Friday, January 22, 2021

On to different themes. "Since Neo-Liberalism, Money became the religion of our times." (Vandana Shiva quote). The themes are related to my experience. They are also related to brainwashing and mind control. This particular post regards a lecture on the hypnotic mass appeal of concentrating on the numbers of the Gross Domestic Product quarterly gains. The illusion of profit always spiraling upwards into a heaven of excess and increase. The boom bust cycle resumes a vetting of the middle and lower levels of entrepreneurs (my thought, not hers). That people in power are absolutely driven by these numbers and the quest for endless upward mobility where there is no ceiling. There is no base. There is no stability. They allow for such torture experimentation contracts such as MK ULTRA (in my case) with the bottomless pit of their greed and selfish self-promoting aspirations. They have no self control they have no oversight they have no capacity to think beyond these quarterly gains and (in avoiding taxes, which is akin to avoiding all consequences of their crimes). For too long they have been allowed to not pay taxes or not have to pay the piper for their crimes.

 This is still a very interesting lecture. I heard Vandana Shiva being interviewed on the BBC many years ago. I was very impressed and remembered her name despite all the drugging and memory loss from the drugging and mind control miasma that has been forced upon me. She made an impression upon me then, and I accidentally discovered her lecture on YouTube today through this Rosa Luxemburg Foundation (in Berlin--where she, Ms. Luxemburg-- was shot in the head by Nazis--before the Holocaust by the way).  If you want to understand aspects of modern German Socialism, it is good to study a bit of what Rosa Luxemburg brought to the table in the 2nd Internationale (Communist Party). Considering how Americans think, I am not advocating Socialism or Communism. I am advocating studying the concepts to be informed about how these ideologies operate and are acted upon and the history of such thought.


The futility and the tragedy of being consumed by consumerism when the planet is dying from over-production and pollution (aka Global Warming).

Yet when it comes to being promoted in a most heinous contract utilizing vile and subhuman technology (the technology brings out the subhuman qualities of these otherwise educated and previously somewhat human people who obtain the torture technology. They explode into super-psychopathic hate-mongering lying violent torturing sleazy assaulters who are addicted to more and more violence as they continue to utilize the technology. They are all addicted to the numbers of acquisition. The trend of entire societies being immersed in the consummation of consumer treadmills has produced near cataclysmic devastation not only in politics but for the environment and in the economy and for the moral and spiritual life of the human species and for the flux and flow of the universal energies converging in a vortex of human and spirit interaction. If that sounds to ethereal or esoteric I am really just referring to the spirit of Life instead of the Death Energy that these torturing money-grabbing gold-digger parasites thrive off the death of the planet and of other human beings they can feed off . They are never truly satisfied with anything except for the quest for more acquisition and power. They are the life-fuckers who are responsible for the organization to which they belong that is destroying planet earth and the inhabitants therein.

The lecture goes on in this same sort of theme. It is a much higher level than what Greta Thunberg states in her lectures of anger. The wisdom and sense of a more universal theme is what Ms. Shiva expounds and conveys. This is why my thoughts are tending towards the spiritual and the connection to the human plane of existence and the necessity to stop the materialistic destruction of the planet due to the artificial economic paradigm that drives the hate and violence that the superficially smiling criminals are controlled by. It makes them extremely ugly and sinister evil-imbued demonic parasites on the planet devouring all they can grasp and suck out.


Vandana Shiva speaking via podcast in 2020

The pandemic is a wake-up call. 

America needs Vandana Shiva to speak her knowledge and wisdom and information in news interviews and talk shows of mainstream import.

ISF2020: Vandana Shiva & David Suzuki: The Virus is a Wake-up Call (YouTube)

EarthDance 2020 - Vandana Shiva and Reclaiming the Commons

What are called, "Land Defenders" in mainstream media, these proponents of psychedelic awareness and fighters against "Corporate-bio-piracy". That is a much better term. 

My four years of having to deal with Mr. rape-the-earth-and-everything-in-between Heaven and Earth corporate superstar (cultural icon) but otherwise known to me secretly as Mr. Humpty Hubris ..ha ha.. has left me back on the track of politically aware and correct earth-centeredness. If I were to describe how the mind control drugs and technology blasted me so far off course and would have blown me into death while in a state of utter brainwashed incomprehensibility-- but how can you understand this when you can't experience it and/or you deny it could happen to you so it's just another statement that you doubt and can't understand? 

I forgot that I was a child of the wind, blowing into the ether while stationed with feet planted firmly on the black soil of nurturing beauty and awareness of life. They made me stray so badly off my life path--they these mind-screw crew I mean YOU.

Now I see footage of ice caps melting and hottest earth temperature ever on record. I see people going crazy to be able to continue to devour all resources and not wear masks because they are dinosaurs entitled to devouring all living beings and entitlement to do so should be without question. As the world is alternatively burning and melting and cooling and dying and becoming extinct and in a global meltdown and dying from laboratory viruses and bio-eco-terrorism on a massive economic scale of consumption. The Nazis' wives have kissed their Nazis to go out and conquer, as the women go outdoors gone as loony as the Karen crew busting through all barriers, because they believe they are the predators entitled to devouring all and destroying the rest.  Karens is the nice euphemism for the women of the genocidal Nazis who rampage through the planet destroying and building over the wastelands of slaves they create to have more and to consume without end. Entitled, they believe, to build more and devour more and they are never satiated.  All slavery and debt and death are their entitlement to conquer and usurp. They are a pandemic upon the planet. 

After the deluge of their hundreds of thousands of terrorist activities and terrorists "gang stalking" me throughout all these years of living on a 9-million tourist per year island of endless waves of post-Nazi colonialism coming on their endless weeks of paid-for-vacation due to the money they murdered millions of innocents to steal from. After realizing that my former friendliness to them before I understood that nearly ALL are attacking me, I am now reverting to where I was so long ago before the drugs made me absolutely a brainwashed product of mind control dying from poisoning. They are nothing but filth polluting the earth, and I am now at the place where I was a long time ago, when I would see such people but never want any contact with them. They forced contact upon me as my brain was absolutely jellified with will-power and resolution centers of my brain dissolved into a polluted dew of overly friendly acceptance of scumbag whore parasites. I was Completely nearly bursting at all internal organs and arteries and veins from the blocked and clogged hardening and bloating and coagulating drugs these parasites have poured into my food all my life--used to inflict their mind control. I am now into Ten years of detox. I am almost at the point of saying I might be able to not have to do this any longer perhaps in another 6 months after a decade of it. My body nearly completely paralyzed from hard poisons put in my food most of my life or all just to force mind control experimentation upon me and then to control and stop me from competing and not undermining bigot Nazi racist claims of superiority which are as deleterious to the planet as the endless pollution they pump out to continue to have a "healthy GDP". Listen to the foils of such a mentality and the crime and death these systems of Nazi genocidal death have produced a la "economic growth" that must continue year-after-year. Controlled by fascists and white supremacists even in the most "black" and "brown" of countries. Destroying, creating criminal economies and subservient slavery and death to the ecosystem wherever and whatever they stomp and chomp their greedy, disgusting snouts into.

My very hostile (and mind controlled/drugged writing now, exacerbated rage or hate, my brain stifled my cognitive processes blocked or emotional hate states enhanced by this tech--seriously, and unable to think clearly or connect or "remember" what I want to say in every post)
I write the above under these conditions of mind control
after a decade of living in Thailand (longer than 10 years now, most of it spent sequestered indoors unable to take heat or sun due to deadly poisoning WHILE the parasitic pig ape Nazi Europigapes and their American prostituted slave obedient minions turned students of fascism who attacked me while healing in a dying state--on a 24 hour basis that has not ended even with the brand new day of Biden I remain being attacked by mechanical arms and sitting watching all news channels to hope that maybe this system will not be endorsed any longer. The death to the global ecosystem is a global manifestation of the inner workings of the greedy consumer fixation with acquisition on every personal and environmental scale. 

Ten years in Thailand of observing white Europigape Nazi bigot fascists overtaking the country. The military government literally conducting land grabs from Thai former owners of beach-front properties only to hand them over to the investors who are backed by the fascist Nazis, who have turned the formerly less nasty prostituted Thai women I have been around in my years of living in Rawai into being now long-gone and replaced by viciously Europigape-obsessed fashion/fascist nasty prostitutes who are absolute puppets being paid to mimic and imitate fascist Nazism in every of the most servile and obsequious forms, which are exactly as the white and black Americans behave to emulate the very nasty colonizer Europigapes in Whorewood who star in their movies and dominate and control these actors who always play the compassionate liberal in all their movies--fighting against racism, sexism and Nazis. All are slaves and servants even if they are the whitest white skinned-bigots claiming they are also "Nazi" in their secret oaths. But back to Thailand, which is not what America was once long ago, but what America is becoming and has to an extent already become. Exploited and colonized and turned into a nearly fascist coup government controlled by Martial Law. Yes, you can thank the Obama Adminstration for helping to create both this situation in Thailand and in America as well. Yes, it is a reality that no one is talking about or admitting to and least of all the people who run the government who still project these fakes as being heroes of some alternative wonderful America that used to be great and now can be great again. The sick joke of it all and the silencing of reality--and reality is nature.

Back to Thailand--the land grabs that have been officially recognized thanks to Obama and his "liberal" crew allowing the fascist Nazi take-over (while Obama was courting Angela Merkel so Diamler could completely invade the US auto industry after Detroit went bankrupt--and oh, how the Obama family has profited off the black nazi position and is still playing the "fighting against racist" card and "winning" every rigged hand (not meaning any election being rigged but just the distortion of the conniving and black racist mentality that has been the foundation of the situation I now face--at least for the last 8 years and they are still behind my situation and profiting off it and allowing it to continue)

however, in Thailand: the Europigape white male fascist parasites and their nasty wives behind the coup military government of Thailand:  after stealing extremely profitable beach-front property that had been legally paid for by local mom & pop businesses, suddenly the contracts for land and property were disputed without any recourse to protest by the corrupted city councils of Phuket (with backing from the Martial Law military coup government) and all the former owners were overnight kicked off the properties they paid for and had held as their own for decades.  The beautiful beaches are now compressed under tons of cement and huge sprawling hotels and structures have taken place of the beautiful peaceful massage huts and fun and playful beach areas that had children running and playing and nice little quaint Thai restaurants and funny cheap tourist merch for sale. Now huge expensive "glamorous" hotels which are currently completely empty and dead, like the land they are destroying like the planet they are consuming so every white male pig ape prostitute-maker can have a business in the 3rd world on their pension plans derived from genocide, the Holocaust and now from a holocaust of the planet's natural resources. The Thai government, bowing and smiling as servants and prostitutes partnered with these schemes and scams, claiming that any protest by the former inhabitants of the paid-for and decades-owned properties is illegal due to "lese Majeste" under endless Martial Law that continues to this day, years after the coup took place. The properties then were handed over to investors (Europ-a's) and their Thai partners. The construction over huge and beautiful swaths of land have been an ever-encroaching cement hell of square and squat buildings all that appear exactly alike. The formerly nice and pleasant Thai women who were "stalkers" but not viciously nasty as they are now, are all gone and what has replaced them are very nasty and full supportive subservients of the white bigots who retire and go to Thailand out of the genocidal policies and the Holocaust lucre they stole from millions of victims they tortured and brutally murdered in most heinous atrocity ways. 

