Thursday, December 17, 2020

Violence towards women in snuff films, subliminal porn content, murder fantasy portrayed as "great intellectual symbolism", male bonding and congratulations on portraying hate and death upon female characters. Part 1. Ingmar Bergman films. Only (briefly) elaborated upon here because the terrorist stalkers included clips of Bergman praising another male director with lots of violence towards women in his films (woman-hating) who is participating in the teleportation, profiteering and rape and torture of MOI. No concern for me, he's waiting like the spider in a Bergman film to suck out as much as possible while I fight to find God in their abyss and find only rape culture demons portrayed as great artists in their monopoly Nazi/mafia cartel over the film industry; extending into "real life" and politics and blood spills out into the streets.


*Nota Bene: once more I must insist that my brain is affected by the remote tech/interface or whatever is being done to my brain by this terrorist group , making me dizzy , nearly nauseous and unable to think. The keyboard is highly blocked. I suspect that as always happens, after I post this or while in the middle of writing the hacker terrorists are going to delete or rewrite segments. I am so dizzy by now from the brain attacks that it's almost impossible to think any longer. Typing is so difficult and altogether I have been severely stifled once more by this silencing terrorist operation operating under orders by the violent woman-hating crews trying to suck out my ideas while destroying my body, home and finances. Society keeps applauding all of them on and on, both women and men participating in this. Films like Bergman's help to reinforce all the hate and violence against women. The men who are now leaders in the film industry all hail back to promoters of violence against women (in  his case, psychological violence which leads to slow, internal death for the women and release for the men). All are hailed on and on and these female characters who are raped, abused and suffocated in stifling repression are all sacrificed by Bergman and this has been a continuous theme in movies and still is. These men continue to congratulate one another--a very homoerotic form of male bonding for sure and all supported by the women who "love" them because they really have very little other choice if they want to have any involvement in any sort of "career" outside of what they are trying to force upon me: children, abuse and violence and slow murder.

Ingmar Bergman, considered one of the great woman-hating, death promoting, violence, incest, murder and slow death producers of dreary hate movies described by other woman-hating men in the film industry as "one of the greatest filmmakers ever. The rapist culture men always congratulate one another on their brainwashing success in promoting violence against women. The industry keeps propping it all up with awards and first rate reviews and the endless monopoly of that system and in that film industry.

"They blame their unhappiness on their mothers" (from clip below, review of Bergman's films)

Bergman film Through a Glass Darkly: a sexually repressed woman with a blank and void husband and some confused children, living in isolation--goes "crazy" and is pacified with drugs by her "loving" husband who can only sit in silence demanding subservience from his estranged wife. She commits incest with her son and then is carted away for life to be institutionalized. The son and father reconcile with the notion that when the woman whom they have oppressed/suppressed and then destroyed and discarded has been sacrificed, the men can love one another through the third element, the violated, pierced and penetrated woman (penetrated with drugs, resembling the symbolic "spider" that she "dreams" about, which becomes the venom of the syringe drug silencing cocktail her "loving" husband penetrates her with, in all his emasculation due to his lack of love=woman hating.

There is another Berman film with Liv Ulman in starring role, who plays a wife married to a romantic man who cannot love ultimately. In every film Bergman contains a female character that aspires to some ideal and can never attain it.

Oh, the credits, the love for men who make such films. The womanhating is so embedded into the content that violence for women becomes normalized and is labeled (by men and their brainwashed women) as "highest artistic quality) meriting, of course, front place in the standards of that particular (celluloid) genre=pornography more deeply ingrained into the consciousness of a culture.

Other films include nearly sanctified spoiled girls who are raped and murdered by thieves and jealous subordinates. Met with revenge by the father. Sadism and murder and death are the main themes, with rape and near pedo affection for the cherished daughter. Considered another great by Bergman. I cannot remember the title but I do remember the black/white scenes. A totally forgettable film but considered "great" by the rapist sexist film industry.

The 7th Seal: a movie about The Great Plague, along with the foibles of a theatrical crew akin to circus theatrical performers. It was a dreary movie about death and lack of love and fidelity and I can't remember anything else except that it was considered "great" so I watched it. The main theme was death, loss and yearning for the unattainable.

I really have forgotten about Bergman until just now when one of the members of the H-wood team included a reference on my YouTube channel to his movies and the complimentary partnership he had with Bergman. EAch complimenting one another for their woman-hating movies which have been labeled as some of the greatest in the industry of mafia/Nazi controlled sexist rape culture Whorewood. yeah but not really just a goon squad publishing these accolades for decades and never allowing any other type of material into their enclosed cartel of the industry--

so,'s not great it's sexist fodder aimed at psychologically reinforcing rape and sexist stereotypes alongside utterly endless themes of death, aggression, violence and murder. Repeated endlessly and always handed highest ovations for these death and murder programming sprees into the subconsciousness of the viewers until they can no longer differentiate between fantasy and reality and can't stop applauding death and violence. It's all spilling over into the public arena now as the thirst for death and violence that appears in movies is being uttered and repeated BY POLITICIANS AND THEIR PUNDITS who have made movies in H-wood or watch them like it's religious text and command for power.

Oh how the male critics and fellow good old boy filmmakers LOVE the Bergman classics of women alienated, disrupted, torn, bleeding silently from within until a tempestuous eruption causes havoc, considered an emotional breakdown and loss of dignity by viewers who are trained to understand that women must be strong and not female and loving, kind and compassionate and neither should men. That women must adhere to these strict standards of repression which is impossible and inhumane is never considered by these male critics and fellow good ole boy filmmakers who themselves create endless movies about violence against women, which are then awarded and championed by their fellow male filmmakers and critics. The women cheer it on because to do otherwise would mean excommunication from the pulpit of the stage that they must bend over with cold, frozen love and frozen smiles in obedience to.

I can't find a single female critic making a commentary about Bergman on YouTube. Every critical acclaim has Mozart's music embedded into the background. Mozart was a genius, and they must necessarily include a cover for the bleak empty landscapes of delusion, disillusionment and hate for women that I have found underlying every Bergman film that I could get through. The discordant elemental rivalry of women towards one another, portrayed in silent internalized illness leading to slow death by internal asphyxiation is more than a slow death of my brain cells to try to wade through the emotional largesse of these male-labeled Bergman "Classics".

So dreary and lacking any kind of perspective outside of a most hateful duality of one-sided monopoly I just have to say: if you want to credit a filmmaker of that time era who could actually portray violence against women in a much less hostile and woman-hating way, then please watch FELLINI FILMS! That man produced classics and BECAUSE they were sympathetic to women they are more ignored by these male film dominators while the more dreary life-deadening Bergman, who probably himself committed violence against women and felt great about doing so--is left as being "one of film's greatest directors". The real great directors of that time (and this time) are silenced (now moreso then ever before).

The world needs a new start with anti-sexist and anti-rape culture people having access to making films that do not treat women like pornographic objects of violence--just for a start. The endless motifs of death and gangstar violence also needs to be uplifted to bring humanity out of this hate and death zone that has swept in a craze over the USA (and the world).

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Artificial Intelligent (AI) systems replicating biological processes are determined to require sleep to avoid "hallucinogenic" states, similar to organic brain systems in humans. (Article from Scientific American)


This is my "last free article" of the month for this publication (Scientific American). I do so miss having access to EBSCO Host research database, which I did have during my graduate studies and from one library source in the US, but the former has since expired, and as for the latter, I also lost the library access because my log-in information was deleted by hacker terrorists who want me confined to searching for information that they hack into my system instead of bona fide research articles that extend beyond the terror group's "peer-reviewed" ersatz information.

I realize there are other publications that may have free reading and non-subscription access, which may have similar information. I have submitted to a few of  these free science sources, which I receive in my to email. However, the information I obtain free is of more military application and omits the biological and AI applications to human behavior and the tenuous connection to brain-mapping and brain control (aka Mind Control). 

