTHY SICKNESS and everyone thinks it's fun and great.

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

The rise of the technocratic terrorist pig ape planet://Please note this post has been severely hacked. Many of my posts that are deleted or hacked are often concepts that are stolen and used by one of the pig apes hacking who is part of the mind programming mass machinery of entertainment/political import. Thus, you can't read my ideas which they steal, because most are completely jumbled by hacking deletions and rewrites. Most of the ideas, which I have re-read, are botched and incomprehensible and distorted almost 100% by hacker rewrites/deletions/censorship/theft.// Many typos appear which hackers inserted. Words have been deleted. Halves of sentences are pasted onto other halves of sentences. Critical words have been changed to opposite meaning, etc.//Since years of writing as clearly as possible, trying to not be hyperbolic, writing with my graduate school level of interpretation--all ideas thusly stolen by ignoramus uneducated or under-educated ignorant apes and pigs and whores of Whorewood and also out of celebrity into politican position---so I must write now at YOUR collective level in order to "entertain" you with the rage of endless torture and violence which you all think is a fun game and joke, and when I react as a real and authentic human being to state-sponsored rape and torture, mutilation and murder attempts I don't remain silent and "accept" this sick shit from you fuckers reading this who go along with it and are promoting it--I must write at your REAL level of violence and seeming hysterical rage. This is the ape ;mentality I only mirror that is being foisted upon me every single day by your reps in Whorewood and in Congress---////Every politician I have been teleported to is a phony baloney scumbag sandwich who has scripted blathering bs only to say in front of cameras but are illiterate apes in private--incompetent, sleazy and foul and greedy and the scourge of America and the world as a world domineering Imperialist country trending towards fascist organized crime Mafia 4th Reich stupidity with a take-over by the Europigape cartel imminent because they are too stupid and pumped up on fascist fashion and white supremacy to have any ground basis in America--operating as agents provacateur for Europigapes whom they grovel in a$$-wipe deference to: The 4th Reich is invested in destroying MOST of society around the planet so only a small "elite" group can enjoy ownership and pride in self. The greed of piggish sleaze of these operators of constant bullshit is the one and only motivational programming that entices the "leaders to react or do anything beyond lecture crap into microphones, in front of cameras, or holding telecommunication devices in order to follow orders for death squad infiltration and obfuscation of intelligence in human society. They hear my writing they read it and laugh and promote the most sleazy and mediocre of plastic surgery inepts (sic) into lead roles for posturing K-rap in order to undermine any kind of Freedom or organized sanity. They only want to destroy and take and rob and steal and rape and kill and then have lavish parties congratulating their plastic surgery "miracle" 4th Reich plastic models as proof of their "success".//Terrrorist Report/filth, sickness, stupidity now reigns and is endlessly being put into promotional status: I have to revert to Neanderthal descriptions of the depictions of sick, sleazy stupid moronic ape pigs. Sleazy and dirty putrid pig apes and a disgusting government funding and supporting their death, usurpation and dumbing down apery for the rise of the planet of the pig apes to fully congeal over all of society around the planet. A film of filth that is being funded by a dinosaur administration-after-administration (globally).-

"Pig Destroyer--'The Diplomat' (Official Video)". Noisey. October 6, 2012.


My food was poisoned last night--turned rancid while I slept (the food was perfect yesterday), in my refrigerator and sealed with the layers of things I do to protect my food, but this was in a small bag so the mechanical arms just lifted it up and probably carried it out my patio sliding door which I have to keep open without any screen--just so I am not breathing in stinking fungus which is killing me---and so they carried and lifted it out and poured something rancid in the gelatin, which is an animal-based product so they made it dangerously poisoned. I didn't smell the package upon waking up, I pour this in my morning drink and so I drank it because I put a lot of strong citrus and flavors in the mix.