As the animals and birds and land are being killed off by the greed of these disgusting parasitic Europigapes and their ilk, the entire island that was once much more relaxed, friendly is now endless rows of coffee shops and hostile, hateful "fashion-obsessed" skanky and nasty creeple operating non-stop as terrorists under order from Nazi terrorists who are considered "classy" in the American fiasco that has taken turns attacking me with teleportation hell and death technology. All that I have written of in this post is combined and non-separable. The problem is that I am not able to write with calm intellectualism as my brain is under control as are my emotions--I mean "mind control" and the keyboard is mostly inoperable so I must literally write in pain because my bicep is working so hard to pound down with my entire arm strength.

So I can't pound down any longer and I have been attacked to the point that my writing is reflective of the technology blocking my brain and enhancing hate speech. This is no excuse these technologies are seriously deadly, penetrating and are used by psychopathic disgusting parasites for parasitic interests. 

All I see of what they have produced here in Thailand is the devastation of the ecosystem, the destruction of beautiful areas that are now hideous ugly cement sprawling box structures that are now empty due to the pandemic. More construction is going on in anticipation of more tourism when the world returns to "normal". The "Normal" has wrought death and destruction but the short-and narrow confines of the minds of these sleazy greedy prostitute-making porno earth and life F**ers is that they must continue to rake in the exploits of exploitation upon formerly very beautiful Thailand. Every area that was peaceful, beautiful nature is being built upon in Phuket. The birds, flowers, animals are being killed off and have nowhere else to go. The earth is being killed by these fascist Nazi technocratic idiots who think that the pandemic will eventually stop and they can continue to suck out all resources and keep on building over all and any natural resource possible. 

Rethinking development in the 21st Century--Vandana Shive lecture (YouTube)

The hacking is now very bad. I have fought to change the underline function and I have pressed it off SIX TIMES IN TWO MINUTES OF FIGHTING and the hackers then deleted a video and then blocked the function of the entire page.

I am completely unable to think clearly and fight to type at the same time with all these attacks going on simultaneously upon my brain and my hands, motor skills and nervous system and brain functioning. I am so sick of these apes blocking my path to expression and my life and no one doing anything about it.

When I write of Thailand, and then I see America turned into a devastation of infrastructure crumbling. Of Nazis marching in the streets and politicians going along with it to a larger majority of participants than the American public had been hitherto willing to confess. The lies of a Free and Democratic government and of course the lies about the celebrity whorewood scumbag parasites remains intact that they "represent" without question these "values" of concern about all human life while the Nazis somehow continue to proliferate at an alarming rate in the United States. All of these variables tie into the current deluge of "problems" that people confuse with a new group of the same people who had been in power before coming back to rescue so things are hidden in plain sight much more cleverly behind politically correct rhetoric. The problems of the last administration are all going to be solved and no need to protest any longer. Everything will be just fine. The GDP is going to grow once more. Growth will be accompolished and we are going to rejoin the Paris Accord although, for some reason, the Paris Accord has not stopped global warming before or after the US left the consortium of globalists who profit off the planet's GDP growth.

Am I rambling now? Probably. I am backspacing to rewrite what hackers are deleting more than I am writing so writing anything is very impossible without continuity breaks and hackers do the rest of the discrediting insertions and deletions.
America needs someone like Vandana Shiva to be a host on MSNBC and ABC and CBS instead of the fake liberals whose speeches never impress me but they are always on air spouting their orchestrated rhetoric. Most of them are male or women who emulate male discourse and logic.

If you listen to Vandana Shiva you will see that her references to a female power that has been castrated and is in need of in order to rescue the world's current death paradigm is what is needed to truly help restore the planet and not more of the same to placate the fears and anxieties that have come to the fore because Trump did not conceal the agendas that these celebrities and politicians have so cleverly hidden for so many decades behind their pc rhetorical distortions and lies and platitudes and media movie marketing manipulation to quell all real introspective analysis (killing off intellectuals and radicals with mind control and terrorist gang stalking) which is why they aren't stopping this situation forced upon me which they forced upon me before T-rump took over the technology--handed to them by the very same people coming to "rescue" the United States from what they could not conceal under their pc lies any longer. 
I sound so conspiracy-theory like but this is not conspiracy theory it's just being knowledge and information suppressed and silenced.

Hackers are continuously rewriting my posts, deleting grammar, fusing parts of sentences that they have partially deleted and then glued together one long, huge sentences sometimes completely confusing as they are not the original sentences. I just read the first part of the "title" of the post I wrote earlier today and it was re-arranged by hackers. I will not correct it but I am writing this because this is a non-stop attack upon my writing. Every SINGLE TIME I WRITE THIS OCCURS WITHOUT FAIL.

The "jOY DIVISION" "NEW ORDER" SEX SLAVE, MK Ultra, post Nazi concentration camp "experimentation" and "gang stalking" (aka terrorism) continues aimed at me (and how many others)? The New Dawn Fades even as the Sun is rising in Washington, D.C. for the Inauguration as criminal, Nazi-based and funded terrorist celebrities prance and sing bellowing out lurid pretense into the promotional cameras for the beguiled political mass collected at this Inaugural Event. Publicity, publicity galore as the real Nazis who fund this hypocritical farce are smiling and waving their Biden welcoming hero new Dawn banners (Illuminati symbolism used to their great approval, whether Biden is aware of this or not which is doubtful that he does not). A calculated symbolism. The New Dawn Fades from the moment the clock struck High Noon. The old arch enemy flies away but the flies remain at the Capital building--the flies of death and chaos, the flies of murder and Nazi-victim soldiers and millions of corpses as shadows, strewn about as the Nazi victim ghosts are screaming silently at the spectacle of a police state. The ghosts of those who fought and died to protect Freedom from tyranny and Nazi despotism are shrieking in agony as they watch from The Other Side this shame upon the United States. For the living terrorist network that has been carefully protected and remains "concealed" and waits for the next chance to have absolute control and a monopoly that will remain in power as long as a real dictatorship lasts: it's another day with a sun setting and rising over their mansions and protected spots in society as they rescind back to their former hiding places. They were about to spring out of their cloaks of "liberalism" and bare their fangs once the new Order Nazi media empire was established but now with all the entrenched years of finalizing them into higher positions of power and awards year-after-year, they remain glib and glad because their monopoly is all but an open-stated confirmation by US Nazi, Incorporated into the US Government (which hands out these torture and surveillance weapons to these very terror operations which invaded the Capital building). Oh well, only I seem to be able to make any commentary on this, as for the rest of America they remain fixed in the terror groups, and all the information remains as it always has been: silenced and kept quiet and no mention of gang stalking even begins to surface in any public discussion on how the terrorism actually went up the Capital Steps with almost no barrier to entry. The A-Hole-Lister Celebrities are dancing and performing for the new Nazi old order of the US Government which has been funding their terrorist promotional activities for over eight years by two sitting presidents. Now they remain entertaining a third president who has the insider information and yet completely showers them all with these promotional slots without a moment hesitation as the entire Congress applauds their crappy plastic performances of bellowing out crappy songs about meaningless symbolism they never want and have absolutely operated to destroy in the privacy of their Nazi enclaves in Whorewood, USA. They are in absolute glee of being exonerated and hiding behind pretense as they plot on how to attempt another overtake using the past mistakes as future foils to be avoided for the next time they can overtake the United States government not just behind the financial strings all the puppets dance to, but as a real and open fascist country ruled by life-long tin pot despots (with approving Nazis out of Europe smiling in glee handing them their new huge bonuses for perfectly dancing to the tune of their string manipulations).

* Please note that hackers have already changed wording and omitted grammar and I am writing now after trying to re-edit what has been altered by hackers. The usual caveat applies to this post as with all others. The terror operation against me continues unabated even for one single day. The New Day slogan and symbolism of Biden hangs like a doom cloud over the promise of a New Nazi fascist Dawn Order:


All I can respond to other than the long title of this post are videos and small commentaries about Joy Division (as my situation is a continuation of sex slavery using microchip implants and fascist terror operations of torture, rape and dismemberment and financial ruin all done clandestinely with full US Government covert support and the handing out of these terror technologies). I see that obviously the situation is going to remain intact and the government in charge now plans on simply eradicating all the mistakes that almost got them assassinated due to their absolute hubris and assumption that their criminal covert funding could never rebound and almost slay them with the same terror network organization.

They simply continue trying to avert another coup attempt and continue to allow the situation to fester and grow.


First: a brief primer on how the term "Joy Division" came into being.

"Where Does The Name “Joy Division” Come From? Was It Chosen By The Band Because Of Nazi Sympathies?"

The Nazi Joy Division/New Order MK ULTRA terror/torture/US Government-sponsored/ Whorewood celebrity performers at the Biden Inaugeration terrorist cartel/millions of rivulettes of Americans participating in this global New Order of Nazi-based "Joy Division" terror/technocratic rape and torture systematic racist global operation.
The New Dawn Fades, the old World invades during the Biden Inauguration and remains in force two days afterwards. How or when will anyone ever stop the criminal Nazi network? How many more US Presidents are going to participate in this Nazi criminal terrorist network so they and their wives and children can run for president after the males run out of time for being in control? When will the USA finally stop funding and welcoming in Nazis and Nazi affiliations and putting them into the VIP and Red Carpet lead roles of every business and artificial "entertainment" venue? Not today for sure and not on January 20, 2021.



Disorder is what has been wrought. Disorder has been bought and

Disorder has not been caught. Disorder has sung to the New Dawn government. Disorder will put out it's movies and propaganda and continue to be promoted by the terrorist network absolutely tied-to and connected to the terrorist operation that nearly had members of Congress hung in front of the Capital Building or shot/smashed and killed in the building itself by the "rioters". The terror networks are inter-connected they are not disparate. The DISORDER ADMINISTRATION HAS SHIFTED TO A NEW FACE OF THE OLD ORDER.