There's so much going on in AI research and applications to behavioral sciences and other fields of MIND CONTROL that remain also classified information in research databases that few have access to.

However, in this panorama of brain and AI research, one can surmise that what appears as publicly published information lags in "real time" application by at least a few years (speculations have been at a 50 year lag in experimental research application). 

That someone is being TELEPORTED similar to the science fiction entertainment guise of Startrek and other such fun and exciting forms of fiction in movies and literature (comics but not comical if it's happening to you) would be scoffed at by subservient minions of this global terror operation (such as the "gatekeepers" and guardians who mostly do not require even a college degree to monitor military-grade weapons upon protestors and people in the streets, those who make the first responder decisions on how and who to block, arrest, take seriously or discredit or dismiss in legal terms and to obstruct justice or protections for those who are (ahem) being tortured and "experimented" upon--those minions yes and those who sponsor "them") and it would be a discrediting attack upon anyone attempting to report such technological travesties to these authority figures, who operate for the more pernicious sorts who behave with impunity in sordid aspects far exceeding imagination for those who believe in the sanctity of society's laws upheld to some degree of decency.

That is to say, in short, the wide spectrum of research and it's applications to AI and in teleportation and other exploits of the human experience are far overshadowed by the sickness of the PSYCHOLOGICAL violence that people who are handed these technologies and the hate and violence and torture and rape and murder that they are afforded because they now have the "freedom" to commit any crime (only under restraint of the organization handing them orders on how far they are permitted to go in their endless violent "experimentation" in this technology). The psychopathic tendencies have not been researched, and that seems to imply that a general code of conduct is maintained in these "experiments". Or not. Perhaps and obviously the "researchers" which appear to me, in my situation, to be more shareholders and profiteers off utilizing these social engineering and mass murder technologies--corrupt, profit-oriented, greedy, selfish and all the nefarious attribues of pure psychopathy are not only encouraged on increasing increments for the people allotted the "freedom" to teleport, rape and torture without end (they never tire of dumping their misery out on someone else, and I can state that it would be anyone available and it is not purely relegated to "racism" but racism is used as an "excuse" or rationale for whom is targeted and who is not--however, that could change with political affiliation and any other reason--or no reason--if there technologies are not STOPPED, monitored and the research on human behavior in conjunction with these technologies is a REQUIREMENT for usage and for the handing out of teleportation and other extremely deadly forms of "experimental" technology. All existing forms of this technology MUST be rescinded and blocked from further use. The people who have teleported me in all these years have only proven to exacderbate already existing grandiose desires for GENOCIDAL power and their violence and lack of restraint is a parallel with their ever-increasing need for the hormonal "high" off the power that torturing someone with the "freedom" of no evidence and no restraint allotted by this global conglomerate which operates these systems and these terror "stalking" but more akin to Gestapo groups which pervade and have obtained power in all realms of the planet's essential structures and businesses.



"The issue only arises when training biologically realistic processors, or when trying to understand biology itself. The vast majority of researchers on machine learning, deep learning and AI never encounter this instability because, in the very artificial systems they study, they have the luxury of performing mathematical operations that have no equivalent in living neurons.

Our decision to expose our biologically realistic networks to an artificial analogue of sleep was nearly a last-ditch effort to stabilize them. They were spontaneously generating images that were analogous to hallucinations. We experimented with various types of numerical noise, roughly comparable to the static you might encounter between stations while tuning a radio. The best results came when we used noise with a wide range of frequencies and amplitudes. The noise mimics the input received by the neurons in your brain during slow-wave sleep, which is the deep sleep we can’t live without.

The results suggest that in both artificial and natural intelligence systems slow-wave sleep may act to ensure that neurons maintain their stability and do not hallucinate."

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Not conspiracy theory but simply lacking evidence (for now): Connecting "Entertainment" performers who are covert fascist, mafia and Nazi operatives in Whorewood: behind fake smiles these rapist teleporters fully enable and have brought into power the current Nazi/mafia political coup attempt: All is interconnected and there are almost no independent instances of attack or groups. I thus must connect what the media is loathe to do: My "conspiracy theory" day, one day after the Electoral College vote, I dared to look at the "Entertainment" section of USA today and now I must, in this most acerbic tone, make my very real and accurate and true claim of intellectual property theft: more awards for the "pop music" star thieves, more accolades for their stolen ideas from ME, more silencing of ME in all respects, their profit off years of torturing ME from their peers and promoters.* Please note that all of this has been written under extreme mind control affect, and keyboard obstruction by hackers. I am so dizzy and my body exhausted from fighting to write as my brain is simply foggy from this brainwave altering attack it's like my vision is absolutely blurred my head is "spinning" and I can't think or concentrate can't finish my sentences and my arms are fatigued by pounding with all my hand and arm strength into the keyboard from these remote hacking obstructions. This post is a wavering and somewhat rambling attempt to communicate but I personally am not incapable of thinking this is ALL entirely due to other people attacking me as a discrediting attempt that has been ongoing for YEARS.

 I have written of this extensively (or actually more cryptically since every post is met with torture and increased violence, although remaining silent only means that the daily onslaught remains. There is an increase for every post, which diminishes into unbearable repetition of torture and violence regardless of what I do or not do or write or not write. Murder attempts preceded all my years of writing posts. The posts were prompted by fighting for my life to not be tortured, killed in orchestrated "accidents" or poisoned to death by people who were covertly stealing ideas and having me poisoned as they teleported and raped me nightly).

I should not have put the above last incriminating set of sentences in a parentheses format, but I leave all is))). I use the parentheses far too often. I am so used to having to divert my direct thoughts I use parentheses, I believe, as some kind of cloaking or shield against the threats endlessly aimed at me by simply writing about the reality of this so-far undisclosed version of torture, rape and attempted murder these censored new technologies and the terror torture "gang stalking" squads afford the psychopathic performers and politicians employing all these means to garner awards, prizes and promotions for stealing ideas from me after having me drugged and tortured and then using mind "control" technology to extract ideas.

Plus non-stop hacking and invasion of privacy.

However, this is not just the two pop stars who "won" top awards--one of whom I wrote of in the last year on Facebook, which was met with glaring stares by this hateful performer directly into my internet searches--ugly sinister insinuating glares of violent hate posted on my searches, media and newspaper online searches and results--for months. Now, one of them who DIRECTLY STOLE WORDS i HAD WRITTEN ON A  FACEBOOK POST within the last year--my words VERBATIM stolen by this woman who also completely changed her singing style--after I described how Thai singers use a kind of sultry vibrato which I called tremulous, and she changed her style to a kind of shaky vibrato--bellowing into the microphone like wailing--has won top music awards for  this most tempestuous year. Another female singer, absolutely altered from years of plastic surgeries to appear as Nazi as possible--her photos, videos have plagued my internet for YEARS and YEARS. This kind of "soft" attack (but I suspect she has been part of the group think-tank of attack and rape and torture, albeit more behind-the-scenes) however, her complicity in these attacks is apparent to me--although, of course I provide zero evidence. Since my internet searches are and have been so continuously monitored for years, it would seem that there might be some evidence of her inclusion by endlessly inserting her videos and photos into my every search, alongside this other hateful singer glaring directly into a camera with looks of violent hate--not publicity--after I wrote that my words were directly copied and inserted into her lyrics on her album with a title referring to the Sleep state (my teleportation situation) and where people could possibly go when they are sleeping (into the arms of violent abusers and rapists with her sitting in the rows- upon-rows of celebrities who have all ordered torture of me as they obtained lead roles, endless deals, prizes coveted in their "professions" and attacking me with vicious violence for demanding that they stop and asking for justice--murder attempts via endless non-stop torture, car accidents and stress to my body and fungus inhalation and etc endlessly a threat to my life--