So I had to pour it all out, thus costing me money. I use this to help heal from the permanent damage to my hair and scalp, nails and skin which these plastic-surgery millionaire and billionare pig apes order to be inflicted upon me because I don't think stupid dirty ugly skanks are "beautiful" and so under truth serum while under hypnosis I don't tell them that they are "superior" to me, and so they must mutilate me FOR YEARS without end. Their ugly filthy shit pig ape men then rape and beat me as the women laugh, and then ALL take the ideas I write of regarding feminism and steal them all as their own for public promotion as being "feminists" fighting "for women. Clinton had this "down" before she met me, so she stole ideas under hypnosis for how I would renovate a house she showed me, what food I would serve for her party listening to Schubert's Winterreise, which was something I posts clips of on Facebook years ago. Ever anxious to appear as "classy" European-based as possible, dirty nasty Chicago Suburban Hillary then asked me about what I would serve for this, and other such items she tried to steal from me, before ordering my nails and toes to be sliced (which happens every time I literally pass out from detox from the poisons she and everyone else of this group of shit has ordered put in my food to paralyzed and make my body huge, deformed as they also had their rapist Europigapes and Russians go into my room and put my hips out of place after raping me with fungus and semens stinking out of my body--every day. My body turned into a literally hardened block of poison that looked like a huge rectangle coming out of my back and all along my sides and hips and etc---they made fun of my body after that while stealing my money (literally while I was sleeping) and blocking every kind of healing modality from me (eating healthy food being one, and thne poisoning my food to kill me and suck ideas out of me while I was paralyzed and tortured and "traumatized" every day--which is what they do in teleportation every single day.

The sleazy and low quality of this group of shit and stupidity--which includes the articulate politicians and all the bs artists--black, jewish, etc with all their "causes" who obviously are put into these positions for the huge skewing of actual "rebellion against tyranny" that they are being endlessly paid for. But the low and sleazy stupid quality--or lack thereof--of their personalities is something akin to some Neanderthal ape pig quality that the politicians so support and underwrite and promote and then they come and appear like sick and putrid apes when they don't have to posture as being intelligent, and highly articulate lawyers and business scum put into power positions. AFTER MORE THAN TEN YEARS OF BEING TORTURED FOR WRITING THESE POSTS, WHILE THE IDEAS I WRITE WHICH THESE PIG APE SCUM WHORES CAN STEAL FOR THEIR FAKE SHIT OUTPUT WHILE TAKING AWAY ALL I LOVE AND HAVE WORKED FOR, ARE THEN SUPPORTED BY EQUALLY SICK POLITICIANS AND THE DESTROY AND CONQUER DEATH SQUADS HAVE COMPLETELY ELIMINATED ALL INTELLIGENT OPPOSITION AND SO..I can only write in similar vein, like any severely abused victim of domestic violence now a circus of shit clown whores taking turns because I don't think they are beautiful, competent or superior and so I write like a Neanderthal because you reading this are also like those pigs attacking me. Perhaps writing like this will reach your Neanderthal stupidity you f-0ers reading this but doubtful unless you are victimized will you begin to understand the serious threat that your incompetence to protect the sanctity of life and liberty for all will bring you to your sleazy and selfish lives. So read this and continue to do nothing and laugh about how "hysterical" I sound, but a decade of writing about some shit sleazy and ugly celebrities has brought only a swarm of shit politicians coming to get media applause for participation and a huge swarm of shit celebrities doing the same. All lacking any and all intelligence that would further both art, any decency in society but with all the protection and money and coaching and plastic surgery people aren't aware of how sick, ugly and stupid you really all are.



Another plant on my patio has been killed with fungus poured into the soil. It was a beautiful flowering vine.


Teleportation skits of death, dead people in stupid and sick skits of murder and death and people speaking recited skits. Then waking up to people shouting foul and filthy sexual abuse hate screaming crap at me, which is exactly what they are and not me. Their sleazy movies and pornographic personalities are nothing but pure scum and unfortunately my government has fully turned into a dinosaur colosseum of colossal inadequacy exalted, which has rotten ugly dirty greasy old men coming to attack me while the prostitutes of Whorewood go naked in order to obtain part of the free promotions and deals that the sleazy and corrupt senators offer in exchange for media promotion without end to promote their criminal enterprises now exalted in a colossal fashion for the fascists of America and those pig ape cartels from other countries--notably our "partners" in  NATO--sounds much "nicer" than calling it Europigapeland.