These Nazi bigots teleporting me and attacking me are in a state of complete delusion to assume/think that...""I've been waiting for a (these filthy, nasty, ignoramus creep bigot Nazi scumbag emotional loser) guy to come and take my hand, I've (not) been waiting for the touch of another (violent, rapist, sleazy and psychopathic Nazi filthy sometimes married) man....(they are emotional and natural cesspools of) disorder. Moving faster now, it's getting out of hand (because the US Government won't even stop this group when they have almost been assassinated by these terror operatives out of Whorewood California and still continue to let it all grow and get out of hand)...I've got the spirit (which the empty life-fuck soul-sucking parasites want to suck out), (they are so ugly and dirty and foul..I) lose the feeling (not lost but just hidden as they suck out all positivity and feed on it like the parasitic scum that they are, life fuckers all), let it out (dirty US Government has blood who are staunch supporters and have been promoted from this terror network and originate from this terror network, all with BLOOD from just the Capital coup on their hands. Not to mention the perhaps millions they have already assassinated in covert operations of eliminating all real "liberals")." All comments in parenthesis are my words not of Joy Division the band.

I should just write my own lyrics but this song had to be embellished upon somewhat to fit into this current (and not from the 70's or 80's theme that the band put out).

But now, as the criminal terrorist celebrities who just got more promotions for playing the "other side" of their endless "flip-flop" terrorist backers and corporate "dark money" promotional supporters who put them into this most hideously inept ceremony for the Inauguration. Now they can simply continue to play the joker clown roles of fighting for liberty and anti-racism and anti-rape and anti-sexism and then get promoted by the "Democrat" version of Neo-Nazi death camp "liberal" establishment terrorism. Of course, the legislation being introduced by Biden is of COURSE incredible, but on some level it is simply restoring much of the death carnage that previous administrations (including the previous before the previous) had inflicted upon the public and upon the world--endorsing terrorism both in the Middle East and within the United States--and they are not changing with this "changing of the guard" of a "new" administration.

The hype of it all.


"Joy Division - Transmission [OFFICIAL MUSIC VIDEO]"  (YouTube title)

(my poetry, my words below):

Radio transmission
tv transmission
boob tube transmission
virus transmission
retrovirus transmission
retro mission transmission
brainwashing transmission
propaganda transmission
permission transmission

(my words below, not copied lyrics)
Listen, watch, believe
Transmission--Joy Division
believe believe believe and watch and watch and watch glued your eyeballs glued into the boob tube screen silent death scream. You lap it up like it's chocolate/vanilla ice cream in a dream.

Radio transmission
tv transmission
boob tube transmission
virus transmission
retrovirus transmission
retro mission transmission
brainwashing transmission
propaganda transmission
permission transmission
Nazi Death Camp sex slave Joy Division--TRANSMISSION

The transmission goes into your brain
it leaves a hate stain
you begin to complain
you want to put Jews on trains
you think Democracy is a drain
you want to inflict as much pain
you go out and seek Nazi FAME
--an ode to celebrities who repeat these same sentiments to my face, who have gotten more promotions by the Nazi terrorist organization for performing at the Biden Inauguration. My seemingly hyperbolic writing on this page is the result of
10 years of my life spent being teleported and tortured by this group of hyena pig apes who are controlled by fascist Nazis out of Europe who instruct them how to be programmed and how to technologically PROGRAMM THE MASSES IN THEIR CELLULOID CELEBRITY PRESENTATIONS.

Joy Division--Transmission


Thursday, January 21, 2021

I can't access a single news clip on the YouTube major news network channels (ABC, NBC, MSNBC, ABC) of the Biden swearing in process yesterday--because I was waiting to see the real event of him swearing in, I was anticipating and very happy about that moment. Instead it was the SAME CELEBRITIES WHO HAVE PARTICIPATED WITH t-RUMP IN TERROR ACTIVITIES USING THE TELEPORTATION EQUIPMENT SINGING AND WANGING OUT THEIR BELLOWING SONGS. I TRIED TO FIND just a few clips today that were a serious moment in the event, and without fail, each clip inserted the celebrity who attacked me right in the same room, right next to T-rump who plays the anti-T-rump game for the media. The skank gag gag creep who America seems to think is the most incredible thing because the mafia keeps putting this thing into highest awards and media coverage, year after year now and moreso and especially under the T-rump administration because unless no one can guess it, T-rump is affiliated with NYC mafia and so is that skank gag gag fag hag skank rotten dirty thing who accosted and attacked me. Promotions for that dirty thing without end and I had to see it once again just trying to access the Inauguration.

 If anyone can try to ascertain what kind of reaction I am spewing out--like vomiting as I watch this--from YEARS I mean TEN YEARS of torture and rape and mutilation of my body every single day plus rape from the agents in the rooms next to mine under order of these filthy disgusting hyena ape pigs in Whorewood. After a decade of them attacking me with the most vicious hate, this is the best I can say about them. Unfortunately, for anyone reading this vitriol from me, they only see me as being immature and ranting hysterical and "crazy" perhaps--but if you can imagine a week of people being paid and promoted for torturing you, imagine TEN YEARS...CAN YOU?

Still, I tried today to calm down and only find clips on YouTube from these media major news outlets that only had the Inauguration and swearing in. Without fail the media advertised this skank singing within a few minutes into the 8 minute clip, the just had to insert the celebrity terrorists that no one will admit are associated with the terrorist operation that T-rump has proven he is involved with--and yet, they all remain absolutely sparkling clean whores for the media outlets which are of course all affiliated on a more intimate level with the Whorewood crowd of clown ape pig hyenas and other assorted filthy animals with plastic surgery covering up their vile disgusting creep personalities. I can't say much more about a majority of the American population as they act exactly the same. Which came first: the chicken skank celebrities or the egg public terrorist gang stalkers?


what a shame what a discredit to the United States. I watch the fiasco celebrations with these celebrities, all of whom and I mean all of them that I managed to catch a glimpse of before shutting down the laptop and thus missing what I had waited to see the entire day. The inauguration and not the terrorist whores who have Laughed and watched me get raped and disfigured and tortured as they obtained contracts out of T-rump and his associates out of Whorewood. 

The skanks play the "game" of pretending to be "liberal" which is why they never bellowed out their crap for the T-rump Inauguration. They must keep up appearances of being "liberal" because they are so integral to the brainwashing of Nazi propaganda disguised and wrapped up as "alternative" "liberal" and all that bullshit.



Goddamn this incompetent country and the stupidity and greed and selfishness of the politicians who have allowed this to be created and they continue it after it almost got them killed. As I wrote yesterday and I'm still in a kind of disbelief that they can be so stupid and sick to allow these pieces of shit to perform their bullshit for the inauguration.

It is time to tune out, turn off, and TURN ON. A time trip back to the past: yesterday at this time precisely when I was waiting for the sun. Not the Nazi Illuminati sun, but the symbol of warmth that brings life, not the revolving cycle of death and death's artificial light conducting surveillance with a huge, bright Red Eye to conduct a death culture. Tune in to the Doors of Perception.


“If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.”

― William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell


Now the terrorists are burning my body with their technology. In addition to endless struggle to type as hackers block keys and insert letters while I type and my brain is put into a kind of cognitive blocked and stymied condition by their electronic torture control weapons. When I see the people responsible for these attacks, at all the multi-layered hierarchical layers, I see meaningless people infused with only the desire to greedily absorb all they can from every living thing surrounding them. They claim to love their kinfolk I can't understand what kind of love that is unless their "love" is only a measure of mutual acquisition for a power structure, and thus they heave "I love you" to their terrorist friends because the real hate that they exist in and are infused by is what they wreak upon anyone else surrounding them. The doors of perception for such people are always limited to greed acquisition. I would not care about them if they would only be blocked from attacking me so I can't live without their endless psychic filth forced upon me and terror equipment that is being handed out to this huge group to attack people they want to drive down and down so they can feel elevated in all their hate and negativity. Unless they have multiple victims to attack and/or murder and steal from, they inflict their misery upon one another.

If only I could get this group off me but they have murdered so many people in order to create this insidious hate operation that has truly claimed most of this dying planet which they are consuming into destruction in all their narrow and meaningless obsession with acquiring all possible and inflicting misery upon most of the rest of the planet so they can feel relieved of all their ugliness and hate.

How many people like Jim Morrison were probably assassinated by this group is now an untold number as even in the numbers of their assassination deaths they are silenced.

IF only people who do not want to be consumed by these pig ape hyenas would only stop allowing them to continue to terrorize the planet with their organized terror operations and terror weapons that are so stealth that no one can understand what is happening and thus they don't care or want to get involved as they assume it's someone else's problem and not theirs. Thus the situation remains silenced and no one wants to be bothered. The utter "genius" of how the stealth has allowed this situation to continue unabated for years--how many I do not know but decades it's been going on and on. Even the perpetrators are themselves under attack and do not know it or care because they always get rewards for their participation in these crimes, which are also directed at them but they simply are too ignorant to care and too greedy to even conduct a circumspect analysis of their own lives or homes to see if they too are being attacked. They can be attacked non-physically with electronic weapons and subliminal behavior modification technology.

But like my step-father who delved into literature and writing books, I just want to blot this group of scum off and I so wait for my country to stop putting criminals into power who continue to pass these technologies around the fascist organizations claiming they are "patriots" and "friends" of the power "elites" who are too ignorant to care and too selfish and so well-funded they go along with every single attack and smile and laugh about it until they too are attacked, and then in their stupidity and greed they just continue the same attack terrorist system regardless once they believe that they are "safe" and untouchable. 

Hackers once again rewrote the post title of my last post--I only read a part while opening this page once more. I am not going to re-edit but they deleted commas and periods. I "remembered" more upon pouring water on my hands which probably grounds or does something to change the electrical attack from these weapons. Also, they continue to attack my heart and nervous system so it feels like my lungs and heart are being "compressed".

 What else I had wanted to write in an earlier post: while the latest H-wood celebrity out of Euro-p-a-land was attacking me with the usual black anti-racists sitting in front and center of the rows, and the group which has viciously attacked me for years (the pit crew) and...after assaulting, torturing with electronic weapons and then teleporting me to offensive skits, asking a slate of interrogation questions. Upon answering with probably the most murderous desire I have ever felt for any actor who has tortured me, because I know that this actor has been behind all the programming and this group's activities for YEARS AND YEARS. Being a white Europ-a male of Nazi demeanor, stature and with huge international fascist Nazi connections--the actors defer to him of course like probably most of Los Angeles does and indeed around America and the world for just his movie roles--but mostly for the fascist image he portrays even with the false sympathetic posturing he and his fellow fascists posturing as "liberals" in these movies and in all their charities and humanitarian public appearances.