This same exact situation of actors, singers, politicians and others (disco Italian wanna be fashion icon mafia managers who wanted to own their own clubs but have no original  ideas and tortured me to obtain ideas on how Prince ran First Avenue-after having kicked Prince out of South Beach back in the late 90's. An English "art dealer" who is part of the entire conspiracy and has aided in the singer I mentioned above in packaging her--reformatting her actually from  her mundane and unoriginal former self into this fascist Nazi racist "alternative" singer who has since dyed her hair all kinds of colors, changed her wardrobe, stole ideas from the torture and idea extraction that has been going on and on for over TEN YEARS aimed at me--non-stop year after year--this man, out of England, whose name is disgusting to me and I am still under life-threatening surveillance and threats of all kinds to my life and security--but I write this now, they only have obtained promotions after torturing me first to obtain ideas, then to attack me for writing in anger about the next and next theft of my words and ideas, and then they tortured me because it made them feel sexy, powerful and "high" on hormones plus all the money and promotions they have achieved by this torture and rape and attempted murder protocol which enables these meaningless haters to steal ideas while blocking all my attempts to even type and write and think much less to actually publish or achieve anything. I remain drugged up and stagnant and fighting to heal and stop mechanical arms from slicing myh skin to the bone and damaging my entire body as they have been doing for YEARS to increase the levels of hysteria and to extract more information and ideas using "trauma-based" mind control. This English wealthy parasite has gone on and on, he's in league with the singer I mentioned above which they all reformatted into the "alternative" camp of performers, an absolutely fascist nazi yet another one posing as "alternative" by co-opting the 'scene" and ideas whilc destroying the originators.

this has been the general trend I have witnessed and seen happen for decades, with people who were truly maverick, original and threatening to the status quo are now DEAD from things like "cancer" .

I am as always under extreme brainwave altering attack (aka "mind control" tech influence by remote sources) and I am ALWAYS drugged, my food is always drugged so the combination of the drug-tech interface renders me incapable of clearly demarcating my concepts. The keyboard is very badly hacked AS ALWAYS and keys I press won't function--the keys are actually juxtaposed so I type one key and another letter shows up on the page.


This same trend applies elsewhere particularly into politics. 

Now the ramifications of these peoples and their nefarious organizational machinations has proven to be a dire threat to "Democracy" and I surely hope that my YEARS of detailing although hacked, badly written and mostly rewritten *(and probably very often my posts not only are rewritten by hackers to completely alter content which incriminates these criminals, who have indeed formed a very deadly cabal and is a dire threat to UNITED STATES NATIONAL SECURITY and by now I think people might be aware of these connections at least in some vague sense--that sense that something is amiss, although the political commentators have not made that leap from the political debacle going on at this very moment, and the roots of the problem actually leading to the mafia/nazi-driven Hollywood cartel cabal and it's mental manipulation malfeasance, now ensconced into the political arena but originating, in this case, from the H-wood pack which is still under the protection of silence, celebrity, the awe that goes along with faces that become plastered into the minds, consciousness and soul of the American viewers who cannot conceive of how malevolent these socio-political actors truly are.

Then there are, of course, those followers of these celebrities which applaud such hateful and violent actions that have been inflicted upon me (and how many others?) as they are lauded with heaps of awards, prizes, monies and investments and are slated to achieve top ranking in studios, awards governance, and with aspirations to run for POLITICS with huge cheers from the blood-and-guts mind controlled viewers who want death, blood and fascism--and what I write now, as I have been writing of for YEARS and years--IS NOW NOT an intangible hysteria theory any longer.

My brain is under too much attack for me to think clearly or write any longer. I am simply stunted by the tech. Every year I have to see people who have with great racism, hate and violence attacked me get awards for ideas and concepts they HAVE STOLEN FROM ME, use violence and endless threats of death and dismemberment (I continue to fight to not be cut and sliced to the bone every night by mechanical arms breaking through the flimsy materials I have glued and pounded against the panels covering both sides of my rooms--a TWO YEAR EFFORT on my part). All under order by those who are now being awarded who are smiling about how their "original" concepts are their unique and most special personal concepts and being SHOWERED with praise by the nazi/mafia-driven media conglomerate political mind control programming propaganda cartel(s)--which I truly believe are very dominantly foreign-controlled and driven. 

Not conspiracy-theory as such any longer, my last above statement as now claims of huge espionage rings in various US Embassies by foreign infiltrators has become (documented?) news fodder in mainstream newspapers. That includes the Chinese Embassy (being sick of the hacking, my internet is so bogged with malware that every click to obtain ideas or information requires at least one minute of watching the screen spin as pages won't open--it took me 7 MINUTES to open the Microsoft command center as the internet is so blocked--I just cleared the cache two days ago and my system is already mostly inoperable on my new computer system). The keyboard is so hard it now requires pounding down on keys with almost my entire hand strength while keys won't show when I press and pound down.

I give up fighting this right now. 

Be warned, however, complacent readers (perhaps some of you are now a bit more concerned as the coup attempts are shaking up the country and the fascists stabbing people in the streets is a bit alarming and the deaths are shocking and yet the same culprits in Whorewood who are partially if not almost wholly responsible for having set this very system in place--are still living in the opulent mansions and being cheered on awarded and pampered after their crimes against me--as I remain hacked, silenced and living under endless threat of eviction, prison, rape, dismemberment or death through many avenues of covert assassination waiting for the next administration to finally wrest the reins of power out of the hands of the Whorewood-backed psychopaths). I then have to wait and see if this death and hate racist murder Inc. system is going to ever be dismantled by those currently nearly screaming into microphones how they are "defending DEMOCRACY". It just doesn't appear to apply to me in this situation however they are shocked by how far this push into fascist dictatorship has gone and they can't begin to really analyze the situation in the correct perspective, from an historical standpoint the replication of pre-Nazi power are being put into place. That would involve, to explain what I mean, not having to pound into the keyboard so my arms don't hurt because I am struggling with all my arm strength to get letters to print--while my brain is so foggy from this attack on my brain, as I sit here with every threat on all sides aimed at me. No message from my "Democratic" government which operates hand-in-fascist glove with Whorewood to produce programming, mind control, political propaganda, disguised and covert racism, indoctrination into Nazi theology and ideology--and this has been operating for decades as one Nazi parasitic hater after the next (of all races, affiliations, political party membership and various versions of mass entertainment appeal--be they singers, performers, dancers or etc etc etc) all creating this mind control programming for "the masses" which has lead to this "threat" to "Democracy" except that it doesn't apply to me, or has not for the last 50 years, and I am WAITING for this new administration, which is chock full of people from the other administrations, who and which fully participated, remained silent, shrugged their shoulders, did nothing, looked the other way, said nothing, still do-nothing--about this technocratic "experimental" microchip MK ULTRA torture situation that has completely blocked ALL DEMOCRACY for me and I wait to see if I, as I consider myself the real gauge of how Democracy really operates in the United States, I remain silenced, obstructed from all legal recourse or justice--with full assent by every legal body in the world participating in the silencing and quelling of all human rights that I am supposed to be afforded out of my most fervently and demonstrably "Democratic" country that has and continues to negate ALL DEMOCRATIC VALUES WHEN IT COMES TO MY SITUATION. 

I have to wait now and see if the Trump faction is going to cause death, war and murder in the streets, call in the military, and if when and how Biden assumes power if this hell situation is EVER GOING TO BE STOPPED. I realize that my situation is probably considered a "Threat to National Security" should I ever have the chance to reveal who and what has been really happening and if evidence should ever coincide with my horrid torture and torment situation. 