The shit who began torturing, raping, having part of my uterus cut out when I said no to being raped and exploited, had animals I loved stolen and killed when I said no, was hit by cars when I wrote on my Facebook page that the pig apes should stop being awarded every year for the endless violence they were inflicting upon me--hit and threatened with murder by the President and his filthy dirty skank wife--threatened with murder constantly

the shit that began the celebrity whorewood colossal shit parade of clown proportionate infantile erectile dysfunction soothed by rape and violence for the loveless scumbag white privileged old men celebrities and their partnering politicians with their crusty and nasty old dino women whether young or old, they have all conformed to the same ancient regime.


The shit parade of the filth has not stopped coming to violently assault me for over a decade for every shit movie and crap thing they want to get promoted. After years of them stealing my cat, my last family member on this planet, making my home toxic and this is never-ending, of having president-president black, white, shitty fascist shitty "liberal" all with a host of blacks and Jews and other "minorities" encircling them all attacking me for white privilege which they represent as the "good" dumbed down a$$-groveling contingent voting demographic and subservient fascist operators of the 4th Reich

And so, in a desperate rage to get the filth, their rotten stupid whore spawn and their never-ending circular rotation of the shit parade off me, after they came once more after taking turns after me never-ending writing after politician after politician coming to violate, abuse, threaten, order the mafia to spend hours every day--for years--with insults at my body as they poisoned me with bloating and hardening poison-after the celebrity shit and mafia and Nazis conjoined had me raped with the pig ape operator terrorists in the rooms next to mine or coming while I was sleeping--as I was teleported--to rape me, put fungus and semen into my vagina and bladder, then put my HIPS AND SPINE OUT OF ALIGNMENT every fucking night---every night for years. The hardening poison then put my body out of alignment so badly and then stuck my hips into this lop-sided position so badly I was in excruciating pain just sort of falling sideways out of bed to try to land on my feet and then limp in a crooked agonized hip-out-of alignment pace to get the stinking pot of liquids they inserted into my bladder--this they did every single day for many, many years

as the stress made my immune system go berserk, they also then blocked my ability to pay for food or medicine much less go to any doctor. This in addition to hours of violence and torture and literally hundreds of people assaulting me while driving for years with cars constantly nearly hitting me from all sides--for years thi went on as I wrote and wrote about it.


The incompetence continues as the same pile of sick shit is coming at me once more, the current administration, which partnered with the administration prior to the administration prior to the current

obviously with Clinton as their Secretary of State--operating absolute violence upon me for calling people who were murdering and raping me "pigs"--

and so, it's going on. Reacting from a decade of this in-your-face rape torture sickness of teleportation, I am writing posts trying to get the dumb stupid audiences to understand that the porno filth that the pigs are putting out for "entertainment" is brain entrainment into trauma-based mind control mixed with either constant trauma and death or porno sleazy crap mixed with mind programming crap K-rap.


There is no amount of intelligent analysis that reaches anyone. I get attacked by extremely literate MSNBC broadcasters and anchors who appear dumb and hateful black bs operators. They spout extremely eloquent lectures on freedom and are being hosted at White House special dinners alongside the media "entertainment" fashion programmers into fascist fashion.


Nothing reaches them except money and cartel mafia influence to further the partnership between criminal enterprises, money grafting and fascist Nazi programming.


The pig ape celebrities who have viciously tortured me for over a decade--in a collective that is always enlarging if I "dare" click on any show, tv clip, music clip, watch a movie, the actor in lead roles will immediately rush to join in under this sick pretext terrorist click-baiting operation. I therefore cannot watch a single news show, tv show, movie, musical performer without threat of some psycho scumbag coming instantly to join in the fray of attacking me to break me on every level and thusly obtaining their dirty promotion for which they are applauded and awarded for. They never stop and go on for years. The shit who are attacking me from Whorewood I wrote once two lines on Facebook to, and since then, it's been a never-ending rotation of piece of shit after piece of shit who I don't even click on. I then became lax and clicked on videos because they keep me so drugged I can't think or read. My body is out of alignment so my energy is always at a near comatose level of exhaustion as they continue to poison and drug my body and food and environment and sleep and mind and atmosphere where I go and where I live.