He asked me with a very worried expression whether I thought that my ideas would "spread" and that other people would follow such concepts. My "concepts" (my term not his) are not exactly unique and original, I am like most people copying what I have studied in books and heard in lectures and then considered for myself. Most people who I had admired are now long DEAD and I believe this group helped to fund the assassination of Prince--who was a role model for me and many others in Minneapolis where such revolutionary activities are now famously referred to (but not stemming from Prince but from people within the communities and in the university and in the city--not from the corporate centers though I can assure you).

Like all the fascists and Totalitarian leaders, they must ensure that no real concepts of threat to their oppression is ever "allowed".

I just want to add this because shortly after attacking me he asked me to "prove" that he was racist by any example. I was in a deep sleep, teleported and under duress and so I could only think of a more easily available publicized event that he sponsored against a black male. The black rapper who has been a part of assisting in attacking me with other Euro-p-ape fascists in the audience of celebrities stared at me almost in disbelief. They have created this myth about me that I am the problem of being racist because I write that they are enablers of plantation slave iconography in the roles that they are paid in billions/millions to continue to enact--put into "modern" clothing and hipster language with endless echoes of what MLK and Malcolm X have stated, with bits of what other activists, some of whom were assassinated, had said. Regurgitating the same sentences and then trying to reformat the ideas that were revolutionary but have since become repeated memes used to enhance anyone who happens to have black skin for their comedy routines and movie plots and scripts while they completely "sell out" when they get productions and lead awards for the most prominent awards categories and they probably excuse it all for their "careers" and for "black people" and their aspirations to have a complete power block in cooperation completely with the controlling white supremacists who control them absolutely. The media furthers this control.

Thus I am attacked most viciously by black performers who hiss and spit at me that I am racist and they are attacking me "for black people" as they "win" awards and go off laughing after they become empowered by becoming black Nazis attacking some other group but still claiming that they need more power for their group. Aspiring to become leaders is their goal. I can't condemn them as much for this but they are viciously attacking me with slow murder torture attacks, as one of them with the most openly white supremacist racist mafia actors and their mafia cartels have helped her/them to inflict upon me demanding an "apology" for defining them in terms that they find offensive and they claim are "racist" on my part. I just state that they play these racist roles because THEY ARE ATTACKING ME ALONGSIDE NAZIS WHO ARE USING OPEN REFERENCES TO HOLOCAUST GENOCIDE IN REFERENCE TO ME PERSONALLY WHICH THEY ENDORSE SO YEAH..OBVIOUSLY THEY ARE BLACK NAZIS JUST FROM WHAT THEY PARTICIPATE IN AND HOW THEY ACT. My behavior is a response and I criticized them which has been used in the double-speak that these criminal bigots always use: to turn the accusations upon the victim to blame the victim. 

This is just one example from mostly a lifetime of being under attach by blacks claiming they are victims of racism. This also includes many Jews and Asians and Latinos and whatever else (Turkish in Germany, etc etc etc)

What I had "forgotten" to write in my post written last night and then re-edited earlier this morning/day---the merging of fantasy movie narratives incorporated into political news commentary has become evident as I watch various MSNBC shows and NBC and I am always re-directed to their site although I have subscribed to CBS and ABC, which both have a different feel and varied reporting with reporters who all don't appear like blue-eyed zombie Nazis making emotional appeals to the emotions in their news commentaries with hate and vitriol. One of the more famous commentators of this NBC branch has teleported and viciously verbally assaulted me glaring with great hate and violence. Her face continuously appears on my YouTube front page although I delete and block and don't click on those channels (although I do like listening to two of their anchors). However, in so many of the political news YouTubers and media "serious" news shows, the crossover of movie plots made reference to, and tributes to movie stars who I KNOW are part of the terror teleportation fascist Nazi cartel--who either stolen ideas and then posted ugly photos glaring in hate into the camera (so many black "anti-racists" who perform their master-slave roles for the media master-slave plantation of American society media).

 The goal, I believe, is to incorporate fantasy narratives into the minds and brains of the consumers so they slowly merge fantasy with reality. That politics and entertainment are so intimately intertwined and connected at financial levels and are "friends" has demonstrated this merging conglomerated corporate/political influence.

First, the politicians can rely more and more on the movie themes to portray their political agenda without having to pose or attempt to persuade, as politicians as I have heard lately (yesterday)  rely on trumped-up Vaseline Hallmark style flowery (boring) platitudes to get their message across to the entertainment-controlled media-engrossed public who votes for them. Instead of having to actually create their own speeches, relying on script writers and H-wood scriptmakers to create the speeches that are designed to emote various noble sentimentality in order to persuade of a higher cause that these politicians can't begin to fathom in all their wheeling and dealing for private gain, exploiting all they can--how Trump made that so evident what former presidents hid so carefully under more trumped up rhetorical devices used in their lying speeches.

As more entertainers run for political office and are favored over politicians with law or other backgrounds.

The mind control templates are dusted off for any major speech and there are clips of how, for example, the former First (skank) stole the same speech from the latter one, which probably obtained the written speech from the Nazi masters out of H-wood who have partnered with them all to help promote them as icons of the plantation that they are all serving. One just got kicked out because, as I have also written of for years, the people being handed these technologies go beserk they bloat up in importance, power and violence because of the thrill of daily torture that this technology affords them. There is something more of an enhanced "evil" emitted from this misuse of th is technology. The actors who use this tech on me turn and punch and abuse their wives and children. They get divorced in huge public scandals and then re-partner with the very same abused victims to attack me further for more prominence and to try to obtain this monopoly contract out of attacking me--endlessly without end day and night for years without end. 

I also want to add that when I wrote of Blinken in my latest post (before the WNYU post), I had "forgotten" to include that Blinken has used the exact same wording and remembrance of his family member who escaped from Nazis using the same references and words exactly. It is all I know of him. He plays the victim role that H-wood relies on to further the political posturing of the most vicious Nazi infiltrators (one of whom I also just mentioned who usees this theme in his movies and now as a H-wood production that has reached global promotional status for being anti-Trump and anti-fascist). The same formula applies and is applied almost without deviation of wording. The Jewish "martyr" victim of a victim playing this theme out has every "right" to marry someone "non-Jewish" (as he is undoubtedly not "jewish " in the religious sense. He may even observe the religious rites but only out of rote practice in order to appear as a normalized member of a society that has garnered a pac and political clout--blinded by the leaders who claim they are supportive of them as well). Married to the non-Jewish woman as almost all Jewish men are who I see are raised to prominent positions. Of course, this is a personal observation I know this will sound "offensive" but it's a very stark reality that even famous Jewish writer Saul Bellow wrote of in very direct terms but in a creative fiction capacity.

All of these types attack me without question, as I have written of earlier but I "forgot" to include how he plays on this "victim" theme not only referring to himself as European/Hungarian and referencing himself as the child of Europeans--as all the leaders have been doing for over 4 years with T-rump emphasizing his european ancestry and his involvement in European fashion with  his fascist Nazi wives at his side, cheered on by the Americans who loathe America and all it's real values of originality to the extent that they would crush the capital with mass lynching to eliminate anyone pretending to be working on behalf of American values which do not coincide with European fascism.

But, the lies and fantasy references to movie scripts and fake lying actors remains as a huge factor in news and political collaboration with this most fascist, Nazi organized media Entertainment conglomerate with all the real "Dark Money" backing their endless brainwashing and mind control exploits (in attacking me as well. I keep having to ask why this is never stopped and why it keeps happening to ME when I have never tried to enter H-wood or get involved with it? I wanted my own independent creative life, perhaps that is why all must be controlled by one major brainwashing mind control fascist Nazi organization that appears for superficial posturing as a duality of opposition.


As to the actors who play roles of freedom, sexualized liberation, anti-racist, pro-bisexual pro-jewish/black/asian/latino who do not write or create the roles but only recite the scripts and add a few facial cues of seemingly independent interpretation designed to entertain. In reality they spurn these concepts, as I have been writing of for years, but because no one or few people are being teleported to them and tortured, perhaps what I write sounds fantastical and the old accusation of "delusional" is super-imposed upon me by their pundits defending this system--there are a lot of them around the planet who all know and all behave in the same manner-but the wealthy have a much higher expectation of entitlement and thus they are more perverted in their hate tactics.

The actors, then, are associated with the roles they are paid in millions to play for a fake entertainment-political continuum of power and influence over how people think and amass information and ingest it. The actors don't even need to rely as such on H-wood script writers because the image of them being compassionate humanitarians has already been established in the minds of the viewers who appear to not be able to differentiate the media montage from reality. I was once such a person as when I discovered how viciously fascist these actors are, I was taken aback because I had also bought into the myth-making capabilities of the media. I too associated these actors with the humanitarian anti-racist and pro-Democratic values they they enact and play with plasticity and plastic-coated smiles or frowns for the cameras, posturing with beauty treatments creating an aesthetic version of downtrodden victim rising to the top. The real victims of tyranny and oppression are weak, exhausted and sickened because the perpetrators of this kind of fascism always operate to deprive those they want to oppress with lack of medicine, food and education. Does that sound familiar in what has been taken away from the "Democratic" population along with an incarceration prison-industrial-complex formulated by a Democrat Administration and continued with a Republican Administration and then continued with a double Democratic administration and then not stopped by a Republican administration?  Movies played out by millionaire actors and directors and writers who go shopping in Paris alongside fascist Nazis and are seen at lavish parties but of course they are fighting for the downtrodden oppressed weak and sick minorities who watch these movies believing, hoping and then voting for their media stars when they hope to "change" something. 

I can assure you that A-rah has been at the side and partnership with T-rump and every fascist Nazi out of Europ-a-land and is at the very center of all attacks upon me. After she stole an idea I wrote of on Facebook to star in. She ran as Democrat opponent to T-rump, her good friend. Imagine what would have happened if she had been put into the lead Democrat Caucus candidacy against Trump? We would be listening to T-rump ranting about making America great again from the Capital Building as the newly re-elected President for 2021. Trust this and believe me--but A-rah has run on the image that  H-wood script writers and people who she has helped torture like me to obtain ideas from to pursue a false image of her charitable acts of kindness (so much money donated to charities for black people but of course she's right at the forefront of anti-Semitism so she can promote herself and other "black" nazis into more positions of power--and that goes for all of ":them" who are the "minorities' operating with the white bigots in H-wood--and perhaps, alas in Congress as well. If they don't support white supremacy in private, they definitely participate in anti-Semitic activities along with their fascist white plantation controllers so they will be put into higher political jockying for more power. Trust this and believe what I am saying. I am only tortured for writing such things. That means it is highly accurate and these fakes want these concepts suppressed and me as well, but only to help furnish them with more concepts they can steal. Of course, there are other people who can do this for them as well. however, the contract is in using mind control torture and drugging and technology along with reinforcement of behavior modification using "gang stalking" terror networks.