I realize that my silencing is of "National Security" reasons, but I will state here in writing that I do not want to pursue revenge I just want to live in peace in a beautiful home (meaning, a decent home which is not violated, broken down and made toxic and filthy by terrorist "gang stalkers" and not violated ever--paid to me in full in my name legally--my cat(s) returned, privacy and to be left to have my life with ample resources (as restitution for a life of poisoning and torture by my government). It can be a fully private agreement but my goal is not to create a storm but to live in peace. I wanted a career in creative fields all my life I have studied or worked towards that end, although so drugged up I have been made paralyzed and incapable of all and any real career aspirations (plus always put into accidents when I try to achieve anything--seriously injured and then denied health care--and that blocked all my attempts at having any real stability financially or in any sense of the word). 

I ask again for people reading my posts to interfere with this torture situation and for me to live in peace--hopefully anonymously without these perpetrators ever knowing again where I live--I would have to assume a new identity and it would be truly applicable for all the microchips and surveillance hardware that has been inserted into my body to be removed or rendered obsolete so I can be "anonymous" in some sense, while still living in a decent home, in a happy place, around people and culture which are truly welcoming for me and my own chance to achieve whatever success I am capable of without sick and rotten evil fascist nazi (black, white, Jewish, Latino, Asian, Male, Female, Gay, trans and whatever else) fascist minority minions all participating in w hite fascist male/female hate organization torture technology and "gang stalking" murder attempts--that this is stopped. 

What I have written on Facebook for all these years, that many reading this are at least in some way are cognizant of, should suffice as some written testimony for all the people and years of clandestine torture and intellectual property theft--I believe there is ample evidence of my writing but I do not have any possession of the videos or other technologies which have been used to make record of this situation--which I believe this organization orchestrating these horrid people and their antics of torture and hate for which they remain protected from all prosecution--but there is evidence as I know what has been happening to me has indeed been recorded somewhere for some record-keeping.

It is now nearly impossible to continue to pound down on this hacked keyboard and fight to move my hands as the keys are inoperable while my brain is so blocked I can't concentrate or "remember" what I am writing about while fighting to backspace and retype and think and etc...(while drilling of some room below mind continues as almost "ambient" noise in the background--nearly a year of pounding and drilling in studios all around me in this hellish condominium which is going to be used as some profit when it's renovated by the wealthy millionaires/billionaires who have been handed this huge set of buildings on top of the hill where I live just in prime real estate area of Phuket Town. These criminals attacking me viciously are being handed not only promotions but real estate holdings as well. Much of the holdings are probably disguised by shell corporations or other ersatz organizations but ultimately the profit will flow to the perpetrators torturing me with all these covert technologies and this global mafia/Nazi network organization--which keeps meting out these coveted awards to scum and crap who steal my ideas and then glare in hate when I write about it--fighting to reveal what is going on, but all that happens is that they continue to win top awards year after year.

Maybe this will change under Biden. It has to if Americans don't want to live in a Nazi colony with foreigners controlling their lives--that is the ultimate goal. The Americans who participate either don't care or are not aware of the truly malevolent designs their nearly worshipped Europeans bring as Americans keep on welcoming them in to share information on how to create a Nazi takeover of the government. These people are all being trained in Nazi and fascist mind control operations. THE TECHNOLOGY THEY ARE USING UPON ME I BELIEVE IS BEING USED ON HUGE SWATHS OF THE AMERICAN POPULATION. Subliminals piped into the inner ear (cochlear) of masses of people, for instance, this could be a scenario of mind control affecting huge groups of people who are now willing to kill and die in the streets to defend their mafia Nazi leaders that came out of Whorewood and are now leading the US political sphere.

My right arm is now extremely sore from pounding with all my strength to backspace, get letters to print I must pound down with my entire hand to get one letter I press to print out.

My entire arm is sore. I am now spending more time backspacing as keys are mixed when I press and pound down by this hacker malware.

I realize that there ARE some people who DO CARE ABOUT real Democracy so I highly suggest that you STOP IGNORING WHAT IS BEING DONE TO ME AS IT IS NOW BEING DONE TO YOU. Your rights and legal authority is being put under question. for those who disagree with fascist Nazi takeover of the country, you are now living in FEAR to express your opinion (if you have been put into leadership position). For those who do express chagrin, they are still averting the historical background of the template for these actions, which was the Nazi takeover of the German Republic back in the 30's. Everything that is happening now is based on that earlier take-over and model, plus with a huge heaping does of technological brainwashing occurring in these awful movies that keep winning top awards, and the (literally) fascist, Nazi mafia controlled actors, singers and commentators who claim they are "Liberal" and "Democrat". Some of these have been torturing me to obtain original ideas and then to reformat these ideas into various nebulous versions of Nazi/mafia indoctrination albeit seemingly as "liberal". 

I can't pound down any longer. Stop doing nothing about this H-wood media onslaught which is an INDIRECT threat to "Democracy" that you reading this are all shouting that you care so much about. (whether as a front or as a truism of your life, but you just can't motivate yourselves to actually defend someone whose every human right is being abrogated by  your celebrities and leaders and thus...the threat to Democracy continues as you all can't "understand" exactly or your tv news commentators crank out the same rhetoric "explaining" it all in cozy, well-defined repetitious terms, echoing one another almost verbatim. They keep omitting the various sources of these maneuvers and omitting historical references to the revisionist Nazi takeover of the Reichstag, the Communist/Stalinist purges, the Stasi maneuvers for State control--The mental programming in movies and in other celluloid plastic mental manipulation that society is nearly glued to moreso than interhuman contact--and even more so with isolation during the pandemic. Hysteria leading to massive revolt--traumatizing leading to fascist overtake--all has been done before none of this is being mentioned in mainstream media or ANYWHERE except here where I am writing about it, and not able to even remotely begin to elaborate on this theme the hacking is preventing writing I am literally going into pain to simply fight to type. Meanwhile the empty and meaingless singers, actors and perpetrators remain partying and laughing about their criminal exploits against me, fully protected under Trump---their real benefactor and provider in this situation. 

How much will the Biden team continue to allow this situation to continue when it has proven to nearly tear the country apart--to use the terms the media moderatos spew out but can't quite connect Whorewood with any of the current political maelstrom--as if that happened back in 2016, the reality tv show is over, and H-wood remains whitewashed in a cloud of fantasy while they are vicious fascist Nazis being told what to say and do in order to use these technologies aimed at me, into huge groups to control huge segments of the population to ensnare people into a false fantasy world of security and that there is really "Democracy" and "Freedom" in America while they are being paid by infiltrators whose aim is to lull the population into following fascist Nazism (and oh, how so many black activists participate in this in Whorewood you can bet the most prominent ones have attacked me in all these years of this never-ending revolving circus of these whores and parasitic Nazi haters and fascists claiming they are feminist liberal anti-racist everything most benevolent with huge plastic smiles to prove it as you all just keep silent and never even look their way as having any responsibility for Trump's near ascension into fascist Nazi coup status over the country).

Monday, December 7, 2020

Mainstream media (FINALLY) openly reports on remote targeting/murdering electronic torture attacks, albeit labeling them as "foreign"--using "Havana Syndrome" as the defining term (similar in vein to "The China Virus" or "The Wuhan Virus" (not happening in Freedom Democracy America, not originating in US laboratories or emanating from US covert funding sources or black operations, oh no, not good old America no, it's all foreign) attacks upon US Diplomats in China & Cuba (as in "Radical Liberal Democrat" COMMUNIST COUNTRIES) FOREIGN ONLY can't happen in good ole America.

