WTF that this is being a sort of promotional ladder for years and not a single person will ever stop them? I now have two more men (now very famous, and from Congress--"fighting" against the fascist Nazi attempt to take over the government--oh the fighters_@@#bs) and right there, next to the very people who associated with Trump and who handed Trump the tech which helped him to obtain his presidential position of power. Now politicians are flocking in their quest to be also granted higher positions of power. The English-based infiltrator who is facilitating much of the H-wood attack unit upon me is not just a rotten whore skank, but a sinister and pernicious version of rotten creep projected through having wealthy connected parents into an unjustified position of power. But besides that, after YEARS I mean non-stop years every single day of torture--not just "abuse" but physical torture--most of the hair on the top of my head is gone due to these attacks. My entire body is covered with scars and blemishes from years of these attacks upon my body while I am unconscious and being teleported to hate skits, rape and violence and these same skank pig whores abusing and insulting and threatening and doing disgusting vile things at me (because it's supposed to be so "elite" that they treat people like this and can get away with it and then get promoted by ultra wealthy pig whores who are handing out these contracts--I can only assume disgusting Nazis). I also tell them that there use anti-Semitism as a regular hate attack and there is a "jewish" man who is sitting next to the other man who both are in Congress now "fighting" against the latest Neo-Nazi development in Congress (aka The Insurrection of January 6, 2020).
So they pipe in that this pig whore is "more beautiful". I only tell them that the whore is more beautiful than they are. Although these piece of rotten foul shit skank has ordered endless mutilation and disfiguration upon my body, along with the men--for writing things on my Facebook page such as, "stop putting these people into award categories for years of torturing me" which lead to near death, being hit by cars, my teeth nearly knocked out while unconscious and sleeping, a year of non-stop torture, my computer broken, this pig pitt violently raping me while pigalina the ugly cocaine-addicted (formerly supposedly) rotten whore pig sat glaring and then taking more concepts I wrote of and said in the torture/information-extraction hate sessions after the teleportation "trauma" session after years of torture and murder attempts with politician after politician either fully supporting the situation or joining on in because it got them elected into highest office--
somehow, that is what America really is and what really rules the country. Stupid and rotten skank whores from Whorewood who are controlled by fascist Nazi Europigapes and other nefarious foreign controllers (which other countries I do not know, but probably all the "enemies" of the United States and these whore skanks could give a damn they really don't care. People are used to politicians being corrupt but they still can't understand what kind of shit the actors are in helping to foment a destroyed United States in this respect).
So the continuous torture theme is: this skank and a squadron of whoring, licentious and sleazy raping-supporting men who jump into this situation in order to get their free new promotions for just being rapist or rapist supporting pig whores themselves (the men are truly skanks this is not just a woman-hating statement) but the women involved are almost the most ferocious in racist terms to help and participate in having another woman raped so they can feel exalted and superior and entitled in contrast--obviously. They truly enjoy helping out and watching this happen.
The theme is of her endlessly having these men hiss in hate at me, after they all participate like a throng of witch-hunt demonic Satanists---that "She's more beautiful" and the contest is of a piece of rotten and really kind of stupid (but conniving, calculating, lying, which is what men really want and they program women to be like this--it truly turns them on for women to be dangerous but only as far as helping them to destroy women who are too threatening to them in other ways--like being honest and wanting to have legitimacy and also be able to compete without having to be a sleazy skank whore in order to sleep her way to "the top" of the pile of shit society that these men have created with the women willing to do anything and play the hate game--or that is how I ascertain how it operates.
I just want to be true to myself and not have to play their games in order to have any iota of "success" in the commercial life, but all doors are blocked as they have ousted all but their own ilk and thus this has become a paradigm--this woman-rapist enabler but covertly so situation. I think it is ubiquitous.
And although famous pig whore men who abuse women are yelling at me or saying with smug glib hate that "she is more beautiful than you" and/or yelling it as this ugly skank piece of rotten shit sits smug because all the men who join in do this--literally all of them. After more than a decade of torture, mutilation of my body, poisoning and fungus saturating my body and into my hair every orifice and all my clothing my living space where I have to close all windows for fear of being attacked and raped--my hips and spine put out of alignment if the rapists do enter my living space--and oh yes, bloating and hardening poison laced into the mind control which makes it impossible for me to think clearly as I am lead astray into deadly and date-rape and sleazy and horrible relationships and situations and am really not in control but appear to be so superficially--
but now partially paralyzed as a result. And while trying to heal, for almost a decade by now, this rotten and ugly stupid pig whore skank--the former wife of pitt that fucking pig
has been yelling or demanding with men who have raped or abused me sitting next to her that "she is more beautiful"
then the disfigurations and mutilations and nightly teleportation skits of me being made homeless as they block all my earnings constantly threaten to take my money away--they blocked my ability to function so badly that I was arrested for a various non-crime here in Thailand due to what these people did--
I have been writing for YEARS to please get these fucking pig whores off me, and I have to do so again. They blocked my ability to heal and just have peace while fighting this poisoning while not being able to afford health care. They have added to the dehabilitation and mutilation by at least 60-fold by now--whatever that means--just constantly poisoning and cutting into my body with black and blue marks appearing on my legs and blemishes and rashes that are then embedded into my skin by their permanent liquids and concoctions that they obtain from the laboratories which also create these permanent stains and stinking permanent odors and mind paralyzing and body paralyzing substances that these whores ordered to be smeared injected and cut into my body on a DAILY BASIS.