I'm tired of pounding down and backspacing and correcting what hackers are inserting as I type, plus my arms exhausted from using full arm strength to pound down on the laptop keyboard.


20 minutes later: after getting up and splashing water on my hands, I "remembered" another bit I had "lost" due to the attack on my brain from these brain-altering technologies always aimed at me when I write (and am in public, where the attacks are at high pitch at least for the purposes of making me appear to be functioning and moving but not able to speak or respond when someone is attacking me, much less count simple sums).

When I wrote of Blinken, I had thought at the "back of my mind" that Blinken, under Obama, had helped orchestrate TERRORISM in the MIDDLE EAST. YES, yes, indeedy the wonderful "liberal" bastion of "Democrat" ideology have created misery and death through terrorism, both American State terrorist policies and in supporting terrorist organizations in all spheres of the globe (if possible). You can see this clearly questioned by the Republican Senator Rand Paul in yesterday's Senate Confirmation hearing. Rand Paul addressed the issue of American complicity in terrorist regimes and in furthering and expanding the terror wars in all various countries around the world, but in particular in countries like Syria and Afghanistan (supporting Isis and other terrorist organizations) and I am just a typical American consumer not certain of the exact details but have heard a lot of commentary in news talks and in YouTube presentations outlining exactly what terror operations the Obama admin and people like "jewish child of holocaust survivors" victim role Blinken--who repeatedly plays this role every time he speaks for the purposes of appearing like a viable candidate to further American Imperialistic aspirations, including fully funding terrorist groups and operations. 

The domestic sphere of terror operations against US citizens like myself are kept silenced in the deep, dark basement of the oppressed news information outlets that participate in this crime and are fully indoctrinated into the media news information cartels (including the main YouTubers who are mostly white males or females with the usual configuration of minorities appearing to oppose but focused on their victimization plight and not really concerned about any other group--thus vying for power in the same faction but "complaining" about their politically oppressed status in achieving full power. They claim that whites are scared of a black power planet, but I am scared of a black nazi power cartel operating with full friendly fire functioning alongside fascist white supremacists--as they are doing now. The fictitious narratives they employ and steal to continue to push these angles and the agenda of a seemingly pluralized but apparently comprehensive overview of a representation of "society" and again, only using skin color as the main operating principle but the underlying identification with this one-sided fascist Nazi organization (with huge mind programming capabilities and technologies of subliminal brainwashing) remains in this huge guise, now fueled by endless celebrities and their endorsements and political office aspirations. 

And now, more pounding down and backspacing and enervation due to this exercise in futility trying to write this to an audience which is fully immersed into this fictional power structure with grand posturing of being a representative Republic Democratic society.

Here I sit after years of some of the most "powerful" American puppets of foreign intervention who control behind the scenes, endlessly waiting for Americans to stop adulating and emulating European fascism and actually fight for a real Democratic society that in actuality does not discriminate using torture and covert torture weapons to further the cause of a fascist, Nazi-controlled State, media-fantasy complex of complex mind programming for the increasingly dumbed down American population who will rise up to kill and destroy upon order after watching these movies and being programmed by the media double-speak fantasy hate that is spewed out continuously. Pornographic programming designed to also demean romance and love are an integral component of this system but for most of my time writing about this system I have focused all my energy and time of delineating as best I can under these adverse circumstances of hacking interruptions which are contininous--all the facets of fascist Nazi corporate take-over by Europ-a fascist Nazis who have bought these American actors and pop singers so completely they can't identify themselves as Americans in front of these infiltrator Europ-a's when they teleport me. They so fully endorse fascist Nazi takeover of America and they believe that they are fully welcomed into the inner circles of these Nazis. I argue the opposite and that they are only being used and will be eliminated or discarded or lied to and exempt from power once the fascists have fully taken over America which they really already have done. They just ordered their fascist dumbed-down Americans to go into the Capital building and assassinate the politicians. If you think these American Nazi groups operate only with domestic cohesion think about chat rooms where Germans and other Nazis provide commentary on their "Aryian brothers" in the chatrooms. I have entered some of these chats to read such things. 

Please save college radio station WNYU.ORG from horrid mainstream fascist, Nazi takover and co-opting. The radio station, which I have been a fan of for a decade since first learning of it, am chagrined that during the T-rump admin and when the H-wood terrorists began to assault and teleport and use terrorism against me, they infiltrated the station to put themes and hints about my situation into songs (not delusional schizophrenic delusions that I write of). In the last admin, out of NYC, the DJ's or radio hosts have played TOP 40 music and used MC and DJ-style vocal endless interruptions and almost top 40 notes on the popularity of the mainstream songs that they played. They used a format that only repetitive media outlets use with horrid music that they gyrating mediocrity pop stars are endlessly featured in every album and every year the same horrid skanks. Now what had been a truly original and unique station has been infiltrated by the fasco-techno-brainwashing media pig-ape-hyenas and the music is worsening and worsening into a near top-40 style presentation and the music is either old top 40's or those songs that haven't made the top hit charts. It's so horrid I must go back in the archives of WNYU at least a decade, and the station has taken all the great years of their archives off the website and they keep deleting older files so all the great stuff is GONE. .Please rescue alternative music from this mainstream deluge of K-rap horrid music and this "Millennial" group taking over the airwaves with all stations even purporting to be "alternative" and subculture dominated by this fasco-horrid mediocrity organization of fascism and Nazi propagandized media fodder.

 this post has been hacked and rewritten in parts but I am lazy don't want to fight to get into the title page and scroll because the functions are blocked and it's so time and energy-consuming to endlessly backspace while writing as they insert typos as I write, and then to publish and then have to go into a post while the functions are being blocked so I must at least twice rewrite and go into pages that have typos which appear like "ghetto" grammar. It's really more of their discrediting tactics which I write of on every post. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The new, golden dawn has risen out of the old, black setting sun in Washington, D.C. (referring to their symbolism not my interpretation).The fascist, Nazi Mafia US PLANTATION Government has been seamlessly transferred from one bigot leader to the next with full applause by the government and the country who watch the gyrating skanks symbolize the slave performances which are visual examples of how you can imbed slavery and servitude into conspicuous wealth symbols which are supposed to represent freedom from racism. Oh the Plantation continues as it left off assuming it can continue to kill off opponents and put the already indoctrinated performers into the same racist supporters of the fascist Nazi plantation into the same old positions of dominating and controlling the media brainwashing apparatus. . There may not have been a "smooth transition" from the T-rump team of fascist Nazis to the Biden administration, but in terms of the fascist, Nazi PLANTATION transferring from one icon of historical white old male power to the next, in terms of endlessly fomenting a fascist Nazi culture and State utilizing technocratic terror technology and means (and ways), the terror contract out on me, there has definitely been a smooth transition from the formerly excessively violent fascist Nazi to the smoother, more controlled "liberal" Nazi fascist contingent. How smooth it has been. The teleportation stupidity has definitely switched in tone, but not in stupidity although they are using clever and sophisticated brainwashing into racist programming upon me.

 Here are some of the old, former victims of Nazi domination now re-programmed into being fascist Nazis using the old Illuminati/Nazi/European Golden Dawn sieg heil symbolism which Biden has just referenced as his "new dawn" and "new day" with the rising sun as his symbol.

To get the real or more documented history on this subject, you probably must read or do research on the subject. It would be included under esoterica and Illuminati and Freemason in any search. The Golden Dawn, as I wrote earlier, is also the name of a Tarot System developed at the dawn of the facsist Nazi movements in Europe back in the 1920's-40's.

"Nazi Sunset Golden Dawn - Trailer" (YouTube title)

"Why the Golden Dawn is a Neo-Nazi Party."

Turning off the boob tube laptop last night before the Inauguration was finished because the sickening realization of how badly I have been tricked only because the T-rump torture and hate apparatus was so violent in desperation I clung to the hope that this Biden team, which I was against almost vehemently during the Democratic convention and so dearly wanted OTHER candidates to be put into power. With no other alternative and only a continuation of the old system supported by the entrenched old people in Congress supporting a system that has left them as lethargic about actually protecting "Democracy" and instead grafting and grifting as much power and money as possible--the system remains intact as the younger generations are being endlessly brainwashed into conforming into this system, because of course no other alternatives are being put into the public consciousness thanks to the collusion betwixt Congress and Whorewood, CA, Inc., GmbH, Ltd conglomerated. The programming remains intact, the PLANTATION comes out to sing and gyrate for the Congressional transfer of the same system but in the "liberal" costumes as the Repuglicans recede and applaud it all because they all operate essentially as a vibrating dildo going from one slight angle to the next up the collective brain vortexes of the American and global world.

Thus, after turning off the boob tube I fell asleep extremely disappointed but not shocked, as I had been warned by one of the H-wood "truther" seeking director/writers, in this nefarious contact system on my computer where they insert "messages" but if and when I write about this, I am deemed schizophrenic and delusional and not they. T-rump was so violent that the alternative which I had been against EIGHT YEARS AGO has now resumed the same old system. Teleported again last night into another hate situation, which for a nice refreshing "change" was not sick death and violence on a physical and spiritual morbid level, but instead was a threat and a hate attack based on psychological mind control about how I have to change my attitude while racist memes played by the obvious slaves of the plantation who played their subordinate racist roles for me while I was put at floor level in the teleportation skit--watching them play victims and obeying and serving the white slave masters who controlled them. Then teleported to one white female who more quietly informed me that I have to "change" my appearance and attitude as she and this group forced me to wade into some kind of Louisiana type swamp area while she stood watching me. I repeated (but not with emphatic believe or seriousness--because I was "joking" but saying it straight, as I thought it was a joke and did not take her seriously as I never will with these parasites, the whites and their minion minorities who most viciously attack me for their white masters who control and pay them in huge million dollar mansions and deals) but...I repeated what she said but not "brainwashed" or believing it, but joking because the idea of conforming to their shitty system has never dawned on me as something real or that I must conform to, especially after realizing that this group has tried to murder me and has sponsored endless rape and disfiguration so I cannot compete and win against them any longer.