Every single symptom these US agents claim they experience I am forced to deal with every single day, and every moment I attempt to type or write. The US Executive Branch has been involved in these attacks upon me, directly for their media promotions, since Obama and Trump and before, I guess they were behind the scenes agreeing to these contracts (I assume as Hillary Clinton has also participated in teleportation and these attacks). I do realize that "they" are reading my post, that "they" are never intending to stop these attacks upon me. I realize that it is "dangerous" for me to write this. I realize that they are protected absolutely by the nefarious people hacking and reading my posts. I write this anyway because I am so silenced and I am being sliced and cut into every day for a "crime" of defending myself against YEARS of torture and murder attempts and financial ruin they have imposed upon me. Because they/you are all silencing me an denying me all human rights, all access to justice all arenas of defense and EVERYONE goes along to get along--I just write this because although it's dangerous I will not be silenced as I see this set of distortions and redirecting of the TRUTH onto this "foreign" conspiracy which really ties into the conspiracy theories regarding the Covid 19 pandemic that are circulating with the wacko psychopaths who are using these technologies upon me--the black and white Americans and all the brown and yellow and other colors in between, top and bottom of the socio-political spectrum and all is SILENCED. I write this out regardless but I know it's dangerous to do so. What more can I do I am under these types of attacks every day and finally at least some set of lies is being published and recorded in mainstream media always deflecting the blame from the United States but nevertheless...information about microwave attacks are now being publicly accepted as mainstream prime time fodder for dissemination to a public which mostly embraces these technologies for the purposes of racism and discrimination (so embraced by black people claiming they are fighting racism and all the other groups participating but claiming they are "fighting" for equality as well). Not "All" but so many or all that surround me, which is so many it's in the millions I can hardly see any people who legitimately represent what they claim in terms of defending liberty for all people and in enacting JUSTICE against criminals who use these technologies, who are so protected. And so, like any "whistleblower" whose life is in jeopardy for writing about the truth of secret nefarious operations, I write this under the gaze of the eternal eye of surveillance and torture, finally reported on in the media but disguised as being "Commuinst" in origin and never happening in the United States or by it's most corrupt government and it's most violent population.

 I am too tired to make comment upon these posts beyond what I briefly joked about in the post title. I am sliced with mechanical arms while sleeping. I have been under attack for writing my perceptions and recording the facts of this undocumented never-ending torture situation my GOVERNMENT has foisted upon me (and many others, whom I am not able to contact as all my attempts are intercepted and blocked, or if able to get through the various loops and hoops of censure, the recipient must surely be either an agent of this group or also poisoned, drugged and incapable of real response or clarity (and most importantly , of action to defend and consolidate in any form to create a force of defense).

Oh, those nasty "liberals" akin to "communists" creating the pandemic---with sonic weapons and microwave weapons. All so foreign to the United States, according to these news sources. I believe this information, while appearing as some kind of far distant oasis to torture victims of these weapons (as in, those living in "Free" America but eternally silenced by the U.S. media, complicit in totality to the crimes the US Government is committing against it's citizens--not just "minorities" but people of all walks and races so there is no real justification to claim this is a racist crime--however, probably the majority of people being targeted come from more disenfranchised groups or have been marginalized by their closest relatives (as I have) and those surrounding them in their hopes of achieving more clout in the socioeconomic sphere (aka "selling out" but I just prefer other more lavishly derogatory terms but I won't use them now).

If not for the Covid 19 tragedy, I think this information would have been as usual silenced by the media, but because the loony wackos want to claim that the virus is actually a conspiracy theory of "Radical Liberal" Communists (in cahoots with China and Cuba) there is information about how illness can be induced by alterations in electromagnetic change and through pulsed attacks--sonar, microwave, etc. The information posed follows the lines of already published material that disinformation agents have published through acceptable sources (for the disinformation circuit, as far as "gang stalking" technology is concerned. It is a highly paid market albeit "black" and "black ops" (used by MANY BLACK PEOPLE BY THE WAY IN THE united states) but...used mainly for WHITES for control, racist aspirations of genocidal purposes, and all is black as the darkest disinformation campaign for this black death plague terrorist organization (operating from within the very apex of the United States iconography of "Freedom" and "Democratic" -loving fakes which is no news to me but remains silenced by the fake news (using MY term not the stolen term that a prominent proponent of pulsed attacks --oh, I mean a multitude of the prominent politicians and personalities plaguing the US media and political landscape--all fully endorse in their black ops power machinations. All told with WHITE LIES and explained as foreign conspiracy plots to wreak "Radical Liberal" Communism in America through pulsed attacks generating the Corona Virus and other mind-bending warps. *please note that this is written in a "sarcastic" vein. Not that I should have to clarify this but just in case people take this far too seriously. It is very serious nevertheless. The very serious problem is being once more disguised as a conspiracy theory perhaps, and unsubstantiated by evidence, claims and conspiracy theories can latch this situation onto "foreign enemies" while multitudes of Americans utilize these technologies to MURDER and DESTROY lives of their neighbors and targets. All welcomed with huge applause by these death groups of American origin.


I really have to wonder if the Covid 19 genuflection of calling that virus as "The China Virus" is yet another example of a US-led global covert murder/torture interface system relabeled as a "foreign" conspiracy theory attack. Meaning, if this "sonic" and "Microwave" series of attacks are being called "The Havana Syndrome" but I KNOW FROM YEARS of being tortured by TOP US OFFICIALS that it's really An American syndrome of incompetent and psychopathic leadership on all levels---then I think this could be considered a corollary to US complicity in having dispersed and having partnered in spreading the Corona Virus/Covid 19 as a political agenda but insinuating China in a conspiracy that many culprits of using these sonic/microwave and even more pernicious versions of electronic torture pulsed weapons on people LIKE ME are absolutely guilty of this plague and it has been used as a form of not only social engineering and socio-economic collapse and power-take over of the very wealthy--plus population control and other very EVIL types of organized chaos/control. Delving into pure "conspiracy theory" ranting at this point. However, as I KNOW that these microwave and sonic weapons, as the newspapers misreport (there are remote weapons people can carry on them physically without having to utilize such extreme high altitude satellite capabilities (or perhaps the signals are relayed by satellites but the carrier requires a more direct physical contact or proximity to the target(s)).



'Sonic attacks' suffered by US diplomats likely caused by microwave energy, government study says



U.S. diplomats in Cuba and China targeted by microwave radiation that caused brain injuries, study finds


There are many other sources on this one story, but I am going to only publish 2 today. There is so much more information on these types of attack, but I am blocked from having ease of access to these forms of information by the terrorist organization--stemming from the United States (but operating in a "seamless" operation worldwide) and all their operatives attacking me simultaneously using so many more violent forms of attack that are not mentioned or even alluded to in these articles by mainstream media (and alternative media appears to be only a regurgitated form of the mainstream as the real alternative publishers and groups have been co-opted and taken over by vehemently rabid fascist Nazis posing as alternatives. Blacks--oh, so many of them so many and all slavishly operating as the "alternative" for white fascist Nazi culture. I am at this point tired of the hypocrisy of that group as I have been most viciously attacked by many of them heralded as the heroes of the black movement in the mainstream media. They never report on the crimes of these technologies that they EMBRACE so the can be welcomed into the gated communities of their plantation masters of the media and in politics.

Oh, such a nasty conspiracy theory rant I put on right now. 

I watched the streamed debate between Warnock and Loeffler in the Georgia Senate Run-offs and I just could only see Obama and Trump dueling but really one lopsided flip of the same coin jingle-jangling in "debate" platitudes for about an hour of regurgitation that only reminded me of a more dumbed-down (less Harvard or Wall Street capable) than the original oreo put into power which, both sides, sided with fascist Nazi groups in dispersing and handing out and participating in these various forms of electronic torture OF ME and yet I remain silenced but I know people are reading my posts. Oh yes, and I remain silenced still.


And of course as I write this I now know how to "define" the dizzy sensation from these attacks--I am experiencing "The Havana Syndrome" right now. Dizziness and incapacitation of cognition and expression. Hacking remains a block and deterrent to formulation of words as well, the usual multi-pronged attack situation that is THE UNITED STATES SYNDROME. It may not be the United States syndrome in origin but certainly it is the United States syndrome in PRACTICE and welcomed as a promotional tool by those of highest position in politics and in media (not the sources I have ever found credible or admired--and it remains so that the people of the media I truly respect, which is to say not very many, do not participate in this attack upon me and perhaps they have the chance or opportunity to do so but will not. However, they remain silent and leave me begging for my life endlessly on the internet for help and for support.