When I react in rage after a few years, for example, with ape-rah--I called her a term that Malcolm X used regarding sell-out slaves on the white supremacist Plantation. I got non-ending, and this is still ongoing without end, black pieces of shit coming to attack me for "being racist ..and for what you did to black people" as they spit, threaten, tell me to obey Nazis out of Europigapeland they call "your superiors" and then they go off lecturing about fighting white supremacy without end. The line-up of this shit has been without end, and every demographic group has a simlar pretext, but the underlying "behavior modification" principle is no resistance and only obeying incompetent sleaze and scum who make themselves known as being dumb and scum every time I see them in teleportation; ostensibly this is supposed to be "me" that they are treating like this and not "them" and so to try to show, after they steal ideas from me which they have not thought or, read about, studied for years as I have, nor done any damn thing but bend over, with or without vaseline, and get plastic surgery and learn some lines and make some movies and then get elected. But on a personal level, there is nothing above a basic neanderthal level of personality evolution and that is what I am referring to when I say they are dumb scum and not worthy of highest credentials and most importantly, not equipped mentally, psychologically and especially emotionally to have covert electronic death and torture weapons dispersed to any shit scumbag who wants to rape and steal and threaten and otherwise act like a thug whore, which they all jump to do instantly--not just a promotion that they get but being able to finally act like what they truly aspire to be. This, in turn, is "supposed" to mean they are so entitled and elite and sophisticated that all this pig ape behavior is their wealth status entitlement, something that Nazis did and were loved for having done--kill and rape and destroy and steal and plunder and stick your head up saying you are superior--

and so, they are considered Europigapeland "superior" according to those traditional Medieval and archaic lines of "entitlement" like they are royalty. And then, they are handed MORE money in which to get plastic surgery and the Europigapes, who undoubtedly control Whorewood, to which political (lack of) Leadership gravitates to in order to obtain their aspirations for higher political office (and thus more graft and corruption and orgies and murder "get out of jail free" entitlements).

But when the glitter dust settles and they settle down to their lascivious orgy group screw against people they force into dependency, financial insolvency, destitution, therefore making great slaves out of all the dependents--they can do whatever they want and congratulate themselves on how they have restored the "Old World" to the United States, leaving "law" and the "Constitution" only applicable to themselves because they want this system in order to fight one another off in all their thievery and rape and murder culture aspirations.

With the new technology these ignoramuc pig ape shithead filth buckets have obtained, they have no training in ethics or any basis in moral philosophy beyond Nazi and selfish creeds. The technology is a NEW force in the planet, capable of great destruction being handed to stupid and ignorant ape pigs who are resorting to their old trained behavioral patters of shit sleaze and rape and murder and theft and genocidal Imperialism and etc etc.

This is a huge tragic mistake that the dinosaurs who hold the keys to political and socio-economic power are likewise misusing by observing and doing nothing to monitor or shield society from.  

The above video by Pig Destroyer is an extremely apt depiction of how the pig apes really behave, and this is no exaggeration.

The shit ugly dinosaur old men who teleport me also castigate and insult me for the music I sometimes listen to. It's very threatening to the rotten dirty rape pig scum ugly old whores--with their shitty wives and children having been trained to obey and believe what the pig father figure tells them to do and think. They say the music is "angry" and therefore there is some pathological problem with me that they can easily diagnose: "you are a freak" they claim as they go off after rape, torture, mutilation and non-stop violence for which they have been promoted endlessly as they latch on to one single person--me--to endlessly get more free weapons and then their pig ape doggie treats of highest distinction afterwards by an extremely corrupt Diplomat ignorant well-dressed, even well-educated idiot savant who continues handing out weapons to the pig apes to destroy one another (eventually that is the result the Diplomats are striving to obtain--and this video  so clearly shows that the stupid "well educated/dressed" idiot savants will in turn be destroyed by the pig apes they hand the weapons to in order to kill one another off.