The "new" teleportation crew, in this seamless transfer one one old order to the next old order of bigotry, disguised in the "liberal" mode but with the same deadly aims-- most obviously has a much different tone, feel and is under a new administration of criminal fascist Nazis. Instead of brute violence, which the audiences watching these people utilizing the technology who know what is happening to me with teleportation technology now can clearly not get confused by any longer, the former T-rump admin resorted to brute violence in order to achieve what it could not under the falsity of the "Democratic Process" that these liars continue to flaunt as their hallmark of posturing capability. Proving the ineptitude once more, they commence with the hate crimes and terror operations, as I wrote of yesterday. 

Yesterday, their grandizing posturing and hypocritical lying paradigm shift, supposedly, was a mere shallow and very badly rendered (artistically) symbolic segue into the "new Golden Dawn" out of the darkness of the "old" order which was what they called their good "friend" for years until he almost had them killed. 

As I wrote earlier, the golden new dawn reference is not my serious interpretation of them, but is simply the Freemason/Illuminati symbolism (look it up, the Golden Dawn tarot can be purchased online from EBay or Amazon--the Golden Dawn is an old order of pre-fascist occult symbolism) that I was more glibly referring to as a sardonic "joke" about what I portended would happen. Biden came out with this "new day" motto after I had written about this old sunset being renewed by a new Nazi sunrise--the same cycle in other words. The Golden Dawn being an esoteric order of pre-Nazi (as in from the 19th Century) European pre-fascist order that was their own version of Whorewood indoctrination through fantasy literature and performances of significant mesmerizing ritualistic performances created to hypnotize viewers into the Nazi cult that now reigns over Whorewood and now I see Washington, D.C.

Back to my idea that I am struggling to type and think out: the transition has been completely seamless. I think that T-rump actually wanted to attend the Inauguration and was blocked by the remaining hostile Congress. 

I want to add here that this disgusting white pig ape whore Nazi creep who began this skit with first Muslims doing ghetto style stuff in the middle of the street (as in 3rd world country type open market and hanging out cooking in the streets in clumps of people, not very elegant or powerful just like old poverty areas of the older orders which I have seen in old grainy footage of ghetto places like where Jews lived in squalor (which this group forces upon me by spraying stinking filth and grime and black grease into my home and furniture, sprayed all over every wall and onto clothing and into my body to replicate this dirty, broken down ghetto style old European oppression of the minorities and Jews, so when the time came to cart them off to foreign places to be relocated, the wills and strength of the Jews had been so inculcated that Jews meekly walked right into the death cars sometimes willingly (but I doubt it after a while they knew what was in store but had no ability to fight because the rest of Europe refused any immigration and had a convention in France to force all jews to be killed off by the Germans as they all continue to follow in older Nazi protocols to this very day). Thus, the US continues to reconvene the old orders of Nazi culture and yesterday the Inauguration was yet another symbolic gesture of this old Plantation being renewed for YET ANOTHER DAY but there was nothing new in this sunrise it was a black and empty show of lies.

I know my sentence above was very convoluted my brain is endlessly being attacked as I write. I also know that my ideas are being stolen as I write this because the people who are supposed to represent the media are basically good-for-nothing skanks who can't think of original ideas, have been put into the same positions of power for decades just like the members of Congress who keep putting the old order candidates into voting position, and they keep torturing me to obtain ideas to continue to push the lie that they are exacting real "Democracy" and change while keeping it in exactly the same destructive course rolling downhill into fascist control and dictatorship through technocratic means like teleportation and "gang stalking" which they immediately have shown me they are going to pursue forever unless people actually stop them. But you are all engrossed in watching these dumbed down skank whores in the media and so you can't understand how badly you are being controlled, drugged and your brains are also likewise under assault by brain-altering technologies while you watch. Trust me, because you can't trust them and as a target, even if I am writing in a style that discredits the seriousness of what I am writing--imagine what you would say about people torturing you day after day for years while you fight for your life to heal from poisoning they keep ordering to be put into your food as you struggle to earn money they block it and you are stuck in a  murder and torture cycle as they get promotions for stealing ideas I write in fury and drugging about their modus operandi and my analysis of it. 

No comments have ever been made on my blog and no money has ever been donated to me. I have published this blog on Google and it appears as being active on Google analytics. Not a single comment no money and no action except for you hackers blocking the public function of this blog and the creep parasites out of Whorewood and now even Congress members stealing ideas I write of and then, replicating the technocratic fascist Nazi operation under new and more improved versions of deception. Thanks to technology and mass communication and mass terrorist networks including the "gang stalker" network which these fascist parasite fascist bigots rely on almost 100% to enforce their REAL POLICIES. Not the Vaseline-coated up your brain-hole brainwashing "liberal" and "Democratic" value K-rap stuff that they must torture people in order to have any kind of new idea formulations upon which to reformulate the old formulas. Packaging it all out as being "new" and "alternative" while retaining the OLD PLANTATION AND IT'S SLAVES SERVING AND SERVICING THEIR FASCIST RACIST INTERESTS.

Another thing you can easily identify in the Biden team is that Biden refers to himself as being "Irish". As T-rump had done and continues to do: references to mommy and daddy are some of the most defining terms they all refer to themselves as. Immigrants from Ireland and from Germany and Scottland--mommy and daddy references are rife in their opening introductory speeches. This is symbolic of the OLD ORDER out of fasco-pig-ape Europe and their identification with the Old World and it's hierarchical orders that they are current members of. They all refer to their parents in mommy and daddy reminiscences, like children who are telling the planet that they are still under the control of their parents and that system that immigrated to America and wanted to bring each various sect into it's own same Euro-pig-ape fascist system and they work now to block all "progress" into equality and real freedom. Thus, their endless references to mommy and daddy and their recurring identification with the old countries (now one is referring to India, and others refer to themselves as children of immigrants who escaped Nazi Holocaust persecution--i.e. Blinken who like almost ALL or ALL of the "Jewish" men I have seen put into higher positions of power--especially those in my family which I know from first-hand experience--are married to non-"Jewish" women, and that is deliberate as a straying away from that group and an integration into Nazi culture--and they are fierce proponents of Nazi stalking terror operations when they see it happening to me and they almost violently support the Nazis and are beloved for it and thus they are put into positions of "power".) At least the black men who claim they are "victims" at least marry with black women but with the Jews, the desire to become blonde and look less "jewish" and for the men to help to rape and insult and demean Jewish women is normalized within the culture. The Jewish men put into power I have seen or heard make endless negative references to their mothers but adore their fathers. The hate for Jewish women remains intact. The few Jewish women in the media who are accepted allow deferential comments to be made, they participate in the attack upon me (the rate of Jewish women participating in attacking me, from my experience, has been at 100%).

Thus all the "minority" groups being flaunted by the same old white master of the fascist Nazi plantation has told them to also make endless reference to their mommys and daddys when they are explaining who they are--all is based on what their mommys and daddys probably NEVER WERE IN THE FIRST PLACE. 

The historical Vaseline-coated memmory references to dearly departed old European fascist Nazi hierarchy remains the prevailing theme as the fascist Europig-ape hyena fascists are welcomed in to create division, chaos and destruction training these Americans into fascist Nazi programming to implement a colonized American Nazi country. Under the good "friend" T-rump it was almost accomplished by mass assassination of these ineffectual governance Congressional "leaders" and that is what I am writing about today.

I have sworn to get off the internet because pig ape whores out of whorewood and beyond are endlessly hacking into my writing to see what they can steal while keeping me stuck in endless subpoverty desperation as these filthy and rotten parasites continue the same old plantation programming and hate attacks upon me as T-rump and Obama and the rest of all the presidents have done since I was born in 1964.

I need to get off this internet and not write. Under the last two administrations the pig apes kept an endless continuous level of torture that was murdering me and I had to keep writing in order to get them to stop the electronic murder torture which they would then reduce so I would then continue the cycle of writing and asking for help and then elaborating on theory but never able to earn a penny for my writing as the ape hyena pigs out of Whorewood are being paid in millions to then suck out the ideas and then return to fascist 
Europe in a fanfare of endorsement by their fascist plantation buddies--the blacks, Jews, Asians, Latinos, et al included with the very Happy whites who are so happy to see their system spreading to the extent that they almost had a real coup d'etat under their good friend T-rump who openly espoused Nazi white supremacy and was so honored by all European gold course white male societies.


I have the usual sensation of dizziness upon fighting to end the re-edited paragraph above. Upon closing the browser and then re-opening because as soon as I got off, ideas that had been blocked came back with a surge. I struggle now to fight the hacking malware blocking key function--my head is dizzy I feel sick because my brain and nervous system are under so much attack from writing to thwart my capability to really write at the level of sophistication that I truly am capable of--it's so blocked by an excessive attack on my limbic system--my emotional centers.

The hyenas trying to brainwash me yesterday night in that horrid but very calculated brainwashing programming hate racist skit--with the masses of minorities sinking into the hate paradigm of suppression, abuse and racism who accepted and were disgruntled but did nothing but play the roles for this skit--as the "actors" that they are who play these roles--to the one white woman living in a house on a marsh with no other people around--(the minorities were clumped in crushed clusters of oppressed and complacent slave status--the actors themselves portraying what they have accepted in real life--but "fight" against to make millions of dollars if possible as the masters of the plantation award them for gyrating as Italian-fashion wearing ghetto get-rich iconic symbols of what is necessary to achieve any OUT of the ghetto mentality which they simply remain mired into like the muck that the white pig ape female tried to put me into, as I repeated her brainwashing sentence but internally thought it was a joke and did not take it seriously but was forced to repeat it in a kind of edited "stop and start" teleportation skit so I said it without any prior awareness--like an editing process).

Waking up feeling absolutely convinced that the "change in attitude" this whore white skank was trying to enforce was the conviction that she and this group are more conniving, evil and worthless than I had previously imagined in the need to get their good "friend" T-rump out of power because he's so violent and his followers are so violently willing to follow orders (which the media call "stupid lies" but are commands to follow and obey fascism).

Biden referred to himself on his first attempt to run for president as the son of English or Welsh or something out of the UK --he lied that he was the son of coal miners out of the UK. The lies were exposed and that was before the internet. He stopped running for president, chose to run for prex 20 years later, but the public had not forgotten his lie. Now something like 40 years later or whatever (as I am too sick of fighting hacking and how slowly the hackers block the internet speed so opening search engines and getting results takes at least 20 times longer than anyone else using the internet)

What a liar, what a spoof he used to connect himself to Europigape land. That should alert anyone who has read my posts (who continue to help the fascists suppress both my ability to type and write and think (all I do is backspace non-stop to correct the insertions as keys are juxtaposed when I type other letters appear and spaces appear while I write and I must pound down just to get anything out--which is then re-written so make me appear like I can't write or spell as my brain is put into a hate and rage mode and higher cerebral cognitive processes are completely blocked as I digress into hate speech)

always writing about this. I just though of how Biden lied about his mommy and daddy being from Europigape land, making himself out to be more Europigape fascist than American. Don't forget that he helped write the Omnibus Crime Bill which created the prison-industrial-complex of slavery reinstituted into "cement slave ship" prison systems of endless incarceration and private-prison profits exploding on the stock market for people like him and his constituents. He also was against integrated schools, which Ms. Harris spoke of during her bid for president back in the primaries.