The attacks upon me are so bad that my right arm bicep is tense from pounding down on keys and endless backspacing as the keyboard is nearly inoperable and I must pound down with all my hand and arm strength to get anything to print out. My brain and body are dizzy, nauseous just as the symptoms described in the videos. What these news sources omit and remain in the black haze of censorship is that people "like me" experience this every day from THE UNITED STATES AND IT'S COOPERATIVE WESTERN COUNTRY "DEMOCRATIC" (read fascist, Nazi/Communist in scope of surveillance) regimes all claiming endlessly that they are "Free" And "Democratic" and in light of Christmas I can only quote Ebineezer Scrooge: BAH HUMBUG and Merry X-mas (which is supposed to be the Satanist term for the black mass of the holiday spirit they imbibe).

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

My last post, written a few hours ago, was not badly rewritten by hackers. The last few paragraphs became obscured by hackers deleting conjoining words and deleting concepts, but not as bad as usual. Right now I am in the endless backspacing stage due to keys not operating when I press them as spaces, and letters juxtaposed are the standard hacker attack operating now. I am still, every day, at least two hours per day (while I can barely move due to poisoning and drugging, literally sick all day from detox, every single day and in very much pain from it, unable to move) but what tiny energy I have is literally consumed by cleaning t he stinking fungus, filth and rotten odors that are sprayed on my pillows, my clothing while I sleep, my home is a stinking mess that I am in too much pain to perpetually clean. They keep spraying the same items and cutting into my body in the same places. I have not been able to clean other areas of my room for months due to how much of my life is spent fighting just to bend and clean--due to hardening poisons that have been put in my body all my life. I REMAIN WAITING FOR THE BIDEN ADMINISTRATION TO PUT A FINAL END TO THIS WHERE I AM ALIVE, NOT KILLED OFF TO SILENCE ME, LIVING IN MY OWN HOM WHICH IS SAFE, PAID FOR BY THESE BILLIONAIRE PARASITES WHO HAVE STOLEN IDEA AFTER IDEA FROM ME ADN BLOCKED EVERYTHING FROM HEALTH CARE WHILE DISFIGURING AND POISONING AND DRUGGING ME WHILE i'M FIGHTING FOR MY LIFE TO HEAL--TO BLOCKING ALL FINANCIAL EARNING ATTEMPTS. WITH AN AVERAGE OF 400-500 PEOPLE STALKING/ATTACKING ME PER TRIP TO STORES AND WHILE DRIVING (i ALWAYS GO TO AND FRO MANY PLACES, REQUIRING HOURS OF DRIVING ON THIS ISLAND). Years of this going on and on under administration after administration dating back probably to before my birth (how many generations of my family have had to be silenced and endure these parasitic pig apes who are the offspring of the pigs who were told they are supposed to prey upon people like me until the genocide is finished?)

With all the diversity of the Biden Administration I await some kind of radical change from the past decades of one president allowing this to continue based on white male supremacy the paradigm that has remained in force but appears to be "changing" (I assume). All my life this situation has gone on and rampant in every place I have gone, with presidents appearing to me as tiny dots on a page or screen which are unreal, as I could never have imagined that I was the focus of such unflattering attention, and thus never paying much attention to leaders or celebrities and never having any idea that these people in power may have allowed this MK ULTRA torture/rape and murder contract out on me to go on unabated--then the slow realization that Obama was in part aware of this situation, and then seeing that Spike Lee made a movie using an idea I had written of on Facebook back in 2012 or 2013 regarding the Greek play (of antiquity) Lysistrata--which Lee turned into a movie called Chiraq about Chicago, under Obama's tutelage. Lee than used the all-too-familiar formula of inserting his disdainful and glaring with hate photos on my internet searches of himself sitting with the rich whitey folks in Paris for extremely affluent fashion shows, as the H-wood celebrities sit in front rows and are photographed. Unlike the K-rap he puts out in his movies. And since then, unlike before Spike Lee had participated in this contract out on me, Lee has been in the forefront of the Academy Awards ever since. Partying with the fascists, Nazis and favored by, you got it, TRUMP. Yes oh yes, the good old boy network is now welcoming in "blacks" under the friendly gaze of the Obama and post-Obama (for me) debacle which was devastating and continues and I still get endless Obama video inserts on the top page of my YouTube channel, not meaning because of his latest celebrity focus for the campaigning of himself and now his triplicate book contract--but prior for years, like all, the rotating spectrum of them inserting their videos as I search for news and information--living here in Phuket and it's always very important to actually see the people involved in the political spectrum and thus--I am plagued by them and have to see them and see what they are essentially about. Thus, this endless procession of black Nazis and their pundits and the political farces and the premises that they are the righteous underdogs and thus impervious to racism and discrimination against some other group so they can be allowed into the gold-plated halls of the pieces of shit which hand them Academy Awards and book tours and The US Office of President for complying with Nazi programs and that agenda.

Waiting for Biden, who has been thoroughly ensconced in this system for more decades than not, probably it's inconceivable that he would have been allowed into this position unless he were a fully-indoctrinated personality. His new administration picks are "multi-racial" and women, terms which I have learned to identify as mere vessels of racism packaged in various shades of hypocrisy and termed "female, black & brown" and whatever else--gay, etc Jewish--whew-! All fighting the good fight which is--a well-stocked portfolia, mansions and power without end and monopolies and posturing and--I so hope I am wrong. I wait, I am waiting but for now, the progression of what had been mere tiny blots on a newspaper to me, these presidents and leaders--have become teleportation rapists and demons allowing this to happen to me--as I tried to write above, I began to realize that Obama had been a participant due to the Chicago reference which Spike Lee used (and put direct reference to Lysistrata on my internet until this moment when the actual president is actively participating in torture and teleportation and laughing always about the filth that he and his wives order (whomever else is part of his team attacking me) and I'm always cleaning up their filth and he makes jokes about it after  abusing and insulting me.  The preceding president had to get in good with the celebrity culture and you can see him performing and grandstanding. The blacks who are openly or secretly in cahoots with Trump are the ones that Obama had to help get promoted into higher ranks of the Nazi-controlled absolutely bigoted racist Whorewood establishment. Plus, I guess, he had to make the deals so the Nazis would allow him access to power. I guess. I sense this about him and I can see it in some of the deferential movements he makes when he is asked a rude question and he needs to get approval and sort of concedes and answers rude questions about sex (i.e. Jimmy Kimmel recent "interview" which was a travesty of the media, absolutely disrespectful and sickening questions about the Obamas having sex. This is supposed to be "funny" but it's a huge insult and uncouth version of ...well, I don't to use the word.) I could see Obama laughing it off after his initial reaction of shock and disgust (or so I perceived. ) I thus got a sort of confirmation of how he had allowed fascist, Nazi bigots to torture, rape and terrorize me for years under his administration. I also got a glimpse of the schadenfreude aspect of Hillary Clinton when she also participated in this attack upon me. I waited for her to stop this torture or do something and I finally reacted to the insulting and negative and stupid attack she orchestrated so she can be also promoted and is now going to be handed, like the Biden Administration, her rewards by this Nazi-controlled political theater of actors controlled by, what appears to be foreign interests (from my years of seeing who and what controls these actors--Europeans of absolutely fascist mentality/genocideal and anti-American to the core).