So no one will get this group of crap off me, because you reading this are part of that same crap. No one will come to support me whether you are part of this group or not. 

Thusly, with no external threat of censure, the creeps never stop acting like psycho pig apes and are intolerable ugly sinister parasites upon me. IF they hadn't been poisoning and drugging my skin and hair, I would still have thinning/shedding/greying hair and my immune system can't cope with the stress any longer.

But they constantly have their dope operator minions carry babies around me to signify that they are demanding this item out of me--next--after years of stealing ideas I wrote because I was sick, drugged, paralyzed and unable to move or work or achieve anything; after SIX YEARS of studying for a Master's Degree and being poisoned with intention of murdering me while I was studying, the entire time. Not a single person warned me, no one stood by me openly, and the result is a society that fully accommodates this group and it's sick and violent psychosis forced upon the planet. 

And I can't get rid of them and they are like a never-ending panel of STD's which keep coming back and coming back every time they need a promotion to sling their putrid movies and tv shows and songs and career and political aspirations--to get out of testifying in the case of the criminal Senators who had to torture me for fighting for my human rights in saying no to some ugly greasy sleazy dino old man with his absolute Nazi family trying to exploit me by forcing domestic slavery, sex trafficking and every other kind of hateful crime against me so this pig ape scum could get out of testifying about the crimes against the United States that he had committed along with the other terrorist shit politicians who rely constantly on attacking me to get first promoted then to maintain the promotion then torture for more promotions and now torture because they are under investigation for all their crimes--

to attack me to get out of being punished for their crimes which they had done because NO ONE STOPPED THEM from criminal behavior in the first place when they were violating my every human rights and laughing about it and then, emboldened, they went higher and higher on the scale of absolute criminality as you all cheered them on and now are too scared and tremulous to say anything except a few disparaging comments on the sly.

-------------------And so

the destruction of the country I had to leave twice for other countries because the murder attempts on my life keep going and going and going. Having run out of the country not just twice, but I also traveled around Europe looking for a place to live due to the fantasy world of literature I had read from the 19th Century--and that mentality has been completely obliterated by the Nazis and Mafia and all  of Europigapeland is a complete Nazi/Mafia 4th Reich hate organization (called NATO or the EU).


And this group of pig shit from Whorewood have ALL been handed mansions here in Phuket for the acts of violence they perpetrated against me, by the Nazi organized crime syndicates which control the Thai economy and culture--but out of Europigapeland mostly. I came here to get out of that shit country and I so never want to live there again. Now they have mansions here because they destroyed what I worked for not just the ideas I studied for years, but the home I tried to build here to get away from SHIT like them in America. Now they have mansions because I can't get away from this 4th Reich organization for a moment around the planet, and I have no home, and they are putting shit minions in front of me carrying babies at specific moments so I must see this goon standing with a baby staring at me to signify what else this group of parasitic shit is trying to force out of me--with this fucking government of the US completely backing them and funding it all and handing out the organized death squads, discrimination all of these Hillary Clinton thoroughly enjoys inflicting upon me and any other "minority" who doesn't just automatically allow the pig ape whores to exloit and use and rape and torture them without resistance to human dignity much less law and constitution.

And so they are trying to force me to go "back" to being in a country which is a vicious racist country where murder is now a huge social engineering event of high magnitude like a major earthquake of mass serial shootings and killings every single day in America.

I keep screaming first to stop teleporting me for the next round of the shit celebrity feeding fest off torturing me to obtain awards for the movies/tv shows/songs and political aspirations that they tortured me to get a clearance for and funding for, and then they have to have the shit funded so they attack me, then they need to be awarded so they attack me, and their friends also have movies et al they need promoted, funded and awarded so they all take turns infinitely going on and on like rotten parasitic STD's that I never got from any illicit behavior on my part, it's these shit whores who are the illicit sleaze freaks and scum and bitches and stupid losers but given endless surgeries and top everything to prop them up, thanks to Uncle Scam and that government which can never put a decent person into the Oval Office and this is becoming a shambles joke as I get older how bad the candidates now are.