Not saying that Biden can't become something less old world Nazi Europigape based but obviously, the two women who I have written of in the last year who are pop singers/actors (of mediocre talent but considering how artists are being thwarted and replaced by gyrating mediocre whores so no real opposition to the encroaching fasco-technocratic system can ever actually question or revolt against this tyranny--) and

I want to not write. I can only hope that the endless cycle of unbearable torture will stop so I don't have to resort to writing about this crime to the silent hacker parasites hacking in and never stopping this or helping me to achieve some kind of normal living system. these pigs want me completely crushed physically and emotionally and psychologically to be another plantation servant buying into and furthering their system. They told me through this white skank rotten creep women who gloated about the brown and black minority good slave plantation servants who teleported me last night and performed all their master-slave roles in these modernized "liberal" versions that the media keeps cranking out with all their resonant players being paid in millions to keep the symbolism very alive and well for the general huge plantation society--and they have only convinced me further of the unworthiness they have to hold positions of "power" in America and in the world. Certainly I have seen that what was hinted to me is true, there is no "change" only a more subdued version of the old violent murderous system put into different euro-pig-ape centered colonization chaos-generating power.

They convinced me of the need to further DESTROY THEIR SYSTEM and not even begin to seriously conform to their hate system. The more I see of them in this very reality-shocking teleportation technology the more I am convinced of how badly I was brainwashed for so many years due to their drugging to actually blindly accept that the people put into power actually were capable and competent to lead these very significant roles. They are all trained to repeat scripts and that is probably their most competent roles but of course, they are also capable of administrating policies that they are instructed by their masters to enact into legislation with the gyrating skank hybrid hyena pig ape Europig-ape centered slaves operating in Whorewood. So if this is not enough cursing for you I don't know what is to achieve a sense of the rage that years of torture upon me has created when no one will ever hold these criminal accountable for their crimes. They keep T-rump as a symbol that they are discarding but they so happily continue the same ole plantation system intact. They have only convinced me of their corrupt incompetence last night and that they need to be PUT OUT OF POWER AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. I have doubts about the Progressives but at least helping people to have health care and a decent life and the hope of getting out of the roles of slavery instead of being paid to enforce them through mind control, now torture in my case, and in every sense it's all being re-programmed into the conscious of the public through entertainment and through news on all sides and in politics they are so intertwined and not polar opposites at all.

I am fighting to backspace and pound out letters my brain is being thwarted I must stop fighting to try to write this. I curse because my brain is being blocked what I really am capable of writing has not been expressed. Please understand this when you read all my cursing. Their aim is to discredit and block my ideas but to steal what I am thinking but making what I fight to pound out appear as hate ranting so no one takes this seriously. I cannot write at the graduate level I have completed and grown up around all my life. It's being completely blocked by the exacerbation of hate and rage and my body smothered in technological energies and the anger at the keyboard being hacked also has an effect.


I so want at least to not be tortured to the point that I must write continuously to get someone to stop the torture. Can anyone do at least that much to help me? From this new, "wonderful" administration of people "representing" the slave master plantation system with black and white nazis working together to create the impression that it's not really the old mafia Nazi continuum being rehashed into what appears and is being commercialized as the "New Day" the New Golden Dawn of the old cycle of fascist Nazi Order.

A disappointing beginning for the Biden Administration. The Inauguration is a testament to how stupid Congress has been and still is. I refer to the celebrity performances during the Inauguration that turned it into a dismal reprise of the terrorism that every administration has funded and covertly supported to terrorize and slowly murder me.

 My last post--and this post and every post I put the script into large print and every time I fight this the hackers force the print size to be very small. Words continue to be omitted and hacked out so the posts are lacking cohesiveness. My brain is under severe brain-altering attack so I can't think clearly while I must fight to backspace to correct inserts or deletions that hackers force onto the page. I think of the much more elaborate and well-worded phrases that my brain begins to formulate but which are blocked and I begin to curse and call people names. The creeps in question then torture me for calling them names after they drug, poison disfigure, make my home a filthy and stinking mess every single day through their proxy terrorist agents, they order me to be huge and bloated and endless not able to function while they torture me and thus I call them names and then they increase the violence. I am not able to think at all clearly while I am in the middle of writing. What comes out begins with some ideas that spiral into hate rambling cursing by the end of each post that's how it all ends. Now hacking is making typing extremely difficult ---

I have been waiting for some decent administration to stop this crime and it appears like these Congress people are adamantly absorbed with keeping things the same corrupt level just hiding it much more cleverly in the future than what happened with T-rump and his overt hate statements and behaviors endorsing terrorism. I have no home, I have been bereft of every capability of earning money. I have waited for months for a new administration to come to power, only to have this symbolic sting of seeing the same criminal performers sing and make their sleazy entrance into the politics of a new administration right in the middle of an inauguration. I still can't get over it. Who the hell planned something this insignificant for such a momentous occasion? 

I now have to ask the silent readers, whomsoever is out there, to please intervene on my behalf at least as a human gesture of some kind of decency because these actors are pure scum and shit in my opinion as I have written only day after day for years and years. They keep inserting videos of babies I am constantly followed by creep stalkers carrying babies which disgusts me. They have also raped me so much my sexuality is completely gone, plus they severed out part of my uterus and my hormones and all the stress, hate and rape and abuse has left me absolutely shell-shocked with absolute disgust for these scumbag pieces of crap who are endlessly trying to make huge deals out of forcing an extremely unwanted unloved baby out of me. The crimes never end. I am now pounding down to fight to get anything out on this laptop and my brain is in a state of hate from the attack on my brain. PLEASE GET THEM OFF OF ME THESE DISGUSTING FOUL ROTTEN PIGS AND APES and these shit female skank whores who are their wives, children and lovers and partners. I must appeal to any humanity there may be out there as obviously this new administration is keeping the same status quo or they are too stupid, or greedy, or absorbed in this quid pro quo system to begin to stop the onslaught of domestic terrorism that is the real underpinning of these celebrities that they endorsed to perform for this horrendously boring and platitudinous empty meaningless ceremonial Inauguration spectacle of celebrity mafia Nazi endorsement. I need support I have to request what the politicians won't do nor have ever done. What they haven't done but should have has nearly killed them by this terrorist attack at the Capital but they continue as if nothing but a mere singular attack happened but everything will commence with the same routine as they all get paid for endorsing the same terror network that has tried to undermine them and have them killed. Still too greedy to be truly intelligent but highly articulate and trained in higher educational skills. Alas poor America must continue to suffer endlessly due to their greed and blinder position on how their corrupt side-deals have turned America into a dying country. Hopefully the newer members of congress will actually care, or the Americans who claim they care and do care will continue to fight to stop these criminal politicians who are too complacent in their power to actually be bold and strong in the face of corruption which has nearly destroyed everything they claim they represent. They continue RIGHT NOW ON DAY ONE of the Biden Administration with the same old mafia Nazi cartel operations that they have always endorsed as their back-up investment portfolio can't lose schemes. I mean corrupt deals that they make that are certain to pay -out and the deals they make with mafia and Nazi interests to pad their greed. I believe this is the real situation. It's very very sad that they can't learn to go higher into the promises and oaths that they make to uphold the Constitution. They rant about it when their lives are at stake but continue just as if everything is going to be just fine because these performers who are enablers of terrorism are so nice and sexualized entertainment slingers and it lures these politicians into a fake sense of entitlement and lethargy while some of their real enemies are those they applaud. They still can't learn to investigate how mind control operates as they hear and know about my situation. Because I am so usually in a hysterically hate rage ranting state of course I am discredited so they don't take what I write seriously. they also never stop the attacks upon me so I can actually write without excessive emotional ranting and hate subliminals poured into my inner ear. They really don't want me to write clearly about what they are privately endorsing. Welcome to Obama 3.0 administration. How I hope Biden will morph out of this former role of allowing this to go on (for over 40 years in the Senate).


I am trying to listen to Biden and what he is saying is pretty boring and nondescript. Platitudes and flowery rhetoric that ring of scripts and political grandstanding. I am not criticizing Biden but just this horrid performance. The remaining energy of the throngs of hate that pervaded the Capital seem to tarnish the energy of this event. I would prefer Biden to not sound like a Hallmark card company wrote his Inauguration speech, and definitely not to have to have seen two criminal terrorist perpetrators who have participated in me being teleported and raped and then disfigured sing in the highest symbolic political ceremony of this four-year period. It's like I can never escape from the sickness of toxic media celebrity endorsements even in watching what should be a sacrosanct political ceremony, and not a baseball game highly paid prostituted singing pair of mafia skanks singing in horrid street-level style about situations that they are paid to pollute and defile so they can demonstrate that they really have no soul or content internally. And yet, Biden's theme is to restore the soul of America. This proves an extremely bad beginning for that claim. He above all should know that these singing skanks are the most corrupt creepy sleazy sell-out soulless prostituted crap (not the "most" but in terms of having soul, they are mostly null and void) and yet, they have been chosen and allowed to continue under Biden. Biden, friends with Obama who has been part of this criminal conspiracy of teleportion against me, is well aware of exactly who has participated with T-rump and all the other fascist Nazis out of Europigapeland and their ilk and yet they continue to allow the same criminals to go on and on being put into lead position. 

This lack of either intelligence or awareness of how Biden must like Obama bow down to this media cartel and insert this shit into the middle of an Inauguration is a shameful example of how and why---they have not even begun to investigate what the real problems are and continue to bring the same terrorist groups into power. 

This is also why I did not get involved in politics for most of my adult life because of the intuitive sense of the futility of these leaders who have brought this endless terror operation that nearly had many of them killed which they continue to endorse--fully into power until it's nearly imploded into a complete terrorist operation destroying the country.

Yet they never seem to care and continue to feed into the same system. 