they then laugh as I yell in rage after at least a decade of this. i wrote of the shank whore mother out of England who sat next to Olivier in the video clip from an Oscars dumbed down stupid display of idiocracy--years ago--and how she played that game of being a whore and a bad actor but it got noticed and now the skank whore daughter has learned to play that game and is so amply rewarded. But also undermining the feminist movement at the same time--something these pig men really want and are very glad to hand to this rotten whore piece of shit instead of women or men who actually BELIEVE IN WHAT THEY ARE FIGHTING FOR. No, they want absolutely insincere and especially when it comes to women fighting for equal rights because what they really all want is a woman whose plastic-concocted lips on her pug drugged up-looking face resembles a vagina similar to a human version of a blow-up doll. That is what I see in this disgusting and foul pig whore who resembles nothing "beautiful" to me. They keep asking me and for over 8 years this is the response I keep giving them. she urinated on me one time when I responded that she's a disgusting whore and ugly. That kind of behavior is so fully endorsed as being of "elite" and "superior" wealth and racist hegemony reaction--as her nasty and shitty husband the blonde Nazi you all adore--the actor, absolutely psychopathic and self-centered--cries when he doesn't get what he wants---(still a baby or mama's boy as far as I can see from his relationship with his mommy and daddy who also attacked me when I wrote on my personal and blocked Facebook page that he and they all should be stopped from being handed Academy Awards year-after-year for this hate crime and mind control bs that they are endlessly participating in.
So my response has been the exact same for over 8 years--and so they keep on destroying my body and then I'm supposed to see, by comparison this filthy ape whore who gets every plastic surgery, million dollar hand-out by the government via H-wood to promote fake feminism and fake altruistic anti-racism via another squadron of adopted children but ultimately racist--as racist as any white supremacist but just featured as an oppositional white "liberal" force for the media lie that the government is not one entire fascist and totalitarian elitist structure out to divide society into haves and have-nots---haves having of course only opulent wealth and then slaves to service them and their sexual hate gratification upon demand--that is their ultimate goal. The skank with the vagina-appearing lips and cocaine personality (and obviously was a complete user back in the day--) now addicted on the dopamine of abusing and torturing someone else and with her Monarchist backing of the English Crown, she can control all these rotten men who all already have the propensity to abuse women sexually (whoremongering, as I said before). All "happily" married seemingly.
So although they have made my hair fall out, mutilated my body, the poison appears like chunky cottage cheese cellulite underneath the hard shell that sticks out of my back--the hard poison appears like a turtle shell--it pulls my shoulders down like I have lordosis--I can't stand up straight--my hips are crooked and there is nothing I can do but continue to fight to get this poison out while--WHILE they are torturing me day and night--as they have for this last decade because I didn't conveniently die after the wealthy pig ape men who are really still there-the pig scumbag out of England who brought this team of shit all inter-connected rotten wealthy from London--to attack me as proxy murdering agents for himself and the other Italian scumbag whore creep who I tried to avoid all the years I lived in Miami--
I have written their names so repeatedly for all these years of writing these posts.
I do not think of them as being talented or beautiful. The Congress members, now it's two men--who sit there smug and in loose postured kind of sleazy sitting positions as they assist in this torture for their promotions--replacing Trump in some way--which is absolutely the reality of the situation while they are "fighting" to incriminate him. The same people who put Trump into power are now welcoming them in if they only respond with the same kind of racist, hate and sexual abuse demeanor and they are doing this. So did their "leader" on that committee which trump calls the "unselect". But by participating in this manner, they hope to become eventually elect (into higher and higher positions of power).
I tell them to go F--- that rotten skank but they keep attacking me. I ask them to just please leave me the fucking hell alone so I can try to regain all the positive energy this parasitic whore pigalina along with her husband and a near decade of revolving revolting whores from the actors circles have sucked and stolen from me (ideas they all stole and made money off of, only torturing and disfiguring me in return while they have made millions. Laughing and making jokes about it. My rage only makes them laugh harder--this is the protocol and the rotten Thai thugs who they are paying to torture me as proxy agents for themselves all behave in the same manner. But they are not wealthy and not entitled. The behavior is something any piece of shit who really can't assume a real position of power can do to gain entrance into this organization. so they all cling because other than playing cocaine cowboys for these violent shitty pornographic movies, that is really all they represent. Now with this contract, a meaningless skank is being pitted as a "feminist" using ideas it tortured and extracted from years of attacking me via these pig whore men--
only for members of the United States government to only continue to champion her on and abuse and insult me as they join in--after more than a decade one might think, assume or "hope" that these vile parasitic thugs would have just a semblance of compassion or not continuously have to feed off the addiction of abusing someone (me, endlessly it has to be me until I break, that is their goal I assume) and I only think of them as shit and the longer they go on the more impossible it is for me to try to lie (I really don't lie--which is why these endless deceivers keep going, perhaps they can't conceive of a person not being a habitual liar as they all are?).