Social Security has informed me, after telling me by phone last week that all was fine! My banking information looked "good" and all was well, I was told. They cut my money off the next day. I discovered this yesterday. I phoned today. They are telling me that they have to calculate how much money I have to pay back because I saved the stimulus money and my student loan money for years-trying not be become desperate and not having any financial back-up. I am on SSI disability because this organization fractured my vertebrae not just once while I was in a deep, microchipped comatose drugged poisoned state, but multiple times making such damage to my spine that I am disabled, and then they poisoned me with poison which latches onto food, to fractures and injuries so the poison has hardneed onto it all--plus three major back surgeries due to scoliosis from the poisoning which literally was pulling my spine apart. I went to grad school taking classes online for over 6 years to get out of the hell hole rut this group forced me into--but rambo and his greed and his group had to have me poisoned so they could endlessly exploit me so their movies can endlessly remain as people cheer all of this on and on. I was poisoned so badly I could not move for YEARS. I remain paralyzed and stuck unable to use my laptop to earn any money, they have blocked literally all financial resources to me and all I do is destroyed and blocked, literally every transaction every bank every business every internet attempt I make all is hacked and blocked. //Therefore, this man, under the direction of this hate group in your movie programming system for Nazi induction into hate and murder, inc---told him to tell me it was all okay, t hen to cut my money off, and t hen tell me my money won't be reinstated (he told me it would be reinstated last week) until I pay at least $29,900. I have little more than that to my name--he would be leaving me around $1600 to try to pay rent, food and pay the other amount plus pay for fees to have the cashier check(s) I doubt I can have a check written for that amount--and he MAY take out even more. He told me he has to calculate into the amount all the months that payment was made before the first, which is many months and many more thousands of dollars he says he may add to the amount I must pay before my benefits will be restored. I cannot earn any money, I cannot make money, and I cannot pay and if he tries to add more money I will be stuck with no way to survive financially. ---All the money I saved from stimulus to student loans will be taken and my disability payments has been cut off--the agent played a "game" with me by saying on the 27th that my banking information looked good, and that my benefits were re-instated. He then had my benefits cut off the next day and I only saw t his yesterday. I phoned him today, he picked up at the social security office immediately which means of course all is orchestrated he is not the front desk operator he is a special agent picked for this "job". He was coughing into the phone, the usual "triggering" sound the very nasty people make. .He then began asking me with a nasty tone about my savings and etc. He told me that he had checked the last time I spoke with him and all looked good, but then he h ad to "follow-up" and then--the sledgehammer came down they suspended my money and I had to phone in to be told something else in a negative interrogatory stress--but compared to the hateful celebrity Nazis who orchestrate rape beatings torture and mutilation every single day, it was a "cake walk" in comparison.//It was a million percent a complete sham orchestrated to put me at ease by saying my banking info looked good and then to make this "game" later on--.He is leaving me less than the $200 maximum amount but says he must determine the final cost which I have to pay in check or money order (he suggests I come into the office to pay). //It could have been worse, but all the stimulus I wanted to save. I have NOWHERE to save money without it getting stolen in this room. When I received all the money I had no idea if I was being vandalized while sleeping by rapists in person or not any longer and they are so careful to leave no trace it's hard to tell even now with all the extreme measures I have taken to protect my body--ti's still being mutilated nightly and the terrorism of your celebrities is beyond anything but a torture chamber set of psychopaths. They are all giggling that they took the rest of my saved-up money. I could not find information about how agents have access to my banking information. Most information is blocked from my searches, by the way.//I am now a almost zero, once I make this payment my money will resume. Unless I make this payment I will not be able to survive. I have to start with nothing, which means the money I had saved for emergencies, which this organization is constantly creating, I have nothing no kind of security whatsoever because of this attack upon me by this group of millionaires and billionaires. I find them detestable and sick. I so much never want them in my lfie or ever to see their nasty faces and never their movies and I urge people to BOYCOTT HOLLYWOOD and all it's rotten nasty movies and directors and producers. They have put fascism and totalitarian Nazi dictatorship into power. BOYCOTT that place and the movie trash that comes out of that cesspool!!