Excuse all my hate sentences I am under "mind control' effect which creates excessive hate, the attempt to discredit me, and I am not able to block out these technologies and always being forced into sickness and poverty and shunned by all society everywhere I go or attacked by people trying to exploit me is no help for me to not succumb to the attacks because I have absolutely no support or diversion. They also stole my one and only loving source which is my cat, and they have killed all animals that are near me--they even killed a huge reptile that had a burrough outside my window and because I enjoyed watching it and connected to it, they killed it. They are sick and a death to America and they continue to put their whore entertainment into the political arena with the dumb and dumber politicians just watching it clapping while they KNOW what these whores are really doing when it comes to attacking me using these death and terror operations and technologies which they fund and continue to endorse. 

I am going to stop hearing Biden blathering about Truth and Justice at this point. If he is too stupid to allow these rotten criminal skanks to sing at his Inauguration he's either too weak to control what is happening or too dumb to understand what he is allowing to continue to foment: death and terrorism in America through these disgusting, rotten celebrities which are part of the T-rump terror coup attempt. How can they not understand this and continue to let it pass without even a hitch? These political power-people know which fascist-Nazi-funded "celebrity" (pig-ape-hyena hybrid--and I describe them as such DUE TO THEIR ACTIONS AND THEIR BEHAVIOR WHICH IS SUBHUMAN AND DISGUSTING AND NON-HUMAN AND CERTAINLY NOT LIBERAL OR HUMANE) "people" are attacking me. The rhetorical question is: why are they allowing them to sing at the Inauguration? Are they going to posture like Obama did about how they care and then continue to allow fascists to overtake the country but they still cling to power as a caucus raking in the millions in funding to promote interests of the mafia and Nazi cartels? How disappointing it all is. My early enthralled expectations were dashed seeing skanky gag gag I am now correcting what hackers have inserted to discredit me; also, as I type the hackers are juxtaposing letters I type and inserting spaces between letters. They have also deleted much of the more elaborate word choices I used when writing this, deleted them and put it all into more common and basic language skill sets to demean my capabilities because they want me to be and appear less threatening to their positions--as they continue to steal the concepts and word choices I actually use). To continue as I must pound down now as the capital key function won't work, I must pound down with my entire arm and hand to get anything to operate correctly.

I wrote about this nasty mafia iconic singer who has won top awards year after year, but when I listen to her singing and see her acting I see nothing notable: I hear Broadway style singing with horrid nasal  vibrato. I see someone who has no emotional basis put into lead roles. I have been teleported to this nasty boring skank and have FELT and witnessed a great evil energy and seen an empty, meaningless grasping skanky whore who attacks me and laughs bout it with this technology, all backed now by president after president. When people accused Biden of being from a crime family, I now understand. Back to this rotten singer who I gratefully turned the tube off so I would not have to hear it sing for this Inauguration: because I swear I have tried to understand how her horrid singing is so well-endorsed and from years of being teleported I see only that it's because she's a sleazy and rotten mafia skank, and that is all. It's surprising that mafia Nazi Taylor Swift did not also get invited, but I guess Biden under Obama's advice with Michelle and the rest needing to bring the worst skanks of H-wood into the Inauguration to let Nazi and mafia investors know and feel assured that their ties and connections remain covered by the next adminstration, as they were under the last administration and the one before that and the one before that and the one before that and etc etc...


As for the Freshman Congress members like John Ossoff--I was impressed by his intelligence and style. Also by Warnock but moreso by Ossoff. There's also AOC, but I'm unsure about her real affiliations as I know she is aware of my situation and has put the usual signs onto my internet. I realize how "delusional" this sounds when I reference famous people putting videos on my YouTube channel. The form of the way these are presented is a very planned series of attention-grabbing sequences that occur in something much more cohesive than an algorithm-based series of videos. I repeat: the channels I have subscribed to rarely if ever appear and people I detest show up with never-ending repetition who  I never clicked on or subscribed to or liked, and then they teleport me which I have no evidence of so this all sounds "crazy" to any outside but---this is how these criminals want to influence viewers behavior and to impress their status upon people to remain at the pinnacles of the monopolies in the media which they have used to exert so much political influence upon politicians that they are now inserted in the middle of Inauguration events while politicians who know that these are undemocratic fascist Nazi-enablers sit and applaud.

How sickening it all is. That I must see this as a formerly apolitical unconcerned non-voter is amazing that I now have a clear view of what no one will admit and they insult and call me crazy for writing about. It's like I see an alternative reality that is the real reality that no one will admit to as they keep pushing a fantasy delusion that people believe is the "fragile" reality of "Democracy" that they just "rescued" America from but have really created in their greedy greasy back-room deals and orgiastic celebrity endorsement scams.


Now, for the first time, someone is reading a "poem" that is heart-felt and authentic, or very much impresses this upon me. It's a black male reading his writing about healing the sick, loving your enemy and it's a poetic aspiration for healing and peace that I find uplifting, yes, I do agree this was a fine representation for the moment. He's praying to God and to our humanity and our commonness. This is the first lecture that doesn't sound like canned laughter at a serious event.

Otherwise, Bill Clinton looks very very unhealthy like he's on the doorstep. His black circles under his eyes remind me of his huge heart surgeries and that he's very, very seriously ill. 

I do not condemn this inauguration and I am glad that the Congress can vote along at least one similar line to pass legislation that will help people instead of feeding the wealthy endless in this piss-on trickle down k-rap hate policy that must be ended, and I so hope it will be.

I love the new tax codes that Biden is proposing and the new Green Deal. I am hopeful but this Inauguration reeks of mafia influence and Nazi bs performances (not on his part). 

I must emphasize so wholeheartedly that politics should be unraveled from the influence of performers in Whorewood and that includes news outlets forced to stop making reference to movie plots and actors and k-rappy performers which they do often, especially from MSNBC AND NBC--one of the teleporting vicious hateful attackers is a regular at MSNBC as prime time news anchor. That channel in particular makes references to movies and actors and this intertwining of this entity with politics has LEAD TO THE NEAR MASSACRE AT THE CAPITAL BUILDING but no one will acknowledge the seriousness of this grave mistake these fascist Nazi mafia enablers are making. It must force me to believe that they actually want the absolute destruction of the United States but to control it as a colonized Nazi colony. This I believe. Now hackers are blocking keys and stiffening the keyboard so it's time to stop because it's just endless backspacing and rewriting while people never seem to take what I write seriously but what I portend actually comes to pass and yet I still get no acknowledgement or support from anyone. Now I see that the people who I hoped would show a bit of concern and caution in continuing to support this criminal media cartel of fascists and terrorists are still leaving me here and the criminals are still being paid for the lies that they are performing.

I have just turned off the Inauguration because the skank gag gag singer is bellowing out her creepy singing just prior to the inauguration of Biden, not after the very serious political event but prior as if this is a huge entertainment spectacle because media whores have been incorporated into politics for so long they are inseparable at this point. That the US Government can't begin to separate T-rump from his colleagues out of Whorewood and their collusion into the terrorist operations is so absolutely stupid on their part and a discredit to what should be higher intelligence that they absolutely lack. Highly educated skillsets appear to wane in the face of the force of entertainment media and the money and awards these ignorant politicians cling to for endorsements and mafia Nazi approval ratings for their nasty sell-out careers. Now another celebrity who has participated in this crime against me, but in a very shadowy and remote sense--not directly attacking me in teleportation but participating perhaps as an onlooker which still gets them promoted---she's now singing right after the skank gag gag whore creep--(sorry, but she teleported me and her energy and behavior is so offensive and although I never cared for her, having had the nasty experience of "meeting" this exploitative mafia skank symbol that keeps being put into highest awards categories due to the mafia T-rump administration--it's sad it's pathetic that these stupid politicians can't tell the difference between a fascist nazi criminal and a real artist. If someone like me wants to see a real political event and is not interested in a pageant of mediocre skank whores singing in horrid voices quivering with fake sexualized emotion and gospel stolen style--it's all so disgusting that these stupid politicians embrace the very people associated with their near deaths and the demise of Democracy and yet they continue to support the same goddamn criminal skanks as if nothing has happened and all can resume back to the "normal" entertainment skank cartel that has dominated the minds and brains of idiots that these politicians appear to be who can't even get real artists who can actually sing to perform but stupid entertainment skanks instead---who should have been put out in display for their whore performances to be gooned at by viewers who are dumb and don't know art appreciation--after the inauguration not during it--at the END of the great political event and not during it--as in the circus performances of actors but during the damn Inauguration. This bodes very ill for my hopeful expectations that this new administration is not as corrupt as the last. Skanky gag gag the bombastic mediocrity, whose crappy singing has been awarded year after year I can't understand why (as I am a dedicated follower of talent that operatic singers are capable of, and so her one-range creepy nasal singing is so inadequate and mafia-sponsored and this creep who is a FRIEND of T-rump--has stood alongside him as they both teleported me while he grinned at her after they tortured me to obtain ideas this rotten skank can use for her endless creep media exposure which the mafia-controlled Congress has now participated in. I have just turned off the Inauguration as a result, I wanted to enjoy watching some kind of change and this f-ing whore is singing just before the new president will be ushered into power. She is the same terrorist whore that has helped create the near fatal Capital implosion. She is a terrorist who has helped to further the T-rump cause and has been promoted by media as being his staunch opponent. The sickness of this is so disgusting and all the ignorant politicians are cheering and applauding. Who and what the F put this creep into this position for this pivotal powerful political media coverage? Mafia and Nazis who helped T-rump collect all the Nazis to "storm" the Capital and it's distressing that one of the main criminals associated with this terrorist action is now singing to endorse what she hopes will further her disgusting mafia cartel interests which keep awarding this creep endless highest positions in the media.

 So that makes THREE actors/performers who have participated in this criminal teleportation skank contract out on me who are performing before Biden is inaugurated so people who can't stand these rotten skanks and their shitty musick must wade through the endless time it takes them to posture (and get paid in lots of millions and millions of viewers who will associate these fascist Nazi enablers  to have more power as symbols of "Democrat liberalism" for this new administration. Is Biden and Harris that clueless or that controlled by this Nazi mafia system which has also fully endorsed T-rump and his fascist, near overthrow of the Government. I mean,how kinda stupid can they be continuously for years and years to continue to connect skank Whorewood performers into politics?

I have written of what this disgusting piece of shit has done and participated in, the politicians viewing and sitting in the rows in front of the centerpiece of this event have known what has been going on for a few years (and many years). They object not, they participate in a criminal terrorist who is being honored with this huge publicity stunt of singing for an inauguration.

It is a complete discredit to this administration coming in and to the US Congress, because they KNOW what is happening to me and they should have the sense to not continue to endorse people who are supporting the terrorism that has nearly had most of them assassinated and yet these IDIOTS sleep through what is really going on and cheering it on.