PLEASE, PLEASE GET THIS SKANKY UGLY WHORE OFF ME. Can anyone ever do this? If you pig men and women think this rotten ugly stupid whore is beautiful or more beautiful than me, I don't care I just want you to get that fucking parasite off me. Go fuck her you rotten pig men if you think that piece of shit is beautiful and sexy--I don't. it's now years of that ugly whore attacking me with this endless refrain that she is "more beautiful" as she and they all destry my body, my peace, my health, my home, all I love killed and stolen and all of society shunning and attacking me--almost. So I have absolutely no comfort or aid and no one to turn to, no way to earn money to have any kind of stability with them endlessly threatening to take away every bit of the last shreds of security I have with really horrific attacks if I had not even this hell stink place that they forced me into and then made it a disgusting rancid violent ugly place--which is all that they are to me--is ugly rancid and rotten pieces of shit--so they keep insisting that they are more beautiful--that they took away my beauty made my body so rotten and destroyed that I can't look at my body in bright sunlight it's covered with poisons and scars by now--completely hideous--as I fight to remove and get rid of the shit they poured into my body while they keep on pouring more shit into my food and into my body
injecting more into my back--there is now a huge lump from injections. Broken toes--one toe juts out at a 45-degree angle-=-
but I just can't stand them please will someone get them off me-get filthy pigape whorealina off me with shit pitt pig those pigs
and my anger is "supposed" to be a kind of stepping stone for more promotions for these ape whores--so they never stop because without sucking ideas out of me for yeras, that stupid vagina-face whore would have NOTHING to talk about as that is all she does is suck up and suck out all possible for her greedy and dirty foul whore self
you can think that fake piece of pig whore shit is beautiful or wonderful but years of having to be tortured so some stupid ignorant shitty whore can be promoted and obtain ideas which I read books on, wrote essays on in graduate school and in college (taking feminist classes, and this stupid whore tortures me to obtain the ideas and then promotes me being raped endlessly and laughs and is so giddy and glad about it. The other English-controlled whores (i.e. out of Australia) dance around me in delight like stupid apes--this is also reason for the Nazi pig ape organization to "promote" another worthless can't act stupid incompetent whore into lead positions in acting year-after-year--it's unbelievable. Fully supported by the "liberal" Democrats because she's selling "feminism" as the rapist whores all are in the Democrat Party. As for the Republicans, I think they don't participate because they are the real onus of the rape and torture impetus and the coordination is rampant in Republican areas of the country.
All of this ranting occurred because I was looking up information on radio frequency signals and hacking into vehicles yesterday. I was listening to a lecture on this subject on YouTube and as I got up to do something the video changed to a channel I had not chosen--I was busy my hands were wet doing something else so I listened. The person said that there was a movie with Nick Cage about hacking into garages using radio frequencies--and what this guy on YouTube described was absolutely NOT in the movie, but the vagina cocaine-looking skank back in 2000 when her drug addiction was so clearly obvious and that of course got the drooling fellatio men who could only see drugged up vagina blow-up doll appearing soft and easy but hard and mean and cruel at the same time--which is just bending to the will of pig apes and then bouncing back to inflict all her misery she endured at the sexual abuse of the pig ape men--if possible onto other women and then vying for "power" by destroying any woman possible and claiming "I am more beautiful than you" which is the defining characteristic of a completely man-dominated woman and her one and only reason for existence--as the most sexist paradigm possible and they all latch onto that as their prime motivation so the mutilations and disfigurations of my body have nearly killed me since the actors got a hold of this contract. Before they began, yes I was being murdered by poisoning, but destroying most of my body on the surface was not a routine and daily practice as it has become under the skank supervision of th is piece of shit sexist trophy for male domination you all love as skankalina the blow-up fellatio cocaine blow-jerk-off doll.
Get that dirty disgusting rotten thing off me, can't anyone? And put no one in it's place just leave me the fuck alone finally
and have them pay me so I can live in peace in some decent way for once and not have to deal with shit like this any longer
but not living in some horrible place but in a decent place out of the way of global warming (?? Is that possible).
Of course this group, organization as a whole is part of the reason for global warming. All these pig apes you all cheer on fully participate in conspicuous consumption and elitist displays of their wealth and status--which means keeping the consumer death cycle and manufacturing thereof fully operational to the point of helping to really destroy the world.