//The Social Security Agent who told me last week, as he checked my bank account, that all was fine, and that my (interrogation) phone interview to determine my disability payments was fine and that all payments would be reinstated. He said he had looked over my bank account and I had no problems and hung up with a saccharine sweetness wishing me a nice day. A few days later, he had suspended my payments and today he answered the phone when I called that office---my calls are always transferred to the agent sent to attack me and that office is no exception to all of the terrorist delivery services and etc---I told him that the excess was due to student loans which is government loans forgiven by social security and I had saved that money, as well as the stimulus checks I had never used hoping to have any kind of security. Because my home is constantly broken into, every time I leave, and literally all is rummaged through every time I return to my home my personal items are strewn about, damaged broken ripped stained and stinking and just tossed around from the organization I try to have in my life. Every single time I leave even if to go downstairs they destroy and rummage through and break and make dirty and stinking. They have teams doing this. I have no way to store money unless I carry everything around with me. //Not having access to information, not knowing that they had complete and total access to all my bank information which I never gave the agency but they now have all under scrutiny---they want me to pay more than I have as any kind of $2000 maximum. //He told me, promised me a few days ago that all was well, he had looked my bank over and all looked okay. I knew that it was goin to be a back-door slam on my a$$ but ....wondering if there is any kind of person in the entire Congress who can see the injustice in this (not because I went over the $200 limit) but saving the stimulus should not be a penalty. But the billionaires who have stolen my ideas, Oprah, the expletive team--and now they are under T-rump having my money stolen and threatening my life constantly--so writing out their sick behavior is just goin to be mute now they are trying to destroy m y life I am trying to get away from them. No one NO ONE has done a single thing to ever stop them hor help me to live in peace with any kind of financial stability. My family has worked with this group in that filthy dirty place in the Hills of Hell programming the nation and putting fascism into all kinds of power//--The celebrity Nazis & political Nazis had Social Security take all my money away from the stimulus checks and from my student loans saved-up. As I am unable to conduct almost all transactions on any level--I am blocked, my internet is hacked I am unable to do things and get information, my body has been poisoned without end to keep me dying from internal suffocation with murderous toxic poisons that are black and putrid and for 20 years all I have done is lay in beds running to shit this poison out as this group which has been paid and earned hundreds of millions for attacking torturing laughing as one expletive after the next rapes me with dirty sleazy hate as I am asleep drugged teleorted and supposedly the "dirty" one is me not they--. I had no ideas they had access to all my banking information. I accept responsibility for not having known but I looked-up information on how these operations work with social security and I had no ideas they had literally all access to all my banking records. I had saved all the stimulus money and my student loans and then saved my money. I am only "supposed" to have $200 in my bank at all times. I know that student loans under federal guidelines are allowed because it is not income it is loans, but I was told I have to pay double-digit thousands that I have saved for years to try to not be in a dire desperate situation. I have no way to survive the upcoming disaster if I slip in any way where I am---the expetives continue to tortrure me to death and are paid n millions for the continuation of torturing me with screaming rage, greying hair, they had part of my uterus cat out by the way in addition t o poisoning me to death having my hair so badly poisoned I am balding my toe broken my cuticles on all digits cut out and etc skin lacerated slashed and poisoned and I am scarred up from their violence due to mechanical arms, plus non-stop rape. The sickness and sleazy ugliness of this group is never-ending and they remain given all applause by this sick country and by the world. It is disgusting to see that such a low standard has become the norm in the u nited States. And everywhere else as well. They want me to pay something like $29,900 which is more than the $200 maximum I am supposed to have at any time to my name (in any legal account; all banking information is now not private thanks digital world order).