And so, I wait and I am now spraying cheap perfume into my backpack which stinks of a combination of decaying dead animal, fungus and some other odor that was sprayed in by mechanical arms while I was sleeping, as they also cut into my toes every single one, between the webbing and into the pads of my toes--every night now extending to both feet. My room is covered with paper and decorations I obtained from dollar stores---trying hard to make it look decorative and nice. The terrorists come in and rip things off the walls, spray and flick greasy black and brown stains on everything to the point t hat it looks like a modern art splatter of brown paint when sprayed on white surfaces. The colored paper has been flicked with stains so I have to cover all with cheap stickers and it looked nice beforehand. Etc the attacks are so numerous.

I keep waiting for this next administration to take this technology away from Trump and his very fascist Nazi first wife, who comes from the same country as Josef Mengele--she acts like an absolute fascist Nazi and has very little depth of character and is absolutely ready upon knee-jerk reaction to inflict as much damage as possible. I suspect that she is behind the rape, disfigurement and fungus poisoning plus non-stop drugging (as I am now because I can't keep these mechanical arms out of my room after years of fighting to stop this and harming my body in doing so and nearly killing myself as chairs slipped from under me because I have coated the floor and the cheap chairs just slid--I was almost killed a few months ago fighting to tie hooks and hammer into these cabinets lining the tops of the walls. ) All my efforts have been almost in vain--they are getting into my room in unbelievable ways and I have finally stopped trying because I can't paste or pound down any more hooks, tied with strings into the panels there are no more cupboards to paste things over with and they are still getting in. I am WAITING for Biden to not be a fascist Nazi following orders, like the rest of them have been. I am waiting for actual Democracy to be enlisted against this fascist group, I watch the videos of this new set that appears as the same players who I had assumed were not outright murderous fascist Nazis--and then in dismay seeing that the very same people are being put in power-- the same people who allowed this to happen to me all my life are in a staggered formation behind them, waiting for their new positions or to influence politics and get their endless promotions and deals--as the same people who created this hell organization of torture, rape and murder may and perhaps probably will  continue to have power and to continue this technocratic push for massive genocidal technological purging of the planet's population. The targeting of me will become a more massive push to kill of larger segments of people in the future (or it's happening right now). I believe this is the case. I am a prototype of sordid sorts. Would the US Government (Homeland Security, the military-industrial complex, and the other agents of destruction) want to stop this program or allow me to live an actual private life when their goal is to have surveillance and mass murder on huge, epic scales as appears to be the case RIGHT NOW WITH THE PANDEMIC AND THE HUGE INCREASE IN ELITE WEALTH ACCUMULATION WHILE MILLIONS ARE ABOUT TO BECOME HOMELESS as the two sides bicker and appear as opponents. I have heard that Wall Street is absolutely pushing for endless "gridlock" in Senate and House bill debates which is part of their huge profiteering infrastructure. They are relying on this for the future of all legislation (or much of it, excepting of course the ever-expanding military funding going off into billions and trillions each year). And now, just rambling as my brain is under attack and the keyboard is operating like I'm fighting to run in deep water. It appears that Biden is not going to be a huge savior of my condition which I never allowed to happen and have been fighting absolutely ALONE to stop and not be victimized by with zero protection in any direction and for years and years on every continent and in every place at every moment. However, I am supposed to not give up on the human penchant for "doing the right thing" even if the pushers of this catch-phrase can only do it when they are going to get paid to promote this as an ideology for huge blockbuster status in Whorewood as they pin swastikas onto their hip hop baseball gear outfits which make grown men appear as little boys but supposedly it's the fashion but they just look like overgrown boys and act like them too.

Waiting for "ordinary" people to actually care is like trying to reverse gravity or fighting to get the dead to run a marathon.

Hitler (1938) and Stalin (1939 + 1942) won Time Magazine's happy, celebrity-genocidal Person/People (but I say pig ape fascist racist rapist murdering whore-of-the-Nazis) of the Year award, once again, this year 2020. The genocidal tyrant iconography has been splintered off into black, white , male and female multi-colored/socio-political fractals but all emanating from the same SOURCE and organization (ultimately when the divisions and names are reduced to the onus of power). Hitler has died a happy peaceful death in Argentina thanks to post WWII American protection. Joseph Stalin was nicknamed "Uncle Joe" by adoring American fans, who were glad that the truly humanitarian Communists were killed off by the Totalitarian lying regime that took the name and the power and created a despotic Surveillance and oppressive State apparatus termed the CCCP and is now just called the Former East Soviet Bloc Countries plus Russia. The Whorewood movies make a big deal out of portraying Americans as having rescued the world from what Time Magazine had endorsed before all the info on their genocides and hate plans were made more public (years later). The actors play heroes rescuing America for Democracy. They teleport me with Nazi/fascist protocols and hate themes and outright references to genocide and the Holocaust aimed at me. The former Time Magazine genocidal leaders are long dead, but their legacy has won once more and won big in the minds of the viewers and readers who are not cautious and believe and trust in what they are demanded to believe in (with have a happy day as the mind controlling slogan, selling yet another commercial product to the "masses"--a Communist term by the way). Genocidal fascism and death squads and Holocaust representation has won Persons of the Year Award once more, a never-ending tribute to "them" for almost 100 years thanks to Time Magazine's brainwashing of the population, they never go out of style.. Unfortunately, the people who are not familiar with The Big Lie concept are beguiled and seduced by these images and "believe" that these are actually legitimate care-takers of Democracy and of humanity! Thanks to media publications like Time Magazine.


**the usual brain-altering tech and laptop hacking forces me to have to add this up front (plus the inevitable hacker rewrites which make my writing completely distorted and turned upside down in intention and meaning--). In the aftermath of fighting to think, type and express myself earlier, I remembered that there is yet another person who has "won" this award who has been behind the scenes for many years now. I get endless videos of this man on my YouTube channel on the top page, he's littering my page now daily. There was another performer/artist from his ensemble who I highly esteem, who I believe was assassinated because he would not play "the game" that enables these fakes into highest position as philanthropic underwriters of "Democracy" and "Freedom" and all that entails as consumer products sold off on the market to the tune of millions or billions of dollars. Thus, there are three people in/directly involved with teleporting and having my raped, poisoned with fungus on a daily basis (inserted into orifices of my body and in my food and I must breathe it in because it's sprayed all over my room) and thus, they are slowly murdering me in this stealth fashion. All put on Time's great influencers of American society for this year --AGAIN. AGain and again, publication, award ceremony and lead position I see "them" being handed all front-page accolades. All I can say is that, once more to reiterate: let the future be a new horizon for esteeming people who are not fakes and I must quote Trump in saying (and he stole this concept from my writing, actually) let there not be FAKE NEWS and media performers pushing altruism in the name of stealth hate organizations operating from behind these "puppets" (pig ape whores). In the longer post below, which I ground out because of the hardness of the keyboard and the increasing impossibility of typing due to the malware algorithm--I "forgot" to include the 3rd person in that 2020 listing-and as for the others, I have no idea if they have also participated as I believe there are many others who do not actively attack me in teleportation but certain either view the videos or conference calls observing these hateful and violent ugly and sinister teleportation attacks upon me, or they offer advice, or look the other way and thus are held as potentiates in the inner circles of power and then awarded.

I am now in the "dizzy" and nearly fainting stage of the brain-altering attack and must stop. I discovered upon reading part of the title of this post and then a few sentences down into the post that my brain had been blanked out and I "lost" the thread of my concepts and thus there were huge gaps in my ideas as I fought to express them.

I also urge the people (I mean pig ape whores) who continue to proliferate and pollute my internet with your faces, which are abhorrent to me, and your movies and videos to please stop doing this, as I have been writing about how odious this attack is for years. You all persist as this is your avenue of promotion, but you are DISGUSTING and I can't stand you hacking and staining my internet searches and your personalities and faces create a nauseous disgust in me and having to see any of you is a rotten pollutant when I am searching for important news clips on YouTube.


Two terrorist "actors" who have teleported and attacked me are listed as Time's "People of the Year 2020." Both make openly vociferous and vehement statements of anti-Trumpism to the yearning yawning black hole of the media press. The sad reality, reality that I need someone to provide video-recorded evidence to prove, however having been tortured and teleported by them for a few years along with a huge never-ending increase of their goony loony cronies in H-wood and beyond: Without Trump, ALL OF THEM, the most famous charity humanitarian A-list celebrities many of whom have participated in this--and many are the most outspoken and claim they represent the "Democrat or Progressive Party"--they would not be in this position or have had access to this hate and torture, bigot and racism technology (or how it is being utilized by these unscrupulous posturing apes). One is "black" and one is "white". Another one who has indirectly been involved represents the fight against racism. The attacks upon me are the most vicious racist attacks and all stem from outright parallels to genocide from Nazis. ALL of these people/pig apes participate in attacking me and all have obtained promotions and endless media celebrity endorsements and political as well for these years they have participated in this, either openly or indirectly but they have made their presence and participation known to me, as part of the contractual obligation they have made with their horned-partners (I still believe the powers that are behind this ultimately stem from foreign infiltrator sources determined to "divide and conquer" and create chaos and take over more and more control over the United States. These are the pig apes who appear to have absolute control over at least large segments of the H-wood rotation of the same actors, in their ever-tightening monopolies, encouraged and sponsored by adamant genocidal racist/rapist anti-American funding partners in their huge multi-national conglomerate partnerships.

I didn't know pigs were people, but The Nazis controlling Time who are subhuman posturing "elite" pig apes consider them as such.

There is another one who is indirectly involved on the same list (he has never made his presence known to me, but is tied in with some of the worst predators).

I believe it was in 1931 or something that Hitler also was voted as Time's Man of the Year. The point is that these "people" are supposedly chosen because they have made great impact on American or world culture in some way. The real impact that the terrorists participating in torture, rape and endless violence against me, glaring in hate, ordering rape, disfigurement and poisoning/drugging of me as the yell at me (the black male, fighting for every underdog cause on the planet especially when it can promote him into this coveted position as a representative--thus $$$ big big money for his role) screaming undoubtedly angst at the bigot racist Trump who is his benefactor and friend, outside of the cameras. Same for the white male who makes endless public statements descrying Trump but is responsible for handing him the technology to torture me--the quid pro quo agreement of these non-gentlemen has generated endless lead roles for both, top priority and endless media coverage and now these awards and prizes from the Nazi-controlled media.

These fake news/media terrorists are listed more highly than the US President and Vice President in the sequencing of the photos---the top positions go to performers.

That is America today. I wonder if the new administration will produce anything more representative of reality and of the human race in the reality of determination to actually care about issues outside of representing a huge billion dollar industry iconography tied-in to political (aspirations) and control and representation.

The merging of politics with these celebrities is another "recipe for disaster" that has gone on unabated for so long.

I try to disentangle these lies with the reality of this nebulous technology forced upon me. I have no stake in either the US Government or in H-wood so when one of these actors on either of the divides influencing the public proves to be a THREAT TO NATIONAL SECURITY as these terrorists are--I feel obliged to try to fight this. They are also a threat to my life, however so many people are being victimized I wonder if anyone can hear me outside of the din of the endless cries for help that are only increasing in exponential fashion through America and indeed throughout the planet--due to people like this who are being AWAREDED AS REPRESENTING THE "BEST" OF HUMANITY AND THE "BEST" OF AMERICA AND IT'S FIGHT FOR FREEDOM AND DEMOCRACY.

The people I have only referred to are extremely violent and racist (yes, even the blacks who are being trained to be anti-Semitic or whatever other race they are being promoted by Nazis to hate and attack--for them, as their minions)'s very disturbing that I remain absolutely silenced like this.

I write this now to try to once more urge people reading my posts, as I know there are some or many but invisible to me--to please not continue to allow this usurpation of the media by Nazi forces (or whatever groups they belong to--from whatever countries).

I can only say that this push to have people absolutely violent, lacking all moral consciousness, engaging in tyrannical elitist practices and promoted for pursuing a genocidal agenda should not continue to be promoted or pushed in the media as these Time people of the year--you can bet that the resurgence of Nazism in America, which was not a small faction during the 2nd World War at all---this high regard for Hitler and the ensuing Nazi subculture that has risen in the last few years from a kind of subdued radicalism to almost mainstream populism and death threats and violence are now openly proclaimed in the streets and in the social media networks---it's publications like Time's People of the Year which honors these veiled threats to freedom who are touted as being esteemed personalities has only served to create this now open threat to "Democracy" that so many of the "liberal" media are complaining about. The "liberal" media is one of the greatest sources of pushing these absolutely violent fake "liberal" personalities in the first place.

I do hope that the new Administration will at least covertly work to undermine this insidious fascist Nazi control over the media and to quell this very deadly trend that I seem to be the only one to expose--and of course, I am "silenced" and then my ideas are stolen by these pig apes who then are instructed to turn the ideas into more Nazi propaganda after they attack and violate and help to rape and encourage these Nazi propaganda ideals through their fake "altruistic" charitable "liberal" fronts which are so carefully packaged. All the pig apes have to do is posture and lie and that is ALL they are doing. Millions of dollars paid out to these worthless whores and creeps and parasites---they are just that from years of being tortured by them when they don't have to fake their rotten fake personalities for cameras for the duped or not so dumb public which remains in abeyance and "stands by" for the ultimate signal to wreak death and hate upon these groups they are only secretly willing to destroy--which also includes those of their "own races" who don't conform to the mediocrity that their group demands of them. They are trained to sing and perform, which they do. I also claim that there must be others in the shadows of the media industry waiting in the wings who could probably perform MUCH BETTER WITH MORE SOUL AND STYLE AND HAVE SOME ACTUAL CONVICTION OF THE CLAIMS THEY MAKE ABOUT THEIR PROFESSED CONCERN FOR SEXISM, RACISM, DEMOCRACY, FREEDOM (FOR PEOPLE NOT FOR NAZIS TO GO OUT AND KILL AND RAPE AND TORTURE--AND THAT REALLY IS WHAT THEY ARE FIGHTING FOR IS THAT "FREEDOM").

To No one, as there is no one here (except me). Update on the attack on my life, this time financial. It was forced on January 14, so last week. As I suspected and knew, it was done recently and my mail was rejected at the mail service I have used for months---returned my money suspended. They are demanding either a redetermination--I am chronically disabled, this group crushed my lumbar and cervical vertebrae the medical records state chronic and permanent disability which means there is nothing that will make me "Normal" or capable of doing much, but of course they will try. I am s tuck most of the day in pain and unable to even do anything but they want to squeeze everything out of me, the tiny subpoverty included from SSI Disability. I could not obtain Social Security Disability, which would not force me to live on subpovety "Welfare" subsistence, but instead some livable expense and able to live abroad in order to survive but on SSI you are forced to have repeat reviews--but I am disabled they still are forcing the qualification for welfare upon me. They are not supposed to. They also either did not k now or lied but Social Security administration has changed various rules for food budget and you don't have to report on whether you have assistance for food or help, but this woman asked me if I did. It is listed on the website as a recent LAW that changed the policy, right below the main top portion of the main Social Security Administration page ( but she did not know this. I did not need to remind her for fear of the usual recrimination for knowing more than the person put into some position to deprive me of something like basic service and survival. That is how they have forced me to live. I now have to wait to phone this department in Hollywood to speak to a man to make some phone interview where all kinds of questions will be asked and I could lose everything. Even with medical records, they will force me to have to fly to America where I have literally nowhere to go, no money to survive on, and a physical condition that will make me extremely sick and in threat of extreme physical decline or illness from stress to my spine.

3 hours later of bureaucratic targeted stalking bs (repetition of the same events for most calls proves that this is not just the normal bur...